#thank you for the lovely ask
rustingcat · 3 months
💖, 😈, 🍰
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
I'd say I'm very self-indulgent in my writing. I write for myself, and about the things I want to read about, so I very much enjoy that.
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
I honestly don't know. Maybe my one angst fic that is just pure angst? Can't say I enjoyed doing that as much as I just needed to, though.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
An excuse to rave about other fics? Don't mind if I do!
Just finished rereading Love Like on a Silver Screen by powergrapes . This is a brilliant masterpiece, and I highly recommend it!
I'd always recommend A Rich Girl With Issues... (Lots of Issues) by the amazing @inkedroplets .
Hello and Goodbye by @lena-in-a-red-dress is one of my absolute favourites and I think aboutnit often.
Five More Minutes and One Single Thread of Gold by @autisticlenaluthor are both absolutely fantastic!
See all the Marks of my Wounded Past is an amazing soulmates fic by @luthordamnvers and @snowydragonscave that I was extremely lucky to collab with on Supergirl Mayhem with!
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acapelladitty · 4 months
3, 30, 40
30: what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
At the moment, I do a nightly braintraining session with @gothamsgaygirlgang and we do the NYT wordle/crossword/strands/connections and legit no matter what we're upto, we'll find 10 mins before midnight to gather in discord and get that shit done. It makes me laugh as we sit and try to rub our two braincells together to get something done lmaooo.
40: any bad habits?
I bite my nails like a motherfucker 😔 a fact which I know @glorified-monster vaguely fantasises about killing me for. Another bad habit I have is being a people pleaser beyond what's probably reasonable.
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sky-kiss · 8 months
This art of Joi is phenomenal! Cannot stop thinking about it. Simply gorgeous, Raph would hang her portrait in his house (yes, the only one not of him)
FOR REAL THO. @iingezo truly outdid themself. If you ever need positively gorgeous character art done and they have availability, go for it. You won't regret it. A positively incredible artist. Like. The intricacy of the outfit boggles my mind.
Gotta go stare at it again now.
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soaps-mohawk · 7 months
Hello^^ just coming to check in. How was your day today? I hope it went well! I know you’ve got writers block, so take your time. Those are the worst lol. Ive been rereading the chapters a lot, as they bring me a lot of comfort if I’m honest. It kinda distract me from my cramps so that’s good. Anyways, I hope the rest of your week goes well^^ as usual, remember to eat something, drink some water, take a shower, get some rest, and get some fresh air. Best wishes!
Hello lovely anon. My day has gone alright, just got home from an appointment not too long ago. I'm gonna have some lunch and then maybe try some writing. I want to get the next part out for Valentine's Day but idk if that's going to happen (there's a big chunk of it left to write 😫) I'm so happy to hear that my fic brings you comfort. I love hearing things like that.
Ugh not you too, my cramps have been killing me all day 😖
I've got the eating and drinking going right now and I left the house today so 👍 overall I think I'm killing it today lmaoo
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hippolotamus · 5 months
Get Asked game; List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :]
Hiiiii!!!!! nevermind me just clearing out asks that i definitely 100% didn’t forget about
🩷 crepes and a vanilla chai latte from my favorite place today
🩵 it’s time for The Baseball ⚾️
💜 cuddles with my little cat, Luna
🖤 all of my lovely Pocket Friends
🤍 the nice warm weather
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serendipnpipity · 6 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers
in no particular order:
sketching people & things i love
talking to my mom <3
hugging my little brother :3
running (this one surprised me too)
chatting with people in spanish
when people accidentally say "you too" after I tell them to enjoy their meal (working in food service)
dip and pip (obviously)
realizing i misread the ask, but i can't bring myself to delete any of these so you get twice the happiness instead!! 💛
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clockwork-ashes · 6 months
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better 💖💖💖
thank you anon 🥹💕
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doublegoblin · 9 months
DG i wanna say i love your voicework so much. i love your stuff. i came for the VOTV stuff ans stayed for the RW stuff admittedly do you plan on dioing anymore RW stuff................
omg so sweet thank you!
And yes I do, eventually. I have much more Five Pebbles Pearl Dialogue to record and what not, going to try out more of the echoes for funsies.
Got me a Blue Yeti for Christmas but I haven't had a chance to sit down to record anything as of late lol. Votv did steal a lot of my time with the logs...going to do that gain when .7 drops.
I'm just a little adhd bean who has more projects in his meat computer than time to do! Also decision overload is another big factor lol.
But yes, I will be making a return to doing silly RW stuff soon-ish.
I'll also say that I am completely open to people requesting me to do voices and what not. I want to start broadening my horizons and sometimes I just don't know what to do and fear people are getting sick of just five pebbles or or I start to feel like a one trick pony lol
Whoops looks like I got a little real there at the end.
Thank you for the kind words anon, and like, don't be afraid of saying nice things on your actual profile~ But that said, I get the anxiety and wanting the words to be the point and not who said it.
So yeah, if y'all want me to try and say funny things, make your way into my inbox and let me know, anon or otherwise! (I would prefer not anon so i know who to tag lol)
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Im super excited to see what happens next in this if. I also love the paintings you're choosing for each chapter! I was curious if you knew the art history behind these paintings, I took an art history course about the depictions of animals in art and we discussed similar-if not the same-paintings in the class and the themes are so similar to ur if! I'm totally down to send a message abt it but I figured I'd give you some forewarning beforehand lol. Good luck with your writing!!
I would love to learn more about them! I've read a short essay by John Berger on the depiction of animals in art but I definitely need a refresher.
The paintings are all by Otto Marseus Van Schrieck and most of them come from his "Forest Ground" series (which felt very appropriate for the story.)
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styllwaters · 2 years
Random thing but I absolutely love your Sea Crawlers' design! The single eye and shrimp-like bodyplan is really unique!
And have this random meme (ft. Two of my sophonts)
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TYSM!! <3 so so glad you like the crawlers!! And PLS I love that meme - where my cyclops enjoyers at
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rustingcat · 10 months
For AO3 wrapped, 28 and 30 please!
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
Oh, wow, I wrote way more than I expected to write this year! I managed to finish a few things that have been running in my brain for ages, like, Privileges and Of Science and Love.
But I'd say my favourites were the chapters I wrote for The Art of the Game, which is my biggest and most important fic for me.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
I think the progress I made. I didn't expect to be able to write so much, and to finish 5 and a half works since the beginning of the year is a huge accomplishment for me. (Yes, 5 works because I just finished another one that is about to be published;)
Ask game
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river-witchery · 2 years
What's your fav thing about the river closest to you? If that river were a person what would it look like?
I moved recently. Not far from where I grew up, but far enough that there is a new "closest river" to me (though there are several creeks and tributaries and whatnot). I do not know this one yet.
So, instead, i will tell you about the 3 other rivers that I know well. To not give away my exact location, they will have pseudonyms. Under the cut because this got long.
Haymaker was the river I grew up with as a child. My favorite thing about her is how welcoming she is. She is shallow in many places, and because of that, warm and inviting for swimming and play.
If she were a person, she would wear colorful stones, smoothed by the water. Her clothes would be flowing, earthy tones, but never dull. She would be tanned by the sun, with crazy frizzy hair. her face and arms and legs would be covered in rock paint, and she would nearly always have a smile. True terror would strike you the few times she showed anger in her green-blue algae eyes, but that would be few and far between.
Citysalt was the river in the nearest city. My favorite thing about it is its defiance. It once nearly leveled the city it deceitfully meanders in, nearly 40 years ago. We all still talk about that flood. It caused the city to have one of the best water rescues in the area (which still exists to this day). Its fish aren't safe to eat, and good swimming holes are rare, but it takes to a canoe or kayak nicely (if you are brave). It is a river you have to respect, or it will tear you apart. And yet, it haunts me with how beautiful it is.
If it were a person, it would be dressed in deep blues, blacks, silvers, and greys. It would favor an angular style, a sturdy combat boot with a rubber sole, a well maintained buzz cut. It would have sharp features on a surprisingly tall frame. Black eyes and a jagged smile. It would be cold and hard, but never purposefully cruel. A hard person to live with, but a person you look up to regardless. A person with a lot of depth that leaves you curious and dreaming.
Bridgewater was the river of my high school. My favorite thing about him is his jest. The rival school used to call us "River Rats" and "River Gnats." We accepted those names in good fun and good spirits. We took the teeth from those insults and began using them as our own names. Yes we were rats and gnats, what are you going to do about it? Good fish and gentle rides on a boat or an inner tube can be found here, and the occasional flood into the nearby town always kept you on your toes when a big storm came by.
If he were a person, he would always be a bit reddened by the sun. He'd have a fishing pole and camo shorts and a big voice. He'd be a little fat and a little hairy, someone who eats well and likes his beer. He'd have brown hair and brown eyes and calloused hands. Maybe a little intimidating if you have preconceived notions for that kind of person. Maybe you'd have your hackles raised, but don't you worry. He's accepting as can be, and he has a great sense of humor and a great laugh.
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onemoore · 1 year
Tumblr broke while I tried to send this ask. Your blog was just too much for my phone.
How are you? ♡
I am well! 💖 Tired, but well.
Sorry I didn't answer this yesterday. It was my late night to work. The library is open until 9pm where I am 🙃
How are you??
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acapelladitty · 2 years
Hey, I love your work! And reading you and @finniestoncrane's stuff has inspired me to take up writing for the nerdy rogues. I was wondering if you had any advice for writing scriddler shenanigans? If not that's totally fine.
Also, I hope you are having a great day/evening! If not here's a picture of my dog to help you feel better:
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What a gorgeous baby 😭😍 give them a pet and make sure they know it's from me!!
Thank you for the lovely words and I know that @finniestoncrane will also appreciate them just as much as I do! 💞💞
When it comes to writing Scriddler I suppose the key thing is to know what kind of vibe you want from them. Some people prefer a softer take, some like grounded realism, and some love a dark and twisted tale. Not that you can't flick between them but taking the time to really flesh out your preference can really add to the dynamic.
I also think it helps to remember that they're just two players in a vast and complicated world and adding in elements of their other relationships and past exploits gives a richness to the characters that adds depth.
It's hard to offer advice because everyone enjoys these characters differently and there are SO many variations of them that giving a solid answer is tricky. But I would say to just have confidence in your chosen dynamic; some folk will love it and some folk will hate it because you will never please everyone and that's okay as long as you're enjoying what you are doing.
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in case you need reminded: your writing is FUCKIN amazing, friend. it's gotten me through some hard days
Saraaaa 🥺🥺 This is the sweetest, loveliest thing, thank you so much 🥺🤍 I’m so sorry you’ve had hard days, but I’m glad the fics helped a little!! Hopefully this will help, too—
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violettduchess · 2 years
Hi I hope you’re feeling better! I just wanted to let you know that your writing inspired me to start writing my own fanfics! They’re not good enough to share but I’m having a lot of fun. Thank you for inspiring me :)
Hello anon 👋
There is no greater compliment than hearing that your creativity has sparked someone else's!
I'm really flattered and I hope, if you ever decide to share, I get a chance to read some of them 💜
Most important thing though is that you're finding joy in writing and that's wonderful 😊
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