sleepless-crows · 7 months
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soupbabe · 3 years
hi there, i saw that your requests are open, could i request stand affection headcanons between the gn!reader's stand and the stardust crusaders' stands (but how would purple vines show affection though? lol, you can exclude that if it's too hard)? i would prefer to try not to describe the reader's stand since i want everyone to be able to imagine their own stands more easily no matter the abilities or appearance. please and thank you
SDC Stand Affection HCs w Reader's Stand!
Absolutely!! I usually don't include Old Joseph in stuff like this unless it's like a general group hc (and not where there's individual sections for a character) and/or it's like it's explicitly stated to be platonic, but hehe I'll make an exception for this since I find it funny to make Hermit Purple an v effectionate stand >:))
Star Platinum
Very expressionate and talkative
All you hear from him is non-stop "Oras" and happy noises from your stand in return
Also he's very clingy, constantly giving your stand surprise hugs or lifting your stand up when he wins a fight
He's like giant purple puppy at times
Everytime Star comes out to interact with your stand, it always leaves Jotaro flustered
But Jotaro doesn't mind Star's behavior too much since Star just expresses all the emotions the teen has trouble communicating to you
Hierophant Green
I just imagine a big green cat tbh
Since Hierophant can't talk like Star, he expresses his affection through physical affection and gift giving
Was the bouquet of flowers he gave your stand stolen,,? Yes. But did Hierophant think it would look nice against your stand's color palette? Yes. So it's absolutely worth it.
He likes to latch onto your stand, a green tentacle wrapped around it every time he wants to say hi
Does the thing cats do where he rubs his face against your stand's face
Sometimes he just ignores your stand and directly does it to you, leaving you to laugh off your flustered state and give him headpats
Omg please give Hierophant Headpats he loves it
Silver Chariot
He's just as dramatic as his user
During fights he'll try to show off by performing the command he's given with more precision and flare
He's actually not too much of a romantic, he usually let's your stand take the reins with all of the affection with the cooing over him and physical stuff
He appreciates it though, just like his his user he's prone to being an attention whore
But the affections aren't one sided though, occasionally Chariot would use his sword to carve out art of you and your stand
Magician's Red
Big bird man loves it when you pet him
He's actually quite affectionate, but literally hot to the touch so stuff like hugs are v minimal
Just like an actual chicken, he'd follow you around 24/7
Sometimes cooing in admiration when your stand performs it's signature attack
Magician's Red does try to comply with Avdol's strict rules and styles, but he gets so excited when your stand comes out
It leaves a flustered Avdol after every encounter, his face feeling hotter than his own stand sometimes
Hermit Purple
,,it's an enigma to how it's able to be so affectionate
Sometimes you feel your stand wrapped up in the vines, it giving your stand a light squeeze to simulate a hug
Mostly it just wraps around your arm or makes you closer to Joseph so your stand can be within Hermit's range
Loves making shapes out of vines usually a heart
It leaves the old man so confused
"Joseph, can you make Hermit Purple let go of my stand? I can't move." "I swear I'm not doing anything!!"
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topmodelrealm · 2 years
What are your thoughts on the later seasons of antm like 18-24
Omg thanks again for another question!!💖💖
When it comes to the later seasons, it was a huge change compared to the old school cycles for sure! The shoots became a lot more legit and serious; it reflected real-life modelling as opposed to the goofy shoots we’d see in the old-school ANTM back in the day. So for that, I give points to the layer cycles.
Cycle 18 is one of my favourite ANTM cycles because as a Brit myself, recognising the BNTM girls, it really piqued my interest and I was so invested in that entire cycle. The drama was on point, the shoots + photos outta this cycle are brilliant. Laura, Annaliese, Sophie, AzMarie and a few more were such geniuses when it came to the shoots!
Cycle 19 had potential but it still leaves this bad taste in my mouth. Didn’t really care for the contestants as much, I just liked Leila (obviously rooting for her) and Kiara form what I remember seemed like a sweetheart. Laura annoyed me and I heavily disliked Kristin. I don’t really remember the rest of the girls tbh. And that irritating and stupid ‘public voting’ system did my head in! Like, this ain’t Big Brother uk🙄
Cycle 20 was an utter snoozefest omg! I think we all knew Jourdan was gonna get the W from the start! She just had that model aura about her! Marvin was spoon-fed, constantly being saved till he was 2nd place after all of his lacklustre photos all cycle. But all in all, what a dry, stale cycle smh.
Cycle 21 was like the lightbulb finally being switched on! This cycle was an improvement, but every time I rewatch it, I always start halfway because the second half was a lot more entertaining to me. The shoots got better as opposed to the previous cycle. I loved Lennox and Adam’s personality sometimes. Keith seemed like a sweet guy but his photos were so boring. Apparently Trya had a crush on him, favoured him and therefore giving him the win. Loved the Elvis/Marilyn shoot btw!
Cycle 22 I loved! I’ve watched it the most out of all the later seasons! I consider Mikey and Nyle to be the most photogenic in this cycle. But then again, honestly everyone were flawlessly photogenic!! Lacey and sometimes Mamé led the cycle for sure, Stefano was a dreamboat but his aloof and sour personality was…. yuck. I loved Devin’s personality, I really did but his trio/pact with Mikey and Ashley + their antics was so catty to me, giving me Bad Girls Club vibes🙄 I could go on an on about other contestants but you’d be reading all day😂
Cycle 23……… I’ve never watched it🙈 I’ve just seen photos from it. India always reminded me of Gigi Hadid. But I’ve never had interest in watching it, solely because Trya was replaced with Rita Ora and that just felt foreign to me.
Cycle 24….. Krystyana and Jeena were insanely robbed😭😭😭 the first cycle I watched while everyone else was, as opposed to years later. my favourite shoot was the sandwhich beauty shots, the paper magazine one was fun too! Tyra’s presence seemed a bit dry for some reason, guess she’d been off the show for too long.
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Two Good Dogs
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader (Veterinarian AU) 
Word Count: 1,222
Summary: You meet Steve at the dog park :)
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ce-horniest-book-club​ continuation of drunk drabbles and the prompt below from the lovely @this-kitten-is-smitten​ as well as the 24 hour surprise drabble challenge with the theme of AU’s! I picked veterinarian because OMG STEVE WITH ALL THE ANIMALS! hehe Hope you enjoy it and thank you all for reading! Much love always ❤❤❤
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Warnings: Lots of fluffy fluff love and sweetness, soft flirting and CUTE DOGGOS! :) 
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The dog park is empty when you arrive, the morning air still cool from last night and the grass wet with dew. You open the gate, letting your dog off her leash to run. She takes off and starts doing laps with her ears flying behind her. Placing your bag on the bench you take out her ball and call her over.
The two of you are so engrossed in your game of fetch that you haven’t noticed the newcomers. But the clink of the gate catches your attention and Sadie takes off to greet her new friends. Before you know it, the dogs are running circles around each other, jumping and playing and completely oblivious to all else.
You’re still laughing and smiling at the pair when you hear a deep voice, “hey.” You quickly turn to the stranger, the reply getting stuck in your throat when you get a look at him. With a shake of your head you regain your composure, “hi, cute dog!” He chuckles under his hat and sits down. “Thanks, yours too.” You can feel your cheeks warm under his gaze.  
He holds out his hand, “I’m Steve and that’s Dodger.” He calls his dog over with a whistle and commands him to sit. “Nice to meet you both. I’m y/n. This is Sadie.” Dodger squeezes his butt between your legs silently asking for scratches. You happily oblige and start rubbing him all over. You try to focus on Dodger, but your eyes keep drifting over to Steve. His tee shirt is pulled tight over his chest and his full beard looks so soft.  “You’re so handsome Dodger! Just like your dad huh?”
You’re already so in love with Dodger you don’t even realize what you’ve said. Sadie finally has enough and nudges you to throw her ball. They both take off after it in a frenzy of twirling tails and wagging tongues. “So, you think I’m handsome?” His question catches you off guard and you shoot him a confused look.
“I what?” His blue eyes are bright with mirth as a grin grows under his beard. The last 2 minutes come flooding back to you and your mouth hangs open, feeling so completely embarrassed you don’t know what to say. “I said Dodger was handsome like his dad, didn’t I?” Steve shakes his head yes, his eyes crinkling at the sides as he tries to hold back his laughter.
“If it makes you feel any better, I think you and Sadie are beautiful.” Your mouth snaps shut, and you drop your head, trying desperately to hide your blush. “Thanks, that’s sweet.” Fortunately, the dogs come back to the bench and distract you for the moment. Steve stands and you it gives you a chance to admire how nicely his ass fills out the pants he’s wearing.  “You two want to go for a walk with us? I know a really nice path around here.”
Clearing your throat, and hopefully your shameless thoughts, you stand and grab Sadie’s leash with a smile, “we’d love to.” The four of you walk for most of the morning talking and laughing and just enjoying each other’s company. It’s almost lunch time when you make it back to the car. “I had a really nice morning. Can I get your number, I’d love to see you again?”
Steve winks and gives you a hopeful look. “Sure. That would be great.” You exchange info and say goodbye with the promise of talking soon. The rest of your Saturday is uneventful and the next morning you head back to the dog park in the hopes of spotting Steve. You hang out for over and hour, but he doesn’t show up.
Trying not to get yourself down you and Sadie keep yourselves busy with laundry and preparations for the work week. It isn’t until the middle of the night Sunday that things get worse. Sadie wakes you with a whimper and you notice she keeps licking her front paw. You turn on the light and do your best to inspect it but can’t seem to find any problems. Cleaning it off and bringing her onto the bed you try to get some sleep, knowing tomorrow you’ll be taking her to the new emergency vet clinic near you.
The receptionist is so friendly and tells you to come in before they open so Dr. Rogers can see you first. You’re eternally grateful and quickly shower and get dressed before helping Sadie into the car. You arrive right on time, thanking everyone over and over before sitting in the waiting room.
You’ve only been there 5 minutes when the tech calls your name and shows you to a room. “Dr. Rogers will be right in.” A soft knock sounds and the door opens. You lock eyes with the same baby blues from Saturday, his surprise mirroring your own. Sadie tries to go to him, but she whimpers and limps and you both rush to her side. “Oh no, what’s wrong with my beautiful girl. Here, I’m just going to pick her up and put her on the table.”
Steve carefully lifts her, his eyes finding yours again as he gently pets and calms her. “Hi again.” You smile softly, rubbing Sadie behind the ears, “hi Steve. I guess this is one way to make sure the handsome guy from the dog park doesn’t forget me.” The tech comes in before Steve can answer, asking what he needs. After a quick conversation Steve’s attention is back on you.
“First of all, you called me handsome again.” Fighting your blush, you decide to flirt back. “I know! It just slipped out,” you tease, and what’s the second thing?” This time he doesn’t hold back. “There was no way I could forget you. In fact, I would have been at the dog park yesterday had I not been working, which I imagine is where you were because Sadie has one of those damn cedar pieces stuck in her paw.”
The whole time you two had been talking he was examining her, having found the small piece of wood. “Oh no! I don’t understand why they use that stuff!” Steve calls for the tech and they quickly remove the piece and clean her up. “I know. We get so many dogs in here with those damn things stuck somewhere.”
Once Sadie is all taken care of and you’re done checking out, Steve walks you to your car. “So, there was one more thing I wanted to tell you…” he says, trailing off. Sadie sits down between the two of you and you absentmindedly pet her. “What’s that Dr. Rogers?” He rubs the back of his neck, suddenly acting shy. “I’d really like to take you out. Somewhere nicer than the dog park or my office.”
Sadie barks and you both laugh, Steve’s eyes sparkling in the sun. “I think that was Sadie’s way of saying yes for me.” Steve kneels to scratch her butt and she twists around to give him a big wet kiss. “Definitely a yes! I’ll text you tonight so we can figure out when.” You take Sadie’s leash and move her from the spot between you, leaning up and kissing his cheek. “Sounds great, I’ll talk to you tonight. And tell Dodger we said hi.”
@aesthetical-bucky​ @auro-ora​ @bugsbucky​ @book-dragon-13​ @buckys-broody-muffin​ @buckys-henley​ @buckys-minty-breath​ @bucky-on-my-mind​ @breezy1415​ @eurynome827​ @emilylyoness​ @hiddles-rose​ @donutloverxo​ @hawksmagnolia​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @ikaris-whore​ @itsunclebucky​ @imgaril-lindru​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewels2876​ @kaosera​ @loricameback​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @lorilane33​ @mushyjellybeans​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @tales-of-spring​ @tuiccim​ @the-wayward-robot​ @yansi1923​ @survivor-reborn​ @hopefuldreamers-world​ @lokilvrr​
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cutelittleriot · 3 years
Hey! Can I get a Bayverse match up, please ?
My name is Gabriela, but my friends call me Raven, Gigi and Gabi. I'm 15 years old girl from Slovakia 🇸🇰, I'm Libra ♎ and I am an ONLY child.
I have a Russian accent since childhood because we have ancestors from Russia. I curse a lot in Russian and I speak perfectly Russian and Spanish.
I am stubborn, impulsive, sarcastic, hothead, sassy, flirty. I start a lot of fights and I am not afraid to slap and beat 6 ft tall people. I'm not afraid to stand for myself and others. I hate when someone is telling me what to do.
I'm shy, sweet, kind, nice, smart, funny, loving, caring, quiet and sensitive, empathetic, loyal and honest person. I'm supportive, calm and I'm very good listener and I give people good advice when they need to.
I'm nerd and I love technique. My fav is Hi-tech. I love to repair and build things.
I love to dance and sing. I write songs and poetry. When I hear some melody or music, automatically come to my mind lyrics of my song and I must write it down. That's why I have always with me notepad or notebook. I dance like TBD dance group in movie Work It. I love to sing in high notes like Ariana Grande and others says that I have beautiful and powerful voice.
I love meditation, yoga, books, cappuccino, tea, pizza, ice tea and coffe and non-alcoholic beer.
I'm a bookworm. Literally I have a book in my hands 24/7.
I love to draw and paint. I love Art.
I have 3 cute syndromes called: 1.Selenophile- person who loves moon 2.Nyctophilia- person who loves night and darkness
3.Bluebofile- person who loves rain
My BIGGEST passion is cooking. On September 1 I'm going to High school Hotel Academy. When I cook I always sing.
I have a lots of break downs like I lean against wall crying, I go to down until I touch the ground, sit down and crying because I random remebered my grandfather. He died three years ago and it's so painful for me, because we had a special relationship.
I have sleep issues and I must to drink tea before I go to sleep, I won't fall asleep if I don't drink tea.
I love to work out and knit.
My favorite subjects in school are History, Chemistry, Biology, History English, Physics, Art and Music.
My favorite music genre is pop, rock and rap. I love bands AC/ DC, Kiss, Queen, Depeche Mode, Pentatonix, Little Mix, Halocene, First To Eleven and Katy Perry, Rita Ora, Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azalea, Stefflon Don, Lil Nas X, Lil Wayne, Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello.
I love to wear pants and T-shirts. I hate skirts. I always have mascara with some eyeshadow. My favorite colors are red, blue, purple and black. I always wear blue or black clothes and that's why my friends call me "Raven"
That's it. Thanks for your time and sorry for any mistakes in description. See ya 💜♥️💖. Thank you so much.
I feel raph would be perfect for you
He loves your Russian accent
He is impressed you know so many languages
He loves a sassy woman
He loves how you are not afraid to beat up people taller than you
He is happy that you are supportive he can use some whenever he gets angry at his family and you are there to help
He also hates it when someone tells him what to do (leo is kind of an exception cause he is leader)
He finds it cool that you love to build and repair things like Donnie
He would love to hear your poetry and music he will even have (force) donnie to make a cd of your music and poetry
He would want you to try to teach him some yoga to calm him down
He will even lend you one of his comics (I have a headcannon he also reads comics like 2012 raph but he does in secret in his room away from mikey)
He would have your art pieces hanged up on the walls in his room and if you leave a art piece by accident he would take it
When you first gave him a art piece he about broke down he gave you a big hug and constantly thanked you (In private of course gotta keep his pride)
When you have a breakdown at forst he was confused on what to do but he went to donnie so now he can help you out whenever you do and lets you vent at any time he will always listen
He also has some trouble sleeping (he sometimes gets nightmares about shredder) not as bad as donnie so you two can stay up together
Omg you two are knitting buddies you two knit stuff for eachother
He loves your band choices for those he doesn't know he asks you to show him
He likes the nickname raven it sounds so badass to him
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empireofembers · 5 years
My Jonsa playlist(just a couple of songs that remind me of them so much it almost makes me cry)
1. Birdy - Strange Birds (this screams Jonsa) (kingcrow/littledove)
2. Tom Odell - Another Love
3. The 1975 - Somebody Else (ehem Jonsa!jealousy)
4. Bastille - Oblivion (partly bcs Sophie is in the mv partly bcs of the vulnerability they have in each other’s presence)
5. Lewis Capaldi - Bruises [self-explanatory :’( ]
6. Levi Kreis - I Should Go (candlelight/deep breaths, mostly Jon’s PoV)
7. BTS - The Truth Untold
8. Courrier - Between
9. The Fray - I’ll Look After You
10. Taylor Swift - Crazier (saw an edit now I can’t stop thinking about it+the lyrics damn it)
11. Bob Dylan - Girl From The North Country (D&D entered the chat)
12. Gabrielle Aplin - Start of Time
13. Jenny of Oldstones (duh)
14. Elliot Smith - Between the Bars (omg)
15. Dua Lipa - Scared to Be Lonely
16. Rita Ora - Only Want You
17. Florence&The Machine - Never Let Me Go
18. The National - I Need My Girl
19. Sam Smith - Fire on Fire
20. Chord Overstreet - Hold on
21. Sleeping at Last - Saturn
22. Lord Huron - The Night We Met (Jon thinking about castleblackreunion when he’s away from Sansa)
23. Khalid&Billie Eilish - Lovely (ediiiiits)
24. Christel Alsos - When The Light Dies Out.
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sanny-chan5 · 6 years
Getting to know me :D
1. What is you middle name? I don’t have one. I think this question is thought for American people, because almost all of them have one, right? 2. How old are you? 23. 3. When is your birthday? March 2. 4. What is your zodiac sign? Piscis <3 5. What is your favorite color? Sweet, light pink 💗 6. What’s your lucky number? 13, surprisingly, but not my fav one. 7. Do you have any pets? No. 8. Where are you from? Spain. 9. How tall are you? 1’56-7 m. 10. What shoe size are you? Ummm, it depends on the shoes, but 37-8 normally. 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? About 10 or so. 12. What was your last dream about? Me peacefully talking with a kid while he draws in class. 13. What talents do you have? I think I can read people’s feelings and reflect about human’s condition pretty well. I can also draw in manga style (not a pro, though, but I love it). 14. Are you psychic in any way? Yes LOL. 15. Favorite song? “Stay the Same”, by Mai-K <3 16. Favorite movie? This one is difficult af, I don’t think I have one yet. 17. Who would be your ideal partner? WOW. Like… idk??? Someone really dreamy and encouraging. Empathetic, I don’t ask for him to understand me, but VALIDATING me/my values/ideals is a must. 18. Do you want children? Yes :) 19. Do you want a church wedding? No… I prefer a “castle” wedding. I’m very romantic in that aspect and, well, dreaming is free :’) 20. Are you religious? Not really… but I’m very spiritual/intrinsec and I respect everyone’s religious believings as long as they’re not dangerous for someone else. 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes. Not like hospitalized, but I have been there. 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Never, not really planning to. 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? If a voice actor of my country ora n idol counts, yes :’) 24. Baths or showers? Baths, so relaxing <3 25. What color socks are you wearing? A brownish-pink colour J 26. Have you ever been famous? No, not that I’m planning to. 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? NO. 28. What type of music do you like? Many different kinds, but pop and j-pop anime songs are my favourite and what I listen to daily. 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Umm, nope. 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? A big one <3 (so comfy >-<) 31. What position do you usually sleep in? Either cudlle up like a burrito roll or spread up lol. 32. How big is your house? Not so much. We had a BIG chalet before but lost it because of the crisis. Now my family and I live in an ordinary, cutely little, flat <3. 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Cola-cao with cereals/toasts with butter and jam. Ñaaam 😋 34. Have you ever fired a gun? NO. Again, not that I want to… 35. Have you ever tried archery? No, but I’d like to try it al least once. I’d probably suck at it though 😂 36. Favorite clean word? Mm… don’t know D: Probably a cute japanese one ‘cause otaku life (2 dedos). 37. Favorite swear word? Whoa, I don’t think I should answer this xD 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? A whole night, and I don’t recomend anyone, honestly. 39. Do you have any scars? A tiiiiny one on my knee, but nothing serious as to name it “scar”, I guess (children’s playful life c:) 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Uumm… I don’t know, maybe? I had a guy who told me he had been trying to find me for 6 years after I moved the first time, but hat only got me scared, so… xD 41. Are you a good liar? NO. OMG no x’DD But I treasure that about me, you freaking dirty society :c 42. Are you a good judge of character? YES. Usually I am. 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? I suppose, but I don’t know if I imitate them well or not though ^^’ Sorry for that u.u 44. Do you have a strong accent? No. Not that I think. 45. What is your favorite accent? Uffff. In my country there are so many accents I like. The Andalusian one, the one of Extremadura… xD don’t know if those count. 46. What is your personality type? Type, like, in MBTI? INFP 💙🧡💚💗💖 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Umm, I don’t remember… 48. Can you curl your tongue? I think I can’t xD 49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie xD I don’t get why, but I feel awkward about this x’DD 50. Left or right handed? Right-handed. 51. Are you scared of spiders? YES. Any insect really. 52. Favorite food? Don’t have ONE, but my favourite ones are “mixed” food (sorry, I don’t know how to name them, but I refer to foods made with a great amount of ingredients: paella, Spain stew, Russian salad, rice with lobster or Chinish fried rice) I’m seriously getting hungry now x). 53. Favorite foreign food? CHINESE FRIED RICE (“Arroz 3 delicias” in spanich, if you know what I mean :’)) 54. Are you a clean or messy person? Cleanly messy?. I can find anything in my own mess and I feel good about it. Though I can’t stand other people’s mess, I guess I just feel control over my mess (?). 55. Most used phrased? I don’t know really D’: “How can this be so cute?!!”? 56. Most used word? Kawaii. I love all fluffy, cute characters, persons, animals, objects, moments or whatever thing it is. Sorry, not sorry. 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 30-40 min. normally. 58. Do you have much of an ego? Not an arrogant ego, but I totally respect everyone’s honour because I hate feeling humiliated. And I have a say in that… 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck them then bite them? 60. Do you talk to yourself? YES. Sorry not sorry. It helps organazing your mind. 61. Do you sing to yourself? ALSO YES. I sing every single of the day, practically xD I’m usually at home, listening to music in my PC.
62. Are you a good singer? As I said, I enjoy it, but I don’t sing well, so I’m not doing this publicly if it’s not with people I trust, and even then...
63. Biggest Fear? To die alone not prepared for it as I realice I didn’t live my way. And to be constantly critized by society. Why can’t I live my life freely?! 64. Are you a gossip? I hate it but like the 80% of my whole family is. So many times it’s very difficult not to be. I hate criticisms and don’t feel well recieving so I don’t want to be like this. I’m working about it now :c 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? Mmm… don’t remember L 66. Do you like long or short hair? Both. I have it shoulder-leight right now :D 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? No xD Not good with geography… if it’s Japan, then… 😝 68. Favorite school subject? Music/art. I enjoyed Language too. But my favourite ever was PHILSOPHY. 69. Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert. INFP, remember? ^^ 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No, but I’d love it too! :D I’m afraid of sharks, though, not sure if that’s actually a problem… (think) 71. What makes you nervous? SO. MANY. THINGS. I’m a little too much shy, so formalities/awkward social situations are the worst… terror and scary things, not feeling confident… normal things, I guess. It’s pretty easy to make me jump out of fright LOL 72. Are you scared of the dark? Only if I’m alone and not feeling well. 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Yes… sorry about that :c I like being corrected if I need to, though, so feel free to tell me so that I can improve myself J 74. Are you ticklish? OMG. I don’t want to answer this xD Yes, but it’s embarrasing. Shhh… >-< 75. Have you ever started a rumor? No. I’ve never thought about it, but they usually turn bad/worse, o… I don’t feel like hurting someone else’s feelings just ‘cause I can, thank you very much. 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Yes, as a Preschool Teacher on practics, only J Though I’m not good with authority stuff xD 77. Have you ever drank underage? NO. Still don’t, and I don’t plan to, at least for the moment. 78. Have you ever done drugs? NO. Same as before. 79. Who was your first real crush? A high-school classmate. I’ve not fallen in love since then, btw. 80. How many piercings do you have? None. 81. Can you roll your Rs? Yes, I’m Spanish, so I’ll think of this as if I’m good with other languages’ diction. Yes, I am  x) 82. How fast can you type? I guess fast enough? 83. How fast can you run? Not much, I guess. Never good with P.E. :’) 84. What color is your hair? Brown. 85. What color is your eyes? Greenish brown (?) 86. What are you allergic to? I don’t know, I never did the allergy tests because our Sanity is so good  they never gave me an appointment ot it even if my family asked for it :’) 87. Do you keep a journal? No, but I’d like to. 88. What do your parents do? Jobs? My father’s tiler (?) and my mother “works at home” (I don’t like the “housewife” term). 89. Do you like your age? I… guess? I have had quite a number of existencial crsis already, but I want to enjoy the present and work on as many projects I can in life, so… 90. What makes you angry? MANY THINGS ABOUT THIS WORLD. Ass/arrogant people, cruelty, society giving pressure to our individual needs, … 91. Do you like your own name? Yes J It’s an ordinary one, but not that ordinary, and it’s kinda “beautiful”, I think (?) (like, it sounds good and I like it written too. There are words I just like, and there are researchs about synesthetic people, if you wanna try a look). 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? YES. For a girl, it’ll be Sakura or Hikari. If it’s a boy, I don’t know yet, but might be something related to Luffy, as the name of an Spanish youtuber (Lutffi, and yes he’s aware of the character, and no it wasn’t on purpose lol). I’m a weeb, aren’t I? Sorry ‘bout that >o< 93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? I don’t  know. I always wanted a girl, but now I’m starting to like the idea of a couple like siblings… 94. What are you strengths? Emm. I think I have great empathy, are good with psycological aspects and very flexible/open-minded. I like to try new things. 95. What are your weaknesses?Pysic aspects, not good with formalities and kinda socially awkward… I’m not a good at organizing (but I’m getting better) nor with  routines… 96. How did you get your name? My mother named me? xD 97. Were your ancestors royalty? No, I don’t think so xD. And NO, I don’t want to :( 98. Do you have any scars? What? Again? It’s a mistake, right? :o 99. Color of your bedspread? Many bright colors xD (light, not “shiny” though) 100. Color of your room? Purple and light pink.
PD: Sorry, I’m not really an interesting peroson, but I can’t help sharing this tests, I love doing them x)
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sage-nebula · 7 years
8, 18, 24, 28, 33, and 36?
8.) A pokemon you’d like to see more merch of
ARCANINE. And growlithe, too. The growlithe line is so overlooked and overshadowed by the vastly overrated vulpix line. >( Yeah, I’m salty about it, don’t mind me. There was a cool promotion at the PokéCenter recently, though, so that was nice.
18.) A pokemon you’d like to see in Super Smash Brothers as a playable character
Hmm … I’m not sure! I’m a Sonic main, but when I think of speedy pokémon they could add, well, they’ve already got that covered with Pikachu. And as much as I love charizard, I hate playing as charizard in Smash because he’s a heavy character, so he’s way too slow for my tastes. So I honestly don’t know; I think they’ve got Pokémon pretty well represented as it is!
24.) Did you like the idea of Black 2 and White 2 instead of Grey?
Okay, first of all, real talk: The practice of releasing updated third (or third + fourth, as is the case with Gen I and now Gen VII) is a terrible, horrible practice. It’s not something that should be celebrated, or that Game Freak should be praised for. It was kind of necessary in Gen I, I guess, since Red & Green were such messes, so Blue was honestly less of “a few more bells and whistles” and more “no, these are easier to play and look at” (and Yellow was anime promotion, so whatever). But for every generation after that? It was literally, “We wanted to get these games out asap, so here are a bunch of ideas we didn’t have time to implement.” It’s especially noticeable now since the protagonist finally has facial expressions, as if they just didn’t have time to include that in the first iteration of the Gen VII games despite the fact that it should have been one of the very first things they did.
Regardless, this is a practice that we should scold Game Freak for. It’s not one they should be given props about, not one that we should let pass. Get your games right the first time, Game Freak. Delay them if you have to. But stop this fucking nonsense of releasing demo games only to release the real games a year later. That’s bad practice. It’s a bad habit. You get rewarded for it because we buy the damn games like fools and addicts regardless, but nonetheless, you are adults, you should know better, you need to stop.
That said, we had precedent for this awful, shameful practice for four generations running. Gens I-IV all released updated third (or fourth) versions. So when it came to Gen V, I was expecting Grey Version. I knew it was coming. It killed me to know it was coming, because there were so many sequel hooks in the post-game for BW, and I thought to myself how much I would love legitimate sequels, but I knew that we wouldn’t get those until Gen VI, if we got them at all. (Because I mean, the Gen II games are direct sequels to the Gen I games, so having the following gen be sequel games had precedent as well.)
But then … to my amazement … they announced sequels.
Now, I will say that I was annoyed that they kept touting these games as “OMG THE FIRST SEQUELS EVAR!!!!!111!” because, as established, the Gen II games are direct sequels to the Gen I games. The plot of the Gen II games cannot occur without Gen I coming first. So that was annoying, and I wanted to tell Reggie Fils-Aime to learn his history, but that aside? My god, I was so excited. I still think it’s brilliant. We didn’t need a Grey Version, it would have been a superfluous and unnecessary cash grab, and I was so, so, so happy to see that ugly precedent of an updated third version shattered into pieces on the floor. So thrilled, so happy. (And I know some people are upset that it messed up the anime, but whatever, the games are more important, they take precedence over the anime. I love the PokéAni, but Pokémon is first and foremost a game series and the anime is a commercial, outside rare things like TSME. The games take precedence.) 
And yeah, all of this means that I’m happy we never got Z Version as well. The problems the Kalos games have, plot wise, were too numerous to be corrected in Z Version without a complete overhaul (including a characterization overhaul for pretty much every single named character), and the anime’s Flare arc was far better than Z Version could have ever dreamed of being. So honestly, Z was unnecessary, and I’m glad we didn’t get it, because again, it was Game Freak showing that they had left that nasty “we’ll sell you demos first and the real game later” practice behind …
… until they decided to bring it back in Gen VII, like people who had stopped going to their AA meetings and fell off the recovery boat. >( Goddamn it, Game Freak, you were doing so well!! What happened?!
28.) Do you have Pokemon from a Ruby/Sapphire of yours on ORAS?
Nope. :/ I don’t even have my copies of Ruby and Sapphire anymore. They got left at my biological mother’s place, and probably thrown away. I did get Emerald Version in university, but I’m not entirely sure where it is at the moment. Either way, I don’t have Emerald ‘mon in AlphaSapphire, either.
33.) Do you miss seasons from BW/B2W2?
36.) Your favorite battle frontier attraction?
Umm, I never actually used the Battle Frontier much, heh. I know I did do some things in it when I was younger, but I only have super vague memories, so I can’t really answer this question. Sorry!
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deadcactuswalking · 5 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 15th September 2019
This is a pretty damn busy week all things considered, especially in comparison to the last few weeks which have been incredibly dry, by that I mean “No new arrivals” dry, so without further ado, let’s review the charts.
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Top 10
Now I’m puzzled, why hasn’t “Take Me Back to London” by Ed Sheeran featuring Stormzy, remixed by Sir Spyro with additional verses from Jaykae and Aitch (Yes, I’m saying that whole thing every time) been dethroned yet? It’s its third week at #1, and I understand that it’s Ed Sheeran making watered-down white-washed grime music which follows somewhat of a UK hip hop trend with pop sensibilities and riding off the waves of a late 2000s grime/UK garage nostalgia phase, it’s essentially the perfect #1 for late Summer-early Autumn 2019 in Britain, but come on, this isn’t a great song and it’s been so close to stepping down from this spot in the past three weeks, in fact...
Aitch may as well have dethroned himself by technicality this week, since the release of his AitcH20 mixtape (I don’t like the dude’s music but I respect the pun) has propelled his lead single “Taste (Make it Shake)” up a spot to number-two, which is a new peak but not the #1 spot as I very much expected, and dreaded, this week.
Potential #1 “Higher Love” by Kygo and the late Whitney Houston is down a spot to number-three thanks to Aitch’s impact, which fortunately, isn’t notable enough for an Album Bomb feature; neither is Post Malone’s Hollywood’s Bleeding but we will see some of that later on.
“Ladbroke Grove” by AJ Tracey is staying still at number-four.
Meanwhile, we have a humorous blunder on the BBC’s part, who said that Post Malone’s “Circles”, at number-five this week, is “down 6”, implying that Post Malone reached the impossible: A #0 spot on the UK Singles Chart. Pretty impressive. This song has grown on me, especially in album context, but I’m not bothered about it all too much still and I do think “Goodbyes” with Young Thug is miles better.
Joel Corry’s “Love Island anthem”, “Sorry” featuring uncredited vocals from Hayley May, is at number-six this week, which isn’t a change at all from last chart.
Unfortunately missing its chance of #1 now is “3 Nights” by Dominic Fike, down two spots to number-seven. I predict Fike’ll be a one-hit wonder because of his general apathy for promotion and performing live, especially since none of his other singles seem to have matched the success of his breakout song, but that debut album will be what decides it, I suppose.
Lil Tecca is down one space to number-eight with “RAN$OM”, which still isn’t plummeting fast enough – I did a UK Top 40 ranking on my Twitter @cactusinthebank and this just barely missed the bottom of that list, so if you wanted any insight on how I feel about that track, there you go.
Young T & Bugsey ride off the Aitch feature as “Strike a Pose” is up another chart position to number-nine.
Finally, we have a gain I’m ecstatic about, as “Goodbyes” by Post Malone featuring Young Thug gains a second wind, up four spaces to #10 thanks to the album release. More on that later, but I’m glad this returned to the top 10, it is a near-perfect pop song.
I’m ecstatic about this gain too as Regard’s Jay Sean remix, “Ride It”, is up 10 spaces (or “down 10” – thanks, BBC) off the debut to #15, becoming Regard’s first ever UK Top 20. Congratulations, but man, who cares? Jay Sean has another hit. It’s his ninth UK Top 20 hit overall and first ever since 2010, I hope this guy makes a comeback. Speaking of people getting their first UK Top 20 hits, “Dance Monkey” by Tones and I had an unexpected boost 12 spaces up to #19, becoming her first ever as well. There are no other climbers but there are a ton of fallers, so...
I think I need for the first time in months to separate these fallers by genre, so...
In reverse order of how high up these songs are on the chart unless noted, and starting with pop, EDM and rock(?), “bad guy” by Billie Eilish (Featuring Justin Bieber, kind of) is down six spaces to #37 as this one’s definitely on its way out. Skipping two songs for the sake of the writing to flow, “Ritual” by Tiesto, Jonas Blue and Rita Ora is down four to #28, “Someone You Love” by Lewis Capaldi is down six to #27, “Castles” by Freya Ridings is down six as well to #26, “Beautiful People” by Ed Sheeran featuring Khalid is down five to #24 and “boyfriend” by Social House featuring Ariana Grande is down five to #22.
Our second genre is Taylor Swift, as “You Need to Calm Down” has an end to its second wind thanks to the Lover album release, down eight spots to #36 (It’ll be out pretty soon), and the title track (That’s “Lover”) is down nine positions to #31.
Our third and final genre category worth noting is hip hop and R&B, starting with MIST and Fredo dropping a whopping 26 spaces to #35 with “So High”, just as I start to actually like this song, thanks to what are probably streaming cuts... and that’s actually all for that genre. Huh. Maybe I shouldn’t have split this in the first place.
Dropouts & Returning Entries
Our drop outs seem to all be songs from the last stretch of the charts, in fact all of last week’s #36-#40 have been replaced this week, mostly some songs barely holding onto the UK Top 40, specifically in the realm of hip-hop seemingly, with “I Spy” by Krept & Konan, K-Trap and Headie One dropping out from #39 and “Location” by Dave featuring Burna Boy out from #40, as well as “Wish You Well” by Sigala featuring Becky Hill from #38, while some recent debuts are also out of the chart. “The Man” by Taylor Swift is out from #36 but won’t be back and is probably the result of a combination of a busy week and Lover hype dying off, while “Lalala” by Y2K and bbno$ is out from #37 off of the debut, but will re-enter next week at even possibly a higher position actually. It’s just because it’s a busy week and it happened to break in late, it’s not losing in performance.
There are no returning entries so let’s get into the most EPIC part of the show:
#40 – “Slide Away” – Miley Cyrus
Produced by Andrew Wyatt and Mike WiLL Made-It – Peaked at #11 in Slovakia and #47 in the US
You’d be hard-pressed to find a Miley Cyrus song I enjoy, even in eras people seem to praise like Bangerz and... well, just Bangerz. I don’t think I’ll ever be a fan of Cyrus to be honest, I’m definitely not a fan of the slight country twang she has in her voice and I never think her production is any good or even worthwhile, usually provided by Mike WiLL. It’s either completely misguided and cringeworthy like SHE IS COMING or to an even worse extent, Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Petz, or generic, country-influenced pop slush like her Disney efforts and once again to an even worse extent, Younger Now. I did see a lot of buzz about this track in particular that seemed pretty positive, and I’ve got to say, it took her 16 UK Top 40 hits and a music video being released recently, but she’s finally got a charting song that I like, in fact, I might love this. Those slick guitar riffs that start the song off as well as soulful pitch-shifted vocals set a really sombre atmosphere, propelled by the trap percussion with 808s that really dig into the centre of the mix, and an odd scatting and incoherent vocal sample, which is actually an interesting addition and probably Mike WiLL’s contribution. The chorus here is insanely powerful, with Cyrus’ country twang being more subtle and overall, her performance here is a lot more bearable than normal. The swell the airy synths have here especially in the hook is less non-descript than most modern pop and doesn’t present any grandiosity like you’d expect, especially backed by the strings. It sounds more like acceptance, which is incredibly fitting for the subject matter, which as a result from Cyrus’ split with one of the Hemsworths, is focused on how she wants to safely move on rather than focusing on the past as it’s pretty unhealthy especially as she’s now a grown woman (Which she points out in the pre-chorus), with the fully instrumental and surprisingly lengthy outro (Really love the subtle touches there as well, as the vocal sample comes back briefly as well) full of vocodered synth brass and strings flailing out and going nowhere... much like her marriage. Was that on purpose? Probably not, actually, I doubt Mike WiLL really cares, he was probably there to programme some trap drums that sounded a tad sombre and then move on to giving Rae Sremmurd a reason to be making music. Yeah, this is pretty great, although I’d prefer the writing to be a little less undercooked, with a variation on the verse rather than a simple reprise, but I’m not complaining about how it is now really, considering this is a massive improvement on... pretty much everything else. Check it out if you haven’t already.
#38 – “Liar” – Camila Cabello
Produced by watt, The Monsters and the Strangerz and Jon Bellion – Peaked at #13 in Singapore and #56 in the US
I love how history repeats itself. In 2017, Camila Cabello released a double A-side single of sorts, with a trendy pop song following what was popular at the time and a slightly left-field Latin-tinged R&B cut. The trendy pop song, “OMG” with Quavo, underperformed, although the Latin-tinged R&B cut with the incoherent Young Thug guest verse was “Havana”, a #1 hit and one of the most popular songs of the decade, later ending up on the album. Similarly, the “dark pop” Billie Eilish rip-off that is “Shameless” was given the obvious label push but fans seem to really prefer the Latin one, “Liar”, which shows they should probably stop marketing Cabello as a pop star, but we’ll see how that goes in a few months when the album releases. For now, however, we’ve got “Liar”... wait, why the hell does Lionel Richie have a writing credit?
Okay, so I’ve covered 1994’s Year-End list for a Top 5 Best and Worst Hit Songs feature, and I’ve listened to the 1984 list as well for a Top 10 Best Hit Songs feature for that one, and as I guess is a gift of fate, one of the best songs from the 1994 list and one of the worst from the 1984 list are both sampled and/or interpolated in this Camila Cabello song, and trust me, once you hear both of them, you can’t un-hear them, and I heard them immediately. It’s not subtle, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be, the song can still be a catchy pop ditty with the blatant sample... but no amount of Melodyne and vocal manipulation can help Cabello from her rubbery and squeaky, slightly off-key(?) falsetto cooing. It’s not sensual or “Broken”, it just sounds awful. Oh, yeah, and the ska beat is mediocre, with hilariously plastic horns, especially in comparison with “Havana”... Honestly, replacing Pharrell with Jon Bellion and removing Young Thug entirely is probably the worst decision the label made. Nothing here is enticing except an admittedly tight bassline, but what’s the point? Just listen to “All That She Wants” by Ace of Base, download some extra FL Studio saxophone sound effects (Even though the cheap horns in the original are dated, they sound a lot better than the recreation here), and you’ve got a somewhat better version of this song. It’s a weak effort, but my expectations weren’t high in the first place. Still better than “All Night Long (All Night)” though, but that’s a pretty difficult feat.
#21 – “Buss Down” – Aitch featuring ZieZie
Produced by Mojam
Remember ZieZie? I wrote paragraphs on paragraphs about that “Fine Girl” song he had but it really was an enigma to me at the time and still kind of is. Anyway, this is the instant grat single and breakout song from Aitch’s second mixtape, AitcH20 (There are layers to that pun and I respect it). I don’t care about Aitch all that much, he just seems to be a safer alternative and pretty accessible guest rapper, like your grandmother’s favourite British trap artist. This is his fifth UK Top 40 single and ZieZie’s second (I never thought I’d say those two words in my life)... but first of all, I commented on this when I talked about “Fine Girl” but the dude’s released more singles so it’s even more jarring now – why is his pre-fame single “Low Life” still listed on Spotify as “ZieZie- “Low Life”” in both the album and track title? He’s signed to a major label, he’s on one of the biggest UK rappers’ promo single, how has no-one fixed this? Sigh, well, the song’s okay. It’s very much not a trap cut, it takes some influence from the Afroswing that people like MoStack make, especially with the piano riff that’s used as the main synth melody, as well as some cute 808s and an admittedly great hook from ZieZie... but the beat doesn’t change and Aitch is existent. The chorus is four lines, all of which sung twice in one chorus, which happens four times in the song. It’s mostly Aitch with corny lyrics and a really sloppy flow on the verses, with a third verse from ZieZie that is absolutely dreadful, pushes this song to mediocre for me. Not only is it incoherent enough for there to be some [?]s on Genius still, but it’s about taking your girl... but letting ZieZie’s friend have sex with your girl, although apparently your girl likes it when her and ZieZie have rough sex, even though your girl is having sex with ZieZie’s friend instead and your girl loves how caring ZieZie is... Huh?
#20 – “Sounds of the Skeng” – Stormzy
Produced by Sir Spyro
Now, THIS is some good British hip hop. This is Stormzy’s 17th UK Top 40 hit and tenth UK Top 20 single, and it’s pretty great. I understand why it didn’t have a Top 5 debut like the sweet gospel-pop number “Crown” or addictive bop that is “Vossi Bop”, because this is just straight-up grime. It’s not UK garage, there aren’t any pop beats or Jorja Smith vocal samples, it doesn’t go soft, it goes hard. It’s produced by Sir Spyro, it has three rapidly-flowing verses, and it’s an absolute banger. You can barely even hear Stormzy under the dramatic synths and bursts of brass, but you can tell he’s just going and going and going. The only sense of melody we get in this bass-rattling single really, other than the synths and smooth jazz horns in the left channel, is the producer tag that plays briefly in the chorus and never again. There are several moments here I just love, not even necessarily lyrical moments although those are usually on point here, but Stormzy’s wild inflections throughout. Most verses start with a simple, Westernised modern flow and then go into a more speedy and aggressive delivery that barely doesn’t clip in the mix. The first verse is comparatively relaxed, with a pretty lazy cadence, making a pretty obscure Kendrick Lamar reference for whatever reason, with the “Perfect!” sample from Street Fighter perfectly implemented. I like how the first verse seems more like a threat while the second verse and third verse are right into the action, as he asks “old Mike” not to resurface, and in the chorus, even mentions old persona Wicked Skengman or Mr. Skeng. The title of the song has a lot of thought into it as well, being a reference to The Sound of Music juxtaposed with grimey London slang term “Skeng” and the Sir Spyro producer tag, “Sounds of the Sir”. Stormzy starts dissing British rappers who use too much Americanised slang and beat selection in the second verse, with lazy, dismissive ad-libs almost mocking trap-rappers overseas like Migos, and then he reaches the peak of the song. The second verse, personally my favourite, is where he has a machine gun flow enraged outburst, and it is insane, mentioning his two BRIT Award wins while also keeping an impressive delivery that is pretty much just really quick yelling, it’s really intense, but he sounds focused and determined. The third verse is the cooldown, paying tribute to So Solid Crew and their flow and ad-libs, as well as some pretty clever wordplay regarding other rappers Flipz and MIST, as well as Giggs, whose song “Whippin’ Excursion” is rhymed with a brag about how tall he is. He’s 6’5’’, which is towering above me. All three verses here have their own unique flow and cadence, as well as theme seemingly, but that’s not all that clear right now. I’m excited for this one in album context, but this is great already. Check it out.
#11 – “Hollywood’s Bleeding” – Post Malone
Produced by Louis Bell and Brian Lee
Really? The title track? I mean, understandable, it’s the first song on the album and it’s not a bad song at all, but there are so many better and more interesting songs on the album that you’d figue would debut high. “Saint-Tropez”, the “Wow.”-type banger? “Enemies” with DaBaby? The awesome alt-rock banger “Allergic”? Kanye West-produced “Internet”? Future and Halsey pretty much saving the ballad “Die for Me”? Hell, I figured the record-breaking “Take What You Want” with Travis Scott and the legendary Ozzy Osbourne of Black Sabbath would be the obvious choice to chart in the UK, it has Ozzy on it for goodness’ sake! Thanks to UK chart rules, this is the only track from the #1 album allowed though, and it’s not a bad song at all, far from it. It’s just a good more than half of the album, which admittedly is pretty great especially for a Post Malone album, is better than it, most by far. Regardless, it’s Post’s twelth UK Top 40 hit and 11th UK Top 20 hit, and it’s a pretty good introductory song. I should note though, that Post’s last album, beerbongs & Bentleys, also had its non-single intro track with no features, “Paranoid”, also co-produced by Louis Bell, debut and peak at #11, just more than a year ago. What a coincidence. Anyway, the song (And album may I add) starts with some sombre vocals from Post complaining about Hollywood and he sounds pretty great, with less strained vocals than usual and a slight warble which I’m actually a fan of, which is well integrated into the chorus, but when that trap beat hits, it knocks. It’s a great drop. Otherwise, eh, I love Post’s performance here, with a lot of flow shifts throughout both verses, but it’s a pretty standard beat until that one note Post holds into a beat switch, with a very glitchy rock beat with oddly mixed 808s, and it sounds pretty great... until it’s gone in like less than 10 seconds. Good song, but nowhere close to his best.
All things considered, this is a pretty great week. I’d probably give Best of the Week to Stormzy for “Sounds of the Skeng” with tied Honourable Mention going to Miley Cyrus and Post Malone for “Slide Away” and “Hollywood’s Bleeding”. Worst of the Week is going to Camila Cabello for just plain mediocrity in “Liar”, so Aitch is scot-free (Although ZieZie is both the best and worst part of that song). Follow me on Twitter @cactusinthebank for, to be honest, SpongeBob memes and very infrequent musical commentary and ramblings, and I’ll see you next week!
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joshduhamels · 5 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @steponmygowns Thanks darlin’!! :D 
Nickname(s): Adri Or Jana (My sister has been calling me this since i was little and only a limited people call me this.) 
Gender: Female.
Zodiac: Aquarius.
Height: 5’4.
Time: 8:50pm.
Where I’m from: Canada... Eh?!.
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff.
Favorite show: Man, i watch a lot but if i had to pick one show it’s Las Vegas always 100000%. 
Favorite animal: Dogs, Monkeys, Pandas & Bunnies. 
Favorite band/artist: Keith Urban, Carrie Underwood, Daughtry, Kelly Clarkson, Dallas Smith, Maddie & Tae, Jonas Brothers, Kelsea Ballerini, Shawn Mendes, Reik, Rita Ora, Jason Aldean, Selena Gomez, Backstreet Boys, Jennifer Lopez, Etc. 
Song stuck in my head: Drop by Dallas Smith. 
Last movie I saw: How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. 
Last thing I googled: I’ve started drinking green’s every morning so i wanted to know more about what i can add to make it good. 
Other blogs: @joshduhamelsource & @juleshoughsource also i am a part of @dailywatson :D 
Do I get asks?: Eh... sometimes i wish i had more tho.  
Why this username: I think it’s pretty obvious why, i love Josh Duhamel like a lot and he’s just my favorite person also i have a massive celebrity crush on him and i will stand by it but he’s a gorgeous human being ok bye. 
Number of blankets: It was 2 but now it’s 1. 
Followers: 1,258
Following: 725
Average amount of sleep: 8 hours but depending if i don’t have to go into work i sleep for about 9 or 10. 
Lucky number: 27 
What am I wearing: checkered pink pj capri’s and one of my Carrie Underwood shirts from her Cry Pretty Tour 360 i got 4 weeks ago when i saw her in concert. :) 
Dream job: Computer web designer. 
Dream trips: Already went to it... LOS ANGELES!!!! and i can’t wait to go back but other places: France (my best friend lives there and she flew 24 hours to visit me so i’m returning the favor makes it even!), Vancouver, Nashville, New York, Spain, London & Italy. 
Favorite food: Pizza, Cheeseburgers, Tacos & Salad (i like to make my own all the time.) 
Instruments I can play: I used to play the flute but naaaah. 
Eye color: Hazel. 
Hair color: Dark/Light Brown. 
Aesthetic: Honestly, I have major self esteem issues and there is some days where i don’t look that great i also always have my hair tied up cause i don’t like people seeing how thick and wavy it is cause i’m afraid of the feedback i’ll get. Also i put major cover up on my face especially my chin area cause i have acne marks... :/ Luckily with the cream and facial washes i’m using i feel a lot more confident than i have been in almost a year. Also drinking green juices, water, eating better and exercising more my body looks better than it did in the past 5 years too. 
Languages I speak: English & Spanish. 
Most iconic song: I have a lot of songs i love dear god why???. 
When I created this account: October 2010! holy crap... 10 years i’m so damn old. 
Why I created this account: If i’m brutally honest for roleplay purposes i wanted a good resource of pics to use for my character but little did i know i just got hooked and made my own multifandom account so here we are. 
Best memory: Going to California for the first time 2 years ago and witnessing disneyland and universal studios it was such a dream to me and the palm trees too. 
Best pun: Omg! nooooo i ain’t going there lmao. 
Random fact: I’m the middle child, I probably know all the songs by heart they play on the radio station i listen too, i can read and write spanish i’m the only one out of my brother and sister who does besides my parents, my best friend is literally my rock for almost 12 years she’s family to me, i love going to concerts like it’s a lifestyle, My ipod is basically my diary, I’m a roleplayer i try to make time for it when i can during my days off and been playing the same character for 13 years and i feel more creative playing her as an adult now then i did when i made her during my teen years (plot twist: my bestie is also my roleplay partner.) & yeaaaaaah... anything more just ask. 
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it just say i tag you. <3 
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luxuryniall · 7 years
92 Truths About Me
I was tagged by @givelarryachonce thanks bby ily xx 
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag!

1. Drink: Water (I literally don’t drink anything else on a daily)
2. Phone call: My mother, but like always she didn’t pick up 
3. Text message: My sister telling me to kill a spider in the bathroom
4. Song you listened to: Your Song - Rita Ora (such a jam)
5. Time you cried: I honestly can’t remember

6. Dated someone twice: Nahhh
7. Been cheated on: No
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: No
9. Lost someone special: No
10. Been depressed: Like every day lol
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No, I don��t drink to that point lmao
12. Navy
13. Nantucket
14. Turquoise

15. Made new friends: Yep and it’s weird bc I don’t usually???
16. Fallen out of love: No, I’ve never been in love (except with Niall obvs)
17. Laughed until you cried: Of course, that’s the best kind of laughing
18. Found out someone was talking about you: No, but people probably do talk shit about me. I just don’t know
19. Met someone who changed you: I guess?
20. Found out who your true friends are: Yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nope
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Like 60%? lol
23. Do you have any pets: No... rip dog-less me
24. Do you want to change your name: Ever since Gossip Girl, I wished my name was Blair
25. What did you do for your last birthday: I had alcohol on my 21st (not for the first time) but it was a fun time
26. What time did you wake up: 5.57am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping bc work!!!
28. Name something you cannot wait for: To move to NYC and get my own place omg
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: Like 30 minutes ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish I had a sugar daddy lmao
31. What are you listening to right now: Your Song - Rita Ora
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: What a strange question. But yes, I’ve spoken to several Toms and a Thomas 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My sister
34. Most visited website: Tumblr
35. Elementary: A great time!!! Like hmu with naptime again
36. High School: I wish I could go back I was so happy
37. College/university: Ughhhhhhhhhhh it’s alright
38. Hair colour: brunnette
39. Long or short hair: I have long hair right now, but I really need to get it cut
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yeah, but he’s a fuckboy, so I’m trying to talk myself out of it lol
41. What do you like about yourself: I know what I want and I will get it
42. Piercings: Ears, just the basic hole 
43. Blood type: Who even knows their blood type???
44. Nickname: J-woww
45. Relationship status: So single omg
46. Zodiac sign: Gemini
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favourite TV show: The Office (or White Collar)
49. Tattoos: Nope
50. Right or left hand: Right

51. Surgery: I’ve never had surgery *knock on wood*
52. Piercing: My ears
54. Sport: Ballet
55. Vacation: The first one I actually remember was going to Florida when I was like 9
56. Pair of trainers: Idk, I never was a trainers type of girl
57. Eating: Just had lunch a few hours ago (tortellini yummm)
58. Drinking: Nothing at the moment
59. I’m about to: Watch some New Girl
60. Listening to: Sympathique - Pink Martini (my life theme song honestly)
61. Waiting for: Sunday the 9th bc I’m going to see ED SHEERAN!!!!!!!
62. Want: A sugar daddy
63. Get married: Ehhhh we’ll see
64. Career: Hopefully something in marketing or corporate law is cool too

65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs for sure!
66. Lips or eyes: Eyes
67. Shorter or taller: Taller obvs
68. Older or younger: Older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Nice stomach
71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: I’m not really a hook up kind of girl
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker

74. Kissed a stranger?: No lol
75. Drank hard liquor?: Yes
76. Lost glasses contact/lenses: Don’t wear them
77. Turned someone down: Omg yes I turn down almost everyone lol
78. Sex on first date: No
79. Broken someone’s heart: Probably bc I’m a bitch oops
80. Had your heart broken: No
81. Been arrested: No, but I have been to prison
82. Cried when someone died: Yes
83. Fallen for a friend: No

84. Yourself: Who?
85. Miracles: Sometimes
86. Love at first sight: NO
87. Santa Claus: I wish I still did
88. Kiss on the first date: If it goes well, yes!
89. Angels: Niall is the only angel I believe in

90. Current best friend’s name: Simina
91. Eye colour: Brown
92. Favourite movie: Midnight in Paris (reminds me of Paris and I want to go back so bad)
I tag anyone who wants to do this tbh. I always tag people and they never seem to do it, so it’s whoever sees this and wants to do it
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hatchibomitar · 5 years
alright this has been sitting here for like a month and im tipsy so im gonna fkin answer it
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
i have a great relationship with my mom!!
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
my girlfriend 😊😊😊😊❤❤
03: Do you regret anything?
oh sure i do! lots of little things. that’s anxiety babey. but i don’t regret any choices that have got me to where i am today
04: Are you insecure?
it depends on the day, i am some of the time - but it’s a huge improvement from the past omg
05: What is your relationship status?
06: How do you want to die?
i do Not like this question ! goodbye thot
07: What did you last eat?
salsa chicken and rice, and zucchini!!!!! and i might annihilate a pint of ice cream later
08: Played any sports?
yes omg i played soccer and lacrosse!!! i love lacrosse sm.
09: Do you bite your nails?
nope i never have! i used to rip them off though lmfao! not the whole thing!!!!! jsust bits
10: When was your last physical fight?
never lmao
11: Do you like someone?
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
no oh my goodness i would literally die
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
sober kaiden might be all dramatic and say yes but white claw kaiden says No :-)
14: Do you miss someone?
yes :( i want to be Kissed!
15: Have any pets?
yA omg i have 2 cats at my mom’s house!!!!! i cannot wait until i can have my own pet
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
i’m actually feeling fgreat, it’s basically my summer break rn and usually i’d feel terrible with no strict plans of what to do, but today was so much fun. i had a great time just fuckin around. im very optimistic
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
HEHEHE oh my gosh, i don’t kiss and tell, but yes i do actually. ok so not a public bathroom but someone else’s bathroom at a party, yes, and my own bathroom, yes, and someone else’s bathroom, yes! i just love bathrooms (wow i sound so cis)
18: Are you scared of spiders?
not especially ! i am Not good at capturing them and also i cannot kill them, but i am sometimes ok with just letting them chill. ok maybe i lied. it depends
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
no 😤
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
the brit Popped Out! the last place was, the airport when i dropped my girlfriend off :(((((
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
omg well it’s still the weeknd rn? it’s sunday night. and my plans were: d&D!!!!!! and it was SO FUN!!! but next weekend, im seeing my bestie graduate college along w my other mt friends, and then on sunday i’m driving home 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
Yes I Do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i ‘m not super sure, maybe 2? 1 would be fine too but also i feel like siblings are great, even tho they’re terrible at the same time. like i’d face my brother in ritual combat but i would also slap a high schooler in the face for being mean to him, yknow
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
i do! i have 2 closed up ear holes. 
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
i was always great great great at english/reading/spelling! now i’m in college so like uhhh . i get to choose my subjects. so my best is photography ahah!! but i’m not bad at writing :-)
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
not desperately. sometimes i feel the urge to reconnect with old friends tho
26: What are you craving right now?
a Kiss!!!!!!
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
wait omg first i have a story. so on facebook they used to have those things where you’d answer questions, like this, in a note. i got tagged to do one so i did. let me set the scene. it was sophonmore year of high schoool. im 16. i’d broken up with my first “real” boyfriend a few months ago. so i was tagged for this shindig right.? it got to this very same question: have you ever broken someone’s heart? and i thought about this kid who i dated for 2.5 months...and i was like....well, clearly, he’s devastated we aren’t together! so i answered “Yes. Unfortunately.” ooohhhhh..... the drama.......the absolute emotion..... riveting.... who was he ? i was probably listening to jonas brothers SOS at the time.
anyway, how am i supposed to actually know ? like does sometone have to say “u broke my heart?” bc if so no one’s said that. but my last gf took the breakup v hard so maybe ? but i don’t wanna plant emotions in to anyone’s skull!
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
one of my exes sexted her friends. jury is still out on whether that counts, please lmk me know ur thots. kaelin, if ur out there, i’m so.................................happy that i haven’t spoken a word to you for 3 years. fuck off !
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
30: What’s irritating you right now?
real quick, an update on the chocolate ice cream situtiaon. i’ve cracked open my pint, as well as another hard seltzer. i’ve also lit a candle. it’s a real production
anyway, no ! oh hahahah. sorry. thought it shaid who’s irritating you. ummm, personal stuff! but im not like mad. just personal drama
31: Does somebody love you?
lors of people do! and lots of people love You Too!!!!! you’re a delight!
32: What is your favourite color?
i LOVE yellow !!!!!!!!!!!! and blue, specifically teal! but not too dark of a teal you km,now ?
33: Do you have trust issues?
depends what im trusting them with !
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
i had a nightmare that i was sabrina the teenage witch and another witch was chasing me on a rooftop trying to kill me :(
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
hmmm idk actually bc it’s hbeen hard for me to cry lately :( probably maya ?
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
to be honest i don’t think i’ve often had the chance to Give a second chance
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
idk man iuhhh it’s kinda hard to just literally completely forget! and mnaybe not as healthy!
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
that’s kinda premature, it’s only april!!! but i suppose may is soon. idk im not sure! maybe every year is the best year of my life :-)
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
20 bb
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
i have ANaughT
51: Favourite food?
i would give up everything for a bgagel. i also LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEE sushi! my fave roll is i think either spicy tuna w the spicy sawce or seared salmon ora spicy tuna hand roll. i fuck sushi
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
this is a hard question for me to answer bc i want to say yes but also i don’t think abuse or murder or bad things or unnecessary death happens for any reason other thna, it just does sometimes and that sucks real bad. so idk. i don’t think everything has a grand purpose. but i blieve in my life, everything that’s happened to me has in fact led me to where i am today and i’m learning and healing and growing. that being said i could do without some of the things that have happend to me!
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
read a storm of swords :00000
54: Is cheating ever okay?
no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the point of cheating is it’s a breach of Trust! and that’s not okay!
55: Are you mean?
i hope not :(
56: How many people have you fist fought?
what is with u brits
57: Do you believe in true love?
depends what u mean by true love...like in fairytales? i think true love is just loving someone so much you’re willing to work on whatever you need to to keep them. not unconditional in the sense of “even if they’re mean i still love them” but unconditional in the sense of “even if u fart in front of me i don’t care, and even if you go through hardship and aren’t yourself for a while i will still love you because im with u for real”
58: Favourite weather?
SUN SUN SUN my favorite is when it’s warm out, but there are clouds to gaze at. it’s kinda humid. there’s a slight breeze. oh gosh i can’t wait for the summer :*( im currently cyring
59: Do you like the snow?
i am so fucking tired of the snow LMFAO it snows 8 months of the year here and i’m here, guess what, 8 months of the year! i fuckin hate it! go shit on someone else, clouds
60: Do you wanna get married?
YES more than anything, so much, i want to, so badly
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
62: What makes you happy?
sunshine, late night drives, laughing so hard my stomach hurts w/ my best frineds, playing d&d, writing poetry,  thinking about how small animals’ feets are, petting my cat and making him purr, talking to my little brother about real stuff, kissing my girlfriend and seeing her smile, warm blankets when it’s cold, eating cookie dough, dancing, singing in the car, holding hands, walking in the summer and listening to my favorite podcast, talking about harry potter with my mom, playing overwatch in the summer with andy, going to council crest
the list could go on forever :-)
63: Would you change your name?
already did PAL!!!!!!!!!!!
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
only hard bc she’s not physically here rn. but no, it would be easy, beacuse she’s so kisssable
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
if you define sex by GENITALS YOU BIG BIBNCH then i don’t Have one
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
stop omg......
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
hmmmmmmmmmm..... idk maybe jamie
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
i don’t necessarily believe that there’s 1 perfect person for everyone out there romatnically, but i believe thaere are people destined to be in your life and i believe there are people that you will click with just absolutely instantly and feel an incredibly deep connection with, whether it be romantic or not
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
kinda morbid :/
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kmn81 · 7 years
Top 100 Best Songs of 2017
100. Wild thoughts - DJ Khaled ft Bryson Tiller Rihanna  99. Instruction - Jax Jones ft Demi Lovato Stefflon Don 98. Anywhere - Rita Ora 97. OMG - Camilla Cabello ft Quavo 96. Too much to ask - Niall Horan 95. Green Light - Lorde 94. Échame la Culpa - Luis Fonsi Demi Lovato 93. What about us -P!nk 92. So good - Zara Larsson ft Ty Dolla Sign 91. Run up - Major Lazer ft  PARTYNEXTDOOR Nicki Minaj 90. You don’t know me - Jax Jone ft Raye 89. Still got time - Zayn ft PARTYNEXTDOOR 88. Felices los 4 -Maluma 87. Meant to be - Bebe Rexha ft Florida Georgia line 86. Loyalty - Kendrick Lamar ft Rihanna 85. The Cure - Lady Gaga  84. El Amante - Nicki Jam 83. BTS-DNA 82. Home - Machine Gun Kelly 81. Por favor - Pitbull 80. Mad hatter - Melanie Martinez 79. Help me out - Maroon 5 78. Deliver - Fifth Harmony 77. F.F.F - Bebe Rexha 76. Get low - Zedd Liam Payne 75. John Wayne - Lady Gaga 74. If I’m lucky - Jason Derulo 73. Scared to be Lonely - Martin garrix Dua Lipa 72. I miss you - Clean Bandit ft Julia Michaels 71. Bon appétit - Katy Perry ft Migos 70. Malibu - Miley Cyrus 69. Sorry not Sorry - Demi Lovato 68. I got you - Bebe Rexha 67. Swish swish - Katy Perry ft Nicki Minaj 66. Angel - fifth harmony 65. Bad liar - Selena Gomez 64. Good old days - Macklemore ft Kesha 63. Sua cara - Major Lazer 62. Slide - Calvin Harris 61. Know no better - Major Lazer   60. Hey ma - pitbull 59. Walk on water - Eminem ft Beyoncé 58. Subeme la radio - Enrique Iglesias 57. The way I are - Bebe Rexha 56. Gorgeous- Taylor Swift 55. Fetish - Selena Gomez 54. Tip toe - Jason derulo 53. Strip that down - Liam Payne ft Quavo 52. Cold - Maroon 5 ft Future 51. Whatever it takes - Imagine Dragons 50. Power - Little mix ft Stormzy 49. No promises - Cheat Codes ft Demi Lovato 48. Crying in the club - Camilla Cabello 47. Too good at goodbyes - Sam Smith 46. Down - Fifth Harmony 45. Touch - Little Mix 44. Thunder - Imagjne Dragons 43. XO tour llif3 - Lil uzi vert 42. Back to you - Bebe Rexha Louis Tomlinson 41. 1-800-273-5555 - Logic 40. No more sad songs - Little mix 39. He like that - Fifth Harmony 38. It ain’t me - Kygo Selena Gomez 37. Galway Girl - Ed Sheeran 36. Boys - Charli XCX 35. Everyday - Ariana Grande ft Future 34. Mama- Jonas Blue 33. Believer - Imagine Dragons 32. What lovers do - Maroon 5 31. How long - Charlie puth 30. I feel it coming - The weeknd 29. Mask off - Future 28. Look what you made me do - Taylor Swift 27. Feel it still - Portugal 26. Friends - Justin Bieber 25. Bodak Yellow - Cardi B 24. Ready for it - Taylor Swift 23. Castle on the hill - Ed Sheeran 22. Feels - Calvin Harris 21. Rockstar - Post Malone 20. Stay - Zedd Alessia Cara 19. Swalla - Jason Derulo 18. Nothing holding me back - Shawn Mendes 17. Something just like this - The chainsmokers Coldplay 16. Chained to the rhythm- Katy Perry 15. Congratulations- post malone 14. Perfect - Ed Sheeran 13. 2U - David Guetta 12. Reggaetón Lento - Little mix ft CNCO 11. Humble - Kendrick Lamar 10. Symphony - Clean Bandit 9. New Rules - Dua Lipa 8. Dusk till Dawn - Zayn ft Sia 7. Attention - Charlie Puth 6. Mi Gente - J balvin willy william 5. Havana - Camilla Cabello 6. I’m the one - DJ Khaled 3. That’s what I like - Bruno  Mars 2. Despacito - Luis Fonsi Daddy Yankee ft Justin Bieber  1. Shape of you - Ed Sheeran 
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aheadfullofdreamsx · 7 years
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Exactly one hundred seventy days after the Phil Concerts announced that Coldplay is finally coming to PH. Everyone was happy and excited because after so many years of waiting, they are going to our beloved country. I was regretful that time because i didn't know that it's true. Way back april 2016, i've read an article (courtesy: wheninmanila.com) about coldplay and this is what i've read: “I’ve wanted to share this with you all for so long. It’s nothing short of Magic that I’ve been able to keep this a secret. My mom has always said I’ve had a Head Full of Dreams, but I’ve learned that big dreams aren’t a bad thing; and if you pursue them, will take you on an Adventure of a Lifestime, and give you a taste of Paradise. My version is this, Coldplay is FINALLY coming to Manila, proudly sponsored by Globe! There are a few things in life that will Fix You, but a night filled with a Sky Full of Stars with them might just do it for me. Forever and Always, – Your Princess of China”. (End of quote) I don't know what to react. Mixed emotions, happiness and shivering on my mind. I can't help my excitement so i shared it on social media that Coldplay is coming soon. But i was disappointed. After I shared that post, someone discouraged me and i felt bad because he said that im idiot because i believed in the false information and worst im spreading it in the social media. His post wasn't direct to me, but i knew it was me. So i was dumdfounded that time. I didn't expect that from the person who i respected so much. I swore that day that they will regret everything, everything they say about me.And so yeah, my excitement went down. My happiness were gone. (I wish he regret it so far, i wish he felt somehow 'guilty' after calling me an idiot). It was June 2016 so it's study time, time for school, time for acads!! I never knew that the time just flew so fast. Five months passed and 15th of November came and it's official!! Coldplay is coming at the 4th of April 2017!! I was like "OHMYGOD!! IS IT REAL?! IS IT REAL?! FOR REAL?!!! OHMYGOD. I NEED TO GO TO THEIR CONCERT I'M EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!" I was crying that time, crying because of happiness that they're finally coming here and crying at the same time because i can't afford the ticket prizes. I was crying for almost a week. Everytime i'll go to school my eyes looked like "i came from crying". It's feels like the end of my world. I'm doomed because i can't buy tickets. November 24, 2016 our fieldtrip. And guess what?! It's the public selling of Coldplay tickets. I was lucky because we don't have classes and i have the luxury of time and privilege to buy ticket! But I was wrong (expectation vs reality) my expectation: i can buy a ticket, i will fall in line to get tix but.. ..but..but nah im in home "nagluluksa" because "nga nga" i dont have money. I'm regretful that time because i didn't saved my money. So yah. Tickets were sold out. As in S O L D. O U T. I was crying again and again and again and again. (Imagine the feeling crying until you fall asleep. That feeling tho!) But sometimes, i forgot about coldplay bcoz i was busy on my school works (grade ten --- junior highschool completer) and then January 04.......February 04.....March 04...the Coldplayers of Manila is counting.. But due to demand, they sold some tickets at the same prizes. I didn't mind that good news because "malabo sa katotohanan" na i can come to hear them live. (Good for those who bought the tix last march 10...bitter that time bleeeh) so yah...the fourth of April came. I was depressed and sad because i thought i will not hear them live :----( but my friend, Sera chatted me if we are going on the concert venue (Moa concert grounds) I was hesitating that time because i dont know how to go at MOA plus Claire was not around Bulacan plus i dont have any money plus the major problem — my mom was not around!!!!!!!! So i was like omg 50-50 but i followed my heart. I took a bath then chatted my friend, Rica to come with me. I left a letter on my mom's tokador saying i'm sorry because i'm a hard-headed child. And then yah i didn't told my grandma that i will go to MOA because i knew that she will not allowed me to go. So i said i'll go only at sm marilao to watch some movie. And then I fetch Rica to their home and the Adventure of a Lifetime begins!! While riding on the jeep i was nervous, I texted Claire that we're on our way. Then we transfer to UV Express Service to go in Manila then muntikan pa kami maligaw because of the driver!!!!!! I was in panic mode na that time (first time eh, i dont memorize the directions) Then buti nalang nadaanan yung Centris Terminal where we're going to meet Claire, the driver dropped me and Rica instantly eventhough it's not allowed so yah we thanked the driver. And then we met Claire. And then we went to the mrt station and i was like (omg first time ko sasakay ng mrt ok? Wala sa bundok nito!!!!) I honestly told them that it was my first time so they must guide me and of course supportive friends they do it well! I enjoyed riding in mrt harharhar so many stations and do many people and so many different kinds of odor HAHAHA! And i texted my mom na nasa jeep na kami, it was 6:30pm and i can feel the presence of Coldplay by seeing the Globe on the front of MOA (the photo above) and i was like THIS IS IT!!!! I was excited that time. And we ate our dinner at the Jollibee. I picked take out because were running out of time because it's already 7pm and then we ate. I do such 'kalokohan' I stole Jollibee's spoon and fork (huhuhuhu sorry Jollibee!! ^_____^) and then we went to the concert venue, we couldn't find our other friend and i kept on texting him "san ka na dito na kami" he didn't answer!!! So we said "bahala na kung makita siya" then we are walking then i saw that guy umaga pa yata nandun! And then Jess Kent's introduction (i was irritated because it was past 8pm then the show was still not starting!! We thought that it will start at nine o'clock, (then there's me: omg anong oras na need na namin umuwi!!!!) And then at exactly nine in the evening, the sky was filled with the full of stars. The moment they sang their opening song A head full of dreams i was shook and excited, i was surprised because when i sang "oh i think i landed in the world i haddn't seen" my pa-fireworks ang lolo mo!!! We're all shook and the night was full of magical experience. I thought it was a dream but NO. The moment when I heard Chris Martin said "Magandang gabi!" The crowd was *woooooohhh!!!* the first song was A Head Full of Dreams, next is Yellow followed by The Scientist, Every teardrop is a waterfall, Birds and the last song of them I heard live was Paradise. And i heard that they sang ink, everglow, hymn for the weekend, adventure of a lifetime, something just like this, a sky full of stars and their finale song Up and Up. It was a fulfilling night for everyone especially to me. It's an extraordinary experience of my life so far. I'm honored that I am part of the 35,000 people who are there to watch and heard my favorite band. It was a magical night and it fixed me temporarily. You're always be my favorite band. I will kept this memory in my mind and i will tell this experience to my future children. Coldplay will always be in my heart. I love you Chris Martin, Will Champ, Guy Berryman, and Jonny Buckland. APRIL O4, 2017. #ColdplayManila #AHFODTour2017
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