#Group of Interest: The Valravn Corporation
dzthenerd490 · 1 month
File: Assassin's Creed - Crescent Amulet
Warning! The following is to only be seen by administrators and O5 council members. If you are not of Level 5 Clearance, you will be exterminated by order of the O5 council!
Code Name: The Crescent Amulet
Object Class: Anticipi
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AGS is to be sent to Site-AP and locked within the Level 4 Emergency Armory. The armory locked behind advanced and experimental containment locks and security measures to ensure no one without the passcode identification can pass through. The armory is to only be opened when a worst-case K Class Apocolyptic Scenario event occurs. As such anyone who accesses SCP-AGS when no such event has occurred or without the proper clearance, they are to be targeted with Protocol Legacy's Downfall, there will be no exceptions.
Description: SCP-AGS is a crescent shaped amulet made by Species of Interest: The ISU. the amulet has the same anomalous ability as most ISU technology does which is to control the minds of everyone except those with [data expunged] status. However, SCP-AGS is a specialized item belonging to the ISU, so it is in possession of several other anomalous abilities. 
Such anomalous abilities include: 
- Necromancy - SCP-AGS allows the user to heal all wounds even fatal wounds to bring even the dead back to life. However, if someone has been dead for 72 hours or longer than the body will be possessed by energy of the SCP-AGS and not the original soul. These undead corpses will obey the user of SCP-AGS until they are destroyed. The user is able to summon at least [data expunged] of these undead corpses though possibly more. 
- Illusion projection - SCP-AGS can project illusions into the mind of anyone who is able to be under the influence of mind control. Such illusions can affect all five of the senses quite easily and without restrictions. Though the limit is that only five people at a time can be subjected to these illusions and it must be the same illusion for all of them. 
- Holographic projection - SCP-AGS can project 3D holograms of anything the user desires weather it be data, recordings caught form SCP-AGS's memory of previous users, or anything else from the current SCP-AGS user's memory or even their imagination. 
- Accelerate learning - The wearer of SCP-AGS is able to process information at an accelerated pace and can retail all memories of what they learned while wearing SCP-AGS. SCP-AGS essentially turns the user's brain into a computer able to not only think fast but able to make their own calculations and think up simulated experiments like a computer can with the same if not more effective accuracy. They'll be able to remember, learn, and think with perfect speed, clarity, and efficiently. 
- Immunity to Stalking - SCP-AGS prevents anyone, and anything form watching them from far distances. This includes usage of telescope or similar tool, satellite cameras, magic, thaumaturgic rituals, metaphysical means, recordings, use of anomalous senses, thaumaturgic technology, para technology, and other anomalous means. All attempts either lead to malfunction, pain in the viewer's eyes, and/or the complete erase of memories of viewing in the first place. 
SCP-AGS was discovered in 2020 after it was retrieved in the mission when Mobile Task Force Athena-1 "Assassin's Creed" came into conflict with Group of Interest: The Valravn Corporation over a shipment of anomalous items owned by Group of Interest: Abstergo Industries. Thankfully Captain Alexia and her team managed to take the entirety of the shipment including SCP-AGS with minimal casualties. Surprising since they had to fight against both Groups of Interest at the time. Please see Action Report: Assassins vs Vikings for details. 
Because SCP-AGS was deemed dangerous a majority of the Foundation agreed it should be locked away in Site-AP until such time as it is needed like an K Class Apocalyptic Scenario. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: Assassin's Creed - Gungnir
Code Name: Odin's Spear
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ABM is actually entrusted with Alexia Styles, a Captain of Mobile Task Force Athena-1 "Assassin's Creed" It was considered her reward after her team's victory against Group of Interest: The Valravn Corporation during the assault on the shipping post owned by Group of Interest: Abstergo Industries. It was also given to her in hopes that the next time she encounters Person of Interest: [data expunged] she will be victorious. Of course, when she carries the spear with her, she is to keep it contained in a biosignature locked case that is reinforced with lightweight and explosive proof casing. The biosignature can only be bypassed by Foundation staff of Level 4 clearance or higher.
Description: SCP-ABM is a spear created by Species of Interest: The ISU, SCP-ABM is seemingly no different to a regular spear. However, it does have the anomalous ability to stretch out its staff, allowing the user to stab people from great distances. SCP-ABM also has the secondary ability to manifest an energy force field around it that can range anywhere between 2 to 20 meters in diameter. This force field is strong enough to repel any form of damage for a maximum of 30 minutes at any given time. It normally takes only 10 seconds to recharge but can end up taking 5 minutes if used to its time limit.
Furthermore, the SCP-ABM can coat itself with the energy field to allow it to cut through any material. According to Assassin Creed Archives, this ability can only be unlocked after someone has bonded with the spear and uses it for longer than a year. SCP-ABM does have the drawback of being possessed by the memories of the ISU known as Odin. However, when the user has a strong mind and will, they are able to resist Odin's words and lock him out of their heads. It is for this additional reason that SCP-ABM was entrusted to Captain Styles being that she's has excellent spearman ship and a strong will.
SCP-ABM was discovered on November 10, 2020, when a team of Mobile Task Force Athena-1 "Assassin's Creed" was doing recon on a shipping port owned Group of Interest: Abstergo Industries. They quickly found a boat that was transporting several anomalous items and intercepted to grab them before they could be taken away. The ambush was almost a success until Group of Interest: The Valravn Corporation interfered and attacked MTF Athena-1. Though MTF Athena-1 got all the anomalous items including SCP-ABM, the mission was still considered a failure after the discovery of SCP-[data expunged], see Action Report: Assassins vs Vikings for details.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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