#Group of Interest: Abstergo Industries
dzthenerd490 · 2 months
File: Assassin's Creed - Crystals
Code Name: The Crystal Orbs and the Crystal Skulls
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AHM instances that are within Foundation custody are stored in the level 1 containment armory area within Site-AP on the first floor. They are simply guarded by standard Foundation containment cells of 4x4 meters. There are 4 containment cells for the four instances within Foundation custody, all containment cells are side by side. They are each placed on a podium and can only be accessed by Level 4 Clearance staff members entering Site-AP. Any testing is merely to be used to experiment with their communication properties and the way it can potentially be replicated. 
For now, no one under Level 5 Clearance is allowed to access any of the information hidden within SCP-AHM instances. Any attempt to do so will lead to immediate activation of Protocol "Legacy's Downfall", there will be no exceptions.
In the event of a containment Breach the AFA-3 units populating Site-AP are to stand on guard for SCP-AHM as they do with all other SCPs within the first floor of Site-AP. They are to be armed with Foundation laser rifles and standard Foundation pistols each one loaded with different combinations of anomalous bullets. The purpose of this is to be unpredictable while also able to counter any enemy. 
Description: SCP-AHM instances take on the forms of orbs and skulls made of what looks to be crystal but is actually a synthetic translucent metal known as Translucenite. Translucenite is a metal created by Species of Interest: The ISU to be used as the most advanced form of communication without worry of interruption or even disruption of time. It is believed that this same material is contained inside SCP-ABD instances and other ISU artifacts.
It's possible for one to contact someone in the past with an SCP-AHM instance but only if they were holding another SCP-AHM instance at that time. Essentially SCP-AHM instances are the ultimate communication devices that transcend space and time though the only thing they are used for is communication the possibilities are nearly infinite. 
As is standard for ISU artifacts, SCP-AHM is able to hold vast amounts of information within it as well as bits of the previous user's memories. However, SCP-AHM takes it a step further by being able to contain even more knowledge than any other ISU artifact. In basic terms, the average ISU artifact can be considered a book collection, but SCP-AHM instances are more like seemingly endless libraries. It is for this reason that despite just being labeled Object Class Thaumiel they are placed within Site-AP. Each instance holds vast knowledge of ISU technology and history, they cannot be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.
The SCP-AHM instances were discovered in 2008 after a successful raid on a transport truck from Group of Interest: Abstergo Industries. Upon discovering SCP-AHM's limitless possibilities in communication and knowledge it alerted its allies within the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance. The Horizon Initiative then revealed it had more SCP-AHM instances that it had taken form its recent purging of traitors who were spies of the Templars. Afterwards SCP-AHM instances were distributed among the organizations of the ACPA until the Foundation was left with only four. 
SCP-AHM instances are to only be used in communication during dire situations. Until then, the Foundation conducts experiments to replicate and even improve the technology. The hope is that with the technology, the ACPA could finally expand beyond the solar system without worry and quite possibly make contact with [data expunged]. Time and space will no longer be an issue allowing humanity to expand anywhere when the time is right. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
4 notes · View notes
rosierocks30 · 4 years
Hidden: Ch.7
Chapter 7: Preparation 
It was dark with a clear sky as the stars twinkle bright. A figure was walking down the streets to enter a late night pub. The stranger roamed his eyes to find his fellow colleagues who were gathered around the table having a drink and chatting. 
He walked towards them then greeted them. “Good evening gentlemen. What have I missed?” The stranger chuckled as he sat down to join in the conversation. 
“Ah Ricky, we were just talking about what had happened at the Court Hall. Apparently, Captain Levi and the prisoner are related. Who would have thought?! Nobody knows anything about the Captain of the Survey Corps. Not even his squad. That man is a crazy loner. A cousin of mine said he’s too good when it comes slaughtering Titans.” Another man spoke then took a sip of ale. 
Ricky or Richard Adams was interested in what his friend said. He didn’t go to the trial. The man was occupied with important missions from his higher ups. “Who is this prisoner the Military police and Survey Corps captured?” 
“He’s some foreigner from a country that’s across the ocean. What was his name? I think William Miles.” One of the men intervene the conversation. 
William Miles. The Mentor Assassin? Why is he here? Huh, this is trouble. Maybe, the templars already begin their next phase. So there must be assassins roaming in the Paradis Isle. Ricky had joined the Templar Order five years ago. The Order had been here longer since King Karl Fritz came to this island and built the Walls to protect the Eldians here from the rest of the world. After all, they encourage the king to move here. This side of the world was untouched by Assassins. Looks like they finally came here to get rid of Templars, but the brotherhoods are small in numbers while the Order are growing bigger and stronger. 
“I see. It’s such a shame I wasn’t there to witness.” Ricky glanced at the other man. 
Richard Adams stayed for a while with his friends then he decided to leave to attend a different meeting. His hat covered his eyes so no one would recognize him. He stopped and double checked in case he was not being followed. He knocked in a certain code on the wooden door. The door opened enough for a man in his 40s to peak out. “Show me the mark of Cain.” Ricky pulls out a red cross symbol attached to a chain on his belt. The door man nodded and opened the door wide. “Welcome, my friend.” 
Ricky smiled and entered the building. He followed the other templar to a dining room with several members seated already. He took his usual place to sit. Not long, their leader arrived and sat at the head of the table. His hood was covered until he removed to reveal light brown hair and pierce blue eyes. The leader looked like in his early 20’s. 
“Hello gentleman, as you can see the Mentor Assassin William Miles has come to this island. We, templars, must be on our guard. There will be other assassins since Mr. Miles doesn't come alone. The Grandmaster blessed me to take charge, the Paradis Isle Order of Templars. Ever since the Marleyans sent their Titan shifters to invade here, we lost control; but don’t worry. We’ll take it back before the assassin’s take over. I will make sure they are annihilated once I become king by marrying the bastard queen.” The blue eyed man smirked. 
The rest of the Templars cheered their leader. “Yes Lord Evans, we’re with you all the way!” One of the men said. 
“But one of my intel's told me some interesting news. Her Majesty and Levi Ackerman are secretly married. Plus, Captain Ackerman is the grandson of Mentor Miles. He is known to be a bloodlust monster on the battlefield. The more reason it’s best to execute him. The Ackerman bloodline is dangerous. I can’t believe they are still alive and producing like varmints.” Lord Evans said with a venomous tone. His ancestor, King Karl Fritz who founded House Reiss, started the persecution of the Ackerman and the Azumabito clans that resided within the Walls.
“My lord, would it be best to have Levi Ackerman as our Subject 18. His DNA is something that Abstergo Industries would want to collect data. He shares the same ancestry of Desmond Miles. We can look further on the real secret of the creation of the Ackermans. We’ll use it to make an army for global power.”  A brown haired man with dark eyes name, Patrick Summers speaks out. 
“Hmm, if the grandmaster accepts this idea then I don’t see why not, but after we’re done using him; I will personally kill him.” Nathaniel wants to see Levi dead, but he’s a logical man and what his brethren points out is Ackerman's ancestry. With time and patience, he’ll get what he wants. 
“Even though the company has Desmond’s infant bastard son, the baby is not old enough to begin to collect data from the animus. Ackerman is a perfect candidate to continue exploring Miles' bloodline.” Patrick resumed his explanation when he observed the way his leader’s expression gives off a displeasing look. Lord Evans may be logical, but only when he isn’t blind with his emotions and arrogance.  
Patrick is an ambitious man that came from nothing. He joined the Templars for making a world a better place for people like him who are poor with no access to necessary things to live comfortably. People like Lord Evans are full of greed. The dark eyed templar will do whatever it takes to get to the top of the ranks. 
Lord Evans stared at Patrick with annoyance while the rest of the men mumbles and agrees with what Patrick said. Both men never get along, they always one up each other of every opportunity comes towards them. Nate will make sure nobody like Patrick outran him. 
“Gentlemen, Phase two is activated. This meeting is dismissed” Nate gets up and begins to walk out of the small room with his personal assistance. 
“Sir, pardon me for being bold, but are you really going to tell the Grandmaster?” Nate’s assistant, Gilbert, whispers low. As the two men are now out into the dark street of Mitras, the nobleman turns to his assistant. “No, the grandmaster doesn’t need to know about that street rat connection to the mentor assassin. Gilbert, you have been loyal to me for many years. Can I trust you enough to do this mission for me?” Gilbert kneel on his knee to show his fealty to his lord. “Of course, my lord. You can trust me with any mission you give me. I’m always loyal to you until I draw my last breath.” He said. 
“Only to me, right?” Lord Evans wants to be sure before giving the mission to his loyal servant and assistant. 
“Yes my lord. Only to you forever.” Gilbert’s voice became soft and blushes. Nathaniel looks around to make sure no one is able to see. He helped Gilbert up to have him look into his eyes. 
“Good because it will break my heart if you betray me, Gilly.” He grips gently on Gilbert’s chin to kiss his lips. 
“I will never betray you, Nate.” Gilbert has a determined look to show his lover of his loyalty. “So who is it you want me to kill? I knew you too well. Is it Patrick Summers?” 
“Summers does get on my nerves, but it’s not him. I’ll give you more information at home.” Both Lord Evans and Gilbert walk through the dark, quiet streets to get to home. 
Meanwhile in Marley
A group of soldiers are doing their late night routine to prepare for the war against Paradis Isle or what they call the Devil’s Island. 
The sounds of rifle guns and marching boots echo the fields of the military base. A dark haired man with rough facial features. His eyes are glancing at the marching soldiers. 
“Sir, our soldiers look ready for the war.” Another man smirks from seeing how sharp and focused the Marleyan army looks. 
“Yes, they are ready. We just need to be patient for the Commander-in-chief to signal us to invade Paradis.” The General observed his troops with pride. “Is the Warrior unit ready for the invasion?” 
“I believe so, General Theo Magath. Would you like me to send a message to Deputy Chief Braun of the process of the Warrior Unit?” The Lieutenant suggested to the general.  
“Yes, we need to be perfect and sharp. Those devil spawns are aware of us and the war that’s coming to them. It’s best to give a surprise invasion.” General Magath said. The lieutenant went to do as he was told. 
On the other side of the base where the Eldian Units reside, Reiner Braun the Deputy Chief of the Warrior Unit is occupied writing a letter to his mother. 
A knock on the door stops him writing. He looks up to see an Eldian comrade handing him a note. The Armored Titan grabs the note then reads it. He begins to reply on the paper. Once he’s done, Reiner gives back the note to the same messenger. When the messenger leaves, Reiner thinks about his former friends and comrades from Paradis Isle. 
Soon things will get ugly when he comes face to face with them. 
Paradis Isle
At the Headquarters of the Survey Corps, the Mess Hall is full of soldiers eating and chatting with their comrades. The Levi’s squad are huddled in their table whispering each other. 
“You know the Captain and Historia didn’t explain how they became...you know.” Jean looks around then faces back at his friends. “Together and married.” His tone is low for only his friends to hear. 
 Armin stops eating his hot meal to speak. “Jean, it’s best we don’t bring it up here. Remember, this is supposed to keep hidden from everyone.”
“We can ask them when Captain Levi takes us to the palace later.” Sasha said while eating her breakfast. For years the gang learned to understand what Sasha said with her mouth full whenever she eats. 
Everyone nods in agreement. “Yeah, Sasha is right. We can ask them later.” Jean said. He glanced at Armin who avoided his stare from being nervous he knew the relationship between Historia and Levi. After all Armin was one of the witnesses for the captain and the queen’s wedding.  
While the members of Levi’s squad are eating and chatting, on the other side of the Mess Hall; the two figures who are sitting on the same table are having their own conversation. 
“Wait? There are cities with lights everywhere?!” Hange looks amazed at what William said. 
“Yes, it's common in majority places even towns have them.” The only thing that amaze Will was this island being isolated to the world for centuries and these people survived on medieval-like technologies.  
“Yeah well, not here. We are way behind. So what else does your city have?” Her tone sounds like an excited child that can’t wait to hear good news. 
“Maybe instead of telling you about New York City, I can take you to show what it looks like and the sites to see.” Again, Will can’t help it to flirt at this extraordinary woman in front of him. You don’t find women like Hange in many places. 
An assassin like him needs a wife who understands what they're getting themselves into because the Brotherhood is lifestyle permanently. His late wife married him without knowing what she was getting herself into. Their marriage was full of arguments and resentments. William doesn’t regret marrying her. They had two wonderful and strong boys. At one point after losing his son, Desmond from Juno; he went into a deep depression and blamed everything on the Creed. 
Now his passion and dedication to the Creed had ignited to return back to his fellow assassin and became the Mentor of the Global Brotherhood. This gives him the connection to find and meet his long lost grandson he learnt about many years ago. Will made a promise to his older son’s grave that he will be there for Levi. He understands his grandson will need time to adjust to him being there in his life. 
Will may not know much about the queen, but she does have the spirit to be a member of the Brotherhood Assassins. The Mentor does want to get to know his granddaughter in law. Hopefully he’ll get the chance to do that without Levi getting overprotective with her. 
“That would be awesome, but maybe after the war if I make it out alive.” She frowns at the thought of the upcoming war with Marley. If the Goddesses bless her to win and make it out alive, she will gladly go with William to visit his home country. 
“A war? With who?” This caught his attention. He feels a bit concerned since his grandson is a soldier. Will can’t lose another member of his family again. 
Hange pause a bit to contemplate whether to tell him or not. “I don’t if I should tell you-” William interrupted her. 
“Please, I need to know why there will be a war soon. Levi is a soldier and I just finally found him. I don’t want anything bad to happen to him. I don’t know how many soldiers your nation has in the army, but it looks small not to consider an army.” He still looks concerned. Hange senses some pain in his voice when he mentions not wanting to lose Levi to the war. 
“It’s Marleyans. We’re going to war with them. They had been preparing to invade our island just to take the Founding Titan while wanting to eradicate us from this world. To the rest of the world, were devils because the Eldians are cursed being connected to the Path. Our ancestor, Ymir, was the first Eldian to become a Titan by making a deal with the Earth Devil whoever that son of bitch was. So there’s 9 main Titans that an Eldian can inherit. The Jaw Titan, Attack Titan, War Hammer Titan, Armored Titan, Beast Titan, Cart Titan, Female Titan, Colossus Titan, and Founding Titan. A Titan shift of the 9 Titans has 13 years left to be alive until they die. If there’s no successor to pass it on the power of one of the nine Titans, a newborn Eldian baby will inherit once they are born into this cruel world. So nations in this continent hate and fear us. In ancient times, The Eldian Empire did use the Titans to conquer lands until one of the noble clans turned they’re back on the Empire and sided that Marleyans to defeat us. The king, Karl Fritz moved some of the Eldians to this island and built the Three Walls. He erased our people’s memories from the outside world. Through generations, we thought we’re the last humans, but when my late commander Erwin led us to the basement of Dr. Jaeger’s home, we found out the truth. Under Queen Historia’s rule, we learnt who’s the real enemy.” She paused to watch how William was taking all of this information. 
“I see. If I was just an average man with a simple life, I would call you crazy, but I've seen crazy things. Who has the nine titans right now? Is Levi part of the curse?” His curiosity reveals from his expression. 
“Few of the titans are in the possession of the nation of Marley. I think the Armor Titan, Cart Titan, Jaw Titans and War Hammer Titan. No wait Eren inherited the War hammer after the attack of Liberio he caused. He got the Founding titan, Attack Titan and now the War Hammer Titan, but he betrayed us to join with his brother who is the Beast Titan. His brother has followers called The Jeagerists. They kidnapped Historia. Your grandson was ready to go on a rampage to slaughter them. After all he is an Ackerman. They are a bloodline of warriors to protect the royal family until King Karl orders them to kill every Ackerman member clan. Few survived that’s why Levi and a girl named Mikasa are the last Ackermans in the world. They have titan genes as their the descendants of the first Ackerman volunteer to be the by product bio engineer of a titan in a human form. They don’t have the 13 year cursed and they’re strong and dangerous when they are triggered. I like to call them the 10th Titan.” Hange chuckles. 
William Miles sighs from absorbing that Levi is basically a Superhuman. Levi had not just the Ackerman warrior blood in him but also the assassin bloodline too. It’s like Life itself had made this happen probably soon the world will need Superhumans to protect the world from either Juno and her followers or something else that’s not from this planet. The universe is much bigger. Anything can come and try to attack this small planet.
“You know if this remind me of the holocaust and the Nazis.” Hange was confused but intriguing. 
“What are the holocaust  and Nazis?” She asked. 
Of course, he is aware how disconnected this side of the world is. They basically are repeating history. That’s something William will not let it happen. If he can get the UN involved to have this side of the world to make a peace treaty with the Paradis Isle. It will save countless lives. Also, the Eldians will be free from being annihilate from this world. The sad thing is it will take many years or centuries for the Eldians to be seen as human beings instead of monsters. For now stopping a war will start. 
“The Holocaust was one of the dark periods in mankind history. Jewish people were once being persecuted too. In Germany during World War II, the German leader, Adolf Hitler was a cruel man but powerful. He had conquered the continent of Europe. He and his party known as the Nazis were supremacist. They first segregated the Jewish people by creating ghettos for them. They were treated as low class humans until Hitler introduced The Final Solution. By sending them to a contraction camp to get them to do labor work until death or sending them into a gas chamber to kill the mass of the Jewish people.” Will stopped and thought about how this part of history had impacted him personally.   
 His mother was a holocaust survivor. His father during that time was an Assassin master freeing the Jews from the camps. He fought the Nazis soldiers. Some were Templars, but even the Templars never agreed what Hitler and his Nazis did to the people who did not like them. 
His parents met when his father was on a mission to assassinate one of the SS Nazi top officers in the camp where his mother was in doing labor working. His father encountered his mother who was returning to her bunker from another brutal labor work. She didn’t snitch on him but has a curious personality which intrigues his father. Since then, they secretly met up until his father was assigned to another mission. For a couple of years they didn’t see each other. William remembered what his father told him how anxious and paranoid he felt when he couldn’t convince the women to come with him to be free, but she declined his offer. She had her family here and she would have guilt if she had escaped while her parents and younger siblings were still there as prisoners. 
When the Allies won and break free the victims of the camps, his father began to search for his mother who was in love. When he saw a skinny boned woman with hollow cheeks, but her dark eyes were recognizable. He was so relieved she was still alive. His mother was looking hopeless from losing her family from the gas chamber. She was lucky enough that her group didn’t enter. His father made a promise to protect her and love her until death. It took a couple of years for his mother to heal physically, but the mentally it affected her. Will was born three years after the war was over. 
Hange was disgusted and horrified what those Nazis did with no remorse. Will this happen to the Eldians if nobody stops Marley or other nations from this side of the world? No, she wouldn’t allow that to happen. 
“That sounds like hell.” She frowns. 
“I despise bigotry. My mother was a survivor from the Holocaust. She rarely spoke of it. All it reminded her was pain and terror. She had lost her parents and siblings. This is one of the reasons I’m passionate about being an Assassin. We believe in free will and give the people a voice against oppression society.” He said with passion. 
“By assassinating?” She glances at the older man. 
“Yes, well we are not just some common assassins. We have codes that guide us for centuries. Think of it like Jedi’s from Star Wars.” William chuckles. 
Hange is confused from not picking up his reference. “Jedi’s? Star Wars?” 
“Oh my poor soul, I forgot you haven’t been exposed to watching movies.” He sips his drink. “Thank goodness I have my laptop with me. I’ll introduce you to the world of Star Wars.” 
The commander may not know what he meant but she is excited to learn more mysterious things. “Oh yeah I can’t wait. Levi should join us! And I’m sure the queen would love to see this Star Wars thing.” 
  “That’s a wonderful idea. I hope he will join us. He seems a grumpy child that doesn’t like anything.” Hange burst into a laughter which most of the soldiers looked at her like she’s a crazy person. 
“Oh you define Levi just right. Don’t worry, Historia is very good at persuading him to do almost anything.” She grins wickedly.
“Alright, I’ll hold you on to that.” He smiles then his expression changes to seriousness. “The Brotherhood will be under your command as we are allies. We will win this war. You have my word, Zoe.” 
The Survey Commander looks at the Mentor and nods with gratitude. “Thank you, William. I really appreciate it.” She smiles. 
Both Mentor and Commander resume eating their breakfast. At least Hange now has an ally for Paradis. She can sleep better knowing this is better than having nothing or trying to gain alliance outside of the island. 
Levi and Historia are having a quiet and peaceful breakfast in Historia’s chamber. The table is covered with platters of cut fruits, pancakes, bacon, sausages, and eggs. A pitch of fresh squeezed orange juice is in the middle of the table, but both Ackerman-Reiss couples prefer sipping a cup of tea. 
“Oh Levi, say ah for me.” the queen is facing her husband with a strip of bacon in her hand.
The soldier is occupied reading the Newspaper from any suspicion clues from the Jeagerists. “Hm?” he stops to give his attention to his wife.
“No, who knows where your hands had been?” He glances back reading the newspaper. 
Historia rolls her eyes. “My hands are clean, Levi. I just washed them before eating right now.” 
“Tch, earlier they weren’t clean especially when you were touching yourself in your sleep-” Levi smirks as Historia begins to blush embarrassingly. 
“It’s the pregnancy hormones’ fault and the dream.” She hmphed at him then looked away to hide her flushed face.
 Levi couldn’t help it but to give one of his rare smiles at her. “Oh I’m aware. What an interesting sight to wake up in the morning.”
Historia was about to smack his chest, but with his quick reflects, Levi caught it to bring her hand to his lips and kisses gently. 
“I thought they were dirty for you.” Historia forgot her embarrassment when seeing Levi being gentle and kissing her hand. This made her heart melt from his action. She is a very lucky woman to have such a man like Levi Ackerman who looks cold and aloof on the outside, but with Historia his walls drop for her to see the real him. A gentle compassionate protector who will go great lengths to make sure she’s happy and smiles constantly. 
To Levi, Historia made him feel alive once again. All he knew was tragedy, but this pure angel brought him back to life. She’s the sun and he’s the wither flower. 
The captain gently pulled his wife to him so she could sit on his lap comfortably. Once Historia sat on his lap, her arms wrap around his neck to lean in to kiss him softly. She loves being under his embrace. Her nose is hit with his scent of cedarwood and black tea leaves. 
The queen giggles when her husband begins to kiss her neck softly. Levi let out a chuckle. Now his hand is on his wife’s baby bump to rub gently. He still can’t believe he’ll be a father soon. 
Historia watches her husband eyeing on her growing womb. “Our baby started to move. It felt like butterflies swirling in my womb.” She places her hand on Levi’s so both of them can embrace as soon to be new parents. 
“The brat better not start kicking me when we go to bed.” He mumbles. “I won't be able to explain Four Eyes about why my back aches.” Historia chuckles from Levi’s comment. 
“You’ll be fine and I doubt the baby will kick you that hard.” She kisses his jawline affectionately. The older man moans softly as he enjoys her affection. 
“Speaking of our baby, I was thinking...with the war coming soon, I think you should go to the country where Will- I mean grandfather is from. For your own and the baby protection.” His grey eyes stare a bit nervously at his wife. He knows Historia will protest and become stubborn to stay here. 
“Levi, we talked about this. I will not leave you. I can protect myself and our unborn baby. Please don’t sent me away. I can’t be separated away from you. What if you don’t come back and leave us from this world!” The blonde woman feels tears are threatening to fall from her eyes. 
“Historia please don’t make this difficult. This will be hard for me too, but I need you to be safe away from the war. The Marleyans will do whatever it takes to win even assassinate you, the queen, and our child. I can’t promise anyone to be safe around me if I lose you both! I wasn’t joking about annihilating anyone in my way. Fuck, I will come back to you once the war is over and be reunited as a family. I’ve talked to both my grandfather and Hange before coming here to spend the night with you. They agree it’s for the best. Us, Eldians, need their queen. We need you to be alive. You’re the symbol of hope.” 
Historia buried her face on his chest. She cries silently from the thought of being separated from her soulmate. She wants Levi to be there when she gives birth to their first born child. 
“It just hurts so much that you’re right. I’m scared, my love. You’re my strength. You say I’m your sun but you’re my moon, Levi”  Her blue eyes widen from her speech. 
“Baby, I will come back to you. With you and our kid being safe and sound; I know I can breathe a little to give my all into this war so I can be back with you under my arms. I just need you to cooperate with me.” He pleaded with his wife. 
“Then as your queen, I command you to make sure you stay alive to come back to me.” Both their eyes are locked and Historia gives a commanding tone to him. Levi submitted willingly to kiss her hand. “As you wish, my queen.” 
Historia cups her hands on to his face to press her lips onto his. “Protect your people, friends, and family. I will wait for you, my warrior.” 
“I’m under your command, always my goddess.” He whispers. 
Ever since the star-crossed lovers got together, a bond was created. It was strange but familiar. During the time their relationship was new, Historia invested her time to research. Now that Commander Hange knows about their relationship, she helps the queen to further the research of the Reiss and Ackerman bloodlines and the bonds that Ackermans were known for. 
As time passes, their bond increases. Both are equals in many ways. Historia has been trying to find information on what Zeke had claimed this child she;s carrying will be the doom of the Eldians race. The queen had hired an intel to go to Marley and find this so-called prophecy. She did get a letter earlier when she woke up that this spy will come back home in a few days as he did find something on what she was looking for. It was best to read it in person. The queen of course will share with Hange since she knows how the Survey Commander will rejoice from learning new things. 
The couple are still lost in their stares until a knock on the doors is heard. Both queen and captain break off their intense stare. They got off from each other. Historia was about to tell whoever it is to enter, but Levi gestured his head a no. “Not yet until you change something not too revealing.” His tone was showing possessiveness. 
Historia looks down to see her night gown was too revealing especially for a queen that’s supposed to represent modesty and virtue. She looks at the door. “Who is it?” Her tone was authoritative. 
Levi growls in annoyance that his wife is ignoring what he said. Plus, she better not dare to let whoever is on the other side of the door to enter or that poor soul will get their ass beaten. Shit, better not be that annoying Lord Ethan whatever the fuck his last name is. 
“It’s Jean, Sasha, Connie, Mikasa and Armin, your majesty.” Jean said on the other side of the door. Well, at least it wasn’t that noble asshole. 
“Give her a minute so Historia can dress up properly.” Levi cuts in before Historia says anything. The queen glares in annoyance to her husband. “You can be such a possessive jerk.” She said in a low tone while walking to her closet to find something that is modesty enough to have an audience in her chamber. 
“You know I don’t like anyone staring at you like they see you nude already.” He leans to the ear to whisper huskily. His strong arms wrap around her like a treasure in his possession. Historia is used to his possessive side which she resumes browsing her outfits. 
Levi removed her robe which fell on the floor. Her nightgown is transparent for him to see her nude body. “Levi, behave yourself.” Historia is trying to be composed and not cave into his seducing gesture. 
“But I am on my best behavior, my queen.” He chuckles deeply. Levi enjoys how Historia reacts when he gets bold. “You look ravishing, especially you’re growing my seed inside you. Our offspring will be strong.” The young blonde realizes Levi is not Levi right now. His speech pattern and tone are indifferent. 
She remembers one of the journals from the Reiss estate’s library mentioning one of the “side effects” of the experiment to make the Ackermans what they are now. The ancient journal said, when an Ackerman becomes awakened of their true potential; their beast or the titan that laid dormant in them until its activated. The queen did encounter Levi’s titan before, but she wasn’t aware why his personality had changed at first. Probably that’s one of the reasons why most Ackermans who were awakened, had intense headaches from fighting to be in control with their titan side subconsciously. 
A Titan shifter like Eren, Zeke, Ymir, Annie, Reiner, and now Armin don’t have that because they are able to transform into a Titan. Also, what the journal mentioned, a titan shifter just needs a successor to live on. Whether the host gets eaten or a newborn baby is being born. Hange wasn’t joking about the Ackermans are the 10th Titan but their bloodline is what drives their existence. Her baby if he or she awakens their power, the titan within them will awake from their ‘sleep’. This titan is seriously insatiable. 
“Levi, we guests are waiting on the other side of the door.” She can feel his hands traveling down to her thighs. Historia’s breathing becomes slow and heavy. Her body definitely wants more of his touch. 
“They can wait more. I must have you again, my mate.” His nose buried on her neck to smell her sweet scent while feeling her up with his touch. Levi smirks from how wet Historia is from her cunt. His fingers insert further inside her. Her voice squeals while squirm a bit from his bold touch. He continues fingering her. “A-ah L-levi.” She moans. 
“Call me, Iapetus.” His baritone voice rumbles. This made Historia weak on her knees. She wants him again, but unlike this thirsty beast; she can wait later. 
“Alright then Iapetus, it’s nice to officially meet you. But like I told Levi, he can wait which means you can too, mister.” The queen grabbed his hand to pull out from her dripping wet core. “I mean it or both of you won’t get all of this.” She turns to face the possessed man. Levi’s or Iapetus’s eyes are not the usually grey-blue shade. His eyes are clear like glass and glowing. Under his eyes was dark and shadowed. Historia feels a bit intimidated by his appearance but she knows he won’t hurt her.
Iapetus growls at her in frustration. “You wouldn’t, my mate.” As she uses this sudden courage to stand her ground. “I will, so try me.” She smirks. 
“Your body is begging for my touch, my queen. You have been insatiable earlier.” While Historia strips her nightgown off of her, Iapetus steps closer to press his body onto hers. Historia is now getting annoyed. Levi’s titan is so  persistent. If it wasn’t for her friends stopping by to see her, she would have happily gone for another round of the day. Her hand pressed onto his strong chest to surprisingly push him away from her. Both parties were shocked by this sudden strength, Historia had possessed. 
“Just for you being a naughty titan, you’re not getting anything for a while and that includes Levi getting the punishment.” The queen grabs a random dress to put it on. Once she is ready and presentable, her neck turns a bit to see Levi/Iapetus still flabbergasted. “Tch, you’ll get needy soon, mate.” Now a grumpy possessed Levi mumbles like a misbehave child when they know, they’re getting punished. 
“Baby, these two fingers will do the job, just remember that.” Historia smirks again but leans in to peck his cheek. “Be good and maybe I will let you off your punishment tomorrow.” She uses her usual soft, sweet voice. “Now get fix yourself my love, your squad is here.” Historia walks away from him to go to open the doors for her friends to enter. 
The chamber where Historia spent most of her time, was big. Her bedroom is further deep. The lounge is where she rests to have peace from ruling the island. On the left wing there’s her study room. So, her friends can’t see the bedroom unless they walked deeper into the living room to open another double door. 
Before opening the main doors to let her friends in, the queen fixes her hair into her signature low bun. Finally, she opens the door and Sasha was the first to give her a tight hug. “Historia! We missed you. So are you gonna finish your breakfast?” The brown haired soldier sniffed from the smell of bacon and sausage, eggs.
Jean interrupts and looks at Sasha. “We just had breakfast not that long ago.” Sasha pouts like a sad puppy. “B-but it’s bacon. You can’t say no to bacon.” her mouth drools from thinking about the crispy grease strip of bacon. 
Historia giggles from Sasha daydreaming over a bacon. “Sure, you can have some. It’s too much for Levi and I to finish.” 
“By the way, where's the captain.” Connie said as he roamed his eyes to find his superior officer. 
“Oh he’ll join us in a bit once he’s ready.” The queen pops her head out of the main doors of her chamber to ask a staff to bring a fresh brew pot of tea with several cups. She closes the doors and leads her friends to the living room wing so they can comfortably sit down on the couches. Sasha already has a plate full of warm bacon, sausages, and eggs with pastries and fruits.   
“What brings you guys here? Don’t get me wrong, I am happy you are all here to visit. I feel you’re here for a reason.” Historia said. Just when one of them was about to say something, the door from the bedroom wing opened abruptly. Levi Ackerman is dressed in his Survey Corps uniform while fixing his cravat on his neck. His expression is still grumpy. He glances at his wife then acknowledges his squad with a tch. “You’re late, brats.” His tone was in his usual monotone. Then the captain sits next to his wife a bit to close. He crossed his leg over the other and placed his arm over Historia’s shoulders comfortably. There’s no point in hiding their relationship anymore in front of his squad. They know both Historia Reiss and Levi Ackerman are husband and wife. 
The gang were still not used to it of seeing these two being too comfortable around each other. “We’re sorry, Captain Levi. We took a detour to get here.” Armin bows nervously while his comrades bow too. The room became silent until a soft knock was heard. “Oh right, I order tea for everyone.” She smiles. “You may enter Stephanie.” She called the staff’s name. The doors open and a middle aged woman carries a tray of tea sets. The staff bows to her queen. “Here is the tea you asked, You’re Majesty.” The woman placed the tray on the elegant marble coffee table. The staff notice there’s guests in the queen’s personal living room. “Good morning our nation’s heroes. It’s an honor to be at your present especially you, Captain Levi, Humanity’s Strongest.” The woman bathes her eyelashes at the captain flirtatiously. 
Levi leans to pour a cup of warm freshly brewed tea then leans back next to Historia as he sips his tea. He is aware the staff lady is flirting with him, but he doesn’t give her any attention. On the other hand, Historia was not pleased her staff was being too bold trying to get her man’s attention. She tries to be as composed and mannerly as a queen should. Her friends can feel the awkward situation in front of them. Thank you, Stephanie. You may leave now.” Her voice cracks a bit from hiding her jealousy.  
 Levi pretends being oblivious. He low key wants to smirk at his wife. She feels how he felt earlier. Even he was possessed a while ago by his titan named Iapetus. He is a real douchebag since Levi is also being punished from Iapetus being needy and disobedient. Tch, he needs to keep that beast locked in. He’ll get him into trouble in the future especially HIstoria now can manifest strength. It could be from either the bond or maybe from their baby. 
Already the lady had left and he could hear his squad and his wife chattering. How long does he zone out? It doesn't matter. He listens to their conversation while sipping more tea. 
“So, Captain and HIstoria, you said yesterday you guys will explain a bit how you two end up together. I don’t mean to sound disrespectful but the two of you are the last people I ever imagine being together. You are completely different people and your age gap is almost twenty or fifteen years difference. We’re happy for you, but it will take time for us to grasp.” Connie speaks out. Some of his comrades nod in agreement. 
Historia understands what they mean. If someone had told her that she would be married to Captain Levi Ackerman of the Survey Corps and pregnant with his child, Historia would be in horror while laughing in disbelief. Probably, Ymir would say something snarky then becomes in a sour mood. 
Ymir. She hopes her close friend is alright across the sea. As long Ymir is alive and safe, Historia can be at ease. Someday, She’ll see her and tell her how grateful to have Ymir in her life. 
“We’re not much different as we thought.” Levi said as he placed the tea cup on the coffee table. 
“Let's just say we have a similar parallel background upbringing as children.” Historia said then took a sip from her tea.  
“So, what questions do all of you have been dying to ask?” The captain interrupted since he doesn’t want their childhood upbringing being asked. That’s too personal for him not ready to share with anyone beside Erwin, Hange, and now Historia. 
“When did you two got married? You could’ve told us. Well, at least Mikasa and I. So we could have been your maid of honors. Aww, I bet you had looked beautiful in a wedding dress!” Sasha excitedly asks questions while still stuffing her mouth with food. 
“Oi Braus, finish your food then talk. We barely can understand.” Levi scoffs at his subordinate. 
Sasha swallows her food then apologies to the captain. “Sorry, sir.” 
“Don’t worry Sasha, I understood you.” Historia smiles.
“It wasn't a planned wedding. Two days ago, we tied the knot and Armin and Commander Hange was with us to be our witnesses.” Historia added. 
Her friends stared at Armin who nervously chuckled. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t tell you guys since it was supposed to be a secret until they are ready to expose their relationship status.” He explains to the squad. 
“Don’t give Arlert a hard time, brats. I ordered him not to say anything or he’ll face punishment for disobeying his superior officer.” Levi glares at his comrades who were ready to hound the poor blonde guy with questions.  
 Mikasa has been quiet the whole time until she finally said something. “I know you don’t need anyone’s approval, but I’m glad that you both are happily together. Captain, I suggest don’t hurt my best friend or I will come after you.” She glares at her captain. When the younger Ackerman met Historia or back then Krista, they were bedmates. Sometimes they along Sasha, Annie, and Ymir, have nightly girl talks about the boys in their cadet years to combat fighting positions. 
Historia smiles in gratitude. “Thank you, Mikasa. This means lots from you.” She’s happy that her friends are aware of her marriage with Levi. The queen quickly glanced at her husband. He was glaring at Mikasa from her threat just a second ago. The blonde haired woman wonders why both Ackermans had bad blood with each other. 
She will need to ask them both alone when opportunity comes. This needs to stop. Levi and Mikasa are family, probably distant cousins or something. It’s understandable there’s some family who are needed to cut ties with, but with communication Mikasa and Levi will amend their dislikes to each other. 
“Also, we want to tell you that I’m pregnant. Almost three months along.” Historia said as her hand holds onto Levi’s. 
“Congratulations! Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?” Connie then Sasha said.   
“It’s too soon to tell.” Levi peeks at the baby bump that’s under Historia’s loose white gown that usually she wears in public. 
“Yes, we’ll probably have to wait until I reach five months.” Historia pat her stomach. 
For a couple hours everyone continues talking and sipping tea. Levi told his squad it’s time to go since Historia was getting sleepy. The pregnancy made her feel exhausted. At first, she tried to fight off but the fatigue won. Once her friends had left, the queen already plowed on the bed to cuddle her pillow. Her husband joins her to spoon her. Both lovers embrace each other.
Levi admires the way his wife looks when she cuddles with him. “You were joking right about my punishment?” 
Historia groans annoyed, then grabs a pillow to hit his head. “No, I meant it, mister. Now let your cute wife sleep.” She huffs then turns her back to him to try to sleep. 
“Oi woman, you have been moody today.” He grabbed the pillow to toss it aside. “I notice you tried not to snap at the lady earlier. You’re cute when you get jealous.” He chuckles. 
“Pfft don’t remind me. I don’t like how she admires you too much.” She turns a bit to look at Levi. 
“It just makes me think, why do you fall in love with a girl like me?” Her blue eyes glimpse insecurely at him. 
“Stop this. I hate how you thought low of yourself. You are the woman of my dreams. Our child will be beautiful and courageously strong like his or her mother.” His lips brush on her temple spots to leave kisses. 
“You’re one of a kind, Historia. I should be the lucky one. Not in a million years, I would have imagined myself having a wife and soon to be a father.” He leans to her baby bump to kiss softly. 
“Who would have thought a former thug from the Underground City turned into a captain of the Survey Corps is a husband to a sexy but also pure queen.” Levi continues kissing her belly. He can feel her hand stroking his raven hair. 
“And who would have thought a royal bastard girl from the countryside that joined the Survey Corps that became queen is a wife to a handsome but also strong and soft captain.” She glances at Levi with a soft smile. 
“See we go so well together, my queen. We’re meant to be.” His baritone softened.
“For eternity, my king?” She whispers enough for him to hear. 
“For eternity.” He promised to her. 
A/N: Sorry, this chapter took so long to finish. Last week, I was busy preparing for Thanksgiving with my family. Anyways, here it was chapter 7. Tell me guys what do you think? Don’t forget to leave a review and for my AO3 , leave a kudos please uwu. Thank you for your support, my fellow readers! Love you all. Until next time with a new chapter.  
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djinnylein · 5 years
Day 3 - Abstergo
Day 3 is also ready now, so here it is! Have fun!
After the first half of the day passed without some incident happening, the young woman thought it would be a day just like any other. Abstergo Industries was a big, no an enormous company, having divisions in every kind of business sector, one could imagine. One could think working for them would mean, that everyday something interesting happened. But no. For Maeve, it looked like, being just a receptionist is the same everywhere. Greeting people and leading them to their destination inside the facility. But today even fewer people to greet came, so she and her colleague had to do what the computer had for her. The woman with the dark brown hair sighed, just as she heard footsteps coming closer. Welcoming the distraction she looked up from the monitor only to see someone she didn’t expect: Warren Vidic, the Director of the Animus Project, together with a blond woman, not far from her age. Maeve didn’t know much about this project, but she knew that the users of the gadget known as Animus could travel into the memories of their ancestors. For what this skill was needed she didn’t know, but the thought of seeing the memories of her own ancestors was kind of thrilling. Unfortunately she wasn’t allowed to use one of the Animi. Even less expected for her was that Mr. Viddic turned to her and not her colleague. Maybe he just didn’t care or being a woman was advantage for Maeve, because of the request the director brought to her: “I hope I don’t disturb you, but do you have some free time? Miss Lorena Dabney here is my new assistant and I would like to show her around a bit, but I got an important appointment. Would you be so kind and show her around in my stead?” The gaze of the dark haired woman wandered from Mr. Viddic to the newcomer, who smiled lightly at her. She returned the smile, while she noticed that the eyes of the other woman looked peculiar. They kind of had a violet hue even though they were obviously blue. It was very odd. Then Maeve remembered again, what was asked of her, and she looked at Warren again before nodding. “Of course I could do that.” “Fantastic. Thank you so much!”, he exclaimed as answer while the receptionist stood up from her seat and went around the desk. Turning around to look at his new assistant Mr. Viddic explained to her what was going on, even though she obviously heard everything. “Miss…”, he started, only to stop and look at Maeve again with a questioning gaze. “Maeve Raynell.” “Maeve Raynell will show you around for the next hour. After that, you will come to my office again, and we will start with our real work. Alright?” “Yes, Mr. Viddic.”, Lorena answered with a short nod. “Good. Then I will be on my way. Miss Dabney.” Warren nodded shortly to her, before looking to Maeve, nodding and after a “Miss Raynell” leaving the two women alone at the desk. After the director was gone, the woman with dark green eyes looked to the other, inspecting her once again before stretching out an arm in a friendly gesture. “Nice to meet you. Again, I’m Maeve Raynell, receptionist here at Abstergo Industries.” Lorena seemed to be taken by surprise at first, before smiling again and shaking her hand. “Nice to meet you, too, Miss. Lorena Dabney. I’m in your hands.” “Yes, let me show you around”, Maeve declared and looked at the other receptionist, telling him that she will be away for a while. After that she and Miss Dabney could start their tour and already after a couple of minutes they both were absorbed in a delightful conversation.
* * *
A couple of days passed after the to women first met. In this time they often talked and got points for sympathy for each other. It looked like they would become really good friends and nobody had something against it. After all they were still colleagues, even though they were working in different areas. At the late afternoon, Maeve had left her desk for some minutes to do a short break and was getting back again, where her colleague should wait for return, so he could leave for the day. What a lucky guy, because she still had two more hours to go. Just as she sighed, thinking about this fact, she heard footsteps in the distance, clearly heard because of the silence in the halls. But not footsteps from just one person, there were many footsteps. And they were hectic and became louder. The green-eyed woman was curious if something was wrong, but the way she got an answer to that, wasn’t something she expected - or even liked. The next corner she went around somebody unknown ran in her direction, only to stop just a meter away from her. They both looked at each other surprised about the appearance of the other. But when someone in the distance shouted the word “Stop!” the unknown guy moved again. He looked over the shoulder, back at Maeve and hesitated, before he quickly came closer to the woman. Before she could step back, the guy already grabbed her wrist and ran again - the same way she just came from. Maeve screamed in surprise but the unknown didn’t react to that, but went on nonetheless. Unfortunately for him and fortunately for her, he didn’t come far. In the next moment a group of security men blocked their way down the hall, wherefore the guy and Maeve needed to stop. He seemed to be think running in the other direction, but before he could turn around, the other side of the hall was also blocked. Now they both were surrounded by security men. The unknown guy didn’t seem to have another exit, so he pulled the brown haired women to him and placed his arm around her neck, while shouting: “Stay back! Or she’s dead!” In the next moment there sounded another voice, whereupon the security men slowly went to the side. “Bryson, stop it! You won’t get out in any way. So let her go and come with us.” Maeve could make out that it was Viddic, who talked to the guy named Bryson. While he held Maeve closer, and she pleaded to him, to let her go, she noticed that something wasn’t right. Lorena was nowhere to be seen. The answer to the question, where she was, was soon revealed. While the director distracted Bryson, having a conversation with him, all of a sudden, something fell beside them on the ground. That it wasn’t just something, but someone showed the next movement. With a shiftly motion the person hit Bryson so hard in the shoulder, that he was left grunting in pain. Then the arm around Maeve’s neck disappeared, instead being turned until Bryson’s arm was behind his back. The next moment being knocked down Bryson laid prone on the ground and on top of him sitting Lorena, still pushing his arm against his back. Now being free, Maeve toppled some steps away, while the security men raced at Lorena’s side and taking the young man into custody. The green-eyed woman was so stunned by the events, that she couldn’t do anything else than to look, while Bryson was lifted again and then brought away. Lorena seemed to be the only one, who really cared about the woman, who was just taken hostage without understanding what really happened, because after talking to Viddic, she came up to Maeve and looked her over. “Are you alright?”, she asked. “Unhurt, yes. But not alright. What the hell did just happen? Who was that guy? Why did he attack me?” “That’s typical for assassins”, the light haired murmured, not really intending to let Maeve hear that, as it looks like. “What? Assassin?”, she asked in return, looking at Lorena with more than just confusion. The other hesitated a moment before looking at her with an uncertain gaze. “You don’t know what is going on, do you?” Getting an answer in the form of a head shake, Lorena pressed her lips together. “Let us get a coffee, yes? Preferably in a quiet corner of a café.”
* * *
A short time later the new friends sat together in a small café, which wasn’t well visited, with much distance to some other visitors and having their coffee already in front of them. “Why are we here again?”, Maeve suddenly asked, because she wasn’t sure, why Lorena made this suggestion. Did she want her to calm down after the incident? But her friend looked so serious the entire time. And the security men didn’t call the police, who should have taken care of Bryson in her opinion. As she asked Lorena about that, she didn’t get an answer to that. But now she will get an answer. That was what the woman with the violet hue in her eyes gave off, when she leaned over the table. “Maeve, Abstergo is not your common company. They’re a cover for an order, the Templars, which leads war with another order and that since centuries!” “What are you talking about?” “Listen”, Lorena started with urgency. “I don’t want to have secrets from you, especially after you were attacked. The guy is an assassin, the enemies of the Templars. They are an aggressive group. Every one of them would hesitate with hurting other persons. I want you to be careful. Working with Abstergo means for them, that you are also their enemy. Do you understand me?” “No. I don’t. Do you want to mock me? Making me scared?” “That’s not what I want!” Lorena sighed, hesitating with the words, she wanted to say next. Then she started again, from the beginning. Telling her about the war between the assassin’s and Templars at the time of the crusades, which is still in progress. Then she told her about the goals of the templars. Creating world peace with shepherding all the humanity. Maeve didn’t really react to that, not even showing a bit of her opinion. They said goodbye to one another after paying their coffee and went their own way. After that, neither Maeve Raynell nor Lorena Dabney were seen again at any facility of Abstergo Industries.
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floatingpetals · 7 years
Vanish in the Dark Pt 10
Pairings: None at the moment(Kind of)
Warnings: Language, nothing major
Word Count: 1600+
Summary: Assassin’s Creed AU and Marvel AU crossover.  The Brotherhood has spent years hiding in the shadows keeping the Templars in line as the years pass on. When the Templars company Abstergo Industries strikes up a deal with Hydra, things have to change. The Brotherhood decides to step out of the shadows, reaching out for the help of the Avengers. What could go wrong?
A/N: Yaaassss, shit’s gonna go down next part! I’m excited, are you excited, cause I am! No but for real, I wanna take time to thank YOU GUYS for reading and sending me love! Seriously, it means so much to me! I’m not super close to the end of this series but it’s getting pretty close. I hope you guys enjoy this part! Also, reblogging and like lets me know if you guys like it or not! Enjoy!!
Once again, the gifs are not mine, credit to the owners.
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Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Series Masterlist
“Wait a minute. What?”
Y/N had to hold back the eye roll she felt coming on. Tony wasn’t stupid, so she wasn’t certain why he was continuously questioning every shred of information she fed them. Right now, she was trying not to pummel him.
“Do you need a hearing aid, Stark?” Y/N spoke through gritted teeth.
“No. I just wanted to double check. You’re telling me, they’re in a dormant volcano. In Russia?”
“And Georgia. Don’t forget Georgia.” Aubree added, twirling her knife between her fingers. Tony shot her a glare, but otherwise ignored her.
“There are so many reasons why that can’t be possible.” Tony turned back to Y/N, who was debating on whether or not she could clear the table and deck him before anyone else could react. She had already told him the base information three times. Now for a fourth.
“Not inside. Beside. For the last time, Stark. Their base is BESIDE the mountain, that just so happens to be a dormant volcano.” She growled, tapping the hologram to pull up the landscape map once more. She spun it around, pointing at the locator on the map. “It has a cloaking device on the entire structure, and that’s why it looks invisible.”
“Then how do you know it’s there?”
“Because we’ve been in it!” Alright, now things were just getting sad. Tony didn’t say anything else. He stood staring at the map, hand resting against his mouth as he thought everything over. Y/N rolled her eyes and shot Steve a look, who had been watching the entire thing with silent amusement. He sat to the right of Tony, with Bucky beside him. Natasha leaned against the wall, talking quietly with Victoria as they waited for Tony to get his shit together. Clint and Sam were seated beside Heath and Clark, quietly debating between the four of them who was going to win the football game that weekend. Banner sat in the corner, watching the group interact with wide calculating eyes. 
Generally, Y/N would want everyone pay attention, but that expectation flew out the window twenty minutes ago with Tony’s refusal to accept the information he was given. Everyone knew it was because he hadn’t found it out first. They just didn’t have time for him to come to terms with it.
“Alright. How did you manage to get in there without detection?” The entire room groaned.
“What?!” Tony asked with a false sense of innocence. Everyone knew what he was doing, but no one could seem to care. He was irritating them all. “I just don’t see how any of this can be real!”
“Just. Would you-?” Y/N fought to find the right words, but even with her years of training, nothing could prepare her for this. “Would you quit being an idiot?! We don’t have time for this shit! They’ve already shown you what they can do within a few weeks! If we waste any more time, then it will only get worse!”
Tony’s lip pulled back into a snarl, but Y/N cut him before he could even begin.
“No, I’m done. You’ve seen what becomes of them first hand. But you clearly don’t know the details, or even care to learn or accept them. Those men that attacked you, none of them were forced. They were willing participants to turn into the mindless bodies you fought. To them, their end game is all that matters. If that means because an empty puppet who ends up dying for the cause, then so be it.” She struggled to contain her rage as she went on, her hand clenched to keep from shaking “That’s not even the worst of them. They were fresh, didn’t have practice. They broke into your home with ease, and it took you how long to beat them? Even then you didn’t actually win, they retreated because their point was made. They terminated themselves when you tried to apprehend them. Because all they were assigned to do was to show you a sliver of their power.”
The room grew silent, the Avengers growing tense with her words. They knew it was serious, they just didn’t know the level. If what she was saying was true, then they really were underestimating the Templars. They hadn’t heard of them before, so to them, it was a new threat. They needed to shake that thought, the Templars have been around for centuries. They had more power then they seemed to let on.
“Look. I get it. Your scared, and you don’t want to accept that.” Tony let out a strangled laugh. “You can deny it all you want, but until you accept it, you’ll never be able to face them. They are a legitimate threat, who’s now teamed up with another. I know it’s a lot to take in all at once, but right now, we need to get our collective shit together and go take down this base.”
Tony’s brows were furrowed, deep in thought. When he said nothing in response, Y/N began speaking of the mission they were all going to take part in. She flicked the hologram, pulling up separate video feeds and layouts, zooming in on highlighted areas.
“This isn’t their main base, but they made the mistake of keeping their main machines here. It’s the Animus 4.36.”
“4.36?” Steve asked, flicking through the designs of the Animus. Y/N waved her hand, dismissing the question.
“Not super important with the number. Just that it’s the reason why they learn as quickly as they can. They get put in for a few hours and come out with years of combat knowledge.” Natasha leaned forward with interest. “It’s not without quirks, but supposedly it’s better than the other versions. With Hydra’s technological advances, they were able to combine the two and limit the bleeding effect. On top of the Animus, they also have one of their data base terminals there. It’s one of three and contains a third of the data. Templars are paranoid and split up their data. Of course, higher ups have complete access to all locations, but for everyone else not so much.”
“When did they decide that move?”
“About a year ago. They got all twitchy when their headquarters got broken into and a bunch of their files were leaked.” A smug grin broke on all the Assassin’s faces, apart from Y/N’s. She turned and shot her members a hard look. “This will not turn into another leg incident. When we go in, you listen to me. Got it?”
The four nodded, sobering up at her tone. The Avengers knew there was a story, and while they wanted to press for more, they didn’t have the time. Maybe on the flight there. 
Y/N returned back to the mission, explaining the known weakness of the building and the last known guard rotations. She made sure to go over everything, answering the other questions the popped up. How many were to be expect in the base? Why was everyone needed to complete this? What would this mean for the other bases when word of this base gets out?
“The plan is to go in, and destroy the machines while getting as much information for the data terminals as possible. Under no condition can we blow up the base. It’s way too close the volcano, and I’m not dealing with a possibility of it waking up. So, we can’t destroy the base, but we can try to strip it as best we can. If we do that, it might slow down the partnership between Abstergo and Hydra long enough to allow us to figure out our next move.”
“And if this doesn’t work?” Tony asked, genuinely concerned. What if they did all this and it turned into something beyond a leg incident? What if it became a body incident? He knew this was important, but so are the members of the Avengers. They were the only family he had left. He couldn’t see them get hurt.
Y/N considered his question for a moment, she herself having her own doubts. Even though odds weren’t high this would work, she wouldn’t put her team in danger if there was any other way. Y/N’s gaze turned to her own family, the weight of keeping the innocent safe a heavy burden for them all. Yet, someone had to do it. Slowly turning back to address Tony, Y/N gave him a sad smile.
“We can only hope it does.”
No one said a word as they looked over the plans, each deep in their own thoughts. Both Steve and Bucky shared a forlorn look when they saw Y/N’s shoulders slump. She acted like she could handle this, that she was tougher than she seemed. In the end, she was human too. Steve’s heart went out to her knowing her struggle. Sometimes the battles they fought were needed to keep others safe, but not without a price. It didn’t mean he was going to let her handle the entire mission herself. They were going to be a team, and they needed to act like it. Starting with him deciding they all needed to get rest.
“That’s enough for tonight. It’s late, and we need to get some rest before we leave. Natasha, can you debrief Wanda and Vision?” The red head nodded, scooping up the paper files and spare tablet on the table. “Tony, we need to let Parker know-.”
“No.” Tony interjected, his tone firm. “He doesn’t need to be a part of this. At least not yet.”
Steve looked to Y/N, silently asking if that was alright. She nodded. The Brotherhood knew of Spiderman’s real persona. And she agreed, he was still too young to be in this deep.
“He’s right. Spiderman’s too young. I didn’t account for him anyways.”
Nodding, Steve stood, casting one last look to the others in the room.
“There should be rooms ready for you, Wanda made sure to see to it.  Get some sleep. We’ll meet at 0500, geared and ready to head out. Dismissed.”
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amateurfan227 · 7 years
Shitlist Reviews - 3rd Anniversary Special - Assassin’s Creed - 2017
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m Amateur Fan 2.27 and welcome to the Shitlist, where bad movies burn, and IT’S OUR 3RD YEAR ANNIVERSARY.... yeah, I’m quite surprised as you guys are, 3 bloody years on doing these reviews solo, from films to TV to Music and finally to Video Games; and seeing that the title is based on the movie from earlier this year, I thought it would be interesting to dive in the film, especially this early into the year since its release.
You see there was another reason I wanted to dive into this movie especially seeing that the original game is about to hit its 10 year anniversary (coincidence?); as most of you should know that I am a HUGE fan of the series (not the 2012 prophecy) aside from playing the games I’ve learnt a lot more facts on what life would have been like, such as living in poverty in the Third Crusade, or experiencing the Wealth of the Italian Renaissance or living the life of a native during the Battle of National Independence during the colonials of America.
This game series has it all including living like a scavenger during the Golden age of Piracy as well as fighting in the 7 year war of America or most notably fighting fictional gangs in good ole London during the Victorian age, but aside from History that has me convinced towards this franchise, there is something more compelling that has me intrigued all the way, and that’s not including the incestuous period between the Borgia Family.
It’s the science behind it all, exploring the past through memories that were passed down genetically is something that’s pretty unusual but according to history can actually happen in some cases such as experiencing something that you aren’t usually good at, or going to a place that you’ve never been before but know everything about it even though you’ve not seen it in your eyes. This has happened before through some certain cases mainly representing to children which is unexplainable yet it’s pretty accurate to real-life events.
Another thing that got me convinced in this franchise as well as reincarnations is also a device in the series that has something to do with reconnecting those memories as well as receiving information from past events known as the Animus... granted I may have reviewed some of the games earlier but reviewing it now would make it intriguing as it would express my disapproval of the main feature that soon followed earlier this year, which coincidently is the first movie I’ve seen this year.
Now before I start the review or the production history or any sort of side note, this is the first Video-Game movie that is on the Shitlist, which is pretty important, you see when I review films, I tend to give certain movies passes depending on what status they are, as for Superhero movies, they are entirely different from individual movies as they are based on comics and can be set out in different settings (See Man of Steel Review) or following independent stories such as the Dark Knight trilogy...
But when it comes to adaptation movies, there comes a huge problem as directors will never have enough time to create movies based on television shows, books or in this case Video Games, have a look in the past and see the start of video-game movies, such as Super Mario Bros, or most recently, Resident Evil, or how about those dreadful Uwe Boll Movies.
There is a massive difference when it comes to creating video-game based movies as it will follow towards stories based in the games, it’s between the stories based on the game or independent stories that relate to the game/franchise itself, including characters, backgrounds and mostly settings.
Other movies however contribute them to the same universe, mainly the Resident Evil movies (despite them from going great to straight to the dump bin) or the Lara Croft movies (including the new one which I’m hoping the best for) or this movie, Assassin’s Creed.
Before I start going into the production history based on the film, I should get into the history as well as the setting on the game series; the franchise spawning 10 games is set in an alternate earth where the Brotherhood, a secret society of Assassin’s are attempting to find artefacts of a previous civilisation known Pieces of Eden before their rival society known as Templars use them for law and order.
Through the years Templars have associated themselves in a company known as Abstergo and manages to create an artificial device which has the ability to send a host into the past to relive memories from their ancestors, though I will get into this shortly as the device is intriguing to dive into, in order to find Assassin’s whom have used the Pieces in the past.
The first game was based on Desmond Miles, a bartender and protagonist for the first 5 games, who has been brought to Abstergo to find a piece of Eden known as the Apple, a device which has the ability to define free will in man as well as multiple abilities including cloning the host’s body and others too.
Desmond is caught in a war between the Assassin’s Creed and Templar Order in order to find the Apple in use of his ancestors, Altair Ibn-La’Ahad, an Arabian Assassin from the Third Crusade in 1191, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, an Italian Assassin from the Italian Renaissance, Haythem Kenway, an British Templar in the Colonial Rite and finally Ratonhnhake:ton, an Anglo-Kanien’keha:ka Assassin from the American Revolution War.
Though in the game franchise, Desmond was unfortunately killed during the ending of Assassin’s Creed 3 (which is the only game I deprive the most), the story does eventually continue in Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag (which I believe is the best of the series) as Abstergo has taken Desmond’s body and used Desmond’s brainwaves in order to find a location used from the First Civilisation known as the Observatory.
In order to find the Observatory, Abstergo uses the body of Desmond’s ancestor, Edward James Kenway, a Welsh-born British Privateer/Pirate and Master Assassin, another fun fact for you is that the guy who voices Edward is the same guy who plays John Constantine in the show Constantine including Arrow and DC Legends of Tomorrow.
The series continues from there in different perspectives as well as in different settings such as the Victorian age of Industry, the French Revolution and currently the Egyptian setting during the Ptolemaic Period.
Earlier on I stated that I will be talking about the Animus, granted the device is interesting and it took me at least 18 times to write this down on separate scripts to decode on the device actually works on the host, mainly Desmond as it works only on Memory in order to find the pieces of Eden. In order to use the device it’s obvious that blood would be required or mainly and optic nerve that would be connected between the device and the brain which has been done before in surgeries as well as robotics.
Though stating that a certain amount of D.N.A which would also be retaining a certain nerve which would be connected to the memory centre of the Human brain, though this would be debunked because it would affect the host greatly through causing psychological problems as well as physical problems such as blackouts, tiredness and mainly constant headaches.
The device would also be used to scan the brainwaves as well which would be required to use a head-set in order to synchronise the memories as well as connect with the genetic code of the host. Though in the other Assassin’s Creed series it’s seen differently as you are only going through a virtual reality set rather than an actual biological machine which would decode memory structures.
Even thinking about it at this moment still confuses me on how the Animus actually works, even playing the original game series has no answer to the device... and this is on 18 scripts... Now for the production of the film which is going to be interesting though the film however is more problematic.
The movie’s production originally started in October of 2011, where Sony Pictures was negotiating a deal with Ubisoft Motion Pictures in making a film version of the original game in 3D. In July the next year, Michael Fassbender (X-men: First Class) showed his interest by announcing that he would co-produce and star in the film.
Jean-Julien Baronnet, CEO of Ubisoft Motion Picture stated that Fassbender was the first choice for the film as problems would arise; negotiations were put on hold however as Ubisoft executives planned on developing the film independently in order to maintain creative control though Sony was still able to distribute the film but unaware that Ubisoft had not found a writer as well as a director.
In October of that year, Ubisoft stated that the film would be co-produced with New Regency and distributed by 20th Century Fox; New Regency financed only part of the movie’s production in order for Ubisoft to shoulder financial risk while able to be involved with the film. RatPac Entertainment and Alpha Pictures co-financed the film also in hope for Ubisoft to release a game series along the film’s premise.
In January of 2013, Michael Lesslie was hired to write the movie as well as Frank Marshall entered to produce the movie along with Fassbender’s production group, DMC Film and Eli Richbourg from Ubisoft. Rewrites for the movie were held by Scott Frank, along with Adam Cooper and Bill Collage though a director was found in the eyes of Justin Kurzel (Macbeth).
On February 12 2015, Ubisoft’s CEO Yves Guillemot confirmed that New Regency had begun production on the movie, the next day Marion Cotillard joined the cast with filming beginning late 2015, most likely September. In May of 2015, Alicia Vikander was in talks for the role though her role was taken by Ariane Labed; Michael K Williams was also added to the cast with the revealing of Fassbender’s role as Callum Lynch and Aguilar. With two additional cast members as Jeremy Irons and Brendan Gleeson joining the cast in late October.
Filming began on August 31st being placed in Malta, London, Spain and the 007 Stage at Pinewood Studios; Adam Arkapaw served as cinematographer with Andy Nicholson serving as Production designer; In December of that year shooting began officially in Spain with revealing of Iron’s Role, though Principal filming ended in January of 2016, with additional filming taking place in Ely Cathedral in July.
The film was released on December 21st 2016 though it’s original release date was May 2013 towards May 2015, but the date was pushed back again to August of that year only to be pushed to 2016; it was also released with 2D, 3D and selected IMAX territories. Assassin’s Creed grossed over $50 million dollars in the U.S and Canada with an additional $180 million on a worldwide total of $240.7 million dollars, the critical reception was heavily abused on the movie’s release.
On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie got an approval of 18% out of 182 reviews with an average of 3.9 out of 10, stating that  "Assassin's Creed is arguably better made (and certainly better cast) than most video game adaptations; unfortunately, the CGI-fueled end result is still a joylessly overplotted slog.".
On Metacritic, the movie got a 36 out of 100 based on 38 critics indicating generally unfavourable reviews.
Connections to the game series are drawn through-out the film as Aymar Azaizia, Head of Assassin’s Creed Content at Ubisoft stated that the movie was a “brand new story,  new characters set in our universe” though changes were heavily made through the film to avoid referencing The Matrix in use of the Animus.
The Abstergo compound in the movie features an artefact room that held weapons from the game series, Altair’Ibn-La’Ahad’s sword, Ratonhnhake: ton’s Bow, Edward Kenway’s Flintlock pistols and the cane sword of the twins Jacob and Evie Frye (Assassin’s Creed Syndicate).
Something else was added to the movie as well which was a signature towards every game, the signature Leap of Faith, the leap was performed by Damien Walters, a stunt double whose work features Kick-Ass, I Am Number Four and Skyfall, and he also starred as Fassbender’s body double during the movie. The 125-foot freefall was set as real practical art which is one of the largest freefalls performed in 35 years.
Love it or hate it, the movie does have some official fans stating that the movie surpasses the original game with a bold introduction to the world of the Assassin’s Creed, though I’ve had major doubts on that after watching the movie for the first time. After watching this movie, it’s possibly one of the cringe video game films that have ever been released, coming close to Mortal Kombat.
Though seeing that the games take place on the Assassin’s side of the war between both secret societies, let’s have a fresh look into the movie and hopefully find out if this movie is worthwhile... the key word was hopefully...
  The movie begins with a back story on the war between the Assassin’s Brotherhood and the Templar order which also explains their search of the Apple of Eden, explaining that it will have the effect of removing all free will during use towards a target, which will give them the use of controlling all thought...
As a gamer and a fan of the franchise this is pretty much bullshit as in the game series, a lot of characters who were influenced under the Apple of Eden would either perform acts of violence, or acts of manipulation in the physical manner, without thought however was not even mentioned in the game as multiple characters were able to think and speak their own minds while in use... Nice try Ubisoft...
We begin our story in the past of Andalucia, Spain of 1492, set shortly during the Italian Renaissance but also during the Granada War, as we see the Assassin, Aguilar de Nerha is accepted in the Assassins Brotherhood, which is quite a brutal scene as we see his finger being chopped off, which is sticking true to the series. Following this they speak the creed’s oath which leads to a pretty interesting transition.
Skipping to the 1980’s however as we see Callum ‘Cal’ Lynch performing stunts in an abandoned junkyard on his BMX, but there comes to a surprise however when he finds his mother murdered by the hands of his own father Joseph, a modified assassin, only for Gunmen hired by the Templar Leader Alan Rikkin (played by Jeremy Irons) to capture him leading Cal to escape... from the first 5 minutes of introducing the character, we’ve learnt nothing about him or his family... such great character development.
In the present however, Cal (now played by Michael Fassbender) is sentenced to death for murder which is disturbing as his cell is literally coated with papers representing death and dying... Christ man, how depressing can you be? We then skip directly to the execution by lethal injection, but his faked by the Abstergo foundation which then skips towards the research facility in Madrid... how did they get him there when he was presumed dead? How did they manage to take him under the eye of the public? How did they resuscitate him and bring him back to life? These questions will not be answered...
At the facility we are greeted to Sofia Rikkin (played by Marion Cotillard) how states what we’ve just scene... (Captain obvious... the movie) she also states that due to him being executed (publicly I may add) that he no longer exists.... erm... are you bloody blind? I don’t mean to be nasty but this is set in the same universe as the games so according to the archives, or the games knowledge so to say, anyone that Abstergo has taken is known to have associates who will find him...
Is it just me or is Ubisoft dumbing down the audience here?, would you like an example like Desmond Miles, in the first 2 games, he was pretty much of the map by hand and Abstergo found who he was and shortly in the beginning of the second game, his liberator states that he has family out there...
Obviously Callum doesn’t take this very well and leaves the good ‘doctor’ to himself only to find himself trapped in by Abstergo guards... so for a research facility based on the templar order, there seems to be a lot more Assassin’s than there are Templars... you know this is turning out to be something from a prison escape movie, not an Assassin’s creed film.
Hell... Sofia literally states that he’s not a prisoner there but we see over 20 odd people in full riot gear and freaking cells with security cameras... if this isn’t a prison or a research facility then what the bloody hell is it? For a film based on the franchise, it’s giving very mixed signals... Hell in the next shot we see one of the security guards literally shooting a tranquiliser dart into his neck... christ not even 20 minutes in this film and I already feel unclean while watching this...
In the next scene we get to see something that should resembles the game which a lot of people know by heart, the Animus... a device that is used to recreate or reawaken the memories of previous ancestors...and.... they couldn’t even get that right... They literally give him lethal Assassin’s wrist blades and place him in the machine; if I were him I would literally slice everybody in that room...
How stupid are you to place your ‘patient’ with armed weapons in a machine that can awake the mind of a murderer... I’m pretty sure that this is supposed to be an Assassin’s Creed movie, not the Weapon X program from the X-men universe...
Another thing that got me off about this is that the Animus is a machine that was supposed to be supportive towards the body as well as the mind for comfort towards memory enhancement, in this they literally have a machine placing metal spikes in his back to make him manoeuvre more accurately as well as relive the past... reminds you of Doc Ock from Spiderman 2, huh?
After placing him in the Animus (aside from ON it...) they place a tracker on his brain to synchronise the memories of his ancestor, Aguilar... which raises the question on how did the Templars know who the Assassin’s were in the past, or how to gather the memories of predecessors to find them? Seriously, it’s not even explained in the game series...
Yet they SOMEHOW manage to find the exact memory of Aguilar without mentioning one simple thing that a lot of gamers like me know.... The Bleeding Effect... I mentioned this earlier on but yeah the Bleeding Effect is a big problem while in the animus, you know they phrase as a mind can take so much, while in this the Animus can literally take that to heart...
So after they literally turn it on and find the assassin’s memory, they attempt to relive that memory through Callum, which I have to admit is visually stunning, pointless but stunning... we see Aguilar with some other assassins preparing for a mission to protect Prince Ahmed de Granada from the Templar Grand Master Tomas de Torquemada, who wants the Apple of Eden (not mentioned yet but we’ll get there) with his ally Maria.
They do so (which also causes a few civilians to die by their blade WHICH IS ANOTHER CODE BREAKER) leading one of the templar enforcers Ojeda to take the boy by force leading Maria and Aguilar to give chase, I have to admit one thing in this... the fighting is pretty incredible which is new to videogame movies...
Though this comes to a problem leading the Assassin’s beaten and captured by the Templars, though this comes to a problem however as Cal is pulled out of the machine (just when the action was getting good as well) and given a full look over, only for him to suffer the Bleeding effect via hallucinations.
We see Alan watching a previous press conference stating that he is looking for a cure for violence around the world in order of peace... so let me get this straight, he’s looking for a cure for violence... there are so many problems with that as violence can be brought out by the simplest thing... such as war, emotions (including love as well) substances, psychological problems... so many other things and yet this is the way that Ubisoft is going for.... in the first Assassin’s Creed they stated that they were looking for an artefact in order to benefit the use of technology as well as scientific achievements.... see what I mean by Dumbing down the audience here?
Alan meets up with the elders of the Templar order and gives them his findings but is refused when Templar Elder, Ellen Kaye informs him that they will shut down his Animus reject because they’ve already ‘won’.... sorry Ubisoft you failed... you failed badly.... remember when I stated that this movie made me feel unclean, I repeat that even now...
Callum wakes up however and is greeted by Sofia who informs him about the bleeding effect... you couldn’t have told him earlier on? And her answer to Callum asking what the machine is... A genetic Memory... A while ago I reviewed the prequel to the 1980’s The Thing, I’D RATHER REVIEW THAT AGAIN THAN THIS PILE OF SHIT.... AT LEAST IN THAT MOVIE, THE ANSWERS MADE SENSE...
She repeats the same BS about the facility isn’t a prison which to Callum’s dismay leading him to follow her in their research room where they literally have a wall dedicated to his ancestors... a bit creepy? But this raises a question I asked earlier... how did they find Aguilar’s DNA in order to match Callum’s?
She reveals the life span of the Assassin’s explaining that they are holding murders in for scientific experiments... as I said before this is a prison... not a RESEARCH FACILITY... why would you explain that while stating that you have actual murderers in an isolated building...
And why she is doing this to the prisoners, I mean patients you may ask, is because her mother was killed by an Assassin.... what a f**king load of shit... our motive everybody...
She then explains about the Apple of Eden (which is wrong on so many levels) and states that Aguilar is the only Assassin who had it last and plans on using it to stop violence, stating that it is a disease... as I said, Violence is a ramification of a certain action, NOT A DISEASE....I know I’m nitpicking and rushing at this but I’m trying to make this review over and done with before my mind literally explodes with questions, mainly Why...
We get to see some of the other Assassins in the facility mainly Moussa (played by Michael K Williams) a descendant of Baptiste (Assassin’s Creed Liberation) who also states that everyone who is an assassin is watching him stating that he’s leading the Templar’s to the Apple; however Alan forces Sofia’s hand into forcing Callum back into the animus despite her best efforts to keep him alive. Oh Callum is batshit insane in this scene, just to mention.
Back in the animus, Aguilar and Maria are scheduled for execution though through some mere luck (I say luck, I mean stupidity) manages to get free (while in full view of Torquemada and Templar guards) which leads to a chase through the streets of... actually, it doesn’t say where its set in which is unusual...
Anyway, this leads to a rooftop chase which leads towards something I was looking forward to the most, the signature, Leap of Faith, I went to the cinema to watch this is with the love of mine and boy were we disappointed, I’ll explain, you know how when you leap from the game and end into a haystack... in the film they just cut to black before the landing.
Now let me explain why this works, it’s because Callum’s mind is going into overdrive via the use of the Animus which is perfectly understandable, this causes him to go into a violent reaction causing him to be comatose as well as paralyzed... (Great job there Alan...), while recovering Callum learns that his father is also at the facility (coincidence) leading him to confront his father over his mother’s death (via Rikkin’s influence).
Joseph states his mother was also an Assassin for the creed and she chose to die by Joseph’s hand rather than being forced in the Animus, though after stating that he wanted to protect the creed, Cal states that he wants to the Assassin’s brotherhood destroyed by finding the Apple, though this comes a bit hard as the Assassins prepare to attack him in case he does follow pursuit.
Callum evades this through the guards and prepares to enter the Animus once again to seek out the truth on the Apple, before getting threats by the local guard. In Granada, Aguilar and Maria prepare to ambush a meeting between Muhammad and Torquemada as the Templars are retrieving the Apple.
They do achieve on getting the Apple back as well as defeating the Templars but there comes to a price as Ojeda has captured Maria and forces Aguilar to surrender it, Maria chooses death and stabs herself on Ojeda’s blade leading a brutal fight between the Assassin and the Templar, Aguilar wins and manages to kill off Ojeda before grabbing the Apple and escaping leading to another leap of faith causing the Animus to malfunction violently (we get to see this one).
Before the machine is switched off however, we see Aguilar take the Apple of Eden to Christopher Columbus (why?) and makes a vow that he will take the Apple to the grave with him, giving the Templars the opportunity on looking the Apple. Before the Animus is switched off, we see Callum having a visit from his assassin ancestors including Aguilar his parents and Arno Dorian (Assassin’s Creed Unity).
We see the Assassins starting a riot caused by Moussa, leading for Alan to purge the facility leading for both Rikkins to escape; other assassins as Emir, whose ancestor is Yusif Tazim (Revelations), Nathan, whose ancestor is Duncan Walpole (Black Flag) and Lin whose ancestor is Shao Jin (Chronicles: China) proceed to get Callum free from the animus.
Callum however embraces the Assassin’s Creed and has fully assimilated Aguilar’s abilities and joins the other Assassins to escape the facility (after beating up the guards of course); with the Templars however they manage to retrieve the Apple from Columbus’s burial vault (a bit disrespectful, not going to lie) and converges a ceremony in a sanctuary in London in order to celebrate their victory.
Though they are unaware as the Assassin’s who’d previously escaped have managed to sneak into the sanctuary along with their hidden blades, as Alan takes the stage with the Apple, he boasts on how he’s going to purge the world of the Assassin’s order leading Sofia to leave the stage and manages to come across Callum.
They make small talk only for Callum to threaten her on stating that she started it off, and leaves her alone to blend in the crowd with the other Assassins, he manages to make his way to the stage and kills Alan as well as replacing the Apple of Eden with an average apple, only to escape with the crowd while they run in terror.
Sofia returns to the stage and finds her father’s body only to swear vengeance on Callum for what he’s done; for the closing shot, the Assassins and Callum look over the city London and make another Leap of Faith into the Thames...
And that was Assassin’s Creed...
I hate to say this but after watching this movie again, I think I may have obtained some kind of mental dysfunction while watching this garbage... out of all the games, why BLOODY WHY IS THIS ONE THE WORST EVER MOVIE RELATED TO A VIDEO GAME....
Hell this is worse than Super Mario Bros the Movie... Yeah I said it; at least that had a story that wasn’t all over the place.
Out of all the video game films I’ve watched, this is the only one that has been the most confusing, cringiest film I’ve ever saw,  and that’s saying a lot, granted I’m not expert on the games but at least I have a good knowledge on how the games actually make sense. I’m literally at a loss for words while writing the judgement on this review, and that’s saying something.
There are so many questions based on the motives alone on the so-called Villains through the film, one thing that really bothered me was how the hell are you going to stop violence around the world... as I said before it depends upon an action rather than a disease, bloody hell, I’m getting headaches whilst thinking about that again.
Let me get down to the good parts of the movie first before I literally spawn over 10 pages of negativity.
The movie was visually impressive on how they mixed both versions of our present and past together, especially with the usage of the Animus (which will get to the bad side in a moment); the fighting scenes were predictable though incredibly well choreographed as well as some of the stunt work for that matter.
Negativity comes now which I will attempt to tread lightly.
The script needs work badly as it sounded more of an essay rather than a script, especially due to the fact that they had to repeat the same things numerous times, granted it’s ok for a generic action flick but for a video game movie that has a scientific background in it is pretty redundant to say the least, especially with Fassbender and Cotillard.
Michael Fassbender... granted I love his work, from playing Steve Jobs to Magneto, this role was a very poor choice, they could have gone with someone new or someone that’s short-handed from the silver screen, but why him of all people? The same would have to Marion but her role was well made, but I think she might have needed to actually place some emotion in the movie, you know to build some character between the two of them.
The plot in the movie is irrelevant towards the series especially that it’s pretty much a cut and paste from the first game, mainly towards a hostile environment rather than an actual research facility. Though the plot has major problems there are some that made me want to end the review and stop all together, mainly it’s the villains motive on violence which they attempted to portray as a disease, Violence comes from either physically presence, emotional presence or psychological presence which can be explained in different ways, in diseases, it can be outbursts or symptoms; let alone an actual disease.
The score was pretty underrated and forgettable, and to be honest, I forgot that it was on screen half the time, especially in important scenes; some of the characters needed to be worked on as well as the character backgrounds, mainly on Callum as we didn’t know much about him unlike some of the characters from the video games.
The science in the movie has not been explored or dived into unlike the series which does attempt to explain some of it behind the memories and previous knowledge of existence rather than DNA, the animus in the movie confused the hell out of me as well, mainly towards how it works on the human mind aside from the body which would be more concerned on physical control aside from mental control.
The other thing is how it would communicate with our memory centres in out brain stems, told you I would bring it up again; aside from that another thing is how they managed to recover so much the Assassin’s Creed, especially how they were formed as well as existed for so long.
Out of all the films I’ve come across, this has to be the most infuriating movie I’ve seen this year; hell I stated that this movie was the downfall of this year for me in cinema. There is no ramification on the judgement this movie is going to achieve and trust me there is nothing in this world that will make me a fan of the franchise.
I used to love this game series until this movie in particular shredded everything I loved about it into a simple 2 hour movie that was supposed to be interesting but was quickly turned into complete and utter garbage.
The movie has achieved the Shitlist rating for a good reason, poor plot, poor characters, poor direction and very poor acting. I’m sorry Assassin’s Creed but it looks like you’ve been targeted for the true brotherhood, Requiesce in pace...
I’m Amateur Fan 2.27 and this has been the Shitlist and I’ll see you in the next review, goodbye.
0 notes
katsmoviereviews · 8 years
Assassin’s Creed (2017)
Assassin’s Creed is the perfect adaptation. It’s a bad movie, but every aspect of Assassin’s Creed is there, good and bad. It does a good job of capturing what makes the franchise cool, while unintentionally emulating the worst aspects of the games. What I mean is that the characters are weak, the plot is dull and clunky, and it’s dialogue and themes are awkward, perfectly adapting the way story is told within the games. 
Now, while I don’t think this film is any good, I have a weird respect for it because while it has it’s huge issues, it also feels like it had a lot of real care and effort put into bringing the games to life. I genuinely feel that this film might be the best they could’ve done with a faithful adaptation of Assassin’s Creed because it’s failings all come from the limitations of the source material. It’s hard to create a character an audience can connect with when you have to jump between two time periods continually, it’s difficult to weave an engaging story around ridiculous concepts like genetic memories and the Apple of Eden, but this film really does it’s best to make that work and I can respect that.
Something I've seen people complain about is that the film spends too much time outside of the animus. Now, I think that this criticism is undeserved because if you think about it, without focusing on the idea and themes of genetic memory, Abstergo Industries and the animus itself, it wouldn’t be Assassin’s Creed. Those are the things that set the franchise apart from any other historical fantasy. If the story was centred around the historical plotline and the present day content took a backseat, then audiences would question it’s purpose, and removing it entirely would mean it wasn’t an Assassin’s Creed film. The point i’m trying to make is that focusing on the present day and using the scenes in the past as support and action breaks made sense as a decision, even if it may have made the film worse. I respect the decision to tell the story in the present because at it’s core that’s what Assassin’s Creed is, and that’s what made this an Assassin’s Creed film. If you didn’t have a focus on the present day and the stakes involved there, then the historical search for the apple would feel somewhat empty and pointless in my opinion.
However, the major issue with trying to tell the story of Assassin’s Creed is that no matter how you rewrite it, it’s still not particularly good at the core. Whether you’re telling the story of Desmond Miles and Ezio or Callum Lynch and Aguilar you still have to explain too much ridiculous context for it to make sense. To highlight this point, think about Harry Potter. It’s a simple concept that’s workable because of it’s core idea. If you did what Assassin’s Creed did and kept the core concept but changed the characters and story it’s still a whimsical tale of a kid going to wizard school. That concept is solid, the ideas still work and make sense, you don’t need to spend much time establishing what a wand is because people just understand that. Assassin’s Creed however doesn’t have this luxury. In order to tell a story in this franchise, you need to establish the Assassin’s and their ideals, their war with the Templars and what that group stands for. You then need to explain the Apple of Eden and why everyone wants it, the animus and how that works, and a few other things all alongside developing your characters in both the past and present, and both of those settings. Basically, the core concepts of Assassin’s Creed are flawed and over complicated in a way that just doesn’t work on film, which I think is the main issue this film has and makes it hard for me to hate this film. Yes, it’s a bad film and if the concept is so hard to make work they shouldn’t have bothered in the first place, but I can’t help but respect the attempt, I feel like the people making this film really cared about making it the best they could and I approve of that. 
Anyway, I feel like I could easily continue to list my complaints against this film because there’s a lot of them, but I’d honestly rather pay respect to what this film did right. Mostly, I thought it was a solid tribute to the games not only with it’s story decisions as mentioned before, but also with little details like the action choreography which was mostly enjoyable, or the faithful aesthetic. Little details in the designs, like the necklace with the Assassin’s logo on it, or the costumes, or how the Abstergo building looked like an Abstergo building. It’s clear that everyone behind this film really wanted it to feel like it’s source material, it’s just a shame that the source material isn’t really strong enough to carry a film.
Another point I want to make is about the animus itself. So at first when I saw it I was a little annoyed, the weird lift mechanic seemed pointless within the story. If you can record what the subject is seeing why do you need holograms and physical movements, why not just essentially put them into a dream state like in the games? However, as the film progressed I realised that this was a genuinely intelligent film making decision. They needed a way to cut back to the present day during historical scenes in order to make them seem connected and created a visually interesting way of doing it. I found that cutting between what Callum was seeing in the animus, and him acting them out with holograms made for a wonderful visual aspect. It seamlessly blended the past and present together to make it less jarring when the film went back to the present entirely, solving one of the biggest issues I find with the games. It was a constant reminder that the story was taking place in the present and worked excellently for it’s purpose. 
Anyway, overall I thought this film was sub-par despite the praise I've been giving it. Probably around a 4/10. I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’re into the franchise and can gain enjoyment from seeing a man jump onto another man and stab him in the neck like they do in the video games, which I won’t lie, I kind of did so I don’t feel like it was a total waste of time. 
Sidenote: I just remembered how horrible the music in this first trailer is. It’s kind of disgusting. Thankfully the whole film doesn’t do that. 
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
GoI: Abstergo Industries
Description: A worldwide industrial corporation specializing in advanced and common household technologies. Founded in 1973 Abstergo Industries prides itself in having more advanced technology and technology sales than any other company in the world; However, this is a front. Abstergo Industries is in reality the third resurgence of an ancient order dedicated to using anomalous artifacts of an ancient alien civilization to bring about a new world order.
Originally the Foundation knew nothing of the origins of Abstergo Industries however thanks to the interactions with the GoI: Assassin's Creed, now reformed as Athena-1, the Foundation has new info on Abstergo Industries.
Originally multiple organizations existed such as the Order of the Ancients, The Cult of Kosmos, the Red Hand, Yeluohe, the Golden Turtles, and the Snake Eaters. Though they had success in controlling the rich and powerful, they all eventually fell whether it be through infighting or the original Assassin's Creed's members.
During the rise of Christianity, the remnants of these organizations formed into a second resurgence. Whether it be through alliances or by force, they became known as the Templars. Allegedly the one who rallied the Templars together is the son of Adam and Eve: Cain. However, SCP-073 had denied any relation to the Templars and was even surprised they even existed. Later the real founder was revealed to be Alfread the Great. Regardless The Templars and their branches used religion to infiltrate wealthy and royalty to ensure they had political and financial power over the growing world.
The Templars were responsible for serval historical events that shaped the world the way it is today. Though they were originally considered only a minor issue to the Foundation, thus were never given proper attention. However, after the interrogation of the Assassin's Creed and the formation of MTF Athena-1 the O5 now realize this was a mistake.
Organization: Abstergo Industries seems to model themselves the same way their founders do by dividing their forces into five main parts.
Inner Sanctum - consist of nine members that act as a board of directors for Abstergo Industries. They are the most elite members and the ones that coordinate Abstergo Industries to a national level. Everything the order does and is involved with is conducted and controlled by them.
Outer Temple - Consisting of employees, soldiers, and other expendable units of Abstergo Industries. They are the common force that are kept in the dark of the true nature of Abstergo industries and used to do common task or ones that will commonly lead to casualties. In a sense the Outer Temple is the same to Abstergo Industries what would happen if the Foundation treated its lower ranking MTF units and researchers the same way it treated Class D personal.
General of the Cross - A secondary or perhaps the true leader of the Templars though which is unknown. Their identity and location are only known to the Guardians of the Cross. Everything that is decided of withing Abstergo Industries must go through the General and be approved by them. Allegedly has the authority to disregard orders from the Inner Sanctum and Council of Elders
Guardians of the Cross - The messengers and voices of the General of the Cross. Elite forces of Abstergo Industries trained to be able to combat Assassins. There is normally only three of them that exist at any given moment, but more can exist if the General, Inner Sanctum, or Council of Elders deem it necessary.
Council of Elders - The oldest and most experienced members of the Templar Order that fathered Abstergo Industries. Not much is known about their influence and power but thanks to interrogation form captured Abstergo Industry employee it was revealed the Elders have the power to shut down Abstergo Industries should they deem it no longer beneficial to their goals. They are essentially in charge of all of the true members of the Templars within Abstergo Industries.
Black Cross - The most elite and devoted members to the Templar Order that fathered Abstergo Industries. Though they can be employed by the General, Elders, and the Inner Sanctum they do not necessary work for them. The Black Cross is meant to keep a close eye on higher members and see if they abide by the laws of the Templar Order. should any member lose their way and try to seek power for oneself rather than to “protect humanity" and preserve the Templar Order will be executed by their hands.
Purpose and Goal: Abstergo Industries has the same goal as their founders and that's world domination. They plan to use SCP's they have dubbed "Pieces of Eden" to control the fate of humanity. Similar to [data expunged] from [data expunged] Abstergo Industries does not believe humanity can be trusted with its own freedom. By using Anomalous Artifacts from [data expunged] they plan to rule over humanity in the name of peace.
Affiliation with the Foundation: Abstergo Industries and the Foundation are extremely hostile to one another given our conflicting goals. while Abstergo Industries uses anomalies to control humanity the Foundation contains anomalies to protect humanity. Abstergo Industries has actually recruited many talented students from Alexylva University. This has been done with the goal of making them into more devoted members of the Templars rather than Abstergo Employees. Quite similar to how Mobile Task Force Rho-1 “The Professors” recruit’s students into the Foundation when they are not suppressing the GoI’s anomalous activities from the public. 
Abstergo Industries has a branding war with Anderson Robotics over who will have more financial backing from all the powerful people of the world. There have been rumors that Abstergo Industries has somehow made business deals with the Black Queens Insurgency in weapons trading though weather this is true or not remains unknown. The Chicago Spectre has recruited defected Assassin’s and Templars allowing them access to ISU tech making the criminal organization stronger than ever. 
Abstergo Industries a deep hatred for the Church of the Broken God. Apparently, their ideals conflict with Abstergo Industries calming the COTBG as "metal heretics" and "followers of the banished". The COTBG on the other hand calling the Abstergo Industry employees "ISU puppets" and "Thieves of Mekhane". The Eight Wings of Mekhane in particular despise them to the core. Surprisingly despite being an ACPA organization the Church of Maxwellism often has members working on projects and business deals with Abstergo Employees. Though they claim to do this in hopes of bringing the organization down one day, many ACPA council members remain skeptical.
Church of the Second Hytoth seems to deeply despise the Templars of Abstergo Industries claiming their seven deities as “liberators” and the ISU as “Enslavers”. Though when interviewing captured Abstergo Employees with Templar ties, they claim to not knowing the Church even exists. Abstergo Industries like most modern anomalous organizations are hellbent on finding resurrected Davites and killing them. Though unlike most organizations Abstergo Industries does this in hopes of harvesting their bodies to create artificial ISU. 
Out of desperation due to dwindling ISU tech thanks to MTF Athena-1, Abstergo Industries recently tried to recruit alumni from Deer College but thankfully the FBI: Unusual Incidents Unit has suppressed their presence within Three Portlands. The Factory has tried to absorb several “vaults” owned by the ISU, during these rare occasions the Foundation and Abstergo Industries actually works together to suppress the Factory for the greater good. On several occasions politicians and Celebrities affiliated with the Fifth Church have endorse, been endorsed, or had business deals with Abstergo Industries. 
Assassins recruited as bodyguards for Gamers Against Weed have influenced the group to create art that desecrate and often ruin Abstergo Industry property. The Global Occult Coalition has been under suspicion of doing weapons trading and business deals with Abstergo Industries. Though if they did all such business trades have ceased as soon as Abstergo’s true goals for humanity were brought to the ACPA’s attention. The Horizon Initiative deeply despises Abstergo Industries especially how they use Abrahamic faith to manipulate the public to their will throughout history. For obvious reasons Abstergo Industries has been ensured by Goldbaker-Reinz Ltd and tried to use them to make lawsuits against the Foundation, all of which failed... obviously.
Assassins who didn’t join the Global Occult Coalition, The Horizon Initiative, or the SCP Foundation instead joined other anomalous organizations like GRU Division "P", IJAMEA, or ORIA. Said Assassins are trying to have these organizations fight against Abstergo Industries with various degrees of success.  Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd has unfortunately helped Abstergo Industries in recruiting mercenaries as well as finding new ISU vaults and ISU technology along with it. Parawatch has waisted their time thinking Abstergo Industries is run by mummies and aliens. 
The Serpent's Hand has protected many assassins form Abstergo Industries during the purge and have vowed revenge for their sake. Surprisingly Valravn Corporation shares the sentiment and deeply hates Abstergo Industries as well for the sake of their assassin recruits. “Masks” from the Scriptures of Rotten Flesh and Cybernetic Bones have tried making deals with Abstergo Industries to get their hands on ISU tech, thankfully most of these are met with failure. 
ACPA allies the Autobots seem to have a complicated history with the ISU though to what extent is unknown. Mercenaries and Mekhanites working with the Decepticons have expressed noticing the same thing. Despite not actually being a religion, Abstergo Industries have not been free form the occasional raids and vandalism of Zealots on Crack.
Involvement with:
MTF Athena-1: Assassin's Creed
SCP: HMF - Groups of Interest Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 5 months
File: Assassin's Creed - Crescent Amulet
Warning! The following is to only be seen by administrators and O5 council members. If you are not of Level 5 Clearance, you will be exterminated by order of the O5 council!
Code Name: The Crescent Amulet
Object Class: Anticipi
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AGS is to be sent to Site-AP and locked within the Level 4 Emergency Armory. The armory locked behind advanced and experimental containment locks and security measures to ensure no one without the passcode identification can pass through. The armory is to only be opened when a worst-case K Class Apocolyptic Scenario event occurs. As such anyone who accesses SCP-AGS when no such event has occurred or without the proper clearance, they are to be targeted with Protocol Legacy's Downfall, there will be no exceptions.
Description: SCP-AGS is a crescent shaped amulet made by Species of Interest: The ISU. the amulet has the same anomalous ability as most ISU technology does which is to control the minds of everyone except those with [data expunged] status. However, SCP-AGS is a specialized item belonging to the ISU, so it is in possession of several other anomalous abilities. 
Such anomalous abilities include: 
- Necromancy - SCP-AGS allows the user to heal all wounds even fatal wounds to bring even the dead back to life. However, if someone has been dead for 72 hours or longer than the body will be possessed by energy of the SCP-AGS and not the original soul. These undead corpses will obey the user of SCP-AGS until they are destroyed. The user is able to summon at least [data expunged] of these undead corpses though possibly more. 
- Illusion projection - SCP-AGS can project illusions into the mind of anyone who is able to be under the influence of mind control. Such illusions can affect all five of the senses quite easily and without restrictions. Though the limit is that only five people at a time can be subjected to these illusions and it must be the same illusion for all of them. 
- Holographic projection - SCP-AGS can project 3D holograms of anything the user desires weather it be data, recordings caught form SCP-AGS's memory of previous users, or anything else from the current SCP-AGS user's memory or even their imagination. 
- Accelerate learning - The wearer of SCP-AGS is able to process information at an accelerated pace and can retail all memories of what they learned while wearing SCP-AGS. SCP-AGS essentially turns the user's brain into a computer able to not only think fast but able to make their own calculations and think up simulated experiments like a computer can with the same if not more effective accuracy. They'll be able to remember, learn, and think with perfect speed, clarity, and efficiently. 
- Immunity to Stalking - SCP-AGS prevents anyone, and anything form watching them from far distances. This includes usage of telescope or similar tool, satellite cameras, magic, thaumaturgic rituals, metaphysical means, recordings, use of anomalous senses, thaumaturgic technology, para technology, and other anomalous means. All attempts either lead to malfunction, pain in the viewer's eyes, and/or the complete erase of memories of viewing in the first place. 
SCP-AGS was discovered in 2020 after it was retrieved in the mission when Mobile Task Force Athena-1 "Assassin's Creed" came into conflict with Group of Interest: The Valravn Corporation over a shipment of anomalous items owned by Group of Interest: Abstergo Industries. Thankfully Captain Alexia and her team managed to take the entirety of the shipment including SCP-AGS with minimal casualties. Surprising since they had to fight against both Groups of Interest at the time. Please see Action Report: Assassins vs Vikings for details. 
Because SCP-AGS was deemed dangerous a majority of the Foundation agreed it should be locked away in Site-AP until such time as it is needed like an K Class Apocalyptic Scenario. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
File: Assassin's Creed - Apple of Eden
Code Name: Apple of Eden
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ABD is contained at Site-AB, it stands on a podium in the center of a 5x5 meter containment cell. Due to the psionic hazard of SCP-ABD its containment cell is implanted with hidden memetics all over the room. Should anyone who is not wearing the protective memetic goggles see these memetics they will lose interest in using any SCP-ABD instance and instead report themselves to command. SCP-ABD-1 through SCP-ABD-7 are to be kept in similar designed containment cells but on different levels of Site-AB. All containment cells are either guarded by AFA-2 units or security units with [data expunged] status.
Protective memetic goggles are only distributed to transportation staff as well as those who are cleared for testing. Any testing with SCP-ABD must be approved by at least one level 5 Clearance staff member or higher. During testing, all guards present must be cleared by having [data expunged] status, those who do not have this are not to be guarding during testing as they are at risk of falling under SCP-ABD’s effect. Under no circumstances is any testing to involve more than one SCP-ABD instance. Anyone who tries to misuse SCP-ABD either for an enemy of the Foundation or their own self gain will be captured and executed, there are no exceptions. 
Description: SCP-ABD instances are golden spherical objects created by the Species of Interest: The ISU. Each instance seems to be made of stone with carvings but in reality they are made of advanced technology able to grant the wielder dangerous psionic abilities. The Foundation possesses several of these instances, labeled as SCP-ABD-1 through SCP-ABD-7. Other instances of SCP-ABD do exist but they have either been destroyed, have yet to be found, or are within the tight grip of Group of Interest: Abstergo Industries. SCP-ABD allows the user to control at least 90% of the human with the only limitation being range and how powerful the SCP-ABD instance is. People who have experienced anomalous augmentation or have a strong will and mind are able to resist the effects of SCP-ABD to certain extents. However those with DNA from a precursor species most preferably ISU DNA are able to completely nullify the effects of SCP-ABD. SCP-ABD can be activated by simply being held, granting the user full access to its primary, secondary, and third effects.
SCP-ABD main use is to force any human that has no immunity to SCP-ABD's effect to be under the complete control of the wielder. This will essentially render any humans under SCP-ABD's effect a complete slave to the wielder's will, this will continue until the wielder loses SCP-ABD, or the affected human dies. Originally this was believed to be the full extent of SCP-ABD's effects; however testing and past records have revealed that SCP-ABD is capable of so much more.
SCP-ABD is also able to project illusions that can make physical contact with the wielder and those around them. These illusions can typically project what the wielder wants; though, testing has shown that SCP-ABD is able to record the memories of the humans and ISU who use it. Naturally, not only can SCP-ABD project these memories but can even allow the current wielder to interact with them and vise versa. This allows SCP-ABD to not only records vast amounts of knowledge in great and visual detail but can even allow the wielder to contact past users and by extension the dead. The secondary properties of SCP-ABD are still under testing, thus there is the possibility that SCP-ABD is capable of more than we realize.
SCP-ABD's third effect is the ability to enhance the properties and abilities of other anomalous items created by the ISU. In a way SCP-ABD instances can be used as universal keys to all ISU technology which is probably why they are so numerous within ISU vaults. Speaking of which there are also hidden ISU artifacts and vaults that can only be opened by SCP-ABD instances making them much more valuable. However, it is advised against having more than one SCP-ABD instance used in anything regarding ISU tech. The reason for this is [data expunged] there is no record of it actually happening but the O5 council have decided it is not worth the risk to confirm and thus have banned use and testing of more than one SCP-ABD. Though because of this SCP-ABD is to be considered a CK Class Reality Restructuring Scenario hazard; it is still labeled as Object Class Safe due to its easy containment and the 0% chance of the [data expunged] incident ever happening again.
SCP-ABD was discovered in 2007, as it was one of the first anomalous items recovered after the Foundation declared Group of Interest: Abstergo Industries a threat. A raid was conducted on one of their buildings leading to the retrieval of SCP-ABD as well as other anomalous times. This however also led to the discovery of Group of Interest: Assassin's Creed before they dissolved and joined other organizations like the Foundation. SCP-ABD's initial properties were explained by the former Assassin's Creed members during interrogation and was later expanded upon during testing. The danger SCP-ABD instances pose is an exact reason as to why Abstergo Industries is to be considered a hostile group of interest and a constant threat to humanity and the veil of secrecy.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: Assassin's Creed - Hnituðr
Code Name: Hnituðr
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ABJ is stored within one of the lockers at the armory of Site-AM. The locker in question is owned by Agent Iris Clef and is guarded by AFA-1 units already assigned to guard all the lockers. All AFA units in question are armed with Foundation laser rifles including the AFA-2 unit hidden within the locker to act as a final defense against intruders. Agent Iris Clef is the only one able to access it through a fingerprint scanner, retina scanner, and a passcode known only to her. Only Foundation staff of Level 5 Clearance with permission from at least one O5 Council member are allowed or even able to bypass the security measures.
Description: SCP-ABJ is a golden arm ring that is actually made of seven pieces that can be assembled and disassembled like puzzle pieces. SCP-ABJ as a whole was created by Species of Interest: the ISU, though unlike normal ISU tech, SCP-ABJ regardless of it’s current form, does not hold memories of past users. The seven pieces of SCP-ABJ don't need to be assembled to have their anomalous properties activated and can be used to individually. However, by uniting all seven pieces of SCP-ABJ and wearing the golden arm ring they become, they give their wearer ultimate immunity to all forms of damage. The pieces that make up SCP-ABJ are known as SCP-ABJ-1 through SCP-ABJ-7.
SCP-ABJ-1 allows whoever holds this piece to heal from any wounds or physical disability. This includes cuts, bruises, scars, broken bones, necrosis and lost limbs. It’s even possible to reverses birth defects such as skin conditions, nutrient deficiencies, and even malformed body parts. SCP-ABJ-1 can give anyone perfect physical health and invulnerability to physical harm.
SCP-ABJ-2 cures any disease the holder may have, this includes bacteria, viruses, fungus, prions, parasites, and even advanced diseases or sickness like Alzheimer's, HIV, or cancer.
SCP-ABJ-3 Deflects all types of incoming damage such as melee weapons and even projectiles. So long as it's a physical attack, SCP-ABJ-3 can force it to bounce away from the holder and feel not even the force form the attack. Even accelerated physical attacks like a railgun round shot at Mach 7 will be deflected.
SCP-ABJ-4 Deflects all types of energy damage directed at the holder. Fire, electricity, magnetism, intense heat, radiation, plasma, and hard light construct weapons cannot harm the user.
SCP-ABJ-5 Protects the user form metaphysical and even magical threats such as thaumaturgic rituals, curses, enhanced poisons, enchanted weapons, anomalous humans, intense gravity, time manipulation, and even reality manipulation.
SCP-ABJ-6 Protects the user form subconscious threats or entities that exist on different plains of existence like spectral anomalies. SCP-ABJ-6 protection is even higher against mental alterations and threats such as memetics, amnestics and even anti-memetic anomalies.
SCP-ABJ-7 is actually useless on its own, it is instead the conduit and power source for all the other SCP-ABJ pieces when they combine into the golden bracelet. Through SCP-ABJ-7, the golden arm bracelet is able to create a perfect field that has the collected properties of all the other pieces so that one does not cancel out the other and they all equally protect the user. When worn, the user is invincible on all aspects, with no exploitable weaknesses to date.
SCP-ABJ was discovered in 2020, found in one of the transportation trucks owned by Group of Interest: Abstergo Industries. The raid leading to SCP-ABJ’s discover was conducted by Mobile Task Force Athena-1 "Assassin's Creed". The mission was originally declared a failure as seemingly noting of value was recovered. It was only by pure luck that SCP-ABJ’s anomalous properties were discovered. After only a month of testing it was concluded that SCP-ABJ possessed the ultimate capabilities of protecting its user. 
SCP-ABJ was originally deemed too dangerous to use as a single misplace can allow it to fall into the wrong hands. It is for this reason none of the Captains or the Commander of Mobile Task Force Omega-45 “Street Samurai” received it. Instead, after her success against the [data expunged] The Foundation deemed it necessary to give SCP-ABJ to SCP-105 now known as Agent Iris Clef. Now thanks to SCP-ABJ Agent Clef ins considered indestructible and is now a spearhead of Mobile Task Force Alpha-9 "Last Hope".
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 4 months
Tumblr media
SCP: HMF - Group of Interest: Abstergo Industries
inspired by Reddit artist 22tbates's awesome work.
Yeah... I think it's safe to say I'm better at drawing monsters than I am at drawing people. With people the best I can do is either stick figures or detailed stick figures. Oh well, maybe I'll get better as time goes on, or maybe this is the best I'll ever be, don't know and kinda don't mind. Though if you guys can think of criticism or tips that will help I'm aways willing to listen and am always thankful for every bit of info given.
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
SCP: HMF - Groups of Interest Hub
Description: This is the part of the collection that will include organizations, cults, and governments that I think deserve their place in the SCP: HMF. I think it would be interesting to see weather fictional organizations would work with or against the Foundation and how such events would unfold. And like everything else I will also include my OC GoI’s so if you see something you don’t recognize its probably that.
Groups of Interest: 
GoI: Scriptures of Rotten Flesh and Cybernetic Bones
GoI: Abstergo Industries
GoI: Eight Wings of Mekhane
GoI: Children of the Corn
GoI: The Black Queen's Insurgency
GoI: Fazbear Entertainment
GoI: Creed of Ealaqat Jayiea
GoI: M&A Harmony Toys
GoI: The Brown Family
GoI: Autobots
GoI: Decepticons
GoI: Zealots on Crack
GoI: Neo Umbrella
GoI: Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory
GoI: Dark Dragons
GoI: Cult of M’rohoj
GoI: Vought International
GoI: MOTHRA Institute - (Created by Dr. Octavio Lovecraft)
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
GoI: M&A Harmony Toys
Description: M&A is an acronym Martin and Arthur who are brothers, and the co-founders of the american toy company M&A Harmony Toys. A seemingly normal company that sells basic yet amazingly realistic and lifelike toys. Unfortunately, just like Group of Interest: Fazbear Entertainment, M&A Harmony Toys has fallen due to manipulation of the soul and possession of mascots. The main difference is that hypothetically M&A Harmony Toys uses demonic rituals rather than anomalous technology to control the toys.
M&A Harmony Toys only appeared on the radar on 1982 Quite close to the same time Fazbear Entertainment after the [data expunged] incident. The incident that caught the attention of the Foundation was a broadcasting of a cartoon that featured demonic chanting quite similar to [data expunged]. This resulted in several children [data expunged] which obviously leading to death. The demonic chant within the cartoon lead to the theory that not only is there a demon supporting M&A Harmony Toys but that their demonic powers come from "The Abyss" and is a servant of the [data expunged] but nothing has been confirmed.
Organization: A majority of the individuals within M&A Harmony Toys don't even know what is going on behind the scenes and believe they are working for a toy company no different than all the others. The anomalous objects and entities that lurk within the company are few and extremely keen on staying within the shadows. Furthermore, it has been confirmed the anomalous individuals and entities within M&A Harmony Toys are not always loyal to the company. As such the best any Foundation staff can say about M&A Harmony Toys as a Group of Interest is... "Unpredictable".
Purpose and Goals: After the death of Person of Interest: Arthur Greywhinder as well as a majority of the Greywhinder family, it was believed that Martin Greywhinder was in control of the company. However, his recent disappearance and the sudden "resurrection" of Person of Interest: Arthur Greywhinder has left Foundation staff and agents in confusion. Unfortunately, it's unknown what the goals of M&A Harmony Toys are other than its public goal of selling top of the line life like toys. The best the Foundation is able to summarize is the spreading of anomalous toys to the world to spread the influence of the demon.
Affiliation with the Foundation: M&A Harmony Toys is seen as a major annoyance to the Foundation, they are not a high-level threat, but they do regularly kill off large portions of innocent civilians at the most random of times through randomly anomalous means. Meaning the Foundation always has to keep an annoying eye on M&A Harmony Toys. The Global Occult Coalition has the same opinions on M&A Harmony Toys. However, the Horizon Initiative has considered the M&A Harmony Toys a high-level threat and work around the clock to use legal means to shut down the company while conducting secret raids on their storage units and various stores around the United States.
The Eight Wings of Mekhane and Church of Maxwellism are sickened by M&A Harmony Toys but consider it not a real issue compared to other threats to humanity. The Children of the Scarlet King seem rather fond of anomalies created by M&A Harmony Toys and even use them in experiments. This further proves the theory of [data expunged].
Doctor Wondertainment, Are We Cool Yet?, Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting, and several clans of the Sarkic Cult have tried to assist the anomalous entities that are not loyal to M&A Harmony Toys. Unsurprisingly Marshal, Carter, and Dark Ltd. buying and capturing the anomalous entities form M&A Harmony Toys and selling them in their own markets.
Survivors of Prometheus Labs, Inc. have also captured anomalies of M&A Harmony Toys and sold them to Anderson Robotics and Abstergo Industries with various degrees of success. Meanwhile the FBI: Unusual Incidents Unit have suffered several casualties trying to capture hostiles anomalies of M&A Harmony Toys. There are rumors that Vikander-Kneed Technical Media have "big plans" for M&A Harmony Toys and several of their members have been seen talking with various workers of the toy company but their end goal to all of this is unknown.
Involved With:
MTF Dionysus-3 (“The Party Package”)
[data expunged]
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: Assassin's Creed - Gungnir
Code Name: Odin's Spear
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ABM is entrusted with Alexia Styles, a Captain of Mobile Task Force Athena-1 "Assassin's Creed". It was considered her reward after her team's victory against Group of Interest: The Valravn Corporation during the assault on the shipping dock owned by Group of Interest: Abstergo Industries. Of course, when she carries the spear with her, she is to keep it contained in a biosignature locked case that is reinforced with lightweight and explosive proof armor casing. The biosignature can only access by her and will only be bypassed by Foundation staff of Level 4 clearance or higher.
Description: SCP-ABM is a spear created by Species of Interest: The ISU. SCP-ABM is seemingly no different to a beautifully crafted spear. However, it does possess a great number of anomalous abilities. One such ability allows SCP-ABM to stretch out its staff, allowing the user to attack and stab people from a distance. it also has the ability to manifest an energy field around the user that can range anywhere between 2 to 4 meters in diameter. This force field is strong enough to repel any form of damage for a maximum of 30 minutes at any given time. It normally takes only 10 seconds to recharge this ability however, it can end up taking 5 minutes if used to its time limit.
Additionally, SCP-ABM can coat itself with the energy field to both strengthen its durability and its sharpness. With the field around SCP-ABM, the blade will be able to cut through any material. According to archives of the Assassin Creed, this ability can only be unlocked after someone has bonded with the spear and uses it for longer than a year. SCP-ABM does have the drawback of being possessed by the memories and influence of the ISU known as Odin. However, when the user has a strong mind and will, they are able to resist Odin's words and lock him out of their heads. It is for this additional reason that SCP-ABM was entrusted to Captain Styles, as she not only possesses excellent spearman ship but also a strong will.
SCP-ABM was discovered in 2020, when Mobile Task Force Athena-1 "Assassin's Creed" was doing recovery mission on a shipping port owned Group of Interest: Abstergo Industries. They quickly found a boat that was transporting several anomalous items and intercepted to grab them before they could be taken away. The ambush was almost a success until Group of Interest: The Valravn Corporation interfered and attacked MTF Athena-1. Though MTF Athena-1 got all the anomalous items including SCP-ABM, the mission was still considered a failure after The Valravn Corporation declared war on the Foundation, see Action Report: Assassins vs Vikings for details.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: Assassin's Creed: Ring of Eden
Code Name: Rings of Eden
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: Each SCP-ABG instance is stored at Site-AM, in the armory for MTF units assigned to SCP-ABG to quickly have access to them when being deployed on missions. 
Description: SCP-ABG instances are technological rings created by Species of Interest: The ISU. The ISU created the rings to protect them by manifesting an electromagnetic field around the user, perfectly matching their body shape. The field protects the user from projectiles such as common bullets or even a shot from an electromagnetic railgun. The field however protects better against energy attacks as continuous physical attacks or projectiles wear it down the field. 
SCP-ABG was discovered on 2007, the same time the clash between the Foundation and the Group of Interest: Assassins Creed before the merge on November 13th of the same year. The first 7 SCP-ABG instances were given to the Foundation and ever since, Mobile Task Force Athena-1 "Assassin's Creed" has been collecting more from ancient ISU locations and stealing the rest from Group of Interest: Abstergo Industries. There are currently only 54 instances of SCP-ABG that exist, and each have been given different purposes within the Foundation.
SCP-ABG-1 is given to Agent Miller (SCP-4051) of Mobile Task Force Alpha-9 "Last Hope".
SCP-ABG-2 is given to Agent Leora (SCP-4818) of Mobile Task Force Alpha-9 "Last Hope".
SCP-ABG-3 is given to Agent Wells (SCP-AAS) of Mobile Task Force Alpha-9 "Last Hope".
SCP-ABG-4 is given to Doctor Wells (SCP-ABL) despite not being a member of any MTF his wife Agent Wells insisted he gets one too since Site-AM, thought a flying invisible fortress, could one day get attacked by hostile Groups of Interest or by areal anomalies.
Agent Belitrov (SCP-2273) of Mobile Task Force Alpha-9 "Last Hope" was not given an instance of SCP-ABG for obvious reasons. Nether was Agent Thompson (SCP-105) as she was instead given SCP-[data expunged].
SCP-ABG-5 through SCP-ABG-14 are given to Mobile Task Force Omega-45 "Street Samurai" as SCP-ABG qualifies for an anomaly that can be utilized in combat.
SCP-ABG-15 through SCP-ABG-24 are used in experiments to understand the mechanisms and functions of SCP-ABG as a whole. Mobile Task Force Hephaestus-1 "Legion Crafters" is responsible for the task of exterminating with and understanding SCP-ABG, with the goal to one day mass produce it as well as other anomalous technology from Species of Interest: The ISU.
Any remaining or recently discovered Instances of SCP-ABG are given to various Captains of MTF Athena-1 to help them on missions against GoI: Abstergo Industries.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
MTF Athena-1 (”Assassin's Creed”)
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Description: After the discovery of the GoI: Abstergo Industries and their anomalous objects as well as their intentions on humanity. The Foundation was quick to declare them a hostile Group of Interest and hunt down their anomalous artifacts. However, after one successful raid a caravan carrying several anomalous artifacts was attacked by a rouge group and the anomalous artifacts were stolen. However, the group was small and surprisingly easy to capture. The small group revealed themselves to be supposed freedom fighters known as the Assassin's Creed that have been fighting Abstergo Industries and their founders The Templars for centuries, however recently they have been losing. After heavy debating among the O5 council, a deal was made with the Assassin’s Creed to have them absorbed into the Foundation in exchange for being granted service and protection of the Foundation. Thus MTF Athena-1 was born.
MTF Athena-1, like the original Assassin's Creed, is entrusted to the subjugation and eventual destruction of Abstergo Industries as well as the containment and proper research of their anomalous objects. Thanks to the combined efforts and resources of the Foundation and Assassin's Creed, Athena-1 has established a worldwide spy syndicate-based force. there is one to three Athena-1 bases established in every major city of the world. They mainly occupy a location where Abstergo Industries are located. 
Athena-1 base and operatives are to be ready to move location at a moment noticed as to not be detected by Abstergo Industry forces. The exact number of active bases around the world or at any given location is to never be disclosed among Athena-1 operatives or SCP Foundation staff as to not allow Abstergo Industry forces to gain any information should a leak occur.
Assisted in Containing:
Action Reports:
Action Report: Assassin's vs Vikings
SCP: HMF - Mobile Task Force Hub
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