barbiethewitch · 1 year
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the manifestation cycle made by me aka the one aka the president aka the king and queen of the world aka —
(yes you can use this as a guide, yes you can do whatever you want to maintain your faith, yes you can use to shift to your dr or enter the void or manifest a unicorn idgaf you’re limitless stop asking dumb questions you already know the answer to and start applying.)
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barbiethewitch · 2 years
*person that totally exists* : hey where have you been?
me: :O thanks for asking !!! i miss the friends i made on tumblr but for my mental health i really need to learn to use social media less so i just dip out so easily. BUT you can find me doing a podcast called Cousins Coven, where i joined this season to talk about witchcraft and what's going on in my life with my family who happen to be very wise witches. or u can hmu for my discord (punkbarbie#2294)
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barbiethewitch · 3 years
Hello! May I receive a reading on messages from the Universe for me right now?
- O.M ♋
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So many cards flew out at me, the universe is thankful to have your attention.
Selenite, Green, Violet, Astral Travel, Gardening, White, School, Waning Moon: You have started your spiritual path and the universe wants you to know that the earth is grateful and surrounds you with love and compassion. If you're ever seeking something look to your dreams and the information will be in there. If you don't already now would be a good time to start writing down your dreams when you have them. Getting in touch will allow you to plant/start something new. You are always connected with the universe and it comes thru as life's lessons and in moments of introspection
♡ Pendulum/Tarot readings are open!! (this is free but donate if you like  ) ♡
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barbiethewitch · 3 years
May I please have a reading?
I'd like to know if my new relationship will have longevity?
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Collaborative Dreaming & Conscious Connections: It will if you make it the choice to. Work with the other person to make the dream come true. Make conscious decisions on how to make you dream future a reality.
Food & Blue: as you keep your relationship nourished, you'll be healthy. That nourishment comes from communication.
♡ Pendulum/Tarot readings are open!! (this is free but donate if you like  ) ♡
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barbiethewitch · 3 years
Hello, can you please give me a reading about my college life in 2021/2022 ? Will I fit in ? - c.a ♉
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6 of Cups, The Star, & 5 of Cups: 6 of cups is a walk down memory lane, it's familiar and brings you happiness. It's a chance to reconnect with your child self or an old friend, Either way it's truly a gift from the past. The star card represents hope, harmony, and water. It sits between two cup cards powering life into both, providing insight and clarity. 5 of cups, while you have a positive with the 6 of cups the 5 of cups shows disappointment. That you lose some friendships and/or love along the way. It's not easy and you'll have disillusionment. Just remember to value what you do have after some loss. There will be highs and lows, give and take, but you will learn from it.
♡ Pendulum/Tarot readings are open!! (this is free but donate if you like  ) ♡
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barbiethewitch · 3 years
hi!! could i have a reading please? what do i need to learn right now? i’m trying to be better but it feels like i don’t know what i don’t know! thank you -E aquarius 💗
King of Swords & 5 of Wands: The King represents law and justice. The wants represents fire, generating excitement and/or conflict. I see this as it is time for you to educate yourself on what You define as justice. Times are changing and it may be for the better or worse depending on your view of reality.
Candy Cane Angel & Ghost of the Pumpkin Patch: It's a time for you to learn from what you already have and be thankful in the blessings already around you. Reflect on the past for those sweet treats as you study/Learn about yours/the worlds law and justice.
♡ Pendulum/Tarot readings are open!! (this is free but donate if you like  ) ♡
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barbiethewitch · 3 years
hi, thanks for doing free readings
can you do a reading on what I need to change in my life to be aligned with my higher self ? Thank you already 🧚‍♀️ -nil ♐
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Stairs, Dancing, Winter, Collaborative Dreaming, Against the grain: Find your direction (which you're here asking this question, so you're taking your steps). As you take your steps remember to self express. To keep yourself moving. Follow the beat and you'll be going in time. When you find yourself without motivation and as though time/you have stopped moving forward, take the moment to reflect. Reflect Transition, and Release. You'll get the opportunity to work with others either in a dream state or the waking state to manifest your dreams/goals into reality. Remember to go against the grain, let go of the pressures of society and follow your heart.
♡ Pendulum/Tarot readings are open!! (this is free but donate if you like  ) ♡
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barbiethewitch · 3 years
hey! thank you for the free readings angel <3 i am R and a Cancer. I was wondering what L (Taurus) thinks of me? I have a slight recent crush on them and know there's some sort of physical connection but I was wondering if there's more? ❤️ thank you and have an amazing day
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My pendulum says yes and I also pulled the Attraction card. so Yes there is an attraction from them that is more than physical.
♡ Pendulum/Tarot readings are open!! (this is free but donate if you like  ) ♡
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barbiethewitch · 3 years
Hello 🧡 if I can request a reading, i would love to know what are my crush PIP♏️’s feelings about me? Have a great day sweetheart 💓 - MR♎️
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Dress Rehearsal, Fairies, Playfulness: Wow! 3 cards to do with the word "Play". So this person really sees you as a playful and entertaining person. They see you in a magical light. You're a person that can be childlike in a professional and home environment.
♡ Pendulum/Tarot readings are open!! (this is free but donate if you like  ) ♡
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barbiethewitch · 3 years
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“I Have The Self Control To Quit Smoking”
Draw this on yourself in the same area you might put a nicotine patch or something. Or draw this on a piece of paper and carry it with you and look at it or redraw it every time you have a craving for a cigarette (Or whatever it is you’ve been smoking)
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barbiethewitch · 3 years
Hello, can I have a reading on how to better myself and be connected to my higher self ? - Mei ♉💗🌱
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Dive for light, Kitchen, Here and Now, The High priestess: Dive into what makes you shine. Go head first into what makes you a creative person. Here and now listen to your intuition. Remind yourself to find balance between the outer world and your inner world. Take the time to lean into your feminine side. Essentially take the time today or when you are motivated to, to create something whether it be food, a poem, a painting/drawing, a song where you listen to your natural intuition to guide you thru it. Continue to listen to your intuition through the week and lean into it.
♡ Pendulum/Tarot readings are open!! (this is free but donate if you like  ) ♡
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barbiethewitch · 3 years
If your free readings are still open, and if you wouldn’t mind, what does AB ♊️ think of me? I’m a ♏️. Thank you. 🥺
my readings are still open! thank you for your question ♡
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6 of Pentacles: this is a card of a well deserved reward. It is showing there is kindness and generosity that goes both ways between you two.
Ghost, Black Cat, and The Death and the Maiden: There is regret which I think stems from some sort of fortune/finance. Something about the two of you brings material prosperity. There is a sense of boundaries violated. This reading was hard to do, it was hard to pull the cards but my grasp of it is that This person likes you and possibly sees a future with you but that scares them. They have other things on their mind even though they do enjoy your presence.
♡ Pendulum/Tarot readings are open!! (this is free but donate if you like  ) ♡
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barbiethewitch · 3 years
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This is a 5 card spread simply about your love with your partner. Have you ever wondered about how well of a match you and your partner are? How much you affect each other? This spread can be used with any divination tool you prefer to use. Endless love and joy to all.
(Image Description: A large rectangle box with a fancy design near the middle of the image. There are card boxes that mark 1-5 within them. They are located in the middle of the image. Below the boxes is a text box that reads, “Piece of my heart. Wasteland-Magic.” The text is aligned to the middle of the box. Above the text is three pixelated hearts. The colors in this image are a ray of pinks. A darker pink, a medium pink, and a light pink.)
Keep reading
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barbiethewitch · 3 years
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~ tarot spread for your pets ~
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barbiethewitch · 3 years
Scary Story (tarot spread)
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1. What are you afraid to face?
2. How does this fear manifest?
3. What does this fear take from you?
4. What is the root of this fear?
5. How do you face this fear?
6. Something that can help you move past this fear.
A collaboration spread made with help of @herself-a-universe .
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barbiethewitch · 3 years
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barbiethewitch · 3 years
sup, nice blog :]
hey!, Thank you
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