#HB oc Syren
kiame-sama · 9 months
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Warnings; my own head cannon for Blitz and Fizz are mixed in, Bloodline imp theory, mention of the sins, Syren is educating Fizz on something, la Croix levels of angst.
"Wait, that means that Blitzø and I are-?"
"Yes, highness Fizzarolli, I believe that is the case."
Fizz looked in the mirror in disbelief, the clear image on his forehead seeming to stare back at him in a way he had never felt before. Standing over his shoulder was the bloodline imp he came to respect and enjoy the company of, Syren. Though most of Fizz was now white due to extensive scarring, the two symbols upon their foreheads made an unusual amount of sense.
"So all this time..."
"I am almost certain that you, your friend, and the imp circus you two were part of are a direct result of selling bloodline imps."
"... Is that why Blitzø's dad, Buckzo, and his sister Barbie had it too?"
"Yes, your highness, I believe so. You all are likely descendants of bloodline imps for Mammon. When Hell was first established, bloodline imps were next to form. Each sin got their preferred imp type and appearance, and their imps were branded with the symbol of their corresponding sin. Most bloodline imps are born with their brand or have the brands darkened after the fact by the sin themselves just to reaffirm who the imp belongs to. Mammon, in typical Greed fashion, saw how much bloodline imps could be sold for and immediately sold almost all of his bloodline imps. The few he held onto were only kept for breeding more bloodlines until they could no longer have young before he sold them too. Bloodline imps are not like other imps, if not for the fact they are born into service than for the fact they are stronger and more competent than other imps. We bloodlines excel where we are assigned and our lineage shows where others do not."
Fizz rest his robotic hand on the mark darkening his forehead, staring at the image of the jester king of Greed. Likewise, Syren's mark reflected the brand of Asmodeus and showed that she belonged to the Lust King.
"There have been cases where some imps will mark themselves and their offspring with the brand of a sin they admire, but a true bloodline mark cannot be removed or covered by hellfire, injury, or extensive tattooing. Since your mark remained even after the explosion, I have little reason to not believe you are a bloodline descendant from Mammon's imps."
"Does that mean he owns me?"
"If he were any sin other than Greed, yes. However, the other Sins saw Mammon did not cherish his bloodline imps and so it was decided he could not claim them as his after he sold them. He was- as you can imagine- furious to find this out, but one sin cannot compare to the power of the six other sins in agreement. So, unlike me, you are not owned by anyone and he can't claim you belong to him according to the decree of the other sins. This is also why so few bloodline imps are sold now, because it was decreed that a sin cannot reclaim a sold bloodline imp. They do have claim to the children that bloodline imp may bear, however, so long as they are not Mammon. Mammon resents the others for the fact that he cannot claim any bloodline imps of his own unless they are given to him by another sin."
Fizz frowned and slowly turned to look at his friend and confidant. If what they assumed was true, that meant Fizz was a bloodline imp as well but he was free from the control of his sin. That also meant that his friend was not free and never would be.
It hurt Fizz to think of the fact that his lover, Asmodeus King of Lust, owned his friend like property. He knew Ozzy was kind to Syren and all of his bloodline imps, but wouldn't be able to part with his bloodline imps as they were eternally bound from birth to serve him. It also made a painful amount of sense to realize that because bloodline imps excelled in certain aspects, he likely excelled in performance while Blitzø excelled in combat as a result of their lineage.
"Wait, so if Blitzø and I are bloodline imps, shouldn't he also be good at performing?"
"Yes and no. Likely the Greed Imp bloodline has been diluted from other bloodlines over the years as Greed-line imps were sold and not kept in the breeding network of other bloodlines. Lineage imps are supposed to be good at everything and subservient to their sin, but there are still bloodline imps who do not excel at every task, just as regular imps have niche skills. A mix of bloodline genetic benefits and personal skills come into play."
Fizz continued to ponder on what he had been told as Syren tidied up the main room Fizz shared with Ozzie. The most recent blow-up of the Lust King's relationship going public still had Hell in a buzz and some of the princes had stopped by, so the room needed to be spotless. Ozzie still had his feelers out for potentially beneficial partners for Syren, but was far less than pleased to find most of the other sins refused to actually allow the imps to meet and be together for more than whatever time was needed to breed the next generation. Ozzie was not about to find someone for Syren to love only to have them wrenched away by another sin when the two actually had a chance to be intimate. As the King of Lust, the social standing of the imps meant very little to him, but the potential for relationship or heartbreak for Syren meant the world.
"... Hey, Ren, would Blitzø or Barbie be a good match for you?"
Syren paused mid-reach in surprise, turning to gaze at Fizz for a long moment before returning to what she had been doing.
"I don't know, your highness. It seems your friend Blitzø had prior obligations to Prince Stolas and his sister Barbie has little interest in any contact with him or those who have befriended him, us included."
"I know... I just- I feel like you deserve more than you get, and if you are only allowed to be with bloodline imps, maybe either one of them wouldn't be too bad of a choice. I mean, Barbie is still a performer and Blitzø runs his own imp business now."
"Perhaps, Highness Fizzarolli, perhaps. But for now, all we can do is go forward with what we know, and try not to dwell on what we don't."
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