azureterra · 1 year
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you light up my world!
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Alternate Timeline for HBAN (Bakugo as the love interest)
Someone asked about what if Hero By Another Name was a Bakugo/Reader fic on Youtube awhile back and I made a hc for it. I decided to post it now cause why not.
all the events that happened in original hban would have still happened. Just no romance feelys with kirishima
just pure admiration between you and your favorite hero
but bakugo thinks they have feelings for each other
after the camping trip, when you start texting him and hanging out, he thinks it’s just because he’s kirishima’s best friend and he thinks of this as an opportunity to push you two together
he didn’t expect to actually enjoy his time with you
“maybe you aren’t so bad, you are a big jerk who really needs to learn his inside voice but you aren’t so bad.”
it was interesting to see someone who was actually as competitive as him, he didn’t think he ever time himself washing the dishes to prove that he’s faster at it
you mentioned off-handedly that maybe you should buy some ground zero merch now that the two of you were friends.
He had a bunch of his hero merch from before they’d been officially released. He usually just gave them to kids at his meet and greet events but he logic it out that he was doing you a favor by giving it to you so your place didn’t look like a shrine to red riot anymore…. It didn’t give him any warm fuzzy feelings at all, seeing you wear one of his shirts or cuddle his grenade pillows, nope.
for some reason, he felt guilty when he hung out with you alone. He always felt like kirishima was watching and he was betraying his best friend’s trust, and tried to keep it to a minimum
movie night was weird to him, he could see you and kirishima had a great relationship and obviously you two would be great together but neither one of you are making any moves.
You fell asleep sitting next to Bakugo and instead of leaning against the guy you clearly liked, you leaned against him. While bakugo was panicking on what to do and how to explain it to Kirishima, he looked over only to see the redhead laughing into his hand and taking pictures with his phone. Who does that while their crush uses another guy as a pillow?!
when you ask him for help with getting the perfect gift for kirishima’s birthday he felt happy that you wanted to rely on him
he thinks you’re an idiot, when he tells you that it was obvious that the two of you liked each other you looked at him with confusion “I think I would know if I liked someone, I can tell you with confidence that the only feelings I got for kirishima is pure admiration. You on the other hand, it’s still up for debate. Sometimes I feel like you are a lot of fun, other times I feel like setting you on fire.”
bakugo actually smiles at you “arsonist firefighter, very original. You always had the firebug, mut?”
“only when you cheat at video games, asshole”
now bakugo was under the impression that kirishima was currently in a one-sided romance with someone that he may or may not enjoy hanging out with.
the ‘magazine incident’ happens. Kirishima feels bad that you got caught up in the media again but thought this was an opportunity to tease bakugo by texting him “hey, I didn’t know you two were dating? Bro, what about the code.”
Bakugo, who was on a mission at the time, didn’t know what the text was about until he noticed his social media account being blasted. He definitely did not panic, not at all, is what he told himself
Bakugo pretended to be too busy to talk to kirishima while on the mission and didnt tell him when he came back, but he forgot since he was on the same mission with Deku, the fucking nerd blabbed about them getting back so the redhead was at his place with takeout cause hes so fucking conciderate and knew Bakuog would be too tired to cook
Kirishima would try to tease Bakugo about the article and Bakugo would finally snap, “Nothing fucking happened and nothing is happening between me and the shitty firefighter! You don’t have to worry!”
Kirishima was shocked and confused. They have a long talk and he explains how you and him are only friends and there is no way he could ever date you. Bakugo tried to point out all the signs that would insinuate that they liked each other but it made Kirishima laugh. “Are you sure you’re not projecting on me and you aren’t the one with a crush?”
“The fuck?! No!” Bakugo denied it, you and him, dating?! No, fuck that, that’s weird.
Now the idea is in his head, he caught himself looking at you more when the three of you hung out. He avoids being alone with you much as possible.
Kirishima notices bakugo’s very obvious behavior. “You know, I was kidding before but now…. You can make a move if you want? Don’t deny your feelings cause you think I like her, which I don’t.”
Bakugo thought about it, unlike with most people, he actually had fun with you and like that you would bounce off of him. Always throwing back a challenge yourself. So instead of avoiding you, he just kind of let things take their course as he figured out how he felt now that he wasn’t trying to get the two of you together.
There was a huge fight with a villain with a fire quirk that caused an office building to catch fire. Bakugo stayed back helping those who got out with basic first aid while waiting for the emts and other heroes went inside the building.
Firefighters showed up on the scene and got quickly to work to rescue people and put out the flames.
You came out, a full grown ass man wrapped in your firefighter coat on your shoulder, walking out of the burning building like a fucking beautiful badass. Bakugo was in awe as you placed the man down on a stretcher near him. “Hey Ground Zero, was this your fault again? Where’s Red Riot to save the day again?”
“It wasn’t fucking me… this time. I beat the shit out of the ass who did.”
You just laughed at him, rolling your eyes “uh huh.”
This is the moment when Bakugo finally makes a move. “So to make up for you cleaning up my mess again, we’re going out. And it’s a date.” he didn’t leave any room for you to argue.
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searchingforbucky · 5 years
Fic Rec (Part 18) :)
Hello everyone! So here it is, the Baker!Bucky fic rec list. I will say, there doesn't seem to be many stories like that out there :( so I mixed in some of my favorite Baker!Reader x Bucky stories too! These all were incredibly sweet, enough give you a cavity ;)but its fitting! Sorry its a bit short, I hope you all enjoy!💖
Love Handles by @jaamesbbarnes 
oh man OK, this one’s adorable. So this one is about baker reader, and Chubby!Bucky.  this one owns my heart just like the Raiders bakery owns Buckys. So this one is also about a sort of rain brings people together, Bucky stumbled across the readers bakery during the rain, and that was history. I really lovely personality the reader has in the story, how sassy and unapologetic she is. And to see Bucky kind of be the shy timid awkward one, it’s one of my favorite shops. But also Doriane does an amazing job of dealing with chubby Bucky. She really expertly handles the insecurity that comes with him having gained a little weight, in a really realistic way. And it made me feel for Bucky when he was starting to feel down about himself, but the fact that the reader loves him and doesn’t care about any of that is so sweet. Loooove this one!
Flour Girl Series Masterlist by @avengerofyourheart
ohhhhhh We have an enemies to lovers situation going on in this one. So this one is about Baker Bucky and Baker reader, And they’re rivals. So this one was awesome and so well done. It’s based on you got mail, and it was so wholesome and their relationship was precious. There was never that like inappropriate power dynamic or just harshness that a lot of enemies to lovers have, like yeah they didn’t like each other. But it was never really hateful you know? It was really sweet. And you just get so invested emotionally with their relationship you just want to see it grow, and you want to see them grow together. there’s some angst here in there, but Anika does a really good job at fixing it lol. ALSO SHE ADDED RECIPES
Eating Your Weight (Baker AU) by @propertyofpoeandbucky
so this one is also about Baker reader, and Bucky is putting on weight because of it. And it is also spectacularly done. I love seeing the dynamic between the characters, and I really relate to it because if I’m in a relationship I really want validation LOL. But I like this one because it’s such a passing thing, he knowledges he gained weight, but then he’s like you know what I love you, and she loves him too. It’s so cute. It really is just a sweet interaction between a lovely loving couple. Also check out other series That’s kind of a baker AU, where the reader is a baker and she visits Steve in a senior center and meet Bucky it is also adorable. (This Old Heart (Baker AU))
Why Can’t I Say That I’m in Love? by @buckthegrump
OK so this one is awesome, it’s a baker Bucky and a princess reader story. Like right off the bat, are you a killer plot LOL. So this one it’s kind of self-explanatory, the princess falls in love with the baker son, and absolute fluffiness ensues, this one was like a literal heart melter. The whole for bed and love thing, always gets me. But my favorite thing about this is like, how it wasn’t some sort of inability to be together and there doesn’t have to be this dramatic issue to get over it. I mean don’t get me wrong those stories are awesome too, but I love happy stories. Like the reader is bad ass and wants to marry bucky, so she told her parents and she does. Amazing! 
kitchen royalty by @the-canary
So this one is about baker reader and Bucky. Bucky has been secretly working at the bakers shop to get money and food, and honestly when she finds out the relationship just grows from there. I love that they found each other, after everything he’s been through, and all if the issues. They ended up together, and that helped them both so much. how she's just so understanding and sweet when it comes to him, it’s utterly adorable. She just immediately took him in, it was so sweet to read, and imagining Bucky in a hairnet?? My heart. And he calls her CUPCAKE MY HEART. Sooooo adorable. Like literally it’s like they just grow closer and healthier and happier and I’m so in love 
Honey and the bee by @chrevastan
This one was so utterly amazing. This one is about Baker reader, and really she’s part of the avengers in a way, and Bucky. So the reader decides to start baking, and it leaves her to get close to Bucky. But this one was so freaking adorable, there was such a natural flow to the story. It was so realistic, there was perfectly timed angst, so much fluff. It was one of the stories that you knew was something the writer liked doing, because you love reading it just that much more. just seeing the growth in their relationship, I know I’ve been saying that a lot in this one, but you can like feel every step forward Bucky is taking in becoming his own person and becoming a better person. It is the loveliest thing to see how literally you’re getting to his heart through his stomach. And the angst hurt because you were so invested in the story but God it was so good.
Butter Me Up by @captain-ariel-barnes 
OK, so this one is about Baker Bucky, and the reader who gets caught in the rain and goes in to Buckys shop for shelter. This one is absolutely adorable, and the fact that Bucky calls the reader sugar is an immediate yes for me LOL. It’s a nickname that I don’t see much in Bucky stories, but when I do I am all in. This one was just a shorter yet so sweet story, a little bit of a sassy Bucky here in there, just makes you feel good!
Feel Like Baking Love by @wehaveabucky-archive
OK so this one is about baker Bucky and single mom reader. The readers daughter has a birthday party coming up, the reader has everything planned but the birthday cake. In comes baker Bucky to save the day!  Wanda is such a little mastermind in this, super smart set up from her lol, we all need a best friend like that.  my favorite thing about this one was just how sweet both the reader and Bucky were, to have Bucky remember all of the little details down to the color of the box, to not even bad and I when it comes to the readers daughter. To having put so much work into the cake and only one day, and the reader who just loves her daughter. How guilty she felt. The fact that Bucky isn’t even like a real cake baker and he still did it. It was just a really sweet story you know?
The Sweetest Thing by @bucky-plums-barnes
so this one is adorable, it’s basically like a compilation of a bunch of different travels. It’s based on little scenes of the lives of Baker Bucky and the reader. I always love travel series like this, being able to see all of the little scenes individually, but also knowing exactly how they fit in together is awesome. This series is so cute, Bucky is the sweetest thing, seeing their love, and their relationship, and their family grow is absolutely adorable. Like, this sounds cliché cause I’m talking about Baker Bucky but holy shit it gives you a cavity is so sweet., How patient he is, how adorably cute she is. It really is one of those relationships that you want for yourself. I know I personally want a baker boyfriend LOL
Firebug Masterlist by @areyoureadyforsomemeatballz
this one is fantastic, so this one is about baker reader, and fire fighter Bucky. And the reader owns a bakery, and Bucky frequency regularly. This one is so incredibly sweet, it was something I read as chapters came out and it was absolutely worth the wait, and being able to come back to it and just binge it is absolutely amazing. It was so to throbbing Lee sweet, and everybody wants a hot fire fighter to dig their baking. it was so incredibly sweet, to see him be so loving and patient with her, and just to see their love grow throughout the chapters, it was like some of my favorite tropes smashed together, I love fire fighter Bucky. And I don’t wanna spoil the end but let me just say, motorcycle into the sunset. With a hot firefighter. Beat that 
black forest - baker!b.b. by @serpienten and @wintersoeldiers
OK so this one is an absolute trip, so it’s about Baker Bucky and the reader, and honestly like this story is a fantastic train wreck. It is so crazy, one thing after another lol. It’s such a delight to read. Like even if you just read the quick snippets you literally get immediately pulled in. You’re just like what? How is that happening in one chapter, but it’s not overwhelming, it’s not out of place or unfitting. It’s just a really well done story that’s so fun to read because you’re so invested in them and what’s going to happen next. I will warn that it’s not completed, and it kind of ends on a cliffhanger so read at your own risk, but it is really good and I felt like it was worth it
Sweet by @hcwlingccmmandcs
Oh man, OK so this one was adorable. It is completely fitting to the tile, it was so sweet. So it’s like a small business AU, The reader is a baker, and Bucky is a florist. Like how much better can you get lol. The two sweetest professions, coming together to fall in love. Was so sweet how kind of shy they were, slowly coming together. It’s really just a mellow sweet story, their interactions together when they talk about the things they love are so adorable. This is such a nice story to just sit down and slowly read. But I will say it’s not finished, and it gets a bit anxiety in the end of the last chapter so read at your own risk.
and last but certainly not least
Nothing Under 7 Inches by @hellomissmabel
Oh man, OK so this one is also a trip, it was a roller coaster of emotions. There is a lot of twists in this one, and a lot of angst. At least in my opinion lol. So Bucky is a baker in The readers hometown, The reader comes home for a special occasion, and meets Bucky. This one made me feel a lot of things, I will put a warning in there that there is a bit of sugar daddy Tony, so if you’re not into that this wouldn’t be the one for you. I did not think I would be into it. But I was. This one was always having me on the edge of my seat because I really wanted the reader and Bucky to work out, but there was always something coming up to stop them. And I will say this one is also not finished, but it ends on a note that is somewhat OK and not necessarily a cliffhanger, but still read at your own risk! but it’s really good! 
Alright! Thank you all so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it ! :)
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