emcscared-whumps · 14 hours
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The thing has horrific nightmares every night. As the information load on its brain increases seemingly without end, processing all that information becomes quite a monumental task. Vina can tell when it's coming: Dog's entire body tenses up, teeth bare, breath hitches. Pressed up against its chest, he had become rather accustomed to picking up on the signs something was wrong.
"Hey, hey. Rex. Wake up. It's okay." Vina tries to wake the prototype up as gently as possible, but that's easier said than done. It screams itself awake, confused and terrified, forehead so slick with sweat its jet black hair sticks to it. The soothing comes shortly after.
"Shhhh... It's okay. You're okay. I promise." He hugs the animal as tight as he physically can. The metal underneath feels surprisingly hot to the touch, the reactor at the core of the mechanical prison working overtime to keep all systems up and functional. "Everything is fine. Please calm down." The rising and falling of its chest, rapid and frantic, almost instilled that same anxiety in himself. But he needs to stay calm and ground it before things spiral entirely out of control.
"Rex, look at me. Please. Breathe." Vina's hands move to cup the creature's cheeks as best as they can. There used to be a time when its head would fit so perfectly between his palms that it gave him this feeling they were truly made for each other. Those days might as well have been a lifetime ago. Now, the massively oversized animal has outgrown most forms of love and comfort that were so precious to them back when. He cradles its head on his arms, strokes the slick hair off its face. He can see the fear in its eyes, focusing disjointedly on everything it could see, the aperture fluctuating wildly in size as it did so. "It's okay. It's just us, we're safe. It's okay."
Its ears, pinned back and tense, slowly droop as Dog seems to come back to itself. "I'm sorry I... Didn't mean to wake you up." The apologetic tone and vulnerability seem so out of place coming from its mouth. Forgetting that its body is first and foremost a weapon designed to kill is a mistake few would be pressed to make again, yet Vina still clings to the animal despite it all. What source of comfort did they have, if not only each other?
"I know. It's okay. Everything's okay." He brushes dark hair towards the back of Dog's head, its ears reflexively moving away from his hand at the slightest touch. It seems appreciative of the gesture.
Vina lets out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. Relief that he was able to pull the creature out of its confusion washes over him, as does the exhaustion of dealing with the heightened amount of stress. He lowers his head on its chest with a sigh. He may have bought them both another day, but tomorrow he may not be so lucky.
But it doesn't stop him from trying.
Tag list: @whumpsday // @demondamage // @squidlife-crisis // @whumpedydump // @cyborg0109 // @whumpfish // @astrowhump // @the-scrapegoat // @whatwhumpcomments // @dustbunnywhump // @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question // @dokidokisadness // @moss-tombstone // @lambofmine // @maracujatangerine // @pinkraindropsfell // @writereleaserepeat // @blood-and-regrets // @littlespacecastle // @snakebites-and-ink // @unforgiven235 // @lonesome--hunter // @atomicsandwichprince // @writereleaserepeat // @whatamidoingherehelpme // @skittles-the-whumpee // @the-blind-one-speaks // @i-eat-worlds // @devourerofcheesecake // @theauthorintraining // @otterfrost // @mommymarichatfurever // @whumpifi // @catnykit // @bitchaknso // @softmutt444 // @yet-another-heathen // @blackbirdsinatrenchcoat //
If you’re interested in being added to the tag list, please let me know!
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emcscared-whumps · 1 day
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@blood-and-regrets i drew your batboi Louis :) this was a lot of fun, hope you like it!
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emcscared-whumps · 1 day
Here Be Demons #1
Ok, so apparently at some point I wrote like 5k words of exorcism based whump and just. Never posted most of it. I’m going through and editing/rewriting to try and warm myself back up to writing regularly. Also lemme know if the formatting is fucked up I’m posting on mobile :)
Contains: implied religion, demonic possession, exorcisms, ~1k words
The blood was evaporating from the walls.
That was a good sign. Ariel finished packing his equipment into his canvas bag and stood, watching as the last of the bloody writing lifted from the rough wood planks. It left faint pink stains that luckily weren’t readable. His patient was slumped limp in the chair Ariel had bound him to, head lolled forward onto his chest. Ariel cautiously walked over, checking over the runes on the manacles for any deformities or changes to the script that would nullify the binding. None stood out. After another second of consideration he unlocked the cuffs, the risk of needing to rebind outweighed by the hope that waking up unrestrained would be less stressful to his client than the other way around.
As the manacles clunked against the hard wood chair the man groaned, eyelids fluttering. Ariel backed away a few steps, one hand on his pendant as the man raised his head.
“Hey, it’s Simon, right? How’re you feeling?”
The man looked up, eyes searching the empty barn before settling on Ariel. He had developed dark circles that could be mistaken for bruising, and his lips were dry enough to crack and bleed when he opened his mouth to respond.
“Yeah, better,” Simon’s voice sounded as dry as his lips looked.
Ariel offered him his water. The man gulped it down, wiping his mouth off as he handed the emptied skin back to Ariel.
“Thanks. Did anything happen? Is anyone hurt?”
Ariel shook his head at the common question. “No one got hurt. You’re lucky you have a wife that listens to her children, they’ll almost always notice before anyone else,”
Simon smiled and let Ariel help him to his feet. He was trembling, and leaned on him as they began to walk back to the house. Ariel would tell him to take it easy for a day or two if he could.
“Let’s go let everyone know you’re alright, and then I’ll give you some temporary wards so nothing can hit you when you’re down.”
They entered the house where Simon’s family was waiting. As the door closed behind them, Simon’s wife, Jess, peeked around the kitchen door frame. At her husband’s tired wave, she flew down the hall, coming close to knocking him off his feet with a hug. She took his face in her hands and inspected him, looking over to Ariel.
“No demons?”
“No demons,”
Jess kissed her husband and led him to their living room, Ariel following behind. Simon’s daughters were on the couch, waiting expectantly. They were soon clinging to his legs, causing Simon’s feet to drag as he stumbled to the couch to collapse. The children immediately took advantage of his prone position, climbing on top of him. A rapid series of questions followed:
“What do demons look like?”
“Was it scary?”
Ariel sat down with Jess and filled her in. Simon wouldn’t remember much, he should relax for a day or so, and they should be extra vigilant for a month or so. He handed the family some wooden charms that when activated would serve as a light repellent of the supernatural for around a week. He also mentioned that if anything ‘unlucky’ that happened regularly stopped happening while they had the charms, it might be due to an outside force and they should feel free to have him back for a more general cleanse.
Ariel waved goodbye to the family and walked home, taking his time to wander through the trees. He noted the life around him, juvenile birds perching nearby, how the leaves had matured from spring to now, early summer. It would be their off season soon. He made it home just as the sun was setting. He was greeted by Layli, who appeared from behind a tree as Ariel approached the outskirts of the town.
“Success I’d assume?” Layli smiled and looked at Ariel expectantly.
“It went well. He’s got an adorable family. I’m glad they caught it so early.” Ariel accepted Layli’s half hug and they walked together to Ariel’s house.
The town was beautiful in the sunset, the last rays of light streaming through the tree branches casting a warm orange glow on the houses tucked around trunks. It wasn’t good luck to clear large area around here.
Ariel invited Layli to sit down and have some tea and they accepted. He set up the kettle and got out the honey and tea leaves. The two went back and forth for a while, planning a day for a picnic or maybe just a walk sometime soon. The kettle boiled and Layli got down some mugs while Ariel poured the water through the tea leaves into the teapot. They waited for the tea to steep and lounged around. The conversation remained light. It was good for both of them to keep it that way, what with their line of work. The tea was finished and Layli had things to get done so they left, Ariel sitting down to finish his record of the exorcism.
The possession had been caught early, and he’d forced it into the second, more exposed stage so he could start the exorcism with minimal damage. He admitted that he’d rushed a bit and the demon remained unidentified but definitely minor. The client had to be restrained but the demon either didn’t know how to or couldn’t modify the restraints or holy symbol. No backup had been required. The family had been provided with charms and instructions.
Ariel left his notebook open on the desk, waiting for the ink to dry. He sat back in his chair. It had been a while since he’d had an actual break, sure, there had been gaps between jobs, but he was always on call and it was tiring. Maybe he’d take a real break. Go visit his parents or something. It had been a while. He closed the notebook and stretched. Time for bed. Ariel got up and changed into a more comfortable shirt, lying down on his bed, gazing out the window at the rising moon. He closed his eyes and let himself relax, imagining the tension of the exorcism dripping off him and soaking into the floor and dissipating into the dirt underneath it. He quickly drifted off.
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emcscared-whumps · 2 days
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dancing session with your local cultist
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emcscared-whumps · 2 days
The little high-pitched "nonononono" before a gutteral agonized scream of pain>>>
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emcscared-whumps · 4 days
yay we cracked 40k last night!!!!
im so very very pleased, and i have also completed first draft of the chapter that i want to post a preview of!! currently on track for 27th of may :)
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emcscared-whumps · 4 days
Caretaker finds Whumpee hiding from them under the bed
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emcscared-whumps · 4 days
Consequences of Untreated Broken Bones
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When a bone is shattered and left untreated, it can cause a variety of complications and long-term consequences. Without appropriate medical care, the bone may not mend properly, resulting in misalignment or malunion. This can result in chronic pain, restricted movement, and decreased function in the affected area.
Untreated fractures are also more likely to result in consequences such as infection, nerve damage, or vascular injury. Untreated fractures can eventually cause joint problems, arthritis, and weakening bones in the surrounding area. As a result, it is critical to seek prompt medical attention and adhere to suggested treatment programs to guarantee optimal healing and avoid future complications associated with untreated fractures.
Untreated broken bones provide immediate hazards such as extreme pain, swelling, infection, bleeding, nerve and blood vessel damage, joint issues, and malunion. To reduce these risks, seek medical attention right away. In addition to medical care, resting the injured limb, applying ice to minimize swelling, elevating the injured area, and taking prescribed pain medications can help reduce complications and promote healing.
Ignoring a broken bone can have long-term effects that significantly reduce one's quality of life. Untreated fractures can result in malunion and deformity, as well as weakness, reduced mobility, instability, joint and muscle difficulties, discomfort, limited motion, an increased risk of osteoporosis, and a cycle of weakened bones that are prone to future fracture.
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emcscared-whumps · 6 days
hi and welcome!!!
there are a few whump discords i know of, so i'll link them :)
Slices of Whump
Whumplovers Collaborate
Whump Writing Central
you can also have a look around on disboard for more, as there are definitely many more out there
hi, new whump-person here -- are there any discords with other community members ? ^^
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emcscared-whumps · 6 days
Hand, Hearth, and Home
Chapter 7 - Just a Taste
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Chapter Summary: Caught in a compromising situation, Church and Astarion get a little more on the same page. They both also get a little something out of the conversation too... all in the name of survival, of course.
Pairing(s): Astarion x Male Tav (Main); Past OC x Male Tav Rating: Explicit
Excerpt below:
“Look, I’m just… too slow right now. Too weak.” He beseeches him, hopefully. “If I just had a little blood, I could think clearer. Fight better. Please.” His pitiful pout is almost comedic to Church, but underneath that performance the warlock sees his genuine desperation. Astarion must have seen that doubt cross his face, for he hesitates before raising his fingers to his temple, flinching as he wills the parasite to connect with the warlock’s. A strange sensation courses through Church’s mind, and from Astarion he again sees fleeting images and emotions, secrets half-revealed as the elf carefully recalls them over their parasitic connection.  But perhaps not carefully enough, for bleeding into these curated memories are dark shadows and echoes of —  Pain. Searing cold and burning bright white and hot, dragging circles around the skin of Church’s back. It’s like being flayed all over again… and again, and again… Hunger. A moaning young woman’s pulse flickers under Church’s hungry mouth, but THOU SHALT NOT DRINK. THOU SHALT NOT…! Anguish. Darkness is in his eyes, his nose, his mouth. Church coughs but every time he clears his lungs he chokes on more and more suffocating dirt. He’ll die down here, he’ll die—! …and then… Loneliness. Church is frozen. He is empty. He is… nothing.
Read more on Ao3!
...or, start from the beginning!
(Updated with lore-correct screencaps lol, thanks @avashnea for noticing.)
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emcscared-whumps · 6 days
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emcscared-whumps · 6 days
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emcscared-whumps · 6 days
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Once he was a prince…
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emcscared-whumps · 6 days
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hunting someone..?
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emcscared-whumps · 6 days
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Being an elf living for hundreds and hundreds of years doesn't mean you're immune to colds
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emcscared-whumps · 6 days
it is once again time for draft cleaning
(which of course means the writing resource post i made a while back has received more updates :)
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emcscared-whumps · 6 days
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i've had this sitting in my drafts for months, oopies ^-^'
time to complete it now and get LOTS of squares but no bingo lmao
i wasn't very sure what 'first whumperflies stories' meant, but i assumed it to mean that i read my first whumperflies stories on whumpblr, but no, im sorry to say that the first writing i read where i got whumperflies was my own X'D (and then i discovered whumpblr and read whumperflies stories lol)
tagging... uhhh, feel free to ignore, esp if you've already been tagged, i get so worried tagging people lol uhh @coffeewritesfiction @actress4him @whump-in-a-million @flaim-ita @whump-cravings @willowtreewhump
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Being in the #whump community bingo! How many do you get?
Full list of squares:
first whumperflies stories
“they have all of my issues lmao”
favourite trope version #3547
everyone knows I love whump vs. nobody can know
posted as screenshots on pinterest
posts that are one line but hit just right
tag games that take 5 hours to scroll past
beloved mutual going feral in the notes
found your new best friend via niche tropes
discussions on improving diversity
“dead. i’m dead. this killed me.”
extremely nuanced, developed characters called A and B
bad things happen bingo never completed
fighting the morality police
fanfic about the character with 0.3 seconds of screentime
ao3 links for the really saucy stuff
“bestie you forgot your readmore” “OH NO”
prioritising fun
one of your OCs is called Sam
sharing irl experiences to inspire each other
gifsets of shows you’ve never heard of
twelve reblogs deep in the au with the mutual
picking the trope to fall asleep thinking about
making a whumpee for your friend’s whumper and vice versa
blacklisting a tag your mutual loves but supporting them anyway
crack posts and shitposting about agony
anonymous asks for the most fucked up tropes <3
monthly challenges for almost every month
realism has no power here
an arcane but extremely detailed tagging system OR nothing
that one trope you will always reblog
misspelling it ‘whimper’
everyone from the discord server knows the plot twist
whumpee who gets every disease
intro post with 200 notes
watching the show from all those gifsets
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