#Gundham pretended he was evil but once he remembers what he did. It's not so appealing.
hajihiko · 1 year
What do you think of Sonia's obsession with serial killers she brought up in chapter 2? Do you think if she ever met Genocide Jack in person would she be really excited or disappointed?
I don't think she ever met anyone and by the time she woke up from the coma her delusions of the fantasy of the grandiose of murder was entirely faded and if anything tarnished
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askthenewhopespeak · 6 years
March 3rd, 2020- Departures
Sora Hijirihara is fifteen years old and has a plan. It’s not a great plan, mind you, but this is a plan, and it had been building for a while now. She can’t- she won’t- let this new threat get anywhere close to her family.  And she will fix this world, as much as she can. (Makoto and Gundham were beyond saving, but maybe she could get baby Mitsuru his big sister back) She just has some preparations to do….
first station, the library:
(plan notes: try to finish it before someone notices you, especially alter ego)
-She prints out some things. Some pictures she took, that she hurries to clip together, as an album.
- In a second thought, she prints one more picture. Guilt tripping never harmed anyone… much.
-She writes down her letters. Two of them come out perfectly. The other two… not as much. One of them will suffice, but for the other… Shit, she’ll have to talk to him.
- She steals a pen as she leaves the library. No one would notice.
(well, this is done. What next?)
Second station, Mitsuru’s room:
(plan notes: You can do this. You won’t even cry.) Sora: *She places her hand on Mitsuru’s shoulder as she enters the room. * Mitsi? Can we talk? Mitsuru: Huh? Yeah, sure. *Sora closes the door behind her. * Sora: I’m leaving. And I wanted to say goodbye. Mitsuru: ….huh? Sora: I have found something- something that lets me track Invdia. So I’m leaving, and I’m going to keep our family safe. Mitsuru: …. What the fuck? Sora: I’m going to get your sister back. And I’m going to make sure no one lies a finger on mine. *She closes her eyes. * Please don’t make it harder than it has to be. Mitsuru: No. I’m going to make this as hard as I can. Because this is stupid idea. You don’t have to do this, Sora. You shouldn’t do this! Sora: No one else can! And- and I screwed this place over enough, so I’m going to fix everything I can. Mitsuru: And what about me? You’re just gonna leave me behind? Like my sister? Sora: I don’t want to! But you can’t leave. You have your medicine, and… I don’t want you to see this. I know what might happen and I don’t want you to see melike this. *She burries her face in him. *  I thought about just leaving you a letter, like I’m doing for mom and dad, but I couldn’t find the words- I’m so sorry… Do you hate me, Mitsi? Mitsuru: No. Of course not. I just think you’re being a dumbass right now Sora: I can’t even look at the twins without wanting to cry. I keep thinking about- how if I haven’t got us here, how this place would’ve been better. How I fucked it up for everyone. Mitsuru: Don’t blame yourself for this. You had no idea this was going to happen, and you never wanted it to happen. Guilt makes you do crazy things. Sora: You realize they are going to come after Monaca, right? She never appologized for what she did, so if they get a hold of her history…. And honestly, I’m pretty mad at your sister and doubt she’d stop them. Mitsuru: So instead of hunting them down, on your own, without backup, and without telling anyone else where you’re going, you can stay here and help protect all of us Sora: …’m gonna join them. Put up my best ‘crazy not uncle Shuji ’ act and be by their side. And then, if they try to punch my family…. *her hand is sent to KK, under her skirt. * well, you know what it is with knives and backs. And I will leave a note saying I left! Mitsuru: …. This is a bad plan driven my emotion Sora: Well, one of us is the brain on the group and it’s definatly not me. I’m here to stab things andcry a lot. Sora: …It’s the best plan that I have. And… I really don’t want to stay here. Mitsuru: And what if you don’t come back? Sora: I’m trying to save everyone! I’m four-fifteen years old. And I can’t stay in this school a second longer, and it’s been over two years and I just… what else can I do, Mitsi? Mitsuru: …I dunno. I don’t have all the answers. I just don’t want you to do something stupid Sora: When did you stop having all the answers, Mitsi? Mitsuru: When did I ever? Sora: It always seemed like you had, when we were younger. Mitsuru: You’re gonna take the words of an 8-year-old as solid answers? Sora: When you are an eight year old? Yes, why not? Remember, in that same age everything that came out of Kaede’s mouth was sacred. Mitsuru: You have a lot to learn about the world, my dear Sora Sora: It was seven years ago! I know better now… you know you won’t change my mind, right? Mitsuru: I figured. So there’s no point in arguing, I guess Sora: No, there really isn’t. I’ll go, and I’ll get the baby his sister back, and make sure no one touches my family, and maybe I won’t be surrounded by things that make me freak out. Mitsuru: Or you’ll die without accomplishing anything. That’s not me being morbid. That’s a real possibility. Sora: I have a knife, I’ll be fine. Mitsuru: A knife can’t solve all your problems, you know. They have guns. Sora: …I survived Kaede Naegi, I can survive jerks with guns. Mitsuru: They can gang up on you. They might have bombs. Poison gas. Other horrible things. Sora: …You are being pessimistic. I think you are really forgetting who is which role in our group. Mitsuru: And you’re forgetting these aren’t some dumb jokers. These are real, actual terrorists and murderers. They will not exercise restraint just because you’re a kid. Sora: …I’m trying to, really. Because I can’t- can’t afford to be scared for this. I can’t be weak. Mitsuru: Being scared doesn’t mean you’re weak. Reckless idiots aren’t scared. Sane people are scared. Sora: being either just raises my chance to screw this up. Mitsuru: Fear….fear’s like a double-edged sword. It can keep you from doing something, screw you up, and make you worried about stupid things. But it can also be what motivates you to stay alive, or help someone else. If you’re scared about what’ll happen to someone else if you die, that’s a good reason to keep living. Sora: *she sighs. * Mitsi? How long can you be away from here without, well, dying? Mitsuru: As long as my meds can last me. So not very long Sora: …Well, that solves it, I can’t take you even if I wanted too. *she looks at his eyes. * Mitsi, before I leave? Can I get a birthday kiss? Mitsuru: No. But you can have two. Sora: Sounds fine with me. *She leans forward to kiss him. * Mitsuru: If you die out there, I’ll kill you. Sora: I promise to come once you use an Ouija board. Mitsuru: Good. *he hugs her* I love you. Even if you are a huge jerk. Sora: I love you too, and hi, at least I’m not Kenta. Mitsuru: Hehe, yeah, true …Please come back. Sora: I will. I’ll miss you a lot. Mitsuru: Same here. And if you see Ryouko…tell her that she’s an idiot. And I miss her a lot too.
Sora: I’m gonna give her a picture. *she pulls the picture she printed earlier and the pen.* Maybe write on it something like 'for the best big sister in the world’. Mitsuru: Yeah… *He does so* I hope things go well. Sora: I do too. *she gives him another kiss and then checks her watch.* Well, if you’ll excuse me, my mother is having a baby so it’d be a great time to steal her credit card right now. Mitsuru: You’re pure evil. And somehow, I’m okay with it Sora: Hey, I’d need resources. Like some hair color and a dacktape. I’d rather not be recognized on tv like some other pepole had. Mitsi… whatever it’s worth… I love you. Mitsuru: I love you too. A lot. Even the dumb parts Sora: …I hope so, it’s the most of me. Mitsuru: *He hugs her again* *Sora hugs back* Sora: I know I said I don’t want you, but i really wish you could still come. Don’t watch videos, okay? *She turns to leave. * Mitsuru: Don’t die. Please. Sora: I promised, didn’t I? Mitsuru: …and if you can, give those Invidia guys a nice solid kick to the nuts Sora: …when I’ll stop pretending to likethem. And maybe one to Sly, anyways. Mitsuru: Good. Be smart, Sora. And good luck.
(well, you didn’t change your mind, so… a start?)
Station three, Sora and Kaede’s room:
(plan notes: just do it as quick as possible. Kaede will ask questions if she sees you.)
-Kaede is not in the room, thank hope.
- Sora steals Kaede’s backpack from under the bed, because Kaede isn’t actually using this thing and Sora needs a backpack.
-She packs clothes- especially, she tries, those that are not only red and black, because she has no idea how much Invdia knows of Hope’s peak and she doesn’t want people to actually make the connection.
-It is tempting to forget her tooth brush, but she gets it anyways.
-the letter for Akio and the twins is dropped on Kaede’s bed. Sora pretends she doesn’t feel like crying.
-she picks the rest of the essentials before she leaves towards her parent’s room.
(that went well)
Station four, Naomi and Takumi’s room:
(plan notes: Now to the actual ileagel part of today)
-finding her mother’s wallet isn’t hard. She knows well where the bag is kept, as well as where her mother keeps the note with her PIN on it. (she told Sora once that this was for emergencies. She isn’t sure it counts.)
-No one comes in, obviously. A quick check at her watch confirms the baby is coming, and both Naomi and Takumi would be busy with this.
-She drops the letter for them on the bed. She cries.
(Theft is much easier than one would think)
Station five, Damian’s room:
(plan notes: drop your shitty letter and go already.)
*Sora pushes the door to Damian’s room *
Sora: good, you are here. My letter sucked.
*She enters, closing the door behind her. There is a backpack on her back and she has shoes on. *
Damian looks surprised at the sudden entrance before sliding off his quiver and bow. “Hey Sora. Is something wrong?”
Sora: I just don’t want an adult to hear. Can’t have them stopping me from leaving, can I?
“… Why are you leaving?” Damian asks a bit quietly, sitting down on his bed and focusing all of his attention on her.
Sora: I managed to find a way to track invdia. So I’m going to join and keep them from my family.
“That’s crazy.” Damian says bluntly. “All you have is a knife you don’t know how to use to the best of your abilities. You can’t go by yourself Sora.”
Sora: I can and I will. I’m going to make sure Ryoko comes back, and to make sure they don’t think about my family as targets.
Sora: I can’t stay here, Damian.
“What happened to Jataro and the others… there’s no reason to assume the same will happen to you, Akio, Mitsuru or any of the others. No one knows outside of the school that you’re from the future.”
Sora: My sister has caused a massacre, if you didn’t notice. And she’s also my family. It’s not all about me, believe it or not.
“Monaca…” Damian remembers with a grimace before trying one last thing. “I tried to go after Invidia in an effort to stop them too. What’s the difference between you doing this and myself?”
Sora: … I don’t exist? Well, not for another hour, but no one would be able to make this connection.
Sora: and I don’t know how to tell you this, but you worked for storm.
Damian looks down at that before sighing. “There’s no talking you out of this.” He states rather than ask. “… what do I tell everyone else?”
Sora: Mitsuru knows, and I guess he’ll tell Kaede, Shuuichi and Akio. This *She searches her bag for a second and pulls a folded paper * is for my parents. Give it tommorow, okay? I should be fine by then.
“Alright…” Damian takes the paper before pulling Sora into a hug. “Stay safe okay? I don’t want to lose anyone else.”
Sora: I promise, I will. Mitsi already promised to kill me if I die. *She hugs back * don’t hide in your room, okay? Spend time with Jataro and everyone else.
Damian slowly let’s her go and nods reluctantly. “I’ll do my best. Keep in touch, if anything happens I’ll be there. House arrest or not.”
Sora: write me your number? *She hands him a piece of paper from her bag * and don’t get yourself in trouble.
Damian writes his number down on the paper before giving Sora a slight smile. “No promises.”
Sora: *She smiles back. * Jerk.
Damian sticks his tongue out before giving a slight wave goodbye. “See you around Sora…”
Sora: See you around… Don’t let Mitsi watch if there are videos, okay?
*She leaves. *
(You always thought he was the best uncle ever. Good to know this still holds.)
Station six, the mall:
(plan notes:just get what you need and go.)
-yes, she can use the primitive public transportation. She did it before, with some of the other kids.
-her first stop is at the ATM, where she takes out as much money as she thinks she needs, and hopes she wouldn’t need to use the card again.
- She gets everything she needs and couldn’t get at the school. This includes a prepaid phone, which she immediately texts Damian from, telling him it’s her new number and to call if there’s an emergency at the school.
-The sink at the toilet isn’t great, but it works well enough for the hair color she got. She’ll do it better later, but this should do for now. (she only manages to get the bottom half of her hair, to her dismay)
-Also at the toilet, she wraps black tape over the handle of her knife, making it mostly unrecognizable.
-She grabs her bag tightly with one hand as she puts her sun glasses on. She’s ready to go.
(You hope it works enough to make you unrecognizable at first look)
Sora Hijirihara is fifteen years old and has a plan. It’s not a great plan, mind you, but this is a plan, and it had been building for a while now.
She can’t- she won’t- let this new threat get anywhere close to her family.  And she will fix this world, as much as she can. (Makoto and Gundham were beyond saving, but maybe she could get baby Mitsuru his big sister back)
She just has some preparations to do….
first station, the library:
(plan notes: try to finish it before someone notices you, especially alter ego)
-She prints out some things. Some pictures she took, that she hurries to clip together, as an album.
- In a second thought, she prints one more picture. Guilt tripping never harmed anyone… much.
-She writes down her letters. Two of them come out perfectly. The other two… not as much.
One of them will suffice, but for the other… Shit, she’ll have to talk to him.
- She steals a pen as she leaves the library. No one would notice.
  (well, this is done. What next?)
Second station, Mitsuru’s room:
(plan notes: You can do this. You won’t even cry.)
  Sora: *She places her hand on Mitsuru’s shoulder as she enters the room. * Mitsi? Can we talk?
  Mitsuru: Huh? Yeah, sure.
  *Sora closes the door behind her. *
Sora: I’m leaving. And I wanted to say goodbye.
  Mitsuru: ….huh?
  Sora: I have found something- something that lets me track Invdia. So I’m leaving, and I’m going to keep our family safe.
  Mitsuru: …. What the fuck?
  Sora: I’m going to get your sister back. And I’m going to make sure no one lies a finger on mine. *She closes her eyes. * Please don’t make it harder than it has to be.
  Mitsuru: No. I’m going to make this as hard as I can. Because this is stupid idea. You don’t have to do this, Sora. You shouldn’t do this!
  Sora: No one else can! And- and I screwed this place over enough, so I’m going to fix everything I can.
  Mitsuru: And what about me? You’re just gonna leave me behind? Like my sister?
Sora: I don’t want to! But you can’t leave. You have your medicine, and… I don’t want you to see this. I know what might happen and I don’t want you to see melike this. *She burries her face in him. *  I thought about just leaving you a letter, like I’m doing for mom and dad, but I couldn’t find the words- I’m so sorry… Do you hate me, Mitsi?
  Mitsuru: No. Of course not. I just think you’re being a dumbass right now
  Sora: I can’t even look at the twins without wanting to cry. I keep thinking about- how if I haven’t got us here, how this place would’ve been better. How I fucked it up for everyone.
  Mitsuru: Don’t blame yourself for this. You had no idea this was going to happen, and you never wanted it to happen. Guilt makes you do crazy things.
  Sora: You realize they are going to come after Monaca, right? She never appologized for what she did, so if they get a hold of her history…. And honestly, I’m pretty mad at your sister and doubt she’d stop them.
  Mitsuru: So instead of hunting them down, on your own, without backup, and without telling anyone else where you’re going, you can stay here and help protect all of us
  Sora: …’m gonna join them. Put up my best 'crazy not uncle Shuji ’ act and be by their side. And then, if they try to punch my family…. *her hand is sent to KK, under her skirt. * well, you know what it is with knives and backs. And I will leave a note saying I left!
  Mitsuru: …. This is a bad plan driven my emotion
  Sora: Well, one of us is the brain on the group and it’s definatly not me. I’m here to stab things andcry a lot.
Sora: …It’s the best plan that I have. And… I really don’t want to stay here.
  Mitsuru: And what if you don’t come back?
  Sora: I’m trying to save everyone! I’m four-fifteen years old. And I can’t stay in this school a second longer, and it’s been over two years and I just… what else can I do, Mitsi?
  Mitsuru: …I dunno. I don’t have all the answers. I just don’t want you to do something stupid
  Sora: When did you stop having all the answers, Mitsi?
  Mitsuru: When did I ever?
  Sora: It always seemed like you had, when we were younger.
  Mitsuru: You’re gonna take the words of an 8-year-old as solid answers?
  Sora: When you are an eight year old? Yes, why not? Remember, in that same age everything that came out of Kaede’s mouth was sacred.
  Mitsuru: You have a lot to learn about the world, my dear Sora
  Sora: It was seven years ago! I know better now… you know you won’t change my mind, right?
  Mitsuru: I figured. So there’s no point in arguing, I guess
  Sora: No, there really isn’t. I’ll go, and I’ll get the baby his sister back, and make sure no one touches my family, and maybe I won’t be surrounded by things that make me freak out.
  Mitsuru: Or you’ll die without accomplishing anything. That’s not me being morbid. That’s a real possibility.
  Sora: I have a knife, I’ll be fine.
  Mitsuru: A knife can’t solve all your problems, you know. They have guns.
  Sora: …I survived Kaede Naegi, I can survive jerks with guns.
  Mitsuru: They can gang up on you. They might have bombs. Poison gas. Other horrible things.
  Sora: …You are being pessimistic. I think you are really forgetting who is which role in our group.
  Mitsuru: And you’re forgetting these aren’t some dumb jokers. These are real, actual terrorists and murderers. They will not exercise restraint just because you’re a kid.
  Sora: …I’m trying to, really. Because I can’t- can’t afford to be scared for this. I can’t be weak.
  Mitsuru: Being scared doesn’t mean you’re weak. Reckless idiots aren’t scared. Sane people are scared.
  Sora: being either just raises my chance to screw this up.
  Mitsuru: Fear….fear’s like a double-edged sword. It can keep you from doing something, screw you up, and make you worried about stupid things. But it can also be what motivates you to stay alive, or help someone else. If you’re scared about what’ll happen to someone else if you die, that’s a good reason to keep living.
  Sora: *she sighs. * Mitsi? How long can you be away from here without, well, dying?
  Mitsuru: As long as my meds can last me. So not very long
  Sora: …Well, that solves it, I can’t take you even if I wanted too. *she looks at his eyes. * Mitsi, before I leave? Can I get a birthday kiss?
  Mitsuru: No. But you can have two.
  Sora: Sounds fine with me. *She leans forward to kiss him. *
  Mitsuru: If you die out there, I’ll kill you.
  Sora: I promise to come once you use an Ouija board.
  Mitsuru: Good. *he hugs her* I love you. Even if you are a huge jerk.
  Sora: I love you too, and hi, at least I’m not Kenta.
  Mitsuru: Hehe, yeah, true …Please come back.
  Sora: I will. I’ll miss you a lot.
  Mitsuru: Same here. And if you see Ryouko…tell her that she’s an idiot. And I miss her a lot too.
  Sora: I’m gonna give her a picture. *she pulls the picture she printed earlier and the pen.* Maybe write on it something like 'for the best big sister in the world’.
  Mitsuru: Yeah… *He does so* I hope things go well.
  Sora: I do too. *she gives him another kiss and then checks her watch.* Well, if you’ll excuse me, my mother is having a baby so it’d be a great time to steal her credit card right now.
  Mitsuru: You’re pure evil. And somehow, I’m okay with it
  Sora: Hey, I’d need resources. Like some hair color and a dacktape. I’d rather not be recognized on tv like some other pepole had. Mitsi… whatever it’s worth… I love you.
  Mitsuru: I love you too. A lot. Even the dumb parts
  Sora: …I hope so, it’s the most of me.
  Mitsuru: *He hugs her again*
  *Sora hugs back*
Sora: I know I said I don’t want you, but i really wish you could still come. Don’t watch videos, okay? *She turns to leave. *
  Mitsuru: Don’t die. Please.
  Sora: I promised, didn’t I?
  Mitsuru: …and if you can, give those Invidia guys a nice solid kick to the nuts
  Sora: …when I’ll stop pretending to likethem. And maybe one to Sly, anyways.
  Mitsuru: Good. Be smart, Sora. And good luck.
(well, you didn’t change your mind, so… a start?)
Station three, Sora and Kaede’s room:
(plan notes: just do it as quick as possible. Kaede will ask questions if she sees you.)
-Kaede is not in the room, thank hope.
- Sora steals Kaede’s backpack from under the bed, because Kaede isn’t actually using this thing and Sora needs a backpack.
-She packs clothes- especially, she tries, those that are not only red and black, because she has no idea how much Invdia knows of Hope’s peak and she doesn’t want people to actually make the connection.
-It is tempting to forget her tooth brush, but she gets it anyways.
-the letter for Akio and the twins is dropped on Kaede’s bed. Sora pretends she doesn’t feel like crying.
-she picks the rest of the essentials before she leaves towards her parent’s room.
(that went well)
Station four, Naomi and Takumi’s room:
(plan notes: Now to the actual ileagel part of today)
-finding her mother’s wallet isn’t hard. She knows well where the bag is kept, as well as where her mother keeps the note with her PIN on it. (she told Sora once that this was for emergencies. She isn’t sure it counts.)
-No one comes in, obviously. A quick check at her watch confirms the baby is coming, and both Naomi and Takumi would be busy with this.
-She drops the letter for them on the bed. She cries.
(Theft is much easier than one would think)
Station five, Damian’s room:
(plan notes: drop your shitty letter and go already.)
*Sora pushes the door to Damian’s room *
Sora: good, you are here. My letter sucked.
*She enters, closing the door behind her. There is a backpack on her back and she has shoes on. *
Damian looks surprised at the sudden entrance before sliding off his quiver and bow. “Hey Sora. Is something wrong?”
Sora: I just don’t want an adult to hear. Can’t have them stopping me from leaving, can I?
“… Why are you leaving?” Damian asks a bit quietly, sitting down on his bed and focusing all of his attention on her.
Sora: I managed to find a way to track invdia. So I’m going to join and keep them from my family.
“That’s crazy.” Damian says bluntly. “All you have is a knife you don’t know how to use to the best of your abilities. You can’t go by yourself Sora.”
Sora: I can and I will. I’m going to make sure Ryoko comes back, and to make sure they don’t think about my family as targets.
Sora: I can’t stay here, Damian.
“What happened to Jataro and the others… there’s no reason to assume the same will happen to you, Akio, Mitsuru or any of the others. No one knows outside of the school that you’re from the future.”
Sora: My sister has caused a massacre, if you didn’t notice. And she’s also my family. It’s not all about me, believe it or not.
“Monaca…” Damian remembers with a grimace before trying one last thing. “I tried to go after Invidia in an effort to stop them too. What’s the difference between you doing this and myself?”
Sora: … I don’t exist? Well, not for another hour, but no one would be able to make this connection.
Sora: and I don’t know how to tell you this, but you worked for storm.
Damian looks down at that before sighing. “There’s no talking you out of this.” He states rather than ask. “… what do I tell everyone else?”
Sora: Mitsuru knows, and I guess he’ll tell Kaede, Shuuichi and Akio. This *She searches her bag for a second and pulls a folded paper * is for my parents. Give it tommorow, okay? I should be fine by then.
“Alright…” Damian takes the paper before pulling Sora into a hug. “Stay safe okay? I don’t want to lose anyone else.”
Sora: I promise, I will. Mitsi already promised to kill me if I die. *She hugs back * don’t hide in your room, okay? Spend time with Jataro and everyone else.
Damian slowly let’s her go and nods reluctantly. “I’ll do my best. Keep in touch, if anything happens I’ll be there. House arrest or not.”
Sora: write me your number? *She hands him a piece of paper from her bag * and don’t get yourself in trouble.
Damian writes his number down on the paper before giving Sora a slight smile. “No promises.”
Sora: *She smiles back. * Jerk.
Damian sticks his tongue out before giving a slight wave goodbye. “See you around Sora…”
Sora: See you around… Don’t let Mitsi watch if there are videos, okay?
*She leaves. *
(You always thought he was the best uncle ever. Good to know this still holds.)
Station six, the mall:
(plan notes:just get what you need and go.)
-yes, she can use the primitive public transportation. She did it before, with some of the other kids.
-her first stop is at the ATM, where she takes out as much money as she thinks she needs, and hopes she wouldn’t need to use the card again.
- She gets everything she needs and couldn’t get at the school. This includes a prepaid phone, which she immediately texts Damian from, telling him it’s her new number and to call if there’s an emergency at the school.
-The sink at the toilet isn’t great, but it works well enough for the hair color she got. She’ll do it better later, but this should do for now. (she only manages to get the bottom half of her hair, to her dismay)
-Also at the toilet, she wraps black tape over the handle of her knife, making it mostly unrecognizable.
-She grabs her bag tightly with one hand as she puts her sun glasses on. She’s ready to go.
(You hope it works enough to make you unrecognizable at first look)
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