#Griffcas!child: Efa
nefastum · 2 years
Anyone remember that "Happily Ever After" Post-Healing Griffith AU I had, with the griffgutsca kids? Well, I finally got around to sketching some older versions of them~ Sorry it's not full illustrations, loves <3 Getting back into the swing of things still ^ ^
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Aged-up Jan chara sheet~ 18 years old, into falconry and ever obsessed with catching up to Guts in big sword swinging. He's an extremely competent unit leader and somewhat of a stickler for the rules. While his fighting style is still as recklessly wild as ever, following through on battle plans to the letter is a point of pride. Especially when he can see Griffith's nod of approval upon returning. ( oh and he did end up making up cool stories for his facial scar, tho it changes depending on who he's told)
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Efa aged-up. Jan's younger sister by three years, Efa is a slight young woman whose large icy eyes stand out against her small face. As years have rolled on into teenhood for the girl, she has retreated more and more into her books and stories. Preferring to stay in her room tucked away reading, she rarely sees the need to change out of her bed clothes. Quite the opposite of Jan, punctuality is usually far from her mind, while she spends time dreaming of other worlds and times. She inherited her curl pattern from Griffith, but her hair remains thick and coarse like her mother's, and she often can't be bothered to fix it. Comb teeth do not stand a chance, so her curls are left in a constant wild state of bed head much to Griffith's dismay. Because of her withdrawn nature, it has led some to wonder if she was sickly. In truth, she is quite able bodied, and trains with Casca frequently. She is fond of animals more than people, and enjoys spending time with Jan and his falcons in the mews.
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nefastum · 2 years
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Additionally! I made some silly little character charts for the kids. I thought it would be fun to make it look similar to the artbook sketches. Jan (Yan) Basically MB in another world and Efa (Ava) Original Design. (please ignore my terrible Japanese handwriting, I know nothing)
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nefastum · 2 years
I’d imagine that Guts and Griffith would have pretty interesting yet still extremely loving relationships with the non-biological kids. What would they be like?
For Griffith: Jan (Yan) is like a mini Guts. He sees so much of his husband in him. The white hawk constantly finds himself wondering if Guts was like their son or had similar habits to Jan when he was young. Like Jan's aptitude for climbing anything that looks even a little climb-able. Trees, stables, walls, storage sheds, the palisades' turrets. Anything. No matter how high or dangerous. The boy is very adventurous and tough. He might be quiet, but he is never one to back down from a challenge and his disregard for safety coupled with his interest in sword play reminds Griffith of Guts to a T. Knowing that his husband grew up without the guidance or love of a father figure, Griffith would try to be that figure for Jan (alongside Guts of course). He wants to teach Jan to be strong, sharp, and methodical with a firm but kind hand- something his husband had not gotten as a child. So while Jan frequently prefers to spar with Guts because of their similar temperaments/styles, the boy is still endlessly enamored by his long haired father's eloquent fighting style whenever he steps in to teach him new forms. Jan considers it the challenge of a lifetime to try and keep up with Griffith's moves. Their bond centers much around their time practicing sword play, only because Jan has a passion for it and very little patience with academics in contrast to Efa. He is a wild-child and Griffith loves his unpredictable nature, even if he has to try and rein it in every now and then for his own safety. He will let the boy have his freedom, so long as it isn't too far from his arms. Rather it be fencing or walks together through the gardens, Griffith savors his bond with his son (even if he has to unceremoniously climb up walls after him to bring him back to the safety the ground)
For Guts: Efa is his precious, precocious daughter. No harm must come to her. He doesn't tend to put a ton of importance on blood relation for his part- although his mind is still blown that he ever ended up passing on his blood at all. The fact that he took part in making a human is not lost on him. But even if he didn't father Efa himself, she is just as much his child as Jan is. For Guts, he's still just baffled that any kid wants to hang around a him, much less kids of his own. Having only ever swung a sword with his arms, swinging a giggling daughter around still melts his heart at the utter surprise of it. She's his perfect little girl. So much like her mother and yet still so much like Griffith, too. It reminds him that despite the odds against him, he'd found happiness with the people he loved. After the miserable start in life that he'd had and losing or nearly losing the things that meant the most to him, he isn't about to pass up a moment with his children. She will sit quietly with him while he does reps with his weighted sword, and when he can pull her away from her dolls or books to play fight a little bit with him, he is always bemused by the very Casca-like fire that sparks whenever she feels like he is showing her up. With Casca's temper and Griffith's death glare, he knows that she'll make a formidable fighter someday. Their bond is relaxed and close. Even if she spends a lot of her quiet time with Griffith or Casca, Guts will always be the wolf that dutifully guards her.
Thank you for this ask, I hope you enjoyed the answer, love ♡ As always, my AU is forever developing as i draw and write for it (and mind you i am in no way a good writer especially with world building) So i am always open to thoughts/theories that you might have about this setting 🥰 My apologies for the wall of text haha 😇🙏
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nefastum · 2 years
Since Jan is older than Efa, I'm imagining he'd love to teach her his sparring skills :3
Jan would try to get her to want to spar as much as he does, but making her put down her toys or books would be a chore. When she sets her mind to something she is going to pursue it until it's finished. But, in those times when she smiles and nods at his request, the big brother couldn't be more thrilled to teach her what he had learned from their fathers and mother ♡ The two get along quite well despite their contrasting interests- that's not to say they don't have their little bouts of sibling rivalry haha ♡
Thank you for the lovely thought, Anon 🙏😇
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nefastum · 2 years
What would griffith's relationship be like with his daughter efa? Personally I think he'd be very protective of his child and want to teach them all the skills he knows
I imagine for Griffith, Efa would be a great point of pride. She would be his little princess, and someone who he'd be especially protective of. He'd love Jan as his own child too, of course. But knowing he'd personally helped create Efa would give them a special bond.
He would have very high expectations for both of his children-- Efa especially, seeing her as a part of himself. I imagine to those on the outside he might seem a bit closed off/intense, but when on their own his more childish tendencies would show and Efa would love the silly/mischievous side that he shows few other people. She is also very quiet and studious, so I imagine she would also love spending time with Griffith even when he is being more contemplative and reserved. He could ramble on wistfully on his philosophical principles for life, and although she is too young to understand the meaning of his words, his voice would be soothing to her.
Learning to protect herself would be a must for him, for while he never plans of leaving her to her own defenses, it is a personal principle of his that you should be strong enough to protect what is precious to you. Being able to grab hold of your ambitions with your own two hands and a sharp mind. She would learn the sword much like her mother and he would be endlessly proud-- as would Guts, who loves having little sparring matches against his kids.
en garde!
Learning an appreciation for the arts/academics would also be something he'd wish for Efa. Hoping to inspire a curiosity in many subjects he'd teach her to read and write as soon as possible. Reading to her whenever he had the chance, as there were always more books to parse through and more skills to discover. I feel like Griffith casually collects new skills through literature, and he'd find that attribute a positive one to pass on.
Thank you for the though provoking question, Anon! I had fun answering this and would love to talk about the kids more in the future ♡ Take care, love!
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