#Guess who's hyper focus was on her oc for a week?
holdingontodust · 2 years
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Gravitas the Harbinger - Magic Book of Spells
Bonus language codex
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87 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch29. The Sokovia Accords Part 2: No, You Move.
Summary: Whilst discussing the proposed accords, Steve gets some bad news which makes everything pale into insignificance. And then, another ghost from his past comes back to haunt them.
Warnings: Bad language, Smut! (NSFW, Under 18s) Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Elements of this have been reworked/rewritten…for reasons which will become apparent at some point! And I’ve also added in the scene with Natasha at the church. I love the banner and edit too from @angrybirdcr​.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 29 Part 1
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 Steve had hoped that the more casual setting would defuse the seriousness of the situation. But that went out of the window an hour or so later when Rhodey and Sam started going at it. Steve was sat in the arm chair carefully reading through the accords packet with a deep frown, Katie perched on the arm of the chair reading over his shoulder. Tony was reclined on the chaise to their right with his hand covering his face as Sam and Rhodey argued, Natasha sitting patiently down by Tony’s legs waiting for them to be done. Vision and Wanda were on the sofa to their other side, neither having said much.
“Secretary Ross has a Congressional medal of Honour,” argued Rhodey from behind the chair. Katie turned to look at them both. “Which is one more than you have.” He mocked Sam.
“So let’s say we agree to this thing. How long is it gonna be before they Low-Jack us like a bunch of common criminals?” Sam shot back.
“A hundred an seventeen countries want to sign this. A hundred and seventeen, Sam, and you’re just like, no, that’s cool. We got it.”
“How long are you going to play both sides?” Sam snapped.
“I have an equation.” Vision spoke loudly before Rhodey could reply, causing both men to quiet down and everyone to look at him. Steve lifted his head from the packet bringing his arm up to rest on Katie’s thigh.
“Oh, now this will clear it up,” said Sam sarcastically.
“In the eight years since Mr Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. During the same period the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate.” Vision steeped his fingers together as he looked around a everyone.
“Are you saying it’s our fault?” Steve asked tensely, his hand on Katie’s leg became heavier.
“I’m saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict breeds catastrophe. Oversight isn’t an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.”
“Boom,” Rhodey exclaimed, believing that Vision had solidified his point.
Katie shook her head sighing,
“Sorry Vision, I disagree.” Everyone’s attention now turned to her. “Being supervised is one thing. But from what I’ve read these Accords want us to give up total control of what we do and when we do it.” She paused as Steve’s arm slid from her leg to wrap around her back. She then turned her attention to Tony and looked at him as he remained still, hand over his face. "Clearly this has been in the pipeline for some time now, so why are we only just hearing about it?”
Tony glanced at her from underneath his hand, not offering an answer, as she continued.
“And less than a week to come to a decision on something like this? They’re trying to back us into a corner without giving us any proper time to discuss or negotiate the terms and its wrong.” She finished simply, shaking her head and crossing her arms.
“Boom.” Sam repeated from behind her.
“Tony.” Natasha addressed him as he removed his hand from his face. “You are being uncharacteristically non-hyper verbal,”
“It’s because he’s already made up his mind,” Katie raised her eyebrow.
“Kiddo, you know me so well.” Tony scoffed then groaned, standing up and moving over to the kitchen area with a sigh "Actually, I’m nursing an electromagnetic headache. That’s what’s going on. It’s just pain. It’s discomfort.” Another frustrated sigh escaped him as he faffed with something in the sink. “Who’s putting coffee grounds in the disposal? Am I running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang?”
Tony moved to the other countertop slapping down the coffee mug and coffee pot before pulling his phone from his pocket and dropping it onto the fruit basket, then turning it on revealing the hologram of a young man.
“Oh, that’s Charles Spencer, by the way,” said Tony with fake carelessness. “He’s a great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA, had a floor-level gig at Intel planned for the fall. But first, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul before he parked it behind a desk; see the world, maybe be of service. Charlie didn’t want to go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale, which is what I would do. He didn’t go to Paris or Amsterdam, which sounds fun.” He spat sarcastically, “He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor guess where: Sokovia.”
He slammed his mug down as he stared round the room in anger, whilst Katie looked over at Wanda who bowed her head the moment her home was mentioned.
“He wanted to make a difference, I suppose. We won’t know because we dropped a building on him while we were 'kicking ass’.” Tony ran a hand down his face before taking a drink of his coffee. “There’s no decision-making process here. We need to be put in check! Whatever form that takes, I’m game. If we can’t accept limitations, if we’re boundary-less, we’re no better than the bad guys.” He concluded, walking around the counter to lean back against it holding his arms over his chest.
“Tony,” Steve began gently. “If someone dies on your watch, you don’t give up.”
“Who said we’re giving up?” Tony questioned.
“We are for not taking responsibility for our actions.” Continued Steve. “This document just shifts the blame.”
“I’m sorry, Steve. That is dangerously arrogant.” Rhodey interrupted “This is the United Nations we’re talking about. It’s not the World Security Council, it’s not SHIELD, it’s not HYDRA.”
“No, but its run by people with agendas, and agendas change.” Steve shot back, earnestly.
“That’s good.” Tony answered, re-joining the group. “That’s why I’m here. Look, Cap, me and Kiddo, when we realized what Stark weapons were capable of in the wrong hands, we shut it down and stopped manufacturing.”
“Yeah, but Tony, we chose to do that.” Katie jabbed at her chest as she blazed at her brother, her voice gathering momentum and volume. “If we sign these then the next time something like that happens we won’t have the right to choose!“
"What if this panel sends us somewhere we don’t think we should go?” Steve continued his hand gently rubbing at Katie’s back. He was glad they were on the same page, but he didn’t want her getting upset and falling out with Tony. “What if there is somewhere we need to go and they don’t let us?” He took a deep breath and shook his head. “We may not be perfect, but the safest hands are still our own.”
Tony looked down at the couple who both stared back at him. He rolled his eyes again. Of course they would be united on this, they were united on everything. But there were bigger things at stake here. If they didn’t agree, they’d be forced to retire, and the team would be split up. And he couldn’t let that happen.
“If we don’t do this now, it’s gonna be done to us later. That’s the fact. That won’t be pretty,” Tony explained, his tone almost pleading.
“You’re saying they’ll come for me?” Asked Wanda quietly.
“We would protect you,” Vision added placing a gentle hand on Wanda’s shoulder.
“Maybe Tony’s right.” Natasha spoke, turning her eyes to both Katie and Steve, trying to get them to see her point. Katie looked at her incredulously, and Steve’s mouth fell open a little in surprise. “If we have one hand on the wheel, we can still steer. If we take it off-”
“Aren’t you the same woman who told the government to kiss her ass a few years ago?” Sam frowned, interrupting her in disbelief.
“I’m just…reading the terrain.” She sighed. “We have made some very public mistakes. We need to win their trust back.”
“Focus up – I’m sorry, did I just mishear you, or did you agree with me?” Tony looked at her.
Natasha rolled her eyes. “I want to take it back now.” She groaned but Tony was quick to cut in.
“No, you can’t retract it.” He said, waving a finger at her. “Thank you. Unprecedented. Case closed I win.”
As Katie shot some annoyed response back to Tony, something along the lines of him being ‘an egotistical, arrogant prick’, Steve felt his phone going in his pocket. He shifted slightly to pull it out and glanced down. It was a message from Peggy’s son, Michael.
‘She’s gone, in her sleep.’
As the meaning behind the words sunk in, his throat tightened, and suddenly the damned accords didn’t matter anymore. Taking a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest, he felt the familiar sting of tears in his in his eyes but he didn’t want to break down, not here, not in front of the team.
“I have to go.” He breathed out, handing the Accords to Katie before standing and leaving the room quickly without meeting anyone’s eye.
He made it to the stairwell, leaning against the railings, pinching the bridge of his nose in an attempt to calm himself down but he couldn’t. The tears began to fall and he slumped down onto one of the steps. Which was where Katie found him a few minutes later, shocked to see his shoulders were shaking. She said nothing until she had made her way down to him, wedging herself on the step beside him between him and the wall.
“Stevie?” She asked quietly inspecting his face, seeing the tears across his cheeks. “Sweetheart, what is it.”
“It’s err..” He sniffed and wiped at his nose with a finger, not looking at her “It’s Peg. She’s gone.”
“Oh, no.” Katie muttered, dropping her head. Poor Peggy. She had been quite ill over the last few weeks and the Doctors had said it was unlikely she would recover, but the both of them had been hoping to get to see her to say their goodbyes. Katie felt the tears sting her eyes as she opened up her arms and Steve immediately fell into them. Sometimes it was much too easy to forget how young and inexperienced life wise he actually was at heart and Katie simply held him, as she felt his tears hit her neck. Gently she ran her fingers through his hair as they sat still, not saying a word.
"Will you come with me to the funeral?” His voice was hoarse and muffled but she heard him anyway
“Of course I will.” she said looking at him as he pulled away, his eyes red. She reached up to wipe his face with the back of her hand as he rest his forehead against hers. “Of course I will.”
***** London was caught in the middle of a summer storm when they arrived, four days later. The wind and rain whipped Katie’s hair about her face as they stepped from the StarkJet onto the tarmac of Gatwick Airport. They made their way towards the waiting car, Steve’s large hand taking her smaller, and somewhat colder, one in his as they walked, Sam pacing at his other side. The drive to the hotel was filled mainly with Sam and Katie chatting as she pointed out various landmarks to the man, Steve remaining silent on the whole apart from chipping in when he was spoken to.
His sombre mood continued through to the evening, and when Katie told him that Sam was meeting up with some of his old Air Force buddies and suggested that the two of them head out for something to eat, he was torn between wanting to go out and try to enjoy some time with her, and this strange urge he felt to simply curl up in the relative safety of the hotel room with her, alone. And then there was the war which was raging inside him, an internal battle in the depth of his conscious and mind. He was married to Katie, he loved her, more than he’d ever loved anyone. And yet, here he was grieving so much for a woman who, when all was said and done, he hadn’t actually known for that long. Peggy was his past, Katie was his here and now, his future, his forever. So why did he feel this way?
“Stevie.” Katie’s voice gently shook him from his thoughts and he turned away from the view of the Thames he’d been observing through the floor to ceiling window of their suite and faced her. “We don’t have to go anywhere to eat if you don’t want to.”
“I’m sorry.” He sighed, shaking his head. “I just, I feel…”
“Upset? Tired of pretending you’re okay?” She supplied and he gave a little huff of laugher, shaking his head as he looked at the soft, deep blue carpet of the room.
“You know, are you sure you don’t have some kind of secret mind reading power?” He looked at her once more and she smiled softly.
“No, I just know you.” She stepped forward and held out her arms and Steve moved to fall into them, his cheek resting on her head as he let out a shaky breath. “You don’t have to hide it in front of me, you know.” She pulled back to look at him, her hands cupping his face.
“I love you.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers in a soft kiss. “You know that, right?”
“Of course I do.” She frowned before her head tilted to the side as she considered what he had just said, suddenly understanding. “Wait, is that what’s bothering you? How I feel?”
His lack of response spoke volumes as he looked down once more, his large hands gently wrapping around her wrists, moving her hands to her side so he could lace his fingers between hers.
“Oh, Steve!” Katie shook her head and her fingers tightened around his. “You’ve every right to feel how you do, Peggy meant a lot to you.”
“She did, yeah, but so do you.” He glanced at her, his blue eyes shining with tears. “In fact, you mean more to me than anything else ever has. I just wanna be sure you know that.”
“If I didn’t know it, I wouldn’t have married you.” Katie shrugged simply. “But, Soldier, just because you love me the way you do, doesn’t mean that you never loved Peggy, or that you still can’t in some ways.” When he didn’t reply, Katie studied him for a moment, before she took a deep breath. “Steve, look at me, please.” He did as she asked and she gave him a soft smile. “It’s okay, I promise you I understand.”
He gave her another little smile as she stood on her toes to brush her lips against his. “Now, I’m gonna draw you a bath. You’re gonna get in, and you’re gonna relax.”
“Is that an order, Ma’am?” He smiled and Katie chuckled.
“Yeah, it is. And you know what else I’m gonna order? A fuck tonne of room service.”
It was Steve’s turn to chuckle as she smiled. “Then we can raid the mini-bar and bunker down for the evening. How’s that sound?”
Steve smiled, his hand reaching up to brush a piece of hair behind her ears. “It sounds okay, but would be a whole lot better if you said you were gonna join me in the bath.”
Katie smiled, her eyes flashing a little as he leaned down and captured her lips with his, the kiss slow and deep. Her arms slid up round his neck, fingers softly skating along his hairline and he let out a contented sigh as she broke away, his forehead pressing to hers, hands softly flexing on her hips. Without another word she pulled away before taking his hand, and gently leading him through the suite to the bathroom.
***** Steve didn’t sleep well that night. His mind was in overdrive, his subconscious showing him people he hadn’t seen in a very, very long time. He dreamt about Peggy, Bucky, Howard, the Howlies…and Katie. Even in dreams about his past she was there, ever present, just like she was in his life. When he woke up from a particularly vivid flashback about crashing back into the ice, he jerked bolt upright with a yell, his breathing desperate and ragged. Katie sat up beside him, her hand on his clammy back as she gently soothed him, her calm and quiet. Steve swallowed, turning to face her as she sat looking at him, concern etched on her face. She made to get out of bed to fetch him a glass of water but he stopped her, his large hand curling gently around her arm. He needed her, and he wasted no time at all in making sure she understood that. As she lay underneath him, her hands wrapped around his back, nails biting his skin, he fucked her, hard and fast, into the mattress, the relief washing over him like a tidal wave. When he evened out, he rolled onto his back, pulling her with him, his hand carding through her hair as hers traced random shapes over his chest. The pair of them lay still, gentle and loving touches and kisses being shared as they simply talking until the sun rose. And then Steve found himself back over his wife once more as he stuffed himself insider her again, only this time he made love to her, as softly and as gently as he could, needing to feel every single inch of her against him as he surrendered to that bliss that only she could ever make him feel.
They took a room service breakfast and at just before Eleven they met Sam in the Reception of the hotel and made their way to the church. Steve, who had been asked by Peggy’s family to be a pall bearer, hung back outside as Katie and Sam took their seats along the front pew of the Church. It wasn’t long before the choir began to sing and Katie turned as the procession walked down the aisle. Steve held the front right-hand corner of the coffin, carrying it with stiff steps, his cheeks wet, eyes red rimmed and full of tears. Katie felt Sam squeeze her shoulder, and she turned to face him briefly.
“My heart is breaking for him, Sam.” She whispered through her own tears as Sam dropped his hand to take hers, as they both watched the six men place the coffin at the front of the church. Sam released Katie’s hand with another gentle squeeze and they shuffled down to make room for Steve who took her left hand, seeking out her comfort and contact as he stared at the picture to the side of the coffin. It showed the Peggy he had known, back in the Forties, standing tall and proud in her uniform.
When the choir song ended they all sat, Steve staring down at his wife’s hand wrapped in his, and he began to play with her wedding and engagement rings, twirling them round her finger, his mind straying to his wedding and how he had told Katie at the toasts he was only strong because she made him that way. He was so glad she was with him now. Lost in his thoughts, he suddenly felt her hand contract around his, quite hard, and he looked up at her. When he did she nodded her head in the direction of the podium. Steve’s eyes followed then did a slight double take at who was stood there.
Agent Thirteen of Shield special service and his ex-neighbour.
“Margaret Carter was known to most as a founder of Shield.” The woman who’s name Steve recalled being told by Natasha was Sharon, began, sounding nervous. “But I just knew her as Aunt Peggy.”
Peggy’s Niece? Steve couldn’t believe his ears. All that time she had been living across the hall, spying on him…and she was Peggy’s niece?
“She had a photograph in her office, Aunt Peggy standing next to JFK. As a kid, that was pretty cool. But, it was a lot to live up to. Which is why I barely told anyone we were related.” Sharon glanced down at Steve, like she was offering him some form of explanation.
“I asked her once how she managed to master diplomacy and espionage at a time when no one wanted to see a woman succeed at either.” Sharon swallowed before she continued, her voice becoming stronger. “And she said, 'Compromise when you can. But when you can’t, don’t. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty, to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye and say, 'No, you move.”
Katie glanced at Steve then to Sam, the three of them sharing a knowing glance. Those words were powerful, especially given the situation with the Accords. And for Steve, it was almost like Peggy was speaking to him, still giving him advice even in her death.
Despite the utter sorrow he was feeling, Steve couldn’t help but smile at the sentiment.
Thanks Peg…
Katie watched as Steve leaned against the end of one of the pews, lost in his thought. He’d by passed the part where they were actually putting Peggy into the ground, saying he didn’t want to see it so instead, Katie had given him a moment to pay his respects along, waiting for him to give her some direction as to what he wanted to next.
As always, he seemed to know she was there before she even made a sound and he looked up, giving her a small smile as she walked down the middle of the church aisle towards him.
“Hey, Sweetheart.” He smiled as she stopped in front of him, opening her arms to give him a hug.
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“How you doing?” She asked softly, her lips brushing his temple as he pressed his face into her neck.
“I’m okay.” He assured her, pulling back. “Just, suppose it’s sunk in that she’s actually gone, you know.” Katie gave him a sad smile. “When I came out of the ice, I thought everyone I had known was gone. Then I found out that she was alive. I was just lucky to have her.”
“She had you back, too.” Katie looked at him.
“Yeah, and at least I knew where she was, unlike Bucky.”
“Don’t give up on him just yet, love.” Katie rubbed his arm as he placed a kiss to her forehead. Steve glanced once more to the front of the church and Katie followed his glance to look at the flowers placed on the alter.
“It was a nice service.” She said, her arm looping round his waist.
“Yeah, it was.” A familiar voice spoke and both of them whipped round to see Natasha strolling towards them. Steve let out a little scoff and looked down, shaking his head.
“You know, I thought I saw you before but convinced myself I was seeing things.”
“Well, I was sorta in the area.” She shrugged. There was a pause before Steve voiced what was on his mind since he’d left the compound a few days ago.
“Who else signed?” Steve asked.
“Tony. Rhodey. Vision.”
“Clint?” Katie asked.
Nat smiled slightly. “Says he's retired.”
“Wanda?” Steve looked at her.
“TBD” Nat answered. Katie looked at Steve before Nat took a deep breath. “I'm off to Vienna for the signing of the Accords. There's plenty of room on the jet.”
Steve sighed and bowed his head.
“Just because it's the path of least resistance doesn't mean it's the wrong path.” Nat continued. “Staying together is more important than how we stay together.”
“Are you trying to convince us or yourself?” Katie asked and Natasha merely held her gaze.
“What are we giving up to do it?” Steve shook his head as Natasha turned to him. “I'm sorry, Nat. I can't sign it.”
“Me neither.” Katie added. “Not as they stand.”
“I know.” Nat smiled.
“Then what are you doing here?” Steve looked at her.
“Well, like I said, I was in the area.” Nat’s eyes flicked to the alter. “Plus, knowing who she is and what she did. I might never have met her but, well, it felt right to pay my respects.” She then looked back at them both. “Plus, I wanted to see you, check you were okay.” She said the last part to Steve more than Katie and he gave her a little smile as she moved to give him a hug.
They decided to go to the wake, and Katie took the chance to seek out Sharon where she was standing among a group of people, making polite conversation but clearly looking for a way out, which Katie was happy to provide, squeezing her elbow gently, and gesturing with her head for the blonde woman to follow her.
“I really am sorry about Peggy,” Katie began as they settled at an empty table. “She was a phenomenal woman.”
"Thank you,” Sharon said softly. “That means a lot. You know she liked you?”
Katie chuckled “She told me once or twice.” “I think she was happy that Steve found someone.” Sharon smiled. “Someone that makes him happy.”
Katie glanced at where Steve and Sam were waiting at the bar. Steve shot her a glance over his shoulder and smiled softly, before Katie returned her attention to the woman opposite her.  
“So this accords thing?” Sharon changed the subject “It’s really happening?”
“Looks that way, yeah.”
“And where do you stand on it?”
“I’m not signing” Katie shook her head. “Not the way they stand, that’s for sure. And seeing as they don’t seem to want to negotiate terms, it’s a non-starter.”
“Does Steve feel the same?”
Katie nodded. “And Sam.”
Before Sharon could question her further, Katie’s eyes flicked to a point over her shoulder and she gave a side smile as the boys approached.
“Ladies,” Sam baritone smoothly, sitting in the seat next to Sharon and setting down a drink in front of her. From the look on the blonde’s face, this surprised her, but she accepted nonetheless with a thanks. Steve sat next to Katie handing over another glass of wine, whilst pressing a soft kiss to her lips.
“You okay?” She whispered before he pulled away completely. He nodded and cleared his throat.
“Yeah. I saw just telling Sam about what Nat said.”
“And I was cheering to an honourable discharge.” Sam snorted sarcastically as he raised his glass. “Again.”
“Sorry, for jumping in but, if you’re not signing the Accords then what does that mean for you all?” Sharon looked round the table
“I dunno.” Steve smiled softly, shaking his head.
“Ultimate fighting?” Sam cut in, and Steve snorted as Katie laughed. “I told you, you’d be great at it.”
"More like an early retirement.” Steve stated, a small smile playing on his face.
“Not really that early though is it, Cap?” Sam continued his ribbing “I mean like you are hundred or whatever…”
As was natural with these type of functions, a few hours later people started to leave and eventually Peggy’s children headed over to the table to say their goodbyes. As they all stood to offer their condolences once more, something Michael said about Peggy being a woman of many surprises, brought back something which had been weighing heavily on Steve’s mind since he had left the church.
When Sharon stated that she was heading back to her hotel, Steve suggested that she walked with them, but for the most of the short walk, he remained silent, brooding over his thoughts. And it was only when they reached the door to Sharon’s hotel that he spoke, telling Katie that he’d meet her and Sam in their hotel bar in a couple of minutes.
She shot him a puzzled look but he had simply shook his head in a silent instruction not to argue. So, she merely shrugged, linked her arm through Sam’s and they crossed the road and headed straight inside, crossing the lobby.
“What’s all that about?” Sam asked as he held the heavy wooden door open for her. Katie shrugged and stepped into the room.
“Beats me, he obviously has something on his mind.” She said, walking into the large wooden bar which curved along the back of the circular room. “Can I have…” she trailed off as she spotted the TV on the wall behind the bar tender, which was programmed to the BBC news.
Her eyes widened and she felt Sam stiffen besides her.
“Is this…is this live?” She asked the guy who was waiting to serve them. He nodded. “Can you turn the volume up?”
He nodded again and obliged.
“…at the moment we know that over 70 people have been injured and that number is rising. At least 12 are dead, including Wakanda’s King T'Chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier. The infamous HYDRA agent, linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations.”
Katie swallowed as the picture of the suspect flashed across the screen. It looked like Bucky alright.
“Shit.” Sam said, from behind her.
“Go, get Steve.” She urged, “I need to call Tony.”
“My mom tried to talk me out of enlisting, but, um, not Aunt Peggy. She bought me my first thigh holster.” Sharon smiled as they walked through the lobby.
“Very practical.” Steve nodded.
“And stylish.” Sharon smiled as she stopped by the elevator, pressing the call button before she turned to look at Steve.
“CIA has you stationed over here now?”
“In Berlin, Joint Terrorism Task Force.”
“Right. Right.” Steve nodded. “Sounds fun.”
“I know, right?” Sharon chuckled.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you.” Steve took a deep breath, finally voicing what was on his mind. “When you were spying on me from across the hall…”
“You mean when I was doing my job?” Sharon interrupted but Steve ignored her.
“Did Peggy know?”
Sharon considered him for a moment, before she let out a gentle sigh.
“She kept so many secrets. I didn’t want her to have one from you.” Sharon lay her hand on his arm, and Steve felt the weight lift off his shoulders. He had been so scared that Peggy had been lying to him for the past few years, to hear that she hadn’t was a relief.
“Thanks for walking me back.” Sharon nodded to the elevator “Tell Katie and Sam I’m grateful.”
She moved to give Steve a hug, and he obliged, but the broke apart when they both heard footsteps running towards them.  
“Steve…you gotta see this.” Sam urged and Steve frowned, looking at him, before he spotted Katie running into the lobby, and looking round.
He moved instantly towards her, and she spotted him, hurrying straight towards him.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” He asked, his hands gently curling round her upper arms.
“There’s been a bomb in Vienna.” She explained, taking a deep breath. “A deliberate attack on the signing ceremony.”
Steve felt himself grow cold. “Is everyone okay?”
“I got through to Tony and they’re all safe but the King of Wakanda. He’s dead, Steve” Katie took a deep breath. “And…” She trailed off licking her lips as she took a deep breath.
“Katie, what is it?” Steve’s voice wasn’t unkind but it was firm as he looked at her, and she threw her head back, looking at the ceiling for a moment before, with a monumental effort, she looked back at him, swallowing deeply.
“It’s Bucky, Steve.” Her voice was almost a whisper. “It looks like he’s responsible.”
**** Chapter 30
**Original Posting**
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Twisted Sister Aftermath Review Part 1
Hai hidey do everyone, it’s your friendly neighbourhood Review Anon here! Another Arc has come and past us and as such it’s time to review it! Hopefully I don’t end up with 5k worth of words here and have three megaton submissions here (and from now on I am not going back to using asks, why the heck I used asks beforehand is beyond me) Speaking of, I have a question, do you want me to go back and review previous arcs? Probably won’t do this until we have any kind of break or hiatus so to not break flow? But that’s enough time being wasted, we have the Twisted Sister Aftermath Arc here, and this review isn’t going anywhere so let’s get right into it!
Relationships and Reflections
So, when we last left off, Hajime passed out from inhaling too much smoke while saving Tsurugi from the bomb explosion and as it turned out he has been asleep for a good 8 hours! Its Monday but despite that the school is shut, which is understandable given that we had criminals running around and a serial killer attacking the school the previous day, Hope’s Peak seems to be more sensible than my previous school which didn’t shut down even when one of the main buildings got flooded (long story there). But the good news is that nearly all the criminals were captured by the QC and the police and are back where they belong. The bad news is that 3 criminals are still at large. 2 of them are petty criminals that have nothing to be concerned but there is one criminal who IS a big concern. You have 3 guesses who that person is and the first 2 don’t count. Yep, its Maverick Storm alright.
So, time for a bit of a confession here, Maverick as a character…isn’t all new to me. For some of you old timers here there was a blog called ‘Despair Kids’ which started out as Class 78 asking questions and then it evolved into an AU with lots of OCs, so many that it got too overwhelming and I lost interest in it. But there were a few I generally liked, and Kyoji’s and Maverick’s characters really stood out to me. When I started to read the enormous backlog of this blog, (I wish the best of luck to all newcomers and try to not binge it, even if you are a fast reader), and Umeko showed up during the Practical Exams arc, I got a sense of Deja vu, as I recalled hearing that character’s name before. But I didn’t think much at the time, not helped by the fact that Umeko was a pretty minor character in the Despair Kids, even when Maverick was on his self-imposed challenge to kill all of his class, Umeko evaded him by just dimension travelling to another universe, so her character didn’t have much impact. But as soon as I heard Kyoji and Maverick mentioned I thought ‘Oh…OH IT’S THE SAME PERSON WHO MADE THOSE CHARACTERS!’. And as mentioned, I really liked those OCs anyway so that as well as using Another characters really got me invested into this blog. And with all that said, let me reassure you guys that Maverick is a bastard with a capital B. The stuff he gets up to in Despair Kids, where he was a member of Despair, but secretly plotted to overthrow Junko, even the other Mods/Role-players were disgusted by it. Now Maverick is probably going to be going through some changes as the Mod’s OCs in this blog aren’t the same as the characters from the Despair Kids. To give some examples Kyoji’s backstory doesn’t mention Mikan, Kyoji isn’t into Mikan, he’s more into Miaya, Maverick got jailed etc. So, I won’t be surprised when Storm starts pulling shit, probably not as bad as Despair Kids as he isn’t under Junko’s thumb here…but hard to tell at the moment. But yeah, you have been warned, I consider Maverick a villain as bad as Junko and Mikado, and you will soon see why.
But enough about a character who hasn’t officially shown up yet, let’s focus on a reformed villain and that is the new and improved Kanade! I feel mixed upon this new Kanade as part of me wants to love her as in this state she is so sweet and innocent, which is what people probably thought of Kanade when they first saw her in SDAR2, and I did at first, my thoughts about Kanade at the time were ‘It’s almost as if Hiyoko and Mikan are siblings, let’s hope Kanade doesn’t go crazy like Mikan did’ and that statement aged like milk. When Kanade became suspiciously smart and helpful during the Class Trials I was kinda sus because normally with the Trial Point Getters there is normally some logic to why said character is good in the Trails, like Koroko being a Psychologist can analysis people’s feelings and deduce who the culprit, and Syobai’s background means he has to use his brain quite a bit, but Kanade is supposed to be a Guitarist in a Pop band, she shouldn’t be this good. But my theory was she was lying about her talent, because that’s nothing new in Danganronpa, but ho boy was that a mistake. But at the same time as much as I want to hug this new Kanade, I’m also hyper conscious that the mindwipe might not be a permeant solution as well Junko got mindwiped in the OG timeline and we all know how well THAT ended. Then again, the relapse didn’t fully occur until Yasuke decided to kill Ryoko so as long as nobody tries to strangle Kanade, we should be good. It also means that Hibiki gets the little sister that she thought she had back, and you can tell this a new stage of development for her. Hibiki has grown as a person since back in July but while that part of her character development has finished, a new part starts as she tries and rebuild a proper healthy relationship with Kanade because Hibiki wasn’t completely innocent in the reason why Kanade became a monster. Granted, a lot of it was Kanade being twisted to begin with but had Hibiki been kinder and not been a total bitch to her, I don’t think Kanade would have gone fully down the deep end as it seems her psychopathic behaviour is more of a nurture rather than nature thing. Something I believe will be explored a bit more once Junko enters the scene because well…Kanade is basically Junko on easy mode. The real deal will be a lot harder to handle. And naturally Kyoji has offered to take care of her…I don’t know why Kyoji has turned into the guardian of reformed little girls, but it’s a welcome surprise to be sure. I just hope Kanade doesn’t get wrapped up in Storm’s schemes because given that Kyoji is his arch-enemy…
We can make sure Kanade is a good girl now but there’s still the small issue that she escaped from jail and the police are looking for her so one needs to fake her death. This is a joint operation by Kyoji and Nikei as Kyoji cloned some of Kanade’s body parts and left them near where a bomb went off to give the impression that Kanade got killed during the Prison Break, and judging from Tsurugi’s reaction, it seems to have worked. Speaking of Tsurugi, he is resting and due to his injuries is desk bound for a couple of weeks and receiving care from Mikan. Mikan caring for Tsurugi helps in two ways, as firstly being the Ultimate Nurse, she would be qualified to help make sure nothing serious happens to Tsurugi and Tsurugi doesn’t know that Mikan is part of the Quantum Crew and working with Kasugano, so it means someone is near Tsurugi who can relay information to Kasugano and co. That’s two girls with ties to Kasugano that Tsurugi has interacted with and he doesn’t suspect a thing. Okay to be fair with Akane when he first met her, she was an independent force and wasn’t working for Kasugano at that point but my point still stands. Not much to talk about our police boy here aside from Mod confirming that Tsurugi x Kouhei is going to be a thing in this blog. To be fair everyone could see the sexual tension between those two and that’s why people felt funny when Kanade mocked their relationship as they wanted to ship the two but it meant siding with a demonic guitar child. But said demonic guitar child is no more so no need to worry about shipping! And as for Nikei, he is writing up an article detailing Kanade’s demise as to throw the media off Kanade’s scent and then it’s just waiting for all the media hype around Kanade to die down and once that happens, she can be transferred to one of the many care facilities that Kyoji knows. How many does he know at this point? And while we are on the subject of Newsie here, it’s time to discuss a growing friendship, and possible relationship that is developing between him and Akane.
I had my suspicions for some time by their interactions but it was Akane’s and Nikei’s interactions in this Arc which solidified my viewpoint on their relationship. And that is Akane is more or less a foil to Mikado. Think about it for a second. They weren’t founding members of Void, they both grew up in hellish orphanages, got out of said orphanages thanks to Utsuro, ended up meeting the man himself at some point and inherited his Divine Luck at various points, though Mikado only succeeded in a Bad Ending. But at the same time, they both have different motives for going after Utsuro, Akane wanted to thank him for what he’s done for her and when she did successfully meet him, dutifully served under him, even when Junko came and corrupted them both. And while Utsuro had his crippling trust issues and constantly worried if Akane would betray him at some point, the fact that he gave Akane Divine Luck after she took mortal damage protecting the other survivors from Monokuma, showed that at some level he did care for her. Mikado desired the Divine Luck for his own personal benefit, burned down several orphanages to trigger another encounter and upon meeting with Koroko, hatched a horrible plan to ‘revive’ Utsuro, then Mikado would kill him and steal the Divine Luck for himself. Only reason it backfired was firstly because Mikado (both real and AI) didn’t realise Utsuro gave the Divine Luck to Akane, who was then later used to create Sora, and secondly Syobai betrayed him by siding with the Kisurugi Foundation. Their clashing roles can be no better illustrated then with their relationship with Void’s leader, Nikei. We don’t know how Nikei reacted to Mikado initially because it’s still a lot of unknown factors until the Onmake mode comes out canonically, but while wary at first because of how extreme Mikado’s plan was, was probably willing to trust him. And then as Mikado undermined him and usurped the role of leader from Nikei, that relationship quickly soured and a rotting despairing sense of hatred and revenge grew within Nikei, eroding away his humanity (from reading LINUQ’s blog, where he goes into detail regarding the various characters from SDAR2, he states that Nikei used to be a lot more warm-hearted before Mikado came along, but his hatred for the wizard made him much crueller) And it got to the point where the lines between Nikei and Mikado got blurry, and I’ll say that Nikei ended up being no different from Mikado in the end. And thus, he died a broken hateful mess. Now as for Akane, she and Nikei got off on a bad note; she kicked Nikei in the stomach, he responded by almost blowing Akane’s brains out, fun stuff like that. But once the misunderstanding and proof that Akane was good arose, a friendship of sorts started to develop between the two. The first signs we saw of this is *sigh* Oncoming Storm Arc. Among the hot pile of shit that Arc was, one of the VERY, VERY few good parts about it, was that when some Anons unintendedly hit a trigger phrase for Akane, which was mentioning older men, she went into a panic attack and out of all the people who could have comforted Akane during this moment, it was Nikei who did so. And now in this arc, we are seeing that Nikei is a bit more open with Akane then he is with other non-Void members of the Quantum Crew. He’s not taken the news that he snapped back to his old self during the Massacre timeline well, and bemoans that it shows he hasn’t changed, but Akane reassures him he has and that the timeline can serve as a lesson to improve oneself from and mentions she had trust issues initially but thanks to Utsuro, she is very much a people person now. And of course, we get the cute wholesome scene of those two cuddling each other, can someone please make fanart of these two cuddling, we need it. Mikado brought the worst out of Nikei and eventually led to his death, whereas Akane brings out the best in Nikei and would possibly help him into living a full refreshing life. Sora is more or less the third wheel in this relationship.
Annnnddd…I have talked for way too long. That’s part 1 of the review where I talk about relationships regarding all the characters but when we come back its when the plot comes back in when Class 77-B gets debriefed on the truth and a shocking new discovering on Time Travel is revealed. Stay tuned as we won’t be away for long! - Review Anon
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multifandomhaven · 5 years
Upon a Star
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One |  Two | Three
Pairing: The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Healer!OC Warnings: Shooting (practice), Tooth-rotting fluff.
Larena wasn't sure where they had landed, but, as far as she could tell, there wasn't a trace of civilization.
She ambled a little further out of the ship and her brows furrowed at the thick forest that surrounded them. Trees, heavy with large purple blooms sheltered them from the bright suns and, if she squinted hard enough, she could have sworn she saw a patch of small round berries on the bushes to the left of them. Just out from them was a large pond - one the Child had already tried to toddle over to, much to Mando's dismay.
Larena had scooped him up then, giving a swift tickle to his small tummy before settling him in loosely against her chest.
She stepped onto the solid ground for the first time in weeks, almost shocked at how soft and giving the dirt was beneath her leather boots. She sighed at the humidity of fresh, uncirculated air. The wind blew gently around them, whipping her hair into her face. She closed her eyes and leaned against the ship, savoring the moment.
A coo brought her back and she glanced down at the child, watching as he grabbed at a bird that flew overhead. She spun in a slow circle, taking in just how much vegetation was actually surrounding them. Vines hung from trees and flowers sprouted out in every direction.
It was a beautiful place, that much was certain, but what she couldn't figure out was -
"Where are we exactly?"
Mando turned his head toward her, barely, and shrugged. "Some skug hole I noticed a few days ago on the radar. Low population, no major cities. Perfect place for you to practice."
Larena stilled, all traces of relaxation gone from her in an instant. "For me to practice?"
"That's right," Mando said.
"We didn't need to stop for me to practice." Larena said quickly. She tightened her grip on the child in her arms and he laid one tri-fingered hand on her arm - his little hand patting her. "If it's my focus I can do that on the Crest, no problem."
"No, not focus." Mando said. "You know how to hold a blaster - somewhat, but I'm guessing you've never fired one?"
Larena shook her head. "No."
"That's why we're here," Mando told her firmly. He motioned for her to give him the baby. She reach him over and Mando held him with one arm, the other offered her a spare blaster he'd brought from the ship. Mando nodded toward it. "Take it, I'm going to show you how to shoot."
"I don't need to shoot." Larena's heart pounded in her ears. "I'm a healer-"
"Healer or not," the Mandalorian cut her off, "you need to learn to protect yourself."
Larena trembled as she reach out and took the offending metal. She held it in her right hand, pointing it toward the sky. She began to mumble under her breath. "I hate this. I hate this so much."
Mando sat the child down, watching him for a split second before he moved to set up a few crates he'd had on the Razor Crest as targets. He placed them in a staggered line - some closer to her, others that were smaller and placed farther away. He stepped back to check his work and then looked right at her, his helmet tilted in question. "What's so horrible about blasters?"
She frowned down at the weapon in her hand. "I just - I can't imagine shooting someone. Injuring them on purpose..."
"Even if they mean to harm you?" Mando asked quietly. He gave a subtle nod toward the baby who had made himself a nest of leaves to jump into. "If they meant to harm him?"
Larena glanced up from the gun and narrowed her eyes at the t-shaped visor. "You know I'd protect him, and you too, but I wouldn't want to shoot someone - or kill them - if there was no other choice, then..." She closed her eyes and blew out a long breath. "I'd do it."
She hung her head - shame filling her with her admission. It felt wrong even thinking it, saying it aloud only made her feel worse.
Mando noticed and moved to stand directly in front of her.
"Larena, the people that I have contact with aren't going to care about your feelings about blasters - they're not going to care about you at all. If they want to escape and you're in the way they're going to try to hurt you. Kill you." Mando closed the gap between them, and reach out his arm. His hand hovered over her shoulder momentarily before he let it settle onto her, his gloved fingers squeezing her lightly - comfortingly. "I know you don't want to hurt anyone, I respect that, and if I can help it I won't let it come to that, but there might be a time that I'm not around and you're going to do what you have to in order to survive."
The heat of his palm was blistering hot against her and she swallowed down her nerves with a nod. "You're right," she admitted softly. "Of course you're right."
"Now," Mando's fingers drummed gently against her shoulder before he pulled back and straightened his posture, "let's practice."
"Okay," she sighed, lifting the blaster to point toward the crates. She aimed as best she could, her eyes trained on the bead on the end of the barrel, and she breathed, quick puffs that even she could hear. A slight tremor caused her hands to shake and, before she could move her finger to the trigger, Mando spoke up.
"Relax," he told her. "You can do this."
Larena's breathing stuttered. "I don't think I can."
"I know you can," Mando encouraged. "Take a deep breath and when you get ready to fire hold it. Make sure you have the target down your sight before you pull the trigger."
Larena closed her eyes and breathed in and out slowly. I can't do this. I can't do this.
"Think about the kid," Mando offered. "The target is someone who's coming for him - if you don't stop them who will?"
Larena envisioned a person, hostile and armed, coming to take the child from them. Her veins filled with something akin to fire and she opened her right eye, attempting to zero in on the target. Slowly, her finger found the trigger. She held her breath and squeezed, fighting back a flinch when the recoil from the shot threw her hands back slightly.
"Close," Mando mused from behind her. "Not bad for your first shot. Now, I'm going to show you a stance I think might work for you."
She nodded and felt his hands on her arms, positioning them straight out before her. "Lock your elbows," his voice was right in her ear. He nudged one of her legs with his knee and she moved it forward slightly. The proximity of him made her cheeks burn and she hoped to every star in the sky he couldn't hear the pounding of her heart against her ribs. "This gives you more control - keep the blaster right in front of you. Breathe in and fire."
Larena nodded, hyper aware of the feeling of his hands still on her arms. He gave an encouraging, gentle squeeze with his fingers before he slid them back down to his sides. He didn't back away, Larena realized, as she could feel the cold beskar pressed against her back. She found an odd sense of comfort knowing that he was right there with her. She aimed down the sights, taking in a slow, deep breath and holding it as she fired the blaster.
She watched as the bolt hit the left corner of the crate, sending pieces of splintered wood flying.
"I hit it," she whispered, turning to face the Mandalorian. She felt pride fill her chest and she laughed, jumping from one foot to the other with joy. "I did it, I hit it!"
"I told you you could do it." He breathed out a small, barely there chuckle and it made her heart swell. "Keep practicing, I'm going to scout ahead and make sure we're safe here."
"Mando," she called. The armored man paused and turned back to face her. "Thank you."
Later that evening they sat around a fire Mando had started to stave off the chill that had settled over their encampment.
Larena roasted a few of the animals that he'd brought back and, as she and the Child happily chowed down, he settled in to simply observe them.
The child watched as Larena took small, peckish bites from her food and turned back to his own portion, his ears lowered and a look of concentration clear in his big eyes. He tore a piece of meat off with his hands and held it to his mouth, imitating exactly how Larena had taken her last bite. He chewed it thoughtfully before peeking back over to the woman by his side. He looked back at the rest of his food and then, as quickly as he always did, he shoved the entire carcass to his mouth and swallowed it whole.
Larena's eyes were wide and she stopped mid-chew to look over at Mando before she broke into a fit of laughter. Her eyes took on a half-moon shape and her mouth stretched into a blinding smile around her food. The sounds that left her made Mando's own chest rumble with laughter.
"You silly little thing you," she cooed as she brought the child into her lap. She wrapped her arms around him gently, squeezing him into a tender hug. She pressed a smiling kiss to the side of his head, tears of laughter still on her cheeks. She peeked up at Mando, watching him from under her lashes, and just shook her head at the riot she held against her breast.
Mando's heart leapt in his chest, but he mirrored her motion, smiling all the while. 
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lizartgurl · 6 years
“Back To You” (Aqualad x OC)
Kaldur is bi. Fite me. Allow me to shove a multi-chapter fic of him and my oc in your face because almost no one else seems to want to write about him because it’s “too hard”
Shout-out to @sand-son for your excellent beta-reading input. Comment if you’d like me to tag you in future updates.
Word Count: 2100
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The smooth floors of the Watchtower reflected her frown back up at her as her boots thudded rhythmically. Emma couldn’t tell if it was some very well-polished granite, or if it was some alien material from far, far away.
Right now, she'd rather be in a galaxy far, far away than stuck here.
The Reach were defeated. The Lanterns were escorting them to trial on Rimbor, and she wished she’d bullied Bruce into letting her go with them. Like that would have worked out, but it would be better than what she’d faced every day since the summit.
“Emma!” Wally waved super-fast as she walked past the med-wing. Since he helped his uncle and cousin-from-the-future stop the last of the Reach’s chrysalises, his powers were fading in and out, giving him random burst of hyper-speed at some inopportune moments. When his arm wouldn’t stop waving, Artemis grabbed it to steady him. She fell over from his momentum, and they laughed before kissing.
They were so lucky.
Not breaking her stride, Nightingale managed a smile at two of her oldest friends, and waved. She finally arrived at the conference room, far away from prying eyes and ears in the garden, the cafetorium, or the mission room. She squared her shoulders and knocked.
Bruce opened the door.
“Come in, Nightingale.”
Emma nodded, and softly stepped around her mentor, hugging herself nervously.
The four other Leaguers clustered at one spot at the U-shaped table stood up to greet her.
“Thank you for coming, Nightingale,” Canary smiled warmly, setting a few of Emma’s nerves at ease.
“You’re not in trouble, don’t worry,” She joked. Emma almost laughed, taking the empty seat between Batman and Black Canary.
“Then what is this about?” She asked. The others sat down in silence, and Emma tried to do what Bruce did his best to teacher and analyzed what else they could be asking of her.
Black Canary’s day job was a psychologist, and Emma and her other team members were very open with her about their thoughts and problems. Aside from that, she was also the new chairman of the League. Everything went through her now.
The android Red Tornado used to be her team’s “Den Mother”, she got to know him very well while she lived at the cave that was now blown up. He was usually present whenever the League held counsel with team members, as he provided insight that didn’t typically occur to human minds.
Batman, Bruce, was like her father. Even if he wasn’t her mentor, he was almost always included in top-secret meetings. He was Batman.
Between Red Tornado and Black Canary sat Wildcat, her mentor, and a semi-retired superhero who used to work in the Justice Society with Red Tornado, a precursor to the Justice League. Emma wondered if it had anything to do with the JSA, but she only knew Red Tornado, Doctor Fate somewhat, and now Wildcat.
Aquaman, sitting gravely next to Bruce, was what worried her. Aqualad wasn’t present, but if his King was there, it had to be something to do with him.
Bruce saw her bite her lip, and squeezed her shoulder. Dinah took her hand.
“Aquaman and the League have received a few...disturbing messages in the past couple of weeks,” She said carefully.
“And another two since you entered this room,” Red Tornado updated. Wildcat made a grunt that sounded somewhat like a chuckle.
“What kind of messages?” Emma encouraged, though by Canary’s tone, she took it that they weren’t the most pleasant of memos.
“Threats,” Aquaman sad simply.
Emma blew a bit of hair out of her eyes, “I thought we got those all the time. Isn’t that part of the job? Dealing with ‘threats?”
“Ones directed at the League or at the Earth as a whole, yes, but these were directed towards a specific individual,” Batman said.
“One you seem hesitant to state. Is it me?” Nightingale asked.
Batman raised a brow in her direction.
Aquaman activated his personal screen, projecting an image onto the shared screen for all to see.
The image wasn’t best quality. The lighting and blur suggested it was taken deep underwater. Graffiti was marked on the side of a white stone building in dark black that looked red, striking Emma with a sickening similarity to blood. Where did they get that much?
“I-I’m sorry, I can’t read Atlantean,” She apologized to the King of Atlantis. Her stomach churned as she stared down at polished gray table.
Aquaman stood up, bracing himself against the table.
“Well, editing it very mildly, it says ‘Kill the kama traitor’.”
“And kama means...?” They were dancing around it.
“Emma,” Bruce turned her towards him, his voice gravely serious, “They’re threatening Aqualad.”
Emma swallowed that, as Red Tornado silently played a slideshow of similar threats for her illumination. She stopped counting at fifty-seven, holding her head in her hands as she tried to focus on memorizing the grain of the table. This could not be happening.
“It’s about his undercover mission,” Black Canary explained, as if Emma couldn’t guess.
“Contrary to popular belief, I was aware of Kaldur’s plan. Captain Atom was not very pleased to find out when he did, and neither were my people. Many, specifically the purist sect of Atlantis, refuse to believe that is the case.”
“They want to kill him, Emma,” Canary said. That much was obvious.
“We run into people who want to kill us all the time!” Emma snapped. She tried to even her breathing, and Bruce patted her back calmly.
“Nightingale, they have already tried to assassinate him when he returned home to visit his parents.”
Emma’s breath caught in her throat. Sha’lain’a and Calvin were more than willing to die for their son, they had proved that by raising him for the past twenty years. But they shouldn’t have to, Kaldur wouldn’t want them to.
“I assume you’ve already spoken to Aqualad about this?”
“Yes. And he suggested he take a leave of absence.” Canary said. “Depending on whether this cools down or not, he’d return eventually, or completely drop off the map.”
“Because he always has the best ideas,” Emma leaned back in her chair with a sigh that made her resemble a deflating balloon. She realized that wasn’t the most mature move, but she didn’t particularly care at this point.
“I assume he wants to give me lead of the team, since Nightwing was so eager to give up command after this past year?”
Batman and Canary shared a look. “He actually suggested Batgirl.”
Emma was barely surprised. She wasn’t the most capable of leaders, but she was used to everyone just automatically assuming that she was a good leader because she was trained by Batman and was almost joined at the hip with her little brother. She forgot that Kaldur knew her better than that.
“He volunteered to go alone, but we suggested taking backup.”
“Like pretending to kill Artemis so she could go undercover?” Nightingale couldn’t keep the bitter tone out of her voice.
“Yes,” Canary smoothly continued onward as Aquaman looked around awkwardly.
“Except, this time, we believe Artemis and Wally would like to spend more time together, especially after his near-death experience. We’d ask Miss Martian, but she is on probation until she figures out how to get a handle on her powers again, and Superboy is trying to help us help her with that.”
“And Nightwing?” Emma was afraid of the answer.
“Richard is going step back from the team. Take time to ‘find himself as a hero’.” Bruce spoke up at last.
Of course she was the last to know.
“Any other team members?”
“Kaldur’ahm requested this stay with the senior team members. Rocket has her son to raise, and she and Zatanna both have their cities to protect.” Aquaman stood, his arms folded.
“Just like last time,” Emma grit her teeth, squeezing her arm to keep from lashing out.
Canary squeezed her shoulder. “You can say no, Emma.”
She was very tempted to say no.
But something kept her from saying no. She knew Kaldur as well has he knew her, and Kaldur was too selfless for his own good. Someone had to be there to watch his back.
“I’ll need to think on it.” She said.
“How long would you like?” Canary seemed hopeful about that. This was definitely farther than she expected to get.
“How long can you give me?”
“The JSA has a cabin up in Canada, a very remote area,” Wildcat spoke up at last. So that was why he was here, “We wanted to leave tomorrow.”
Emma held back a groan. “Give me an hour then.”
Without waiting for their okay, she stood and turned, leaving her chair spinning as she all but ran for the door. Out in the hall, with no windows to let you know that you were in space at all, she felt like she could finally breathe,
“Emma,” She didn’t look up at Bruce.
“When did Rick resign?” She asked.
“When we asked him to take on this mission. He’d finally made up his mind, and he planned to formally resign when we called him in.”
Emma was still upset that he’d kept that from her. He was keeping a lot from her lately. She knew full well that he wasn’t required to tell her everything, even though they were siblings. A lot of people didn’t seem to trust her these days. Artemis, Wally, Conner, M’gann, Kaldur. She felt left out of the loop with everyone she used to know so well.
“We didn’t want to ask you, Emma,” Bruce insisted.
“Then why did you?”
“You and Kaldur were very close-”
“Until he betrayed everyone and made us think that he’d killed our friend! Artemis is like my sister, and Kaldur knew that. Richard knew that. Why didn’t they tell us?”
“Sometimes secrets have to be kept,” Bruce said, stepping up to her side.
“Yeah, that was exactly what Rick said when he told us about the whole undercover thing. He really is turning out more like you every day,”
Bruce sighed. “That’s what I was afraid of.”
Before she could think, she spun to face the voice. Her baby brother took off his mask under a look of disapproval from their mentor to talk face-to-face.
“I told Kaldur not to tell you.”
“About what, your little espionage setup?”
“Yes,” Rick said, completely serious, “I didn’t even want to tell Wally about it, if it wasn’t pulling them out of retirement...” He trailed off and shook his head.
“I didn’t know it would take the toll it did.”
“Going undercover at all takes a pretty big toll,” Emma snorted.
“Emma,” Rick interrupted, “He’s sorry. He loves you so much and he’s too nice a guy to tell you.”
Emma scrambled for something to throw back at him. “Well just because he likes me doesn’t mean I like him back!”
Rick’s face deadpanned. “You did for almost six years.”
Emma’s face burned red, and she took a few steps away from the men to think.
“I know you don’t owe him anything, but just let him apologize,” Rick begged.
Aquaman came out of the room next and dashed up the hall, where Kaldur himself came around the corner. Emma tried to avoid looking at him, but she couldn’t help it. He was too wrapped up in talking with his King, anyway.
His dark skin was noticeably paler, illustrating the dark circles beneath his eyes. How long had he been like that?
She had loved him, once. She owed him nothing after all that he did, but Shayera once said that both their hearts were too big for each other, for the world. Emma knew she would feel terrible if something happened to Kaldur that she could have prevented, and she did nothing about it.
She spun on her heel back into the mission room, interrupting Wildcat’s reminiscence with Canary.
“I’ll do it.
“I’ll go with Aqualad.”
The moment she said the words, she knew that Aqualad and his King, along with her brother and her mentor, were watching from the doorway.
Canary smiled in relief. She knew, just as Emma did, that Kaldur would be better off with someone to watch his back.
“Thank you, Nightingale,” She stood up and hugged her tightly.
Wildcat patted her soundly on the back, and pointed to Kaldur, “Now you two kids better get packed. We leave at five am sharp, Eastern Standard Time.”
For the first time in a week, Emma met eyes with Kaldur.
What had she gotten herself into?
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sewn-cutie · 6 years
Answer the questions you’ve been given, then write your own and tag 11 people.
What drew you to your muse(s)?
((I originally made Clementine when I was desperate to have a positive force in my life. Since I couldn’t find one, I said “screw it let’s make one.”))
Favourite time of day to work on threads/asks?
((My inspiration usually comes to me at the worst of times, like 2AM. So I’m usually working on stuff when most people are already in bed or just logging off.))
What type of movies does your muse(s) love watching?
((Clementine hasn’t been really exposed to movies yet. Sure she knows what they are and she’s seen a few while passing by, but she’s never actually sat down and watched a movie from beginning to end. If she were a movie watcher, she would defiantly enjoy family friendly films that had to do with fantasy stories.))
Did your muse(s) develop in a different direction compared to what you originally planned?
((The reincarnation of Clementine went through a lot of changes before I finally came out with something I was happy with. While I can’t say much due to potential spoilers, I can say that her backstory was going to be a lot darker, mostly on how she lost her parental figure. I eventually strayed away from any violent endings, since I didn’t want Clementine’s theme to overstep those boundaries. Her story is meant to be tragic, not triggering.
One idea I had was that Clementine was a ghost of child who never got laid to rest, and instead possessed the body of a rag doll to communicate. Another idea was her being part of a group of demons who were meant to spread despair, but she became rebellious and wanted to spread happiness instead. While some of these elements squeezed their way into her official backstory, I did scrap them because I either thought they didn’t offer much, or were just too cliche.))
Fandoms that you would like to interact with?
((While I can’t think of any names at the moment, I do have a thing for fandoms that have terrifying creatures as their main focus. I just find it amusing when a little girl is able to make friends with huge, scary monsters.
I can also do the opposite direction and interact with fandoms that are more light hearted and funny, since those type of characters might be more up to speed with Clementine’s hyper personality. Right now, I’m REALLY into the Ducktales fandom. Ever since the reboot came on, I’ve been looking for muses from both the original and the 2017 version. I think it would be great for Clem to interact with the triplets and Webby, since she is lacking in friends that are more or less around her age/mindset. That being said, Fenton is now a HUGE candidate, with him being (re)introduced just last week.
Other fandoms I’ve been looking into (that I can remember at least) are Steven Universe, Ruby Gloom, and Kingdom Hearts (I mean that pretty much covers all Disney characters too, so that’s a bonus :P).))
Do you prefer listening to music or complete silence when you are busy doing something?
((I need some sort of background noise in order to work comfortably. However, music can distract me and make me forget what I’m doing, so I usually listen to white noise or fan noise while I do replies.))
If you were to meet your muse(s), do you think you’ll get along?
((I think me and Clem would be pretty ok. I’m honestly a little awkward around kids, since I sometimes don’t know how to react. But give it a few tries and I could see us being good friends. I’m probably not the best role model though, and I can see myself getting impatient with her high tolerance.))
Muse(s) that you would like to play someday? If not, a character you would like your muse(s) to interact with?
((In my old days of Tubmlr, I use to role play as Markus from Epic Mickey, the classic version of Harley Quinn, and two witch OCs who were fortune telling scammers. If I were to pick one of them back up, I would probably go for Markus, since he was basically another OC cause there wasn’t much information to go off of in the Epic Mickey game.
I guess I already answered the second part of the question with the fandom one.))
Name two things you and your muse(s) have in common
((We both love cats and extremely sweet things.))
A recent movie that you watched?
((I found myself re watching Madoka Magica: Rebellion.))
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
((The power to finally fill anything that’s empty. My bank account will benefit greatly from that.))
My 11 questions (since I’ not really good at tagging others, I don’t think I can do my own questions either. I hope you don’t mind if I reuse the ones I’ve been asked.)
What drew you to your muse(s)?
Favourite time of day to work on threads/asks?
What type of movies does your muse(s) love watching?
Did your muse(s) develop in a different direction compared to what you originally planned?
Fandoms that you would like to interact with?
Do you prefer listening to music or complete silence when you are busy doing something?
If you were to meet your muse(s), do you think you’ll get along?
A recent movie that you watched?
Muse(s) that you would like to play someday? If not, a character you would like your muse(s) to interact with?
Name two things you and your muse(s) have in common
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Tagged by: @nebulabeings Tagging: If you read this, then consider yourself tagged!
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