#H2O JAW spoilers
feesh-legs · 1 year
h2o was always mentioning how mako is shark territory but its like never ever brought up in mako mermaids. . .. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SHARKS ??? ?ARE THEY OKAY???
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more superhero cadina au
this time its regina, once again it gets long, but this time because I got distracted while researching sharks and decided to add so many shark facts
⚠️spoilers for mean girls as always⚠️
I feel like vampire regina has been done a lot and I wanted to try something different so after throwing some stuff around with my friend, we've come to the conclusion of: siren!regina.
I wanted her to have an influential power over people like she does in canon, but, like I said, I didn't want to make her a vampire. this also removes the immortality problem.
general regina superhero cadina au details:
so, regina is a siren from a family of sirens on her dads side, Kylie exists in this au and is also a siren, her mother is not a siren(clearly). she has the classic hypnotizing siren voice, shriek, water breathing, human/mermaid physiology(especially when she touches water, so like she has internal fish stuff all the time but when she wants to have external fish stuff/touches water she can get it h2o style), and manipulation of water
in her h2o mermaid form, Reginas fishform is shark. shark regina. because of apex predator and also because I like sharks and I wants regina to have electroreceptors which sharks do have but we can leave that for a different essay/post
false actually, I cannot keep my mouth shut when ive learned new things and as I said above, I spent an entire afternoon researching sharks. I know that the point of her powers in this au is that she's a siren, but part of that is the whole mermaid physiology bit, so hear we go: ive decided regina would be a bull shark because I realized that if she was a shark, she would need to be near saltwater so she wouldn't fucking die UNLESS her shark part was euryhaline, which bull sharks are, and they've actually been spotted as far as Illinois when going up the Mississippi.
bite force of 5,914 newtons, jaws aren't attached to the cranium so imagine the shenanigans regina pulls to freak people out by moving her jaw in weird ass ways and snatching food without moving her head. sharks have multiple rows of teeth and regularly shed and replace their teeth with no rhyme or reason, so regina will randomly lose teeth with the new ones just immediately popping right up behind it, sometimes she spit them at people who annoy her(Gretchen secretly collects them). her scales reduce drag when swimming so when rubbed the wrong way they're extremely rough so she can literally rub people the wrong way. shark siren form regina is 13ft long. less fun, when food is scarce, sharks can slow their digestion, regina would do this when her mother makes comments about her body. bull sharks are more likely to bite humans than most sharks. extremely good sense of smell, like some sharks can smell one part per million of blood in water and they can determine the direction of a smell the way we can with sound and they're more attracted to the chemicals in the intestines of many species and shark hearing is extremely sharp and they can hear prey from miles away(their hearing sensitivity is in the range of 20 to 1000 Hz), so I can only imagine the migraines regina gets from being around teenagers,
night vision, nictating membrane, sharks have the greatest electrical sensitivity of any animal as they have electroreceptor organs numbering in the thousands that allow them to sense the electromagnetic field of their prey as well as orient and navigate using the magnetic field of the earth and the ocean currents moving within it and creating electrical fields, lateral line tactile sensory system allows sharks to detect changes in water speed and pressure nearby and frequencies in the range of 25 to 50 Hz and lets them distinguish the currents around them, obstacles in their periphery, and struggling prey out of view.
im not sure how some of those would help regina, maybe they help her rule the school, they'd definitely help in superhero situations, but they'd definitely end up with her being hella overstimulated at school and might be why she's so frustrated with people all the time. I get that. anyway, sharks that need to continuously swim in order to breathe do something called sleep swimming, in order for them to actually get some sleep, its their spinal cord that controls the action, not their brain, seeing as regina would be able to breathe like a human and not need to constantly move she wouldn't need to do this, but I think she would have this habit of sleep walking and sometimes she does end up in the pool and sleep swims.
while she's not proud of it because it was prompted by her mothers comments, regina has used her siren powers to curate her popularity at school but no one knows she's a siren so they dont realize that
recurring h2o jokes with regina getting pelted with water and running off screaming "DONT LOOK AT ME" while you hear the h2o theme play faintly in the distance along with a splash will happen be warned. like. the homecoming scene where she gets the water sprayed on her is the same, she does the hair flip and everything and then. realizes. so she runs off screaming DONT LOOK AT ME and in the distance you can hear the h2o theme playing faintly
Regina's "janitor caught cady with a mouse in her mouth" was back in middle school, she, janis, Gretchen, and Karen went to the aquarium and she got distracted at one tank because she was listening to fish gossip and then later they went to the dolphin show and regina had to be forcibly removed from the premises after she started picking a fight with one of the dolphins(it called her 3 different slurs and insulted her clothing) and is no longer allowed at the Chicago aquarium. luckily her mother has a friend that was able to keep, "middle schooler has mad beef with dolphin," out of the headlines.
is regina a superhero herself before cady shows up in Evanston? yes actually. I did think about making her a villain but I want to have faith in regina having even a a molecule of a soul before cady shows up, she does have a younger sister after all and how can regina not have a soul when even my older sister does? just usual sisters giving each other, shit you know, I love her tho 🫶
I may have just written miraculous ladybug minus the bullshit love triangle, so um, there's that... but it's a superHERO cadina au and I wanted them to both be heroes.
Reginas dad runs some shady shit, ive yet to figure out exactly what it is, but the point is it's shady enough that even regina takes issue with it and decides to do something about it(little does she know, her dad is not directly involved in what happened to cadys dad but he has connections and that's how cady eventually gets involved with regina). so she adopts the hero persona of shark girl, it was gonna be a placeholder until I came up with the lore that she was inspired by the classic movie shark boy and lava girl, so as shark girl she fucks with her dads criminal shit and if she's extra pissed off, she will beat people within an inch of their life because she's not a saint. she focuses mainly on her dads business, feels guilty when she watches the news and sees things she could've easily stopped and maybe she helps where she can if she has time but she doesn't make a habit of it, not til cady comes around.
this got extremely long because of the shark facts, which I hope you enjoyed, so um, have some all over the place hcs as a reward for making it this far, even though these make it even longer
because sharks are hunted not only for their fins and meat, but also for the oil in their livers(not exactly a fun fact, but a true one nonetheless), I think regina would joke about just how much her liver would go for on the black market
regina has tried to break back into the aquarium to kill that dolphin, she had the sense to do it with her shark girl suit on so the "shark girl has major beef with Chicago aquarium dolphin" headline did make it to print this time
bull sharks will also hunt birds and terrestrial animals they can get too, as they are opportunistic feeders, so I can see cady and regina going after birds and small animals together while their friends regret not bringing leashes
regina tells cady she's a siren by asking, "would you still love me if I was a fish?" on a random Tuesday morning
I just know that bitch reenacts little mermaid any chance she gets
if you read this far, thank you for indulging all of. this. you've probably just learned more about sharks than you ever thought you would. and I did this for fun. anyway, so these posts were just to get the basic details of their powers out there, the next post should be getting into where the actual canon starts. keep reading, dont, either way, I will be writing more of this and I think the spidey au will be separate from this one. goodnight, y'all
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robyn-mills · 7 years
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I posted this on my twitter too (@hayzalways) but Rikki's Café from H2O: Just Add Water and Roni's look so alike???
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Dog Days - Part 2
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairing: Jughead Jones x Doctor!Reader
Description: Even in the darkest of times Y/N doesn’t leave Jughead’s thoughts.
Warnings: Fred’s current situation in the season finale. Spoiler alert if you haven’t watched season 2 trailers yet.
Word count: 2556
A/N: TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT! Since it’s past midnight Eastern Time Are you excited for season 2 premiere? I’m freaking out!!!! Can’t wait to see Jug on a motorcycle... So much good content to write out of :D Not sure if I’m gonna write another part for this one, but if you guys want it let me know.
An exceedingly bright light and super loud tumbling noise wakes up Jughead. He quickly sits up on the bed and realizes what a terrible idea that was as the room is now turning. The blinding light turns out to be regular morning sunlight coming from the trailer window, and the deafening buzzing noise, just his breathing echoing in his ear. “So this is what a hangover feels like.”, he whines, brushing his finger on his aching tembles, noticing the glass of water and ibuprofen on the bedside table. Jug swallows the pills and H2O all in one sip. Reliving a thirst he wasn’t aware of, until the liquid touched his chapped lips. He stays under the covers, waiting for the medicine to kick in. “I don’t remember coming home last night...” Last thing he does is being undoubtedly envious of the Serpent hitting on the girl with him. “Y/N!”, Juggie exclaims. He looks around for her. She’s nowhere in sight, but he finds a note next to the transparent, now empty glass. Only then does Jughead realize he’s not on his dad’s trailer. The bed with only one pillow reassures him they didn’t sleep together. That makes him both relieved he didn’t cheat on Betty and sad he didn’t give in to his transcendent cravings.
The still dizzy boy grabs his phone to check the time: 6:05 am. He can barely make it out, as his green-bluish eyes have not properly adapted to the light yet. With promises to keep to his best friend and girlfriend, he has to head out, not even having much time to explore the place as he wishes, had he not been in a hurry. Jug grabs his prized jacket, immediately noticing Y/N’s trailer isn’t much different from his dad’s. Maybe a tiny bit messier as she has clothes on top of the flat screen (a bra he didn’t try too hard not to stare at), cartons of Chinese take out on the coffee table with chopsticks dropped on the ground and plies of medicine books stacked at the kitchen counter, some with bookmarks sticking out, others open with yellow highlighter on important sentences. The girl’s a doctor. She, unlike his father, has a good excuse for the chaos.
The second Jug steps out, he hears the familiar roar of Alice Cooper’s car parking in front of FP’s trailer. “Crap. That’s all I needed...”, he whispers, rolling his eyes. With quick fingers, he folds his newest clothing item inside out to conceal the unmistakable embroidery. That’s not because he’s ashamed, of course, but simply due to the fact it’d be too much to deal with at once. Jughead breathes in, preparing for what’s inevitable to come. He lazily heads to his trailer, climbing down Y/N’s porch steps, only a couple away from his. The hangover boy wonders if they were actually lost the previous night or if he unconsciously really wanted to be with the charm-filled girl. Anyways, these thoughts can’t take him away neither from Alice’s terrible presence only a few feet distant, nor Betty’s embarrassingly leaving the car. He unlocks the door with a little difficulty, missing the keyhole the first time. Jug had to avoid eye contact with Alice, knowing how furious she must be, but now he’s unable to ignore the disapproving and confused look on Betty’s face as they enter his home. That makes his skin boil, reddening his cheeks. 
“What the hell, Jughead?”, the resentful girl furiously blurts out. “Wow. Don’t shout.”, he requests, wincing at her words. “Why?”, she asks, smelling something unusual on him as she walks closer. “Are you drunk?”, Betty whisper-shouts reprovingly, as her mom still hasn’t drove off. “That I was last night. Now I’m hangover.” Jughead carefully sets the Serpents jacket on the coat hanger and begins his search for coffee powder in the kitchen cabinets. “Who are you?”, Betty pleads. “No, Elisabeth. Who are YOU?” He uses her full name for the first time and points at her, then proceeds to heating up water and grabbing two mugs. “First the jacket, now drinking. I don’t even recognize you, Juggie. You’re changing.” The hurt blonde tries to hide how insulted she feels. She stands closer to him. But he’s evasive, still occupied with preparing his drink. “Maybe I’m finally being myself. Maybe sweet ol’Jug was just an act.” He knows it’s not the case, but at the same time he doesn’t see it as a change, more like evolution, improvement, growth. Jughead fills two cups with boiling water, and watches as the water turns dark brown in contact with the powder. He hands Betty the weak coffee, though she probably needed a chamomile tea instead of cafeine, while sipping from his stronger one.
They sit in quietude for a few minutes, not even looking at each other, only at the mugs. No words are exchanged but much is being said. “Who’s trailer did you leave?” Betty breaks the silence, surprisingly not sounding angry. “Someone I just met.” He tries to leave Y/N out of it. “Why were you there?” The concern is visible on her lightly red eyes. “We were at the Wyrm. I was wasted and she...” He’s interrupted by a tear sliding down Bet’s jaw. Jughead stands up and warps his arms tightly around the desolate girl. They’re unhappy and mad at each other but he still cares for her and seeing her cry breaks his heart. “Nothing happened.”, he speaks behind his breath, assuring her that would be the last thing he’d do while with her. The blonde River Vixen, who once had the heart eyes, raises her now sorrowful face to be able to see his expression. “But you wanted to.”, she recons, foolishly hoping he’ll deny it. Jug doesn’t reply, for he can’t lie to her. “I can’t do this, Juggie.” She backs away and wipes her tears. “It’s them or me.”, Betty ultimates, begging with her eyes for him to answer. “I can’t...” Jug truly enjoyed his time with her and will forever remember her with fondness, but she’s not the one he wants to spend his life with and the boy is aware deep down she knows they weren’t meant to be. 
Betty walks away, heartbroken and disappointed. Nonetheless, her head is held high. Jughead watches from the foggy trailer window her figure fading. Before she left, he was sure that was the right decision; now, a tiny hint of doubt troubles him. Be that as it may, the further away the cheerleader goes, the more he can breathe. Jug sees his path change and he’s not scared of the consequences. That’s what he wants. In the long run, it’s better they end now than drag a doomed relationship any further.
Jughead feels the air getting denser as he enters the hospital with Archie’s varsity bag, asking for Fred’s room, However, being an unofficial ex-adopted son doesn’t count as immediate family and they won’t give him any information. “Jughead!” He turns around, recognizing the voice calling him. “Mrs. Andrews... Sorry. I don’t know how to call you.” Not loo long ago, that’s how he would’ve called her. Since their divorce, he has no idea what her bachelor last name is. “Don’t worry about it”, she appeases him, handing her ID to the receptionist. At the corner of his eye, he sees ‘Andrews’ on it. They finally let them in as she clears his entrance with some law talk that Jug doesn’t fully understand. 
They walk the cold scary-white corridors faster than usual. “Archie called and said they were in trouble, so I came straight here. Do you know anything?”, the distressed woman asks. “Fred was shot at Pop’s yesterday morning. The doctors got the bullet out but he hasn’t woken up yet. At least not since I left last night.” Jughead tries his best to be both helpful and sympathetic, but he can’t even trick himself that rationality wins over emotion. Fred’s room is just ahead of them. “It’s best if you wait for Archie here.”, the woman with the bright ginger hair says, in the nicest way she can, shoving her devastation inside. Jug relates to her in a less intense way. That’s how he feels about Betty. He doesn’t want to be married to her but he’d be shattered if anything happened to her. 
The beanie-clad boy sits in the corridor, knee balancing up and down nervously, when the familiar Y/H/C hair is spotted walking out of a room down the hall. He’s just about to stand up and chase her when Archie leaves his father’s room. Jughead can’t leave his friend on a time like this, no matter how much he desired to speak with the girl. Upon seeing the torment and lack of sleep on Arch’s face, all he can do is be there for him. They don’t talk. The look on both their faces speaks more than words could.
Archie cleans up at the residents bathroom, changing the bloody clothes, but the stains from his cast and the desperation to have his dad back are still present. The nurses told them when they left Mr. Andrew’s room they could use one of the on-call rooms to sleep. The ginger boy takes the top bunk while Jug just sits on the bottom one. “Do you want to talk about it?” Jughead is aware his friend will shut off, but he has to convey his concern. Knowing that’s too much for one soul alone to bear. “Rather talk about anything else.”, Arch pleads, wishing just for now he can pretend nothing happened. “Betty broke up with me.” Jug couldn’t find anything else to say. He’s not hurt by the fact, rather relieved. “What? Why?” The red-haired football player is taken aback, grabbing the bunk bed and bending to look down at Jughead. “Because I took a Serpents jacket...”, he answers looking dead on Archie’s eyes, hoping there isn’t disappointment on them. “Scratch that, I’d rather not talk at all.” The sleepy boy rests his head on the pillow, closing his eyelids. If this were a regular day he’d be lecturing Juggie, but, giving the circumstances, Arch doesn’t have the strength to.
Not long goes by before Jug can hear Archie’s habitual snores. He’s comforted to know his friend is no longer in pain, now that dreams are distracting him from the tragedy. Certain that Arch will be down for a long time, Jughead leaves the room, telling himself it’s because he doesn’t want to wake the boy up. Truth is he can’t get out of his mind that, somewhere in there, Y/N is walking around. He has much to tell her. The small coffee truck is the first place Juggie goes to, but the only luck he has is a cheap but good cup of the strong hot liquid. She’s not in Fred’s room either when he takes a turn staying by his bedside so that Mary could have a bathroom break. The raven-haired boy gives up wandering the hospital in hopes to find Y/N and sits on a gurney outside the on-call room Archie is sleeping in. “Do you ever take off that hat?”, says the one person he wants to see and she hops on the stretcher next to him. “Should I?”, Jug asks running down his fingers nervously on the locks of hair slipping out the back of his neck. “Definitely not. It suits you.” Y/N smirks and offers him her bag of chips. Jughead eats, trying to figure out what to say. Before, he knew he wanted to talk to her more than anything else, but now he’s speechless, nervous but overjoyed to be next to her again. He never really felt this way about Betty. They knew each other all their lives. Y/N is a mystery he desperately wants to solve.  “I need cafeine. Care to join me?” She jumps off the bed and Jug follows suit.
Y/N shivers as they walk out in the cold winter air of Riverdale. Jughead takes off his jeans jacket and places it on her shoulders, as she’s only wearing scrubs. Either way, he has an extra plaid shirt tied around his hip. “Thanks.” She pushes her arms out the sleeves and holds the hem tight on her finger nails. “What is Fred Andrews to you?”, Y/N asks as they reach the coffee truck. “I hope I’m not overstepping, it’s just that you’ve been here a lot more than anyone else.”, she quickly adds, since Jug is silent for a little longer than she’s comfortable with. “No, it’s fine. I’m trying to figure out the answer.” They head to one of the plastic tables around the vehicle. Y/N takes the lid off her cup and blows the steam away from her face. Jug almost loses focus. “It’s more complicated than I anticipated. He’s my best friend’s dad. He took me in when I didn’t have anywhere to go, even though he has financial problems. Fred was my dad’s best friend once, before my father went on a downward spiral. All I know is that I don’t want anything bad to happen to him.”, Jughead shares, a single tear escaping his watery eyes. However hard it is to talk about this, opening up to her isn’t. A very moved Y/N reaches for his hand across the table. “We’re doing everything we can to get him back.”, she reassures him. He feels the warmth from her fingers against his skin. Jughead craves for more than that.
Jug stands up, still holding onto her hand. She replicates his action, standing inches from his body. He can see her breath create clouds in the air as she breathes faster. Jughead glances between her beautiful Y/E/C eyes and her much desired lips. He’s never been more sure of something he wants. Y/N leans in slightly, raising her chin to angle with his, parting her lips and sighing quietly. The raven-haired boy places his free hand on her neck, able to feel her getting goose bumps. Both want this moment to last an eternity as the anticipation feels downright  fantastic. She bites her inner lip and that drives him to the edge. He finally closes the distance between them with a soft, quick kiss. The young doctor exhales in satisfaction, for she was just as desperate as him for it. Y/N pulls Jug nearer to her body, kissing him once more, deeper and more passionately. In that moment, time slows down for them and breathing doesn’t feel as important as being in contact. There is only the two of them. As if no fathers killed their sons, no fathers were wrongfully arrested for murder, no fathers were shot in front of their sons, no father’s gang sold drugs on the south side's streets. Riverdale is just a regular small town, where falling in love is the most dangerous thing that can happen.  
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dbphantom · 2 years
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me every day
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dbphantom · 4 months
maybe i should have gone into practical effects instead of computer science...
#when i was in middle school i used to use red and black pens + spit for blending to make it look like the backs of my hands were torn open#i can't believe it's almost 4am. i just spent 5 hours typing up an essay about MM's erik that i just fuckin privated bc i was embarrassed#AND I STILL NEVER SPELL HIS NAME RIGHT THE FIRST TIME AAAAAAAA#i was right but im going to save all my points for the fanfic im currently planning out and promptly NEVER GOING TO ACTUALLY WRITE#I say shoving my plans for my h2o s3 rewrite off the table#yes i skipped from s2 to s3 i had a BRILLIANT idea [season 3 h2o spoilers ahead be wary my mutuals who are still watching]#okay so you know how lewis goes to the american institute of marine bio in the middle of 3? since this is tied to my s2 rewrite fic i wante#to actually finally reasonably re-introduced dr denman to the story because i never liked that she just fucked off at the end of s1#despite WITNESSING the moon pool magic. so i made it so she runs into lewis while doing a presentation for the college and they have a chat#(because her JAW paper plays an important part in my s2 rewrite bc i imagine lewis is the kind of guy who SAYS he deleted every copy of#it... but ACTUALLY he secretly printed himself out a copy to study in private to compare to his own notes bc#[lewis voice] come *on* guys just THINK of the progress that he could make with this! [grabby hands in front of chest])#so yeah they have a chat and Linda kind of gives Lewis the opposite dilemma in s3 that Louise gives him in s1 about science and magic#since SHE knows about the moon pool and has been biding her time and she knows Lewis knows and Lewis is like ah... uh oh.#it will eventually tie into the idea it's not about forcing science and magic together or separating them#its abt respectfully and responsibly utilizing both to see their fullest potential. which lewis learned in s2 and Linda has... not.#BUT#later on she gets a call from 1 (one) ryan who is like 'hey so i heard u did environmental studies on mako for dr bennett a couple years ag#and i was wondering if you've seen anything weird there as im currently doing a-' and she's immediately like 'YOU SON OF A BITCH IM IN'#and he's like 'wha-' and she's like 'i have already booked my plane tickets we're going to have a great time we have lots to talk about :)'#and wheeee now they have someone who knows about mermaids on their team and it's the perfect way to bring lewis back to relevancy in s3 :D#it also gives me reason to have two bad bitches (linda and sophie) meet and get to know each other which is not a dynamic ive seen in#any of the H2O fics i've ever read so im very hyped to delve into how they'll play off each other#also charlotte is there so technically three bad bitches (only in my au Charlotte never lost her tail and is part of the gang she just move#because she felt like she needed to leave to really be able to find herself without being in her grandmother's shadow but she comes back bc#well... it's season 3 mako is sounding the fucking emergency alarms everyone is showing up sdkghkfjhg)#im also so so so hyped to show u guys who's coming back in the s2 rewrite because it ISNT denman and i think everyone thinks it will be :3c#(i said she when telling ppl to look forward to a familiar face... but can u blame me for getting hype she's one of my favorite characters!#i love u H2O#cruddy rambles
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dbphantom · 1 year
Ehehe mermaid show fanfic go brrrr
S2 merman Lewis (Haters can Cope. Haters can Seethe, even.) with a dash of Rikma and a side of Charlotte sympathy
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SHE'S EASILY HURT but it's fine her gf is here to comfort her (who glides.)
I'm trying my best to be in-character for all of them. I don't really know how close I am, it's really hard for me to judge that because like. I'm the one writing them. Of course I'm going to think they're in-character. But I think, at the very least, that it fits the vibe of an OG episode.
Oh, also, this is my 'personal' rewrite, not the one I've talked about before that I was developing with my friend. I think both are neat, this one just follows the OG show a lot more closely with a few... 'minor'... changes. I really wanted to keep those kinda "too serious for a kid's show about mermaids" character-driven drama vibes of the original... The goofs are still around, but they're not showcased here.
As for content... It's what kid me wanted out of s2 (and, further on, s3... I have a bit of that written as well, but I wrote most of it while high and I hate golf with a passion, so it's not The Best......) so it's pretty much just suuuuper self-indulgent XD
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I hope you like reading a bunch of existing scenes with new angles applied for funsies, because that is the majority of it LMAO
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Also, Charlotte deserved better both in-universe and in writing, and she will (hopefully?) get it in this fic, so help me god-
And IK Rikki seems kinda aggro in the last scene. She... Is. Yeah. She is. Tbf, she is in the OG too. She's my favorite merm, but I also wanted to keep her in-character which means she is a bit hostile until the volleyball bit.
If it helps, she's also a little less mean during the power showcase scene bc she gets to rib on Lewis for not having any powers except for the dream vision stuff (hey did I mention I latched onto double trouble as a kid like a baby bird wrongfully imprinting onto a human?) because their sibling-like rivalry is a dynamic I live for
(That's what I do! IT'S WHAT I LIVE FOR!! To help unfortunate fanfic like yourself. Poor words with no one else to write them...
I'll admit that in the past I added OCs. They weren't kidding when they called me a bit cringe.
But you'll find that nowadays, I've mended all my ways. Repented, seen the light, and made a switch.
True? Yes.)
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