liarsadvocate · 6 years
Send your URL for a load of gay! || ACCEPTING
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Honestly, I’m not sure what to say yet. I really liked him in Chapter 1, but he died so soon! I didn’t play his FTEs yet either (I’ve only watched a playthrough of dr1, so there’s a lot to catch up on) but he’s a cool dude and I know that once I get to play more, I’ll come to appreciate him more, too. People make drama out of Chapter 1 but I personally don’t care about that, he just felt like a character I’d really like from the get-go and that counts. Also, baseball and music, heck yeah. 
How they play them: You put a lot of effort into writing him and I feel like you’re super passionate about him. Haven’t seen you writing him much lately, sadly, but I think your portrayal is accurate and you got his voice down perfectly. There’s energy behind your writing and while that sounds weird, it gives him that certain aura that makes him so likable to me. Also, fooling around with your Leon’s the funniest shit hjbsahba
The Mun: Dusty you’re one wild gay, you’re this type of person where I feel like you’re super relaxed and chill but you could readily punch someone right in the face if you’d ever feel like it hhjdbhba (that’s a compliment btw) You’re cool, a good writer, you’ve got strong opinions which I like and you’re funny as hell.
Do I:
RP with them: NopeWant to RP with them: Yes!!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: enstars on main and valid 
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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wildcardflush · 6 years
[Closed starter for @hazuukashi] 
Sho was no stranger to weird and out of place schools, but this one was something else entirely. The windows were bolted down, for fuck’s sake! It looked more like a prison than anything else... Reminded him of the Kirijo testing facility. 
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“Whatever bullshit is going on here can do it without me.” He put his hands in his pockets and started looking for the exit. “I’ve done my time in shitty ass prisons with no way out.” 
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the-taboo-king · 6 years
@hazuukashi liked [+] for a starter.
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   Gundham’s deep voice drifts throughout his temple, soothing the beasts curled within. Almost every animal he cares for is gathered here, listening to him read from a large tome. He leans against one of them, feeling the great bear’s soft breaths and feeling pleased. A cat is curled up in his lap while his Devas snuggle together on his shoulders. All creatures succumbing to the soothing lull of his voice.
   But alas the spell does not hold. A pounding at the door interrupts the tale, causing some beasts to stir and others to simply stare at the door. He lets out a low sigh, the sentence he was in the middle of dying in the breath. He then turns his head towards the door, glaring for a moment before deciding he might as well let the visitor in.
   “Enter,” He says, voice projecting across the room. “It is open.”
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shymaru · 6 years
There were times he could not understand his classmates in the least. Mainly that was due to the fact that he did not speak with most nor spend time with them in fear of being harmed and because they ignored and berated him but the fact that one of them seemed to break rules on a regular basis despite how many times he warned him not to was completely confounding. He could not fathom how his classmate could be so reckless and so unwilling to listen when he was merely trying to ensure he did not do something that would harm him. Which was why upon seeing him attempt to not only skip class but appear to be setting up some sort of prank as well made him walk over and gaze at him with complete disapproval, his stance more rigid than it normally was.
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“K-kuwata-kun... T-that is most c-certainly not acceptable... I-I am afraid you s-shall be attending detention l-later today for this... I-it would be best y-you attend class for the m-moment however...”
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subserviiient · 6 years
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“...Do you need anythin’?” The boy asked, peering up from his game- he had been playing it intensely for around nine hours, but he had only recently been grabbed- although, when he looked forward- it appeared he was almost ran over. Oh. “Oh... Thanks dude, I’m Takehiro Kobayashi- sorry for almost dyin’ or something. That’d be pretty shit to witness in the morning, right?” He was never one to be formal. Although, he’s sure he may sound like he was too tired to function like a regular person to the stranger.
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studcntcouncil-blog · 6 years
hazuukashi replied to your post:
………………………………………………………………………. I sincerely hope you get impeached somehow.
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            ❝ Now that’s just rude. ❞
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luminaryblood · 6 years
10. A ship in your fandom you love (that does not include your muse)?
//I’ll answer for just v3 because Danganronpa has a lot of characters. My favourite (non Kaito) ships are Miu/Kiibo, Kokichi/Gonta, Korekiyo/Rantaro, and Ryoma/Kirumi! I’m also deep in rarepair hell with Kaede/Izuru because of Talent Development Plan. Seriously, their scene together is perfect!
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the-taboo-king · 6 years
  Ehehehehehe. … Gundham hates me.
Does he tho
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Yes, yes he does. Have you seen the shit I put him through?
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feebledetective · 6 years
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[ @hazuukashi ]
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crossxskulled · 6 years
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Don’t worry. I didn’t forget about you.
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hopefillings · 6 years
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“... My music choices are now being used against me.” The bay leaves is totally accurate, though.
@entwinedthreads @hazuukashi
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deadlydivinity · 6 years
@hazuukashi replied to your post “@hazuukashi replied to your post “@hazuukashi replied to your post ...”
Do... I need to teach you how to be more social?
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“People are tiring, no thanks.” 
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kibougokai · 6 years
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“....Yes always.”
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feebledetective · 6 years
@hazuukashi replied to your post: 
*Leon’s snickering*
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-- "...Wh-what are you laughing at...?" --
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edgyearring · 6 years
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