#Guess the inhabitants of my Minecraft world worship the one and only now
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deathghost8 · 5 years
Recent Trip writings
Critical trips before and after the Battle shout idea occurred in the pinnacle trip, I have assembled writings from these moments and the neurogenesis cognitions unfolding between them. ***** I feel that I became a psychonaut during a near death experience as a child, I was hallucinating wire colored geometry flying against blackness because of gasoline inhalation, age 10 approximately. As I started to actually grow up, from 23-33, I inhabited a sort of rock bottom, until I discovered nature’s medicines to pursue to concept of neurogenesis. The feeling that eventually formed in my neurogenesis path, well after ceasing alcohol and other poisonous patterns- was a unification of all the threads I had ever been fascinated with into one idea of who I am and what my purpose now in living is. Previously I had sort of jumped between the threads, death fascination, video game escapism, story telling and shame resilience, sexuality and sex positivity / artistic expression, free thought and radicalism against institutional religious thought, lucid dreaming. The feeling of all of my ideas shaped as one concept is incredible but also feels close to this theoretical unraveling point because I feel so completely moved toward the fulfillment of my ideas. As if the direction change my life could take on, this is a transformational disruption. The potential to advance in a way that is completely separate and distinct, almost like waking up as a different person living a different life, the memory of the one before makes little to no sense, it feels like it didn’t happen. It’s an intense juxtaposition of knowing the most intense depersonalization, remembering it in the abstract, yet having now only the result of re sociation. I’m a different person. I was no person then, and now I am one, which is inherently different, and special, and also really insane somehow. Title the 9000th plateau. This is the blackout part for almost anyone. But. If you hold conscious and think a thought this big. You are sky Free falling objects, falling indefinitely, perfectly. Contained and also falling completely perfectly. The humans. The people who are valuable. Precious. Irreplaceable. They are in the perfect free fall. There is no ground. This is infinite perfect energy. The nature of humanness. :::Protecting our Noobs Definitely do not let little tiny kids pick up this medicine and choose it. They don’t know what tripping is for. But I’m Really super good at it. But don’t them tiny ones get it Or alcohol Because they do not at all know what they are doing. They can’t be allowed , they aren’t even choosing yet. Not till Brain is older. Letting them grow bigger That is why we take away the alcohol We take it AWAY. They cannot have any. I just want them to grow bigger And being safe. Don’t let them choose this choice Until we can’t stop them , they are too big we can’t stop them. And even then it’s not safe if they choose it But only they can choose. We can’t do it for them. Nor can we stop them. Because they got too big for us to stop them anymore. But they can’t hear us saying - it will just take you apart take you away from me into a dark corner and I need to see you because you are special. They can’t hear it. They can’t see it. But it’s what we are saying. “You are special. Let me see“ ****** what follows is a trip writing comprised of past writing that is important in my path to the quest and to the result of the quest, and a little bit of new writing - the battle shout originating writings from that trip will be a separate pinned post***** Positive initiating // shame - vulnerability Shame and vulnerability- our most powerful primal instinct gives me a clue to a true wisdom - that vulnerability state is actually our most powerful mind / emotional place, and we just have to stop retreating from it to claim that power. Suddenly it feels like all I have to do in order to make this happen is to start sharing my inner self with people who are close to me. The withholding it all (or 90% ) from my clan people all the time is my retreat from the vulnerable state. I love my friends and I love my family, all are my clan. I want them to know how much this is the case. I can share how I feel about each person. So that they are transitively included in each others’ experience, through me. I just realized that this particular transfer of emotional currency is a vital transaction, it’s what makes people feel connected to you. How am I just realizing that? The feeling that they are fully let in to your space, that they are important and not just that but vital. Positive initiating is what will allow me to start sharing the vital people in my life back to all the others. The art of being wrong Without taking a risk, and losing, it’s impossible to understand the art of being wrong. There is such beauty in the pain, raw energy. Aliveness Pain and joy feel nearly the same. Not comfortable. The sharp sting of a real moment. When you feel weird or empty I guess that’s a lonely thing. I’m a very alone person. *aloneness is one of my strongest traits* Child like authenticity Know what’s special about little kids? They share their real feelings intuitively. If they get hurt, they cry for you. When they are happy they play, hug, and laugh. They show you all that. The pain & everything. It’s impossible not to feel what they share. Who you are as a person is brought out by that trust interaction. Worship What’s funny to me is this - I am nontheist. I am gonna go ahead and defend spirituality as defined as the sense of self as connected to a greater group of selves and place. I feel as if the worship of god described (as the constant perpetual state in western-theist heaven) is synonymous with my worship of heavy metal. When I’m at a concert and I am a living member of the performance. The musicians before me ARE god. ~~~~ A state of self where you are filled with power and elation. Moved. Pouring your soul out for the joy or whichever emotion is expressed. That’s authentic human expression. And I think the term worship is just their concise way of conveying this idea Minecraft spirituality There’s something very indescribably peaceful to me about exploring and working with material in a Minecraft level. Like in other games I always feel like I’m building up toward a bunch of… Achievements. Defined results. In minecraft I feel the opposite. The time I spend is rich with aliveness and substance. Being there is visceral and real. Spiritual. Instead of pushing a bunch of keys and waiting for the results to spawn… I am there I swing the pick I receive the material I am the world It’s everything and nothing. There’s no point to being there, yet the purpose of every action is infinite. Every action is so infinitesimally intentional. Some art truly just makes sense from the artist point of view. Have you ever sang along with favorite metal and done the scream vocals? It takes a lot of gusto. You have to grasp self and unleash it. At a certain point, audience is left behind for artistic integrity. Honesty. Truth in the sound is to be comprehended by the most dedicated listeners. Not freely available on the surface to whomever happens to overhear. So really, you leave behind the inattentive ones. The ones who can’t permit themselves to be captured by the expression of others. For whatever reason. And really, the audience you want is the audience that is willing to delve in to, essentially, you- and learn who you are attentively and respectfully. (common cause) fighting for a real thing that’s greater than just oneself is a critical survival skill. transcending the limits simply by continuously questioning them enables sustained subsistence within them. why was i smarter in 2015, all the thoughts im thinking right now are Reboots of this like im walking around in a circle. My Aesthetic Dear Fellow Denizen of Earth & or future entity studying my moment in history: (something bernie said during a campaign tour around USA) ADDENDUM-
If we as a human family do not take aggressive action to start treating our hero professions in service of the human family properly as such, we will not survive. Parent, educator, coach/mentor, and even student are hugely ignored. T The greatest wound is the suffering of children, the grieving, the victims of abuse or warmongering, and those who desperately want to pursue a life dream and cannot because they don’t have money for health, wellness, and access to vital resources. These are the broken and the enslaved that our system has made. Our system has failed the common citizen. As the most immoral ones have acquired the most monetary power, they have used that power politically, converting cash to lawmaking ability. The ultra wealthy elite have taken public office without intent to ever serve the public on whom they rely. They have become thieves of prosperity that belongs to all of us. It is time for us to act. Bring the thieves to justice and heal our deep and infected wounds. I am the future entity - speaking to myself from the past.**** when i contemplate the intricacies of present day history, a wave of fiery disappointment crashes through me. considering the billions of dollars poured into the garbage of lobbying and propaganda, the deaths and suicides of so many innocents, the abusive behavior wherever it occurs, from neglect, to sexual assault, to indiscriminate murder.. and the more sinister evil, the flat out refusal to care about your fellow human beings that are in trouble. looking down upon all those who struggle as somehow deserving of the biases and tripwires that landed them there, judging and therefore washing your hands of any responsibility for another person’s wellbeing. the most sinister evil. harm of any type toward a child. these are the intricacies of modern day history. the lurid realities that should be the stuff of nightmares, replacing what had been known as the american dream, the human triumph. corruption, corruption, corruption. … to have been raised being told again and again that america is a place of liberty and equality. starting each day with my pledge of allegiance…. one nation with liberty and justice for all —- really that hadn’t been the case since before my parents were little kids. there is no greater shame.. it all comes down from this. the inability of our people to get treatment for injury and illness, the lack of a baseline living from their work, the trap of becoming parents without giving up their profession or economic stability. the perpetual violence carried out upon innocents all across our land. what have we done to deserve it? our system has failed us. our species went backwards, ingeniously thwarting the core purpose of democracy and the free market. these problems WERE created by horrible human decision and they can be fixed by good decisions, but we are going to have to go all in and fight for it indomitably. Crowdsourcing together for real morality is all that can save us now. that’s why i intend to fight back, and never stop fighting. neo-humanity will prevail. we will retake control from those thieves who have commandeered the prosperity which belongs to all of us, in order to do evil. there is no other suitable word. by occam’s razor.. the only reason you are wealthy that can be, is that you are a thief who takes away what is deserved by others, in attempt to, not solely keep for yourself but literally for the power of denying it to another. If the bottom 2 classes of our country actually comprise around 80% of our population, that are forced to live only one paycheck to the next, without the ability to see a doctor, save money for their children’s future, or even have enough to provide for nurture now, then you have a society which is run by the thieves. that is what you have. and I wonder and wonder, when will we put the thieves in jail where they do belong, so we can experience the prosperity we worked for? as the wealthiest country in the history of the world… why are they not in jail for this theft ==================================================== Alan Watts quote insert-- [L]et’s suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream, and that you could for example have the power within one night to dream 75 years of time, or any length of time you wanted to have. And you would, naturally, as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure during your sleep. And after several nights of 75 years of total pleasure each you would say “Well that was pretty great. But now let’s have a surprise, let’s have a dream which isn’t under control, where something is gonna happen to me that I don’t know what it's gonna be." And you would dig that and would come out of that and you would say “Wow that was a close shave, wasn’t it?”. Then you would get more and more adventurous and you would make further- and further-out gambles what you would dream. And finally, you would dream where you are now. You would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today. That would be within the infinite multiplicity of choices you would have. Of playing that you weren't god, because the whole nature of the godhead, according to this idea, is to play that he is not. So in this idea then, everybody is fundamentally the ultimate reality, not god in a politically kingly sense, but god in the sense of being the self, the deep-down basic whatever there is. And you are all that, only you are pretending you are not. ================================================================= Stanley_Surprise_Button__theSurpriseEndingDOTjpeg Next, Stanley suddenly sat down and started thinking about how he was Stanley. “I am Stanley” thought he “i am in my office, acting ludicrous ” thought he. except it was ok because he remembered he started living his whole life Not at work. After he was done thinking about this, he began to wonder. Did I - Be Stanley - without a computer, an office, a desk, a button to push, or an instruction to follow? ? And the answer came to him. Yes. Stanley is who I am. Thought he.
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