#the life and lies of kaiden
workingforitallthetime · 11 months
drawn arrows unseen
part 9 / previous installments/tags
Mason must be going crazy, that’s all there is to it. He’s still learning his nose and it’s giving him bad intel. That must be what it is, because no one else seems to catch Connor’s scent. Mason can pick it up from the other side of their huddle, sharp and clean and dangerous, and the alpha coach between them keeps right on scrawling on his whiteboard like nothing’s going on.
That’s what lets Mason believe this isn’t what his nose is telling him. This is his problem and only his problem. If the coaches could smell Connor, they’d make Mason change rooms. Maybe they’d even send him straight back to Peterborough, if they had any idea what it feels like to sleep in the same room as Connor.
“Sleep” isn’t even the right word. Mason lies awake every night fighting his body’s reactions, trying to will his blood into an orderly flow through his veins instead of racing to his head and to his dick, not in that order. Every calming breath he tries to take is steeped in Connor’s scent. He curls on his side, tucking his knees like he can cork up the heat blooming in his belly.
“Norway,” Connor whispers from the opposite bed, and Mason has to stammer out Oslo while he’s practically dying.
He’s not going to jerk off five feet from his sixteen year old roommate and the future of Canadian hockey. He’s not going to do it in their bathroom, or in the shower, either. Aside from how that would feel creepy, he’s also pretty sure if he touches himself around Connor’s scent he’s going to pop a knot, and he doesn’t know how to manage that here.
It’s not so bad during the day. When they’re playing hockey, it’s easier for Connor’s scent to be more distracting than excruciating. All of their conversations unspool seamlessly from their text chain back into real life. Mason likes being around him, is the thing. It would be nice if Mason could stop smelling whatever it is he’s smelling and just enjoy being together.
One day they’re talking about Mason’s brother and how the strength and conditioning he does for MMA compares to Mason’s workouts, and Connor comments that Mason must have picked up some tips for fighting. “I’m not bad,” Mason allows, and Connor wants Mason to teach him some tricks. 
After practice the next day, Mason tries to show Connor how to haul a guy in so his face connects harder with your fist. He twists his hand in the front of Connor’s jersey. Connor goes pliant and lets Mason pull him close. Mason swings a slow-motion uppercut and taps his fist against the grill of Connor’s fishbowl. “See?” 
“Try it again.” Connor squares up.
Mason drags him in for another swing. Connor’s easy to haul around. Mason weaves backwards, bringing Connor with him, forgetting to punch because it feels so good to pull Connor toward him again and again.
[would you like video of this? there is video.]
Wright passes him in the tunnel afterwards. “That’s so cute, you’re such a big brother.”
Mason grunts at him and grabs his skate guards. He stomps off looking for the closest single occupancy bathroom in the bowels of the arena, someplace he can unlace his breezers for a quick and shameful wank.
During practices and meetings and meals he circulates among his teammates, assessing. He pays particular attention to the guys who are older, bigger, who’ve played NHL games. His nose tells him that Jake Neighbours and Cole Perfetti and Kaiden Guhle aren’t alphas, or at least haven’t presented yet.
Mason doesn’t even need his nose to figure out that Owen Power is the one and only omega at camp. He’s constantly on the phone with Kent Johnson, touching his fingertips to the shadow of Kent’s teeth under the collar of his t-shirt.
Mason’s not sure why they’d have an omega on the team, especially on defense. Power won’t hit anybody. He looks unsure of himself, coltlike on his very long legs. Mason overhears two of the coaches talking about it on the bench. They don’t sound concerned. “That’ll work itself out,” one of them says. “Once we get Johnson here.”
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sifinspace · 3 months
The Knossos system was dark, dotted by planets and the rumble of new life. They had probed a few planets and after successfully finding an anomaly on Therum, Sheperd, Ashley and Kaiden were off.
Sif got up from her seat and stretched - “I’m going to go down to engineering and make sure everything’s tight.”
“Ask Tali if she noticed anything strange. There’s been a few hiccups I can feel in the probe launch. Then ask Garrus if he could recalibrate the guns. I know he would like that.” Joker ordered.
“No problem.”
Sif walked down to engineering. The halls were bright and illuminated with a blue hue. Calming. She always thought it felt, while the ship hummed away. It often helped lul her to sleep on difficult nights - even after the evening with Kaiden she used the sound to white wash her thoughts.
Engineering was louder than usual. She didn’t spent a lot of time down there, but Tali was more than happy to run diagnostics for Joker.
“I dont know why he didn’t call me over the intercom. Why did he have to send someone?” She asked.
“I was coming down here anyway to check on a few things. Figured I’d come say hi.”
Tali’s demeanor changed. “You’re not here to check on me?”
“Absolutely not. I wanted to say hi and ask an expect their opinion I mostly just fly the ship, I’m no engineer.” Sif smiled.
“Then - thank you. I’ll get in this right away.” She paused, “maybe we can all get a drink sometime. Get to know everyone.”
“Sounds good. I’ll let Jeff know.” She smiled.
“Jeff?” Tali asked
“Joker - sorry, I knew him before the nick name, and I can’t change it now.” She grinned.
“Understood. Alright I’ll talk to you later.”
Sif walked out of engineering with more questions than she at as started with about the ships function, but she wasn’t in a place to ask. Just as she was about to find Garrus, joker paged her back to the cockpit.
She made her way up to the helm and sat in her seat.
“Good timing, the Commander’s shuttle docked.” He said.
“Thanks.” Sif waited patiently for their next command over the intercom.
“Get out of here. Take us to Feros, hurry.” Rushed voice shouted.
Sif exchanged a look with Joker and they made the moves to hit the Mass effect relay.
Moments later the stars were nothing more than a streak of light beside the Normandy. They stopped suddenly - and there it was, Feros.
“Sif, Joker can you hear me?”
“Yes Commander.” They responded
“I need you to keep the ship close enough for coms. I’m taking Alenko, and Liara onto planet. When called we need immediate extraction. Well be leaving shortly - just finishing up prep.”
“Shepard out.”
“He’s not taking Ash?” Sif asked.
“Yea, weird. They are connected at the hip. If you know what I mean.”
“Huh. I’m gonna run to the washroom really quick. I’ll be back in few.”
She lied.
She got up and walked quickly to the elevator. She rode it down a few levels and found Alenko putting on his gear.
“Hey?” She said softly. No one else was around, Liara had got on the elevator as Sif had gotten off.
“Sif, are you okay?” He asked walking towards her worried.
“Yea, I just wanted to tell you one thing before you left.” She moved in closer to him. His armor looked heavy, she was glad she wasn’t a soldier.
“What’s that?” He asked, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer, tighter to him.
“Come back. Please.” She put her arms around his neck and hugged him.
“As long as you’re here to come back to I will.” He whispered into her ear. Her hair smelled like lavender, he loved it.
“Good. I’m glad that’s settled.” She let go and tried to turn to walk away.
“Sif?” Kaiden took her hand and pulled her in close. “Put a couple drinks in the fridge, we’ll have one when I get back. That’s a promise.”
He moved into her, and slid the tip of his nose down hers. He was wearing body armor but she could feel his heart race. She looked up to him, and he let his lips graze hers.
“Sif you okay? Why are you down in engineering?” Jokers voice buzzed over the com.
She rolled her eyes. “Wanted to check on the Mako. I had a thought when I was going asking to the washroom, I’ll explain in a minute.” She breathlessly called back, then silenced her Omni tool.
Kaiden didn’t let the interruption impede him. He kissed her lips firmly, and bit her bottom one. She returned the gesture. “For anticipation.” He whispered in her ear.
She walked with him to the elevator and they rode up together. He held her close the entire way up, allowing each other to be lost in the moment.
“What are we doing?” She asked him. Her head buried in his shoulder.
“Being human.” He kissed her hard again, this time backing her into the elevator wall.
The lift shopped.
They rearranged themselves and the doors opened.
“Good luck.” She said to him as he disembarked.
He rubbed his bottom lip with his thumb.
“This is all the luck I need.” He winked at her.
Sif blushed and walked away, finally she made it back to the helm.
“So what’s wrong with the Mako?” Joker asked.
“I was thinking when you felt something odd with the probe launcher I was wondering if the Mako had anything that could also be off with its launch units.” It was a stretch, but Joker bought it.
“Oh, I’ll get Tali to check it out.”
“Maybe ask Garrus to check its cannons too.”
“Good idea. He loves calibrating stuff.”
She let out a silent sigh.
Hours had passed. Zhu’s hope was secure and Shepard had taken on the exogene plant. All seemed to be going well.
The Normandy hummed in the docking bay and most everyone who wasn’t working the helm had taken to sleep. It was exhausting at times to sit in the cockpit awaiting orders, but someone had to do it.
Jokers head nodded up and down. Sif could see he was getting tired.
“Just close your eyes, I’m awake.” She told him.
“What? No. This is…”
“You don’t trust me?”
“-I do. Sorry okay just for a few minutes wake me if something happens.”
Joker leaned back in his chair and pulled his hat down over his eyes. Sif liked when he was quiet. It was the only time he wasn’t trying to defend himself from people.
She always figured he was over compensating for his disorder. She knew he felt like lesser of a man because of it.
He wasn’t. He was more of a man than anyone would ever know.
Sif sighed at the thought of them. She wished he could see what he is.
He was her best friend.
He was all she had, and the one thing she didn’t have.
Sadness filled her mouth. It tasted bitter. Sif missed having someone to love her back. She missed intimacy. She missed affection. She felt stupid. How could she want that from someone who wouldn’t give it to her?
She knew who would.
Sif punched some buttons on the consul and adjusted her ear piece. A soft song came through, and she let her thought’s drift to Kaiden and the passionate embraces he gave her was enough to satiate her loneliness for a while. It was the first time in years someone had touched her lips. She wanted more.
In her heart she longed for him. His tight body and black shirt crossed her mind. His dark eyes looking into her soul. His black hair in her fingers, her hand on his belt.
She grinned, then her lips danced into a frown. How could she let herself be torn so badly. It seemed obvious. Jeff wasn’t an option, but why couldn’t she let go of him?
The pit of her stomach punched her ribs. She wanted Kaiden, she wanted someone to appreciate her. Her mind was ripped in two.
“Normandy - Joker, Sif, prepare for extraction.” Her thoughts were broken by the sound of Shepards voice.
“Jeff let’s go.” She shook his chair.
He woke like he never really had been asleep.
“Great. Prepare for extraction.”
“See I told you I’d stay awake.”
“Yea sorry I shouldn’t have said … anyway, come
On let’s get them and get out of here this place gives me the creeps.” Joker said.
As the team boarded the Normandy, they went directly into the debriefing room. Joker went too, and left Sif in control.
“Okay well just leave it here, I’ll be back after the debriefing and fill you in.”
“As always.” She leaned back.
“Try not to crash my ship eh?” He smiled as he limped away.
They had parked just outside the mass relay - they never left the system unless something big happened.
Sif started playing her music again, and thinking about her situation. She wanted to justify being an interest to someone, and still have Jeff at her side. They’d been through so much together.
Would Kaiden even understand?
Sif stretched her tired back. She always asked Jeff before she would pursue something like this, a few dates in the past, nothing more.
Surely he wouldn’t have anything to say about Kaiden. He liked Kaiden. He didn’t like half the guys she wanted to go out with. Having a guardian was great, until it wasn’t she concluded.
Foot steps approached her. “Sif take some time to get some rest, it’s been a long day.” Shepard said to her.
“Where’s Jeff?”
“He’s coming, but I know you’ve been up the whole time.” He grinned.
“How?” She raised an eyebrow.
“I heard you listening to music again.”
“Oh yea, every time, you forget to close the com when you do it.” He smiled.
“Well - shit. Sorry if it’s not stuff you like.” Her cheeks flushed.
“It’s a change from what I usually listen to, but music tells you a lot of what’s in someone’s mind. Now, go get some rest, have a drink, and if Joker doesn’t tell you I will, you’re a hell of a pilot.” He smiled.
“Thanks, that means a lot Commander.”
Sif got to her feet. She appreciated someone telling her she was doing well. To rip the compliment from Jeff was too much effort these days, they weren’t something he readily doled out.
She made her way to the mess hall. She was looking forward to some left overs, but was met with nothing more than an old potato and coleslaw that had been sitting too long.
“Forget it.” She sighed. She walked back to her cabin and found something better. She ripped open the package of a pack of trail mix and laid down. She made sure to cut off coms to her room and turned on some music again.
The words flooded her mind - they reminded her of times before all the confusion, before wanting more of Jeff, before her feelings for Kaiden started to rise up in her.
If Jeff only had come after they were docked and spent time with her. Sif had been hanging out with the crew for weeks prior to any of this happening, they were pretty vocal in telling her how they felt bad Joker would ditch her for the Ship.
Then Kaiden started spending more time with her in their off hours. She wasn’t surprised this happened.
Her door buzzed.
“Come in.” She said, still laying in bed in her uniform. Her braided bun had fallen out, and was a mess of hair.
“Hey.” A smooth voice said to her.
“Kaiden?” She sat up. “You okay?”
“Yea, Joker said he was gonna stay up stairs all night and that they sent you to bed. I wasn’t sure how tired you really were, but I wanted to know if you’d like to have a drink with me?”
She smiled. “That would be nice, I was worried about you - you Guys down there.”
“I was worried about you too.” He grinned, as he moved in closer to her and gently kissed her. It was already familiar to her, the safe, warm, tender kind.
Sif blushed. “Here.” She grabbed two glasses from the shelf. “Ice?”
“Neat please, a whiskey like this you don’t ruin with ice.”
“Oh so that’s why you’re here! You want the good stuff.” She said as she poured a portion each.
“Obviously I use you for your connections in the whiskey world. Why else do I come poking around at night?” He took a sip.
“Good point, my years of bootlegging have paid off.” She tipped her glass at him.
“Nah, you know why I’m here.”
“We haven’t drank enough yet to be get cute.” She sipped her drink.
“I know, I want to - tell you how I feel before I do.”
Her stomach tightened. A ball of fireflies started to hit all sides of her.
“I’ve wanted to tell you this for a while, but things kept coming up, then Jenkins, Joker - but that moment before I left, I can’t stop thinking about it. Despite the circumstances, I have enjoyed every second with you.”
“I do too. You’re what I need right now.” She took a large swallow of whiskey - feeling as if she let too much be said on her part.
Kaiden blushed. “I - I want to spend more time with you. A lot more time. The kind of time where we fall asleep together and wake up beside each other. Time where I don’t feel like I have only minutes to be with you until we are interrupted.”
“Us interrupted? Never.” She teased.
“We’ve worked together for a while now, and I’ve watched you, for that long. I see you, I can see into your mind when you don’t expect it.”
“You can? Being a biotic allows that eh?”
“No, but your music does.” He reached over and turned up the song she had playing. “Your torn, torn between what you have and what you need. I could…” his words faded.
Sif looked at him sideways with eager eyes of anticipation. Kaiden stood and took her into his arms, he started to slowly dance with her as he searched for his next words.
“Last time I tried this, Joker got in the way. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a coincidence. I want to try this again, … I could be the one you need.” He said pulling her in squarely with his hips, her body pressed into him, she could feel his entire form.
Her stomach fired on all engines and started doing back flips. Just as it did earlier. She kissed him without even thinking. He didn’t hold back, he returned the gesture with force and breathlessness.
“Just let me try. Joker is a good guy, but he’s so blind to what he could have. I know you have feelings for him, but I could give you what you deserve, all of it.”
She pulled him towards her and let his arms wrap around her waist tighter. She rested her head on his chest. He smelled like whiskey and vanilla. He was comfort. He was protection. He wanted to make her feel like the woman she deserved to be.
She remained silent. Thinking. Contemplating a way to keep this moment from slipping from her grasp. She wanted Kaiden. She needed him. Dare she think she felt - love.
“I’m not afraid Sif, I need you, and living in his shadow has been so painful. Watching him ignore you, watching him just let you hang on to any hope he’ll change his mind. Let me help you take the pain away.”
Sif slowly raised her eyes towards his. His shirt was fit well and black with an Alliance logo on the front, his neck tanned, his chin strong, his lips full and slightly parted. Nose, perfectly pointed and his eyes, brown, closing gently almost as a sign of defeat.
She closed her eyes and let herself go. His lips touched hers and she ran her hands up his broad shoulders. He tasted like mint, and his beard stubble was rough on her skin.
Kaiden ran his hands up her back, and let one hand get tangled in her hair. He kissed her so intensely she lost all control of herself.
She let out a breathless moan, as he bit her lip gently, then her collar bone.
She pushed him onto the bed, and straddled him. She leaned over and kissed him. He flipped her on her back and rolled on top of her so swiftly, she returned the favor and wrestled him back to being underneath her.
She immediately stopped. “I’m so sorry.” She leaned back and had a wave of embarrassment flood her.
“For what?” He said looking up at her. His shirt half way up his chest.
“It’s been so long since, that. I just lost all control over my brain.” She turned away. “I finally feel safe, and all I want to do is rip your clothes off.”
Kaiden turned her back to face him. Her hair was messy, and her eyes look like they were holding back a cosmic force of emotion. He took his hands and cupped her face in them.
“It’s perfectly fine. I started it. I’m the one who should apologize.” He kissed her gently.
“No please don’t. I just, I don’t do things like this. I have been so lonely, and you’re so perfect for me. I - I can’t resist you. I’m sorry.”
“Stop saying that. We are human, and the one man that should be in here under you, has a deeper relationship with a ship.”
She smiled. “You believe that?”
“I know how Joker is. He should be the one kissing you, making love to you. You might not see it, but I can.”
Sif got to her feet, Kaiden started heading to the door.
“Wait.” She said, reaching for his arm. “Don’t leave. I’m sorry please.”
“Sif, it’s fine, this is something I don’t want to force.”
“It’s complicated with Jeff and I. Let me explain, and you can decide where to go from there.” She looked pained.
“I like the sound of that.” He adjusted his pants, and sat down again.
Sif poured Kaiden another drink and explained her entire life to him. He told her where she and Jeff stood, what was going on in her mind. He patiently sat there and listened, all while holding her hand.
“…and I want you to be the exception to my life. I just didn’t know how you’d take all that, and I wanted to make sure you knew what was what.” She finished.
“I like being an exception.” He smiled and kissed her gently again. “Joker is protective of you. There’s nothing wrong with that. He watches out for you. You need that. Have you seen you?”
“No.” She said flatly.
“I have. Shepard has. Hell, Joker has and he knows what he could have.”
“You know this how?”
“It might shock you, but men, do talk.”
“Do you need time to think this over?” She asked.
“Absolutely not.” He said. “I know how this will end, and as much as I’d like for it to be us, I think you underestimate Joker.”
He kissed her cheek.
“You really think so?”
“I do. Until then, I’ll be here to hold your hand and hug you whenever you need it. I can’t be him, even though I’d very much like to be.”
“I’m sorry.” She whispered.
“It’s okay, maybe I need you in my life in other ways.” He laid down and she curled up next to him. His body warm and his arms comforting.
“I’ll always be here for you.” He whispered as he kissed her head with a breath of sadness.
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animeshades1 · 4 months
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I never post my ocs.... But here's my girl Aston that I just recently redesigned (I'll put what I have of her story under the cut)
So in my universe that I have of her, the main character kaiden (who I'm working on redesigning) is living with his mother after getting out of college. He doesn't have a job and he's been looking for one for weeks, all of his siblings have jobs and his mom keeps hounding on him to get one.
So one night, at like 3am, he's scrolling through jobs sites and Aston (my sweet little succubus girl) climbs through his window to like suck his soul or whatever. But Aston doesn't really like being a succubus... She just wants to experience the human world, and she wants material objects, so when she sees Jaiden being all sad and whiny about not being about to find a job... She gets an idea.
She strikes a deal with him, and suggests that if she gets him a job that he'll show him human life (and gift her human things). He says sure, and she ends up getting him a fucking modeling job!!! The only issue is that she might have lied and made it seem like he was a girl... And it might be at a kind playboy typeish magazine...
He's really mad about it at first, but then he sees how much money it makes and goes "Yeah I'll do it." And goes in for the interview. The people are really confused at first, but end up really liking Kaidens monotone ass personality since it contrasts all their other models. So he ends up getting the job!!!
That's all I really have of their story right now, and I'm very aware that like it makes no sense whatsoever... But I really like my story!!! I think it's silly!! I've never made universes for my ocs, so this is my first time coming up with any form of story for them.
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Lying in a hammock with them on a tropical beach on your honeymoon. Sea breeze blowing gently. Waves lapping the sand. Sun shining down but your in the shade of palms.
Kaidan uses his biotics to entice the sand up into pretty shapes around you.
Ollie lies with you, arms behind his head, a smirk resting on his beautiful face as he tans.
Bucky rolls out into the hot sand and takes in the warmth and sound and life.
Clark probably has earbuds in because the waves and breeze can be deafening unless he's specifically focusing on not utilizing his senses, but he happily soaks up the sun and holds you.
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hcneymxxn · 2 years
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excuse me did you see CANDICE SWANEPOEL hanging around palmwood studios? oh no, that was PERSEPHONE SINCLAIR, the 36 year old ACTRESS who plays ALISON POPPY on SCHITTY'S LAKE. yeah, you know rumour has it they're -IMPULSIVE, and -PARANOID, but their fans all say they’re +OPTIMISTIC  and + METICULOUS. around palmwood studios they’re known as THE POP ICON . ( CISFEMALE, SHE/HER)
when i said i was gonna have self control with characters this time...i lied xoxo. her intro is the same, but i added where she’s been in her absence! for those of you that haven’t met this angel girlie yet - she’s basically inspired by britney spears!
being the first born child of the sinclairs thrust persephone in the spotlight from the moment she was born.
her mother was a prominent talent manager and her father was a music producer, meaning that fame truly was the only option for her. her parents had been insanely controlling, practically forcing persephone to be the star that they always dreamed she’d be.
from the time she was a little girl, persephone was acting. at the age of only two years old, she was cast on an incredibly popular family sitcom (full house vibes) and in between filming for that, was cast in a plethora of disney channel movies and shows, commercials, nickelodeon shows, and eventually went on to star in blockbuster, hit movies.
she was a true child star, not knowing a life outside of hard work or celebrity status and as she got older, she began to get into a bit of trouble.
being exposed to the night life, partying and having anything she wanted at her disposal made it easy for the girl to live a wild life behind the scenes. drugs and alcohol became regular things in her life by the time she was only twelve years old and her parents simply allowed it. if it kept her famous and relevant, they didn’t care.
however, their plans of oscar awards and absolute stardom came to a screeching halt when persephone was just fourteen years old and found herself pregnant by one of her co-stars.
the plan was for her to get an abortion, but her doctor sold the sonogram pictures and her medical records to the tabloids and it was now time for her parents to do some serious damage control.
instead of their original plan, they made persephone keep the pregnancy - which ended up being a twin boy and gir - kaiden and aphrodite, and forced her and the baby daddy to stay together.
as soon as the babies were born, persephone’s parents took control, practically raising the babies themselves and completely managing persephone and the baby daddy’s relationship - painting them as this picture perfect teen couple who defied the odds and were raising their family.
persephone was thrust back into the spotlight, now being forced to start a career as a pop-star, even though she wasn’t exactly an amazing singer. however, her father’s producing skills came in handy - all of her music was completely autotuned and manufactured.
with her mother taking care of her babies, grooming them and raising them to be stars just like they had persephone, persephone was free to continue climbing the hollywood ladder. with the public so focused on her and fascinated by how she juggled it all, she became a pop sensation overnight and by eighteen years old, she had five grammys under her belt and had embarked on multiple international world tours.
at twenty one, she and the father of her children got married, her parents letting them know that it was time and on the covers of magazines, it seemed like persephone had managed to defy the odds and have a picture perfect life.
however, that couldn’t have been further from the truth. persephone suffered with severe post partum depression after the birth of her twins that was never taken care of and was simply given drugs to numb herself and keep her going, she had been forced to return to work and embark on becoming a world famous pop star and didn’t have any power or control in raising her own children - and her husband shared the same frustrations, which caused their relationship to absolutely crumble.
they were divorced by the time persephone was twenty four and when she was twenty five, she had a complete, public mental breakdown. she had been seen leaving nightclubs completely disheveled in the middle of the night, starting fights with paparazzi and anyone who came in her face, and even showed up to one of her shows completely intoxicated and passed out on stage - which was the final straw for her parents, who immediately sent her to rehab.
after spending an entire year in rehab getting herself together, persephone finally had clarity and realized that her parents were at fault for everything that had gone wrong in her life. she took her children, moved to the outskirts of los angeles and lived the next ten years out of the spotlight.
her children were eleven years old, but she was just learning to be a mother. however, she poured her entire heart and soul into making up for the lost time. but of course, the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree. with her children being raised to want to be famous, persephone was always one to support their dreams and managed her children’s careers when they both decided to be actors.
however, she’s a different kind of controlling than her own parents were - she’s controlling in the sense that she’s fiercely protective over her kids and doesn’t want them making the same mistakes she had made, which causes them to argue quite a bit, even though they’re both now 21 year old adults.
after getting them both cast in roles on palmwood studios, persephone was shocked when she was approached by the producers of schitty’s lake and although she swore she’d never step into the spotlight again, she figures maybe this time it’ll be different, because this time, she’s completely in control.
present day:
persephone recently took a two month hiatus after she felt herself close to relapsing. with everything going on with her kids and the drama in her own life, she needed to step back for a minute.
she spent the past few months in tulum, living on the beach, going to yoga classes daily, and working on self care.
now that she’s refreshed, she feels like she’s in a better headspace to step back into the spotlight and the craziness that is hollywood.
she’s loving her role as the over the top and ditzy alison poppy on schitty’s lake and loves being on a set where comedy and making people feel good is the main focus.
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toournextadventure · 1 year
Liara is my LI for the remaster, it was hard not picking Garrus or Jack this time :(
I totally forgot about Mordin, he's awesome xD
I picked Liara first because (very unpopular opinion) I don't like Kaiden, but that ended up being a mistake because now I can't hardly pick anyone else 😪 and I play FemShep (cause, I mean, have you heard her voice?) so I can't pick Tali either, it's a hardknock life
But Mordin? I'm obsessed with him, I would die for him, the amount of times I harass him in 2 and 3 is... innumerable
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hatchibomitar · 5 years
rose through ginger thanks
OMG thaNKS so much for all the asks!!! sorry this is physically 9 days late
rose - describe your crush.
wow okay well she’s the perfect height (a few inches shorter than me) and has the verry prettiest eyes!! and just like, stupid soft hands. i physically just don’t know how anyone could have hands that soft, she’s ridiculous and fake. it’s awesome. she’s so funny and so smart & my best friend
cherry-blossom - do you believe in love at first sight?
i believe ppl can have a connection at first encounter!! and i think u can be like “damn that’s one fine son of a gun” on first sight
daisy - what’s your best childhood memory?
playing yoshi’s island for gameboy advance w my friend zander...or alternatively when he bought me new super mario bros for ds for christmas and we played it for like, 7 hours. or,,!!!!!!! when we would play halo 3 and just fuck around for hours and hours. gosh!! lotta good video game memories, lotta good ones with that kid. my childhood best friend!
daffodil - which colour suits you best?
i think blue looks great on me! also white shirts lmao!!!
peony - do you put more value in honour or truth?
damn this question Deep.... ummm probably truth?
iris - favourite 90s song?
just absolutely LOVE that this question is called iris !!!!! bc now im tempted to pick that song. however, it’s thank you by dido
sunflower - sun or moon?
eek!!!! ummm... sun, bc daytime. but moon is pretty :/
narcissus - your best physical feature?
hmmmmm either my hair or eyes
i askd maya she said eyes too
freesia - are you still friends with the person you considered your best friend two years ago?
yes!!!!!!! @notsopro11
orchid - favourite fruit?
ah jeez i love nectarines and CHERRIES OH MY GOSH CHERRIES
violet - have you had your first kiss?
yes :^)))))) finally ya boy did it 
gypsophila - do you prefer many distant friends, or a few close friends?
a few close friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gerbera - neon or pastel?
oh jeez.... depends on my moood....sometimes it’s like hmm im feeling Muted, im feeling Pastel, im feeling broody. sometimes it’s like, a bitch needs to be Seen 
carnation - does true love exist?
absolutely!!! absolutely. doesn’t need to be romantic :-) but love is why we r here
alstroemeria - dream vacation?
i just rly wanna go to italy or some shit. but also. i wanna go on big roadtrip with maya and we Are Gionna This Summer, Am Excited
anemone - were you ever interested in greek mythology?
GOD dude fuck yea i sure was!!!!! i loved thatshit!!! percy jackson is my father
cymbidium - sexuality?
im bisexual!! but also, i just think everyone is very cute regardless of gender & like i’m just Whatever! abt labels sometimes
rhododendron - what’s your biggest fear?
thas a big question....my biggest fear is being vulnerable...but my biggest specific fear is getting my eye stabbed by the pointy end of an umbrella
tulip - lucky number?
gladiolus - who do you look up to most?
idk i mean is it a copout answer to say every trans person in history ?? we are so resilient
snapdragon - favourite mythical creature?
dragons are fuckin sick bro
hydrangea - proudest moment?
oh jeez, there are a lot actually :’) performing at the monologues in my town was amazing. every time i’ve publicly talked abt being trans too. every time im at qsa and someone comes to me with a question. oh jeez, we did a trans day of remembrance event in november and i was asked to speak at it (which was already such an honor!!) but a bunch of older trans folks inthe community came up to me after and told me i said some really touching words & that it was super necessary. and that was such a nice moment bc i look up to those people so much
heather - what’s your favourite musical?
delphinium - what’s your star sign - does it suit you?
im a sag and ya i think so! my rising sign fits a lot (capricorn)
ginger - least favourite food?
hmmmmmMMMMMMMM i rly just cnanot think of anything.... mint chocolate chip ice cream?
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The "I Can 'Pin' Posts on Tumblr Now? Since When?" Intro/Masterpost
Greetings and welcome to the "Who The Fuck Am I?" post written by yours truly, whoever the fuck I am. Now that I'm back on my Fandom bullshit again in at least 2 blogs, I thought I'd re-introduce myself.
I am 2nd gen Korean-American on the Best West Coast. I ID as she/they/shiro, and ace/demi. I'm in the millennial bracket (aka, I am a Legal Adult) so be mindful when interacting with me. I do what I can to be antiracist and am always learning to be better.
I am some iteration of "shirozora" on: LiveJournal, Dreamwidth, AO3, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Discord. My first Fandom 2.0 was political/pundit RPF and my first fandom fallout was Racefail '09, so you could say I've Seen Some Shit. Been 5+ years since I last engaged in actual Fandom, yet here the fuck I am.
Fandoms I have written/drawn for (FFN years do not count, I purged that account): political/pundit RPF, Supernatural, Tron: Legacy, MCU, Star Trek (AOS), Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy XIV, Star Wars/The Mandalorian
A Short List Of Things I Wrote in No Particular Order:
Lost Symphony (T): SPN; Dean/Cassie, Sam/Jessica, pre-Dean/Castiel; for the Racebending Revenge challenge - "Mary Ahn Winchester died on the ceiling of the nursery on November 2, 1983."
We Are Pilots (T+): Tron: Legacy; Sam/Tron; for the Tron Kink Meme - "Six months and Sam still can't shake off his father's ghost, so Quorra suggests returning to the Grid to find the answers he needs to move on."
Wishing Well (T): Captain America: The First Avenger; Steve/Howard, Steve/Peggy, unfulfilled Howard/Peggy/Steve; for the Cap Kink Meme - "And you just wanna feel like a coin that's been tossed / In a wishing well, a wishing well."
A Thousand Eyes Staring Back (T+): Mass Effect 2; Kaiden/m!Shep - "His problems start at Horizon, aka that time Kaidan Alenko was having a really bad day and his former CO was supposed to be dead."
Waking Ghosts (T+): Dragon Age; Dorian Pavus/Male Trevelyan Inquisitor; the Mummy (1999) AU nobody asked for - "Dorian Pavus, formerly of Qarinus, is an archivist at the Magisterium research outpost in Hightown."
Seasons Change (T): Black Panther/MCU; M'Baku/T'Challa - "A fisherman finds a dying king in his nets and Hanuman offers M'Baku an opportunity to repay T'Challa for sparing his life at Warrior Falls."
born in a thunderstorm (T+): Star Trek: AOS, Captain Marvel, Thor: Ragnarok, Guardians of the Galaxy; Kirk/McCoy; the worst AU I ever wrote - "Kevin Riley insists that James Kirk didn't die on Tarsus IV. Nobody believes him."
Dangerous Dreams series (T) - The Storm; The Suns; Between Planets: Star Wars/The Mandalorian; Din/Luke; the reason why I'm writing this post - "To want something for yourself, that is a dangerous dream."
I cross-post and occasionally write about writing at @shirozora-writes. But I bet a bunch of y'all stumbled into my little sandbox through @shirozora-draws, so let's talk about that!
I suffered from artist's block for almost 4 years. That ended when I became utterly fixated on "So Grogu has two dads now - oh no." I fucking ragequit Star Wars after the fucking world lied to me about The Last Jedi* and now I'm doing the most insane and involved fanworks because of Star Wars. The fuck???
To end this unapologetically long-ass Intro Post, here are my 3 favorite recent doodles:
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The original post is here. First time animating with Clip Studio Paint and I had a two-day meltdown over it.
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The original post is here. Fun fact: the file name is "homoerotic chin tilt yolo". Also, 6.4k notes? You guys are wild.
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The original post is here. The final illustration from The Suns.
*I hate The Last Jedi the most not just because it's racist sexist garbage that trashed everyone except Kylo Ren whoever the fuck he thinks he is, and jumpstarted some of the most toxic fandom behavior I had the displeasure of witnessing, but also because I read so much praise for it before walking into the theater, paying for a ticket with my own money, and realizing 5 minutes into the film that I was gonna have the worst time of my life. I can't and probably will never watch Knives Out because I still haven't forgiven the director for the psychological damage. This is 100% a TLJ Hate Zone.
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btsqualityy · 2 years
OT8 Hawaii Vacation
Kaiden x Ava; Kinsley x Mason; Berkeley x Noah; Lennox x Spencer
Genre: fluff, smut, typical OT8 hijinks lol
Summary: OT8 goes on a vacation to celebrate Berkeley and Lennox’s birthday.
Warnings: drinking, smut (like, a lot of it), degradation, dirty talk, oral sex, unprotected sex, rough sex, anal play, anal sex, squirting, creampie, and cum swallowing.
WC: 7.4K
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“Ok, this is absolutely fucking gorgeous,” Spencer sighed in awe as she grabbed onto Lennox’s hand for him to help her get out of the van. After a long 11 hour flight from Seoul, Kaiden, Kinsley, Mason, Berkeley, Lennox, Noah, Spencer and Ava had finally made it to the Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa in Koloa, Hawaii where they would be celebrating Berkeley and Lennox’s 36th birthday.
“I agree, it’s breathtaking,” Kinsley grinned.
“I told you guys to trust me,” Lennox smirked. 
“Remember when you told us to trust you when it came to planning my 21st birthday?” Noah scoffed. “We spent the whole night roaming the streets of Japan because you fucked up our hotel reservations!”
“Ok that was one time and it wasn’t my fault,” Lennox shot back. “The girl that I was fucking at the time lied about having a hookup for discounted rooms.”
“If you keep talking about girls you used to fuck, you won’t be fucking me this weekend,” Spencer threatened, reaching out and pinching her fiancée's nipple through his shirt. 
“Ohhh, drinks!” Ava squealed happily as she ran up to one of the four employees of the hotel that had been waiting near the entrance for them, each of them holding a tray with two drinks sitting on top. 
“Are you gonna spend the whole weekend drunk, Ave?” Berkeley wondered with a laugh as she followed behind her friend, grabbing a drink as well. 
“Hell yeah,” Ava nodded. “I just spent two months promoting my last mini album. I deserve this drink, several other drinks, and all the dick I can handle.”
“Good luck handling all that buddy,” Mason chuckled as he patted Kaiden’s shoulder.
“For once, I actually agree with Ave,” Kaiden replied. “We’ve been so focused on work and the girls, this vacation will be a great chance for us to relax and reconnect.”
“And to get all the pussy you can handle, right?” Lennox smirked. 
“Don’t be a dick dude,” Kaiden rolled his eyes. After everyone grabbed a drink from the employees, they walked into the lobby of the hotel and made quick work of checking in. Knowing that their bags would be brought to them, each couple went to check into their respective presidential suites.
“Oh my gosh, I love this!” Berkeley exclaimed as she stepped into their room, while Noah shut the door behind her. 
“Lennox did a great job, for once,” Noah chuckled as he followed behind his wife as she made her way to the balcony that was straight through the spacious living area. 
“He knew he had no choice,” Berkeley laughed as she pushed open the sliding glass door before stepping out. “He knows I’d kill him if he ruined our birthday.”
“That he does,” he murmured in agreement, stepping up behind her and wrapping his free hand that wasn’t holding his drink around her waist. “I’m so happy that we were able to get away for a long weekend together.”
“Me too,” she whispered, leaning her head back against Noah’s shoulder so that she could look at him. “You think Mia’s gonna be ok with your parents?”
“Oh please, we’ll be lucky if she even wants to come home when we get back on Monday,” Noah joked. “Plus, my mom promised to send us updates and that she’d let Mia call whenever she wanted to. She’s in good hands.”
“I know Noah, I know.”
“So the only thing that you need to be worried about this weekend is having an amazing time with our friends, eating as much as you want and drinking as much as you can handle, and letting me fuck you within an inch of your life because you deserve it. Ok?”
“Ok,” Berkeley smiled, puckering her lips and moaning softly when he kissed her firmly. 
A few hours later, after everyone had gotten unpacked and washed the long flight off of them, all eight of them met on the beach for a candle lit dinner to celebrate the kickoff to their weekend.
“So, I wanna propose a toast,” Mason spoke up, standing up from his chair.
“Mase, I’m way too drunk to appreciate anything exceptionally meaningful right now,” Berkeley warned him.  
“Don’t worry, don’t worry, it’ll be quick,” he promised. “As we all know, we are here to celebrate Berk and Len’s 36th birthday and I just want to say that I hope this trip is filled with nothing but good vibes and happiness. As we’ve all got older, gotten married, had kids and started our careers, times like these when we get to just hang out with each other like we used to when we were kids are rare and I want all of us to just soak it up and make some lifelong memories.”
“You hear that Len?” Ava giggled. “That means you need to get drunk off your ass and give us something that we can laugh at 10 years from now.”
“Fuck you,” Lennox laughed, showing her his middle finger. 
“Anyways,” Mason said loudly, holding up his glass. “To an amazing weekend and an unforgettable birthday for Berk and Len.”
“Cheers!” Everyone exclaimed, raising their glasses and clinking them together.
“So tell me something, and don’t sugarcoat it please,” Spencer requested from her spot laying face down on the massage table. The day after their arrival to Hawaii, the girls were getting massages and pedicures while the guys decided to go on a hike and see some of the local sights. 
“What’s up?” Ava wondered as she thumbed through a magazine while she and Kinsley sat in chairs side by side, two of the spa employees working on their feet.
“Does your vagina ever go back to normal after having kids?” Spencer wondered. 
“Nope,” Berkeley answered from her own massage table, groaning loudly afterwards as the masseuse worked on the knots in her backs. 
“Berk!” Spencer whined. 
“You asked for honesty,” Berkeley deadpanned. 
“And she’s right Spence,” Ava spoke up, making Spencer turn her head so that she could look at her. “After the girls, my pussy never looked the same again.”
“Kins?” Spencer called out and Kinsley sighed heavily before putting down her phone in order to look at her. 
“You literally pushed a baby out of your vagina Spence,” she deadpanned. “It’s understandable if it doesn’t look the same as it did before.”
“I know and I love my baby, but it’s been 5 months and I just don’t think I can get used to how it looks down there now,” Spencer explained. 
“Is this our gorgeous, Korean beauty standard Kim Jin Ae talking?” Ava joked and Spencer rolled her eyes. “In the entire time I’ve known you, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk down on any part of your body.”
“Eh, having kids can do that to you,” Kinsley pointed out. “I’ve had four and I don’t even think I can remember how my vagina and breasts looked before I had Junior.”
“Has my brother said anything about it?” Berkeley questioned and Spencer shook her head.
“If anything, it’s as if he can’t get enough of me since Knox was born,” Spencer replied.
“Well, there you go!” Ava smiled. “It’ll take time Spence but you’ll learn your new body and how to be comfortable in it again, I promise.”
“I guess,” she huffed, laying her chin on her hand as she focused on how well her masseuse was working at the kinks in her neck. “What about you guys though?”
“What about us?” Kinsley muttered as she went back to her magazine.
“You guys thinking about having anymore babies?”
“Hell no,” Berkeley and Kinsley both replied at the same time. 
“I’ve thought about it but after talking to Kade, we’re done,” Ava admitted. “The girls are 10 and 6 now plus with Kade having just started his firm, we’re past that point.”
“What about you, Spence?” Berkeley shot the question back at her. “I know you’ve always said that you want more than one child.”
“Mm, I don’t know,” Spencer shrugged. “Yeah, it’d be nice to have one or two more but I’m about to be 36 in four months and that’s kind of up there to be pushing out babies, you know?”
“Not really,” Kinsley muttered. “My mom was older than you when she had Pooks.”
“No offense Kins, but that’s not exactly the greatest example,” Ava chimed in. 
“Point taken.”
“What does Lennox have to say?” Berkeley asked. 
“You know, it’s crazy because for someone who never mentioned wanting kids before I got pregnant with Knox, you should hear the shit that he says while we’re having sex,” Spencer giggled. “If it weren’t for birth control, I would’ve been pregnant as soon as my 6 weeks were up.”
“Well, what’s the problem then?” Kinsley questioned. “You want more and your man does too so why not?”
“Eh, we’ll see,” Spencer giggled. “I won’t be rushing back into that ring anytime soon though. I have a wedding to plan and I just started being able to enjoy margaritas again without feeling guilty for drinking while breastfeeding.”
“Pump and dump girl, pump and dump,” Kinsley said. “That’s what I’ll be doing this whole weekend.”
“So happy that those days are over for me,” Berkeley muttered. 
“No you’re not,” Ava scoffed. 
“You’re right, I’m not,” Berkeley admitted. “I miss those days when my baby was little.”
“Same,” Kinsley said. “Before you know it, we’ll be like how our moms were with us.”
“Oh God,” Ava groaned loudly, raising her hand and catching the attention of a waiter who then walked over to her. “Can you please get us four tall shots of soju?”
“Sure thing,” the waiter nodded before walking away.
“Why are you ordering us shots at 11am?” Kinsley asked. 
“If I’m going to have to hear about how we’re getting old, I’d rather do it while being drunk,” Ava replied, making all of them laugh loudly. 
“Ok wait, hold on,” Mason panted as he, Noah, Lennox, and Kaiden made it to the top of the trail that they had been walking on for the better part of an hour.
“Dude, you’ve been lagging for the last 20 minutes,” Lennox scoffed. “Those workouts that you’ve been doing clearly haven’t been that effective.”
“Oh, fuck you,” Mason snapped as he sat down on a bench that was on top of the hill. 
“Leave him alone Len,” Noah chuckled. “He does have a newborn in the house again after 6 years.”
“First of all, Aiden is 7 months old,” Lennox said. “And I have a 5 month old but you don’t see me slacking off!”
“Yeah but Mase started having kids 12 years ago, while you started 5 months ago,” Kaiden pointed out. “He’s old compared to the rest of us.”
“Hey! What the fuck is this, shit on Mase day?” Mason huffed. 
“Ah, we’re kidding dude,” Lennox smiled. “Hell, you could give us some tips.”
“Tips on what?”
“How the fuck you and Kins seem so damn happy when you two have been together longer than any of us?” Noah wondered with a laugh. “It’s been what, 20 years now?”
“21 actually, as of March 24th,” Mason smiled. 
“So, spill,” Lennox encouraged him.
“Not that I need the advice or anything, but it’d be nice to hear,” Kaiden spoke up.
“Guys, there is no secret,” Mason chuckled. “We really are that happy.”
“Really? Every day?” Noah deadpanned.
“Not all day everyday, but everyday,” Mason confirmed. “Sure, we have flaws and shit that we go through but Kins is the woman of my dreams and that’s the thought that enters my head whenever I see that face.”
“I get what you mean,” Kaiden agreed. “Whenever I see Ava up on stage, it makes all those years of staying home with the girls well worth it so that she was able to live her dreams.”
“The shit we do for the women we love, right?” Noah joked, making them all laugh. “And what about you Len?”
“What about me?” He wondered.
“You finally stepped with Spence,” Mason interjected. “You guys have had a baby and gotten engaged all within 5 months.”
“I know man,” Lennox nodded. “Never thought I’d see the day where I settle down willingly.”
“Me either,” Kaiden agreed with a laugh. “What made you want to?”
“I don’t know, I guess it’s just like you guys said,” Lennox shrugged. “For my dream girl, I guess there’s not much that I won’t do.”
“Including giving up your womanizing ways,” Noah smiled. 
“Yeah,” Lennox muttered. “I see why you guys settled down though. It’s not so bad.”
“Not so bad? I’d love to hear you say that in front of Spence,” Mason joked, making all four of them laugh loudly. 
“All those years of you talking shit about us being whipped when you’re just as bad,” Kaiden said.
“Hell, he’s worse,” Noah corrected. “He was literally waiting on Spencer hand and foot during her pregnancy and has been ever since.”
“Well, a wise man once told me,” Lennox began, motioning over towards Mason. “That if I want to keep my relationship in tact, keeping a woman happy throughout her pregnancy is key.”
“I’ll never steer you wrong buddy,” Mason told him. 
“Alright, we should get going back down the trail if we’re gonna meet the girls for lunch,” Kaiden said. 
“Do we have to walk back down?” Mason whined. “I don’t think my glutes can take it.”
“Get up pussy!” Lennox exclaimed, pushing Mason on the shoulder hard. “Min could do a better job than you and she’s tiny!”
“Jackass!” Mason exclaimed, getting up and chasing after Lennox who was running back down the trail.
“The shit we put up with,” Kaiden sighed. 
“Right?” Noah smiled as the two of them slowly followed behind their friends. 
The next morning was April 28th, Berkeley and Lennox’s 36th birthday and Lennox was in his hotel room, sleeping peacefully in the king sized bed that he was sharing with Spencer when he was woken up by the feeling of something....wet.
“What the?” Lennox grumbled, his eyes widening when a bolt of pleasure shot through his groin. “Oh fuck.” Sitting up on his elbow, he reached down and grabbed the duvet, lifting it up to reveal Spencer in between his legs, sucking eagerly on his cock. 
“Spence, what are you doing?” Lennox chuckled deeply and Spencer let his length fall out of her mouth. 
“Finally, you’re up,” she grinned at him. “I was almost thinking that you’d stay asleep the entire time.”
“How can I, when you were sucking me so fucking good?” He sighed as Spencer began to stroke his cock with both of her hands. “What’s this for?”
“It’s your birthday baby,” she reminded him. “You are officially 36 today and what better way to start your day than with a mind blowing orgasm?”
“Well, don’t let me interrupt you,” Lennox smirked and Spencer gave him a smile before she took him back into her mouth, suckling firmly on the head of his cock. A deep groan instantly left his throat and as his stomach muscles tightened, he could feel how close his orgasm already was.
“How long were you sucking me off?”
“10 minutes,” Spencer mumbled as she took him out of her mouth again and left open mouthed kisses down his shaft. 
“Fuck, that’s why I feel like I’m gonna come already,” he chuckled. 
“I told you, mind blowing orgasm,” Spencer grinned. Deciding not to say anything else, Lennox just lifted his head to watch her as she mouthed and licked at his balls. 
“Fuck baby, don’t tease me,” he pleaded. “Put me back in your mouth.”
“Mmm, you wanna fuck my mouth?” she offered.
“Hell yeah,” Lennox chuckled and Spencer sucked him back into her mouth then, nodding her head slightly afterwards to let him know that it was ok. Reaching down and tangling his hands in her hair, Lennox began to slowly lift his hips up from the bed and a blissful sigh escaped him when he felt the head of his cock hit the back of her throat. 
“Fuck yes baby, let me use you,” Lennox grumbled, lifting his hips up and down a little quicker. Spencer did her best to accommodate his length but she ended up gagging a little bit, the sound of gurgling filling the room. The filthiness of that sound only spurred Lennox on more, his grip on her hair tightening impossibly as he fucked her mouth. 
“Holy shit, I’m about to come,” he announced suddenly, his hips thrusting upwards one last time and stilling as he spilled himself all over Spencer’s tongue. Spencer took it in stride, swallowing as much of it as she could before Lennox released his grip on her hair and allowed her to pull off of his cock.
“Wanna share?” Spencer mumbled as she crawled up Lennox’s body, settling her body over his. Lennox nodded and Spencer captured his lips with hers, allowing some of the cum that was still leftover on her tongue to slide into his mouth. Lennox swallowed it down before pressing one last kiss to her lips and allowing his head to fall back against the pillow. 
“Holy fuck.”
“How was that?” Spencer wondered. 
“Mind blowing, definitely,” he reported, making her smile. 
“Well, hopefully this will be even better,” she said before crawling off of the bed and over to her suitcase that was laying on the floor next to the dresser. 
“What do you mean?” He questioned and after a few seconds of rummaging around in the suitcase, Spencer stood up and climbed back onto the bed.
“This is for you,” she said, handing him a small gift wrapped box.
“Baby, you didn’t have to get me anything,” Lennox murmured as he sat up and began to unwrap the box.
“Yeah right, you love the attention,” Spencer scoffed, making Lennox laugh. Once he finally got the wrapping paper off, Lennox pulled the top from the box and moved the crepe paper out of the way to reveal a silk tie and matching pocket square that was a light brown color.
“Spence, this is gorgeous,” Lennox gasped as he reached inside and took the tie out of the box. 
“I designed it,” she revealed. “Since we’ve already finalized the wedding colors, I thought maybe you could wear it then, you know? But you don’t have to if you don’t want to-”
“Baby,” he interrupted her. “I love it.”
“You do?”
“I do,” he nodded. “And I’ll be honored to wear something that you designed for me on our wedding day.”
“I love you Lennox Blake, and happy birthday,” Spencer told him.
“Thank you and I love you too,” Lennox grinned before kissing her passionately. 
“Fuck Noah,” Berkeley moaned, gripping tightly onto the sheets underneath her as Noah fucked into her from behind. She was laid flat on her stomach with her legs closed, while Noah was positioned over her legs as he fucked her. 
“That’s it Berk, doing so good,” Noah praised her as he leaned down and pressed his cheek against hers. “Your pussy is opening up so fucking well for me.”
“Please, right there,” she pleaded. “Deeper.” Noah angled his hips downwards at her request, taking pleasure in how her moans became louder at the action. 
“Open,” he demanded and Berkeley allowed her jaw to fall slack, exposing her mouth and Noah brought his hand up to slip two of his fingers into her mouth. She didn’t hesitate to start sucking on the digits and the feeling of her tongue around his skin shot straight through his pelvis to his cock. 
“Such a good fucking slut for me,” Noah grumbled deeply, loud pants coming from him as his orgasm began to crest. 
“Philp meh ump,” Berkeley gurgled. 
“What?” He chuckled as he took his fingers out of her mouth. 
“I said, fill me up,” she repeated. “Want your cum.”
“Come again for me and I will.”
“I’ve already come three times,” she laughed. “You’re trying to kill me, and on my birthday of all days.”
“Your birthday is even more reason for you to come again,” Noah whispered into her ear, reaching underneath her body and finding her clit with his fingers. He began to rub the bundle of nerves firmly, making Berkeley moan loudly as her own orgasm built up inside of her gut. It only took about two more minutes before they were both coming, loud moans and groans coming from the both of them. 
“God damn it,” Noah huffed, lowering his body and resting on top of his wife. 
“Hey, get off me! You’re tiny but you weigh a fucking ton,” Berkeley whined. 
“Alright, alright, calm down,” he laughed, lifting himself up and slowly pulling his cock out of her before laying down on the bed next to her. “So, do you want your gift now or later?”
“Now, obviously,” she replied and Noah nodded, reaching over to the nightstand and grabbing the box that had been waiting there since the previous night. 
“Here you go,” he said as he handed it off to her and Berkeley turned around, wrapping the bedsheet around her chest and sitting up against the headboard before she began to open the box. Once she got the top off, her eyebrows rose when she saw the glass frame that showcased what looked like squiggly lines. 
“What is this?” 
“Well, I wanted to get you something that was really meaningful and something that you could keep so I looked into the idea of getting soundwaves recorded,” Noah began to explain. “You can say anything, get it recorded, and the soundwaves of what you said will be here on the glass.”
“So what did you say?” She wondered. 
“It’s not what I said, but what Mia said,” he grinned. “She said that she loves you very much and that you’re the best Mommy ever.”
“Are you serious?” Berkeley asked and Noah reached out and silently turned over the glass plaque, which showed exactly what Noah had said in quotation marks along with Mia’s little signature. 
“Do you like it?”
“I love it so much,” Berkeley sniffled as tears welled up in her eyes. “Thank you for this.”
“Anything for you Berk,” Noah smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she whispered before leaning over and pressing a firm kiss to his lips. 
“I’m so glad that Aiden is our last baby because I hate having to pump before going anywhere,” Kinsley huffed from her spot on the edge of the hotel bed. All four couples were in their own rooms, getting ready to go out to one of Hawaii’s most popular nightclubs in order to celebrate and have some fun.
“You only have five more months left babe, hang in there,” Mason chuckled as he worked on fastening the straps of Kinsley’s heels from where he sat on the floor in front of her. 
“Did you talk to my babies today?” 
“Yeah, I facetimed your mom while you were napping earlier. Junior said that he’s just been hanging out with Miles, Kennedy said that she misses us a lot and can’t wait for us to come home, and Brooklyn said that your dad gave her another $100 for a fake doughnut,” he reported. 
“I told my daddy about giving a 7 year old that much fucking money,” Kinsley sighed. 
“You know your dad though and how he feels about his grandkids, especially the girls,” Mason replied. “Ok, I’m done.”
“Thanks Myungie,” she smiled, pulling down the top of her dress in order to pull out one of the cordless pumps that had been attached to her breast. Mason watched silently as she cut the pump off and put the cap on it before setting it on the bed and repeating the same steps with the second pump. 
“Hey,” he suddenly said and Kinsley looked at him with an arched brow. “Let me eat your pussy before we leave.”
“Mase, we can’t,” Kinsley rolled her eyes. “Everyone should be ready to go in a few minutes.”
“Please, knowing Ava and Spence? They’re both probably just now getting out of the shower,” he pointed out. 
“Fair point but I don’t want you starting anything that you won’t have time to finish.”
“Oh trust me baby, I always finish,” Mason winked at her before leaning forward and leaving soft kisses on her leg. Not entirely opposed to her husband giving her an orgasm before a night out, Kinsley just decided to let him continue on, shivering lightly as he moved the kisses upwards and got closer and closer to the apex of her thighs. 
“Hey Kins, do you have your-oh shit!” Ava gasped, instantly covering her face with her hands when she walked into the hotel room and saw Mason on his knees in between Kinsley’s thighs. “I didn’t see anything!”
“Of course you didn’t because nothing happened yet,” Mason laughed as he sat back on his heels. 
“Buzzkill,” Kinsley muttered. “Didn’t we all agree to knock before we came into each other’s rooms? We are on vacation, you know?”
“I never agreed to shit, thank you very much,” Ava smiled as she took her hands away from her face. “Besides, I just came to ask you if you have your flatiron?”
“Yeah, give me a sec,” Kinsley nodded before getting up and walking into the en suite bathroom.
“So, a little pre-game orgasm before we go out tonight?” Ava smirked as she looked at Mason.
“Don’t even try to clown us because we heard you and Kade a few hours ago,” Mason told her. 
“And you’re saying that like I’m supposed to be ashamed that I got my back blown out by my husband,” Ava laughed. Just then, Kinsley walked out of the bathroom and handed the flatiron to Ava. 
“I want my shit back when you’re finished with it, brat.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever. Be ready in 20!” Ava called before turning around and walking out of their hotel room. Walking a few paces down the hallway, Ava stepped back into her and Kaiden’s room, where her eyes widened at the sight of her husband. 
“Well, look who’s looking fine as hell,” Ava smirked as she stepped over to Kaiden, who was facing the mirror as he worked on fixing his hair. He was dressed in a somewhat casual black blazer, with a white t-shirt underneath, and a pair of black slacks. 
“Thanks Ave,” Kaiden smiled as Ava wrapped her arms around his middle.
“Uh, don’t forget I’m still here, thank you,” Spencer spoke up, walking over to them and grabbing the flatiron from Ava’s hands. “Please don’t con Kade into fucking you before we leave because we don’t wanna get there too late.”
“Mmm, no promises,” Ava murmured as her hands slid downwards and clutched onto Kaiden’s belt buckle. Deciding that it would be wise to excuse herself, Spencer walked out of the hotel room and right across the hallway to her and Lennox’s shared room. 
“Do you have the flatiron?” Lennox called out and Spencer followed his voice to where it was flowing from the bathroom. 
“Right here,” she smiled, holding it up. “Want me to curl your hair for you?”
“Yes please,” he nodded and Spencer stepped over to him, leaning over to push the plug into the outlet. Suddenly, Lennox turned her around, placed his hands on her hips, and hoisted her up so that she was perched on the edge of the sink. 
“What are you doing?” Spencer giggled. 
“Just wanted to help you be able to reach my head,” Lennox explained innocently. 
“Sure,” she nodded with a smile, leaning forward and kissing him. The small kiss soon became heated, Spencer’s legs finding their way around Lennox’s waist and pulling him closer as his hands roamed around on her ass. 
“Let me fuck you baby,” he whispered against her lips.
“We’re supposed to leave in 20 minutes,” she laughed. “You know that’s not enough time for you.”
“True but I could make an exception this one time.”
“No,” she smiled. “But when we get back, I do have a surprise for you.”
“Another one?”
“Mmhm, and I think you’ll really enjoy it,” Spencer told him and Lennox couldn’t help but notice the little mischievous gleam in her eyes. 
“Alright, you little minx,” he relented. “But keep kissing me until the flatiron heats up.” Spencer wordlessly surged forward again, pushing her lips to his. 
That’s exactly how Berkeley found them when she walked into their hotel room, wrapped up into each other so much that they didn’t even notice her presence at first.
“Uh, sorry to interrupt,” Berkeley spoke, causing both Lennox and Spencer to jump apart and look at her. “But can I borrow your Chanel perfume Spence?”
“Don’t you knock, beast?” Lennox huffed.
“I did, multiple times but you were so busy trying to get your dick wet that you didn’t hear it.”
“It’s my birthday, I can do that.”
“It’s our birthday, dickhead and if anything, it’s more my birthday than yours because I was born first,” Berkeley shot back. 
“Ok, you two, calm down,” Spencer rolled her eyes before jumping down off of the sink. “Come on Berk, I’ll give you the perfume.”
“Cockblock,” Lennox spat at Berkeley as Spencer pushed past him. 
“Desert dick,” Berkeley smiled before turning around and following Spencer. After getting the bottle, Berkley walked down the hallway back to her own room where Noah was standing in front of the mirror, putting on some earrings. 
“Did she have the perfume?” He wondered and Berkely nodded her head. 
“I told you, she never goes anywhere without that scent,” he chuckled. 
“I guess you do know your platonic soulmate that well,” she smiled. Taking off the robe that she had on over her dress, she revealed a breathtaking white dress that hugged her curves and showcased all of her assets. 
“Holy fuck Berk,” Noah gasped, his eyes widening when he examined the dress. “Did you put your nipple rings back in?”
“That I did, Mr. Park,” she nodded as she spritzed a few pumps of perfume onto her neck and then her wrists while Noah stepped over to her. 
“You can see the outline of them through this dress,” he muttered, his hand coming up to gently rub the outline of them. 
“Consider it a treat for that amazing gift you gave me earlier and for how good you are to me in general,” Berkeley winked at her husband before walking away from him to find her high heels.
“Please let me make it through this night without coming in my jeans,” Noah whispered to himself. 
An hour later, the eight of them had made it to The District, one of the hottest nightclubs in Hawaii. The drinks were flowing and it wasn’t long until all four couples were out on the dance floor. 
“Don’t hurt me with that thing baby,” Mason chuckled as Kinsley twerked her ass on him. 
“Ah, you can handle it,” she winked at him over her shoulder. 
“I ever tell you how much I love you?” Kaiden whispered into Ava’s ear, the two of them in their own little world as they slowly rocked back and forth together, despite the fast paced music bumping throughout the club.
“Everyday,” Ava smiled. 
“Well, I should bump that up to every second of every day then,” he replied, leaning down and nudging his nose against hers. 
“Hey, Noah and I have a surprise for you and Berk,” Spencer told Lennox after he had spun her around and pulled her into his body. 
“Another one?” Lennox chuckled. “How many surprises am I gonna get today?”
“As many as necessary to make this your best birthday yet,” she smiled before stepping over to Noah and pulling him away from Berkeley. The twins watched as their spouses pushed their way through the crowd, both of them wearing matching raised brows.
“Any idea what they’re up to?” Lennox wondered.
“Not a clue,” Berkeley huffed. “I’m never able to tell what those two are doing though. Must be a soulmate thing.”
“I guess,” he shrugged before turning to look at her. “Wanna dance in the mean time?”
“Sure,” she agreed, grabbing onto Lennox’s outstretched hand and allowing him to twirl her around with a laugh. As they all continued to dance, they heard a sudden commotion and the crowd parted, revealing Spencer and Noah pushing two carts with large birthday cakes on them that each had multiple candles on top. 
“What the fuck?!” Berkeley exclaimed with a smile.
“Happy birthday you guys!” Noah, Spencer, Kinsley, Mason, Ava and Kaiden shouted. 
“This is too much,” Lennox laughed as he moved to stand in front of one cake while Berkeley stood in front of the other. 
“Nothing’s too much for you baby,” Spencer told him. “Make a wish, both of you!” Berkeley and Lennox both shut their eyes for a few seconds, making their wishes before opening their eyes and blowing the candles on their respective cakes out. 
“Whew!” Mason cheered, making everyone else in the club do the same as they applauded. Berkeley stepped over to her brother, throwing her arms around him and hugging him tightly. 
“There’s no one else that I would rather have as my twin,” she murmured. “I love you Lenny.”
“Ditto, and I love you Berk,” Lennox smiled, pressing a soft kiss to the side of her head. “Hapyy birthday.”
“Fuck, I love you,” Berkeley whispered as Noah thrusted into her. After spending a few more hours at the club and making it back to their hotel at a modest 3am, each couple went into their separate hotel rooms to continue their nights. 
“I love you too baby, I love you too,” Noah replied, reaching up and slipping his hands into hers before pinning them onto the bed next to her head. “My dream girl.”
“I don’t deserve you,” she confessed softly. 
“What do you mean?” he chuckled. 
“You give me so much without even thinking about it but you have to fight me in order just for me to talk sometimes,” she replied with a sniffle and Noah stopped the movement of his hips, sitting back on his knees as he looked down at her.
“Baby, you’re everything,” Noah told her honestly. “I don’t need you to talk to me all the time because I know you. I know what you’re feeling and what you’re thinking just by looking at you. Don’t sell yourself so short.”
“No, I know you know me.”
“I wouldn’t have stuck around this long if I didn’t love every single ounce of you, even the parts that piss me off,” he joked, making her laugh through her tears. “You’ve given me everything: an amazing life, a gorgeous daughter, and a love that I only ever dreamed about having. You’re my life, Berkeley Hope.”
“Stop making me cry on my birthday, that’s not nice,” she whimpered and Noah just smiled fondly as he took his hands out of hers, wiping her tears away. 
“Technically, it’s not your birthday anymore,” he smirked. 
“Semantics. Now, make me come please,” Berkeley requested. 
“My pleasure,” Noah smiled, leaning down and kissing her passionately before beginning to move his hips again. 
“Oh..my...fucking...God!” Ava squealed as Kaiden fucked up into her. The two of them were on their king-sized bed, Ava straddling her husband as she rode his cock. 
“Come on baby, come on,” Kaiden goaded her, gripping her ass tight with one hand and using the other hand to wrap her hair around his fist. “Come for me.”
“I-I-I’m going to,” she stammered. “God, why are you fucking me so good?”
“Because I know you baby,” he murmured into her ear. “I know you like for me to fuck you within an inch of you rlife, yeah?”
“Mmm, yeah.”
“You like it when I force all seven inches of my cock into your tight little pussy too.”
“Admit it baby,” he smirked. “You like being a little slut for me, don’t you?”
“Fuck yes I do, I do, I do,” she repeated. 
“So be a good slut and come for me,” he commanded, raising his hand and smacking her ass hard. That smack triggered her orgasm, her body quivering on top of his as her essence coated his cock.
“Oh my god,” Ava panted once her orgasm had passed, pressing her hands against her husband’s chest and sitting up straight. “I’m convinced you’re trying to kill me.”
“As if you wouldn’t prefer to go out with a great orgasm,” Kaiden scoffed, making Ava giggle in response. 
“You’re still hard,” she noted with a smile, lifting herself off of his lap and sliding down so that her body was in between his legs. “What should we do about that?”
“Whatever you want,-oh fuck,” he groaned as Ava took the entire length of his cock into her mouth and down her throat. 
In Mason and Kinsley’s room, the only thing that could be heard was moans and grunts coming from the both of them as Mason held his wife up against the wall, fucking into her with fervor. 
“Just like that baby,” Mason grunted, sweating sliding down his forehead since he and Kinley were literally on their third round of sex since getting back to the hotel. “Clench your pussy for me.”
“I can’t,” Kinsley replied through grit teeth. “If I do, I’m gonna squirt.”
“And when has that ever been a fucking problem for me?” he scoffed in response. “Fucking drench me, Princess.”
“Keep fucking me right there,” she told him and he nodded, groaning loudly when he felt her inner walls clamp down around his cock. “Oh God, you’re fucking my g-spot Myungie.”
“Come on baby, give it to me,” he goaded her, palming her ass cheeks with his hands. He allowed one of his pointer finger to travel a little bit further though, gently prodding at her tightest hole. 
“Put it in, please,” Kinsley begged and without replying verbally, Mason allowed his finger to sink inside of her. “Fuck yes Mase, I’m about to fucking come.”
“Do it,” he said, fucking his finger into her ass in time with the movement of his cock inside of her. 
“I’m....coming, fuck!” she screamed, her thighs shaking in Mason’s hold as she squirted all over his length and his pelvis. Mason smirked at the sight, loving the feeling of her wetness splashing against his skin as he fucked her through it. 
“Good girl baby, such a good girl,” he cooed. Kinsley’s body went limp then, all of her energy going into keeping her arms wrapped around her husband’s neck. Mason had a firm grip on her though, using his muscles to continue lifting her up and down on his cock.
“You still with me baby?” he checked in. “Wanna stop?”
“Fuck no,” she drawled. “Want you fill my pussy up and make me squirt again.”
“My perfect girl,” Mason smirked before leaning forward and kissing her passionately. 
“You ready baby?” Lennox asked and Spencer nodded her head as she glanced at him over her shoulder. “You know we don’t have to do this?”
“I know but I want to, promise,” she smiled. “We’ve talked about it before, I trust you, and I wanted to give you something different for your birthday.”
“Alright,” he chuckled, pulling his fingers out of her tightest hole and using the leftover lube to coat his cock. “Relax for me.”
“Ok,” she nodded, taking a deep breath as she allowed the top half of her body to sink against the bed. Lennox pressed the head of his cock against her ass, slowing pushing his hips forward causing him to sink inside of her. 
“Oh fuck,” he groaned as he bit down on his lip, trying not to blow his load too soon from how tight she was around him. “You ok?”
“I’m fine Len,” she laughed, although Lennox could tell that it was a little bit strained. “Keep going.” Nodding to himself, Lennox kept gently fucking his way into her until after a few minutes, he managed to get most of his length into her. 
“Fuck, look at you Spence,” Lennox grumbled, squeezing the cheeks of her ass and pulling them apart, marveling at how she seemed to be effortlessly taking him. “So perfect baby.”
“Feels so good Len, shit,” Spencer moaned. “So full.”
“Yeah? You like how my cock feels in your ass?”
“Love it,” she corrected him, making him smile as he began to speed up the pace of his thrusts. Suddenly, her moans got louder and her hole clenched around her fiancée's cock. 
“What was that Spence?” he wondered. “I felt you tighten up. Did you come?”
“No, I have two fingers inside of my pussy,” she revealed and Lennox swore that he felt his cock jump inside of her from hearing that. 
“That’s why you feel so full then, you little minx,” he chuckled. 
“I couldn’t help myself,” she whined. “I’m so fucking wet baby.”
“Keep fucking your pussy while I fuck your ass,” he demanded, moving his hands up to grip her hips before he really began to pound into her. Spencer took it all like a champ, allowing him to basically drag her body back and forth as he fucked them both into an orgasm. 
“Fuck Len, don’t stop,” she said suddenly.
“You getting close baby?”
“Really fucking close,” she nodded. “Harder.”
“Babe, this isn’t your pussy I’m fucking, it’s your ass,” Lennox told her. “I don’t want to be too rough.”
“But I want it,” she whined loudly. “Fuck my ass harder, please. Make me come.”
“Shit, you have no idea how sexy you just sounded saying that,” he grunted as he lifted one of his hands and smacked her ass twice in quick succession. Lifting one of his legs so that his foot was planted on the bed, Lennox began to fuck Spencer literally within an inch of her life.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” Spencer chanted, her orgasm slamming into her like a truck as she creamed all over her fingers. Without warning, Lennox came as well, his head thrown back and his eyes shut tightly as his cum poured into her ass. 
“God damn,” Lennox panted as Spencer collasped onto the bed, his own body following after her and landing on top of hers. “Definitely the best birthday I’ve ever had.”
“Good,” Spencer giggled. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her head. 
“I feel like absolute shit,” Berkeley said sluggishly. The next morning, it was their last day in Hawaii and all of them were meeting up in Berkeley and Noah’s room for breakfast on their large balcony. 
“Get in line,” Kinsley muttered from her chair, large sunglasses and a hat covering her face and head. “Remember when we were 20 and could knock back drinks like it was nothing without these raging hangovers?”
“God, I miss those days,” Berkeley sighed. 
“Ok, I hope there’s alcohol out here,” Ava stated as she walked out onto the balcony, followed by Kaiden, Mason, and Spencer. 
“Didn’t you have enough last night?” Berkeley wondered. 
“And don’t you have a hangover this morning?” Kinsley questioned. 
“I don’t,” Ava shook her head as she took her seat along with the others. “I feel great.”
“Of course she fucking does,” Spencer muttered. “Life of the child of the Golden Maknae.”
“Don’t hate,” Ava giggled. 
“Someone’s very chipper this morning,” Mason noticed. “Could it have anything to do with the screaming I heard coming from your room last night?”
“Don’t start,” Kaiden groaned. “I literally thought a fucking rhino was going to come charging through the wall from how hard you were pounding Kins into it last night.”
“I am sitting right here, you know,” Kinsley scoffed. 
“Ok, so everyone got their dicks wet and their backs blown out last night. So what?” Spencer snapped. 
“For someone who was moaning louder than Kins, Ava, and I put together, you’d think you’d be a little happier,” Berkeley laughed. 
“I’m sore, hungover, and hungry,” Spencer responded. “Not a great combination of things.”
“We come baring food!” Noah called out as he and Lennox walked onto the balcony, each of them pushing carts filled with food. Everyone instantly hopped up, grabbing plates and piling them up with food. 
“So, I just want to thank all of you guys for coming out on this trip,” Berkeley spoke up suddenly once everyone had been eating for a little while. “Len and I know that you’re all busy with your own lives so it means the world to us that you all made the time to come.”
“Definitely,” Lennox agreed. “When Berk and I were trying to figure out what we wanted to do for our birthday this year, we both said that there’s no one else that we would rather spend it with than our best friends.”
“We’re happy to be here, you guys,” Kinsley smiled. “And like Mase said a few days ago, I think we have made some wonderful memories.”
“I agree,” Kaiden nodded. 
“To the memories that we’ve made and the time that we’ve spent together on this trip,” Noah proposed as he held up his glass, and the others followed suit. “And our lifelong friendship.”
“Cheers!” The eight of them yelled, pushing their glasses together as they closed the book on a great vacation.
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rowyn-writes · 4 years
Feeling the Loss (Dean Winchester x OFC)
Warnings: Major angst, death, pregnancy, fluff if you squint.
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Kaiden Ryker was ignoring Dean Winchester. And for the life of him he couldn't figure out why. Well, he had some kind of inkling.
Kaiden and Dean had hooked up a few weeks prior, and now everything was extremely awkward.
It wasn't anything serious, the two had been on a hunt together while Sam stayed behind. After a rough night of killing vampires, the two decided to let off some steam. Kaiden, however, didn't want to talk about what happened that night. The whose situation confused Sam, as no one told him what happened.
"Kaiden!" Sam called after as she entered her room in the bunker. "What's going on with you and Dean?"
"Nothing, Sammy." She sighed as she packed her duffel bag.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Down to visit my parents. My dad's really sick, and I need to be there." She explained, grabbing the few pictures she had and packing them up.
"Do you want us to come with you?" Sam offered.
"No. No, you and Dean need to be here, figuring out this whole Abaddon business. I need to be with my parents." She gave him a sad smile. "If I'm gone more than a couple days, I'll call you."
Sam brought Kaiden in for a hug, kissing the top of her head. "Be careful, Kay. Call if you need anything."
"I will. Goodbye, Sammy." Sam didn't know why, but he felt like he wouldn't see Kaiden again for a while.
Kaiden threw her duffel bag under the seat of her motorcycle, revving the engine as she headed towards Oklahoma. She felt bad for not saying goodbye to Dean, but she just couldn't look at him, let alone say goodbye.
It was a good five hour ride from Kansas to Oklahoma, but she finally made it. She unlocked her parents door, hearing voices from the living room.
"Kaiden!" Her father, Frank Ryker, exclaimed from his bed. The doctors thought it would be best to send him home so he could be comfortable before passing.
"Hey, Daddy." She smiled, grabbing his hand. "How're you feeling?"
"I've seen better days, sweetheart."
"Where's Mom?" Kaiden asked, looking around.
"Off getting stuff for dinner."
Kaiden paled slightly. "Mom's not cooking, is she?" She grimaced when her father nodded. "I might have to take over, then."
"Please? I love Beth, but my God, she's a terrible cook. She's been torturing me for months." Kaiden laughed at her father's dramatics.
Every time she looked at him, her heart broke. He was pale and thin, obviously then chemo treatments had taken a toll on him, and they didn't even work. "So, how's everything going with those Winchester boys? Are they behaving themselves?"
Kaiden's parents had formerly been hunters before they retired in their late 50's. Kaiden had known the Winchester's since she was a kid, which is why she decided to start hunting with them after her parents quit.
"Yeah, Dad. Everything's good."
Frank narrowed his eyes at her. "Don't lie to me, Kaiden. You're an open book, I can see it on your face."
Kaiden sighed. Her father knew her too well. "Things are a little complicated with me and Dean right now." She admitted.
"Dean? I always thought you and Sam would get together." Kaiden recoiled at the idea. She loved Sam, but only as a brother. "Well, do you want to talk about it?"
"Nah," She shook it off. "Let's just watch some football. It's been a while since we did this." It was another hour before her mother finally got home with the groceries. She was surprised to see her daughter home, but happy nonetheless.
Kaiden decided to cook chicken pot pies for dinner, one of her dad's favorite meals. They all sat in the living room, watching the Kansas City Chiefs get their asses beat. Kaiden felt happy for the first time in a while. She was glad to be home with her parents again.
Like Kaiden promised, she called Sam the next day to tell him everything was fine. He told her that Dean was pissed because she didn't tell him she was leaving. She felt slightly guilty, so she decided to text him.
Hey, sorry I didn't say goodbye. I just really needed to get to my dad. He's not looking so good.
It was ten minutes before Dean replied. You had time to talk to Sam before you left. So why not me?
I'm sorry, Dean. Things haven't exactly been easy between us lately. Kaiden started becoming distressed, so she set her phone in the draw and went to make lunch for her parents.
When Kaiden looked at her phone an hour later, she read the last message Dean sent her. If things 'haven't exactly been easy between us lately,' then why come back? If you're so eager to get away, then stay away.
Her heart broke reading that message. Sure, things had been rough with Dean lately, but at the end of the day, she would always come back. If Dean wanted her gone, she'd stay gone.
She quickly dialed Sam's number. "Uh, hey, Sammy." She sniffed. "I'm going to be gone for longer than I thought. I was hoping you could grab a couple of things for me and we could meet half way so I can pick them up?"
"Kaiden, what's going on? Is everything okay?" Sam worried.
"Uh, no, not really. My dad's worse than I thought, so I'm not coming back for a while. I'm so sorry."
"Don't apologise, Kay. Take all the time you need. I understand. Just text me a list of what you need and I'll bring them to you." Sam told her.
"Thank you, Sammy." She breathed.
Sam glared at his brother, knowing that he said something to cause Kaiden distress. "What did you say to her?" Dean raised an eyebrow at his little brother. "Don't play dumb with me, Dean. What did you say to make Kaiden so upset?!"
The man never looked up from cleaning his gun. "I told her that if she wanted to leave then don't come back."
Sam's eyes widened in horror. "You complete fucking dick!" He yelled. "He dad's dying from cancer and you decided to fucking kick her out?! Over what? Because things have been awkward with you two for a couple of weeks! And don't think I didn't notice. So, let me guess. You and Kaiden slept together? Am I right?" Dean's silence was the answer Sam needed.
"Of fucking course! You're so butt hurt over the fact that Kaiden hasn't talked to you since that you've kicked her out!" Sam's voice was getting louder by the minute. "You should have heard her when she called me. She was a sobbing mess, she could barely string a sentence together. I hope you're happy, Dean."
Kaiden put a hand over her mouth as she looked at the positive pregnancy tests. "Fuck." She whispered.
"What does it say, sweetheart?" Her father asked weakly from the living room.
"It's positive." She sniffed.
"Oh, my girl." Frank squeezed her hand tightly. "I know you're scared, but it'll be alright."
Tears streamed down Kaiden's face. "No, Dad, it won't. Dean doesn't wanna see me anymore. He basically kicked me out!"
"And he's a fool." He croaked. "Sooner or later, he will come crawling back to you. But, until then, I got you this." Frank dug around his bedside table and found a small stuffed frog. "For the little one. You used to love this frog when you were a baby, and I'm sure yours will too."
Kaiden held the stuffed animal close to her chest, smiling at her father.
Later that week, he passed away, leaving a huge whole in Kaiden's heart. All she wanted to do was called Dean and be comforted by his voice. But she couldn't. So she called Sam instead.
"Sam!" She wailed. "Sam! He's gone! He's dead!"
Sam's breath hitched in his throat, causing Dean to look at him. "Oh, Kay. I'm so sorry." He whispered. "I know how much he meant to you." Sam listened in pain as Kaiden cried on the other end of the phone. "I'm coming over now." He told her, gathering up his things.
"No, Sam. It's okay, you don't have to." Kaiden sniffed.
"No, Kaiden. I'm coming, whether you like it or not. I'll be there soon." He hung up the phone.
"What's going on?" Dean asked, clearly worried.
"What do you care?" Sam snapped. "You don't want to be around Kaiden, remember?"
"She sounded like she was in pain, I was just –"
"Her dad died." Sam growled. "And she needs comfort and support. Something you can't provide for her. You're staying here, by the way. See what you can find out about the Mark of Cain and Abaddon or whatever. I'm going to comfort my sister."
Kaiden surged forward to hug Sam. She had missed the smell of his cologne and the warmth of his hugs. He ran a hand over her head, trying to soothe her sobs. He knew what she was going through. Sam wasn't as close with his dad as Kaiden was with hers, but he understood.
Kaiden's mother sat in the living room, staring at the spot where Frank Ryker used to sleep. "Oh, hello, Sam." She gave him a sad smile. "It's good to see you. Is your brother with you?"
"No - uh, he had a case to work back home." He lied. Sam made his way to the kitchen, whipping up a meal for the Ryker women to eat. When Sam returned to the living room, he noticed that Beth had gone to her room, and Kaiden was clutching a stuffed frog.
"Hey," He said gently, setting the plate of food in front of her. "How're you holding up?"
"Terribly." Kaiden mumbled. "How's everything going with Abaddon and Metatron and whatever other villain we have to deal with?"
Sam chuckled. "Don't worry about it. We've got everything under control." That was an absolute lie, but Kaiden didn't need to know that. "What's that?" He asked, motioning to the frog.
"It's a stuffed animal my dad got me when I was a baby. He said he found it a few months ago cleaning out the attic. I remember I used to love playing with this thing, it was my comfort toy. I guess it's still trying to work it's magic, huh?" She gave Sam a weak smile. The man pulled Kaiden into his side, resting his head on top of hers.
The two hunters had always had a good relationship, even when they were teenagers. Whenever John and Kaiden's parents teamed up for a hunt, Sam and Kaiden did most of the research to help them out. For a long time, everyone thought they were dating, but they insisted they only saw each other as siblings. Which was true, whenever Kaiden needed a brotherly figure to confide in, she would always go to Sam.
"I'm so sorry, Kay. You're dad was a good man."
"Yeah, he was."
Sam stuck around for a week so he could attend Frank's funeral, then begrudgingly went back to the bunker. He would have stayed longer, but Kaiden forced him to go home. She was scared that Sam would figure out that she was pregnant. She knew it was wrong to keep the secret from Dean, but what was she supposed to say after all the nasty things he texted her. Little did she know, all he could do was stare at his phone, hoping to see her name pop up.
Kaiden was now three months into her pregnancy, and she still hadn't told Sam or Dean about it. When Sam called to check up on her, she just told him that she still needed time to heal and make sure her mother was going to be okay. Sam tried to come visit her again, but she said that she just didn't want any company. After a while, Sam stopped communicating with her and Kaiden started to get worried.
She texted Sam almost everyday, trying to make sure that he and Dean was okay. In the sixth month into her pregnancy, she finally got a call from Sam.
"Sammy!" She exclaimed. "I've been worried sick! What's going on with Abaddon and Metatron?"
"Kaiden." Sam said seriously, making Kaiden stop in her tracks. "Dean's dead." The woman gasped, tears streaming down her face. "I know, I hate to tell you this. Especially with how you're still grieving over you dad, but I just thought you had a right to know."
"T-thank you for t-telling me, Sam. I'm so sorry. Did you g-guys kill A-abaddon?"
"Yeah, yeah, we got her."
Kaiden couldn't believe that Dean had died. All of a sudden, grief and guilt overwhelmed her. She realized just how much she missed Dean, she missed the smell of his cologne, the sound of his laugh, his smile, his snarky comments, his sassyness, everything. And in that moment, she knew what she was going to name her baby boy.
Dean had been released of the Mark of Cain, finally. And the first person he wanted to see was Kaiden. The Winchester brothers hadn't been able to get a hold of the woman, as she had changed her phone number. They figured that Kaiden still lived with her mother, or at least knew where Kaiden was, so they decided to go to her house. 
Dean hesitantly knocked on the door, hoping to see Kaiden. However, her mother, Beth, answered the door.  "Dean Winchester?!" She whispered. "Oh, I thought you were dead! Kaiden, she told me that you were gone. Oh, she was so upset that day. She was inconsolable. With losing her father and her - well, you, she has never been the same. It's so good to see you, Dean." She hugged the younger man. "Come in, come in."
Sam and Dean smiled at her as they walked inside. They noticed small toys scattered around the house and pictures a baby boy lined the walls. "Did you adopt a baby?" Sam asked, looking at the pictures.
"Er, no. Not exactly. My sister's daughter just had a baby not that long ago and he's been spending a lot of time over here." She lied, but Sam and Dean seemed to believe her.
"So, where's Kaiden?" Dean questioned eagerly, deeply wanting to see her.
"She should be here soon, she visits every Saturday." Beth said. She wanted to text her daughter to warn her about what she was going to walk into, but she didn't want to distract her driving.
About half an hour later, Kaiden finally arrived at her mothers house. "Mom, I really need you to take D.J, I'm so sleep deprived I swear I hallucinated the Impala in the driveway." She rubbed her eyes sleepily as she bounced D.J on her hip.
"Kaiden, dear." Beth said, rushing to meet her daughter. "Let me take D.J, you have some visitors." The woman gives her mother a strange look as she stumbled into the living room. She's taken aback when she sees Sam and Dean Winchester.
"Dean?" She whispered, clearly shocked. "B-but you were dead. You are dead."
"It's been a long year, sweetheart." Dean smiled at her. Kaiden surged forward, hugging him tightly before moving on to his brother. Sam and Dean sat the woman down and told her all the things that had happened in the last year.
"Why didn't you tell me you were alive sooner?" She asked, strangely calm.
"I just didn't want you to be around me while I still had the Mark of Cain. I didn't want to hurt you." Dean explained. "Honestly, I expected you to be more angry."
Kaiden looked down at her hands. "I haven't been completely honest with you either. So I don't think I have any right to be angry." Sam and Dean gave her concerned looks. She quickly exited the room, grabbing her son from the floor. Dean felt his heart stopped when Kaiden entered the room while a giggly baby boy in her arms. "Guys, meet Dean Franklin Winchester. Or, as I call him, D.J."
Dean looked at her with wide eyes. "Y-you were pregnant?" She nodded. "Why didn't you tell me, Kay?"
Kaiden bit the inside of her cheek. "Well, when I went to visit my dad, things between us weren't the best. And when you sent me that text, I decided that I wasn't coming back. Later that week, I found out that I was pregnant. I didn't want to tell you because I thought that it would make everything worse. I'm sorry, Dean." 
"No, Kaiden, I'm the one who should be apologizing. I never should have said that to you, I've regretted it ever since." Dean said sincerely. 
There was an awkward moment of silence before Kaiden spoke up. "Would you like to hold him?"
Dean's eyes lit up at the suggestion. He carefully held his son against his chest. "He's so small." Kaiden and Sam smiled at each other as they watched Dean coo at D.J.
"I haven't seen him this happy in a while." Sam whispered to Kaiden. "You know he's been in love with you since forever, right?" The woman scoffed, shaking her head. There was no way that Dean Winchester was in love with her.
"He's not lying, you know." Dean confirmed, looking up from D.J. "That's why I was so pissed when you left without telling me." Sam discreetly snatched D.J from his brother and left the room, wanting to give the two parents some space. "When you were gone, all I wanted to do was talk to you. Of course I was being an ass and couldn't put my ego aside."
Kaiden snorted at that comment. "I'm in love with you, Kay. And I want to remind you of that everyday if you'll let me? Please move back to the bunker. It's not the same without you." He pleaded.
The woman smiled as she brought Dean in for a kiss. "Of course I'll come home."
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kaidans-alenko · 3 years
okay, so I'm just now playing through ME(super late I know). My femShep in the first game had a buzzcut and my personal HC is that the Lazarus project made her hair grow super fast. She wakes up with longish hair--essentially a mullet. Her old crew is constantly asking about it, Kaiden (her LI) barely recognizes her, and it just generally adds to the feeling that she's lost her whole life. But she doesn't have the time or brainpower to deal with something so superficial, so she doesn't.
Awww Shepard 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
That's something I wish they touched on a little more, I know she's supposed to be this tough space marine but she's still human. Like there were some moments but it was only thru dlc and some people don't really want to buy the dlc
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actuallykiwi · 4 years
Fan-written Mass Effect 3 Epilogue
The Reapers are destroyed. The galaxy knows peace once more. Mostly. Amid the crashed ruins of the Citadel, the “Hero of the Galaxy”, Jane Shepard, lies barely alive. It takes a keen eye from one team of paramedics to find her broken body. The galaxy was saved, but now it’s Shepard’s turn once more. 
So many bodies. So much debris. The next four or five generations would be seeing the scars of the Reaper War. Clean-up had only been going on for about 48 hours. Most of the Citadel ended up in the ocean, but that still left a lot of it on the shore. “Shore” being 1/3 of Manhattan. The rest of it was reported flying back down on London.
Evening was falling. Dawson and his team of paramedics were part of the New York Search & Rescue (NYSR) squad, scouring any and every part of the Citadel debris that landed in New York. They were looking for anything or anyone they could salvage, but so far, no signs of life had been detected. And the damage the explosion had done, the damage the Reapers did to the citizens of the Citadel... they would all have mental scars for the rest of their lives. Dawson’s team only had 45 minutes left until they had to call it a day. The hardest part of the job was finding and identifying every single body they found. And today they found... less than yesterday, but a staggering, heart-wrenching number nonetheless. 
Dawson, stone-faced as usual, helped his teammate load another poor asari onto the shuttle before climbing over the debris back to where he was. He wanted to leave so bad. But someone had to do this job. He sighed as he turned off his flashlight and sat on jagged metal slab, head in his hands. 
It was only when he sat completely still that he heard it. 
He couldn’t be imagining it. He shot up and stood quietly. There, ever-so-quietly to his left, he could hear it. 
Raspy, soft, labored breathing. Someone was still alive. 
Dawson almost dropped his flashlight to turn it on, but quickly and carefully tread to the source. “I’ve got a live one over here!” His heart was racing as he reached the dark figure and his teammates began to trek over to him. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the N7 tag, bloody and crumpled, but there. The flashlight glided over their hardly-moving torso, over the various scars and broken bones, the bloody, singed black hair, and to the nearly-mangled face of none other than... 
And then chaos. Every team that was close enough to hear him immediately rushed to his position. Dawson and a few other men began clearing the rubble around her body as carefully as possible. At least a dozen paramedics stood by ready for action. 
“We need as much medi-gel as we can spare over here, NOW!” 
“Oh my God, Shepard’s still alive?!” 
“Get anyone that worked on the Lazarus project in an OR!”
“Has anyone been able to reach the Normandy crew yet?!” 
Shepard’s unconscious body was delicately placed on a gurney, and a dozen or more tubes were now sticking out of her every which way. They had to move through the debris to the nearest landing zone for the chopper to receive her. From there, it was a short ride to the hospital. 
“You’ll be alright, Commander. Just hang in there!” 
I need more medi-gel in here! That rubble was keeping her from bleeding out!
Voices. They were faint, but she could still hear them clearly. All she could see was white. Then black once more. 
Keep that IV in. She’s gonna be in a hell of a lot of pain whenever she comes to. You mean if she comes to. She will. She’s Commander Shepard, after all, this wouldn’t be the first time she’s beat death. 
She could smell this time. It certainly smelled like a hospital. Then black again. 
Shepard, I’m almost certain you’re immortal at this point. 
That voice. Miranda? It had to be. 
I’m not sure if you can hear me, but you’ve done it again. You’ve cheated death. Though this was a bit different than last time. We don’t have the tools we did in Cerberus, during Lazarus. And I’ll be honest, you’re in... much worse condition this time. You’re an actual miracle if you wake up... But I know you. You will. 
She felt slight pressure on her head. A gentle rub. 
You lucky bastard. 
This time was a whole host of voices. She could recognize each one distinctly, but still didn’t have the strength to respond.
“-and yet here we are. Here you are. Somehow still kicking. I’m honestly a little scared of you now.” Joker. 
“Now? I always have been! To come back from death once was scary enough, but now? To still be alive after all that?? Shepard, I could almost worship you.” Laughter from sweet Tali. 
“I don’t know about worship, but I definitely believe you’re immortal, or close to it.” Kaiden. 
“I’m just glad you are still alive, even though you’re not with us.” Liara. 
“Alright, her pulse is rising, give her her space.” Dr. Chakwas. And from the distance, she must have been standing right outside the door. A few more people said things, complained, pats on the shoulder, but began to fade away. 
But someone was missing. Whose voice was she missing? She wanted to hear it, to- 
And then a hand was around hers. Gently on her cheek. And that voice, right above her... 
“Come back to us, soon. We miss you. I miss you... It’s empty without you here.” Garrus. Garrus Vakarian. Her pulse slowed back down to normal and she could feel herself breathe with relief. She heard him chuckle. “That’s my girl. Keep breathing, and open those pretty eyes soon.” She felt him kiss her forehead. 
She was beginning to fade out again, but she could just make out him asking Chakwas if he could stay. She argued, stating “if he did, they would all want to”, but she begrudgingly accepted. She felt his hand around hers again, and then everything went quiet. 
It was silent, minus the beeping of the heart monitor. Steady. That’s good. It took effort, but she moved. A twitch of the hand. A nudge of the shoulder. Face squinting. And hoo-boy, she was sore. A little grunt came from inside her, and for the first time in God knows how long, her blue eyes welcomed the pale ceiling. She could feel the cold nightgown across her torso, which was also strangely freezing. It was a slow process to move anything. At first it was just her eyes, which glimpsed the ceiling, window to her left, monitor to her right, and monitor on the wall, displaying her name, condition, date, etc. 
Then, her head, moving to fully look at everything, including her turian boyfriend sleeping soundly on the chair. She grunted again, trying to move her arms and legs, and found it more difficult to move her whole left side. She swallowed, painfully, and mustered what little strength she had to call his name. 
Her voice was raspy and quiet, but audible. He snorted and slowly woke up. He looked over at her. She stared sleepily back, and smiled as big as she could manage. “Hi...” 
“JANE!” With his height, he was over to her in one bound, hugging her as gently yet as tightly as he could. She grunted and laughed, groaning from pain. “I knew you’d be back, nothing can keep you down. God, I missed you!” 
“I.. missed you too.” She whispered, forcing her right arm to hug him back. He released her and held her hand as he sat by her. It was only when his other hand wiped her cheek did she realize she cried a little. From joy or pain, she couldn’t tell, but she was happy to see him, too. 
“I know it’s probably difficult to talk, so I’ll answer your questions before you ask. Yes, the galaxy is safe. You did it. The Reapers are destroyed. But also so is most synthetic life. I say most because, it was all, but the quarians managed to bring the geth back online, which the quarians are doing great by the way, and we’re working on bringing EDI back. She’s a bit... different from the geth, a bit more complicated, but we got some experts to look at her and she’ll be back soon. Like you.” He smiled at her. “The Citadel was destroyed though, as well as all those who didn’t evacuate in time. A good percentage did, but there’s still so many casualties... Most of it landed in the ocean, then some in London, and the rest here, in New York. You’re in a hospital in New York, by the way. Miranda, Chakwas, and a few other professionals and people from the Lazarus project we could find fixed you up as best as they could. Which, by the way, uh... was... most, of you.” 
Garrus reached for her left arm and lifted it up for her. Somehow, she wasn’t surprised to be looking at metal. She flexed her new metal fingers, testing it out, and found that it only felt a little heavier than normal, but otherwise fine. “Your whole left body was... in bad shape. Well, you had no arm or leg, and a chunk of your side was chiseled, but the best smiths on this side of the universe got you replacements real quick. I didn’t even have to use my bad boy charm to convince them to give them to you.” They both chuckled. 
Shepard shuffled her left leg a bit. Sure enough, it was slightly heavier too. That would also explain why her side was freezing; it was metal. “You also have several broken bones, but I’ll let Chakwas explain all that.” 
He cupped her cheek again and sighed. “I’m glad you’re back. I’m buying you a whole bar worth of drinks once we get out of here.” She grinned. “I’ll take you up on that...” He laughed, and leaned down to kiss her. Her metal arm draped around his shoulders and their hands tightened together. 
A moment after pulling apart, Dr. Chakwas softly knocked on the wall and approached. “Glad to see you’re awake, Commander. We missed you.” Chakwas gave her a quick, soft hug. After their greeting, she gave her a rundown of all her injuries. Thankfully, most injuries were on the outside, including: a new arm, leg, and a few new ribs, multiple permanent scars on her face and torso, skull fractures, and her other leg broken. Inside, slight internal bleeding, which surprisingly was already healed. 
“You were found about 2 months ago, and I suppose you just awoke today. In terms of your new synthetic attachments, your entire left side of your body...” She cleared her throat and read from a tablet. “Your omni-tool is hardwired into your arm, so you can now even activate it without it your armor. It also comes with a hidden blade in both your arm and leg, so the omni-blade is no longer necessary, but there just in case. Your middle finger has a laser now, though I’m sure you can guess who chose that location in design.” She rolled her eyes. Garrus chuckled. “There’s also a long list of other goodies in your synthetic attachments that I’m sure you’re just dying to have me read off to you, but I’ll send it to your omni-tool because I have no desire to do so, and I need to do a quick physical before-” 
The entire Normandy crew had their commander surrounded, and were showering her in tears and welcomes and hugs and jabs and... you get the picture. It was emotional. 
The whole next month was like that. Garrus and Shepard had a movie night that ended as... passionately as it could. Joker compared notes about the usefulness of Shepard’s legs to his now. Liara, Tali, and Miranda had something like a tea party with her, only it was wine. So, a wine party. Samantha had a heart-to-heart with her. Joker brought a newly-revived EDI with him, and they agreed to go on a double date soon. Jack played with Shepard’s middle finger laser and discovered the arm came with minor biotic capabilities. She broke the monitor on the wall. 
Eventually, Shepard started taking physical therapy, but to be safe, they kept her in a wheelchair. 
She rolled out to the hospital balcony overlooking the city, and took a deep breath. It was her first time seeing the destruction herself. It was covered in bulldozers and other cleaning machines by this point, and several hundred people were packing up for the day. Even from here she could see the more massive pieces of the Citadel sticking out of the ocean. How she survived that, she would never know. 
“Gonna miss that place, for sure. Especially my favorite spot.” Garrus walked up beside her, arm draped behind her. 
“You’re never gonna let me live that down, are you?” “Nope.” They both laughed. 
She sighed. “...Honestly, I’ll miss it, too. But I’m just glad this is all over. What was it you said? You wanted to retire someplace tropical, or something?” He nodded. “Yep. With you, of course. We’ll still adopt a little krogan, if you want.” 
“We could adopt Grunt.” She suggested. There was a pause. Then they both burst out laughing. 
“I know I’ve said it a million times by now, but God, I missed you, Shepard.” 
“Oh, you’re back to calling me Shepard, now? I was convinced you didn’t know my first name for the longest time.” 
He shrugged. “I know what it is, but I figured I’d call you that a bit longer before i change it.” 
“Change it?” 
“Yeah. I was thinking something along the lines of ‘Jane Vakarian’.” He looked at her and smiled warmly. “What do you think?” 
Jane reached for his hand and returned the smile. “Y’know, I really like the sound of that.” 
The End
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albatrossisland · 3 years
Mass Effect Moments Asks
Stealing this from @mordinette :D
Rules: Tag at least ten people you'd like to share their favorite moments from the trilogy and Andromeda!
What storytelling moment stood out to you? I really loved how your choices carried over through the whole trilogy (I haven’t played Andromeda). From little things, like getting letters from side missions, to the big stuff, like if you kill the rebel Geths or not. Such a great mechanic, and made for really *satisfying* storytelling. Who is your favorite LI and why? (No bashing other characters!) Garrus! The first time I played ME2, I was so disappointed in his romance, because it just felt like bros boning, but in ME3, it’s *chef’s kiss.* Garrus is just the best, and when he let’s his romantic side out, swoon. (But shoutout to Kaiden, my second choice romance).
Who is your favorite non LI character? Mordin/Tali/Anderson. There are a lot of characters to love in these games, but ugh, two of those die, and it’s just the most heartbreaking scenes imaginable. Fortunately, I’ve never seen Tali die, because I think that would end me. 
Which character do you wish were romanceable? I wish Tali was an option for a femShep; she’s one of my favorites, but I refuse to play a dude just so I can romance her. 
Which character had your favorite development through the games? Mordin. You met him as a cold, detached Salarian, only concerned with justifying his part in the genophage. But he grows, he realizes that science isn’t pure on his loyalty mission, and then in ME3, he gives up his life to correct his mistake. *sobs* Tragic and funny is a combo that just hits all the right spots.
Which mission from the main storyline was your favorite? The suicide mission is just a feat of storytelling and action. From getting to save your noncombatant crew, to choosing leaders for the various squads, it feels personal and epic at the same time. One of last times I played, I had this thought about how loyalty works in context, and I got it when I realized that when I send Tali into the vents, she’ll only survive if she believes I’ll save her. Breathtaking. 
Which side mission is your favorite? I really like Mordin’s loyalty mission. There are some mini quests associated with it, and I really like that it’s a lot of action, not a lot of talking. I love the character work, but sometimes you just want to shoot stuff. And then the ending, just brutal.
Something else not listed that's a favorite of yours? Han Olar’s letter in ME2. You have to talk to him in the first game to get this moment in the sequel, but it’s a quiet moment where he (sort of) thanks Shepard for saving him. I get teary-eyed every time.
Tagging: @a-cosmic-elf @aviss and any other ME fans who follow me
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pastelastronomy24 · 5 years
A Different Day
Part 1
Peter Parker x Black!Plus Sized OC (Elara Dawson)
A/N: Oh. Well this is awkward... I said I was going on hiatus didn’t I? 🤷🏾‍♀️ oops. Anyways I’ve been writing this thing in my head for MONTHS. And she decided to take form on this day today, so here I am writing on my phone until I can get a new laptop.
Warnings: the first part of this is very angsty. TRIGGER WARNING for anyone suffering from depression or anyone who’s experienced emotional abuse ; this is an aged up Freshman year of College Peter Parker; I decided to make this set at NYU for plot and convenience sake.
Description: A cute little fic about Elara Dawson, and what happens when meeting Peter Parker changes her life.
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Elara Dawson had been waiting for this day since the reality that life was everything less than pleasant presented itself. Years of her life were spent in a broken home. A home that fostered a desensitizing amount of pain. A home where she learned growing up without receiving love, was every excuse to grow up giving love.
Elara couldn’t place the exact moment in which she realized her mother began to despise her, but she could tell you when her father became complacent. She was 12. Elara could tell you the exact number of how many times she’d thought she had finally reached her limit for living. Exactly 46. She could tell you about all the times her mother physically recoiled and yelled at her for reaching for a hug. A whopping 266. She could tell you how many hours she spent pleading for her mother to understand that she was hurting her, and how many hours her mother spent telling her that these were lies constructed in her mind, that she was a selfish brat who didn’t know how hard life really was. Approximately 1,616 hours, called ‘Selfish’ 86 times, and ‘Brat’ 105.
“You always want to make me out to be the bad guy!!”
“So what I took some of your money, I fucking raised you!”
“All the money I’ve spent on you your entire fucking life and you’re screaming blood murder over $700 you fucking brat”
“I had my stomach sliced open and my guts pulled out to bring your selfish stingy ass into this world.”
Elara had given up on fighting years ago, and came to the conclusion that everything was her fault, and her father could never seem to say it wasn’t her fault.
“Maybe you should try to understand how she feels”
“You’re being over dramatic”
“It’s hard being a parent”
No matter the context, the day, the time, or the argument, it seemed like her dad was more concerned about shutting her up than the fact that her own mother had drove her thoughts to dark and terrible places. But she had gotten used to the pain. Everyone who knew how hard it was for Elara had verbatim always told her “Stick it out, pain sucks, but it makes you stronger” and she had to physically stop herself from either hurling or hurling someone into the sun. The idea that pain would make her stronger angered her. Because she was fragile. She was used to pain but it never made her tougher, or at least she didn’t see it. To Elara, it was illogical to simplify pain like that. Everyone experiences pain in different ways, and thinking of pain as black and white was dangerous, out of touch thinking.
Whatever the case, she came to realize that she was not- in fact- a bad daughter. If she was, she would have used her superhuman advantages and blasted her parents out of existence a long time ago. Sometimes, she thought about what would happen to her if she had let the light coursing through her veins release from her fingertips right into her parents darkened hearts. Sometimes she thought about letting her mind loose, and using it to fling her parents out of her house and far up into the sky. But just as quickly as those thoughts came, they went away and were placed with an immense amount of disgust and horror. She never wanted to cause her parents pain no matter how much they caused her. She just wanted them to love her.
Elara decided to turn her pain, into endless amounts of love and humor. Besides being a natural comedian, she was genuinely caring. When she entered high school, she knew that everyone was going through something. And if anyone was going through a fraction of what she was going through, even if it wasn’t the same pain, she was there. Her friends could never understand how someone had the patience and resilience to continue to give support, regardless of whether or not she needed some herself.
Her experience in dealing with peoples pain and her own pain, led her down the path of psychology, which she would be studying in NYU. Getting into her dream school was incomprehensible, and well, a dream. When she got her acceptance letter she didn’t cry, or really react. It was like her brain had evacuated the premises and took a vacation. Everything felt unreal, and it wasn’t until the very long car ride had ended, and she pulled into the school lot that she realized she had made it.
The tears were almost as chunky as she was as they glided down her plush cheeks, some landing on her full lips. Quiet sobs racked her entire body as she put the car in park and continued to sob, a blissful smile gracing her lips despite the circumstance.
‘Deep breath’ she furiously wiped away her tears, the smile never leaving her now reddened puffy face.
“I made it.” A long sigh escaped her body, a sigh she had been holding for years. Just like the pain of herself and others she had let it go. She had an opportunity to start over. THE opportunity to start over. She might not have had anyone here to help her move in, but just like everything in her life before today, she was ready to take it head on.
Only, she didn’t have to.
As soon as Elara stepped out of her Nissan Versa, she was met with the smile of a kind brown face.
“Hello! Welcome to NYU, my name is Maria I’m a sophomore here, and I’m going to be helping you settle in today!” She was a very pretty girl, with a thick head full of long brown tresses. She adorned thick black glasses similar to Elara’s, except unlike Elara the bridge connecting the two frames was gold. She was wearing a purple ‘NYU’ shirt that seemed to be a little to big for her as she had tied the excess of the shirt off with a black hair tie. The rest of her look was a complementary pair of blue jeans that had a “#NYU” patch sewn into her front side pocket, and a pair of slightly worn out black vans. Elara smiled at Maria and reached out to shake her hand.
“Hello, I’m Elara.” She spoke simply and firmly, her handshake matching the energy of her introduction. Elara could tell that Maria had a generous soul from looking at how excited she seemed to meet her, and it made her all the more excited for new friends and new opportunities.
“Elara is such a beautiful name, and it fits you so well!” Maria smiled before continuing “I’m apart of the NYU Admissions Department, and like I mentioned before I’m here to help you move in! Our department was made to help incoming students feel a little bit less stressed, and get a little more help because we understand how strange this transition can be.”
The way Maria’s eyes lit up as she was talking to Elara made her realize that she was finally in a place where she could be just as happy if not more about helping people.
“So, in about two minutes Bryce, Kara and Kaiden are gonna help you move all your stuff up to your dorm, but in the meantime follow me to the front so we can get your dorm key and your key card yeah?” The pep in Maria’s step couldn’t have been hidden if she tried as she started towards the direction of the check in area.
“So, what’s your major sis?” Elara realized that Maria never told her, and she was silently hoping they would share the same one. “Oh shoot that’s right, I forgot to tell you. I’m a Biology major. I’ve been obsessed with the subject since I knew it existed. I didn’t know you could major in it until my junior year of high school though, as dumb as that sounds.” Elara had to laugh, because it sounded like something she herself wouldnt have realized either.
“That’s not dumb, believe me I would have never known either.” She sighed before continuing “I guess that means since you’re a sophomore and a bio major this is probably the last time we’ll see each other on this gigantic campus.” Elara was sad at the prospect that it seemed likely they’d never speak again, but when she peered over at Maria she was met with a warm smile. Maria pulled out her phone and pulled up the number pad.
“That doesn’t have to happen. Here, put your number in. If you want to hang out or if you want a refresher about what’s on campus let me know.”
The smile that stuck itself to Elara’s face was the biggest she’d had in a very long time. She couldn’t place the feeling. It was like a bubbling in the pit of her stomach. A warmth that had spread all over her body.
hope. The feeling was hope.
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It was pretty funny. Hilarious in fact. Peter had spent the last 6 months after getting a full ride to NYU, trying to convince his Aunt May that he’d be okay. That NYU wasn’t all that far away, and living on campus wouldn’t be dangerous. That he could maintain the new normal of an adult life, and the old responsibility of being the part-time Friendly Neighbor Spider-Man (and the occasional Avenger). Peter wanted the full experience of a struggling college kid, but as he stood in his new empty dorm, he realized he had no idea what he was doing.
“Oh god” Peter put down the box of hangers he was carrying and sat on his empty extra long twin mattress. For the last five-ish years, Peter had lived based on instinct and responsibility. Everything in his high school life was so hectic, nothing ever stopped for Peter. This new life of Peter Parker, the NYU Biochemistry Major wasn’t anything he was in the realm of being prepared for. Being Spider-Man sounded a hell of a lot easier than being a college freshman right about now. In his haze of assuring his Aunt that everything would be okay, fighting crime, finishing school, and preparing for the move, Peter hadn’t had the time to digest his new reality. He was starting a whole new life.
Well, not whole new.
Ned and MJ would both be attending NYU as well as a Computer Science and Psychology Major respectively (surprisingly this was completely coincidental and unplanned on their part.). And of course he would still be active in his superhero role. But it was different. Peter was used to being on an invisible leash. The protocols Tony placed in all his suits, him mainly being stationed and secluded to Queens, and his Aunts overprotective nature never truly allowed Peter to experience independence. It was something he craved but wasn’t ready to experience.
And now he really didn’t have a choice.
“Come on Peter. You’re Spider-Man. If you can lay out Captain America you can get through move in day.” That’s what he tried to tell himself anyway. He may have had superpowers and a super I. Q, but he also had super anxiety and social anxiety. And the truth of the matter was that even though college allowed more freedoms and free time, he wouldn’t be able to solely rely on MJ and Ned for companionship. He needed to expand his horizons, try something way out of his depth.
It was time to integrate himself into society (well, campus life. )
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Physics SUCKED. Elara may have had a stellar I.Q, and genius level writing and comprehension skills, but cold hard numbers were not her niche. Sure in high school her math and science skills were above average, but only slightly. They had put her in advanced math and science classes her freshmen year in high school, and it was all down hill from there. Every year, her teachers never let her drop down a level despite a vast amount of begging and pleading, so she spent most of her years acing all her subjects, but barely scrapping by in Math and science with a C+.
College wasn’t any different. She was struggling and embarrassed to her core about it. She was doing so subpar that her professor set up a meeting for her and a private tutor. Apparently this tutor was some kind of science genius as he was taking a science that wasn’t required to meet his hour requirements or his major. He just liked taking Physics. From what her professor told her, he was a very good tutor and would probably be the best option for her. Only problem? He tutored at the ass crack of the morning.
Well, she was being dramatic. 8 am wasn’t the ass crack of the morning. She was lucky that she didn’t start classes until 10 on most days of the week because she had previous hours stocked up from high school, but the thought of doing physics that early in the morning made her want to shoot herself.
So, when her alarm went off at 7 am for the first time in three months, she couldn’t control herself. Before she could open her eyes she crushed the alarm to a pulp with her mind.
“Shiiiiiit. I don’t have cash for a new alarm. “ she groaned and rose up from her bed, her warm marble comforter slipping from her torso. She knew it would end up being a good idea that she bought an alarm in the first place. She feared had she decided to use her phone alarm, it would have been bye bye for her cellular device. ‘Speaking of cellular device’ she thought, Elara unplugged her phone and the first thing she saw was a message from MJ.
Big Weirdo 🖤: Wake your butt up before you’re late for tutoring. You know it takes you 20 minutes to finish putting on your wig.
Just like Michelle to call her out. She was absolutely correct but still. Elara laughed and sent a quick ‘thanks I’m up 😂. And it only takes 10 now I’ve evolved.’ And let out a monster of a stretch/yawn combo.
Big Weirdo🖤: Good luck pooh 😪. Don’t forget the government knows when you masturbate.
Elara choked. If she wasn’t awake before her ass was awake now.
‘Uh well I guess it’s a great thing I don’t masturbate. 🤦🏾‍♀️’ She put her phone down and reached into her closet and drawers, pulling out her underwear and outfit for the day. She walked out of her room and into the common area, seeing that MJ’s door was wide ass open as always and despite the fact that she was texting her a minute ago, she was fast asleep. With a short laugh she quietly closed MJ’s door and went into their shared bathroom to take a shower and get ready.
She inspected her outfit intensely (a habit she swore she would break) analyzing every piece of clothing and how it laid on her body. In high school you would have never caught her wearing a pair of short jeans shorts, but here she was today doing that very thing. Tucked into her black jean shorts was a maroon colored plaid cami, which she’d accompanied with a black, long sleeved, ankle length cardigan. Did she have a pudgy stomach and huge thighs?? Yes. Was she insecure about it?? More than anything. She was a size 18 and some days that number would leave her crying in a mirror. She couldn’t find it in herself to ignore her round face and full cheeks, or her arm fat and stomach fat and well, fat fat. And when she could, her very sensitive skin would would laugh at her. “You thought” she could practically hear it saying as her eczema came back every time, angry and aggressive due to literally anything. Stress, heat, PMS, intense cold, perfume, yes even fucking laundry detergent.
But she was older now, and she forced herself out of her comfort zone. She wanted to work on herself so that she didn’t spend her first four years of freedom hiding in black jeans and pullover hoodies. She would try to not focus on the eczema scars covering her legs (on first glance they looked like freckles.). She would try not to fret over the slight discoloration on her face. It was a different day, and she would treat it as such.
Elara grabbed her backpack and phone, scuttling out of her dorm room off to find her new tutor.
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Peter was nervous. It’s not like he hadn’t tutored anyone before, it was just how he felt every time he had to teach someone new. He hoped they didn’t hate him because he was a freshman, but logically he knew this was college, most people didn’t care. He hoped he could speak concisely enough to help whoever he was tutoring and without fail, every one of his previous tutored classmates commended him on the clarity in which he explained things. He tended to over analyze everything he did when it came to tutoring, but he had a stellar track record thus far. Despite all of these things, Peter could never seem to calm down the first day of meeting a new peer.
During the first month of school, his professors noticed his exceptional intelligence and suggested he try tutoring. Peter’s ears perked up at this because it was the opportunity he had been looking for. He promised himself he would branch out and try doing things that would -at first- make him feel uncomfortable, but could benefit him in the long run. His Physics tutor had suggested that Peter charge for his services, but it didn’t feel right. Sure, Peter was broke, but that gave him more incentive to not charge students. He knew how hard it was to keep change in your pocket during college, and he didn’t want to break some poor students bank just because they needed a little extra help. He accepted the suggestion and had been tutoring for almost three months. Peter decided when he started that he would tutor in the mornings so that he could patrol in the evenings and late at night. He knew it was probably annoying to the people he was tutoring, but it couldn’t be helped. Crime didn’t stop just because Peter wasn’t a 16 year old in spandex anymore.
He’d been up since 6 am running on 3 hours of sleep, anxiety, and sugary black coffee but he would manage. Besides, Peter had been in worse condition. He’d thrown on a black T-shirt that read “May the kg.m/s^2 be with you” in bold yellow lettering (a completely appropriate choice for tutoring physics) and a pair of dark blue jeans. He re-tied his black converse, slung on his jansport back pack and left his dorm ready for the day.
This story is my baby and I love her so very much 😪😊. This was super fun to write and I’m happy to exclaim that ITS THE LONGEST THING I’VE WRITTEN ON THIS APP!!! I’m excited for the future of this lil thing and hope you all are too.
As usual if you wanna be tagged let me know. And if you don’t then don’t be afraid to tell me 😊.
Also please y’all please understand. This is my first OC since I was a baby writer on Wattpad who had no idea what she was doing. If you guys would please leave feedback and reblogs it would mean the world to me.
It’s important to me that I mention the face/body claim for Elara Dawson will be Nerdabouttown!! Her name is Steph and her blog is beautiful and amazing just like her. You all should check her out, her energy is unmatched by anyone I’ve seen and you can feel it through the way she writes.
Here’s a link to her blog (please check her out 😊)
@thememoireeofme @danandphiltheavengers @marvelmaree @thequeerishere555 @steveslulbaby @non-stop-imagines @canumoveurseatup-no @deansbbysblog @here-for-your-bullshit @melaninfics @thisismysecrethappyplace
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pocminiseries · 5 years
Body Smile
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"Who's all coming again?" Aliyah questioned out loud, turning to face her mother as they set the table for their weekly Thursday night family dinner.
"The usual. I think your brother is bringing Traci for once and I know your Uncle Raymond is finally going to reveal his new wife to everyone." Her mother, Connie, replied, chuckling at Aliyah's bulging eyes.
"Mama...I know you did not invite him just to see Aunt Lynn start some mess? You know she can not stand Uncle Raymond," Aliyah stared at her mom in disbelief as an evil spread across her beautiful face.
"I consider this payback for all those times she continually put down my marriage while placing her cheating ass husband on some pedal stool. You know she always thought she was better than me because of the luxurious lifestyle she lived, now look at her."
Aliyah shook her but smartly decided not to say anything else involving "grown folks business". "So does that mean she's bringing Trina with her too?"
Her mother shrugged. "Probably," She replied, placing the last plate on the table. "Are two still having problems?"
"If you mean by problems, her jealousy towards me for no apparent reason, then yes, we do." Aliyah wasn't sure when her cousin developed such a distaste for her, especially since they use to be so close when they were kids. It seemed to happen out of nowhere when Trina's attitude started to change towards her.
Aliyah just found it all to be weird because Trina had everything a girl could ask for, the money, the cars, the clothes, vacationed to the best spots, the big group of friends, etc. The girl was literally out here living her best life. And yet, even with having all that, she became rude and judgemental of everything Aliyah did. She couldn't even remember the last time she heard her cousin say one nice thing about her.
It was ridiculous.
"Maybe you two should sit down and talk, try to fix whatever issue is there," Her mother offered, earning a look from Aliyah. "Don't make that face at me,"
"I hear you mama but I'm good. She can continue to sink in her misery alone." Besides they were grown now. Fuck that bitch.
Connie smiled softly at her daughter, reaching out to stroke her face. "You know I'm proud of you, don't you? You've grown so much baby," She cooed, earning a playful eye roll from Aliyah.
"Mama..." She whined as her mother squeezed her cheeks. "I appreciate the love, really, but c'mon." Her protest only went in one ear and out the other when her mother continued to pull her in for a bone-crushing hug that she couldn't break free from.
"Baby? Have you seen my brown loafers, I can't seem to find them anywhere," Her father's voice boomed from the other room until he made his presence known. "Let her go so she can breathe, you're killing her." He smiled, shaking his head at his wife and her worrisome ways.
Her mother pouted but stepped back to give her some space. "You always know how to ruin the moment, Roy, and your shoes are in the laundry room,"
"You sure? Why would they be in there?" He questioned, seeming confused as to why he would leave his shoes in the laundry room of all places.
"Because you had to handle a situation in there that required you to take them off," She reminded him with a tight smile, hoping he would get the hint.
Her father rubbed his chin, thinking back to what problem his wife was talking about. "I don't rec-...oh, that," A grin broke out onto his face once he realized what he meant, the wink he sent towards his wife causing Aliyah to scrunch up her face in disgust.
"I'm going to go check on the food," She mumbled, hurriedly walking back into the kitchen to get away from her parents and all of their nastiness. Just the thought of them being like that made her grimace.
Picking up a fork, she barely was able to taste the yams when her mother had caught her. "Aliyah, what have you told you doing that? You can wait for a few more minutes."
Quickly stabbing into one, she placed it into her mouth and put the top back onto the pot. "Nobody’s counting candy yams mama, they'll be fine." She stated once she swallowed the sweet vegetable.
Her mother waved a dismissive hand and grabbed some needed utensils. "Did you invite Kaiden to join us?" She questioned, wondering when or if she was going to see the young man again. She was still in shock when she saw him show up for Aliyah's graduation party. She always knew he would grow up to be a fine young man and she was not disappointed.
Seeing the way Aliyah looked at him in the same manner she did when they were teens was so adorable to her. She was still so entranced by him after all this time.
"I did but I don't know if he'll be able to make it," Aliyah shrugged. She wasn't entirely sure if she wanted him to come anyway, especially tonight and around Trina conniving ass.
"You two have seemed to have gotten back to being close," Her mother observed, attempting to probe and be the nosey mom that she was.
"I guess. We went out on a little date two nights ago and finally talked."
"And how did that go?"
Aliyah smiled to herself, still feeling all giddy inside. "It was nice finally being able to clear up a few things and do some catching up on our lives. I enjoyed it." Though Kaiden answered some of her questions, she never gained enough courage to ask him how he got involved in the world of doing cam shows. Plus she still felt like there was more behind him leaving back then.
Her gut never lied.
"So did you admit that you're still in love with him?" Her mother asked knowingly, showcasing her magical ability to read her daughter like a book.
"I don't know about being "in love" but I do still love him," Aliyah admitted, just as the doorbell rang.
Her mother squinted her eyes at her accusingly for a few seconds before putting on a smile. "If you say so. Start putting the food on the table for me, ok?"
Aliyah nodded and watched as her mother went to answer the door while she started to place the different dishes her mother made on the dining room table. She could hear more voices in the living room while she retrieved the rolls from the oven and carefully placed them in a basket. Just as she was about to pick it up, she was pulled back against a hard chest.
"Beauty," Kaiden whispered, those soft lips brushing past her earlobe. With his arm secured around her waist, he pecked her lips once she turned back to look at him. "You didn't think I would come did you?" He teased, letting her go so she could completely face him.
"I had my doubts," She smirked, letting her eyes take in his appearance. Why did he have to so damn good all the time? She wondered to herself as someone stepped into the kitchen.
"Hey cuzzo," Said a voice that made Aliyah become instantly irritated. Lowering her head, she looked over to see Trina standing near the kitchen entryway in all of her negative glory. "Kaiden," She smiled sweetly, focusing her attention on him. Aliyah could feel a twinge of anger begin to rise inside of her at the way Trina's eyes danced over Kaiden like she was ready to pounce at any second.
"How are you, Trina?" Kaiden acknowledged, leaning back against the counter behind him. He glanced at Aliyah and smirked at the dark look on her pretty face, finding it to be both cute and hilarious.
"Better now. I didn't know that you were coming." She said taking a few steps forward. "Why haven't I heard from you?"
"I've...been busy, I'm sorry." He apologized, raising an eyebrow at her biting her lip.
"Oh, no it's fine I understand but- you should text me later, so we can chill at least," She suggested, giving him those infamous bedroom eyes. Trina always knew how to use what she had to get what she wanted, and this was no different. Kaiden was not someone she was going to pass up on. And judging by the way his eyes danced over her, he was fair game.
"Of course," Kaiden agreed which made Aliyah roll her eyes hard as hell. "Where are you going?" He asked suddenly, reaching out to grab her arm, pulling her to a stop.
Aliyah looked at his hand then his face before moving away from him. "The dining room. Clearly you two have things to discuss." She pointed between him and Trina. Grabbing the warm basket, she made her way towards the table, leaving them alone without saying another word.
Sitting in a random chair, she tried to push back her anger at what she just witnessed. Truthfully she didn't have a right to be mad, she wasn't dating Kaiden, they were just technically friends but damn, her cousin, really?
Crossing her arms, her thoughts begin to fill with images of her whooping the dog shit out of her cousin for pulling some mess like that. She always found a way to get under her skin somehow and Aliyah hated it so much.
"Damn Liyah, what the crescent rolls do to you?" Her brother laughed softly as he helped his girl into her chair before sitting in his own beside her. "You good? It isn't Trina duck head ass again, is it?"
Aliyah softly shook her head, while everyone started to pile into the dining area. "I'll be fine," She reassured him with a small smile.
"I can handle her if you need me to, Liyah, just say the word and I got you." Traci offered seriously, knowing how much of a nuisance Trina could be.
Aliyah giggled at that. "I'll keep that in mind," She nodded, glancing at Kaiden sliding into the chair to her other side. He attempted to smile at her but she quickly dismissed it, choosing to walk the petty path instead. Besides, he could focus his attention on Trina since she took it upon herself to a seat across from him.
Once everyone was situated in their seats, a short prayer was said before everyone dug in and the sound of silverware scraping against plates could be heard.
Between laughing at her brother and dad going back and forth over sports, her mother getting into it with her sister and watching her Aunt Lynn almost throw hands with her ex-husband and his new girl, dinner night wasn't all that bad.
She had for the most part, successfully ignore both Kaiden and Trina the entire time. Tuning them out when they spoke to each other or someone else. Kaiden fell back into step with her family as if he had never left, bringing up old memories from back then. If she wasn't so into her feelings, Aliyah would've thought the whole thing was adorable.
Once everyone was full and the drama settled down, the table was cleared as everyone went their separate ways in different areas of the house. Unfortunately for Aliyah though, who was finishing up her dessert, was left sitting at the table with both Kaiden and Trina. She rolled her eyes so much as they talked and laughed, she was surprised they didn't get stuck in the back of her head.
If it wasn't for her phone occupying her the entire time, she probably would've lost her mind.
Quickly taking the last bite of cake, Aliyah stood up and got ready to leave. "Wait, Aliyah, we need to talk," Kaiden says before she had a chance to fully leave.
Aliyah made a face, shifting her eyes to the side. "No, we don't, I'm good. Continue your interesting conversation with Trina," She insisted and walked away, ignoring him calling her name.
Maybe she was acting childish but she didn't care. It wasn't as if Kaiden had been neglecting her the entire night because he hadn't. Throughout dinner she could feel his hand squeeze and caress her thigh, even jumping when he cupped her heat. She was thankful she chose to wear shorts and not the dress she was originally going to go for.
She couldn't imagine trying to control her facial expressions with Kaiden's fingers playing with her pussy at the dinner table.
Shaking her head of those thoughts, she washed her dishes and moved towards the hallway. With her attention on her phone, sending a quick text back to Hazel, she was suddenly pulled down the hall and into the nearest bathroom.
Flicking on the lights, Kaiden stood in front of her, blocking the door with an upset look on his handsome face. "Are you done being childish?" He asked, the irritation in his voice evident. All throughout dinner she acted as if he didn't exist, barely answering anything he asked her. It bothered him because he absolutely hated being ignored, especially by her and she of all people knew that.
"No," Aliyah sassed. "Now move so I can leave." She attempted to push him aside but he wasn't budging no matter what she did.
Kaiden angrily ran a hand through his hair, turning his heated gaze towards her. "I don't want her Liyah, I already told you this."
Aliyah scoffed at that. "Funny, your actions tonight proved otherwise."
"How? By talking to her? Am I not allowed to have conversations with other women?" He asked in disbelief at how she was acting right now.
"Seemed a lot like flirting to me but go off I guess," She said with the wave of her hand. He must've thought she was blind? Aliyah saw the way he was looking at Trina, she wasn't stupid.
"I was being respectful Liyah, that's it. I have no reason to be ill towards your cousin." He explained, snatching her phone from her hand and putting it in his pocket. "Look at me when I'm talking to you."
Letting out a frustrated sigh, she fixed her gaze on him. "Whatever you say Kaiden. It's over now, so can you please move aside so I can leave?" This was the last place she wanted to be. She wasn't in the mood to talk to him, especially about her damn cousin.
"No, I can't, not until we fix this. And stop calling me Kaiden. I hate when you do that."
"Well, that's your name so..."
Done with her actions towards him, Kaiden's hands swiftly wrapped around her neck and pulled her closer to him. "Stop playing games with me," He warned, careful to not to cut off her oxygen supply...well most of it.
Aliyah gripped his arms, thrown completely off by his actions. Not because she was scared but more so turned on by this side of him. "You're jealous, I get it but the only woman I want is you. It has always been you." He breathed, walking her back until she hit a wall.
"Don't ever ignore me again...you hear me?" He muttered, squeezing her neck slightly as her nails dug into the skin of his arms.
"Ok," Aliyah whispered low enough for him to hear, feeling light-headed.
Suddenly Kadien let go, letting her breathe correctly. His eyes searched her face, lingering on her partly opened mouth. "I can't wait anymore," He tells her, pulling at her bottom lip with his thumb.
"For what?" She swallowed, taking notice of predatory look in his eyes.
Kaiden began to smirk, his hands finding their way to her waist. "This..." He trailed off placing a soft kiss to her lips, the taste of the chocolate cake she had eaten still on her tongue. She moaned as his hands moved lower to cup her ass, pulling her closer to him. He had wanted to wait a little while longer, slowly lead her into it but she pushed him to do this.
"Ace...what are you doing?" Aliyah panted, feeling his hands undo her shorts.
"Shut up," He grunted, pulling them and her panties down her legs, letting them pool at her feet. He was happy she had left her shoes back underneath the dining room table. Less work he had to do. Running a finger down her folds, he smiled seeing how wet she already was.
"Sit on the counter for me," He instructed, taking a step back to allow her room to move. Doing as he said, Aliyah lifter herself onto the cool bathroom countertop and followed Kaiden's every move. "Open your legs baby," He urged, running his hands up her thighs as he placed kisses along her neck.
He stepped between her legs and started to unbuckle his own jeans and pushed them down until his dick was free. Aliyah looked at him nervously. She was expecting him to eat her out again, not this, especially now in the bathroom at her parent's crib.
"I need you to be as quiet as possible, can you do that for me?" His voice had become deeper, more lust filled as he spoke. Aliyah bit her lip as she felt him rub the tip against her other set of lips.
"I'll try,"
"Good girl," Kaiden praised, lifting his shirt enough to watch himself slowly disappear into her. As he expected, it was a tight fit. Looking up, he took in her facial expression, making sure he wasn't hurting her until he was fully inside. Kaiden let out a shaky breath, his eyes closing as he leaned his forehead against hers.
"You're so damn tight, Liyah," He whimpered a bit, waiting until she was adjusted to him. With his hands on her hips, he could feel her fingers digging into his shoulders. He glanced at her, seeing her eyes closed tightly and her teeth biting her bottom lip.
After another minute, he finally pulled all the way out and thrust forward, earning a low cry from Aliyah in the process. He lightly pumped into her to get them both used to the feeling, to adjust to the insane pleasure that was being created between them. Kaiden watched her head fall back as he picked up speed, sending Aliyah into a frenzy at his consistency.
She sobbed louder than expected and quickly slapped her hand over mouth to keep quiet. The sound of her wet channel could be heard every time he entered her, yet her walls squeezed around him, pulling him deeper with each stroke.
Opening her legs wider, she allowed Kaiden to go harder, the sound of skin slapping skin becoming louder. "Shit..." She cursed when he paused to roll his hips and grind into her, the pressure to her gut taking her higher.
Needing to feel more, Kaiden reached under her thighs, pulling them over his forearms and placed his palms flat on the counter, fucking her harder. "Fuck!" He whined sexually into her chest, trying his best to keep himself from getting louder. Her pussy was so fucking wet and warm, it was slowly beginning to drive him insane. The way she clenched around his dick was going to turn him into an addict, he felt it.
Aliyah fell back against the mirror, pulling Kiaden along with her. His thrusts quickened causing her to cry out, no longer caring if anyone heard her. She couldn't hold it in when he was beating down her walls like this, it was impossible.
The way he worked his hips, moving to hit certain areas inside of her had her legs shaking. "Liyah? Are you in here? Mama is asking for you." Her brother's voice called out from the other side of the locked door.
Aliyah looked towards the door with wide eyes, immediately remembering where she was. But her brother being here didn't falter Kaiden's deadly assault to her cunt as he began to furiously pound into her, knowing fully well that her brother could probably hear what they were doing. Kaiden could feel her pussy start to swell around him, signaling how close she was.
"Are you about cum for me baby?" He taunted, loud enough for her to hear. "I feel it,"
"I'll be right there!" She rushed out, knowing her shaky voice sounded suspicious but she couldn't help it, Kaiden was killing her right now.
"Shit, Liyah...I'm about to cum," He chanted lowly, his thrust getting sloppy. "I'm cumming..." Knowing she close as well, Kaiden smashed his lips against hers to keep as silent as possible. His movements paused as he pushed himself deep inside of her one last time, feeling her release as soon he did, his seed coating her walls.
"Aight," Her brother says turning to walk away, only to pause at the last second. "And Kaiden, we need to talk when you come out, ok? You foul for doing this at my mama house man."
Kaiden laughed through his heavy breathing, laying his head on Aliyah's chest. "Sorry," He panted out, pulling himself free from her womanhood. He knew that after this he would want her daily. It was going to be harder to keep his hands to himself when she was around.
"And hurry up." Her brother fussed moving away from the door.
Wiping her forehead, Aliyah shook her head in disbelief. "I swear you get me in trouble every time Ace," She mumbled, wincing from her legs and pussy both being sore. But even being in slight pain, she still wanted him again.
"I know and I'm sorry but I can't help it, I need you." He told her seriously, kissing once more. The huskiness to his voice only making him more appealing. Aliyah bit her lip looking him over, taking in his semi-hard dick. Following her gaze, he smirked, lifting his head to lock eyes with her.
"Spend the night with me, Beauty? Please."
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phoenixmakeswords · 5 years
Dented AU
Chapter 4 of the AU. Gotta say Kris is generally less of a butt.
Ransom’s already waiting at the Cajun place for me. It has the best crawfish etouffee in the city, and it reminds me just enough of Home to be nostalgic without being painful.
“You had a bad day. It’s all over your face,” he remarks by way of ‘hello.’
“Horrible. How was yours?” I pad after him into the restaurant. There’s no point in trying to keep up with him.
“It was good. I, um, I have something to show you when we get inside.”
“Do I wanna know?”
“I got my first tattoo.” He pauses at the hostess station. “Booth for two please.”
The hostess leads us to a booth near the bathroom. I don’t miss the way she ogles him. He doesn’t notice.
“What’d you get?” I ask, sitting across from him.
He holds his right wrist out, letting me see the black bird cage with a bird in flight leaving it.
“I like it. Who did it?”
“Kaiden. It’s to symbolize coming out.”
“Your family knows now?” I know he’s been waiting to tell them. He’s been afraid to tell them. Being adopted means he’s afraid of disappointing them.
“Yeah. It went over decently. I need to have a talk with my mom, though. She, uh, has the mindset that my being gay means instant shopping buddy. And girl talk. And that I'm automatically into any other gay or bi guy. She does not know about you or any other guys. As far as she’s concerned, I'm still her innocent little boy.”
“She does realize you’d rather have teeth pulled than go shoppin’, right? And that attraction doesn’t work like that? Your mama’s gonna kill you when she finds out you lied.” I tap my short nails lightly against the tabletop. I do everything in my power not to lie to Mama. She’s very scary when she’s mad.
“I think she forgot that. I know, right? I mean, she’s not into every guy she sees, so why would I be? What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”
“What she doesn’t know might put you in an early grave.” I nudge his hand playfully.
“Kristoff, what’re you doin’ here?” Mama calls, startling me. “Is this your friend?”
I might be imagining the extra emphasis she puts on ‘friend,’ but, judging from the way Ransom arches a thin brow at me, I don’t think I am.
“He’s my tattoo artist,” I explain. “Ransom, this is my mama, Elena.”
Mama grins like the Cheshire cat as she shakes his hand.
“So, where’s your person?” I ask before she can say something embarrassing.
“Bathroom. If things go decently tonight, we might have a dinner with his kids and you three.”
“Family dinner? With Regan? I thought I was good son.” Why am I being punished for her finding a guy?
“You can bring a date. She’ll be bringing her boyfriend.”
Oh, yeah, bring Ransom to family dinner with my sister who went off on him and called him a racial slur. Even if Ransom was my least favorite person, I wouldn’t do that.
“Um, I'm gonna be out of town that day,” I tell her quickly.
“You don’t even know what day it is.”
“Put me and Regan in a room with knives right now and one of us is gonna get stabbed and it ain’t gonna be me.”
“Kristoff, that’s your sister!”
“Not accordin’ to her.”
The waiter’s arrival pauses our conversation. I order the same thing I always get: Cherry Pepsi, the shrimp and grits appetizer, and the crawfish etouffee.
“I’ve never been here before,” Ransom whispers, glancing hurriedly over his menu.
“D-did you pick this place ‘cause of me?” I ask. I don’t have words for how happy his slight nod makes me. “Um, they have really great gumbo. The jambalaya is good too.”
He orders the vegetarian jambalaya.
Mama and her date have been seated at the booth behind ours. Great.
“Have they done anything with Regan’s app?” I ask.
“They’re not hiring her. Thankfully.” Relief lights up his green eyes.
“I'm glad.”
“So, what happened today?”
“Eight hours of being harassed. He thinks it’s fun. My boss knows. She doesn’t care. She thinks I'm makin’ it up. That it’s not that bad.”
“You don’t lie about stuff like that. I know you. Are you okay? I mean, I know you’re not in the greatest place right now.”
“Honestly? I wanna move far away from him and start over.”
“Can I go with you? Start my own studio. Be my own boss.” He smiles shyly.
“You wanna run away together?”
“Yeah. Whatcha think?” He grins easily.
“Why does this sound like you’re tryin’ to romance me?”
“Can’t two gay guys run away together platonically?”
“Platonic, huh?”
“We could be.” He smiles pleasantly when the waiter brings our food. “Your shrimp and grits look really good.”
“I’ll share. You can have shrimp, right?”
“Um, shrimp sorta falls under the ‘meat’ category. Thanks, though.”
Their shrimp and grits are like none I’ve ever had before. For one thing, the grits are formed into patties and fried. And the shrimp are breaded and fried. It’s the bomb.
“Okay, how ‘bout I share my dessert?” I offer.
“Which is what exactly?”
“Their hot fudge beignet sundae. With extra whipped cream. Vanilla ice cream, surrounded by fresh beignets, drowning in hot fudge, and with whipped cream and cherries on top. It might actually be better than sex. Well, maybe not sex with you.”
“I'm not saying anything.” He has the biggest grin, though. “I'm completely down to share. Are you feeling better?”
“Fake it till you make it, right?”
I wince when Mama asks the waiter if they can move to our table. I don’t want them to join us. I am not having a double date with my mother. This isn’t even a date! But, if it was, that would be weird. I mean, it’s weird now.
Ransom scoots to sit next to me, leaving the opposite side of the booth for Mama and her date. Ransom looks as thrilled as I feel.
“Ransom, did you say you know my daughter?” Mama asks.
“I, um, I did a tattoo for her.” A careful edge slips into his voice. “We don’t get along.”
“One more kid and you’ll have tattooed all of mine. Not a lot of people do get along with her.”
“I thought we were the only ones.” He gestures between the two of us. “She pushes Kris’s buttons really bad. Which is why his kitchen has been overrun by bread.”
“It’s not that—Okay, it is that bad. But who doesn’t love bread?” I respond.
“You bake bread when you’re angry?” Mama’s date queries curiously.
“It’s cheaper than a punching bag. I'm Kris, by the way. I wasn’t tryin’ to be rude.” I reach across the table to shake his hand politely.
“Grant. I’ve never heard of someone doing that before. Now, what do you do?”
“I work at a bakery. But I might be quitting to work with Ransom.”
“I do tattoos for a living. I, um, I'm not into drugs or anything. I just like making art on people,” Ransom explains. “I’ve done all three of Kris’s pieces. He’s actually my favorite customer. Especially compared with his sister.”
“What’d Regan do?” Mama asks resignedly.
“Your daughter called me a racial slur. Told me I was stupid. My boss stepped in.” He toys anxiously with his necklace.
“She knows better. I didn’t raise her to behave like that. Kristoff doesn’t, I hope.”
“Do you think he would’ve done three tattoos for me and been staying with me if I had?” I retort. And now it sounds like we’re a couple. Or at least having lots of sex.
“How long have you been dating?” Grant asks. He doesn’t sound judgmental, which is more than I expected.
I glance at Ransom, hoping he can come up with something, because I'm freaking out. I feel like they’re all expecting me to say we’re a couple. I'm almost wanting Ransom to say we are, even though I know we aren’t and we wouldn’t work anyway because I'm too much of a mess. But the lie would be better than the truth. I don’t want Mama’s potential boyfriend to know what happened.
“Not long. We, uh, kinda rushed at first, but we’re taking things slow now. He’s pretty special to me,” Ransom replies easily, squeezing my hand gently.
“You look good together. Are you happy, Kristoff?” Mama says this like it’s the most important thing in the world. I don’t think she realizes I can be happy and depressed at the same time.
I smile and nod the best I can with a mouthful of grits.
“I thought you guys weren’t going out until Friday?” I ask once I can speak again.
“We were both able to get time sooner. Why’re you leaving the bakery? I thought it was your passion,” Mama replies.
“Because my boss doesn’t care I'm bein’ sexually harassed. And that it escalated today. She laughed at me. Said I was lyin’. Called me an attention whore. Felt like I was dealin’ with my sister.”
“Wait, escalated? You didn’t tell me that.” Ransom touches my hand gently. I don’t like how worried he sounds. I don’t like worrying him.
“I was gonna tell you at home.”
“Are you okay?”
“You’re funny.”
“Do you mind if we stay at my place tonight? It’s the first night of Hanukah.” He smiles uncertainly, like he thinks I might say no. Or might rip into him.
“No problem.” I brush my fingers lightly over his.
It’s a relief when we leave. I’ve never been to Ransom’s apartment before.
“You’re not upset with me for lying, are you? If you are, I get it. Will the futon work? I don’t have a spare room,” he says in his Blazer after picking me up from my apartment. I can barely hear him over the rumbling engine.
“Not really. I can sleep just about anywhere, as long as it’s flat. Bathtub, table, doesn’t matter.”
“What happened today?”
“He assaulted me. And I almost walked out, but I didn’t because I need the job and I don’t want you to think I'm some spoiled, lazy rich boy who doesn’t wanna work.”
“I’ve never thought that.” He grimaces when the car jerks into gear.
“Just put gas in, didn’t you? We could’ve taken my Mustang.”
“Yeah, and I would’ve had a dead battery. Kris, I meant what I said back there about you being special to me.”
“I know. And I know you think us dating would work and we’d be happy and all that, but my life’s never been a fairy tale. Maybe I don’t get a happy ending. I’ve never planned on one.”
“So, what, you’re not even gonna try?”
“Why bother? Hurts less. You’d get attached and I’d fall for you and something would happen and it’d fall apart. That’s what happens when I get settled and comfortable. It goes to crap. And I don’t wanna lose you.” And none of that was supposed to come out of my mouth. It’s all true, but that doesn’t matter. He wasn’t supposed to know.
“Things are falling apart now and I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere, okay?”
“Yeah, well, right now you’re afraid I’ll kill myself. What about when I get through this? When I'm not some tragic excuse of a human being? Because the only time a guy has ever given a fuck about me when we’re not sleeping together has been to play the hero. Because screwing and rescuing are all I'm good for.” My voice trembles with anger. I'm so tired of being seen as pitiful. Of being used and thrown away. I'm not angry so much with Ransom as I am with his idea that he’ll be different.
“I was planning on asking you out when you got through this. I'm not shallow, Kris. You know me better than that. Or you should. If I wanted a guy to boost my ego, I’d be at a bar.” He sounds as angry as I feel, but I don’t turn to look. I can’t look at him right now.
“Why do you want me so damn much? There’s better guys out there. Not-broken guys.”
“I never thought you were broken. More like a dented can at Wal-Mart. You’re a little bit banged-up, but you’re still so good and so deserving and amazing and I’d give you the world if you’d give me half a chance.”
Banged-up fits. I feel battered. Like I’ve been through a hurricane. Made of lava.
“I think you need your eyes checked ‘cause that ain’t what I see.”
“I’m not the only one that sees you like that.”
“Mama doesn’t count.”
“Have you always been this stubborn?”
“Yes. You just haven’t been around me long enough to notice.”
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