deporteddragon · 1 year
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justlarkin · 1 year
You know how valiant types are supposedly related to the exiles? Gullinbustri has Freyr's sword, Seth has Seth's staff (and name), Xolotl variant has Quetzel's sword (I think?). Does it apply to all of them or is it a general rule? Because Hogen, Tanetomo, Balor, Zabaniyya, and a few others don't seem to have a direct link that I recall (but I haven't read everything so idk for sure).
I don't think it necessarily has to be from the exiles, just something inherited from someone else. Xolotl has Quetz turquoise snakes btw, actual snakes that burn stuff down!
-Tanetomo's blade was passed down to him by previous martial artists.
-Zabaniyya's seems to be related to him copying Shaytan's way of life and determination(? Something with Shaytan idk)
-Balor's might be because he inherited his role as king from the former ruler since that's the way his world works.
I'm not really sure about Hogen though. His bio mentions firearms, his rule, which is similar to Yoshitsune, as well as the woman from his past so who knows.
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deporteddragon · 1 year
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deporteddragon · 1 year
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deporteddragon · 2 years
Hmm. Is it me or does Toji kinda look like Guts in the new AR?
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