#H. but I like that scene in particular and brienne being on that horse / getting off then getting kissed by him bc it’s kind of giving
swordmaid · 16 days
The Jb Confession Scene from that post canon au is set on some field and there’s a slight rain … grass is still wet from the morning dew not gonna lie in my head it’s like 2005 pride and prejudice scene with Darcy walking through the fog except it’s jaime running through the mud in his pjs with the letter in his hand (like in persuasion!) and he looks so panicked and kind of afraid and I also have this idea that he has a slight limp post war bc his leg got damaged and I like the idea of brienne - despite being in her feelings rn - the moment she notices it’s jaime running after her she’s like oh .. then she notices he’s running and now starting to limp bc she knows his leg is now acting up she’s like oh!!!! makes the horse walk towards him so he doesn’t have to run any more further even though SHE’S the one who’s supposed to be running away. and the whole confession scene is like jaime asking her if he’s displeased her in anyway, or if he has offended, and she’s like no ofc not. he’s like then why are you leaving?? and tbh he’s BIG mad that she would just leave like that bc their relationship are worth more than saying an informal goodbye on paper!!! like hello that’s so rude!!! if u want to leave you have to say, and you have to leave through the front door and not sneak out the back end and in the route that he showed her btw. and there’s more to this dialogue btw but my pre sleep daydreams has NOT filled that in yet but I’m just imagining jaime starts to figure out why she’s so upset (she brings up the whole tourney for a lord lannister in kl and he’s gonna get married) and he’s like.. wait. WAIT. the math is mathing. brienne is upset bc she doesn’t like the idea of him marrying someone else = she’s JEALOUS…. now he can’t help it … he’s smiling and laughing at the thought bc it feels sauuurrr fucking good to know that the person you’ve been trying to get it on with hates the idea of you being with someone else and he’s like why are you so mad brienne (trying not to smile but FAILING) and she’s like well you’re just making fun of me now so I’m going to actually GO and he’s like noo you’re not allowed to leave until you tell me why you’re mad (now laughing and his dimples are showing so brienne gets more frustrated at the sight of them) then more stuff in between. I think. Anyway. In the end it’s jaime going like brienne - if you want me, you have to tell me. and you have to get off that horse (he’s been trying to make her get off that horse but she’s being stubborn) and tell me you want to be with me. and when she finally jumps off he kisses her immediately - way before she says she wants to be with him bc he’s impatient and the thought of brienne actually leaving scared him so bad
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