hoples · 2 years
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Whumptober 2022
Day 9 - The very noisy Night
She was caught in a storm, but thankfully found abandoned cabin.
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leclercskiesahead · 1 year
This just occured to me
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fruitydiaz · 2 years
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9-1-1 season 6 ✩ episode five
home invasion (dir. marita gabriak)
[Image Description: 10 gifs from 9-1-1 season 6, episode 5, Home Invasion, directed by Marita Gabriak. Gif 1: Buck shines a flashlight into the camera, looking amused. Gif 2: The 118 stands in a circle in Bobby and Athena's backyard, toasting to Hen. Gif 3: A shot of the computer screen showing the access history of certain archived dispatch calls, with Maddie's name listed on each of them. Gif 4: A poker breaks through the ceiling, barely missing Vincent where he lay covered in purple insulation foam. Gif 5: After putting Hoover outside, Karen closes the door to their bedroom and looks back at Hen suggestively. Gif 6: Chimney, Eddie, Buck, and Bobby stand around Marisol's entryway, trying to find Vincent. Gif 7: Sharlo Darzi runs down her staircase while on the phone with dispatch. Gif 8: Athena slowly takes off her sunglasses while talking to Detective Romero. Gif 9: Chimney joins Maddie in the bathtub to hide from Magda. Gif 10: Marisol looks around her house, pleased with her handiwork. /end ID.]
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sharlo3333 · 10 months
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Children children, my children
(I know that Sharle is written in English as Charles, I'm just used to it, I like writing like that 😌
Like.. Sharl' looks elegant, pfft
Like.. ✨Sharl'✨)
Sharlo is my oc, my favorite oc 😏✨, that's why the blog is named after him 😌
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callmebrycelee · 2 years
This reaction is for the season 6, fifth episode "Home Invasion '' which originally aired on October 17, 2022. The episode was written by Nadia Abass-Madden and directed by Marita Grabiak. Spoilers ahead!
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The latest episode of 9-1-1 is very Hen and Maddie-centric and in many ways quite bittersweet. We start the episode off with maybe one of the dumbest characters we've ever encountered on this show. Now, in all fairness, the woman, whose name is Sharlo Darzi (Devika Parikh) is older and she is home alone due to her husband being out of town, so perhaps it is fear that caused her to act so irrationally. When she hears a noise coming from downstairs, she does the correct thing by calling 9-1-1. Thankfully she gets veteran dispatcher Josh Russo (Bryan Safi) on the line and he gives her a list of instructions to keep her safe until law enforcement arrives. Rather than stay put in her bedroom or lock herself in a closet or bathroom, Sharlo decides to head downstairs to confront whomever or whatever is making such a ruckus in her home. In a very tense scene, we watch her go from one darkened room to another and when she arrives in the kitchen, she screams, and then the line goes dead. 
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Athena arrives on the scene and finds the woman's cordless phone broken on the phone. The 118 (sans Hen) show up moments later and they find the woman sprawled on the floor, unconscious. Eddie runs her fingers across her sternum and she rouses. She attempts to move but she has a pelvic injury which causes her great pain. Bobby tells her to keep still while Athena asks her about the person who seemingly broke into her home. The woman tells her that it wasn't a person - it was a monster.
Buck heads into the nearby kitchen and sees breadcrumbs on the floor. He follows them until he arrives at the pantry. When he opens the door, he is surprised to find a raccoon. The woman is loaded in an ambulance to be taken to a hospital while animal control comes to collect the trash bandit. Turns out the adorable critter got into the house via a doggy door that is no longer in use. I'd like to point out that this moment where the woman is complaining about her husband not removing the dog door is plays into what ultimately happens at the end of this episode.
Cue title card.
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We then head over to Chimney's place where he's having a quiet breakfast with Maddie. I'm so happy these two are back together and I think this is exactly what they needed - a fresh start. Looking back at the genesis of their romance, so much of it was mired by trauma and tragedy. Now the two of them seem stable. They're doing great at co-parenting Jee-Yun. Speaking of Jee-Yun, our little one has gotten so big and now she has a nanny named Magda (shout out to Sex and the City). Having someone else who isn't one of their friends or family members leave with their daughter is hard for Chimney and Maddie but Magda seems totally legit. 
Over at Bobby and Athena's, May returns home so she can study. Apparently her roommate's boyfriend is always over. Man, this reminded me so much of when I was in college and living in the dorms. Anytime my roommate's girlfriend would come over, I would conveniently be doing something outside of the room. There's nothing worse than trying to be comfortable in your own room while some random person is all up in your personal space. I digress. Anywho, Athena sneezes and when May asks her if she's okay, Bobby enters with their new dog Hoover. Athena admits that she's allergic to the puppers but didn't want to say anything because she knew how attached Bobby has become to Hoover. Bobby suggests that Hoover move in with May but May, too, is also allergic to dogs. Bobby decides that Hoover will need a new home.
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Meanwhile, Maddie receives a call from an older gentleman reporting intruders in his home. This guy, unlike the woman at the beginning of the episode, actually listens to Maddie and follows her instructions. Unfortunately, he is confronted by the intruders and there are multiple gunshots heard over the phone. Maddie is appropriate traumatized by the call and later sees a report about it on the local news. Sue Blevins finds her in the break room and lets her know that the guy was taken to the hospital and that he is alive and going into surgery. Maddie tells Sue that she's surprirsed about a home invasion taking place during the middle of the day. Sue tells her that crime is on the rise and criminals are getting more brazen. 
It turns out the victim of the homicide, whose name is Samir Darzi (Joseph Kamal), is the husband of Sharlo Darzi, the woman who got injured running from a raccoon in her pantry. Athena along with Detective Rick Romero (Danny Nucci) arrive at the Darzi's home and head upstairs where Samir was shot by the intruders. Athena wonders why Samir was home when his wife said he was out of town. Romero tells her that he came home once he heard about what happened to Sharlo and was packing a bag to take to the hospital when the intruders broke in. Athena finds it strange that there have been two home invasion calls from the same residence, less than 12 hours apart.
Next, we check in on Hen who is still adjusting to life outside of medical school. She gets a visit from Bobby who asks if she would be willing to take in Hoover. Hen declines because Karen is still not over the death of their dog Paisley who has been inexplicably absent for quite some time. Denny sees the dog and immediately asks Hen if they can keep him. Bobby leaves before Hen has a chance to change her mind.
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Our next emergency involves a young woman (Edy Ganem) and her brother Vincent (Eddie Aguirre). The sister has just moved into a place of her own and is attempting to fix the place up on her own. Vincent arrives at the request of their mother and offers to spray this foam in the attic which will help with heating and cooling costs. He assures her he knows what he's doing and heads outside to get things set up. While up in the attic, he starts spraying the foam but then there's a kink in the cord. This causes the machine to back up which causes the hose to erupt. Vincent gets tangled in the hose and falls and hits his head. While unconscious, the installation spray continues to spew and he gets covered in the process.
The 118 arrive on the scene and attempt to reach Vincent in the attic. They end up having to remove a piece of the ceiling to lower him down. By now, the installation foam has hardened and Vincent is encased in it like a mosquito in amber (shout out to Jurassic Park). They manage to free Vincent from his purple casing and he is rushed to the hospital. On the way he nearly crashes but Chimney and Eddie manage to revive him. Vincent's sister is relieved and he tells her all he wanted to do is help. He asks her if the house is okay and she shares a knowing look with Eddie and Chimney.
At the police station, Romero reports that the break-in at the Darzi's home wasn't an isolated incidents. Other homes in weathy neighborhood in Los Angeles have been hit recently at different times of the day, presumably by the same intruders. What makes the Dazri's home invasion so notable is that someone was actually home during the break-in. Athena believes the two masked men know in advance that the homes are going to be empty before they rob them but wonders how they are getting this information. After going through police interviews, Athena and Romero discover that all of the break-insinvolved homeowners who'd recently experienced an accident or medical emergency that landed in the hospital. Athena deduces that if someone is experiencing a medical emergency, the first person they're going to reach out to is 9-1-1.
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Athena and Romero arrive at the dispatch center to get Maddie's assistance. Athena hands Maddie a list of all the home invasion victims and she looks up each of the calls in the system to see who took them. As it turns out, several dispatchers took the emergency calls, however, Maddie notices that someone using her login accessed each recording of the 9-1-1 calls. 
Meanwhile, Chimney returns to his apartment to find Magda the babysitter cleaning out the cabinets. She sees that Chimney is wearing shoes and insists that he take them off so he doesn't get the floor dirty. Chimney retreats to the bathroom where Maddie is hiding out. The two of them are extremely uncomfortable with Magda taking over their home but they are nervous about confronting her. Chimney asks Maddie about her day and she tells him that she's a suspect in a string of burglaries. She further explains that the police believes someone at the call center is using notes from emergency calls to pick out potential victims. The good news is that Maddie should be okay since she wasn't even at the call center when her login was used. Chimney suggests that maybe someone stole her password.
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Back at the call center, Maddie heads to the break out room. Noah (Alfonso Caballero) approaches her and asks if she's okay. Maddie tells him that she thinks she's about to get fired and when he seems surprised by this she tells him that the police think she's the one responsible for the home invasions. Noah thinks that's crazy and tells her that she didn't even take most of the 9-1-1 calls. Maddie tells him that her login was used to access the call recordings. Noah insists that she didn't do anything wrong and that it would be wrong if she got fired. Maddie tells him that none of that matters. She then talks about how much she loves helping people and saving lives.
Noah's guilty conscious gets the best of him and he admits to her that he used her password to access the phone call recordings. He says that he used the calls to determine when the victims' homes would be empty and he passed along the information. Maddie appears shocked by this information and asks why he would do that. Noah tells her that his stepfather got into some money trouble and ended up borrowing money from some bad people. When his stepfather couldn't repay them, they hurt him and said they would hurt Noah and his mom if the money wasn't repaid. Noah insists he was too scared to tell anyone and asks if Maddie could help him. Gee, Noah - it's a little too late to be asking that because Maddie is wearing a wire and Athena and Romero are listening in on the conversation. Noah asks if there's anything he can do and Maddie tells him that he can start by telling the police everything. Noah gives him the whereabouts of where the next robbery will take place. Luckily Athena and Romero are able to get there before the two robbers arrive and they are able to apprehend them. Ugh, Noah. I thought you were going to be the new May. The new young person at the call center who Maddie gets to mentor. But now you're just a criminal. Good riddance!
Meanwhile, Hen and Karen wake up to Hoover destroying their home. They hand the dog over to Eddie. Hoover then proceeds to destroy Eddie and Christopher's apartment. Eddie attempts to pass Hoover off to Chimney but Magda closes the door in his face. Eddie then takes Hoover to his bestie Buck's apartment but Buck's landlord refuses to let him keep him. Now let's talk about Hen. Now that she has a second chance at medical school, she's determined not to throw away her shot (shout out to Hamilton). She arrives for at the hospital to begin her rounds with Dr. Margaret Simmons (Gayla Johnson). It was so great seeing Hen do what she's good at. Even though she had a misstep with her year 2 exam, it's so very obvious that Hen has what it takes to be a great doctor. Being a paramedic has taught her empathy and how to see the humanity in all types of people, something that is lacking with a lot of healthcare providers these days. At the end of the shift, she asks Dr. Simmons how she did. Before we get an answer, we head over to Bobby and Athena's where the fire captain is throwing a going away barbecue for his veteran paramedic. 
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It's a bittersweet moment watching Bobby and Athena and Chimney and Buck and Eddie reminiscence about their time spent with Hen. I think back to how Chimney stuck his neck out for Hen when she was being treated poorly by the old fire captain. I think about how Athena took her under her wing when she saw a fellow black woman in distress and how they became close friends over the years. I think about how Hen and Buck's relationship and how she has a special kind of patience that the others don't have for him. I think about her relationship with Bobby and how the two of them have been there for each other doing the roughest and toughest moments of their lives and careers. Hen stuck by Bobby when he admitted he needed help with addiction and when Hen accidentally killed the young girl while driving the ambulance, Bobby immediately called Athena because he knew that she was going to need a good friend with her. Then there's her relationship with Eddie. Even though they don't appear as close as she is with the others, I love that their kids are friends and we sometimes see just the two of them hanging out independent of the rest of the 118. 
I don't know what's in store for Hen but I'm really excited to see what's next for her in upcoming episodes. 
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At the end of the episode, Maddie fires Magda (good riddance), Eddie and Buck and a few others from the 118 show up to Vincent's sister's house to help her with renovations, and Hoover finds a new home at the Darzi's residence now that the two of them have recovered from their injuries. Just when things are looking good for everyone, we get a scene at the tail-end of the episode where Karen is making a 9-1-1 call. We see her at work and it looks like a bomb has gone off. She sees body parts on the floor. It looks really, really bad and I'm seriously nervous about Karen. I hope they don't do anything to her, especially now that things are finally looking up for Hen. I know Traci Thoms get s a LOT of work and I hope they're not about to kill her off because she's on a new show. I guess I'll have to stick around and wait to see what happens next week. Until next time ...
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inabarbi3world · 2 years
(Live reactions to 6x05)
Magda seems sweet off rip. Very… prepared. Very cute.
everyone say it with me
Fire station dog.
Fire station dog.
wait he’s gonna go to hen? I mean not what I was expecting but slay
um this does not sound at all smart but ok babes
This man has absolutely no idea what he���s doing LMFAO
Oh no. Eh. He’ll be fine. BABE WAKE TF UP- ok ty.
I… Girl… same. LMFAO
he better not run away…
ok he didn’t sorry I always plan for the worst chile anyways
GIRL WHAT- Maddie wut u doing stealin girl smh OFENODWMODWMDOWMXOWMS
Sorry I like making myself laugh
magda… LMAO
the only person it could be is that new call center guy lmao it’s not josh or anyone else so (I don’t remember his name)
Oh quite literally fuck off Noah- oh… I’m sorry? O H. oh wow. GIRLLLLLLLLL WHAT IN THE FUCK UH UH (I feel bad for Noah and his mom fuck his step dad, ty very much) kinda wish he got more screen time tho
SAME KAREN SAME (favorite part of the episode is definitely the karhen scenes)
oH- now the dog is going to Eddie? Slay…
Lmfao yeah…
PLS- weirder than usual???? that’s saying a lot but ok.
only cats? sorry but no thank you I need both.
why do I feel terror now that we have all of them here…
Why the fuck would you say that?
Don’t make me cry rn I’m on the verge of LOSING MY SHIT NOT RHE FUCKING FLASHBACKS CUT IT OUT
AWWWWWWWWWWW Hoover and his new family so cute
do not do something that will cause pain rn 911 I’m so serious
aw dude this episode was looking ble-
are you fucking kidding me?
I’m… oh hell fucking no I fucking knew it she better not die by some “unseen complications” or some bullshit or go into a fucking coma they can’t kill KAREN OFF FUCK YALL IM FUCKING DONE
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violeblanche · 2 years
sharlo where tf are you going girl
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Sunday,  23  April,  2023.......... Warmup..........Deadlifts.......... 15  Minute AMRAP......Walk In The Park.
A beautiful sunny breezy day at the Barn, but CHILLY.  My Granny would have called this a “Dogwood Winter”.  Actually, since the Dogwoods are through blooming, it’s even late for “Dogwood Winter”. 
Warmup #1:
Big Shane led us in a very thorough warmup with stretches and exercises.
Warmup #2:
Dana was our Demo Model.
4  Rounds
Hollow Rocks
Plank Shoulder Taps
Deadlifts:          3  Reps  E 2 M   X   6  Sets
Warmup Lifts 10 Minutes and Then Do 75% All Across.
Set-Up For Each Rep
No Touch & Go
No Dropping
Shane=335     Ed/Bernie/Robert=315     Coach=235    Herb/Dyer/Manny/Sam=205    Average Dave=135     Alicia/Elisa/Cheri/Kayla=115     Linda=110     Rodney/Dana/Sue
Most of you appeared to make an effort to do these as programmed, but only MANNY did them positively perfect.
Metabolic Conditioner
15  Minute AMRAP
3  Ground To Overheads     ( 135/95/65 )
5  Pull-Ups     DH
10  Push-Ups     HR
15  Perfect Air Squats
Score:     Rounds and Fractions     Plus Shane Rule !!
Sue=11     Ed/Average Dave=9 1/2     Robert=9 1/4     Alicia/Elisa=9     Cheri=8 1/2     Shane=8 3/4     Coach/Herb/Kayla=8     Bernie/Linda=7 1/4     Dyer=6 1/2     Rodney=5     Manny/Sam D=did it.
The only athlete that your Coach witnessed doing this WOD as prescribed without getting DOZENS of no reps was BERNIE.  He was congratulated. 
Run / Jog / Walk  In The Arboretum 1.1 Mile Loop     or
Row-Ski  2000m     or
Bike ERG  4000m
At least half of you did this...nearly all of our girls.
There is an unsubstantiated rumor going around that the reason we have been seeing Sam D so often lately is that he is no longer a financial advisor, having been fired for sexual harassment, and since their family is now scraping by on Sharlo’s income, he had to quit his IronTribe membership and come to our Free LHCF box.  All of that, although it sounds more believable than his real excuse, is absolutely false.  The honestly real excuse is that it hasn’t rained much this Spring and the steep creeks that he would normally be paddling are experiencing water levels that are too low for his death-defying antics.  If you would like to see less of Sam D at the Barn, pray for rain.  It’s as simple as that.
Tuesday at 4 PM.
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vettarengoku · 2 years
this probably sounds like an excuse, but I'm the kind of person who ships everything that is interesting and unusual, so don't be surprised when you see posts on my account with sewis, sharlos, gewis and other pairings
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xspccwbyisms · 4 years
" ꜱʟᴏᴡ ᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴ, ɪ'ᴍ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴏᴜʀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ "
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arlocedwards · 4 years
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ᴀ ᴄᴏʟʟᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ɪɴꜱᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ ᴘᴏꜱᴛꜱ: ꜱʜᴀʀʟᴏ
( @ftshanley )
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hoples · 3 years
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Whumptober 2021
 Day 28 - Good. You are finally awake - Blood choked her as they forced her to watch her children suffer.
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spccwbyisms · 4 years
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shcnley · 4 years
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sharlo incorrect quotes ??? ( inspo )   // @arlocedwards
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shclf · 4 years
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ sharlo edits ( 1 / ? ) ♥
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lizzyxrps · 6 years
[text]: thousands of years later and all mankind can show for themselves are cellphones. [text]: OH WAIT THERES A FLOWER CROWN ON MY HEAD I TAKE IT BACK [text]: I can verify that ben Franklin was in a sex cult. I can also verify that I can never unsee what I have seen [text]: if I tell you that extraterrestrials exist, will you stop texting me? I’d like to do that thing called sleep. (Marlo x Shiloh)
[text]: thousands of years later and all mankind can show for themselves are cellphones. 
[ shiloh → marlo ]: and yet, look who’s using one...... [ shiloh → marlo ]: to be fair we also have the internet and video games 
[text]: I can verify that ben Franklin was in a sex cult. I can also verify that I can never unsee what I have seen 
[ shiloh → marlo ]: wait, with WHO?????  [ shiloh → marlo ]: this opens up so many possibilities to explore [ shiloh → marlo ]: this could rewrite the very story of America’s history you have to tell me more
[text]: if I tell you that extraterrestrials exist, will you stop texting me? I’d like to do that thing called sleep.
[ shiloh → marlo ]: no[ shiloh → marlo ]: because I have ten thousand more questions to ask you and I’ve had three cups of coffee so I’ll be up for a while longer.    
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