#Riverdale Imagines
yourjughead · 4 months
Attack Dog
Sweet Pea X Reader enemies to lovers
Synopsis: You return to Riverdale to find your best friend Jughead has joined a gang he said he never would. A certain member of said gang takes an interest in you in return
A/N: This was a draft from years ago. It's set when the Serpents join Riverdale high (a throwback) but also somehow their senior year....
This is very long, apologies.
Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt. 5
You piled your books into your locker, the Monday dew still cascading the halls. Groggily going about your business but happy to be finally back in Riverdale High. You had moved back on Friday night with your family and had already seen most of your friends that same night. After moving around so much with both your parents in the army it was nice to finally replant your roots.
“Ah yn, how I have missed you standing there" Archie threw himself against the locker smiling.
“I missed you too Archiedoodles, do you think we can go see Jughead today?” Archie had decided to keep you away from Jughead for as long as possible, he didn't quite think you'd want to see who had become. 
“Emm I don't know, he's kinda busy lately” 
“Too busy for me...did you hear that?” It was like a scene from a film. The banging of the hallway doors and entered the Serpents, their new school. You and Archie looked to see the swarm before Archie could see who was leading them.
“Oh hey YN look at this locker door” he turned you against the lockers by the shoulders.
“Archie what the hell” you laughed pushing against him to turn and see Jughead striding past you 
“Yn!?” You ran over to him, interrupting his new hard core image, giving him a giant hug. 
“What the hell are you doing back?” he smiled greatly shock still colouring him.
“Mom's done with the Army so she moved us back, dad still has a few more years but that's okay, I'm back! What are you doing here Arch said you moved schools?”
“School moved us”
“Us?” It was then you noticed the sward behind him and the leather jackets they wore. You took a step back, all of them eyeing you.
“Oh….umm” Archie joined your side, the group glaring at him harshly. 
“I thought you said you'd never jo-”
“-uh yn this isn't the place for this conversation” Jughead interrupted you.
“Well then make it the place Jughead” a chorus of oohs from behind him followed.
“Come on yn let's go, you must meet Veronica” Archie wrapped an arm around you breaking the stare off you and Jughead were having.
The day flowed on and you avoided Jughead as much as possible, until the final bell rang and he cornered you outside your car.
“Yn we need to talk”
“I'd love to talk to Jughead, let me know when you see him will you?” you opened the car door but he closed it again, almost catching your fingers in it. You sighed loudly at his action.
“Yn it is still same the Jughead-”
“Really?! I remember a Jughead who hated the Serpents and what they did to his dad and how they're basically the reason his family is in two! I remember a Jughead who promised he'd never get caught up in that world! Because you sir, are not him!” you jabbed your finger into his chest.
“Hey Jones you coming?” A tall serpent called from across the carpark.
“Just a second! Yn this shouldn't be a big deal, so I have a family now, it doesn't matter!”
“You have a family now?! What am I then?! And Archie and Betty?! We were your family, your friends….” you looked down at the ground and he looked desperately at you, the tall Serpent called him from the background again before beginning to stride over. 
“YN, I don't want to have this conversation in front of the Serpents, I have to keep a strong front for them” you rolled your eyes at him as Sweet Pea reached his side. You couldn't help but glare at him and he gave a small laugh. 
“Jones, who's the attack dog?”
“Listen here Snake Brain-” 
“YN, leave it!” Jughead cut across you earning another laugh from Sweet Pea, you began to seethe at your old best friends defence of his new family member. 
“Just call me when you feel like being yourself again” you breathed out the words until your lungs nearly emptied, moving to open the car again to be stopped by Sweet Peas voice 
“i think the snake skin is him Princess-”
“Don't you have some drugs to deal to children or something -” you cut across him this time.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” Sweet Pea raised an eyebrow, smile now long gone. Jughead looked between the two of you
“I meant what I said, or is the leather jacket cutting off the blood flow to your ears”
“Listen I don't know you Princess but you're not exactly making a good impression-”
“I don't give a fuck what you think about me, you seem to care a lot about what I think about you though” more Serpents seemed to join around, panic began to rise in Jughead, his attempted to stop Sweet Pea but Sweet Peas voice came harsher.
“You're seriously misguided Princess” 
“And you're seriously what's wrong with Riverdale” you said through gritted teeth, receiving scoffs from the gathering Serpents but Sweet Pea stated unreadable eyes fixed on you. 
“Guys just relax, YN I'll call you later” Jughead reached for your arm but you moved took a step back.
“Don't bother”
For the remainder of the week you avoided Jughead and the rest of them, instead spending time with your friends you missed so much. Catching up with all the chaos that had gone down since you left 3 years ago, and there was a lot. It was nice to feel like a senior around your friends, how it should be. You were shocked that for the most part everyone was understanding of Jughead joining the Serpents, you couldn't really understand it. Jughead continued to try to text or call you until you had enough. You needed a break from it, leaving your phone turned off on your dresser before putting on your runners. 
You tried to process how you felt as you jogged through Riverdale, trying to remember your old route. You were zoned out of the world as your legs took you from a jog to run, the burn growing from your thighs down to your shins. You had been out for an hour or so now and by the third wrong turn you landed out of your subconsciousness and back to the world in front of you. Lost. How could you forget the town you grew up in. Suddenly you became very aware of the dark night that had closed around you. You looked around for anywhere still open, only a gruby bar was in your sights. They probably had a phone you thought, walking right past the fading sign of the Whyte Wyrm. 
Upon approach you noticed the large amount of motorbikes outside the door.  Then the amount of Serpents jackets and their owners flowing in and out of the bar. Shit you thought. You turned to leave back through the carpark you just walked through and instead crashed directly into an older Serpent and his pint of larger, sending it all over him. 
“What the fuck?!” He half yelped at the cold hitting his chest. You stuttered apologies as you moved to walk past him. Instead he caught your wrist with bone crushing force. Without realising what you were doing, you sent the heel of your hand straight up and into his nose, contorting it completely. He shouted before releasing you and you moved from his shadow, other Serpents witnessing the incident and gathering quickly. You begged your tired legs to bring you running back to the main road as some began to follow you shouting. 
Sweet Pea walked around the wall of the car park boarder and was immediately confused by the several Serpents beginning to run towards his direction. You didn't even take notice of him as you ran past, your leg then spasming, sending you my into the pavement. He didn't know where to look. You pulled yourself cursing behind the pillar of the entrance, resting your head again the cement of its support, preparing to get mangled by Serpents. 
“Sweet Pea!” An older woman shouted his name bringing his attention from you and your attention to him. 
“Ehh yes Penny?” 
“Did you see a girl, Y/C/H, this tall or so” the woman made a guestimate of your height with her hand. You held your breath as Sweet Pea fought every instinct to not look down at you. 
“Emm I did see someonel go over the hedges towards the back there, maybe thats her?” 
“Great, she just broke one of the Seniors noses, girls dead meat” shock painted Sweet Peas face and he tried not to laugh at the thought. The woman then gave a wave before running off with the others in the direction he sent them. He exhaled loudly, looking at where you once were sat, now empty. Sweet Pea looked quickly to find your shadow hobbling down the road you think you came down. He gave a small laugh, rolled his eyes and began to jog to catch up with you. 
Part 2
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Sweet Pea- We Won't Work
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I sit down next to Fangs, Opposite Toni and Sweet Pea with my food tray in my hands. Since the Serpents moved to Riverdale High they have quickly become my best friends. During this time Sweet Pea has been trying to get me on a date. Not gonna happen. He’s a player and every girl with some sense will stay away from him. I’ve told him many times that we will never happen, but he’s just so determined to make me one of his quests
“Hey good looking” Sweet Pea smirks as I roll my eyes “so YN did you think about what I asked you?”
“Yes. And just like yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. No” Toni giggles at my response
“Come on man you’ve been at this for months. She’s not gonna go on a date with you” Fangs pats Pea on the shoulder
“Fangs is right. You better give up. There’s plenty of other girls who would love to go on a date with you. Josie is one”
“Josie is Peas secret hook up” I comment
“Not so secret since they were all over each other a few weeks ago and Cheryl’s party” Toni takes some fries off Fangs’ tray
“Me and Josie are over. We wanted different things. And anyway you never gave me a reason why you won’t go on a date with me” Sweet Pea folds his arms and I give him a shrug and eat my lunch
“I’ve dated your kind before and it wasn’t pretty”
“What do you mean by my kind?” He asks crossing his arms. I ignore him as Jug and Betty join us
“Hey guys” Betty smiles. I smile back at her as she sits
“What you guys talking about?” Jug asks sitting opposite Betty
“Just the usual. Sweet Pea trying to get a date with YN”
“Still?” Jughead chuckles shaking his head “dude when are you going to give that one up?” I can see Sweet Pea is starting to get annoyed with all the teasing. He gets up from his seat and walking out of the cafeteria.
After lunch Pea and I have history together, unfortunately for me we sit next to one another. Even worse Mr Roman decide to pared us up together for our history project on President George Washington which is why we are now sat on my bed looking in books and typing on my laptop
“You know we would be a good team. We work well together” Pea says. I sigh knowing he’s not going to give up. He’s persistent, I’ll give him that “so why won’t you go on a date with me?”
“Because we wouldn't work” I say not looking away from the laptop
“Because I'll break your heart?”
“Maybe I'll break yours” I then look at Pea smirking and shake my head
“No you won't. Nobody breaks my heart”
“Ah so you one of these girls who have built up a shield”
“Give it up Sweet Pea. I’ll be your friend, but we’re not dating” I groan as Pea pushes down the lid of the laptop “seriously”
“You said earlier you dated guys like me before. Enlighten me, what do you mean?”
“Players. Guys who jump from one girl to the next. Guys that just want one thing”
“They hurt you. That’s why you said it wasn’t pretty”
“I didn’t actually say who it wasn’t pretty for. Now will you stop asking me 20 questions at get on with our work?” I lift up the lid and we both sit in silence for a couple of minutes getting on with our work when Pea suddenly says
“You know, those rumours about me aren’t exactly true” I look up at Pea who looks remorseful “well not exactly. Yeah I’ll be honest I’ve slept with a few girls, not as many as you think, and it’s because I would find a girl I liked. We’d have sex and she’d run off to tell her friends. I was dumb enough to let it happen a few times. Then girls just stared to make shit up”
“I’m sorry Sweet Pea this shouldn’t have happened” I look at pea with a frown
“It’s ok. Well no it’s not, but I’m ok. The reason I’ve been asking you on a date is because you say no. I mean yes of course I want to go on a date with you, but you don’t throw yourself at me. I’m chasing you and it makes a change” something in me changes and I actually feel for Pea now. Maybe I should give him a chance. See what a date would be like with him
“Fine. I have a shift at Pops tomorrow till 7. Pick me up from there”
“What to finish our project” I chuckle at Sweet Pea
“No you idiot to take me on a date”
“Wait really?”
“Yeah. But I can promise you no sex and probably no kiss either”
“Deal” Peas face lights up. I’ve never seen him smile like this before. And that was all down to me agreeing to a date.
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sensei-venus · 9 months
Serpent-Cide (3/?)
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(Part One|Part Two|Part Three|TBA|)
(Unedited) (Switches POV’s a lot in this chapter, Sweet Pea is a little shit, Sweet Pea is big boy 6’3 and I won't let y'all forget that😈, Reader is having a moment y'all.)
Sweet Pea was a mess.
I mean that in a bad way, not the cute fun way that most people say it when talking about someone.
I mean he was a mess, a walking nightmare and possibly a live train wreck. Being forced to show him around was one of the worst things that could have happened to me. I had way better things to do then stay with him. At this point it was almost like babysitting. If babysitting included walking around school with a MAN, not a boy, a man who was bigger then half the student body.
Not only was he huge but he also had a mouth on him. While most of the time he was quiet, the other half he was not. He chose to quietly pick and mess with anyone and anything he chose. If something caught his eye at just the right time, he was going of his way to mess with it. If it was a person, he was digging at them. Harassing them for a moment before pulling away and walking off.
Laughing and snickering at something. It was very apparent that he knew when to shut his mouth, and sometimes he didn't which dug into my nerves.
Just like his voice, his verbal altercations were deep and quick. His comebacks were sharp and were always on the tip of his tongue. He knew how to get on someone's bad side at the drop of a hat. I felt like I was extremely lucky because he didn't get himself into too much shit.
He loomed over me as we walked the halls. At first I didn't really understand what he was doing. I thought he would walk next to me to try and show some kind of dominance, like he didn't need me to help him around the school. His outburst earlier that day made me feel like he would want to one-up me, in his own way. Maybe he would even jump ahead of me and try to get to his class quicker. That wasn't the case as we walked to our first period.
He decided he was going to try and walk behind me the whole way there.
Almost trying to ride my ass the whole time. I swear he almost stepped on the back of my shoes a few times. I tried my best not to look back at him, feeling like that might piss him off or earn me some other kind of outlash like before. The whole time I could feel his presence behind me. It felt like pin pricks along my back which made me twitch a little in my step. Was he doing it on purpose I had no idea. But it was slowly rubbing me the wrong way. I
didn't know how long I could take it.
“So when's lunch? I'm already starting to get bored of this place.” Sweet Pea's voice echoed from behind me as he kicked at my seat.
I could feel my teeth grind in the back of my mouth.
We were about three periods at this point. I could tell he was already starting to lose what little focus he had. Most people probably couldn't tell if not for his loud complaining. Most people would see it as him complaining, to me he was just whining. That's all he had done all three classes, it didn't help that he kept trying to sit as close to me as possible.
I had no idea why seeing as all he did was whine.
I notice very quickly his little quirks, the ones that showed as he started to fall down the hole of boredom.
The way his foot would tap ever so slightly, the jiggle of his leg. He would pick at his knuckles to the point he had small scratches, barely drawing blood. They were pinkish and red by the end of second period. I honestly wondered if he even noticed it, if he felt his nails dig into his own skin. I was a little surprised when I watched his dig his nails into the set of dog tags he wears around his neck.
At some point I was scared he was going to try and put them in his mouth like a child. Luckily he didn't and only rubbed his nails and fingertips along the old metal plates.
Suddenly I heard a loud sound of popping from behind me. I felt my eyes twitch.
He was popping his knuckles.
I felt my face grow a little flushed. Although I had noticed the marks on his knuckles, I hadn't really taken a moment to look at his hands very well. I wonder what they looked like. I could only imagine they matched his body. Large and stronger to match his towering frame. He wasn't overly bulky but more so tall and thick muscles.
Now I felt even worse, why was I trying to think about his possible muscles under that stupid black t-shirt and serpent jacket.
I almost snapped the poor pencil in my hand.
“Helllloooo??” his voice boomed.
“When the bell rings, God can you shut up for five minutes.” I hissed, not even trying to turn around to look at him. I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my skull at this point. I could almost feel the way his foot slowly came to a stop. The movement dying down in seconds. I felt him before I could hear him. The breathing on my neck, right by my ear.
“So is the food here good or it just as shitty as Southside High-”
The sound of the shrill bell rang through the class. He ever so slightly pulled back. Leaving only warm breath fanning over my ear for a few seconds. Students hurried to grab their things and rush out of the cramped classroom. The teacher tried her best to slow them down but failed. Most of them piled out of the room, talking loudly and pushing each other to leave.
Quickly I packed my stuff away in my bag before turning around to find Sweet Pea already ready to go. His dark eyes lazily watch me as I shove my bag up onto my shoulder. We stare at each other for a good minute, until I realize he's waiting for me to walk in front of him.
Walking out of the room and make our way down to the lunch room. Sweet Pea is hot on my trail the whole time.
The hallway was usually one of the worst parts of my day as I would have to wade through the multiple crowds. Today seems a little better, most likely due to Sweet Pea’s presence. People slowly make way for him as he walks closer to me. For once I don't mind the way he sticks close to my back. It's almost like the whole hallway parts just for him.
“They like this every day or is it just because it's me?” he asks as we move passed the sea of judgmental eyes. The sudden urge to crack a joke came up but soon stopped.
“I wish. Maybe if they always acted like this I wouldn't hate coming down this hallway.” I wanted to tell him the truth. Going down this hallway every day was excruciating most of the time. If you were lucky no one would notice you, meaning you could get around everyone. Most days you were stuck or caught by some of the jocks or maybe one of the cheerleaders.
Sometimes it was just shoves and pushes. Other times it was getting your books or bag thrown in a garbage can on a whim.
Worst even, getting beat on by someone bigger than you for a laugh.
I stopped at that you thought as we made our way into to lunch room. It was packed with both the old and new students trying to get in line to get food. Almost all the tables were completely filled. My eyes were trained on the crowd of students as we both stood in line. Trying to spot the tale tale top of a special beanie. Not seeing it I could only guess that Jughead had made his way outside to grab a table.
The line for food slowly started to go down as the minutes ticked by. Sweet Pea was next to me as we grabbed our lunches. He stuffed his plate full of just about everything the lunch line was offering. I didn't question it with how big the guy was. His height factor reflects how much he needs to keep up with his growth.
We made our way out of the lone with no issue and walked outside towards some of the outdoor tables.
Breathing a sigh of relief I spotted Jughead and his little group. No surprise that none of the original vroho was sitting at the table with him, just Tori and Fang. Sweet Pea passed me, slamming his tray down next to Fang with a loud crash. Fang flinched a little which made Sweet Pea laugh and slap him on the shoulder hard, making him rock a little. Both of them chuckled as Sweet Pea finally sat down. Jughead looked at the two before turning his gaze to me.
I gave a small wave before turning around and heading inside.
The quiet uncrowded library was calling my name.
Sweet Pea didn't really know what to think about Reader at first.
For a split second, he felt just a little bad about yelling at her when they first met. But walking into that school was hard, being surrounded by northsiders who wanted all of them dead. It didn't even matter if they were serpents or not they were still southsiders. They where all still on the northsiders shit list in his mind.
Maybe that's why when she approached Jughead he got defensive.
He had forgotten that Jughead went to school here, not everyone had a issue with him. Maybe the pack of serpents, but not once loved Jughead.
In that moment it didn't matter that she was smaller, chubbier and maybe just a little cute. She was still a northsider deciding to wall up to them. Her stance was lazy as she stood in front of Jughead, moments passed and he just snapped. Getting into her face and calling her out.
When she snapped right back at him he felt his heart jump.
“Shes not coming over here is she?” Sweet Pea remarked as he looked to Jughead.
The girl never made her way over to them, he turned a little to watch her walk away and back into the school. His eyes briefly watched her figure disappear behind the large lunchroom doors. He turned back to the table to find Jugheas still gazing back at the doors, his eyes squinted.
“Reader would rather…..Reader is in her own little world of strange.” he words were bland and almost emotionless. That caused one of the boys eyebrows to raise. He stuffed a fry in his mouth as Fang replied “ Im getting the feeling she doesn't like us that much? It's not like I'm shocked or anything, I'm just stating the obvious here.” he laughs. Toni rolls her eyes at him and sits back a little.
Sweet Pea looked up at him as he chewed his food, with a full mouth he said “So she's a weirdo? Didn't know northsiders had them too, kinda figured you guys would weed them out or something.” he scooped up a fat glob of ketchup with his fries. Toni shrugged “ Dont want to sound like a downer but I agree with Sweets on this.” Fang nodded along side her. Jughead let out a small sigh. His eyes fully coming back into focus with them.
“Listen Reader just has her own thing going on. She's one of the only people I know in this school that genuinely doesn't like being around people, in others business for that matter. She doesn't like messing with people so long as they don't mess with her. She's crafty too, I'll tell you that.
Toni raised a brow and smirked, she poked the boy in his side.
“Does Jug have a little crush??” she almost giggled a little to go along with her sarcastic statement.
Jughead rolled his eyes “On Reader? No way, that would involve her letting me get in her space- shit even taking her time of day. I don't think she's ever let anyone even think about having a crush on her. You would actually have to know her to do all that.” he grimaced a little. Thinking about all the times the chubby girl had ditched him, snuck away from him, or straight up blew him off to go do something else.
Multiple times he asked for her help with paper while in the library together. If he asked to do them with her she refused, the next day she would just bring him a fully edited paper before wandering back off to who knows where. She was hardly ever up front and would rather stay in the shadows. Never to be looked upon, never asked to be anyone life lifeline.
“That's funny seeing as I've been up her ass all day during classes.” Sweet Pea smirked. He knew he was getting on the girl's nerves. He was actually enjoying it a little. Scratching at his neck a little he found Jughead just staring at him. Eyes were slightly wide as if he was in some kind of disbelief. Something inside him felt good to see the uptight guy so silently stunned.
“I thought I told you not to mess with her.”
“I did! Kinda? I couldn't help but mess with her just a little bit okay? Honestly I feel like you overdoing it when talking about her. I have only been around her for like half the day and she hasn't acted like anything you saying. Is she Moody? Oh yeah definitely. But is she so fidgety that she runs away at the slight poke? Nah. She is a pushover.” he rolled his eyes at the newest serpent. The or eyes meet for a short period of time.
Jughead was ever so slightly surprised at the sudden turn of events.
Reader was not a pushover by any means.
“All she did was hiss at me, like a pissed-off cat when I started bugging her. She didn't make any attempt to leave or ditch me. Yeah, she didn't talk to me unless I got her to but still. She wasn't a complete shut-in around me. And fuck man she's sarcastic. She's like you but on steroids.” he chuckled a little after swallowing a big bit of his food.
Jughead scoffed a little as he looked back at the school.
“Well if that's the case, we may have a new advantage at this school.”
The others all looked back at him.
Sweet Pea stopped eating for a moment, his eyes moving from Jug to slowly drifting to the school. His eyes followed the other boy's gaze.
Only time would tell what Jughead meant by that.
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As Intimate As Chocolate Cake
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Pairing: Sweet Pea x female!reader [2nd-person pov]
Word Count: 3.3k
Rating: T for swears; no warnings
Description: When Toni is put in charge of the new menu for the Whyte Wyrm, she decides to use the opportunity to set up two of her friends
A/N: Loosely based off a scene from Hart of Dixie season 4, episode 5: Bar-Be-Q Burritos, where George and Annabeth are set up on a date by their friend Lemon
Disclaimer: I’ve only seen up to parts of season 3 of Riverdale, therefore I know nothing about the current seasons and what has transpired, so there will be no spoilers. Also, this was written with minimal editing, so any errors are accidental. Gif credit to the owner, as it is not mine.
- - -
Cheryl Blossom walked into Pop’s, looking for Toni, but instead she found someone else.
Two someones, actually.
You’d been enjoying your strawberry malt and fries all by yourself when Sweet Pea had decided to join you without warning.
“Careful now - rumor has it if you drink too many strawberry milkshakes in one sitting, you’ll wake up as a strawberry.”
You couldn’t resist the urge to roll your eyes, dunking a pair of fries in the malt before bringing them to your lips. “Thank god this is a strawberry malt then, or I’d be fucked.”
He sat down in the booth across from you without asking, grabbing a fry before you could pull them away. “Milkshake, malt - same thing.”
“Nope,” you replied, popping the p. “Malts have malted milk powder; milkshakes do not.”
Sweet Pea pulled a face at that. “And why would you want that?!”
You shrugged. “Personal preference.”
You looked up to give Sweet Pea a piece of your mind at that, but found him smiling instead. It was rare to see a smile from the Serpent, and seeing it made something that felt awfully like desire pool in your stomach. You ignored it, taking a sip of your malt while you gathered your thoughts. “Wow, a compliment? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think the world was ending.”
Sweet Pea snagged another fry, popping it into his mouth, the smile turning into a smirk. “Who knows? It might be.”
“Guess we’ll find out.”
Before you could respond to that, Cheryl interrupted. “Well, well, well. Fancy seeing the two of you here. And looking chummy, no doubt. What’s so funny?”
“The end of the world,” you quipped, causing Sweet Pea to snicker and you couldn’t help joining him. 
“Haven’t you looked outside, Cheryl? Pigs are flying!”
Cheryl let out a huff, shaking her head. “Ignoring all that,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand, “have either of you seen Toni? She said she would meet me here, but I can’t seem to find her.”
“Whyte Wyrm?” Sweet Pea supplied. “You know she’s been spending all her free time there ever since she became part owner.”
“I just didn’t think she’d get so caught up in it that she’d forget about date night!”
“Have you tried calling her?” You suggested, regretting it when Cheryl fixed you with a glare.
“Of course I’ve tried calling! She didn’t pick up and I-”
Just then, the door to the Chock’lit Shoppe opened, the bell signaling a new customer. The three of you turned to see Toni Topaz making her way over, pulling Cheryl in for a hug and a kiss. “Sorry I’m late,” she murmured. “Got a bit caught up reviewing the new menu for the Whyte Wyrm’s grand reopening.”
“You’re here now and that’s all that matters,” Cheryl said, her smile returning. “Ta-ta, you two. Don’t get too cozy over there.”
You and Sweet Pea burst into laughter once Cheryl and Toni were seated at the opposite end of Pop’s. “God, she can be so eccentric at times,” you giggled, shaking your head. 
“I don’t know what Toni sees in her, but I’m glad the two of them have each other.”
“She sees in Cheryl what I have since elementary school: a girl with a lot of love to give who just needs someone to see her potential.”
Sweet Pea shot you a look as he grabbed another fry. “If you say so.”
“Hey, if I said the same thing about Toni, you’d be defending her, too. Cheryl’s my friend like Toni is yours - we go way back.”
“True.” You were almost taken aback when the Serpent agreed with you. He slid out of the booth before you could process what had just happened, but not before stealing a handful of fries off your plate. “Let me know when you’re here again - I can always get behind free fries.”
“In your dreams, Serpent!” You shouted at his retreating back, no malice in your voice at all. 
- - -
“See what I mean?” Cheryl whispered to Toni, the two of them tucked away in their usual corner booth that surveyed the whole of Pop’s, splitting a milkshake. “There’s definitely something there.”
“Maybe,” Toni drawled, narrowing her eyes as she watched Sweet Pea duck his head and smile to himself when his back was turned from you. “I haven’t seen Sweet Pea look this smitten in a while.”
“Do you think they’d have a chance if we worked our matchmaking magic?”
“What is it you’re always saying? Sometimes the craziest ideas are the most brilliant ones?”
Cheryl smiled, leaning in to kiss Toni. “You’re absolutely right, Tonikins! Shall we start plotting now?”
- - - 
“What’s up, Toni?” Sweet Pea growled into his phone, his frustration bleeding over from one phone call into the next. Fangs had been giving him shit for something and while he was glad to have Toni’s phone call as an excuse to hang up on his friend, he was still pissed.
“What’s up, Sweet Pea, is that I have the perfect solution to your dilemma.”
“What kind of solution?” He paused. “Wait. What’s my dilemma?”
“Nevermind that. Meet me for breakfast tomorrow morning so we can discuss.”
“Discuss what? I’m gonna need more details than that, T.”
Toni couldn’t help but let out a giggle. “All will be revealed tomorrow morning, Sweets. Riverdale Cafetorium at seven sharp - don’t be late!”
She hung up a moment later, leaving a stunned but obedient Sweet Pea in her wake.
- - -
“Cheryl? Is everything okay?” You asked when you answered Cheryl’s phone call. Before she’d met Toni, you and Cheryl spoke on the phone almost nightly; now she rarely called so you figured something had to be up.
“It will be. Meet me in the cafetorium tomorrow at seven?”
“Uh, sure? Why the phone call, though? You could’ve just texted.”
“Just wanted to hear your voice, YN. See you then!”
Nothing was said after that, the line going dead as Cheryl presumably hung up. “See you then,” you said into the void before going back to your nightly routine.
- - -
Toni and Cheryl were already seated at a table when you arrived, the two of them sharing a pastry as Sweet Pea looked on across from them.
“What’s he doing here?” You asked, unable to keep the harshness out of your voice. It was way too fucking early for this and you didn’t even have time for coffee.
“Calm down, dearie. Take a seat.” Cheryl was unusually perky but the tinge of obey me in her voice had you doing just that.
“Yeah, dearie. Take a seat,” Sweet Pea mimicked, and you couldn’t help shooting a glare in his direction. “But really, you two. What is it that was so urgent you couldn’t tell me over the phone last night?”
Toni sat up a little straighter, glancing at Cheryl briefly before she spoke, “Well, because Cheryl and I have a favor to ask. As you know, I’ve been stressing over the reopening of the Whyte Wyrm - particularly the menu - and I was hoping that as my friend,” she looked at Sweet Pea, “and my girlfriend’s best friend,” she looked at you, “that both of you would be willing to come over this weekend for a sample meal.”
“I knew she wanted something,” Sweet Pea leaned back, crossing his arms and muttering under his breath, and you couldn’t help but agree with that statement.
“Of course she did,” you said in the same tone before turning your attention back to Toni and Cheryl. “All you had to do was ask! Of course I will!”
“Me, too. But YN is right - next time just ask us. Not everything has to be a big scheme.” 
His statement shocked you. The two of you hadn’t ever really agreed on much since Toni and Cheryl’s relationship had started, and now you were both agreeing with each other more than once in twenty-four hours? It was almost too much for you to handle. Sure, the two of you were polite and cordial with each other - for the most part - but lately it seemed to be getting out of hand. 
“That’s really good advice, thank you,” Cheryl said, cutting in. “So, we’ll see you Saturday at eight? Oh, and dress real nice. Tonikins and I wanna see what the vibe could be like if we manage to bring in some fancier customers.”
And just like that, Cheryl and Toni stood up in unison just as the bell signaling first period rung, leaving both you and Sweet Pea stunned for the second time.
“Why do I feel like the scheming isn’t over yet?” Sweet Pea asked, turning to look at you.
Your eyes narrowed towards the doors where Cheryl and Toni had just exited. “Probably because it’s not…” Your voice trailed off as your gaze met his and you finally got a glimpse of his face up close and in broad daylight. A flash of his face from last night illuminated by the neon lights of Pop’s crossed your mind, specifically of him grinning as he popped a fry into his mouth. That same desire came flooding back and you knew you had to leave before you did something stupid and make a fool of yourself in front of the Serpent.
“See you Saturday at eight!” Sweet Pea called after you as he watched you walk away, wondering what the weekend had in store.
- - -
You sat in your car, putting the finishing touches on your lipstick and tugging at your dress one more time before taking a deep breath and getting out. After the ambush in the cafetorium by Cheryl and Toni, you’d spent more time than you cared to admit agonizing over your outfit, but in the end it was a no-brainer. You’d worn the dress you felt most confident in, pairing it with strappy heels and light makeup that accentuated your favorite facial features.
Seeing Sweet Pea all dressed up made you stop in your tracks. His version of ‘fancy’ was nice jeans and a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms. His Serpent neck tattoo was on full display, standing out against the stark white of his shirt.
“Hey,” he said, crossing his arms and drawing your attention back to them. “You ready for this?”
“I guess so. There was never really an opportunity to back out now, was there?”
“Those two make it very hard to say no, don’t they?”
You huffed out a laugh, shaking your head. “Don’t I know it.”
Before either of you could say any more, the door swung open and out stepped Cheryl, clad in her signature red. “There you two are! Come on in! Welcome to the new and improved Whyte Wyrm!”
“You look…nice, by the way,” Sweet Pea murmured as he held the door for you, letting you in first.
A shiver of need raced through you at the feeling of his eyes on your body. You paused, looking back at him and meeting his gaze. “Thanks. You, too.”
Your mouth was practically watering as Cheryl set down a filet mignon in front of you. “And this is our bourbon-maple glaze filet mignon.”
“This looks delicious,” you said, smiling at Cheryl. “Give my compliments to the chef.” Toni stood off to the side, the first time you’d ever really seen her look nervous about anything.
“I gotta say, everything has looked fantastic tonight, Toni, and I’m sure the Whyte Wyrm’s reopening is going to be a huge success,” Sweet Pea chimed in, surprising you. You hadn’t really ever heard him give anyone a compliment, but you figured if anyone deserved a compliment from Sweet Pea, it was Toni.
“Thank you,” Toni murmured, nodding stoically. 
“Well, you both have exquisite taste buds and despite how much you both have grown and changed over the years, I knew I could count on you-”
“Okay, what is going on with you?” Sweet Pea asked, the two of you exchanging a suspicious look.
Toni laughed awkwardly, trying to drag Cheryl away.
“Yeah, what’s so funny?” 
“It’s just that we’ve all known each other for so long…” Cheryl trailed off, realizing her mistake.
“I knew it!” Sweet Pea clapped his hands, more excited than you’d seen him while he was stealing your fries at Pop’s. “I knew it!”
“Knew what?” Toni asked, her turn to look suspicious.
“You and Cheryl are out here trying to get YN and I closer so we can be some weird, messed-up version of the Breakfast Club.”
You let out a groan, shaking your head. “Seriously? Cheryl, you know how I feel about you trying to set me up with people! I thought we agreed you were going to stop doing that after eighth grade.”
Sweet Pea crossed his arms and your attention diverted to his delicious forearms once again. “And that’s why we’re here…this is a scheme within a scheme,” he tutted, giving both Toni and Cheryl a reproachful look.
“Excuse us for wanting to try to get the two of you to see in each other what Cheryl and I see in both of you!”
“This is just like that time Toni and Cheryl left us in the woods for some fucked up bonding experience over our hatred of Weatherbee.”
“Or when they sent us on that futile mission to the abandoned Southside High and we had to hide in the janitor’s closet until they were able to get us out.” Sweet Pea glared at them. “The two of you can be so annoying.”
“So fucking annoying,” you agreed, seething as more memories popped up where you and Sweet Pea had been thrown into situations thanks to Toni and Cheryl’s scheming.
“Do either of you want dessert or not? Cuz if you keep whining, Cheryl and I will just eat it ourselves.”
That shut the two of you up and Toni nodded, satisfied. “Enjoy your filet mignon.”
“We’ll be here,” Sweet Pea said, finally getting a chance to cut into his steak.
“Oh, fuck this is good,” you couldn’t help groaning at the first bite. “I had my doubts about a bourbon maple glaze on steak but this is…wow.”
“Mm-hmm.” Sweet Pea’s hum of approval sent another foreign feeling racing through you. 
You tried to think of another conversation topic, but all you could think of was yet another time you and Sweet Pea had been forced together by either Toni’s or Cheryl’s schemes.
Conversation flowed pretty easily after that, and neither of you paid any attention when Toni slipped in and cleared your plates while Cheryl served a single slice of chocolate cake between the two of you.
The cake was delicious, maple syrup infused into the icing, of course.
“Fuck, this chocolate cake…Wow. You’d think Toni would’ve splurged and given us two pieces,” Sweet Pea shook his head as he brought his fork in for another bite.
“I know,” you agreed, nodding. “It’s like you’re stealing my fries all over again.”
“Ha ha,” Sweet Pea deadpanned, making you giggle. “Doesn’t Cheryl have some weird, fucked up saying for this?”
His question took you by surprise, but you knew exactly what he was talking about, rattling off the phrase as if Cheryl herself was saying it. “It’s the most intimate thing two people can do other than…” You stopped short, your eyes widening as you realized the final word.
Your eyes met Sweet Pea’s, his expression mirroring yours as you both finished the word in unison. 
The sounds of your forks hitting the fancy china were the only sounds in the room as the two of you processed what had just happened. 
“Are they…?” You started.
Sweet Pea finished. “Trying to set us up?” You nodded and he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “They better not be.”
“They’re really outdone themselves this time. It’s a goddamn scheme within a scheme within a scheme.”
“I mean, I just don’t understand why they think we would make a good couple. It’s so random and strange - no offense.”
You shrugged, truly unoffended even though you’d have been lying if you said you hadn’t been entertaining the idea all night. “None taken.”
“I’m still not convinced there isn’t more to this scheme.”
“God, I hope not,” you said, resisting the urge to run your hands over your face but you didn’t want to ruin your makeup. “There’s only so many schemes I can participate in during a year and I think I’ve already hit my limit.”
Sweet Pea looked around before leaning in, a smirk on his face. “What do you say we get out of here? We’re not technically dining and dashing because this was free, but I could definitely go for some fries and a chocolate milkshake.”
You didn’t have to be asked twice, dabbing your mouth with your napkin before pushing your chair back and heading out, Sweet Pea instinctively taking your hand in his as the two of you made a mad dash for Pop’s.
“Thanks,” the two of you said in unison as Pop Tate set your malt and Sweet Pea’s milkshake down in front of you, placing a large order of fries in the center of the table. 
“I don’t know how I’m gonna be able to finish all these fries after the meal we’ve just had,” you said, eyeing the basket as you took a sip of your malt.
“I’m sure we’ll find a way if we sit here long enough.”
Your phone vibrated with an incoming text from Cheryl but you ignored it, turning your phone facedown on the table. Sweet Pea did the same and you couldn’t help feeling secretly thrilled that all his attention was now focused on you.
“So,” you started, picking up a fry, “Fancy a trip down memory lane?”
You didn’t think you’d ever seen the Serpent smile as much as he did tonight, and it was starting to affect you. Before tonight, you never would have thought twice about considering someone like Sweet Pea as boyfriend potential, but there was something about both Toni and Cheryl butting into your dating life to bring Sweet Pea in that was making you reconsider. 
You reached for the last fry at the same time he did, your fingers brushing his. You recoiled as butterflies fluttered in your stomach, but it didn’t seem to affect him. “It’s all yours,” Sweet Pea said, gesturing to the solitary fry.
“You sure?” You hesitated. “We could split it.”
Sweet Pea shook his head. “Like I said, it’s yours.”
You couldn’t help the smile that bloomed on your lips as you dunked the last fry into the dregs of your malt. “Maybe there’s more to you than just a Southside Serpent.”
That made him chuckle and duck his head - and in that moment, he had never looked more attractive. “Well, maybe there’s more to you than just Cheryl’s sidekick.”
It was well past midnight when the two of you exited Pop’s, making your way to your separate vehicles.
You stalled at the door to your car, part of you not wanting the night to end. “I…had a lot of fun tonight.”
“Me, too.” Sweet Pea stepped closer and you sucked in a breath. “Maybe, we could do this again without Cheryl and Toni’s interference?”
“I’d like that. Are we counting this as a date?”
“I don’t know. Would you like it to count as a date?”
Not one to shy away from getting what you want, you decided to go for it. “Well, if you were planning to kiss me goodnight if this was a date, then yes, I would like tonight to count as a date.”
Sweet Pea towered over you, his eyes flickering between your eyes and mouth. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as you stared up at him, waiting for him to make the first move. “I’d never turn down an opportunity to kiss a pretty girl goodnight.”
With that, your lips met in a tender kiss, the promise of something more lingering in the air when you finally pulled away. “Goodnight, YN,” Sweet Pea murmured, his thumb brushing over your cheek as he stepped back. “Get home safe.”
“Goodnight, Sweet Pea.”
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fandomnerd9602 · 8 months
Yandere Sabrina confusing Y/N with tons of memory erasure spells please
Y/N: what happened to my family?
Sabrina: darling I’m your family
Y/N: how long have we been married?
Sabrina: oh for a little over a year. Happiest year of my life
Y/N: I wish I could remember it.
Sabrina wraps her arms around Y/N…
Sabrina: don’t worry darling, I’ll take good care of you
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chloe-skywalker · 5 days
Bulldog's Or Sister - Sweet Pea
Sweet Pea x Jones Fem!reader
FP x Daughter Fem!Reader
Jughead x Sister Fem!Reader
Fangs x Toni x Fem!Reader (Friends)
Warnings: mention of near death bullying
Word count: 966
Summary: Reggie beat’s up Y/n and Sweet pEa isn’t ok with it. Neither is Fangs and Toni or FP. BUt Jughead her brother thinks there must of been some type of misunderstanding. Which makes things wrose between him and the Serpents. Y/n’s been one of them way longer than him.
Riverdale Masterlist
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“This is going to far.” Sweet Pea shakes his head trying to control his anger.
“Agreed.” Fangs stated crossing his arms.
“They hurt Y/n. I don’t know about you but I want revenge.” Toni all but growled in defense of her friend.
“I’m right here Toni.” Y/n smiled gratefully at her best friend before turning her attention back to everyone. “And I want revenge to.” Y/n stated from her seated position, still hurting all over from the beating.
“We’ll get it princess. We will. We all will.” FP promised his daughter as he walked over to her, he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
Seconds later the door to the Wyrm burst open and in walked the beanie wearing teen that everyone had been trying to get ahold of.
“What happened?” Jughead said once she was fully in the bar. As he looked around he noticed pretty much everyone was there.
“Where have you been?” FP turned to his son, fuming in rage.
“I was with Betty, we had to look into something. I came as soon as I could.” Jughead shrugged his shoulders, not getting the urgency.
“We called and texted you hundreds of times.” Toni spoke up glaring at Jughead. How could he just ignore everyone trying to get a hold of him.
“Not to mention hours ago.” Fangs joined Toni in glaring at the beanie wearing boy.
“Sorry. I was busy.” Jughead furrowed his eyebrows in confusion on why everyone seemed so passed at him.
“To busy to come to the aid of your bleeding sister?!” Sweet Pea yells enraged, he took a step forward. How could he not care about his own sister then again Sweet Pea felt he shouldn’t be surprised. Jughead always seemed to only care about his Northsider friends, more than he cared about anyone else.
“We had to take her to the hospital.” Fangs added, he to stepped forward off the wall. Fangs stared at Jughead, pissed off. “You didn’t even get here till she was already discharged.”
“Do you even care?” Toni narrowed her eyes as she put the question out there.
“Of course I care.” Jughead scoffed looking over to his sister seeing her all bruised and bandaged, cut’s littered her face and neck. He could only imagine what was under her clothes. “What happened anyway? Who hurt you?”
Jughead’s lack of concern on his face and in his tone were shocking to everyone.
“Reggie and the rest of the bulldog’s. That’s who.” Y/n spat at her brother. How could he be so nonchalant about this?!
“Are you okay?” he asked although there wasn't any concern in his voice. That’s obvious.
Do I look okay?!” Y/n yelled not believing her brother just could stand there in front of her looking at her all injured and not seem to care at all. “I’m hurt, bruised, bleeding and broken. I’m in pain and one of the people I wanted here for me was my brother and he couldn’t even bother!”
“Why’d they attack you?” Jughead asks, pointing at his sister.
“Why?” Sweet Pea copied Jughead’s words while clenching his fists.
“Yes, why? I’m sure it was a misunderstanding.” Jughead himself narrowed his eyes at the taller serpent.
“They targeted me, Jughead.” Y/n spoke up, getting more upset with her brother by the minute.
“Did they think you were someone else?” Jughead was trying to find a solution as to why the Bulldogs would do this.
It shocked and amazed all the serpents and not in a good way that Jughead instead of seeing his sister and caring or wanting revenge he would try to defend the one’s recognizable for almost killing his own sister.
“Stop trying to make excuses for them!” Sweet Pea yelled, slamming his hand down on the nearest table. Which happened to be the table Toni and Y/n were sitting at.
Y/n reached for Sweet Pea’s hand, hoping to calm him down. To reassure him she was there. Before Y/n turned her gaze back to her brother.
“They followed me, they conquered me and they attacked me. They knew it was me, I was the intended target for their attack… And you don’t even care.” Y/n had tears welling up in her eye’s at recalling what had happened to her and that it seemed her brother could care less about her.
“What happened to my son that loved and protected his sister? Cause that’s not what I’m seeing.” FP shook his head, eyes filled with disappointment.
“Dad-” Jughead start’s with wide eyes at his father’s words.
“They hurt her and you're defending them, trying to find an out.” FP stated raising his voice, anger and pain obvious in his words as he spoke. “Get out Jughead.”
Jughead loaded at his dad like he was crazy. He wants him to leave! “What?”
“Get out of my home. Get out of my serpent den. Till you can care about your family again, get out.” FP had made his decision. He didn’t recognize his son right now.
Jughead looked around seeing how no one is opposing his fathers statements of kicking him out.
“Not that you care but they did this to send a message.” Toni tells Jughead before he turned to leave.
“They left a letter with me when they left me to wither in pain and almost die. It was a threat, and doing this to me was only the beginning.” Y/n told her brother with anger and sadness in her eye’s. Letting out an unamused laugh shaking her head. “Hope you enjoy your Northside friends Jughead. Since you apparently care more about them than your family.”
A tear ran down her check as she looked at her brother like a stranger.
taglist: @padawancat97 @gruffle1
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Imagine almost getting caught with Hiram Lodge, by his daughter Veronica.
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Music was playing softly through the speakers that were mounted around Hiram’s office in order to get the best acoustics in the room directly to the chair that he usually sat in. Classic, just like the man himself. Except he wasn’t in the chair right there, he was on the floor, shirt having been taken off a quarter hour ago, pumping himself up with push-ups. He had the physique of a man half of his age, you noticed and admired. He kept himself up well.
He was showing you his dominance. That he was better looking, that he was stronger, that he was more powerful than any of the men that had been hitting on you at the gym that afternoon. You hadn’t given those men a glance and yet .. his jealousy had flared up, bringing you this rather impressive show.
While this was going on, you were sitting atop his desk, still in your own workout gear. And it didn’t leave much to the imagination. Your legs were crossed, watching him, finally snapping your fingers to get his attention. “That’s enough, Hiram, I think you’ve proven yourself.” You slid off of the desk, landing on your bare feet. You held a hand out to help him up, though he hardly needed it. “You’ve got everything those men will never have - so why don’t you take advantage of it?”
He got up without your help. Now he was just showing off. But he took your hand anyway, holding your wrist up above your head and pushing you back against the wall. The edges of the bookshelves had all been rounded for this very reason, so that it wouldn’t hurt. Pressing you against it, his hand trailing low to into your shorts, feeling what was underneath with a smirk. “You going to be good and keep your hands up while I take these off?” He asked, his tone showing that it was not a question at all.
“Yes, Hiram,” You breathed.
You joined wrists above your head, crossing them as if they were tied up, stretching out your body the way that you knew that he liked. He tugged those shorts down, holding up your feet to help you step out of them. He kissed his way back up your body to your work-out shirt, and began to fumble underneath it, touching your chest, smooth fingers.
It was the footsteps at the door that alerted you. The sound there was more hollow, it echoed louder so that no one  could come up on Hiram unannounced. Your eyes caught his with panic. The familiar heels. The familiar walk. Veronica. “Sit,” He said, giving you a little push towards his desk. You stumbled your way there, sitting just in time so that only your upper half could be seen. You moved the mouse so that the screensaver was down, and you looked busy.
“--- and fifty,” Hiram said, having dropped back onto the ground for another push up before Veronica came walking in. “Evening, Veronica. And what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Still working out?” Veronica said, looking at him, and then at you. You smiled at her, hoping to God she wouldn’t notice that there was nothing below the waist. You were pushed further into the desk, making sure that it cut off before your waist. “I was just wondering if I could borrow some money, daddy.”
“Of course,” Hiram said. “I’ll put some on your card before you leave the house. Is that all?”
Veronica looked suspiciously between the two of you. But she was getting what she wanted, after all. “Thanks daddy-kins. I won’t stay out too late.”
“Be careful,” Hiram said. Veronica turned around and walked out, the heavy door closing behind you. You breathed out in relief and pushed the chair back. Before you could relax too much, Hiram was tugging you out of the chair. “Now where were we?”
Requested by: Anonymous
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onegayastronaut · 10 months
I'm Fine (Betty Cooper x Reader)
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Requested by anon: Hi! I love your page, could you please do Betty with a reader who's sick?
Getting sick while on vacation with your girlfriend was not fun, especially when she had planned out the entire weekend for the two of you. Betty had not left your side since you had not started feeling well, and you had insisted that she enjoyed the trip without you. Of course, she was not having it. Being the girlfriend that she was, she was not about to just leave you when you started feeling under the weather. She had always been so selfless, and you did not have it in you to say no when she offered to take care of you. 
You knew that Betty would be returning with food, since she had left your apartment to get some food and medication for you when you were sleeping. As you laid down, you decided that you would take a quick nap while waiting for your girlfriend to get back. As you closed your eyes, you heard the door unlocking, and you opened them slowly. 
Betty was standing at the doorway, looking down at you with concern. "Oh my God," she said softly. "Are you okay, babe?" She placed her bag on the ground and made her way to you. 
"I'm fine," You assured her, trying to sit up. "It's just a stupid cold." 
She put her hand on your chest, pushing you back down into your previous position. "You don't need to get up. I'm going to go ahead and make you some soup, okay?" She was talking softly to you, which was a change. She normally did not speak softly to you unless something was wrong. You guessed that you had just gotten used to her normal demeanor and tone. "And don't you try and get up again, (Y/N)." She pushed your bangs away from your forehead. "I'm going to get your temperature checked and then I will get the medicine, okay?" She kissed your forehead before leaving the room. 
You closed your eyes and listened to the sound of the soup cooking. Your girlfriend had always been so caring and it made your heart warm, even though she was taking care of you for the sake of your health. 
Betty returned with a bowl of soup and a small thermometer. She sat the bowl down on the coffee table and picked up the thermometer. She gave you a small smile before placing the end of it in your mouth. She placed a hand on your cheek as she waited for the thermometer to beep. You knew how this worked, so you kept your mouth open as it went off, which earned you a chuckle from Betty. She removed it from your mouth, checking the number before placing it back on the table. "Oh, good," she said. "It seems like your temperature has gone down some. You must've just needed to sleep, and your body was able to get rid of it." She grabbed a spoon and dipped it into the soup. "I'll give you a few minutes to finish your soup and then we can get some medicine into you." 
You nodded and sat up as she fed you some soup. It seemed as though Betty was over-cooking the noodles, but it was cute of her to take care of you, and you did not say anything as you ate it. Betty kept giving you small smiles and the soup was gone before you knew it. She grabbed your plate and walked over to the sink, placing it in and washing it off. "Let's get some medicine in you now, and then you can take a nap." 
You nodded and watched her as she made her way back over to you. She sat down on the couch next to you and held the bottle out for you to take. "There are some pain pills in there that should help your headache, so I think that is what you should start with." She uncapped the bottle and poured two pills into her hand. She handed them to you and watched as you took them. She gave you a glass of water to chase them down and then watched as you swallowed. "Let's see if we can get that down you, okay?" 
You gave her a nod and opened your mouth slightly for her. Betty looked at you, shaking her head and placing her hand on your chest again to stop you from getting up. "No, babe, you are not getting up. You need to stay sitting." She reached out to your mouth, placing a thumb on your bottom lip. "Open." She placed her thumb between your lips, slowly sliding her finger down your tongue. She removed it once you had swallowed and took your face in her hands. "Good girl." She gave you a soft smile and gave your cheek a soft pat. "Now lay back down and take a nap." She stood up from the couch and looked down at you. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." 
You laid back down, getting as comfortable as possible before drifting off into a much needed sleep. 
The next day, you were feeling much better and had convinced Betty that she should go out and enjoy the day without you. You could tell she was disappointed, but she agreed and made her way out the door. As she left, you changed out of your sweatpants and t-shirt and into some normal clothes, throwing a beanie on your head. You were going to walk around for a little bit and get some fresh air. You did not get to do that very often since you spent so much time indoors at work, so you figured it was the best time to do it. 
As you got ready to leave your apartment, your door opened and Betty walked in. "Oh, good, you're all dressed up." She shut the door behind her and looked at you. "I was going to make you some soup, since I figured you'd be hungry after I was gone for a couple hours." She crossed her arms over her chest and smiled at you. "I just got you some of your favorite food." 
You sighed softly, knowing that she was not going to allow you to leave without at least eating something. "That would be nice," you said with a soft smile. "But if you're really busy, you don't have to worry about getting me anything, Betty." 
She placed her hands on her hips and gave you a small pout. "No, no, it’s really not a big deal. We can start eating it now if you’d like." She gave you a smile and walked into the kitchen. You shook your head and chuckled softly, not able to believe how lucky you were to have her as a girlfriend. 
Betty walked you back into the living room with a smile on her face. She patted the couch and then sat down on the next to you. She pulled your beanie off your head and then leaned over, pressing her lips against yours. "I love you, (Y/N)." She looked at you with the softest look in her eyes and placed a hand on your cheek. "Hopefully you’ll get better soon, babe. I've just been worried about you." 
You gave her a nod and then wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her in close. "I know, Betty. I don’t want you to stress about me.” 
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wxckedwxrld · 8 months
𝘙𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘥𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘐𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴
PSA: these writings ARE NOT MINE. This is a list of fanfiction I have read during october and November. All credit goes to the original and rightful writers.
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𝙰𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚎 𝙰𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚜
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𝙹𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙹𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜
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𝚁𝚎𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚕𝚎
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yourjughead · 6 months
Sweet Pea and Y/N have been seeing each other in secret for some time but as a new serpent enters the playing field, tempers flare but is it all what if seems?
"So when are you guys gonna stop pretending it's just sex and actually just sign the marriage licence, it's been like 7 months which is basically decades in the Serpents"
The water I gulped down nearly took deathly grip at Tonis comment.
"N-o no no" I managed to choke out between rapid taps to the back from Fangs.
"Toni please don't kill the man, I'm sure YN wouldn't like if you bumped off her play thing" Fangs quipped while watching the colour return back to my face.
"I'm not her play thing, if anything she's mine"
"And who exactly could you be talking about like that" of course she's going to join the conversation at the most inconvenient time. I wish the water had just finished me off.
"Y/N, we were just messing with him"
"Ah yes Toni because I love when my sex life is the topic of conversation amongst my friends, although I suppose you've nothing going on in your own lives" she dropped your tray next to me before sliding in across.
"And how is Cheryl?" you added, Toni sunk down on the seat with a groan.
"And Kevin?" sending Fangs sliding too, leaving me grinning into my soup. I caught her hand beneath the table as the other two tried to take back hold of their pride. We shouldn't have even been talking about this so openly in school, I'm really not trying to put a target on my back.
"If you do marry eachother I'll officiate"
"That's very nice Fangs but don't you need to be able to read to do that?" Fangs caught his chest in feign hurt at Y/Ns joking tone. We shouldn't be talking about this, they know I'd never be allowed to marry her, I can't even openly date her.
As if on que, Y/N dropped my hand quickly to place both in front of her tray, her eyes following the newest recruit to the Serpents. Jughead Jones. Now there's the only person her father would let her marry, another serpent legacy.
"Hey guys"
"Hey Jughead!" She responded very much too excited to him in my opinion.
"Y/N, I'm heading to Pop' wanna come? I know you really want to try it" how could he know what she wants? I'm what she wants. Right?
"Sure, see you later guys" y/n smiled and I could feel my other best friends shuffle awkwardly in their seats as y/n then strutted off with her future husband.
"Don't" I silenced Toni's saddening tone with a raised hand, I don't need their pitty.
~ 3rd Person
Over the next few weeks you spent more and more time around Jughead. Your father approved massively of this budding relationship, not going unnoticed by Sweet Pea or the rest of your friends. You and Jughead would go on jobs together, meet up before and after meetings together and just in general be together. It was becoming more and more difficult for Sweet Pea to be around and he began to retreat into himself.
5 weeks later - 3rd Person
Sweet Pea sprawled out across the tattered sofa of his very own trailer. Trying to take his mind of you and Jughead, he flicked through tv channels, then the books in his reach before finally landing on reading his history book absentmindedly. His eyes eventually weighing more than the book and closing. Dreams of you in eggshell coloured dresses waltzing up a flower covered aisle to meet a groom with a blurry face but a very prominent crown beanie splashed across his mind. The image jolted him from his sleep, crashing him to the floor.
Sweet pea rubbed his face with the blanket thrown across him, trying to remove the image from his thoughts. The soft glow from his ajar bedroom door across the darkened living room caught his eye. His hands ran down the blanket that was not there when he drifted off. Your hushed voice eventually met his ears from the bedroom, his senses waking one by one. He misses you breaking into his trailer nightly, the last time having been a few weeks ago.
Sweet Peas Pov
Collecting myself from the floor I snuck over to the door where I could accidentally on purpose hear her speak more clearly on the phone.
"Yeah there's just no future there - yeah - I really like being around him but what's the point when I don't want to continue - yeah yeah - I don't want any more feelings to grow - mmm - I just have to be with him to get where I need to go - yeah you're right- talk later love you Sis - bye - bye - bye" oh god it's happening, the end, she's ending it with me. I don't care if she's using me, just as long as she's with me. Right?
I heard her jump up from mattress. Crap crap crap. I went to scramble back to the sofa, sliding along the laminate in the blanket she had wrapped on me, flying straight back onto the floor. Ugh god my head. As I blinked her shape standing over me came into focus, I gave a small nervous laugh.
"Sweets, are you having fun down there?" She laughed offering a hand and instantly regretting it as I pulled her down on top of me.
"Now I am" I rolled her into the blanket and deep into my chest, squeezing as if letting go would mean she's gone forever. The closest we'd been in awhile.
"Sweet - Pea - You're - Crushing - Me" she attempted through my chest and began go gently push from me. It's already happening. She rolled her head up and gently kissed my cheek and I released my grip.
"Why are you on the floor"
"Why are you in my house?"
"Touché" she smiled before sitting up to retrieve her buzzing phone from her pocket.
"Who's are you giggling at?" I hate myself for asking but seeing her smile at her phone the way she smiles at me gave me reason.
"It's just something Jughead said -" ugh god why why why "- and I don't giggle" she gently hit me into my chest as I rolled from her and then up off the floor. I crossed the room towards the fridge where I rooted around.
"He was telling me about the book he's writing over lunch today, he's really got something for making up elaborate plans, we actually decided to -"
"We?" I almost growled at her as I pulled a beer from the fridge and turned to her disapproving stares. I know she doesn't like when I drink on week days, we were brought up in bar culture and she hates bringing it home with her. I'm not even sure she'd call me home anymore.
"Sweet pea don't get like that over Jughead, you like him I thought" she moved towards me in the kitchen, the blanket drapped over her still. I leaned on the fridge across from her and watched her prop herself up onto the countertop, her phone now next to her.
"Y/N, he rocks up into our school, parades around, Mr. Prince of the Serpents, takes you from me all the time so we can never have any alone time together and then -"
"Ah so that's what this is about, you miss the sex" she seemed to toy but I definitely wasn't in the mood to joke.
"No! Well yeah but that's not all I miss, this is the most we've talked in over a month and it's still about him!"
"Sweet Pea don't get angry at me!" She slid from the blanket and the counter. Too late, I was very much very angry which was only increased when her phone lit up, with the one word I'd never heard her use before, boyfriend.
"What the fuck?!" I lunged for it, almost forgetting my height, giving y/n a bit of a fright, something I had never done. Seems to be a day of firsts for everyone. Boyfriend?! Boyfriend?! She tried to reach for the ringing phone, this time I didn't forget my height, answering the phone and hoping I didn't hear the person I knew was on the other head.
"Hey y/n/n, I'll meet you at the usual spo-" I cut Jones off before he could finish, hurling the phone at the cabinets. This time I gave y/n a very noticeable fright as the phone screen came seperate from the motherboard.
"Sweet Pea!! Calm down! You're acting like a raving lunatic, let me explain!" She shouted back, more firsts from her, she had never raised her voice at me before but I suppose I started it. No she did. Jones did. I'm gonna kill him.
"Explain what?! What's there to explain Y/N/N" I used the name he called her like the curse word it was to me.
"Me and you have been seeing each other for like almost 9 months and that has meant something to me, clearly not so much to you" okay Sweet Pea that was probably a bit harsh. I breathed out deeply, trying to release any amount of pressure from chest. She moved from the kitchen and into the bedroom, returning again and putting on her jacket. Damn.
"You have no idea the kind of pressure I'm under Sweet Pea" she almost bit at me as she zipped herself up.
"Yeah I'm sure there's a lot of pressure straddling Jones" I was shocked I said that, she was shocked I said that. I think I don't even believe what I said but then again, he's her boyfriend. Boyfriend?! She's never called me that, would never call me that. This thought pushed the regret for what I said from me and replaced it back with anger.
"Oh whatever Sweet Pea, talk to me when you recover from the concussion you clearly got from the fall" She flew open the trailer door and stormed out into the cold night. I slid down the fridge, her smashed up phone alongside me. Nice one Pea, you really messed up this time..... except she messed up too, she's dating Jones and didn't tell me. She's dating Jones and didn't tell me. She's dating Jones and didn't tell me. I could feel my neck rise again with anger as I stood and went to the front door. I need to pay the serpent prince a visit.
Part 2
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themultifandomgal · 9 months
Sweet Pea- Grease Is The Word
Look At Me I’m Sandra Dee
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That evening I'm at Betty's house with the girls plus Kevin. We’re currently trying to catch gummy bears in our mouths
"Okay, I'm gonna try it" Betty says opening her mouth. Cheryl takes some gummy bears and trying to throw them into Betty's mouth
"Whoo" we all yell when she does it
"Okay, can we please order pizza from Little Cicero's?" Betty begs. Toni scoffs a little "guys it's not a sleep over without a greasy pizza. Right Kev?" We all look over at Kevin who's sat on Betty's window seat looking out
"Kev?" I sit up from my position on Betty's bed
"Sorry it's just... working on the variety show made me feel like I was reconnecting with pre farm Kevin” I frown feeling confused
“Long story” Toni says, still making me feel confused
“Mr Honey didn't just take that from me. He made me feel like I was nothing. Like I didn't matter" Kevin sighs looking back out of the window
"You know something that makes me feel better?" Betty says “make over”
"I hear what your saying Betty but I'm not sure
even a makeover will help" Kevin speaks. Kevin's words mean nothing and the girls all take out makeup and wigs. We all give each other a make overs and dress up.
“Everyone try this” Veronica takes out a bottle from her bag “this is mine and Cheryl’s rum. Try it” she hands the bottle to Betty who takes a sip. The bottle is passed around until it gets to me
“Oh no I’m ok thank you though”
“Come on just a sip” Cheryl encourages
“Hey if she doesn’t want to don’t pressure her” Betty defends me
“It’s just we have school tomorrow and I don’t…”
“You don’t drink?” Cheryl asks. I shake my head no “ok fine but your missing out” she goes to take the bottle from my hands
“Ok wait. Just a little sip can’t hurt right?” I take the tiniest sip which causes me to cough
“Should have warned you it may burn a little” Cheryl shrugs
“Hey YN why don’t you try out for the cheer team. We’re all on it” Josie says
“Oh I don’t know I’m not that good”
“That’s ok, Cheryl can help can’t you?”
“I can?”
“Look I don’t want to be a bother so…”
“No it’s fine. You wanna hang with us, you gotta be like us”
“I’m going to wash off my makeup” I tell the girls and head into Betty’s bathroom. When I return though I hear Josie saying some horrible things
“Are you making fun of me Josie?”
“If the shoe fits” Josie says getting up
“She’s just jealous because a few summers ago her and Sweet Pea had a fling. She didn’t want to go public and so he moved on” Cheryl says
The following day I enter the gym while no one else is in there to practice and stretch. I try to go down into the spilts, like Cheryl showed me, but I get a little stuck
“Hey YN” I gasp hearing Sweet Pea’s voice behind me
“Hi” I feel his arms around me lifting me up
“Since when we’re you a cheerleader?”
“Oh Veronica said I should” I walk away from him, not wanting to be close by him
“Hey your not upset about yesterday are you? Couldn’t you tell I was glad to see ya?”
“Well you could have been a little nicer to me in front of your friends”
“You don’t know them. Especially Reggie. If it were up to me I wouldn’t look at another girl”
“Well it is up to you”
“Cheryl’s having a party Friday night. Why don’t you come with me, so I can make it up to you”
“Fine but you’ve got some making up to do” I say crossing my arms. Sweet Pea walks over to me, he moves a stray hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear
“Hey guys” Josie says walking over. Sweet Pea and I move away from one another
“Sweet Pea my mom said you should come over for dinner again tomorrow night” Josie says emphasising the words ‘again’
“Pea?” I frown “why were you at hers? You just said…”
“I know what I just said. I was only there for homework”
“You know what I can’t wait wait to make a good impression on those cute letterman’s”
“Oh so that’s the real reason your wearing that”
“Don’t tell me your jealous Sweet Pea” I pout
“What? me jealous? I don’t get jealous”
“Fine so you won’t mind me cheering in front of the bulldogs”
“Hmm” I turn and leave the gym.
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sensei-venus · 9 months
Serpent-Cide (1/?)
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(Unedited) (Reader secretly hates everyone, she just wants to go home. Number one #fuckthenorthsiders fan Reader. Reader is just a loner who tolerates everyone’s bs.)
(Part One|Part Two|Part Three|TBA|)
Reader didn’t want to think about school. She didn’t want to think about having to walk the halls along side the stuck up students. The cheerleader, jocks hell even the geeks of the school where assholes. It was like the north side was a target for producing shitty ass people.
Just about everyone in the whole town could be labeled a horrible person.
It was like they where breed here, raised here, meant to start a life long relationship with hurting others. Both physically and mentally, hell even emotionally.
Half of the kids at that school where skilled at emotional manipulation.
“Reader you will be assigned to the welcoming committee. You don’t have any community hours for this semester so this should give you quite a few. Make sure you meet in the hallway tomorrow morning, 8:00 sharp. The new transfer students from SouthSide High should be arriving by then.” One of the volunteer heads said. Reader slumped in her seat a little and rolled her eyes. Great, now she had to deal with not only the stuck up northsider kids but now the southsiders.
Moments later the bell rang for first period and everyone in the community room slowly started to leave. She waited a moment until just about everyone was gone. Slowly grabbing her bag from off the floor she made her way to class. The hallway was crowded as she maneuvered around the crowds of students. Flooded with kids, pushing and shoving each other.
The sound of something hitting lockers, hard, filled the hallway and made her look around. She pushed past the people around her. Hoping to just get to class. She didn’t need to get into anyone business, know anything she really didn’t need to. It would just be a reason for her to keep thinking about the people who lived, breath and love this shitty ass school. All she wanted to do was get to class.
Sadly her luck wasn’t on her side this time, it never seemed to be.
Her eyes caught the one and only Reggie Mantle as he shoved some poor kid face first into a locker. Their eyes only met for a moment before him and his friends went back to what they where doing. Messing with some bottom feeder kid who probably just looked at him wrong. The urge to just go the other way she came started to bubble into her gut. So that is what she did, turned right back around and went with the flow of the opposite direction of traffic. It would take twice the time to get to her class but she didn’t have to worry about bumping into that jerk. She huffed as she was shoved deeper into the crowed.
Why did this school always have to pull the worst shit over on her.
The next morning didn’t go as planned at all. The bus she usually took to go to school broke down and she had to walk. Instead of waiting around to get a ride she decided to just walk it. She ended up having to jog just to make it on time. All she needed was some stupid mark on her record for “trying to skip a volunteer credit” or something from the leadership board.
Huffing she enters though the front of the school where she was meet with a few different faces. Most of which made her even more exhausted then she already was.
Archie, Veronica, Betty and even Cheryl stud around the almost completely empty front hallway. It was almost as if half of the student body didn’t want to be around the southside kids. She kinda understood where they where coming from, then again she didn’t really care. Stereotyping a whole group of people they had never even meet before wasn’t really something she had hopes of doing. The southside was bad, shady and drug filled. But as long as these kids didn’t mess with her like the kids at this school, she would be ok with them.
Hopefully they would just cut her some slack and leave her alone for the rest of the year.
Or, her worst nightmare, they picked up on half of the schools ideals for bullying people, no matter who they where or what they did.
“Hey Reader you made it! I was scared you would have skipped the introduction.” Betty said in a whisper as they walked to a more casual spot in the hall. Reader just sighed, looking at the closed front doors of the school. She had to admit that her nerves where a little on edge. Being around people for her was hard, even people she knew. Betty was a okay person, a little preppy and a bit of a good girl but she was nice enough In Reader’s opinion.
She wouldn’t say they where friends per say but rather good acquaintances. They worked on a few projects together, sat with each other at lunch a few times, borrowed books from each other when they checked them out of the library. Nothing huge to make them good friends but decent enough that Reader didn’t see her as a issue to deal with.
“Stupid bus broke down and they wanted me to wait for a whole hour for another one to show up. All I need is that community leader to try and say I was trying to skip. It’s always something with this school…” she trailed off. Lazily she checked her phone, Betty only nodded saying “I get it…this school definitely sucks some times.” Reader snorted, sarcasm laced her voice “Puff that’s the fucking understatement of the century…” she pushed her phone back into her pocket. Betty only gave a small half smile before walking off to go see Archie.
For a good few minutes she just watched them. The two teens where talking about something and then Veronica joined them. She raised a brow as she glanced over at Cheryl who looked to be glaring at the other teens. It was funny to see the “Queen of the school” not be invited to their little party. Even if that party was three other people talking without her. Stuck up bitch. A smirk passed her lips for just a split moment.
Suddenly the door of the school entrance opened with a huge bang.
Some kids that were still in the hallway scattered at the mere sound, some from the sight of who walked through those big doors. The braver students stayed in their place, a hand full, mostly the jocks. They slowly started to creep up from the back of the hallways. Slowly inching closer and closer. Inching in towards new pray, or more like an even foe.
The southsiders were making their way into the northsiders territory and threatening their sickly little teen livelihoods. The big dogs were about to get pounced on by a whole bunch of serpents.
A whole herd of students walked through the doors, stomping up to the small group of teens. Reader was reluctant to join them, not because she was afraid of them or like most of the other kids still sticking around wanting to harass them. She just didn’t want to act like she was alongside any of these people.
She was quick to notice that one of the leaders was actually Jughead, which was a little shocking but not by much. Jughead was just as much of an outcast really as she was, maybe a little more popular seeing as he was Archie’s best friend.
The look on his face was insanely similar, mostly because it mirrored hers. The look of both boredom and disgust crossed his face quickly. As soon as he stepped close to Cheryl it seemed to double by ten folds. Out of nowhere, Reggie made his appearance from one of the hallways, a few cheerleaders and half of the team of jocks followed close by. He stepped up and stood behind Cheryl who only smirked at Jughead.
“Listen how about you and your little “serpents” go find another school to destroy. We don’t need your low IQ’s muddying up our school. We can only expect our test scores to start dropping dramatically in the next few weeks because of you and your little trailer trash bunch.” Reggie bowed up “Yeah and your little junkie friends. Bet we will start finding needs all over the hallways and burnt spoon in the trash cans.” Some of the jocks and cheerleaders laughed. Cheryl only smirked, her cherry-red lips only seemed to grow at the words.
Two of the kids behind JugHead almost growled at them, bowing up but then being held back by Jughead.
One was a girl, slight brown skin with long dyed pinkish purple hair with a serpent jacket on. It also my swamped her shoulders in the thick leather material. Her face was twisted up in a nasty scowl as Jug held her back.
The other person was a tall boy with black hair and a good-sized snake tattoo on his neck. Reader couldn’t help but look him over in curiosity. The tattoo stuck out to her as she scanned him over, the bob of his throat, the glimmer in his eye of pure hate. It was…interesting. She was glad that she stood off to the side. Maybe no one would notice her gawking at the bean stock of a boy- slash that, man.
Reader almost jumped a little when the boy broke free of Jugs arm. He marched up to Cheryl and Reggie and basically growled right in their face. Jughead was quick to grab him by the back of the jacket along with the help of the girl. Both of them use a good amount of strength to pull him back. It wasn’t easy as he fought back against their attempts to reel him back in. His height and weight alone kept him from even flinching at their pulls.
Lucky he seemed to calm only by a little and stepped back. He bared his teeth at them, almost in mocking and anger.
This did nothing to phase Cheryl and only made Reggie more riled up. One of his eyes twitched and a vain popped from under his collar. He stares all of the southside kids down, trying his best to some how intimidate them. Believing that somehow it was going to do something to them.
It failed miserably as the other southside kids held their ground.
“Love how I’m gone only a little while and I come back to this, the same loving treatment as before. Great job keeping your mutts in line Cheryl.” Jughead mocked with crossed arms. His gaze shifted from her to Archie for a moment. A look of displeasure corsages his face. Maybe even a hint of sadness threatened to form. But it was quickly gone within moments of appearing. Archie gave a small smile back hoping to show his feelings on the situation. Jughead seemed to take it with a grain of salt.
“Can we just stop fighting for once. We have to share our school and it’s only fair that we at least try and be civilized.” Veronica said getting between the two groups. She put both hands out to stop the two groups from getting any closer to each other. There was a small table a few steps over, she walked over to it and grabbed a few papers.
Looking them over before holding them up, she looked back toward the serpents. She cleared her throat saying “Over here you will find your class schedules, locker assignments, and a map of the school. We will also be assigning small groups of new students with some of our volunteer students. They will help you with any questions you may have about the school, show you around, and also help you figure out any resources you may need.”
There was some mumbling among the group.
Betty and Archie walked over to the table and grabbed some of the papers. Betty read over a few things on one of the pages. The other girl shoved a new paper into her hand making her roll her eyes. She looked it over and raised a brow.
“Are you sure about this?”
“Yep, it’s right there. Start grouping up after they all get their schedules.”
Suddenly Veronica’s gaze shifted over to Reader. She cocked her head to the side and just stared at her. Reader felt herself clam up a little.
This was definitely not going to be a day to go down into the good history of the school.
It was going to be a literal blood stain by the looks of it.
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(Will be continued, will be cross-posting to AO3!)
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6rookie-writer0110 · 9 months
Love once again
Cheryl Blossom ( Abigail blossom) x Male Reader ( samurai )
Request - Abigail remembers a traveler who comes from Japan with whom she fell in love a long time ago, he was a samurai who wanted to travel the world when he went to Riverdale, the samurai met Abigail when she was teaching abroad, they both began to meet and finally fell in love, However, the curse that fen forgaty had given could end everything, when the reader saw that they took Abigail to be burned, he took his sword and tried to save her but ended up seriously injured, before dying the samurai told Abigail that no matter how long it takes I would see her again. She sees the disregard of the other love of hers who is Cheryl's boyfriend. and he is happy because he knows that the return
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Abigail is in her bedroom and she starts to remember her past lover. She misses him dearly and she will do anything to see him again.
You have been traveling for long a time since you left Japan. You settle down in a town called Riverdale while walking through town a lot of people start to stare at you. You are still dressed like a samurai and you have your swords with you. Then you stopped and you saw a beautiful woman walking out of a store. You can't look away then she notices you.
“You must be new here, we've never seen your kind here. My name is Beatrice Cooper and what is your name?” Beatrice said.
“My name is Y/n. And I am a samurai from Japan” You said.
“Oh, how interesting I've never been to Japan. Welcome to Riverdale, but you can't carry your swords around town” Beatrice said.
“Why not?” You asked.
“Beatrice, leave him alone. He had a long trip and he just got into town” Abigail said.
“I just wanted to get to know him,” Beatrice said.
Beatrice walks away.
“My name is Abigail Blossom. There is a hotel nearby” Abigail” said.
“My name is Y/n,” You said.
Abigail smiled at you and you just met her but you loved her smile. She walked away and you head somewhere to get something to eat.
Abigail went to the lake to be alone and relax. She watches you train with your sword then she steps on a stick and it breaks, you stop and turn around.
“Sorry. I just saw you use your sword” Abigail said.
“I was training,” You said.
She walked closer to you and you put your sword away.
“I never used a sword before, I always read it in books” Abigail said.
“I can show you,” You said.
You take out your sword, then you gently grab her hand and she feels a spark. You moved closer and showed her how to hold the sword. You tell her how to swing it then you move away and she tries to hit the tree. She started to smile
“Wow, I like this, Y/n,” Abigail said.
“You have a beautiful smile,” You said.
She blushed and she gave you back the sword.
“Thank you” Abigail smiled.
“Your husband must be a lucky man,” You said.
“I don't have a husband,” Abigail said.
She didn't want to scare you away that she was married before.
“Oh. I don't have a wife. I have been traveling and exploring what is there besides Japan” You said.
“I never left this town. I envy you, Y/n” Abigail said.
You and Abigail stared into each other’s eyes. You don't know her very well but yet you are smitten by her.
“I have to go. I have to teach a class, maybe you should come by” Abigail said.
“I will. How do I find you?” You said.
“It's a building with a bell and you will see kids around,” Abigail said.
You gently grabbed her hand and kissed it, then she blushed. You watched her walk away and Abigail couldn't stop smiling and she liked how you kissed her hand. You want to make her yours and you hope she feels the same.
Later, you did go into town and look for the school. People are still staring at you and how you dress. You see Abigail talking to two men and she doesn't seem happy, then you walk towards them.
“Is everything okay?” You asked.
“We are done here. Abigail, don't think with your emotions and sell the land to me everything will work out for both of us” Jedediah said.
“Get off my property now” Abigail demanded.
“This isn't over,” Jedediah said.
“She said leave now,” You said.
He did leave and you watch them leave. You follow her inside the school and you start to look around.
“If they bother you again, I will stop them,” You said.
“Thank you. I was hoping you would come today” Abigail said.
“I wanted to see you. What do you teach?” You said.
“I teach, young women how to read and write,” Abigail said.
“I didn't go to school. I had to help my family work so we could buy food” You said.
“Oh. If you want I can show you how to write your name” Abigail said.
She grabbed a chalk and she writes your name on the board. She explained how each letter is pronounced then she grabbed your hand, and gently showed you how to write your name. You like her touch and you don't want her to let go of your hand. You and Abigail started to smile at each other. You do struggle to write your name but she encourages you to keep trying.
The past few days… you keep going to see Abigail at the school. You did learn how to spell your name and she likes being around you. Sometimes, you and Abigail would spend time at the lake, and she would ask questions about your past. Abigail is holding your hand gently and she is teaching you, how to write your name on paper. You and Abigail are sitting very close to each other, she slowly leans in then you kiss her on the lips. She puts her hands on your face and she starts to kiss you back.
“I love you,” You said.
“Even if I did something bad in my past?” Abigail asked.
“It's in the past. You have been nothing but kind to me, and you took your time to show me how to spell my own name. You are different, Abigail. I will stay in Riverdale for you” You said.
She kissed you again, and she stared into your eyes. You kiss her again then you feel her hand on your cheek.
“I don't want you to leave,” Abigail said.
“I will do anything for you,” You said.
Since that kiss, you and Abigail started to spend more time together. You taught her how to use chopsticks when eating. She is very affectionate with you and she makes you feel loved. When you and Abigail go into town, she will hold your hand, and people will stare but you and Abigail don't care about other’s people opinions. She only cares about your opinion and you feel the same.
She told you about the curse because of Fen. You kiss Abigail on the lips
“I won't leave your side, Abigail,” You said.
“I don't want you to get hurt,” Abigail said.
“Abigail, as a samurai I promised you that I won't leave your side and I will do anything to protect you. I can't break my word as a samurai and if I do I will become a disgrace to my culture and I would have to give up being a samurai” You said.
“I love you, Y/n,” Abigail said.
“I love you, Abigail,” You said.
You kiss her then you say those three words again.
She goes downstairs and you stay up upstairs. You start her loud noises then she screams your name.
“Y/n!” Abigail screamed.
You run towards the stairs then you see Jedediah and a mob, taking the love of your life away. You run to get your sword, and they take her to the middle of town. They start to tie her up then they start to place the woods around her.
“Abigail Blossom, you are here because you are a witch and you will be burned alive,” Jedediah said.
“This your way to take my property from me because I wouldn't sell to a useless man like you!” Abigail yelled.
“You are a witch and you deserve to die. We won't let someone who worships satan live around us” Beatrice said.
You killed two random guys to get Abigail. Jedediah tried to stop you but, you punched him in the face and then pushed him onto the ground. You used your sword to stab him in the stomach. Then you run towards Abigail before the fire starts to get bigger.
“I will save you, Abigail,” You said.
“Y/n, save yourself” Abigail pleads.
“No! I won't leave you” You said.
You start to cut the rope but someone shot you in the back. You didn't cut the rope in time and you started to cough up blood. She starts to cry but you keep trying to cut the rope, but you are bleeding out fast.
“Y/n, I will always love you until the next life. We will see each other again” Abigail cried.
“No matter how long it takes, I will always wait for you, my love. Abigail…” You said.
You clasped and Abigail cried more and the fire got bigger.
“Archibald Andrews, Jedediah Jones, and Beatrice Cooper. I repudiate you with my dying breath. And in Satan's name, I curse you. Burn me, but you will never escape my wrath, nor Satan's. The unchained elements of the power of darkness are lying in ambush. Beware. My revenge will strike down you and your accursed houses. And I will bathe in the blood of your sons and daughters. Immortal, I shall return, again and again, to torment and destroy you” Abigail said.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Cheryl takes her boyfriend to her house for a family dinner. Cheryl introduced you to her family and you smiled at everyone. Abigail sees the aura around him and she knows it's her past lover.
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mostfandomimagines · 1 year
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Imagine: FP’s reaction to you asking him out
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zaceouiswriting · 2 years
The gay and the jocks (2)
Character: Connor Rowland (OC) x male reader, Archie Andrews x male reader, Chuck Clayton x male reader
Universe: Riverdale
Warnings: Smut
You would’ve never thought, that Chuck actually would agree to your proposal. Thinking, that he was someone who wouldn’t share anything, except himself of course. His ego was bigger than the Empire State Building itself.
But since the day you had confronted him, he slowly became different. Being near you almost all the time, asking for the dates he had promised and so on. Not even your friends, could really make something out of it. But Archie and his friends, easily could make the connections.
At some point, you got confronted by them, especially Archie. „Are you in a relationship with Chuck?“, he asked angrily. Thinking you try to cheated on your boyfriend with him. But you only laughed at his accusing tone.
„Not anymore. We aren’t together anymore, since the day at the lockers, Archibald. I learned that he cheated on me, every football season, with another girl. So no, but I promised him to go on dates and even reconsider taking him back at the end of the year.“
You laid your cards out in the open. The girls were confused at that. Thinking that you had a mental problem or something like this. But you just smiled at them. „I really love him. Yes I’m disgusted with him, but I hope he finally learns what pain he is causing, when he sees me, with other guys. Especially his friends,“ you explained to them, „So yes, maybe I use guys to hurt my ex-boyfriend, but the deal is perfect for both sides. If they don’t want to, no one would ever know. Except for you Archibald, because you needed to get your friends involved.“
Before you left the three of them, you turned around a last time, „But I liked your video Archibald.“
As you walked by the boy toilets, a hand appeared out of it, pulling you inside. You were build enough to protect you from an attacker, but the bulldogs letterman jacket let you stop in your attempt. Just letting you sucked into the bathroom.
Short blond neck hair, was the first thing you saw. Before the guy pushing you along, until you both were in one cubicle. „Well if this isn’t Connor Rowland.“ A smile over your face, looking at the attractive guy in front of you.
He was nervous, playing with his jacket, trying everything to not need to meet your eyes. As you laid your hand on his, he finally glanced at your eyes, his piercing green ones, let you feel naked. „You don’t need to be nervous. What can I do for you?“, you asked as nicely as and as slow as you, without him feeling like you thought he was slow himself.
Finally he gave one of his award winning smiles from you. Not the best at football, but at least he could become a model at some point.
„I heard that you would be maybe open to-to get… ahmm… you know,“ he tried to be confident, but because he was so far out of his comfort zone, he could get anything meaningful out.
But you stopped him either way as he tried again, „Come to my house after school and we can talk, okay? You don’t need to be all tough and confident in front of me,“ you tried to build him up, but wasn’t really successful. Without asking him, you fished his phone out of his pocket and opened it.
„Not even locked? Don’t you need to hide anything? No naked pics, or videos of you masturbating? Girls doing shit for you?“, you asked invasively as you punched your number and address in his phone. Without looking at his gallery or anything.
As you gave it back to him, you finally saw the deep red blush on his cheeks, „No you can’t tell me, that you haven’t… are you a…“ You stopped yourself, before he could feel embarrassed at anything you might have said. „I hope I see you later.“ You gave him a squeeze and even a little cheek kiss, before walking past him, out of the room.
You never would’ve thought, that Connor would be your first, but apparently, he needed you more, than any other guy you have ever met.
After school, it did not took long, until Connor was at your door. Nervously shifting in his place, looking away from the door, in the beautiful front garden. A project you had with your mother, before she got back in her job.
„Come on in, I don’t bite… At least not until you ask me.“ Of course, the little joke, made the situation not better and you needed to clam this poor guy down. He was a nervous wreck for some odd reason.
But as you two got in your clean bedroom, he gawked as if he had never seen a room like yours, „Man what the fuck? What is all of this stuff?“, he asked holding up your game console. Which led you to looking him up and down, utterly confused. You never saw him without the jacket. He looked like a church boy. Except for his hair being messy all the time and not perfectly cut in sides.
„Do you don’t have game console or things like it at your home?“, you asked curiously. He immediately became uncomfortable again. Seemingly trying to avoid a conversation about it.
„My parents don’t allow devils stuff like this,“ he mumbled almost silently in front of him. Not looking into you eyes. Now you finally knew what all of this is about. Why he was so nervous, almost fainting at your joke.
Without and indication, you walked over to him, while he still starred at your walls. Engulfing him from behind, your arms just so reaching around his trained body. He stiffened up, but as you did not let go of him, he at some point, became relaxed. „Always remember, the real false preachers, are those, who spew hatred and disgust for things other people love, like art.“
„Sometimes I believe, that religion is wrong, my parents are forbidden so much and saying that so many people are going to hell. And I would be one of them.“ He almost began to cry. Obviously never had told a soul about his struggle.
„As long as you love, nothing can be false… Okay with a few exceptions, like animals children and so on, you get my drift, right?“, you out of the sudden, got out of this hard topic. He chuckled lowly, as he saw you trying to let him feel better.
Now it was on him to surprise you. You only felt him shifting his weight a bit, before he pushed you away a bit, just to grab you again and then kiss you. For a moment, you believed to hear the bells of heaven ring in your ears. His lips softer than even velvet itself or a big sheep.
But it did not stayed at this one lonely kiss, he in fact, did not let your lips be, for quite a while. At some point even slipping his strangely skillful tongue in your mouth. So many questions filled your head, while he began to handle you.
Lifting you up and carrying you effortlessly over to your bed, where you finally were able to disconnect your lips, „You had training, right?“, asking him out of breath.
He just shook with his head, „Nope this was my first kiss.“ This confession, made your head spin. How could this be his first kiss? Even Chuck wasn’t as good as he in kissing and this man had a lot of practice.
„I hope you are not only a natural in kissing.“
„We will see,“ he confidently whispered into your ear, giving your erection a hefty boost.
As he handled you again, this time to get you on your stomach, he did it as if he had done it a million times. His hand fiddling your pants of just as easy, even when he couldn’t see anything. With getting it of your body, he also grabbed your underwear, stood up and took them off of you in one smooth pull.
„You can’t tell me, you haven’t trained!“, you finally exclaimed, just as his tongue masterfully, began to open you up. Which brought a sudden moan deep from inside of you.
„Just watched a lot of porn at friends places. Never done anything, with anyone.“ The last point, he whispered again, only this time against your puckering hole, which made it very hard for you to hear.
At least he was phenomenal at foreplay. His tongue prepping your hole, while his hands, massaged your body. Played with your nipples, gracing your slight six pack, but especially, your legs and cheeks. He knead them hard, which made the experience only better.
Until he finally come up to you again. His shirt gone, by now, letting you feel his trained body, rubbing against your back. His hard dick, thick and long, was firmly between your cheeks, rubbing up and down your entrance. Making you hornier every second that gone by.
„Please,“ you whispered begged at some point, which only made Connor chuckle.
„If you beg more, I might hear you out,“ he whispered back, while biting your earlobe, sucking at it.
Moans about moans filled the room, while he just tortured you. It just became clear to you, that Connor was a special kind of sexual partner and you loved every second of it. You loved being dominant, but sometimes, just sometimes with the right guy, you also as it seemed needed to be submissive, let them do to you whatever they wanted.
That was exactly what you told him, a moment later, under much moaning and „Please“ calling.
He finally relented. And pushed his dick in, not just his head, but the entire fucking thing, it felt enormous outside of you but inside? It felt like it was ripping you apart! Still not as big as Chuck, but a bit longer. That a church boy could be such a monster in bed?
Your head was gone at that point. That this thing, just completely got into you with this little of prep and without lubricant? It should’ve burned or something, but there was nothing. Only the feeling of fullness.
His first few strokes, were slow, making sure you felt good. As enough moans came out of your, he finally began his masterplan. Fucking you, utterly sense and useless. And man did he do a good job.
Long and hard strokes, then short and fast or fast and long strokes. He came in you, two times in approximately ten minutes, without stopping or even failing at any moment. Like a machine, he was drilling you. At this point, your prostate pulsated. You had lost count of how many times yourself came in this short amount that had gone by.
But everything broke down, when a loud knock and the doorbell ringing could be heard. Connor stopped in his tracks, fearing that someone could’ve heard your loud fucking. 
It did took you a moment, to collect yourself, as Connor slowly took his cock out of your ass, „Wait here, I look who is down there,“ you told him, while you stood up on wobbling legs. Just throwing over a bathrobe, before walking slowly downstairs. The pain, in your behind already evident.
As you opened the door, you did not looked too pleased at the person, „Why the fuck are you here?“, you asked rather rudely. But your flushed red face, was already an indicator for something happening.
„I wanted to ask you, if you had time to do something,“ he stated calmly, trying to get on your good side. Still with a confused side glance over your head.
„Sorry, but I’m rather… preoccupied. So if you could go please?“
Now it dawned on Chuck, what he had heard beforehand, „You already have someone in your bed?“, he asked hurt.
You could only roll with your eyes, „Should’ve I asked you that the first or second time you ignored me trough football season, where you had side bitches? Or maybe, when you kissed one of almost hundred of girls, while we were together? The only difference between me and you is, that I did not cheat. So now please go, I want to get back!“
„Are you coming back or should I go?“, you heard Connor calling down to you.
„Wait for a second!“, you screamed back. But as you faced Chuck again, he stood there with an open mouth.
„You are having sex with Connor? The shy church boy Connor?“, he asked in utter disbelieve.
„If you wouldn’t, he could’ve find someone else, he is hot as fuck and the la… You know what? How about we go to Pop’s when I can walk again? So in three or four days? Making it our new first public date?“
The sudden invitation, took Chuck by surprise, he could only nod in the moment, which made you smile at him again, „Perfect, see you then or in school,“ you told him, before closing the door in front of him. Ignoring the flowers he had brought.
You wanted nothing more, than run up the stairs and get back where you had left, if your legs wouldn’t be so weak!
As you finally got back in your bedroom, Connor laid on his back, lazily stroking his massive dick, holding it upright, „Okay you had your fun! Now I want to ride you into oblivion!“ You stated, just before you threw the bathrobe away, and sinking yourself on Connors dick. Moaning and praising him for being a natural.
For hours was nothing but moaning and the occasional scream to be heard from your home. As it became late, Connor was finally completely empty.
As he was leaving, you woke up, form him rattling with his belt. „You don’t need to go, you can sleep here if you want. My parents will not come back until in a few weeks, maybe,“ you groggily told him, while holding your hands out to him. You could see how he wanted to argue, but already after a minute of thinking, he took his clothes off completely and cuddled himself at your back.
His again already hard dick, pressed between your cheeks, while you both fell into a deep slumber.
Connor was already late, so his punishment would be the same, as if he wouldn’t get home at all. So he just wanted to enjoy at least one night in his life.
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
Northside Serpent - Fangs Forgarty
Fangs x Fem!reader (eventually)
Jughead x Toni x Reader (friends)
Warnings: bullying?
Word count: 1,154
Summary: Being a Northsider who is very quiet but when the bulldogs and Cheryl are being mean to the Southsiders she speaks up.
Authors Note: That summary is the idea I came up with but it turned into something with that as the underline plot but also something. So I can’t say it's really a good description and I can’t say it's a bad one.
Riverdale Masterlist
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“Hey, Juggie.” Y/n waved towards her beanie wearing friend as he showed up in the school parking lot with his friends.
“Y/n/n, long time no see.” Jughead smiled as he approached the Y/h/c-ed girl along with Toni, Fangs, and Sweet Pea.
“Jug I saw you two days ago.” she laughed, hugging him once he got close enough.
“We haven’t gone to school with each other in a while.” Jug nod's his head at her statement.
“True.” Y/n smiled
“Why are you outside?” Fangs asked the pretty girl who obviously knows Jughead.
“There’s a welcoming party for you all.” Y/n smirks shaking her head as she answered the handsome young serpent.
“Huh?” Jug looked at her confused and suspicious.
“Only a few put it together and yes, it’s who your thinking Jug. But be warned the Bulldogs and Cheryl are very against this.” she explained, shrugging in the process.
“Well before we go in mind introducing us to your friend here Jones? Toni?” Sweet Pea crossed his arms, not missing how Toni had also greeted the girl with a hug.
“Well, if either of you ever paid attention to anything other than pole at the Wrym you would’ve met her already.” Toni stated giving them an annoyed look that screamed ‘I told you so’.
“We’ve known each other since we were in diapers, she’s not just a friend she’s like my sister.” Jug explained to his followed Serpent boys. Jughead could tell Sweet Pea was still wary and Fangs seemed to not be able to take his eyes off her.
“She use to hang at the Wrym all the time.’ Toni added.
“Having known Jughead here all my life FP’s like a father to me.” Y/n smiled at the two boys standing in front of her.
“Like?” Jug scoffed tilting his head in her direction.
Y/n was family, there was no question. There was also no question that she was the honorary adopted daughter of FP.
“Oh haha. Fine, he is practically my dad. He helped my mom raise me and has been there for me my whole life.” Y/n answered.
“So are you a Serpent?” Sweet Pea asked with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Yes.” Y/n nodded as she answered his question holding her head high. She could understand his skepticism from his point of view.
“Y/n is the Serpent Princess.” Toni smirks nudging her friend, teasing her with her nickname.
“A title my dad gave her and I believe it’s fitting.” Jug stated.
“I’m gonna be the polite one between me and Pea and ask your name.” Fangs smiled
“It's Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n.” Y/n smiled reaching out to shake his hand. “An you?”
“Fangs Forgarty.” he smirked slightly but it ended up just turning back into a smile.
“Nice to meet you Fangs.” Y/n nodded
Once they let go of each other's hands Fangs elbowed Sweet Pea. “ow” Sweet Pea glared at Fangs.
Toni raised her eyebrows at the tall boy. “Introduce yourself instead of integrating the girl.”
“Sweet Pea, nice to meet you Serpent Princess.” he introduced himself after giving the pink haired girl an eye roll.
Y/n laughed at the exchange before shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you too.”
“Now that we're all acquainted, why don’t we all head into school now?” Jug asked, always the lover of education.
With that said they all grabbed their stuff and headed in. After the greeting by Archie, Veronica, Betty, and etc etc … Toni turned to Y/n with a look before asking. “This is Northside hospitality?”
“Welcome to the Northside.” Jughead snarked
“You know Y/l/n I thought once we were rid of Jones here, you would finally understand where you belong.” Cheryl spoke as she approached the group of young Serpents.
“Oh? And where would that be Cheryl?” y/n asked with her voice full of sarcasm as she crossed her arms turning to fully face the red headed Bombshell.
“By my side and the Bulldogs of course, silly. Not with these street rats.” Cheryl smiled her fake Blossom smile. Y/n would know the difference.
“Listen here Bombshell. These street rats as you call them are way better friends than your bulldogs would ever be. As for you Cheryl Blossom. You and I were good friends once upon a time until you decided to become a snot-nosed Bitch.” Y/n spoke pissed off stepping into Cheryl's personal space. Looking the HBIC right in the eyes. Y/n honestly missed having Cheryl as a friend. But then Cheryl she became someone who wasn’t the Cheryl Y/n grew up being friends with. If Cheryl ever came back then they could be friends again. “So leave us alone. I’m where I should be. Are you?”
With that said everyone started to head off to where they needed to be for the first period. After Toni and Y/n left off to their first classes the boys stood in the hallways for a minute. Sweet Pea and Fangs were ready to intervene when it came to Y/n and Cheryl’s talk. But Jughead and Toni had convinced them to back down. Y/n could fight her own fights, they know that for a fact. But they still stood ready as back up if the Bulldogs so much as moved a finger.
“I think I’m in love.” Fangs stated as they watched the girls disappear.
“She’s a Serpent so I’m cool with it.” Sweet Pea stated with a shrug at his friend's words. Truth be told he’s just glad it’s not a Northsider.
Jughead cast a glare at Fangs before saying. “She’s like a sister to me. If you hurt her Fangs I’ll bury you somewhere no one will ever find the body.”
Fangs gulped looking Jug in the eyes promising. “If I can get her to actually say yes then I promise I’ll never hurt her. At least I won’t try to.”
Sweet Pea suddenly got a thought in his head and he smirked. “Jones, you said she’s like a daughter to your dad right?”
“Yup.” Jughead nodded, casting a confused look to the tall dark haired boy. And then it hit him.
Sweet Pea clapped Fangs on the back as he let out an amused laugh. “Good luck Forgarty.”
Fangs turned his head to look at Jughead hoping he could explain since it seemed like he understood what Sweet Pea meant. “Huh?”
“Sweet Pea’s hinting to the fact that you’ll be dating the honorary daughter of Fp Jones, leader of the Serpents.” Jughead explained, and it was true if Fnags could get Y/n to say yes then he would be seeing the confusion leave Fang's face and was replaced by worry and a hint of fear. Jug patted him on the shoulder before continuing. “Don’t worry Fangs. She’s worth it.”
Tag: @gruffle1
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