guccibanban · 3 years
I've been wanting to write about my dog for so long and I guess since I cannot sleep, Now's the time. Ever since I was little, I've always loved dogs. I even wanted to be a vet ao I can be close to animals and treat them. Sadly, we didn't have much to pay for the tution and not all schools is offering that course and I didn't want to be far away from home.
For so long I wanted a dog but my family isnt fond of them. They're scared of dogs so as long as I'm living with my family, I need to respect their wishes so I never tried to get one yet I yearn for one. Then one day, my cousin's BF got her a dog. Luckily we live in the same compound so that dog became partly mine by that I meant I treated her dog like it was my nephew. I bought his dog clothes and I was almost always at their house so I can visit her dog. Unfortunately after 2 years of adventures, her dog met a car accident. I remember it so well since I heard about it while I was mid shift in my work and I bawled my eyes out while working and wanting to go home. Anyways, fast forward.. I still dremed of having a dog but same situation, I cant have one. Also I was single that time and for 5 years.I came to a conclusion that its fine if I ended up alone. Because as a kid my dream was to get married, have a great wedding and have my own family but as we get older closing to a certain age and like I said not having any relationship for a while, I kinda gave up the idea and instead I made a new dream. To work hard, buy my own house and get a dog. Then I'll live peacefully alone with all my dogs. I was set with that idea and I really thought that its far away in the future, like 5 to 10 years? Since I need to move out before owning a dog but almost 2 years ago a miracle happened. I met Gucci 🤎 and now she's the most important thing in my world.
How did I got her?
So few weeks or days before we got her my sister was talking about her friends having dogs and she was joking with one of her friends about it cause her friend's dog is pregnant and she said oh its so cute can I have one when she get the puppies out as a joke and she told me about it. But came a month after the puppies were born my sisters friend asked her if she wanted 1 puppy and said they can bring it over. So immidiately my sister called me asking if I wanted a dog and of course I said yes but i asked her is this a joke?! Also she has to tell our mom about it and so we had my mom go to my room so we can tell her and at that point she cant really do anything bec my sister's friend was ready to give the puppy. So then I called up my cousin to get ready cause finally Im getting a puppy and I know she wanted to come as well. So my sister, her family, my cousin and I drove up to the meeting point and there it was.. a brown 1 month old puppy in a carton box. It was love at first sight. The moment I laid my eyes on her, I already know how much love I have for her and thats How I met Gucci. It took us a few days probably 2 to 3 before we named her because we cant find a name so fitting. We didnt want to call her Choco or Toffee cause it doesnt feel right. BTW, she was dark brown with black streaks when she was a puppy. Also she is Half Shih tzu and half aspin too. We then decided on Gucci, first time I called her Gucci, I knew thats the name for her.
Meet Gucci and fall in love with her the same way I did. BTW, She's almost 2 now. Exactly 1 year and 7 months 🤎🐶 I'm excited to show more of her in the future and our 1 year and 7 mo adventure together
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