#HBD LUCA your gift is sharlo aagjnfdkgadf
arlocedwards · 4 years
ᴛʜᴇ "ᴘʀɪᴠᴀᴛᴇ" ᴄᴀʙᴀɴᴀ | @ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀᴘᴀʀᴋ
  ( @ftshanley )
shanley was laid out on a lounge chair she pulled from the tent, she wanted to properly tan and finally chill out from all the activities she had been doing that day. she sat there, rubbing sunscreen lotion on her legs, when she hears noise coming from behind her, "perfect! can you get my back?" she asks, still not turning to see who she was speaking to
arlo was simply stopping in to drop his things off before running off to find...luca maybe? it was time he wished him a happy birthday, wasn't it? but at the sound of shanley's voice coming from one of the chairs, he found himself freezing in place. he swallowed thickly, his eyes roaming over her frame as he hesitantly took a couple steps in her direction. god, she looked beautiful. he missed her - it had been too long since he'd gotten the opportunity to be next to her - to touch her and it was driving him insane. it'd been exactly a week ( no, he wasn't counting )  for somebody who had such an intimate knowledge on her body, to see her there and know that in some way he wasn't supposed to, was a form of torture.  "y-yeah," he coughed, "if... you want me to?" maybe he shouldn't have spoken?
her eyes widen when she hears his voice, she doesn't need to turn to know its him. and she could tell her question threw him for a loop. after the prom, she wasn't quite sure where the two stood. her head turns to look at him, lips pressed together as her eyes met his face, she was glad to be able to actually look  at him; not have to guess what he was doing in a barely lit room. she gives him a shrug, "sure." she replies, handing him the sunscreen, "unless you want me to burn?"
he reaches out, taking the sunscreen from her hand perhaps a bit too eagerly, before claiming the spot behind her on the chair she was already sat in. there's so much he wants to say in response to that remark alone, but he's simply tongue tied, and each time he goes to open his mouth, his words seem to be lost. he pops the cap off of the bottle, and squirts a bit of the lotion into one of his hands, "burn?" he finally manages out, "id never want that for you." he drops it into his lap before warming the lotion between his hands, not wanting to potentially upset her, before pressing his palms against her bare back, somewhat massaging her skin as he lathers her up - in the name of sun safety, of course. "are - are you having fun? um - like, not right now, but overall? your day? is your day fun?"
she turns just as he takes the bottle from her, scooting herself forward ( only a tiny bit, she still wanted to be close to him ).  she listened as the bottle cap opened and his hands rubbed together, assuming he wasn't going to speak to her since it had gone silent the moment after she spoke. when his hands touch her back, her eyes shut, she can't help but think about other times his hands were on her like this,  sort of? her thoughts quickly interrupted by question, "what makes you think i'm not having fun right now?" she asks, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she looked out at wave pool, "but yeah, i guess, i am...um, are you?"
he pauses, mouth opening and yet again, no words forming. he's somewhat in disbelief as she turns the question around on him, and yet he's grateful for it. grateful that she didn't rise from her seat the moment that she knew it was him and have some other fortunate bastard run their hands over her. " i - ," he begins, his hands move down her back and across the small little knot of fabric  that held her bikini top in place - his thumb pressing against it gently before continuing down her back. he really shouldn't. "i guess? i haven't really seen anybody aside from you and ali, so i feel bad that i'm already considering leaving," he admits, deciding against informing her of the family he'd spent a majority of his day with.
it was twisted how she enjoyed how he was struggling to speak. it made her less nervous to be around him. her head tilted as she waited for him to finally let his sentence out. feeling his fingers linger against her back, maybe it was in her head, but either way she hoping he was enjoying this just as much as she was. she was technically done, but she didn't want to say so because then that would mean he'd have to stop touching her and that was the last thing she wanted. her brows raise, "you're already considering leaving?" she asks, "when did you arrive?"
he decides to delay his answer, despite him knowing exactly when he'd arrived at the park. he makes a humming noise, reaching back for the bottle of sunscreen. "i missed a spot," he mumbles, knowing very well that he hadn't, but what was going to come of this interaction when he was finished? would she simply leave? off to better and brighter things that awaited her? he didn't want to think of it, despite it now being all that came to him. "couple of hours ago," he finally answers, and his hands are returning to her body, moving much slower now as he relishes every second of their encounter. "maybe you can help me with mine?" he offers, referring to the sunscreen, despite him already reapplying prior to him entering the cabana - bless joyce's heart.
she took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly as his hands traveled down her back, she hated  ( loved ) how amazing they felt on her. she nods, "and what did you do with ali?" she asks, questions seem to be the only thing she let out, anything to keep the conversation off of her. she bites down on her lip, of course she wanted to rub lotion all over him. but she couldn't sound to eager. "maybe." she responds, leaning back against him, tilting her head up to look at him, "or maybe not."
his initial instinct in response to her pressing her back to his chest is to worm his arms around her and hold her tight to his chest, but as his hands seem to fidget as a means to do so, he has to remind himsef he can't. his head tilts slightly in an attempt to get a better look at her, "so you want me to burn?" he prompts, and despite the fact that he'd told himself he shouldn't - couldn't, his hands find their way to move around her, one hand resting on her thigh as the other settles at her waist.
her eyes automatically stuck on his lips, distracted by the thought of his lips on hers again and  how amazing they would feel right now, before shifting to his eyes, her brows furrow at his question,  "of course i don't. but i'm too comfortable now to move." she whined, closing her eyes while making her body go limp, an excuse to lean onto him further,  "see. i can't move." she teased, opening her eyes again.
he's beaming now, down at her little charade, enjoying any and every excuse she's making to be within reach. "maybe by this sudden limpness, you're actually saving my skin? hm?" he proposes, brows raising slightly, "maybe if i just keep you here, you can protect me from all the sun rays," he grins down at her, the sense of nervousness he'd felt prior simply washing away. "but i think i need to thank my knight in shining armor...properly...and then maybe i'll have to get you checked out by some fancy doctor - we can't have any sudden limpness now, can we?"
"hmmm," she hummed, giving him a smile as he continued to speak, "i'll gladly protect you from all the sun rays." her body finally relaxing now that the awkwardness between them had vanished. it was beginning to feel like them again. even if they aren't the 'them' she wanted yet. "maybe we can talk about that fancy doctor later, if i'm being honest, i'm more interested in how you are going to thank your knight in shining armor."
he smirks in response to her words, "i had a feeling that might catch your attention - so one track minded, hm?" his tone is playful as he teases her, his hand on her waist raising to tilt her chin up slightly as he closes the gap in between them and presses his lips against hers, but there is no sense of gentleness in the way that he kisses her. it's desperate, urgent and long as he's not willing to be the one to pull away first. his hand on her thigh moves, guiding her body to turn into him - desperate for more contact.
she rolls her eyes playfully as he teased her, although, its not like he was lying. when his hand lifts her chin, she knew exactly what was to come and had no intention in stopping it. her eyes shutting as she kissed him back fervently, her body following his hand's guidance and began turning into him, slowly turning completely towards him and pressing her body against his, her hand cupping his face to ensure the kiss never breaks, as her lips pressing harder against his, she wanted him bad but she knew she had to behave considering their surroundings.
as she turns into his body, he feels as if they are melting together. or perhaps it's a fantasy he's projecting? a return to normalcy for them. his hands settle on her body, one resting rather dangerously low on her back, and the other cupping her cheek. "i miss you," he breathes hotly into her mouth, these words now seeming to be a filler for something else he'd intended to say long ago, but they still rang true. "i need you," he breathes, as he begins pressing kisses across her jaw, "right now." he's desperate, and undeserving, but he can't help himself. he's begging for her.
she knew he missed her, for once, his actions spoke louder than words. she could tell by the way his hands held onto her body and by the way he kissed her. like he was savoring the moment as if it were going to be the last. and she was enjoying every second of it because she had missed him too and held onto him or kissed him with the same emotion. she groans as his lips moved along her jaw, her eyes shot open at his words,  "right now?" she asks, breathless, "in front of the wave pool?" she teased, her lips capturing his, pressing a quick peck before biting onto his bottom lip, she wanted to make him suffer a bit. he had put her through all this trouble, she couldn't give in to him so quickly.
he moans in response to the sensation of her teeth digging into his bottom lip, unable to muffle any reactions that coursed through him as a result of what she was doing to him. "there are blinds or some sort of curtains on this thing, aren't there?" he mumbles, pouting up at her as his hand on her back slightly raises to gently tug at the string of her bikini top -  not enough to completely undo the knot, but enough to hint at what was on his mind.
she smirked at his moans, pressing another kiss on his lips, "i'm not sure. maybe. maybe not." she shrugs, barely bothering to look at the tent and actually check if it had anything to cover them. "you're not sure about having an audience?" she teased, as she began to press light kisses down his neck.
he quickly tilts his head back after feeling her lips against his skin, giving her more access to his neck. "on second thought," he grins, his eyes moving to rake over her features, "maybe i do? but i don't want to traumatize anyone - especially the kids," he laughs - shaking his head at the thought. "if it's any of the others though, all bets are off...they'd be fortunate to watch us go at it."
shanley continued to press her lips against his neck, moving up to his jaw and biting down gently. the kids she thought, how did she forget she was at place where kids were running around. she laughs at his comment,  "they would be so fortunate to watch us. i guess we'd have to wait then." she sighs, nuzzling her face into his neck. "assuming you'd still want me later."
he stiffens slightly at her words, moving to cup her face with both hands as he ensures they are making eye contact before speaking his next words, "i always want you, shanley. i've never stopped and i don't think i'll ever stop wanting you - in any form i can get."
his words take her by surprise, she wasn't sure how to respond but they comforted her. "okay." she responds, nodding her head, "but i have to ask something then."
he  nods, unsure of what's coming but he doesn't allow himself to taint the momnet with any semblance of negative thoughts. not when they were seeming to communicate somewhat effectively now after all this time.
she opens her mouth quickly closes it, not quite sure how to get the question out. "uh," she stammered, "what does this mean...for us?"
"it depends..." he begins, clearing his throat. he knew he'd have to tell her, and if they had any hope of rekindling their relationship it would have to come out now versus later. "in the aftermath...of us.. i - i acted out in a lot of ways that i thought would help me cope? ways that i thought - would help me feel better than how i felt...." he pauses, unable to meet her gaze as both shame and guilt wash over him. "i need you to be honest with me...if these are too much, i - i need you to tell me now.... i stole harrison's bag of coke from his drawer and...god, if ali didn't find me on the bathroom floor...i - i don't know what would've happened." he admits, unable to stop pouring out truths, for what felt like the first time in a long time. "i got some bits from jupiter and i just - i don't know what i was thinking...honestly..." he pauses once more, knowing his next words will be the most difficult to admit. "and when it came down to everybody asking me...probing i - i couldn't take it...and i kissed brooke as a means to shut her up...not once but twice, but it didn't go farther than that - i just wanted you.." more than anything, he regretted that kiss with brooke. he wished if it had been with anyone aside from shanley, it had been with ali. at least then, there wouldn't be so much self-hatred in his admission now. "I'm so fucking sorry."
he begins to speak and she already knows its going to be bad. she sits up, suddenly uncomfortable with the whole situation. she suddenly remembered her conversation with harrison in the kitchen, although, she's sure he had no idea that all of this had happened, he was right in that she should hear everything from the person himself. she's speechless everything drug-related making her upset, but then he brings up a kiss and the person he shared that kiss with, "you kissed her...twice?" she asked, her eyes avoiding his. she wants to brush it off, it probably meant nothing but the thought of him kissing another person, even worse that--that was her ex made her blood boil, "you wanted me so you kiss my ex? am i listening correctly?"
"i know - i know how  awful and fucking idiotic it was and it didn't mean anyting to me and i need you to know that," he quickly begins, reaching out for her - for anything she's willing to give him now, if anything at all. "i needed to tell you, because it's one of the worst things i've done and i want you to know that i don't deserve you and i know it, but i - i want to show you that i'm worthy of a second chance." he pauses, for a long time, lips pressing together before he speaks again, "i was so fucking scared in our relationship - thinking that i was going to ruin things between us and i did....and i - i was so scared because i know that you're it for me -- you're the one and you always have been...since middle school i've known...and yet i went off trying to prove to myself that i wasn't capable of being loved the way that i craved to love you...but now - i can't imagine my life without you and i need you to know everything now..not later on when it'll hurt more."
she gives him her hand, she was still upset, almost wishing he never said anything about what he did to begin with but she had to respect him for telling her, he could have lied and acted as though nothing during their time apart and not waiting till they were deep into their second go. she listened on as he continued, eyes softened at his words, it was so weird to her how she could be so mad at him but he happens to say the things she needed to hear in order for her to suddenly feel okay about it. "i'm glad you're okay. i hope this means you're done experimenting, or will at least do the lighter stuff or whatever. i'm upset that you kissed someone. the thought grosses me the fuck out and i literally want slap you for it. or go kiss someone else just so you can feel what i'm feeling." she looks at him, "but i forgive you. and i'm just glad it didn't take you another thousand years to find your way back to me." 
to hear her words of forgivenes was all he needed, although the feelings of guilt and shame still lingered - they were less impactful on his thoughts as he gazed up at her.  "if you want to slap me, please - do it, or kiss someone else," he pauses, ( maybe he'd be into it? ) - he wasn't sure, "you can do that too - i just, i want you so badly, and i want to do everything i can to have us...be us agian...honestly i don't think i would've lasted another thousand years without you," he smiles slightly, giving her hands a light squeeze.
 "you know i can't slap you or kiss someone else." she rolled her eyes, if he was someone else, she would have gladly done it both, "i don't want to be without you anymore." she crawls towards him, taking her place back onto him like before, "can we finally put this all behind us and be us?" she looks up at him, her lips pursed for a kiss before lifting her hand, "wait, maybe." she taps the palm of her hand against his cheek 'hard,' a bad attempt at a slap, "there, that's the closest we'll get to a slap. now can we go back?" 
"i don't want to be without you either," he admits, his arms spreading for her to rejoin him in their previous position. he moves to nod, finally they can put this behind them and have a chance at happiness - it's all he wants with her. but as she speaks again, he pauses too, somewhat grinning as she taps her palm against his face, as a means of being dramatic, he tosses his head to the side playfully in response, raising his hand to cup his own cheek where she rather gently tapped him previously. "I'm already there." 
she laughs at his theatrics, rolling her eyes playfully. “wow, well welcome back to us. you have been missed. let me tell you about all the things you missed out on while you were away.” she teased, reaching for his hand and taking it in hers, “honestly the only ground breaking news was that I found a hammock and lived on it for a day because I got thirsty and brought no water.”
"I wish I hadn't been away," He began, giving her hand a gentle squeeze, "I would've packed provisions and moved into the hammock with you. A nice lil spot for two, don't you think? Especially with the way we like be on top of each other." 
 “we can still do it. im the only person that knows where it is. when shit gets too crazy in the villa, we could easily run off and live happily ever after.” she smiled, running her fingertips up and down his arm, “it’s a perfect spot for two who love to smother each other.”
"Happily ever after, eh? I like the sound of that," He admits, grinning up at her. And he did, he meant every word he said previously of knowing she was the one for him. A future with her didn't very far fetched now, and he wasn't going to pretend otherwise. He raised his hands to cup her cheeks, their faces only an inch or two apart as he spoke again, "Smother me," He hummed before pressing his lips against hers for a slow and passionate kiss - one that he hoped conveyed just how much he'd missed her during these weeks apart from one another.
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