#Helluva Boss Bloodline imps
kiame-sama · 9 months
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Warnings; my own head cannon for Blitz and Fizz are mixed in, Bloodline imp theory, mention of the sins, Syren is educating Fizz on something, la Croix levels of angst.
"Wait, that means that Blitzø and I are-?"
"Yes, highness Fizzarolli, I believe that is the case."
Fizz looked in the mirror in disbelief, the clear image on his forehead seeming to stare back at him in a way he had never felt before. Standing over his shoulder was the bloodline imp he came to respect and enjoy the company of, Syren. Though most of Fizz was now white due to extensive scarring, the two symbols upon their foreheads made an unusual amount of sense.
"So all this time..."
"I am almost certain that you, your friend, and the imp circus you two were part of are a direct result of selling bloodline imps."
"... Is that why Blitzø's dad, Buckzo, and his sister Barbie had it too?"
"Yes, your highness, I believe so. You all are likely descendants of bloodline imps for Mammon. When Hell was first established, bloodline imps were next to form. Each sin got their preferred imp type and appearance, and their imps were branded with the symbol of their corresponding sin. Most bloodline imps are born with their brand or have the brands darkened after the fact by the sin themselves just to reaffirm who the imp belongs to. Mammon, in typical Greed fashion, saw how much bloodline imps could be sold for and immediately sold almost all of his bloodline imps. The few he held onto were only kept for breeding more bloodlines until they could no longer have young before he sold them too. Bloodline imps are not like other imps, if not for the fact they are born into service than for the fact they are stronger and more competent than other imps. We bloodlines excel where we are assigned and our lineage shows where others do not."
Fizz rest his robotic hand on the mark darkening his forehead, staring at the image of the jester king of Greed. Likewise, Syren's mark reflected the brand of Asmodeus and showed that she belonged to the Lust King.
"There have been cases where some imps will mark themselves and their offspring with the brand of a sin they admire, but a true bloodline mark cannot be removed or covered by hellfire, injury, or extensive tattooing. Since your mark remained even after the explosion, I have little reason to not believe you are a bloodline descendant from Mammon's imps."
"Does that mean he owns me?"
"If he were any sin other than Greed, yes. However, the other Sins saw Mammon did not cherish his bloodline imps and so it was decided he could not claim them as his after he sold them. He was- as you can imagine- furious to find this out, but one sin cannot compare to the power of the six other sins in agreement. So, unlike me, you are not owned by anyone and he can't claim you belong to him according to the decree of the other sins. This is also why so few bloodline imps are sold now, because it was decreed that a sin cannot reclaim a sold bloodline imp. They do have claim to the children that bloodline imp may bear, however, so long as they are not Mammon. Mammon resents the others for the fact that he cannot claim any bloodline imps of his own unless they are given to him by another sin."
Fizz frowned and slowly turned to look at his friend and confidant. If what they assumed was true, that meant Fizz was a bloodline imp as well but he was free from the control of his sin. That also meant that his friend was not free and never would be.
It hurt Fizz to think of the fact that his lover, Asmodeus King of Lust, owned his friend like property. He knew Ozzy was kind to Syren and all of his bloodline imps, but wouldn't be able to part with his bloodline imps as they were eternally bound from birth to serve him. It also made a painful amount of sense to realize that because bloodline imps excelled in certain aspects, he likely excelled in performance while Blitzø excelled in combat as a result of their lineage.
"Wait, so if Blitzø and I are bloodline imps, shouldn't he also be good at performing?"
"Yes and no. Likely the Greed Imp bloodline has been diluted from other bloodlines over the years as Greed-line imps were sold and not kept in the breeding network of other bloodlines. Lineage imps are supposed to be good at everything and subservient to their sin, but there are still bloodline imps who do not excel at every task, just as regular imps have niche skills. A mix of bloodline genetic benefits and personal skills come into play."
Fizz continued to ponder on what he had been told as Syren tidied up the main room Fizz shared with Ozzie. The most recent blow-up of the Lust King's relationship going public still had Hell in a buzz and some of the princes had stopped by, so the room needed to be spotless. Ozzie still had his feelers out for potentially beneficial partners for Syren, but was far less than pleased to find most of the other sins refused to actually allow the imps to meet and be together for more than whatever time was needed to breed the next generation. Ozzie was not about to find someone for Syren to love only to have them wrenched away by another sin when the two actually had a chance to be intimate. As the King of Lust, the social standing of the imps meant very little to him, but the potential for relationship or heartbreak for Syren meant the world.
"... Hey, Ren, would Blitzø or Barbie be a good match for you?"
Syren paused mid-reach in surprise, turning to gaze at Fizz for a long moment before returning to what she had been doing.
"I don't know, your highness. It seems your friend Blitzø had prior obligations to Prince Stolas and his sister Barbie has little interest in any contact with him or those who have befriended him, us included."
"I know... I just- I feel like you deserve more than you get, and if you are only allowed to be with bloodline imps, maybe either one of them wouldn't be too bad of a choice. I mean, Barbie is still a performer and Blitzø runs his own imp business now."
"Perhaps, Highness Fizzarolli, perhaps. But for now, all we can do is go forward with what we know, and try not to dwell on what we don't."
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I Got Envy Ring For The Fourth Time On That Quiz...That Is Freaky...and yet funny.
 [Note: Reading This Is Optional....
also do NOT reblog this without permission.]  
one of the other reasons I signed on, was to edit in one of the tags on my last post as well as the “title” with Nonbinary-Girl, also while I did have a smoothie like I said, I wasn’t able to have the bananas with it, and we have to wait until the bananas are just right before having them be placed in the peaches, blueberries and strawberries of a smoothie...
anyway I took that "Which Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel ring of hell are you from" quiz again, but instead of picking "Sinner" as the species I would want to be, I picked "Imp" and freaky enough, I ended up with Envy Ring.....
for the fourth time, and I wasn't even signed into quotev this time when I decided to take the quiz for the fourth time....
I guess I wouldn’t be a little freaked out and surprise if something different pop up, but it ended up being the same, “Envy Ring” for the fourth time.
I still like the quiz though, it is fun, but I’m still surprised by the fact that it came out as Envy Ring again.
and I suppose it is still funny that it came out that way for the fourth time. 
even if I picked “Imp” this time, and not “Sinner” like the last three tries on the quiz, it still came out as the same.
if that had anything to do with real life, I doubt a Earth Angel would be able to tame someone like Leviation, even a Defective Earth Angel like me, who knows when my soul was born from soul fragments from my Soul-Parents, it was a accident, and like I had pointed out before, I view myself as being Cain and Seth’s little accident as well, and it is very unlikely they would give a care about my thoughts and feelings.....like knowing how messed up and Toxic the masculine energy has become, even if there are still some positive energy still with the masculine energy, what makes it bad is the toxic energy in it.
and yeah, some hours ago today, I had the thoughts of wanting to flick both Cain and Abel on their foreheads and noses....
and if I was allowed to, I would flick Lucifer on the forehead or nose as well....
cause I sure have had it with his and other Masculine Angels, and I don’t just mean the Fallen ones....
and yeah as weird as it sounds, these are one of my thoughts...
“if Masculine Angels want to act like children, then they will be treated as such.”
and I know that a thumbnail on Youtube that I saw, had been part of the reason why I felt really mad and peeved.
The Divine Feminine Energy would not stay in hiding or in silence forever,
more women and girls, both binary and nonbinary, are awakening to the truth, that something is wrong with the Masculine energy.
and while there is a little something wrong with the Feminine energy as well, it isn’t as high or as toxic as the masculine energy that has been around since The Great Goddess/Earthly Mother was dethrone by those humans who make up those Indo-European Warriors.
which I wouldn’t of known about if it wasn’t for Stones of The Goddess: Crystal for the Divine Feminine, which is a book by Nicholas Pearson. 
even if not all Earth Angels are born biologically female, there might be some who are born biologically male, who have a connection with the Feminine energy, and might know that despite that Earth Angels might have connections to both, well even a Earth Angel Guy could probably tell something is wrong, same goes for the Earth Angel Gals...
 also even if we might not know much about the whole Holy Grail, there might be some secrets to it that we might not fully understand, besides the whole Mary Magdalene being like the “grail” and carrying on the bloodline of Jesus by having his children...
which once again, there is no proof that he would be my Ancestor, and is likely just a distant cousin because of the whole us being both descendants of King David, and once more me being a descendant of King Solomon is more of a blessing than a curse, so jokes on those people from back then who viewed as a curse, but jokes on them, it is more of a blessing.
and yeah I might be procrastinating still when it comes to checking if my blood type will come out the same for the third time, but if some info I found out about it is correct, then there is a possibility that blood type has been around even before Jesus was born in human form, and even if his blood type is different from that blood type, I guess there will be chances he would of inherited it and it would still be in his DNA.
and yeah, I had some thoughts about how those three angels who tried to force Lilith to return to Adam, should repent for their actions.
and I know some think that “why should they repent?” or “they did nothing wrong.”
well to my point of view, they have most certainly have done something wrong, even if they do protect newborns, they have tried to force Lilith to return to Adam, and it is possible the reason why it got so bad for Lilith and Adam, is because some Angel had influence them and while Lilith did deserve some form of respect and equality, and Adam needs to take some sensitivity classes on how to not be a insensitive jerk....
 it is possible that them not being good together, was because they were in a Toxic Relationship that was never truly going to work, even if they did stay together just for the kids....and then there is the whole possibility that when Lilith left Adam, she was pregnant with his child or children.           
and with those three angels who tried to force Lilith to go back to Adam, were perhaps under the influence of the Toxic-Masculine energy, it would explain why they were so insensitive and couldn’t try to understand from a feminine point of view....
Toxic-Masculinity and Toxic-Femininity isn’t okay, and I know those Toxic-Feminist aren’t really helping the cause in trying to restore true balance between the two.
 I don’t think I can grab all those three angels by the ears, but if I was allowed to, I would flick them on the forehead and tell them to repent for trying to force Lilith to go back to Adam when she was not ready and needed time to fully heal.
even if I’m not sure if it is true, but I still think in theory that Lilith and Eve could be cleaved souls that use to be one in the same, but had cleaved into two, when Lilith was past her breaking point, that was caused by those three angels and Adam.
not everyone has to agree with it, and like I said it is just a theory.
another theory I have is that the Heaven and Hell that some humans do go to, either if they are good or really bad....
well I can talk about the theory in the next post after this...
anyway maybe I will try to take that quiz again, it is still freaky and kind of funny that it came out as Envy Ring for the fourth time.
 and even if I do find myself having thoughts that I can’t trust Masculine Angels, I also have thoughts that there are some that I may be able to trust...
just not the ones who have crossed lines that weren’t meant to be crossed...
I’m listening to Fight Song by Rachel Platten, I guess it matches the thoughts and feelings.
the next song I’m going to listen to is “This Little Girl” by Cady Groves.
I think before I talk about the theory that has to do with the Afterlife, I will post something that has to do with Undertale and Deltarune, that has to do with blood types.
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swipersleftnut · 2 years
Honestly thought the Helluva Boss S2 Ep1 was gonna be wayy different than how it turned out.
Like Stella could've had a reason to be bitter and evil instead of being born that way.
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Was told her soon to be husband was perfect and kind hearted and soft like she was.
Fast-forward They meet and it's true he's nice and whatever but when she starts to make advances in their relationship Stolas admits that he'll be happy to love her as a friend but not as a companion and of course that breaks Stella cause like "I did everything right we are perfect for each other yet he still doesn't love me?"
This causes a disconnect within their marriage but they both know they have to make children to continue the royal bloodline so now the what was supposed to be a magical loving moment for the both of them is now made to be a miserable distant forced connection and imagine if Stella couldn't get pregnant the first time? Now they gotta keep doing it
And they hate it
And she hates him for ruining her and her dreams
Boom Stella villain
And to add the fact Stolas admits to sleeping with an Imp?? If I was her and let's say my husband would rather sleep with the lowest of the low instead of me? Heck yeah I'm hiring an Assassin why would I not?! It's insulting.
So yeah that's my take on Stella of what i think should've happened in that episode
TL;DR - Being stuck with a husband who doesn't love you is enough to turn anyone insane.
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rebelcourtesan · 4 years
My Take on Helluva Boss Trailer!
Firstly, watch the trailer here!
OMG!!!  I had no idea Vivziepop was going to gift us with this.  I didn’t think they were going to do a trailer since they’ve been dropping episodes upon completion.  She did say we were going to get something at the end of the year, but I was expecting an announcement of something, not a trailer!
It revealed a lot of scenes, especially the Lust Ring!  The trailer promises and Vivziepop has also said that Helluva Boss will start tackling difficult topics and tell a deeper story which I am looking forward to.
I’m going to discuss some of the takes I got from watching the trailer several times.
Long Post Below
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Firstly, let’s talk about Blitzo’s face here.  He looks downright disturbed.  We’ve seen Blitzo angry, annoyed, and afraid, but not disturbed.  If you watch this shot, his eyes are switching back and forth as if searching his feelings or thinking.    
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Something is happening in this scene that is hitting Blitzo at a personal level. 
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I wonder if the ring Blitzo and Loona are in is the Ring of Envy.  Blitzo has a strong liking for horses and family, so why not have the two combined by having a Little House on the Prairie on a ranch?  This scene definitely shares the same as the above shots of Blitzo disturbed and infuriated.  I wonder if something has happened to Loona or he’s being hit with something else.
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Depressed Stolas.  
This likely stims from his relationship with Blitzo.  Through the pilot and from what we’ve seen in episodes and Instagram, the Stolizt relationship has been pretty much once sided with Stolas lusting for the Imp, while Blitzo only has sex with the owl in order to keep the magic book needed for his business.  
In fact, Blitzo has shown more interest in Millie and Moxxie’s relationship such as stalking them and even trying to masturbate with handmade puppets of them.  
I honestly ship them as a threeway romance, but let’s go back to Stolas.   
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I’m wondering if Stolas tries to take his arrangement with Blitzo to a level that Blitzo doesn’t want.  Not sexual, but emotionally.  Like Stolas tries to form a committed relationship, but is turned down by Blitzo   I don’t know if that’s what’s happening in this scene, but that is a prediction I have for the series. And what better setting for it to happen in the Ring of Lust.
Bear in mind, this is just my headcanon and assumptions.  This may turn out vastly different in the show.  Stolas is mistaking his lust for Blitzo for love.  He’s been trapped in a loveless marriage for so long that he sees an outlet for his feelings and sexuality in Blitzo.  (Not sure what Stolas’s sexuality is.  Chances are he’s gay which is what happened to a lot of gay men back in the day when they were pressured into finding wives so as to continue their bloodline).
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  Who is this!?
My first thought was this was human singer the imps would be targeting in a later episode, but a lot of people on twitter say she’s in the Lust Ring.  Which confused me as she doesn’t look like a demon or a Sinner, but then I realize this could very well be my favorite trope of a human being trapped in Hell!  Here’s hoping!
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I KNEW we haven’t seen the last of Robo Fizz.  Glad to see a recurring character outside of the main cast.  As he seems to have a past with Blitzo and was the first to get under his skin.  The giant he’s riding I suspect is Asmodeus, aka Ozzie.
I know there’s some people on Twitter who was hopping Valentino was Asmodeus, the demon lord of Lust, but I don’t think that’s the case.  I think Ozzie is short for Asmodeus.  Likely something happens on the Ring of Lust to our intrepid imps.    
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kiame-sama · 3 months
My OC Syren and the associated writings with her
Warnings: my Helluva Boss OC Syren, mostly platonic yanderes Fizz and Ozzie, yandere Striker, my headcannons about the Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel world,
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