chasingfictions · 1 year
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"you face the master and you'll die." "maybe. maybe i'll take him with me."
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almostrealdudes · 6 years
The Mission
A/N: Sooooo, I have no time for this, but I did it anyway! Yay for not doing what I need to be doing! This might turn into a two-piece thing, because I intended much more emotion and sensibility for the relationship, but I got tired and it kinda shifted away, sooo yeah Pairing: Connor x OC (Sophia) Word count: 1865 Warnings: Abuse
If you maybe want to be tagged in the possible second part of this.... let me now? That’s all BYE
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Something in Connor’s program told him the second he saw her that something was going on. And if it was not yet, it would be. He did not take that prophecy in mind, of course, thought it was a glitch.
Her name was Sophia. A new generation model, RB3100, an android for personal assistance, completely universal and fitting for any kind of task. She was sent by CyberLife as an assisting android for agent Perkins. He was not having it.
“Hey, you. Yeah, yeah, you, plastic bag, come here.”
“Yes, agent Perkins?”
“Bring me a coffee.”
Her LED blinked yellow for a second. She then frowned her eyes a little and tilted her head to the side.
“Are you sure you don’t need me for the investigation? I am capable of various abilities that can make me useful for the—”
A slap. No, a sound of thud. Sophia lost her stability and fell to the ground. All the police officers, including Hank and Connor, turned their heads to the sound. Perkins clicked his tongue.
“I don’t think I asked your fucking synthetic opinion. Now get up and bring me a fucking coffee.”
“What a fucking asshole,” Connor heard Hank whisper, shaking his head.
Sophia blinked a few times, her LED flashing red, then blinking yellow. Running a self-check for damage, thought Connor. She then got up and fixed her buttoned shirt.
“Yes, agent Perkins.”
This was becoming a norm. Every time Perkins was on the investigation, he was abusing Sophia. Hitting her, slapping, grabbing her throat. “This guy has some fucking anger issues,” Connor heard Hank say. Images of Hank’s behavior flashed in his memory, but he chose not to comment on it.
Then, Connor started to receive error messages. Every time Sophia got hit, a “software instability” warning would pop up in front of him. He was having difficulties comprehending what it meant. Along with the warnings, he was… enable to concentrate on the task, as if there was some glitch messing his algorithm. He began to have thoughts that were not a part of his program. He was ignoring the warnings, still not wanting to give it more attention, thinking that after the next self-check it would be fixed.
Meanwhile, Sophia’ hardship was progressing.
She came up to Hank and Connor one day, smiling softly.
“Good morning. My name is Sophia. I am an android, sent by CyberLife as agent Perkins’s personal assistant. I am glad to be working with you.”
Detectives exchanged confused glances.
“Yeah, we know. You’ve been working with him for quite some time now.”
“Oh.” She looked aside, her LED blinking yellow. “I suppose my predecessor was critically damaged, along with its memory card. I’m sorry if it is causing you any inconvenience. I’ll let you get back to your work.”
She then nodded lightly and exited the room. Connor looked down, caught off guard by another “software instability” warning. Hank let a deep sigh.
“This Perkins motherfucker really has no boarders, does he.”
Connor did not say anything. He was thinking. What kind of damage had to be done to an android to break its memory card? Connor has been killed before: he uploads his memory in seconds. Androids can analyze situations and determine risks in no time, there wouldn’t be a problem for her—Connor furrowed his brows. It. The wouldn’t be a problem for itto understand the danger and upload its memory to the base. Unless… unless there was an error in its algorithm.
Connor was having unfamiliar thoughts. He wanted to know what happened to Sophia. He wanted to understand. Ignoring another software instability, he looked around. He then saw Sophia standing near the coffee machine.
“Lieutenant, I’m gonna check something in the evidence room.”
“Um… Okay, whatever you say,” said Hank indifferently, not raising his eyes from the screen.
Connor was not withholding information from Lieutenant Anderson. No, he just didn’t want to make too big of a deal about it.
Standing up, he checked if Hank was watching him and proceeded to the break room. Noticing him, Sophia gave him a slight smile.
“Hello, Connor. Is there something you needed?”
“Did CyberLife give you any detail on your latest damages?”
“Not a lot,” she said, looking aside, “my central processing unit seemed to be critically damaged. Maybe it caused an error in my memory transfer.”
“May I try to access your memory? Maybe there is something left in your model’s neural network. It could help… improve your overall working process.”
“Uh, of course. If you think so.”
Sophia smiled and gave Connor her hand, removing the artificial skin. Connor did the same and connected their hands together.
A flash.
Interesting. There was still something left in Sophia’s memory.
More mumbling.
“How many times did I fucking tell you to stop following me around? What are you, a fucking dog?”
“I’m sorry, agent Perkins.”
“You just like getting beaten up, don’t you?”
A hand in the air.
“No.” A whisper, barely noticeable.
“What the fuck did you just say?”
“Please don’t hurt me.”
Something glitched inside Connor. Strongly, like an electroshock.
“Oh wow. What do we have here?”
“Please. I don’t wanna shut down again.”
“I can’t believe this. A broken FBI android. What a fucking shitshow. CyberLife just keep fucking up.”
“They keep rebooting me… it’s agonizing, please, don’t do this. I don’t wanna lose everything, I don’t—”
“You don’t want anything. You’re a machine. A piece of plastic. If you want something – you’re broken. Good thing they can change you like gloves, right?”
“No, please, agent Perkins, I beg you—”
“Don’t worry. You’ll be as new next time we meet.”
A gunshot.
Connection lost.
Connor yanked his hand away, as if it was burnt. His LED was flashing red, his body was shaking from something he couldn’t comprehend. Was this fear? Was he afraid? He raised his head up, looking for Sophia’s eyes. Locking with them, he saw everything at once: terror, fear, despair, loss. Her LED was going crazy, so as her program, he assumed. She suddenly was breathing heavily, and so was Connor, and he could not understand why. The breathing process is a simulation, why would it speed up?
He tried to say something, anything, but nothing was coming out. Sophia opened and closed her mouth a few times, not finding anything to say either.
“I—I have to go,” she breathed quickly, running out of the office, leaving Connor alone to cope with oppressing fear.
He then didn’t hear from Sophia for a while. He didn’t know whether it was because of what happened or simply because agent Perkins wasn’t joining the investigation lately. It didn’t matter at the moment anyway because Connor had some personal issues he had to deal with now. When he accessed Sophia’s memory, when he saw that memory piece, heard how she desperately begged the agent not to damage her, how she cried, how he—
Connor closed his eyes again. His head was not in a good place. With all that was happening to him, he could not focus on the investigation at all.
“Hey, Connor. Connor!” Hank snapped him out of his thought. Connor blinked a few times before turning his head towards the detective. “What is up with you? Your robo-circle is blinking non-stop.”
“My LED shows the process of my thinking.”
“I get that, dipshit, I’m asking what you are thinking about?”
“Just… about the case.” Why was he doing that again? Lying to Hank about him and Sophia. Was he afraid Hank would suspect something? But there is nothing to suspect. Or was there something that Connor already knew? Something he didn’t want to acknowledge, yet was already scared of Hank finding out about? Scared. He kept thinking about this word now, this emotion. What? Emotion? Androids don’t feel emotion. This doesn’t make any sense, it’s completely irrational. Just like—
Connor started to blink rapidly. Looking back at the Lieutenant, he made the best effort to get a hold of himself.
“I just got an update on the report. We should get going.”
This time, Perkins did join the investigation, and he brought Sophia with her. She seemed normal. Too normal for what happened. Connor began to suspect she was rebooted again. Something about this possibility made him… upset? He couldn’t be upset. It probably was the frustration of dealing with all these glitches alone.
But then, he caught a glance from her: not a normal, robotic glance. A lively, worried glance. It meant that she wasn’t replace. More than that, it meant that she was hiding it. Like him.
Trying not to attract attention, Connor looked at her.
Sophia, are you okay?
She flinched, caught off guard by his telepathic message.
Connor, please, don’t say anything to anyone.
I won’t. But I need to know what happened.
When you accessed my memory… It must’ve triggered the last time Perkins assaulted me, along with the emotional experience. Since you were connected to me, I guess you felt that too.
What do you mean?
I guess, deviants can affect androids’ overall being and make them deviate as well.
Deviate? No. This isn’t true. It can’t be.
No. I’m not a deviant.
Their conversation was interfered by agent Perkins calling out for Sophia.
“Are you planning on standing there forever? Just leave and return to your box or wherever they keep you. I don’t need a fucking chihuahua following me around.” “I’m sorry, agent Perkins, but I cannot leave. I am assigned by my pro—”
He didn’t let her finish. He was frustrated, and Sophia was an easy target. He grabbed her by the throat and pushed into the wall, tightening the grip. Connor had another warning pop up, it was louder now.
“You start to seriously piss me off.”
Everyone was looking. But no one was doing anything. Why? This was clearly an assault. If it was to happen to a human, everyone would be off their feet and… why was he even thinking about it? He does not have time for that. He needs to concentrate on the mission.
The mission.
What is his mission again?
What is happening?
No. This is unfair. She was so desperate the last time he attacked her. So scared. She didn’t do anything wrong.
She shouldn’t be going through this. Through any of this.
He cannot let this happen.
He will not let this happen again.
It all happens in seconds. Analyzing all the possible outcomes, Connor launches forward, grabs Perkins and throws him to the ground. He is overwhelmed with emotion: anger, rage, worry. But also care and… relief?
“What are you doing?” Sophia whispered, afraid to move.
“The right thing,” he said. And for the first time, he could feel completely sure, illuminated. And then, he grabbed her hand and he ran. He wasn’t rationalizing or analyzing. He just went with the flow, with the way he felt. Yes, he did. He did, and he never felt more alive.
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barbiethewitch · 7 years
Hello love! May I have a tree of life tarot spread reading? Everything is paid and ready to go!
since this is super hecking long it’s going to be under a read more !! Also the tarot spread template i used is from this post here
1. Seven of Cups (Reversed) | Childhood: What facet of your childhood have you overlooked or otherwise need to reevaluate?
As a kid you were determined and had strong desires but you were also imaginative at times. Go back to that. Find the part of you that had strong desires, the part of you that planned fun projects. But remember to daydream of castles in the sky, to let your mind wander on the impossible and how you could make it possible.
2. Queen Of Coins | Home Life: What aspect of your home life might you benefit from taking into consideration?
You’re confident at home, you’re strong, smart, wise, kind, but you need to remember that those qualities are with you at all times. Remember that you get what you want at home so why not take it into your everyday life.
3. The Emperor (Reversed) | Mother: What element of the mother archetype might you benefit from taking into consideration?
Be caring and trusting. Be willing to defend are die for the things/people you treasure/love. But only if you know it’s worth defending.
4. Five of Wands | Father: What element of the father archetype might you benefit from considering?
Be greedy at times. Be competitive. If you want something (specifically financial gain) don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty. Take what is yours because you deserve it. Be confident and go after what you want.
5. Ten of Wands (Reversed) | Siblings: What element of your childhood companionships might you benefit from exploring?
Remember to be wary/cautious of friends. Some are there to just cause harm. Be careful of false/troublesome friends.
6. The Lovers (Reversed) | Upbringing: What aspect of your upbringing might you benefit from taking into consideration?
Be independent and strong. If you want things to workout and succeed you must be the one to take charge, people around you want the best for you.
7. Judgement (Reversed) | Culture: What aspect of your cultural conditioning might you benefit from taking into consideration?
Sometimes you just gotta ignore negative feedback. You gotta ignore the negativity and just go after what you desire no matter what people say. If you trust your gut you will make the right choices.
8. The World (Reversed) | Religion: What aspect of your religious background might you benefit from taking into consideration?
Grow from learning. Go after wanting to know more about the world and finding enlightenment from the things around you. Don’t sit back and let the world happen around you, be involved. But once you’ve fully learned something remember to move on. Grow in more areas that one and don’t stay still or things will fall flat.
9. The Fool | Society: What aspect of your societal influence might you benefit from taking into consideration?
The fool will travel down a road no matter what and ignore all the warning signs. The Fool is smart but chooses to do what they please. The fool will deliberately go against anything just to get their way. The fool at times will just refuse to see the truth because they’d rather live in their own blissful life.
10. Nine of Coins | Experiences: What past experiences have you repressed, glorified, or otherwise need to thoroughly process?
Order & Discipline. You have wisdom and experience you need to properly go about things but you tend to not listen to your own voice.
11. Page of Coins | Ego: What quality of your self-image might you benefit from evaluating?
Refined Taste. Evaluating the wonderful things you have in your possession. You’re an intelligent young person that enjoys luxury and seeing the world. You’re a person that has a good aura, where people can just tell that you know what you like.
12. Four of Cups (Reversed) | Fear: What fear(s) might you benefit from considering?
New friends. New relationships. Being so negative that at times you get in the way of your own happiness. Being afraid of unforeseen events.
13. Page of Swords (Reversed) | Attachments: What attachment(s) might you benefit from letting go?
Let go of a friend that is young and filled with ill intent. A fake friend that is filled with negativity. Let go of rumours and bad news.
14. Seven of Swords | Aversions: what aversion(s) might you benefit from confronting?
This is the card of Hope and Confidence. Overcoming hard times. Overcoming past failures. Just because you failed before doesn’t mean things can’t work out now. Remember to be able to take good advice.
15. 8 of Swords (Reversed) | Habits: What habit(s) might you benefit from analyzing?
Sickness and injury. Letting things hit you by surprise. Temporary situations that could’ve been prevented if you paid attention to the warning signs.
16. The Hermit | Ambitions: Which of your ambitions would you benefit from reconsidering?
Self-examination, A vision quest. The hermit teaches that there comes a point in your spiritual self-development when you must withdraw from the temptations and demands of civilization and go out and search your soul for the meaning of your own existence. Withdrawing from the world in order to figure things out on your own.
17. Strength | Thought Patterns: What quality of your thought patterns might you benefit from realizing?
The strength card symbolize the inner strength required to overcome obstacles placed in your path. Whenever a victory is won it is not from brute force but from spiritual strength. Whenever an obstacle arises your moral strength, determination, energy, and defiance are what brings you to victory. Faith in yourself is what allows you to win.
18. Three of Wands | Belief Systems: What aspect of your belief system might you benefit from contemplating?
The Three of Wands indicates problems can be resolved if the person remains calm, dignified, intelligent. Don’t act impulsively, you know what to do. You always know how to react to things in a mature and responsible manner.
19. The Hanged Man | Desires: Which of your desires would you benefit from exploring?
The Hanged Man tells you that personal sacrifice is required in order to attain your goal. Sometimes to obtain your adult dreams you must sacrifice some childlike tendencies. Whatever you do it is something that you must want. The rewards and desires you want are yours and yours alone. This is also the card of Prophecy. You must recreate your self image in the way you want to be seen.
20. Nine of Cups (Reversed) | Current Condition: What quality of your current condition is being most heavily impacted by your subconscious?
While things are going well in your current condition you are aware that you also have the very present ability to easily ruin everything. You’re free and learning new things but you're aware that you can easily make imperfections.
21. Ace of Cups (Reversed) | Relationships: What about your relationships might you benefit from evaluating?
Instability. False heart. A change in relationship due to false feelings. Lasting love is present but your own heart sometimes gets in the way.
22. Five of Cups (Reversed) | Projections: What do your projections say about you?
The Five of Cups tells you, you are seeing only the losses and not the gains; it’s up to you to see the positive. Happiness is up to you. Unrealistic expectations have lead you to disappointment. Poor choices have lead you to false projects and false promises.
23. Six of Swords (Reversed) | Reflections: What do your reflections say about you?
A journey that leads to a surprise. Your recent travel over water will lead to a profession of love. The success you have in life is earned and well-deserved. Your reflection is surprised at yourself for the recent proposal of emotions.
24. Page of Wands | Shadow: What aspect of your shadow might you benefit from working with?
Let your shadow self/subconscious help you. Make sure to work with the softer side of yourself. You’re sensitive and faithful and that isn’t a bad thing. Your subconscious has information for you that will greatly impact your life
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kalachand97-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Globeinfrom
New Post has been published on https://globeinform.com/the-most-secure-international-locations-in-the-world/
The most secure international locations in the world
Finland has been named the most secure u. S . of all.
The world Financial Discussion board checked out 136 international locations and ranked them primarily based on different factors in its biennial tourism report.
For protection, Finland was observed by using the United Arab Emirates in second region and Iceland in third.
2012 End of global – safest Places to cover Where are you going to move while the 2012 End of global doomsday, sadly, involves fruition? Where will you be hiding? How will you decide the satisfactory Places which can offer a safe haven for you, inside the face of volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and other lethal catastrophes? Have you ever thought of that? If you have not, then with the aid of 2012 you may most in all likelihood be useless. However, do not worry! This text consists of the five secure Locations you could go to just in case The arena turns crazy and spins out of manipulating.
2012 Give up of worldwide doomsday is simplest 3 years away and panic has ensued in most areas global. Many worries that it’ll be the Quit. If the environmental prophecies come genuinely there are a few “secure havens” that might remain intact in the course of the havoc.
fifth most secure vicinity on earth: The Himalayas
The apparent reason for this is that it’s miles the very best region on the earth, so any risk of a tsunami or volcanic interest is straight away close down. However, there may be one, itsy bitsy tiny trap: a way to get there. only the pleasant of veteran mountain climbers have ever gotten the hazard to step on top of the entire international, and plenty of humans died climbing Mount Everest, so our chances of even surviving simply touring to this survival area are very little. This will have been effortlessly the pinnacle safest place on earth if not for the accessibility problem.
4th most secure location on this planet: China
China as a kingdom is well high above sea degree, has more than sufficient assets and manpower to construct many survival bunkers, and is not susceptible to seismic or volcanic activity. A number of China is also landlocked, which means little or no chance for water-related catastrophes to occur. Of route, we’re speaking about 2012 Stop of world doomsday right here, a lot of things can take place, But on a theoretical level, China is one of the most secure countries to stay in on the earth have to or not it’s destroyed.
3rd most secure location in the world: Sierra Nevada
Europe on 2012 is a very miserable area: it’s going to sink in water, has substantial nuclear facilities that could blow off collectively, and has very many volcanoes, some with the maximum detrimental consequences ever. The Sierra Nevada, a southern mountain variety regarded for its snowboarding web sites, is a paradise for the ones looking for apocalyptic protection in Europe. It has high peaks, handy via avenue, and may offer for ok safe haven and substances for secure living amidst the catastrophes abound. regrettably, the higher areas are either famous ski inns or government-owned property, and maximum of those lands are very high-priced to accumulate. However, it’s miles nonetheless a possible region to stay in for individuals who are in Europe and is making ready for the 2012 End of global doomsday.
the second safest region in the world: Arizona, United states of America
Yep, you examine that right. Many human beings suppose that U.S. goes to be completely obliterated come December 21, 2012, but the factor is we of a’s function has been identified together, not state-to-state. Arizona, in this regard, is considered the most secure location within the USA for an apocalypse. Arizona incorporates many highlands so that you can be the most secure place need to a pole shift occur, and add to that the reality that it’s in The united states, a rustic a good way to be regarded upon for assist through different international locations.
THE most secure place on the planet: Africa
No person can ever question this penultimate truth. Africa has been, and remains is the safest place on the planet. it’s far the most strong continent, unchanged for thousands and thousands of years, and it has shifted little or no in comparison to the other continents. Africa has the least range of fault strains and has a negligible volcano depend. Though now not each place in Africa is conducive for survival, all you need to discover are African plains with altitudes 2, most three hundred meters above sea degree to be assured of safety.
Geographically, Africa can also very well be paradise right here on the earth. The most important downside is that Africa as a continent is immensely underdeveloped. It has poor infrastructure, has an insufficient method of transportation and is home to deadly diseases together with leprosy, malaria, and cholera. If a person desires to prepare Africa for the 2012 Quit of global occasions, he could not do so in time. upload to that the stress of modern political instability in a few disputing nations; the viability of Africa turns into lower. But just as it’s far, if people unite to actually overcome 2012 and set apart differences and prejudices, Africa can grow to be the very cradle of a brand new civilization this is destined to grow after the whole international suffers the damages of the 2012 End of world Armageddon.
to riendliest nations inside the world 1. The Netherlands
Even though there may be some pickpocketing over here, crime fees are definitely low. extra than 7 million international vacationers visit the town each 12 months and the impression they get is commonly outstanding! The city is certainly secure. Plus the people are pleasant, you will don’t have any trouble getting round, and there are extra than sufficient Locations to visit – day or night.
2. Switzerland
this is a multi-ethnic country. Exceptional for the residents, it will be as First-rate for tourists too. The humans of Switzerland are honest, tough working However also very extensive for tourists. They may give you any information you want. Despite the fact that many people go there just at some stage in the iciness (snowboarding), I’m able to assure you will have a blast any time of the year.
3. Fiji
Fiji is depending on tourism. No wonder They will do their first-class to make you experience high-quality. no longer handiest there are tons of sights to be visible, But also you will meet pleasant faces everywhere, always willing to help you to whatever you want. additionally worth citing, crime rates are losing every 12 months.
4. Canada
Canada isn’t always that lots tourism-dependent However nevertheless, the vacationers gets it is fine. Crime price is truly low. Nearly no robberies or violent crimes. haven’t any worry, pass and feature a pleasant holiday over there.
five. Germany
Weather you are visiting Munich for it’s worldwide well-known Octoberfest or the Berlin wall ruins, in Germany you will sense absolutely safe! Although the Germans may seem a chunk “bloodless” at first sight, you’ll fall in love with the country in a minute! As a long way because the crimes are considered, there are suicides and even homicides But broadly speaking due to domestic violence. So don’t have any worry! you’ll love Germany!
6. Scotland
There are crimes in Scotland, However basically inside the Places now not thrilling to travelers. you could revel in the geographical region completely secure. Don’t get me wrong – the threat of being robbed in Edinburgh is not excessive as well! The Scots are one of the friendliest nationalities within the international. They will virtually make you feel at home and let you know all approximately their united states.
7. Ireland
Don’t hassle or be terrified of IRA or stuff you might have heard on the Television. Although it hasn’t been easy within the records, Ireland is one of the most secure international locations on earth! Increasingly humans choose to have their holiday there. The u . S . truely has points of interest to be visible. pass and feature a brilliant time in one of the numerous pubs, hanging out with the locals!
eight. Australia
For my part, the most effective element you have to fear when journeying Australia are the poisonous snakes – there are quite quite a few them! But hello, I’m sure you might not be thinking the wilderness all through yourself! So have no fear of snakes both – I am pretty certain the handiest snake you will see is one of these kept in the Zoos.
nine. New Zealand
The quantity of population is twice better than the quantity of vacationers who go to New Zealand yearly – 4 million population, 2 million tourists. If I tell you that the brand new Zealanders do not lock their doors, do you think the us of a is secure enough for you? Paradise on this planet, New Zealand is simply an area to be visible. With low crime charges and a lot to provide, this one ought to be in your listing.
10. Italy
Cosa nostra? have no fear. Napoli can be risky for the travelers certainly, However there are tons of other Locations to go to. The range of more than 40 million tourists each year have to let you know that Italy is truly secure and pleasant. now not to say all the ones stunning attractions you have seen inside the films! So what will be the motive now not to visit Italy?
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