#Gunvaldr Faramundson
shootertron-stuff · 1 year
Farhad's wives, part two
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Continuation of this post, more of Farhad's wives created through Picrew.
Warnings that this universe contains a lot of forced pregnancy, enslavement, forced feminization, ableism, noncon etc etc
Krispus Kestrel: An Iron Snake who Farhad bought off an unscrupulous warband claiming he was an Ultramarine ("What's the difference? Sons of Guilliman are Sons of Guilliman!"). Due to being racist against Beastmen and attacking a nurse who was taking his baby's vitals, Krispus' children have been taken away to be raised by goat people.
Despite not being born there, he is anal about Protected Designation of Origin and Traditional Specialty Guaranteed foods from Ultramar. It's not Ultramarine Barley Soup unless the ingredients were grown on the 500 worlds and prepared in a specific way!
Ta-wr: In this universe, Perturabo is secretly a girl and her geneseed has a high chance of turning you into a girl. To test this theory, one could forcefem an Iron Warrior and see if she likes it. But bringing home an Iron Warrior wife would make his Imperial Space Marine wives unhappy, wouldn't it?
So instead, Farhad bought a Silver Skull, a Space Marine chapter rumored to have Perturabo's geneseed. Ta-wr was having a bad time, being used as forced labor for the Red Corsairs. Being bailed out came with a cost.
Ta-wr turned out to be an Ultramarine in spirit, despite the truth of her chapter's founding. Like Krispus, she is anal about PDOs and TSGs. But as they say in the Black Legion, you're more than your geneseed!
Not all women want babies, and Ta-wr had no "maternal instinct" when her kids were born.
Like other Silver Skulls, she is covered in tattoos.
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Maximus: A Death Strike Marine. Was a Dreadnought pilot before his exosuit was irreparably damaged. Was "saved" and made a breeder. Has no arms or legs and must rely on the other Marines for many tasks. Due to how long he was sealed inside the Dreadnought sarcophagus, is sensitive to stimuli including light.
Adores all his children and is one of the most well-behaved wives, and Farhad dotes on him, providing him with sensory-friendly clothes and lots of stuffed animals. Also he gets flogged, an "essential care need" for all Sons of Dorn that he was "cruelly denied" while inside the Dreadnought.
Must be watched closely to prevent less compliant wives from hurting him, as they think he needs to be put out of his misery due to his care needs.
Jamshed: A Hawk Lord who miraculously survived being shot out of the air, though he suffered extensive injuries. Paired with Krispus.
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Hot Pink Rhododendrons Blooming on a Summer's Night: "Roddy Summer", a Celebrant, came from humble origins. His mother, holding high hopes, gave him a grandiose name and spent every last bit of money they had to send him to the Space Marine trials shortly before her death. After failing to protect his home hive city from attack, Roddy became depressed, easy pickings for a Chaos warband.
Dresses like an 80s roller skater.
Gunvaldr Faramundson: A Space Wolf. Liable to mount the other Space Marine wives. Responds well to positive reinforcement with chopped and dried pieces of bull penis.
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Umer: A Hammer of Dorn, extremely unhappy about the whole baby making business. Has long passages of the Codex Astartes memorized and will start reciting them unsolicited. Begrudgingly shares a bed with the other Sons of Dorn.
"Ifrit" Tanager: A Thousand Sons Sorceror skilled in biomancy. Farhad took the fact that he shapeshifted a pussy for their first meeting as permission to use him as a breeder, but also, he has something against the Thousand Sons and likes tormenting him.
Farhad tries to be accommodating to the other wives but is as mean to Ifrit as possible without the Hereteks monitoring the breeding project complaining that it will have a negative impact on maternal health.
Gunvaldr is overly friendly with Ifrit.
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shootertron-stuff · 2 years
The consultation
A long rambling fic but not quite a fic about my Space Marine OCs and bottom surgery.
Warnings for past rape, past forced body modification, past forced pregnancy, background mpreg, imprisonment, victim blaming, castration, dysphoria etc but in general it's a lighthearted story.
More information about the characters is available on my "Taming Hellhounds" tag or my ao3.
I have a Black Legionnaire OC, a horndog with a pregnancy fetish. He collected Space Marine wives who he forcibly modified to be able to get pregnant, and had many, many children. Children who, through geneseed manipulation, were born with all the Space Marine organs and grew up to be Space Marines.
The problem with having children who are Chaos Space Marines is that they come back from boarding school in the Eye of Terror and try to kill you for sending them to that crappy school and being terrible to their mother.
And so, he got beat up and stabbed by his sons, their warband co-conspirators, and his ex-wives. On top of this, he had his genitals ripped off and gnawed on by Gunvaldr Faramundson, a vengeful Space Wolf who was one of the wives in question.
He was spared from death at the behest of Clothilde, his first and favorite wife, an Imperial Fist with whom he had many children. Clothilde produced an immaterial binding collar made of the hopes and wishes of berieved dog owners who had to put down their beloved problem dogs, and heartbroken spouses who wished they could fix their abusive partners. With this spell, a gift from a witch on a Daemon world known as "Dog Heaven", they would be able to control him. At least stop him from doing bad things.
The sons relented, not wanting to make their mother sad. Years ago, Clothilde was struck by chronic fatigue and a tendency to faint after getting in the way of a killing blow meant for their father. Added to years of trauma making them emotionally fragile, the sons don't want to risk upsetting Mom.
Clothilde has vague notions about restorative justice. Once upon a time, they were a criminal being punished - that's how their husband's followers view Imperial Space Marines. War criminals who kill indiscriminately, unlike their leader who protects them from harm. The sentence? Being raped and repeatedly impregnated to create warriors who would in theory protect their husband's followers. It was, in the view of these people, more than they deserved. But it was horrible for the one being punished, who didn’t even understand they had done anything wrong.
Well, it would be easier to kill him and put him out of his misery, but they can't. The trauma bond is too strong. Besides, they know many of the horrible things their husband did to them over almost two centuries were out of a twisted benevolence.
Imperial Space Marines lack a strong sense of bodily autonomy and are conditioned to obey authority, as long as it's a Space Marine or Primarch. The Black Legionnaire figured that more nonconsensual body modification wasn't that big of a deal for people who had tons of bullshit organs shoved into them as children and expected to obey the adults around them or die. 
Having a master who would, in the grand scheme of the 40K galaxy, give them a high standard of living was a great deal. These Space Marines learned to love abusive people before, and they could do it again.
And that's exactly what happened. After spending a lifetime of being an object, government property, not allowed to be emotionally vulnerable, being doted on and treated as something precious melted Clothilde. They were still property, and still being used, but it felt...better in some ways.
Imperial Fists are a stubborn lot, taking on challenges others would deem impossible. Even if it would take hundreds of years, they want to fix him. Train him to behave. He doesn't have to be sorry, but he can do better. The other wives don't have to accept him, and can stay angry.
(Now, whether it’s even feasible to have a Chaos Space Marine who is well-behaved in 9 Legions territory is questionable. All of them have to do some horrible things to survive. Be mean or be beat up for being a wimp. Toxic environment and whatnot. Though this warband can be good to the humans they protect while showing no mercy to their enemies while still pleasing the gods.)
The collar can only stop him from lunging and killing people. It can't make him move or say anything he doesn't want to say. And it only works when the person who put it on him gives a verbal command. Which is big trouble if Clothilde falls asleep and he decides to run away and cause trouble.
And he can cause so much trouble! A long time ago, he pacted with a white hound Daemon, and grows in size and hairiness when he’s excited. Basically he turns into a big dog with horns and starts smashing into things.
Clothilde can't be with him all the time to prevent this. After everything they’ve gone through, they need to sleep, and spending time with the ex-wives means leaving him behind. Clothilde is also in love with Shahram, a Night Sword who has been with them for over a century. Shahram has helped raised Clothilde’s children, and helped them through the grief of miscarriages and child death. Many of Clothilde’s children regard him as their “real father”.
Shahram doesn’t want to be around the Black Legionnaire. None of the ex-wives do. In fact, as part of the deal to spare his life, they ex-wives barred him from setting foot in their shared habsuite, which used to be their prison. Clothilde is spending time with him because they have a martyr complex. But they also want to spend time with Shahram, and don’t want him to feel like he’s been passed over for something “better”.
(Whether Shahram gets on the wait list to have his genitals reverted to what they were before, I don’t know yet. But he feels like he can’t give them what they want or that he’s less desirable because he no longer has a penis.)
And the Black Legionnaire can’t just be locked in his room. He starts becoming destructive when he is, chewing up furniture and walls. It’s bad enough when the two of them are in public and he decides to be spiteful and urinate on things, or lie down and refuse to move.
In truth, he's afraid of being abandoned. When you're a Chaos Space Marine, you don't know who to trust. Long ago, he lost Horus, and all sense of stability in his life vanished. Shortly after, he was captured and forcibly wedded to one of the Emperor's Children who delighted in tormenting a Primarch-less Son of Horus. Eventually, he killed this husband, but has been paranoid of being deposed by even his most trusted allies ever since.
So he fears that even if he stops doing the things his wife hates, they still won't like him. Being left alone reminds him of that. Truly an abused rescue dog with separation anxiety.
Luckily, the sons have a sorcerer half-brother, Oxyartes, who came about from their father impregnating a captive Thousand Sons sorcerer. Oxyartes, who has trained in The Art with 7 Lunar priestesses he regards as his aunts, is tasked with creating and renewing ward spells to keep his father from causing trouble.
Oxyartes doesn’t like babysitting his father, who he thinks of as a petulant manchild. Before being deposed, the Black Legionnaire would rant on and on about how much he hated Ahriman and the Thousand Sons, often in inappropriate places like restaurant drive-throughs. Oxyartes figured out that the Black Legionnaire was tormenting his “real dad”, the captive Thousand Sons sorcerer, for bullshit reasons. Plus, due to being pacted with a dog Daemon, the Black Legionnaire’s thoughts give him terrible tension headaches. 
But Oxyartes does it anyway, because his half-brothers butter him up and he likes Clothilde.
(this outcome is still punitive and rather...abusive by our standards, but this isn't the real world)
Now, the sons intended to leave their father castrated, finding it a fitting punishment for a rapist. If the Warp wants him to grow back his dick and balls, let it do its magic. Otherwise, he can stay that way for all they care.
But Clothilde, with those vague notions of restorative justice, thinks this is cruel and unusual punishment. They are one of the few people in the galaxy who knows their husband is transgender and had bottom surgery many years ago to become indistinguishable from a Space Marine born with those parts. 
That’s why he kidnapped them. They were in the closet and felt like they could never transition because of the Imperial Fists’ strict ban against female Space Marines. The Black Legionnaire insists he knew they needed that extra push to be happier, and had a Heretek do a HRT/bottom surgery combo while they were knocked out.
Well, it was one of those well-intended stupid actions of his that was indistinguishable from cruelty and malice. Did they really become happier? Well…at least they learned to love the physical changes.
Anyhow, leaving him a eunuch would be unacceptable, because having the “wrong” body feels awful! Clothilde spent many years having other Imperial Fists kick them in the balls, not knowing that was dysphoria.
It takes a good deal of nagging, but their sons sign off on funding the procedure, with a few caveats.
And so Clothilde takes their husband for a bottom surgery consultation. Nobody else wanted to escort him.
Mehhhriam Blackstone has been the warband bottom surgeon for centuries. She performed the surgeries on Clothilde, Shahram, and the other wives. Due to the value of her knowledge in creating functioning reproductive organs that pass on geneseed, her office is behind several guarded blast doors.
Once inside, the two Space Marines are greeted by two pet goats. Both black with white splotches. The floor of the office is covered in hay. Shelves upon shelves of curios line the walls, including pickled fetuses and what appear to be shorn-off vaginal linings. A bowl of candy is set on the coffee table next to a Space Marine-sized couch.
As her name would suggest, Mehhhriam is a beastman, resembling a purple nubian goat with dark eye markings. The mechanical tentacles on her back compensate for her lack of manual dexterity. Her vision has been twice augmented. She says hello, offering the two of them herbal tea.
Clothilde instinctively dislikes Mehhhriam, both because she is a beastman and because she was so nonchalant about her part in the torment of Black Legionnaire’s captives.  Mehhhriam, viewing Imperial Space Marines as criminals, thought nothing of it. Besides, she’s a valued member of the community who provides sliding scale bottom surgery to everybody!
While the two Space Marines are sitting on the guest couch, Mehhhriam gives a rundown of the planned procedure. Phallo and orchioplasty with full nervous and circulatory hookups. Clothilde sniffs the tea and candy suspiciously, while their husband eats a candy and starts sparkling, because it was Warp candy.
Now you must be wondering what those caveats were. 
The sons figure that Mom has too many kids, and doesn’t need more, especially since they’ll all grow up to be Chaos Space Marines and disappoint Mom in one way or another. Dad has definitely had too many kids. They know their parents will have sex again no matter how bad of an idea it is, and who knows if human birth control works on Space Marines.
(I think Clothilde has around 50 kids, which you must agree is excessive)
Clothilde doesn’t believe in abortion, not unless the fetus is a Chaos Spawn. And it feels mean to have Mom sterilized.
So in order for the Black Legionnaire to get his dick and balls back, they must be incapable of producing viable sperm.
This is the most common state of Space Marine balls across the galaxy, but he had some fiddling done by Mehhhriam so that he was fertile.
So he okays the planned surgeries, knowing that it’s a take it or leave it deal. Having more kids after the existing ones tried to kill him feels unwise anyways.
He is floored when Mehhhriam tells him the estimated wait time for the surgery. Her services are in high demand across the Screaming Vortex, you see.
The reason he couldn’t book a date earlier was because he was recovering from his wounds, and Mehhhriam needed him to sign the consent forms before a date could be reserved. He knows he can’t bribe Mehhhriam into moving the date up, because she has Principles and his sons seized all the things he could be bribing her with. He can’t threaten her either.
So he must wait.
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