#Guys I found out how to self duet on phone yay
thevampireoflace · 2 years
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picturetoburnnn · 6 years
What I Need / chapter 1 | Luke Hemmings x Reader
Word Count - 2k
Warning - slow burn ahead. i had a dream about this and therefore wrote about it. there will be multiple chapters yay
Taglist -  @songforhema @asht0ns-world @lukesflaredpants @sunflowerxcal @star-gazing-calum@cxddlyash @emomack @merryblueberry02 @kinglyhood @caswinchester2000 @babe-babylon @irwinkitten (dm me to be added. sorry if i tagged you and you didnt wanna be, just let me know)
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“...Don't waste your time on me, you're already the voice inside my head.” I held the last note while strumming the guitar, ending with a subtle flair. The crowd inside the small coffee house broke into applause, bringing a grin to my face.
“Thank you guys,” I smiled into the microphone in front of me. “I'm gonna take a short break, be back in five.”
Setting the guitar down on its stand and switching off the mic, I hopped off my stool and headed straight for the restroom.
Luke’s manager looked to him, wide eyed. Luke didn't take his eyes off the girl as he said “Set up a duet.”
His manager shot him a smile. “On it.”
I wrung my hands out, trying to dry them off.
Why are there never any paper towels in the bathroom?
A throat cleared behind me. I spun on my heel, coming face to face with a very tall man. “John King,” he held out his hand.
“Y/N Y/L/N.” You shook his hand confusedly.
“I represent the band 5 Seconds of Summer, perhaps you've heard of them?”
My jaw dropped. Yes of course I’ve heard of them, they're my favorite band, I thought.
“Y-yes of course,” I stuttered.
“Well, the lead singer, Luke Hemmings, listened to your set just now. He was very impressed with your talent.”
My heart was beating out of my chest. The Luke Hemmings, frontman of my favorite band, listened to my set and liked it?
“He wants to know if you'd be interested in doing a duet performance with him?”
I could have fainted from disbelief. I racked my brain for a response. “Sir, I'd--”
“Y/N!” hissed the store owner. “I need you back up there.”
“Can we talk after you've finished your set? You can speak with Luke yourself,” John offered.
“Yes please,” you murmured.
“Good luck, Miss Y/L/N.”
I nodded in appreciation, then passed by him to hop back up on the raised platform serving as a stage.
Flipping the switch to the microphone back on, I grabbed my guitar and scooted back up onto the bar stool. “Alright, let's get back to it, shall we?”
A quiet fell over the cafe. I searched the crowd for a moment before I saw him. The blond man stared at me, shooting me a wink when he met my eyes. Heat rose to my cheeks.
I began to strum the opening notes to my next song, and I watched a smirk befall Luke's features.
“I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted. I thought about our last kiss: how it felt, the way you tasted,” I began.
“You guys are amazing,” I breathed after I finished my last song. The sound of applause filled the tiny cafe. “I’m here every Wednesday and Thursday, as you probably saw from the sign outside. Come and see me again.” Light laughter came from the crowd. “Thank you guys so much.”
I stood and bowed as the applause started up again. The owner of the cafe switched the radio on again; soft rock played gently through the speakers. Hopping down from the platform, I got down to put my guitar in its case. I was clicking the last latch into place when I heard a voice behind me.
“Fan of ours, are you?”
“Mr. Hemmings,” I breathed as I turned around. His tall frame towered over mine as I faced him. He smiled to me.
“Please, just call me Luke. I really liked your set.”
“Thanks!” I still couldn't believe that Luke Hemmings was in front of me.
“So I know John came up and talked to you earlier, but I wanted to ask you myself. Y/N, I think you're incredibly talented. You can do so much more than just coffee shop gigs. I propose that you and I meet up sometime and have a little jam session. Just you and me. My hope is that eventually, you'll feel comfortable enough to possibly do a duet performance.”
God. I would do a duet right here, right now, if he asked me to.
“That sounds incredible,” I managed. “Who do you think would be my performing partner?”
He flushed. “Well, I was-- I was hoping you'd do one with me. I've been writing a song lately that's begging for an accompaniment. Your voice sounds perfect for it.”
My mind was racing, my heart fluttering. “Y-yeah, that'd be an honor.”
He laughed. “It's my pleasure. How about I give you my number, then you can text me when you're available?”
I was only slightly internally freaking out.
“Yeah, sounds good.” How on earth am I keeping my cool right now?
He grabbed a nearby pen and napkin. “This,” he mumbled as he wrote the numbers, “is my personal phone number. Let me know when you're free, I'll buy you a coffee and we can get to songwriting.”
“Thank you so much, Mr. Hemmings. I can't tell you--”
“I told you, just call me Luke.”
“Luke,” I tried, loving the way it rolled off the tongue. “I can't tell you what this means to me. I've been a fan of your band since I was a teenager. You all inspired me to try to pursue this.”
He smiled, truly grinning. “Look how it's paid off! Wish I could take credit for that, but that's all you.”
I flushed, looking down at my shoes and smiling bashfully for a moment before meeting his eyes again. “Thank you, Luke.”
“I've got to go,” he muttered after checking his phone. “Text me.”
“Yeah,” I smiled. He smiled back and my stomach did somersaults.
“And then he was all ‘here's my number, text me when you can.’ He gave me his number! Britt, I have the number of Luke Hemmings!” I was all but screaming into the phone.
“Y/N that's incredible!” Britt exclaimed.
I stared at the ceiling, hair splayed out on my pillow. “I haven't texted him yet, I wanna be chill about it.”
“There's no way to be chill about texting a celebrity, Y/N. He gave you his number so you could text him. Why aren't you doing that?”
My dog jumped onto the bed next to me. I ran a hand through her fur as she settled next to my leg. “I don't know what to say, though,” I sighed.
I could hear Britt huff through the speakers. “Just say hey. Let him know it's you.”
“Okay fine, I can do that. I'm gonna hang up, I need to make myself some dinner.”
“Later girl. Let me know how it goes.”
“I will. Bye.”
I hung up on my best friend, looking down to my dog. “What should I do, Bean?”
Bean let out a whimper.
“Yeah, I agree,” I sighed. Grabbing my phone, I contemplated opening a new message. “Should I do it?”
Bean lifted her head, looking at me.
“Fine,” I groaned. “Why are you always right?”
I grabbed the carefully folded napkin from my pocket, entering the numbers in my phone.
Hi, its Y/N, from the cafe ??
I hit send before I could second guess myself.
“Ash, I found the perfect person for the song.”
“Really?” Ashton's voice sounded tired over the phone. “That's good.”
“I was down at that coffee house on 27th for a meeting with John and she was the live music performer and she's got an amazing voice, and knows her way around a guitar.”
“Did you talk to her?”
“Yeah, I offered her the duet and she seemed excited to do it. I gave her my number but she hasn't texted yet.” Luke ran a hand through his hair as he paced the living room.
“Maybe you didn't sell it to her after all,” the drummer teased. “She took your number out of pity.”
“Shut up,” Luke groaned. “She's cute. Really cute.”
“Awh is little Lukey getting a crush?”
Luke stopped pacing. “No,” he huffed defensively. “Just stating an observation, that's all.”
“Whatever you say, pal,” Ashton giggled.
“Look, I gotta go. Petunia needs to be taken outside. We'll talk later.”
Luke hung up, tossing his phone back on the couch. He was about to step into the backyard after his dog when he heard the quiet ding! from his phone. His head snapped toward the cell, watching the screen light up. The singer all but dove onto the couch, grappling for his phone. His face lit up when he saw it was a text from a new number.
It read: Hi, it’s Y/N, from the cafe ??
The man smiled, unlocking his phone. Play it cool, he told himself as he began typing.
Lol, was wondering when I’d get a text from you.
That’s not cool.
“Stupid, stupid, Luke. That’s dumb,” he audibly scolded himself as he deleted the message.
Good to hear from you
No, that sounds too formal.
He probably went through ten potential messages before he finally settled on one.
Hey Y/N
Yeah, that could work.
He hit send before any more doubt could change his mind.
I timidly knocked on the front door of my favorite singer in the world. I felt so self-conscious driving into his neighborhood. Rolls Royces and Range Rovers and everything between were in every driveway and garage. My little thirteen year old Toyota Prius didn’t belong here, especially when it had been in a few fender-benders, with dents and scratches to prove it.
I was pretty sure his neighbor was giving dirty looks as I walked up the drive.
My hand fell from the door, nervously playing with the fabric of my shirt. I heard barking from the other side of the door, followed by what sounded like claws scratching the door. I giggled softly. The door opened to reveal a shirtless Luke. It took all of my self-control not to stare at his chest, and instead meet his eyes.
“Hey! You’re right on time.” He sounded impressed.
“Oh, sorry? I thought we agreed on eleven? I can come back later if you're preoccupied,” I insisted.
“No, no, no, no, you're good. Just, normally when I tell the guys eleven, they're not here till noon. You're a good change of pace,” he smiled. God, I swear his smile could light up the world.
I timidly returned the expression. “Um, my guitar's in the car, let me go grab that real quick. Don't know why I didn't get it before.” I spun on my heel, almost racing down the steps.
Stupid, stupid Y/N. Why didn't you grab the damn guitar before knocking on his door?
Opening the hatch, I was about to grab the case when someone beat me to it.
“Let me get it,” Luke's voice sounded from behind me.
“Are you always gonna come up behind me?” I turned and teased. “Both times you've come up to me, I've been turned the other way.”
“If that's the best way to get your attention, then maybe,” he smirked.
It wasn't until then that I noticed how close his body was to mine, that I was trapped between his and the cargo space of the car. I looked down at my feet, then back up.
“Perhaps you should find another way of getting my attention.”
“Normally being shirtless does the trick,” he winked.
I gave a look to his bare chest.
“Not bad.”
He groaned. “You are gonna be tough, aren't you?”
“Just tough to impress,” I smirked. “C'mon, we've got a song to write.”
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