#Grian said I love you to him multiple times in videos I swear
sophieeee0105 · 1 year
I’ve watched more perspectives now (as I originally came here after watching just impulse’s) and I have thoughts:
Firstly we are basically at a 3v3v5 situation: team TIE (rip skizz), nosey neighbours and their new friend grian, and the clockers + mean gills alliance. - tho saying that impulse ended his episode saying that it might be good for him etho and tango to team up with the nosey neighbours so mayhaps 6v5.
next Etho’s guilt after boogey killing Jimmy (he apologised like 3 times on video
canary curse is real - and thankfully skizz didn’t go out third for a third time (he got out second which is in some ways worse)
Skizz I love and hate you so much for basically saying ‘I have 25 minutes left, and I keep dying so one of my friends please take my time’ and then Etho saying ‘I wish you were better at minecraft’ before killing skizz
scott is a psycho killer - I swear he killed grian, etho, and Jimmy once and Joel at least 3 times (this may be wrong I cba to count)
tango just wanting Martyn’s blood (tbh impulse and etho also wanted his blood, but tango specifically said he wanted martyn to die)
scar wanting Etho’s blood, and Etho trying to get time back from scar and neither working because Etho died to a skeleton and scar got killed by his own dog - actually make that scar being bloodthirsty and wanting to kill people with a pufferfish and failing multiple times on grian and Joel
etho falling off the sky bridge, water bucket clutching as he landed in front of bdubs and scar, the latter immediately choosing violence
Impulse dying to his own stupidity/gravity/enderpearls more than he dies to other people
martyn living after multiple attempts on his life (mainly by TIES)
Etho and scar somehow ending the session on about the same time
scar calling TIES nerds and his little impression of them
Etho and bdubs still just refusing to hurt each other because they are SO normal about each other
okay I think I’m done, we may have a part 2 later but here’s everything I can think of right now :)
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tableperson · 2 years
Hermit and Grumbo Tumblr I summon thee to my aid!
Can you help me find the episodes in which Grian says “I love you” flat out directly to Mumbo.
I know one was in the build war meeting before the final confrontation and one was when the hermits reach the world boarder and broke it with a flying machine together to get more space and there were pillars of dirt and people shooting each other off of them
I don’t remember the exact episodes or seasons tho time go brr and that’salotacontent hooboy
So help! I’m not going crazy, he’s said it, but the Grumbo compilations that had the clips of them compiled aren’t on YouTube anymore!
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bluiex · 2 years
Okay so grian‘s backstory as I understand it I might not have all the information it has been a while since I’ve watched Sam gladiator but let’s do this it’s 12 o’clock I’m very tired.
So grians life that we see the start of, starts off with him being sent to Japan for elementary school where he is entered into school as female  now we see him consistently state that he is not a girl now you can take this as trans or his parents being neglectful this is where he meets Sam the bunny hybrid and taurtis the human (I don’t think it is stated anywhere that he is a hybrid)  No shenanigans insue and grian is pulled from school and take him back to England.
The next time we see him And sam gladiators yandere high school Series it’s a weekend and he’s coming to visit his friends for like the weekend it’s very normal they go on a beach day and then Grian goes back home
Grian then comes back for Halloween and this is where things start going crazy So buckle up buttercup they go around trick-or-treating with their friends from high school I’m not bothering to name everyone and at the end of the night they going to the “haunted school” Which is actually Haunted Sam goes crazy pull the knife out and stabs taurtis In the gut and then runs off into the night Grian manages to get taurtis onto a bus to take him to the hospital and they never make it the bus crashes and then someone calls 119 and they survive now taurtis is missing and is a John Doe but no one knows this and Sam has gone a bit cuckoo and is convinced that Grian is taurtis and has now basicallykidnapped him trying to gaslight him into believing that he is taurtis (Sidenote just for angst purposes Sam also force-fed Grian into eating Doritos cool ranch plastic bag included I hc that Grians has a eating disorder because of that) they find taurtis who has amnesia from the bus crash and is convinced his name is Jerry no matter what Grian says no one believes that Jerry is taurtis Sam somehow gets them in debt with the gang and then inducted into said gang They get in to witness protection which doesn’t last long and then they excepted into the police not the police academy into the police they are then given guns and told to arrest the yakuza that they were in Taurtis this memory is returned and Grian is finally able to leave swearing up and down to never talk to them ever again…. This does not last long
A bunch of things happened and they are moved to a new high school Sam Taurtis Grian and Domrao 
In this timeframe in order , to the best of my memory, Because I do not feel like watching all of Tokyo ghoul sam gladiators role-play again
The roommates Somehow, taurtis gets cloned multiple times, Sam picks a fight with a store manager for not hiring him, The clones are turned into slaves and they have to free them, Somehow get a new teacher who is the chupaca, they fight storm troopers, they meet the “ Queen of England” who is really just Lizzie or LD shadow lady, They run from the cops (again), meet an alien, Get drafted by the government to kill the aliens, The terminator is there I forget what he’s for, Taurtis turns into one punch man for a bit, Then they summon Cthulhu, some more things happen that aren’t really necessary knowledge for Grian but the Important thing you need to know is that Sam makes a deal with Cthulhu to end his entire dimension existence except for his house and his three roommates.
From here this is head canon until We get to the point where grian starts uploading videos and I will tell you when we get there
Now my head canon is that Grian also makes a deal with Cthulhu to learn magic so we can make a portal into a Minecraft hub server and takes taurtis and Domrao with him leaving Sam behind (for the better really that boy was crazy)
Grian and gang getting away from Sam’s abusive clutches clutches now trying to figure out how to navigate the server hubs this is where Grian discovers his love for a building and starts playing build battle and where he first meets pearl he then goes on to work for a recording company building their sets until the company dissolves and he just goes back to freelancing until he saves enough up to buy his own creative world and starts posting tutorials and start building a little Community he starts playing built swap with Taurtis and some new friends that he made then he gets the idea to make Evo
I haven’t watched evo yet so I know the concept but I haven’t watched it so we’re basically out of headken and territory now
Things happen tortoise leaves the server but they’re still friends and they still talk green makes evil with pearl and a bunch of new friends that he made where he starts discovering how much he likes pranks and how chaotic he actually is the near the end of the server the watchers come and all of that stuff happens I don’t know the specifics of this time period
Blah blah blah he meets mumbo they get to know each other very well and then Xisuma on mumbo‘s recommendation gets invited to hermit craft
And the rest is history!
Grians life is so traumatic I love it so much
This isn’t very cohesive but it is almost 1 o’clock I spent an hour on this I will not be editing this
good night
Wow. That is A LOT XD but thats pretty crazy. Some of that I went like OH thats where that came from! (from reading fanfics that like hint at that stuff) really cool! thank you so much! :D
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