#H2O Just Add Water spoilers
feesh-legs · 1 year
h2o was always mentioning how mako is shark territory but its like never ever brought up in mako mermaids. . .. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SHARKS ??? ?ARE THEY OKAY???
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dieplz · 1 year
rip edward "blackbeard" teach you would've loved h2o just add water
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what in the h2o just add water is going on in my silly little gay pirate show?
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gopissboy06 · 1 year
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Truly the best scene, no notes
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eyelinerwhore · 1 year
there is a pipeline here
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mr-walkingrainbow · 1 year
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Lol here I go
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The only thing in common?
wouldn’t you like to know
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more superhero cadina au
this time its regina, once again it gets long, but this time because I got distracted while researching sharks and decided to add so many shark facts
⚠️spoilers for mean girls as always⚠️
I feel like vampire regina has been done a lot and I wanted to try something different so after throwing some stuff around with my friend, we've come to the conclusion of: siren!regina.
I wanted her to have an influential power over people like she does in canon, but, like I said, I didn't want to make her a vampire. this also removes the immortality problem.
general regina superhero cadina au details:
so, regina is a siren from a family of sirens on her dads side, Kylie exists in this au and is also a siren, her mother is not a siren(clearly). she has the classic hypnotizing siren voice, shriek, water breathing, human/mermaid physiology(especially when she touches water, so like she has internal fish stuff all the time but when she wants to have external fish stuff/touches water she can get it h2o style), and manipulation of water
in her h2o mermaid form, Reginas fishform is shark. shark regina. because of apex predator and also because I like sharks and I wants regina to have electroreceptors which sharks do have but we can leave that for a different essay/post
false actually, I cannot keep my mouth shut when ive learned new things and as I said above, I spent an entire afternoon researching sharks. I know that the point of her powers in this au is that she's a siren, but part of that is the whole mermaid physiology bit, so hear we go: ive decided regina would be a bull shark because I realized that if she was a shark, she would need to be near saltwater so she wouldn't fucking die UNLESS her shark part was euryhaline, which bull sharks are, and they've actually been spotted as far as Illinois when going up the Mississippi.
bite force of 5,914 newtons, jaws aren't attached to the cranium so imagine the shenanigans regina pulls to freak people out by moving her jaw in weird ass ways and snatching food without moving her head. sharks have multiple rows of teeth and regularly shed and replace their teeth with no rhyme or reason, so regina will randomly lose teeth with the new ones just immediately popping right up behind it, sometimes she spit them at people who annoy her(Gretchen secretly collects them). her scales reduce drag when swimming so when rubbed the wrong way they're extremely rough so she can literally rub people the wrong way. shark siren form regina is 13ft long. less fun, when food is scarce, sharks can slow their digestion, regina would do this when her mother makes comments about her body. bull sharks are more likely to bite humans than most sharks. extremely good sense of smell, like some sharks can smell one part per million of blood in water and they can determine the direction of a smell the way we can with sound and they're more attracted to the chemicals in the intestines of many species and shark hearing is extremely sharp and they can hear prey from miles away(their hearing sensitivity is in the range of 20 to 1000 Hz), so I can only imagine the migraines regina gets from being around teenagers,
night vision, nictating membrane, sharks have the greatest electrical sensitivity of any animal as they have electroreceptor organs numbering in the thousands that allow them to sense the electromagnetic field of their prey as well as orient and navigate using the magnetic field of the earth and the ocean currents moving within it and creating electrical fields, lateral line tactile sensory system allows sharks to detect changes in water speed and pressure nearby and frequencies in the range of 25 to 50 Hz and lets them distinguish the currents around them, obstacles in their periphery, and struggling prey out of view.
im not sure how some of those would help regina, maybe they help her rule the school, they'd definitely help in superhero situations, but they'd definitely end up with her being hella overstimulated at school and might be why she's so frustrated with people all the time. I get that. anyway, sharks that need to continuously swim in order to breathe do something called sleep swimming, in order for them to actually get some sleep, its their spinal cord that controls the action, not their brain, seeing as regina would be able to breathe like a human and not need to constantly move she wouldn't need to do this, but I think she would have this habit of sleep walking and sometimes she does end up in the pool and sleep swims.
while she's not proud of it because it was prompted by her mothers comments, regina has used her siren powers to curate her popularity at school but no one knows she's a siren so they dont realize that
recurring h2o jokes with regina getting pelted with water and running off screaming "DONT LOOK AT ME" while you hear the h2o theme play faintly in the distance along with a splash will happen be warned. like. the homecoming scene where she gets the water sprayed on her is the same, she does the hair flip and everything and then. realizes. so she runs off screaming DONT LOOK AT ME and in the distance you can hear the h2o theme playing faintly
Regina's "janitor caught cady with a mouse in her mouth" was back in middle school, she, janis, Gretchen, and Karen went to the aquarium and she got distracted at one tank because she was listening to fish gossip and then later they went to the dolphin show and regina had to be forcibly removed from the premises after she started picking a fight with one of the dolphins(it called her 3 different slurs and insulted her clothing) and is no longer allowed at the Chicago aquarium. luckily her mother has a friend that was able to keep, "middle schooler has mad beef with dolphin," out of the headlines.
is regina a superhero herself before cady shows up in Evanston? yes actually. I did think about making her a villain but I want to have faith in regina having even a a molecule of a soul before cady shows up, she does have a younger sister after all and how can regina not have a soul when even my older sister does? just usual sisters giving each other, shit you know, I love her tho 🫶
I may have just written miraculous ladybug minus the bullshit love triangle, so um, there's that... but it's a superHERO cadina au and I wanted them to both be heroes.
Reginas dad runs some shady shit, ive yet to figure out exactly what it is, but the point is it's shady enough that even regina takes issue with it and decides to do something about it(little does she know, her dad is not directly involved in what happened to cadys dad but he has connections and that's how cady eventually gets involved with regina). so she adopts the hero persona of shark girl, it was gonna be a placeholder until I came up with the lore that she was inspired by the classic movie shark boy and lava girl, so as shark girl she fucks with her dads criminal shit and if she's extra pissed off, she will beat people within an inch of their life because she's not a saint. she focuses mainly on her dads business, feels guilty when she watches the news and sees things she could've easily stopped and maybe she helps where she can if she has time but she doesn't make a habit of it, not til cady comes around.
this got extremely long because of the shark facts, which I hope you enjoyed, so um, have some all over the place hcs as a reward for making it this far, even though these make it even longer
because sharks are hunted not only for their fins and meat, but also for the oil in their livers(not exactly a fun fact, but a true one nonetheless), I think regina would joke about just how much her liver would go for on the black market
regina has tried to break back into the aquarium to kill that dolphin, she had the sense to do it with her shark girl suit on so the "shark girl has major beef with Chicago aquarium dolphin" headline did make it to print this time
bull sharks will also hunt birds and terrestrial animals they can get too, as they are opportunistic feeders, so I can see cady and regina going after birds and small animals together while their friends regret not bringing leashes
regina tells cady she's a siren by asking, "would you still love me if I was a fish?" on a random Tuesday morning
I just know that bitch reenacts little mermaid any chance she gets
if you read this far, thank you for indulging all of. this. you've probably just learned more about sharks than you ever thought you would. and I did this for fun. anyway, so these posts were just to get the basic details of their powers out there, the next post should be getting into where the actual canon starts. keep reading, dont, either way, I will be writing more of this and I think the spidey au will be separate from this one. goodnight, y'all
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episodeoftv · 1 year
Round 1 of 8, Group 2 of 8
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propaganda and summaries are under the cut (May include spoilers)
Angel: The Series: 5.22 Not Fade Away
tw a lot of death, a politician
In the series finale, Angel reveals that his questionable moral behavior has been part of a bigger plan: to destroy The Circle of the Black Thorn and show the Senior Partners that the power of good can still make a difference. Wesley struggles with helping Illyria adapt to the world, scolding her for her attempts to take on Fred's form. As Gunn continues his quest of self-discovery, Lorne becomes more aware of the lack of happiness in the world. Harmony attempts to seduce Marcus Hamilton for information, Lindsey makes an important decision regarding his alliance, and Eve continues to deal with being mortal. As Spike comes closer to understanding the nature of heroism, Angel pays a visit to the one person he truly loves. On Angel's bidding, the gang goes out and spends each day as if it were their last...
The main characters spend the episode doing what they want to do most, in what may well be their last day on Earth. There's so much great full-circle/character stuff, so many emotional moments, and then there's the actual event, the Apocalypse, the reckoning the season, the show built up to. And they only show part of it. The episode doesn't end after the big battle, it ends right before it. And that sounds infuriating, but it's such a great way to end a show that's all about fighting the Good Fight and never stopping to, a show about how there never comes a singular point where you've achieved redemption because it's a continuous process, becoming better day by day, a show on people who never give up and keep going even in the face of Hell itself. It's the best finale I could think of. Also, "Would you like me to lie to you now?" makes me cry no matter how many times I rewatch it.
H2O Just Add Water: 2.12 Fish Fever
Emma gets poisoned after cutting her finger on some coral and she begins to turn into a white scaled monster. Meanwhile Charlotte thinks Cleo is trying to break her and Lewis apart.
A main character (Emma) gets mermaid sick and turned into a mermaid at the waterpark, craves sardines all the time and exposed her mermaid secret to some random child by accident
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yahboimiles · 6 months
Spoilers for love & deep space
Bro did this shit just become h2o just add water?
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emcscared-whumps · 1 year
WiJ 2023 - 04: Share Whumperflies Media
WiJ 2023 Navigation Post
A Show/Movie/Book/Series that Gives Me Whumperflies
Honestly? I'm far too picky about whumpees and I don't consume all that much media (especially not these days since i have my own purpose-built character who is capable of hitting just about EVERYTHING I like) to have many items to rave about ^-^'
That does not mean that there is nothing :)
I'll go right back to the start, in fact (in rough order)... just keep in mind that I don't watch for whump, and these aren't whump recommendations except for one lmao, they're just what have managed to give me whumperflies in the past.
Cybergirl (2001-02)
An Australian sci-fi superhero T.V. series that was airing in the morning when I was a young kid, maybe 6 or 7, back before I understood how T.V. scheduling worked lol. I don't often get whumperflies from media, but I think this time, I did, and it's actually my earliest memory of whumperflies.
Cy ended up trapped in a Big Fancy House by the Big Bad, Rhyss. It's been many years since I last re-watched the show so I don't remember a whole lot except there was a lot of urgency and a zappy barrier that Cy couldn't pass through, and I definitely got some kind of feeling about that :)
The writing was very average, not very substantial for an older viewer, but it was excellent for a kids' show. There was so much lore that just never got expanded on, and it didn't go particularly hard with the whump :')
H2O Just Add Water (2006-10)
To no one's surprise, I ADORED this series as a kid. My obsession with mer had just started, and honestly, this shit FED ME. This was another Australian show that I watched when I was fairly young (again, 6-7 and onward), but I don't recall watching it when it aired. I instead had a collection of DVDs.
The girls and co got into some pretty interesting hijinks while trying to guard their fishy little secrets, but shit got REAL in season 6 when a marine biologist coworker of the friend of the girls' Lewis managed to leave a sample of their skin/scale in the lab... OOPS.
You can guess where that lead-- the scientist trying to track down the owner of the magic scale that could turn back into skin (somehow lmao, ~magic~), and she eventually trapped the girls in their little grotto with a gate that she had installed at the underwater entrance of their grotto spot on Mako Island.
Here's where I mention that I did not actually get whumperflies from this lmao, but it was a close one (the scientist didn't go far enough lmao). That's okay though :) One self indulgent decision just under 10 years later sure fixed that :))
Vampire Knight Anime (2008, English Dub aired in Aus in 2011)
The whole show. Every episode. I'm not even kidding. (Well, just about every episode lol, there was maybe only one where I didn't). As many problems as I have with the series, (mainly that every time I see Yuuki or hear her voice I want to strangle her), Zero was just so. fucking. scrunchy-- almost the perfect whumpee ^-^ And the English voice actor does such a glorious job of voicing Zero's pain, the whole series is ABSOLUTELY worth enduring Yuuki's stupidity.
Iirc, my favourite episode was Crimson Chains-- full of spoilers, a lot of plot bits come together at that point, so I can't say much other than that Zero's lost his shit and has a whole big scene where he writhes and pants on the floor with the agony of his hunger. I am convinced the author ALSO liked that XD
I would sit at night and watch that episode over and over and over because man, those whumperflies were something else, super intense, 11/10 lmao
Doctor Who (1963-present)
Nine had that one episode where he got caught by some collector dude and tortured to figure out what made him tick, or rather that he had TWO hearts that made him tick... Fun times, that DEFINITELY gave me whumperflies and had me furtively returning to the episode to keep watching that scene.
A lot of Ten's run had me by the throat, most memorably his regeneration at the start of his run, and his regeneration at the end directly after an hour (approximately) of whump was. AMAZING. I kept coming back to the start and end 😅
There were a couple more times I got whumperflies throughout his run. The main episodes that come to mind are Midnight, set on the planet of sapphires and lethal radiation, and 42, involving a spaceship hurtling toward a sun.
There was only one more whumpy instance, and that was that one movie they made. I forget who, when... EVERYTHING except the dude that played looked like Gene Wilder and it took place on NYE of the new millenium. It was another shitfight with The Master. ANYWAY. The whumperflies were at the START of the movie when The Doctor wasn't doing so well, I think he got shot?? And then rushed to the hospital, all while trying to avoid that and trying to communicate that they'll kill him
Supernatural (2005-20)
Ok. This one is weird in two ways. I forget which episode it was, but it was season 2 where Sam and Dean were trying to kick a group of vampires out of a town, but they were actually cool/chill vampires...?
Or at least some of them were...
This other hunter had this vampire chic tied to a chair baaaasically torturing her...? Memory's a bit foggy on what exactly what they were doing (the brainworms wouldn't stop wriggling about AUs), but I got these itty bitty whumperflies from that vampire lady getting hurt. That was weird because 1) I've only had whumperflies off the ladies once before watching Cybergirl which was SO long ago, and 2) I never have had them from watching a side-character, I usually have to be emotionally invested.
Weird right?? Absolutely wild though!
Anyway, that's pretty much everything, even though I've seen and read a fair few things lol, hope you enjoyed my rambling!
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dbphantom · 1 year
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me every day
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oblivious-aro · 1 month
F, I, L, M, (woah just realised that word is in alphabetical order…) X, Y!
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
I'm just realizing it's kind of tricky to define what exactly constitutes ‘being in a fandom’. Internet culture as we know it today was kind of forming as I was growing up, and that's where I primarily think of fandom culture, and fandom itself, as existing at all. 
That being said, probably Legend of Zelda. 
Honourable mention to Danny Phantom and H2O: Just Add Water. Those were the two shows I primarily browsed the fanfiction for when I discovered fanfiction existed. My main interest in fanfiction was identity/secret reveal fics. Also really liked looking up funny My Little Pony fan comics. I think of those as my sort of first foray into wider fandom cultures.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
I was disillusioned to fandom culture very early on, and had heard many of the horror stories of fandom toxicity long before I got Tumblr.
That being said, interacting with Danny Phantom fans on Tumblr really opened my eyes to how fandom tends to bubble itself.
I already knew about DP fans…eccentricities from my time fanfiction.net, but on ffn you can at least give writers the benefit of the doubt that their attitudes are just coming from their own personal tastes and experiences, since engagement is limited, but on Tumblr you see the fandoms collective thoughts and attitudes and how they engage with the media and each other more clearly. I figured because of that, there would be engagement with the show on a critical level, but outside of a few points, the fans pretty much never dug into the writing of the show unless is contributed to adding inane details to fan lore, or referencing fandom in-jokes that aren't very funny even if you do know the story behind them. 
There's not a lot of engagement on the level of fannon either, actually. It's mostly just adding lore bits and shallow jokes. The only time I ever saw anyone address any meta issues there was to say the tired old ‘we just need to be tolerant and all get along’ vague posting spiel. 
In short, Tumblr DP fandom taught me first hand that even in an environment that's more conducive to engagement, a lot of fans just won't, and that was extremely disappointing to realize.
Also Delicious in Dungeon. They seemed fine at first, but then I found out how incredibly dishonest the fandom was about the show, and that sowed a lot of resentment towards the fandom and the show itself. That's on me for forgetting anime fans are terrible, though. 
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves.
Non-puzzle spoiler for Ace Attorney 3, but the bit at the end of the flashback trial where after watching their client die in front of them, Godot turns to Mia and tells her that as a lawyer it's their duty to keep smiling and push through no matter what, all the while keeping a smile on his face, but grasping his ceramic mug so hard it shatters and cuts his hand…that smile still fixed on his face while blood runs down his clenched fist, and security is frantically trying to deal with the dead body just off screen…but Godot isn’t looking at his bleeding hand or the corpse at the witness stand…he’s only focused on what he's saying to the distraught Mia…insisting that they have to keep smiling despite everything…
That's metal as fuck. Godot was not a character who was handled well, but the coffee mug shattering is absolutely a top ten Ace Attorney moment in my book.
Also his coffee animations are genuinely funny.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Ruby Gloom. I like how she always planning fun activities, she generally tries to be accommodating without being a total pushover, and is always working to make life more enjoyable for herself and everyone around her. She seems like a really positive person to have in your life.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Miraculous Ladybug (my younger cousin was really into the show when it first came out, and there's one tumblr artist who makes great comics, but the glimpses I saw of the level of teasing in the show proper turns me right off. Conceptually though, Miraculous is my JAM, but I. Cannot. Stand. Excessive. Teasing. One of the rare instances of a show being enhanced by being experienced exclusively through fandom) 
Delicious in Dungeon (it's pretty hard to not absorb that show if you exist on Tumblr in any capacity)
Star Wars/Yu-gi-oh (I've seen a bit of both, but I've learned a lot from my brother who's watched much more than I)
Minecraft/Five Nights at Freddie's (3 of my 4 siblings, and also all nerds everywhere, love Minecraft, so you know. My sister was really into Fnaf when it first got big, and my little sister was just the right age to enjoy it when it had its resurgence)
That's everything off the top of my head. 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! 
Putting this under a cut because it ended up being way longer than expected. Tell me to ramble at your own risk, apparently. No, I don't really know where I was going with what I was saying either:
I think sometimes we all gotta step back and remember this whole fandom thing is very silly. 
Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying fan creations are valueless or not worth taking seriously (I've dedicated many hours to fan creations myself), but to hear some people talk you’d think fandom was some kind of oppressed political group.
Guys…this is primarily a space where twelve year olds talk about their blorbos kissing, lighten up. Yes, there are a lot of real issues in fandom spaces that should be talked about, but sometimes it feels like the only one people want to talk about is an external issue that…doesn’t really exist. Big companies don’t really care what fandom does with their properties anymore. The reality is that there was a few weird instances about a decade ago, and some people can’t let go of that. One author said ‘don’t write fanfics about my books’, and fandom developed a persecution complex the size of Russia and cursed their name long after that author’s death. Because they were told not to write fanfics. About one book.
(Disclaimer: I know there was a bit more to the situation than that, but my point still stands)
And the worst part of making this fake issue such a big part of fandom identity is people weaponizing it to stop others from talking about real issues. “Hey, are we sure it’s okay there’s so much fanart depicting-” “Shh! Shh! Shh! We can’t criticise each other! We can’t let fandom space be divided! We can’t ever question anyone in fandom spaces or else we will fall apart and big company will win! Just ignore stuff you don’t like so that everyone can get along always!” I hate how adamant people are about cutting off this entire avenue of discussion point blank. Preserving the concept of fandom is more important than improving the culture of fandom.
And it's not just obtuse teenagers, it's fully grown adults. Like…a significant amount of money has changed hands based on these beliefs. I happened to be on ao3 when a fundraiser went live, and they more than doubled their goal in an hour. All because it's the website that ‘protects fan’s freedom of speech’. That's a lot of extra money being given to a site that runs on unpaid volunteers based on very shaky beliefs (and you can’t even permanently block tags or even ban people properly *ahem*), just because other websites don’t let you write about three specific authors or [redacted].
In short, ao3's basically a scam and if you ever catch me using the term ‘transformative works’ please shoot me. People are trying to sell you a sense of importance with language like that (literally in ao3's case).
That being said, there's something genuinely beautiful about fandom connections when they aren't glorified. I've made multiple friends who live in different countries from me just because we like the same lego show. That's actually ridiculous, but the connection is undeniably genuine and treasured, and it was founded on all of us sharing our weird hobbies.
Even on a smaller scale, there's something about hearing a person make a Nintendo or a superhero reference that can put me at ease a little. I've never been fond of how dismissive people can be of more mainstream media. Pop culture gives us fun little connections to make as a society, and that's great. It's cool when your 60 year old coworker says “my Spidey senses are tingling”, or that shy kid starts to open up to you because you know what Bluey is. 
Of course it's worth remembering that liking the same media (or having any common interest or hobby) is not enough. Liking the same show can bring people together, but it is the character of the individuals involved that determine whether that connection gets nourished or not. Relating back to my original point a little, we shouldn’t completely give credit to fandom. You didn’t have these positive experiences because fandom is a magical place where stuff like that just happens, you had them because you put in the work to build those positive experiences. It’s the same with any hobby. 
It’s like saying you made friends through knitting, it’s technically not 100% accurate. Afterall, not everyone who knits is friends with other knitters, even if they do know of other people who knit. The decision to make brownies every week for the knitters circle is an effort you have chosen to put in, and indicative of your character beyond the commonality of the hobby the group was founded on. So no, you didn’t just make friends through knitting, you made friends by being yourself.
(Yes, I do realize that I’m being kind of nit-picky here. Rest assured, I do not always go on this kind of a ramble when someone says they made friends though x, I’m just trying to illustrate a point about the powerful perspective we lose through glorification)
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so are we sure that stede didn't take a swim inside of a volcano on mako island while there was a full moon? can we verify that?
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gopissboy06 · 1 year
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Rhys Darby-core
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rjalker · 3 years
hello people this is your reminder that Charlotte is literally an abuser. She was literally abusing Lewis. It was literally an abusive relationship. Do not romanticize it or act like she wasn’t doing anything wrong or that we should feel sorry for her.
This fandom needs to learn that women are capable of abusing men. It is literally what happened. Charlotte and Lewis’ relationship was literally a textbook abusive relationship, but so many people cover their ears and refuse to accept it because they think it’s impossible for men to be abused by women.
Charlotte is a terrible person. She is an abuser, and she abused Lewis. Do not make light of this or defend her just because she’s a girl. That’s not how this works.
For gods sake. This show actually went out of its way to show an abusive relationship where the woman is abusing the man, and makes it clear at every turn that this is what’s happening, and some of you people still refuse to accept it.
Do not defend abusive relationships. Do not promote or romanticize abusive relationships. Do not pretend abusive relationships aren’t abusive.
Charlotte was abusing Lewis. Get this through your heads. It is not feminist to say that Charlotte was just “misunderstood”. It is not feminist to say that Charlotte couldn’t abuse Lewis because he’s a boy/she’s a girl. It is not feminist to say that women are incapable of abusing people.
Women and girls are just as capable of being abusive as men and boys. Anyone can be abusive, to anyone. Men can be abusive. Women can be abusive. Nonbinary people can be abusive. There is no gender identity that makes you immune to being abusive.
Do not pretend that Charlotte is a good person or that she wasn’t abusing Lewis. Do not defend her abuse of him. Do not act like she should be sympathised with.
Do not defend abuse just beause the abuser in this case is a girl and the victim is a boy. It is 2021. Get it through your skull that women are not inherently harmless and men are not inherently violent.
Charlotte was abusing Lewis. It was literally a textbook abusive relationship. Anyone I see defending this is getting blocked on sight. It’s 2021. Stop defending abuse.
Just because you think she’s hot or cool doesn’t make her a good person, and it doesn’t make it okay for you to pretend like abuse is normal or not a big deal.
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whaleiumsharkspeare · 3 years
Pixar Luca spoilers without context
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