#Gregory joins the club and Roxy just.
star-going-supernova · 10 months
Hey, I don’t know if you do story request but I had one. I would like a scene of Gregory with the animatronics but it’s from the button gift scene from coraline. So Gregory sneaks into the pizzaplex and the Glamrock gang give him a wonderful times for the first few nights but then says that Gregory can stay here and they show him an empty cub animatronic suit. And Freddy wants him to join. Hope this is understandable, thank you.
This is tumblr generated prompt number 64! Full disclosure, I’ve never watched Coraline, so other than a few gifs and this scene on youtube, I’m flying blind here, lol. I couldn’t bring myself to make them malicious the way I’m pretty sure it is in Coraline, so we’ve got some bots who mean well in, like, a gently creepy way. 
Blind Eyes
The first time Gregory snuck into the pizzaplex after hours, he’d thought he was dreaming. The animatronics that spat out the same lines day-in and day-out were so alive and welcoming when they weren’t performing for a crowd. They’d been delighted to meet Gregory, and they’d played with him and gave him food when his stomach grumbled and tucked blankets around his shoulders when his eyelids grew heavy with sleep. 
It’d seemed too good to be true. But the same thing happened the next night, and the next, and every night after that first one. 
One of the animatronics was always waiting at his secret point of entry—a side door that unlocked if you wiggled it just right—to either bring him to wherever the rest were or call dibs on his attention. Roxy was always looking for a go kart rematch, and they were nearly tied for wins. Monty had a special golf club decorated with stickers just for Gregory, and he showed him how to do trick shots and hit the ball just right to get a hole in one. Bonnie taught him how to bowl and was always cheering him on, even for little things. Chica split their time together between cooking (Gregory was her official taste tester) and dancing. He did crafts with Sun and took much needed naps with Moon. DJMM showed him how to use his soundboard, even if it was a little too big for Gregory, and let him use his secret tunnels in the walls. 
But as much as he enjoyed spending time with all of them and was coming to think of them as his family, Gregory admittedly had a clear favorite. And they all knew it, gently teasing both him and Freddy. 
Freddy—Freddy hugged him and carried him places, and he was really easy to talk to, and he always gave Gregory his full attention. Gregory never felt forgotten or less important than someone else when he was with Freddy. Freddy showed him around the pizzaplex, gave him a tour of even the places that guests weren’t usually allowed, and he always always made sure Gregory knew he was welcome in their home. 
He’d spent so long cold inside and out, so lonely that it hurt, so forgotten that he felt like he was fading away like a ghost, that Gregory could practically feel himself coming back to life when he was with the animatronics. He smiled and laughed under their care, the color returned to his pale cheeks, and his ribs stopped being so visible beneath his skin. 
It was amazing. It was wonderful. It was a dream come true. 
He should have known there was a catch. Really, Gregory knew better; he had to know better, being a street rat. Wariness kept him alive. 
But their gentle hugs and bright eyes and warm love had blinded him. 
“I worry about you, superstar,” Freddy explained as he carried Gregory into Parts and Services. “You were hurting so much when you first came to us. You were starving, weak.” 
Gregory nodded along, comfortable in Freddy’s arms. He was small for his age, stunted by malnutrition and illnesses that were never properly treated. It was easier for him to be carried, since he practically had to jog to keep up with any of the large animatronics moving at a simple walking pace. He really didn’t mind. 
“The world outside the pizzaplex is a dangerous place, especially for one such as yourself.” 
Meaning young, alone, inexperienced. Yeah, Gregory knew that all too well. 
Freddy’s blue eyes were so bright and warm when he looked at Gregory. “It would be best if you stayed here, superstar, even during the day. You would be safe here, with us, and we could make sure you are never hurt or lonely again.” 
Hope filled Gregory’s heart. “Really?” he whispered. “You want me to stay?” 
“Of course,” Freddy said earnestly. “We all do.” And he pushed through a set of doors into a room Gregory hadn’t seen before, and there was the rest of the band, and Sun and Moon, and even DJMM tucked in the very back. 
Yes please, I want to stay, I want to stay forever, Gregory wanted to say. He opened his mouth, eyes prickling with happy tears, but Freddy continued before he could speak. 
“There is just one thing we must do,” he said, carefully setting Gregory down. “We have been preparing this since you first came here, and we knew you belonged with us.” He gestured at the others, and Roxy and Chica parted, revealing something hidden behind them, held upright by Monty and Bonnie.
It took Gregory a moment to figure out what it was because he’d never seen such a small animatronic before. It was a child-sized brown bear. It wore a fabric poncho, which was a deep blue with two white stripes going around it. The lower leg pieces were a lighter, icy shade of blue with bright gold stars. Each wrist bore a dozen bracelets, some beaded, some intricately woven thread, some with charms. He—actually, he recognized those. He’d made friendship bracelets with most of the animatronics by that point, and he knew those were the ones they had made. 
The dull, unlit eyes were a deep gold. 
Gregory titled his head in confusion. Something in his gut clenched, but he tried to ignore it.
With a flourish, Bonnie sort of… opened the little animatronic. Its chest swung to the side like a door, and the face sort of unfolded. He could see even the legs had seams that gave them a front and back half. 
Inside was a mess of wires and rods and sharp bits that stuck out along the chest and face. A particularly large spike stuck inward from the back of its neck, where a spine would be, a dozen slightly smaller ones below it in a neat line. Oddly enough, there was no sign of an endoskeleton like all the others had. 
“Sorry it took so long,” Chica said. “We had to make sure it was perfect.” 
“Custom sizing and colors and everything,” Roxy said proudly. 
Almost shyly, Freddy said, “We—I hope you do not mind that we chose a bear cub. If you would prefer something else—a wolf, or a bird, or a bunny, we could change the outer suit easily enough.” 
“You’ll make Fazbear jealous, though,” Monty told him with a teasing grin. 
Cold realization made his heart skip a beat. He stared in silent horror at the inside of the suit, at all the bits and pieces that would slide under his skin and pierce into his bones. 
Gregory nearly jumped when Freddy’s hand pressed against the small of his back, the animatronic having kneeled down without him noticing. “I know it looks scary,” he said sympathetically, “but it is a quick procedure. It will be over soon.” 
Finally finding his voice, Gregory cried, “I’m not going in there!” 
“Aww, but, sunshine,” Sun cooed, “you’ve gotta if you’re gonna stay with us!” 
“Humans just aren’t allowed to live here,” Bonnie agreed apologetically. “And you want to stay, don’t you?”
“It’s not even that bad,” Roxy said, testing the sharpness of the largest spike along the spine. “You’ll barely feel it.” 
Gregory numbly shook his head. Did they not know that he’d die if he got in there? Did they think humans were—what?—made for that sort of thing?
“It’d kill me,” he whispered to Freddy. Beseeching, Gregory turned and tugged at him, but for once, the light in Freddy’s eyes wasn’t comforting. 
“Nonsense,” Freddy replied. “We know what we are doing, superstar.” He nudged Gregory forward, and Gregory became very aware that every single animatronic in that room was ten times stronger than he was. If they decided they didn’t feel like waiting for an answer, there’d be nothing he could do to stop them. 
Swallowing heavily, Gregory pasted on a shaky smile. “I, uh, I need some time to think about it. It’s an important decision, right?” 
“Of course,” Freddy agreed immediately. The others nodded along, making Gregory’s knees go weak with relief. “Would you like to go to my green room?” 
“No! I mean, no thank you. I think I’d like to take a walk. Get some fresh air, y’know?” 
He started to back away, heart racing. 
Freddy stood. He was so tall, so much larger than Gregory. He had held Gregory mere minutes ago like Gregory weighed nothing to him. 
“I know,” Freddy said, “that you will make the right choice, superstar.” 
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Ok ok hear me out… security breach main cast dnd night… DJ music man seems like he would be a good dm, the mini music men could make sure that no one lies about their rolls, Monty probably still tries, and claims that he’s just testing them - glitch phone, who is so excited about joining a dnd club
Honestly a BRILLIANT concept (and that's awesome that you're joining one!!)
I imagine Freddy is too nice to the NPCs and wants to resolve everything peacefully, but Roxy and/or Gregory are total menaces who wanna level up their characters asap (Roxy especially since she's competitive like that)
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