sk3tch404 · 2 years
can i suggest yandere jack (from identity v) hc?
Ooooo the Ripper I see 🎩🔪
Yandere Jack general HCs
Content warnings: Yandere, kidnapping, reader gets marked via Ripper blades, neglect, manipulation, threats, death games, and violent thoughts
To be fair and realistic, Jack would've probably bled you out or injured you pretty bad in matches before he was even obsessed,
So watch out for some hardcore vi-o-len-ce lol
Jack is based off of the real serial killer, Jack The Ripper (If that wasn't obvious lol) He's killed several female prostitutes throughout his spree.
If you're afab or present feminine, he's gonna be all over you one way or another.
Obviously, unlike the women he has targeted, you're not completely vurnerable and open to just about anything. He thinks he's infatuated with you because you perserveer through more than just matches. Also, the chases you give him are actually quite fulfilling.
Jack doesn't really think about women too much and only really thinks about himself. Of course on the outside, he's a 'gentleman' with a side of sarcastic asshole. But now that you're in the picture, he's a bit perplexed, and ultimately amused.
What makes you so different from any other woman here? What's a random newbie got him all worked up for?
It's honestly refreshing to get some sort of new thrill around here. Usually it's drab and sluggish when there isn't any event happening.
If you're amab or present masc, he'll be more interested in your skills and mindset more rather than your appearance.
Decoding type darling with be chased more than the actual kiters.
Kiting type darling gets tunneled and sometimes bled out
Dw most of the time, he takes pity on you and gives you dungeon after everyone else has either escaped, bled out, or sent back
Other times, he takes advantage of your wounded state and just spends time with you until the baron gets annoyed with how long yall are taking
Resucing type darling gets terrorshocked and terribly gets camped so there isn't any time or chance left of saving before they're sent off back to the manor.
Stun him and he's def tunneling no matter what type you are lol
Regarding to looks, maybe you actually just had a prettier face/more attractive body?
He can admit, there are a hell lot of attractive male survivors, but he never sought to fall for one.
The sight of you bleeding out on the Asylum floor, leading him with crimson hastily spread on the tiles.
Spouting nasty words at him, knowing you had used up all of whatever ability and strategy you may have had.
How dare you tease him. You're such a naughty thing.
You honestly did this yourself.
Okay here's how y'all met lmao
You connected with another hunter during a friendly match and were invited for tea/hangout date a few days later.
That's where they introduced you to a couple of the other hunters.
That's about one of the only times where he wasn't out for your blood lol
Jack made his way to the hunter who invited you and acted as if he was in a friendly mood.
He then jokingly made fun of you, saying, "My my, this new survivor is quite brave. To come onto the hunter's side of the manor; Now that is dedication."
The hunter that invited you slapped him up a lil bit lmao (They know he was genuinely being the asshole he always is 🤧)
From then on, in matches he always teased you
"Don't run Y/n! I really thought we had a connection!"
"You're honestly breaking my heart dear."
*Pallets him* "Argh... Now now Y/n, I don't think you want to do that again."
*Downs you* "You're far too naive to think you'd be able to escape dear." *traces a singular blade under the shape your jaw, letting only a bit of blood drip down your neck*
*Chairs you* "Sorry, not sorry love." *chuckles and maliciously grins under his mask*
*You save another surv* "Prehaps I should catch you instead Y/n!"
*Terrorshocks you* "Too bad you don't have eyes in the back of your feeble little head Y/n. Too weak for your own good."
*You are the last surv* "Dungeon won't do you any good Y/n, but I'll let you at least try."
*You somehow escape through gate* *Silent turned on anger*
As you can see, he LOVES the chase you give him.
He can never shit tf up, and he always makes sure you respond.
If you complain or confront him about it, he'll apologize and slightly brush it off as just jokes.
"Aw, I do apologize Y/n. You understand I am just joking."
Jack doesn't hide the fact he's into you, but he doesn't flaunt it.
On his own time when his Ripper side isn't effecting him as much, he likes to paint you.
Sometimes he'll paint you in a meadow of flowers in white attire. He sees this false sense of purity in you outside of matches.
Other times, he'll envision you in a desolate place. A location different from the manor, but not so far off of the misery that entails this place.
He knows you're not just an innocent kind person. You have a bad side like rest of them
You're human after all.
When you step through those manor doors, you are declared a participant. Not a saint.
Jack doesn't see you as one type of person. He sees you as this complex, mixed soul that has unfortunately seen too much for their own good.
He wants to salvage whatever purity you have left, and crush it to his hearts content
But what fun would be left if you were only this one dimensional miserable thing?
He likes a good chase you know.
Can't just walk up and slice you to ribbons right then and there, and call it a good kill.
That'd be a waste of time and effort.
So he plans to break you apart, and build you back up bit by bit.
Sadist ✔
I feel like he'd be on the board of kidnapping you, but I think it'd really depend on the circumstances.
If you made good friends with the previously mentioned hunter, then they're gonna have some problems.
It was probably Michiko or Mary. They're more lenient with survivors at times. The rest either often keep to themselves, don't like to socialize, or are more interested in other matters.
I know official art isn't canon, but I like to think he treats other people with respect and is gentlemanly when they aren't in a match setting.
It's really cute to see him hanging with the other hunters and messing with the survs okay?
Mary is nice, but she has a thing against survivors. It's not that she depises them; Some of them are simply better than others, and to be fair, they are technically rivals on opposing sides. So perhaps it's a natural thing.
Of course, she'll show concern if you complain to her.
"Oh- agh, is that what has you all worked up Y/n? Jack may be joking, but he really takes it too far sometimes. Since you are a survivor, I cannot promise you guaranteed safety, but do not fret. For I may be able to assist if I can."
Michiko doesn't enjoy being a hunter. She is very apologetic and tries not to brutally kill survs during matches.
Most survivors are on okay terms with her. Not many hold grudges against her for the harm she gives their way.
Michiko isn't a woman of many words, but she can speak her mind through only a few sentences.
She will be very worried if you complain to her.
The Ripper seems to be harassing you more often? That can't be good.
Jack got too close for comfort during your last match? She feels incredibly sorry for you. Did you need someone to stay close with for the afternoon? She can do that for you.
"I'm sorry Y/n. I cannot aid you during matches, but if you ever need any assist while I'm near, please do not be nervous to seek me out. No matter the circumstance."
If not, then great! Give him some more time to think about how to execute it and you'll be in his room on the Hunter's side in no time!
However, once he claims you, saying you three are good friends,
Mary and Michiko would cause an outrage.
"What do you mean Jack can have Y/n?! The Baron may be cruel with these games, but this is beyond inhumane!"
Michiko wouldnt verbally confront him, but she would physically assault him. Striking him harshly across his face with a mask on hers. Her action says it all.
Both agree you should only be escaping from danger if you're in a match or in a activity. Not from some lovesick unapologetic serial killer.
Michiko is the angrier one out of the two. If he 'loves' you so much, why is he hurting you? Love doesn't require your freedom in order to be with the other!
Jack isn't bothered. Though they both are a nuisance, the Baron has made the final decision with no question.
"Are you afraid of me dear? Please, do not be. I will protect you."
"But i've hurt you before? You understand I only follow the rules right? Don't be angry my love."
He doesn't even properly confess. No sit down, no run throughs, nothing. He just makes it clear that you're his lover, and his only.
"I love you Y/n. I'm obsessed with everything you do. Stay and and behave."
"You are not to look or think about anyone else other than me. Okay Y/n?"
His blades threaten you with each move,
and he knows that.
But Jack doessn't pay any mind to it as he's too occupied with playing with you to care.
You usually quiver in fear and anger during your stay
Your activites include pacing around his room, examining the space, crying and breaking down while he's not there, and just taking the affection he gives you while he is present.
He expects you to reciprocate most of the time. He understands this is new to you, but he knows eventually you'll get used to it, and let the Stockholm Syndrome set in.
If you don't love him back within the first 2 weeks, he's gonna start to get impatient and begin slowly threatening you.
Verbally and physically
"I wonder what would happen if I started to aim for their faces more often... What do you think Y/n?"
*Lightly traces a blade down your back, outlining your spinal cord* "Hm, I'm getting quite bored..."
He'd only let you out for matches, events and dates.
The first time you came back, survivors who did care and were companions came clambering with questions once you reached the waiting table
Are you alright?
Has Jack hurt you at all?
Is there any way to convince the Baron to let you go?
Do you all need a strategy so you can stay safe?
Do they need a strategy so they can stay safe?
After a while, they know now that Jack prefers not to injure you. Though that fact has been set in stone, it doesn't mean he won't hesitate to not hit you if he really needed to.
Since Jack usually bleeds your team out or sends them back to the manor,
Kiters try to lead him to you so he can change targets
They're sorry, they really are
But it's either your or them-
And they know their latter of the plate
Jack doesn't gravely injure you while you're kiting. He just chases you around.
He knows you need all that stored energy released
But he also misses playing with you like this
It's not like you two always get matched
Though the Baron does like to do it half of the time, the other half, you two are forcibly separated
It's only when your morality points are below 50 is when he'll let you go from keeping you out of matches that aren't with him
Maybe he'll swing with claws; Just barely grazing you
It's only when you foolishly bodyblock is where he'll seriously hit you
He'll have someone heal you first before offing them so then you'll be left with little to no injury.
This counts as a date, as you two can wander romantically around the map.
It's a nice change of scenery
Even if you've been there a thousand times in matches before, it's bigger and gives you more of a sense of freedom than when you're in that dreaded bedroom.
Decoders stay close to others
That often leads to unfinished ciphers all around the map
Jack doesn't dare waste time, so he knocks out any survivor that isn't you
When he sees a little decoder, he just can't help but tunnel them until stars start to circle around their head.
Rescuers either miraculously save or die via terrorshock
Other teammates who don't have stunning abilities, or don't have godtier kiting abilities, are usually too afriad to go and assist.
You always feel like a burden and liability to your team for not saving or assisting, but you know it's better to keep decoding. To keep out ot sight.
If Jack sees you, you're fucking toast.
So you stay behind the sidelines
There are times where you secure a tie, though it's no use to rejoice as you'll just be sent back to Jack's room.
Don't even try to think of escaping.
The survivors can't help you
The survs are already tired of fighting the hunters, why do you have to lead your big bad wolf over to their side???
The only time where they can somewhat relax is outside of matches and events where everyone can interact without bloodshed.
If you come over frantically asking for help, they'll try their best, but in the end, they'll only be severely injured and unsuccessful.
As much as they don't like seeing you in Jack's captivity, they don't need you dragging in any more problems than they already have.
Though his Ripper side is what he exhibits most of the time, his original self only comes out in the most tender moments (Which is pretty rare seeing how far gone he is by now)
Like when he paints you, or when you two are cuddling
There isn't that much hostility or bloodlust in his eyes during those times.
In fact, when he's back to his original personality, his unmasked face isn't Intimidating at all
He's honestly dreadfully beautiful
But with his Ripper personality, everything he does just throws you off
Okay actual yandere affection hcs hehe
Jack loooooveeeesss teasing you with playful and romantic words
"Are you going to keep me running after you little dove? You know I love a good chase, but we all have our limits..."
"It seems you are still shy, even after all this time. Perhaps, you are planning something a little more exciting than our kisses?"
"Life isn't worth living without you. Stay, and obey, and I'll show you a whole new world of things."
If you fluster easily, it's fucking game over for you lololol
"Don't turn you angelic face away darling, I don't like it when you hide yourself."
"I'll take everything you have. It's no use covering up if I just, break through."
He gets violently jealous when other people talk to you. Especially survivors.
He doesn't get as envious with hunters. Most of them don't really care and mind their business.
Some gossip and chuckle behind closed doors more than others, but he doesn't mind
Mary and Michiko always try to swipe you away every second they get, so he makes sure to steer clear of them
Everytime they successfully do, you just cry and breakdown, and try to let them know your status of health at the moment.
Knowing they can't really do anything, all they can do is console, listen, and cuss Jack out if they have the chance.
Sometimes they even have enough time before they either caught, or almost caught, to devise a small sabotage plan.
You dont want Jack to hold you against him so hard whole you two are out?
Geisha is coming in with an 'accidental' dash. Sorry Jack, she was in a hurry and placed the butterfly there mindlessly!
You want to be by yourself while you're outside his room?
Mary is forcing Jack to help redecorate the hunter side of the manor. She uses her mirror for symmetry, but just cant make up her mind!
Jack is tall, but he's sick of being used as a ladder of sorts and a conveyer belt for transferring weird decor items.
He leaves when about half an hour passes
"Don't you dare leave a lady waiting Ripper!"
*Runs away* "My apologies Lady Mary! I must get back to Y/n! Perhaps we can continue another time when my love isn't out and about!"
Jack isn't that worried about you running around
There's nowhere to hide
And even if you did try and go hide on the survivors side, you know he WILL slash and destroy everything and anything apart just to find you.
No one wants that, so don't burden the other irrelevant survivors with a mess you created.
Cuddling can soft, or very touchy
Soft cuddling is small talk with the covers up to your necks
Jack is always big spoon
Never ask to be in his place
Unless you want to be put back in yours
Touchy sessions are normal
He's careful with his blades of course, but he always has them lightly around your waist
It threatens you
Jack wouldn't dare to spill your guts right then and there right?
Even if you come back from death, he wouldn't prefer looking at you physically broken, right?
Pray bitch
Nahhhh jkjk it's only a scare tatic
Don't try him though
Pushiment is necessary
You can't escape it even if you've been good
He's strict in and out of the bedroom (not like that lmfao)
Jack had set out rules for you the moment he wrapped claws around you
The big three are,
Look at him, think about him, and love him, and him only
Don't escape
And don't you dare try getting by without even struggling
He may want to break you, but he doesn't want a toy that malfunctions after only a little while
He doesn't want you to be unrepairable
Break any of these at any time, day, moment, or circumstance,
And you're getting punished without mercy
A lesson can't be learned with not done properly no?
There isn't just a couple of set in stone punishments
Whatever he feels like doing to you, he'll do it
Why did you have to talk to Gatelea? You know, if he hadn't made it obvious enough, he'll just have to mark you as his
Maybe he'll tear his initials in you this time. Even if you die and come back, the baron keeps the scars caused by Jack. It pleases the Ripper greatly.
You want to play in more matches? but don't you know that isn't allowed?
Oh well, it can't be helped. Jack will let you go after a little while of complaining.
But if you come back gravely injured? Oh, that's too bad. Emily isn't a hunter, and after all, you have to face the consequences of your own actions.
The only way to convince Jack to let you get treated is to beg. Beg on you hands and knees like your life depends on it (Which it does)
He'll take pity on you and waltz over to the survivors side with the Barons permission to heal his pet
Emily with no doubt, will try to get him out of the room just to talk to you while treating your injuries
"Why can't I stay with Y/n?"
"The patient has some injuries that may get worse with anxiety. Please let them breathe by themselves for a bit."
She'll then treat them while you quietly vent. After that, she'll embrace you.
Emily doesn't say much, but she knows that you need someone to understand your situation outside of matches.
She may have to leave you for dead during those games, but outside of them, she'll fight for you endlessly in more ways than one.
You don't reciprocate his affections?
He likes some fight, but resist for too long, and he won't hesitate to hold you down and threaten you.
"Don't think you're safe just because you're my beloved."
Sometimes he'll starve you of food if you've been ungrateful.
"Are you hungry my little dove? But if I supply you with food, you'll only end up more spoiled no?"
I like to think they have bathrooms in their personal rooms, so when you need to shower or change, he'll give you whatever you need and give you privacy
It's pretty much the only privacy he ever gives you
He has all of your clothes, but he controls what you wear wheater you like it or not
You only really get to wear your pants and shorts and such
Everything else you wear is his.
Hunters are like fucking 7ft and lanky asf so you're gonna fucking fit no matter what
Lots of material to work with laurv
Goes fucking crazy over your collar bones, shoulders, and thighs
Since he's from a more conservative time, off the shoulder tops and shorts have his brain cells fizzing out
*Insert that one SVTFOE clip where Star realizes she bi and is blushing hard asf*
"Are you trying to rile me up angel?"
Dates consist of three locations.
His room, match locations, and events
You two do the usual stuff in his room
Kissing, cuddling, talking, literally just living, etc.
In match locations, as explained above, he kills everyone else and strolls along the area with you
Events are actually pretty often
Parties for new essences, celebrations for the new year, birthdays, etc.
Jack will let you run around with your survivor friends because God knows you need it
But after that, you're gonna be on lockdown
"Did you have fun my dear Y/n? You didn't have more fun with them than with me hm?"
"That's good to hear. Now, let's get you cleaned up. You're covered in their filthy presence ."
He knows he shouldn't ruin such celebrations. They bring excitement and entertainment in a positive light.
Jack doesn't only love spilling the insides of the survivors, he also loves the lighter things in life.
Although all he wants to do is slaughter all of the survivors clambering around you, he surprisingly only turns away and finds a flock of his own
The other hunters tease him and sometimes prod at his relationship with you
I'm sorry but this ask has made me fucking obsessed with Jack. I've never been into him before BUT THIS FUCKED ME UP. Thank you doing that.
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