botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
casual anon checkup how you doin
Let’s see, well we just breached 4am, and the sense of urgency to complete some school work has finally kicked in. I got my laptop propped up on the kitchen counter, and I just finished making some houseblend coffee that I loaded with milo powder for “health” purposes. Gotta finish up this AP Stat quiz while pretending I have some semblance of what the hell is going on in the class that I don’t pay attention to. I got my fancy bluetooth headphones that I connect with the wire anyway because I don’t like using up the battery, and I’ve had this acoustic cover of Solitary Warrior Revali looped for a few minutes now--I need those soft vibes to distract me from my thoughts about how the only reason I’ve been so sluggish with my work overall is probably due to years of ingrained perfectionism and inability to adapt my standards to the currently circumstances of the world along with my slightly declining mental health so you know--music’s nice. 
Oh! And my dad got me this electric coaster (as pretentious as that sounds, I know. Leave me and my not-cold drinks alone ok) for the holidays and it matches with my favourite mug that I’m drinking from right now so, it’s the little things :3 Plus, not to derail myself from my school life intentionally, I’ve been working on this sheet music for one of my songs for a few weeks now and it’s starting to actually sounds pretty decent so yaay!! Probably won’t share it for a long time though...I’ve really been only working on it on and off again when I have “free time” [which may or may not just be my online class gym period hey you can’t prove anything to the cops]
Uhhh what else can I shove in here...”How you doin” pfft, I don’t really know how to make this ask funny or entertaining. Well I’ve nearly finished up this zine piece about the Royal Tech Lab so that’s fun (shameless plug for the Memorabillia Zine) aaand, I’m picking my kalimba again to learn Mipha’s theme. About time, cause I have to record shit for the [REDACTED] project I’m working on >:) heh. Oh fucking SHIT now that I think about it I have like three different secret projects I’m working on huh...haven’t even finish the script for that damn au...OK what it, right, “how am I doing” well, I’m doing everything and nothing currently, if that makes any sense. Your possible regrets about sending this to me aside, it feels good to just lay everything on a plate, shit out a post, and then never talk or acknowledge it ever again. It’s like birds, you know how they just take a ten pound shit in the mourning and never look back? (That way they don’t need to go during the rest of the day) That’s what this is, just a giant load of bullshit that I’m gonna set out at 5am and then never look at again. 
You know as unhealthy as it sounds I really do dedicate a lot of time to this blog and this fandom. I mean sure not all of it (arguably any of it) is productive, but hey it’s something. The fuck else am I gonna do with my time...you wake up, you slam your keyboard awake to show up to online class, you take a nap, you spend a few hours keeping up the cishetallo gifted student appearance to your parents and then spend the rest of your time finding enough serotonin on the internet to make your brain work. Hell if I’ve talked to another human being in real life all year. Even my parents just kinda talk about the news and “how was class” during dinner which lasts like 10 minutes. My dad just kinda pisses off to work as soon as breakfast is made, and my mom just kinda stays in her office until everyone’s back and she makes dinner. Wait, that’s a lie, she does talk to me on Sunday mornings when she informs me of how I’ve ruined her day before church. So you know I do prefer it that way anyhow, why the hell would I want to talk with them when I got perfectly entertaining internet companions. What’s a “what scholarship programs are you doing?” to a *checks notifications*, “why are Rito fingers like that if they molt to they just lose the ability to--” god fucking dammit...
So! What were we saying--how am I doing? Welp. Guess it’s up for interpretation cause I sure as hell don’t know the answer to that. The hell would you do with the answer anyway. Pity points, praise points? I don’t particularly care for either. God I just realized you introduced yourself as “casual anon,” HA....apologies this is the opposite of casual isn’t it. Or, well maybe it isn’t. I’m the one just having a nice little chitchat with myself as I sip through my mug o’ caffeine. I might have to add a keep reading bar to this so I don’t blog up the dash, but also that would be ironically humorous to see for such a stupidly small question huh. Idk, contrary to popular belief I don’t have a spine so I’m probably not gonna unload all this shit on my followers like that out of the blue. Hell I’d be surprised if I actually posted this. Then again...5am and vibin with bad decision making.....plus the sentiment of putting something out to be seen is always nice.
You ever watch Bojack Horseman? Fantastic show, it’s just on a whole ‘nother level when it comes to writing. And yeah, I probably should have been watching it in the first place, BUT.............yeah ok there’s real excuse I probably shouldn’t be watching it/have watched it. But there’s this one episode in Season 4 I think? It’s where Bojack gives a eulogy for his mother’s funeral and the entire episode is just that, it’s just this giant monologue of him giving his eulogy. And that episode always facinated me because it is probably the most interesting episode in the entire show and one of my favourites, and like...how did they do that?? How did they make twenty minutes of talking so engaging and entertaining? I mean, yeah, I could probably analyze the pacing and structure to find the answer, and hell if I’ve watch my share of youtube video essays on the subject. But like, just the entire concept that someone had the idea to make 20 minutes of talking an entire episode....that’s just insane (forgive the language). 
It’s one thing to want to talk about yourself for a long time and be interesting, but to pour all kinds of energy to make some made-up fictional character talk about THEMselves for a long period of time...is that sad? Or maybe it’s respectable. /to make an audience care more about something that’s not real rather than you. Well, perhaps that’s selfish thinking. 
Oh! You know what, I just got this super nice message from someone the other day about a Raybands giveaway. Obviously, I’m not in the need for sunglasses during this day and age so I kindly declined and ignore the offer, but it got me thinking: how liked to you have to be in order to sway someone to clicking a random link. Like I’m talking about your friends or something, but like, if you opened your door oneday and Mr. Rogers was there selling clementines, would you buy them? Or if Lin Manuel Miranda offered you a vaccum, would you buy it? What’s the standard of known niceness that constitutes to you complying with what they’re asking? I sure would like to know....not for manipulation purposes but just for...idk, just having that tangibility of something. 
Ah well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw how am i doing. Well I’ll tell you what I’m doing, I’m procrastinating. Procrastinating on work and wips and conversations and dilemmas. You don’t fail all the shots you don’t take afterall *wink wink* aaand for legal reasons that was a joke. Idk, you tell me how I’m doing, fuck if I know. According to this empty mug, I’m doing well, but I also will be doing a piss in the bathroom probably.
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extrasolarzine · 6 years
Tumblr media
Hey, everyone! The long-awaited day of applications opening is coming up soon! So, we decided that now is the good time to post some more info about how the applications will look like, and what you should focus on while applying!
Extrasolar Application Rules:
Applications will open on May 19th @ 12:00am EST and will close on June 9th @ 11:59pm EST
Applications will be taken through a Google form; we will provide a link to this form as soon as applications open. Watch out for it!
If you want to apply as both an artist and a writer, you will have to fill out the form twice! Use one as an artist application and the other one as a writer application.
Artists will have to submit 1-3 pieces of work.
Writers will have to submit 1-3 writing samples that are no longer than 5,000 words combined.
All work samples must be SFW! Sending porn, gore, or other unsettling content will result in an immediate disqualification.
The creation period for the zine is June 30th through September 30th, with September 30th being the final submission deadline. You will have to ensure that you will be able to work with this schedule before submitting.
We will not be accepting any applicants that run NSFW socials to keep the zine safe for all ages.
All applicants will be informed of their status with an email, regardless of whether they’re accepted into the zine or rejected.
Tips and Tricks for a Great Application:
@ Artists:
You can submit up to three work samples, so use this opportunity! Give us three examples of your art that show off your artistic abilities best!
It is highly suggested that artists provide work samples with full-color backgrounds. Printed zines require that you fill your entire page space and we need to see that you can do a full, completed piece.
This is a Klance zine, so it is suggested that you provide at least one work sample featuring them. This is not mandatory, but it’s good for us to know how you draw them!
Put your best/most relevant work as first! The #1 will most likely stand out the most and it will be out first impression!
There will be a section on the application that allows you to link your portfolio or art tag. Use it so we can easily access it! If we like your work samples, it is likely that we’ll want to see more from you!
If you’re unsure on anything, ask! Our inbox is always open!
@ Writers:
You have 5,000 words to show us your stuff, so use it as best you can!
This is a Klance zine so make sure you provide a Klance-centered work sample so we can see your characterization of them.
Keep it organized and easy for us to get to! For example, don’t give us a link to an Ao3 fic and tell us to go to the fourth page break. If you want to send us an excerpt, use a google doc.
If you want to use an excerpt for one of your work samples, give us some context beforehand so we know what’s going on in the work that you have provided! (Context paragraphs won’t count in your word count, but please keep it brief.)
If using Google docs, please make sure that you send us a link that gives us permission to view the document! Otherwise we will not be able to see your work. (Use the blue “Share” button on the top right instead of the address bar link.)
Proofread your work and get a Beta – show us your very best!
Put your best/most relevant work as first! 
There will be a section on the application that allows you to link your Ao3 or writing tag. Use it so we can easily access it! If we like your work samples, it is likely that we’ll want to see more from you!
If you’re unsure on anything, ask! Our inbox is always open!
We hope this post could help you somehow! Remember, if you have any question regarding the zine, just ask! Or, you can also check out our FAQ tag! And, if you want to help us with the zine anyhow: 
Follow us on Instagram
Follow us on Twitter
Reblog our announcement post
Consider applying as a contributor
Tell your friends!
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fire-umbrem · 4 years
The Goddess’ Child
Hey! This was a short thing I wrote for the Kith and Kin zine! It's technically a spinoff of my fic Rude Awakening but due to the nature of zines is it's own self-contained thing. 
Also! The lovely Mythicat did some wonderful art to go with this! Go check it out!
The Goddess' Child
Naga sat atop her altar.
It was always quiet there. Serene, silent, peaceful. 
...But also boring.
She wished she could stretch her wings. But it was too much of a risk. The deadly disease that claimed all dragons who were dragons too long would take her. She couldn't let that happen. She was a god. 
Then she heard the pitter patter of little feet and her mood brightened.
"Ma-ma! Ma-ma!"
A little green-haired girl rushed in, jumping up and embracing Naga with a hug. Naga embraced her back. 
"Tiki! How are you?"
"I'm having fun ma-ma! The other dragons played games with me!" 
"That's great, dear."
Tiki shifted a bit.
"What is it, sweetie?" said Naga.
Tiki pouted. "You said I couldn't play with some of the other dragons... Because they're sick... It's not fair."
Naga gave a worried frown. "Tiki... I... I don't want you to get sick too. That's why we look like humans."
"I know! But... But why can't we help them? The sick dragons?" Tiki jumped up and down. 
Naga shook her head. "I... We don't know how to help them, Tiki. The Divine Dragons like me have tried."
 Niki's head drooped. "It's not fair..."
 Naga nodded. "I know. I know. I wish it was fair too."
Tiki sighed and sulked off. Naga gazed forlornly after her.
She tried not to think about the plague. But it was always creeping ever closer.
"She did WHAT?" Naga's mouth gaped open in shock. 
"She - she - she tried to help one of the sick dragons. She was in human form, but there is still a possibility she got infected," said the other manakete to Naga.
Naga sputtered. "This... no... Is there any way we can stop it?"
The old Manakete put a hand to his chin. "It's possible since she was exposed as a human that putting her in periods of prolonged stasis will prevent the plauge from taking hold."
Naga's eyes narrowed. "So she needs... to sleep."
"Yes. She does."
Naga's face grew grave. "Then... Then I have no choice, Bantu. I must use the spell."
Bantu gave her a look of worry.  "What will you tell her?"
Naga's face fell further.
"I... I don't know."
Tiki gave Naga a look of despair. "Ma-ma, but why?"
Naga shook her head. "We have no choice. The plague will take hold otherwise."
Tiki's face grew grave. "I can't sleep for that long, mama... I can't play with my friends then..."
Naga tried to stay calm. "Your friends could get infected too..."
Tiki tried to perk herself up. "I... I'll be okay! They'll be okay!"
Naga shook her head. "Tiki, please... It's for the better..." Tiki's expression grew grave again. "But... But..."
"Tiki... I'm sorry... It's the only way... for you to not... not..." Naga started faltering. 
Tiki stopped, thought a bit, then nodded.
"...I... I'll do it."
Naga sighed. "Very well. Close your eyes..."
Tiki did. She grew sluggish, weary. Then curled up on the floor and fell asleep.
Naga was tending to plants when Tiki visited her again.
"Ma-ma! Ma-ma! I met the coolest person!" Tiki jumped up and down. 
Naga tilted her head. "Oh? Who was it, Tiki?"
Tiki grinned. "His name is Mar-Mar! He's got blue hair and a sword and a cape and he helps people and he fights bad guys and he's great!" Naga nodded. "Ah... Him..."
Tiki tilted her head. "You know Mar-Mar?"
Naga nodded. "Yes.... He has an important destiny."
Tiki pouted. "You know too much."
Naga scrunched up her face. "What do you mean?"
Tiki waved her hands around. "You always go on about prophecies and destinies and stuff. God things."
Naga chuckled. "It's my job after all."
Tiki pumped up her fists. "Well then, tell me Mar-mar's destiny! I wanna know!"
Naga gave a mischievous look. "You know I can't."
Tiki pouted again. "No fair."
Naga gave a wave of her hand. "Well, you should go and see him then. Find out his destiny for yourself."
Tiki perked up. "Oh! Oh! I can do that! Thanks Ma-ma!"
And Tiki ran off. Naga smiled.
"I am glad... you have a friend..."
It was raining. Even Naga's astral hideout needed rain. 
Naga was sitting with her eyes closed, letting it wash over her when she heard a noise. It was a sniffling, and footsteps. Very familiar ones. 
She opened her eyes to see Tiki, standing there, her head bowed, tears dripping down her cheeks. Naga's concern grew immensely.
"Tiki... what's wrong?"
"Mar mar... He's... gone..."
"Oh... Oh, dear, I understand..."
Tiki threw herself into Naga's arms and sobbed as Naga embraced her.
Tiki scoffed. "Ugh, mom, you don't understand."
Naga sighed. "Tiki please."
Tiki had grown older, and taller, and decidedly more rebellious. She was looking at Naga with a sneer. 
"You're so... cringe, mom," she said with a dismissive wave of her hand. 
Naga raised an eyebrow. "And what does that even mean?"
Tiki rolled her eyes. "Like you're lame and I personally don't like you. That's enough."
Naga chuckled. "That's awfully petty."
"But you're so... traditional. With the whole deity business. You're taking advantage of all those people. You aren't even my real mom anymore. Just a reincarnation."
Naga frowned. "Tiki, this is all just part of my jo-" Tiki stomped a foot. "You also used that like, sleeping spell on me. I never get to experience like, anything before I fall asleep, wake up, and it's all gone. So that's like, even worse."
Naga's expression grew grave. "Tiki I- "
Tiki groaned. "Ugh. You're the worst."
Tiki stormed off. Naga sighed, sat down, and was quiet for a bit.
A now adult Tiki greeted Naga again.
"Mother! Mother!"
Naga pereked up. "Oh, Tiki! What is it!"
Tikii grinned. "I've joined up with these wonderful people... They're called the Shepherds! They have your exalts among them!"
"Is that so?" Naga said with a smirk.
Tiki rolled her eyes. "Yes. You knew didn't you."
Naga chuckled. "It's my job to know these things."
Tiki sighed and shook her head, "Oh, Mother."
She hesitated a bit before continuing.
"Their tactician. Robin. He's fascinating for some reason."
Naga froze.
"Him... I don't know what it is, but something is ominous about him. Be wary."
"I thought it was your job to know," said Tiki teasingly.
Naga shook her head. "Sometimes I do... Sometimes I just have a hunch."
Tiki laughed. "Don't worry, mother. I think I can handle him."
She skipped off. Naga wrung her hands. 
Tiki balked. "What do you mean I need to leave the Shepherds?"
Naga shook her head. "Things are getting too dangerous. He is getting involved."
Tiki scowled. "I'm not a child anymore, I can handle the danger!"
Naga clasped her hands together. "Please, Tiki, stay safe..."
Tiki pointed an accusatory finger. "You've always tried to hold me back mother, always!"
"Tiki, I-"
Tiki waved her hands wildly. "Thousands and thousands of years of the same damn things and you know what? I'm sick of it!"
"Tiki plea-"
Tears were streaming down Tiki's face. "I hate you mother! I hate you so much!"
She stormed off. Tiki slumped to the earth in shame.
The rain had come again. Pouring over Naga as she sat alone.
It was almost a welcome change since the skies had darkened from Grima's second coming. The Risen everywhere did not like the rain. They sought shelter, giving the remaining survivors a chance. 
Not that Tiki was among them. 
She had been claimed. Grima tore her asunder with his own jaws. She was gone. 
In all the untold millennia and reincarnations Naga had rarely been allowed to cry. But now she did, her sobs echoing as her tears were washed away by the rain. 
It was bright and sunny in Naga's domain. She breathed a sigh of relif, as if a great weight had been lifted off her shoulders. 
As it pretty much was. Grima was gone. The Shepherds had dealt with him, with her help.
It was then Tiki approached.
"Mother... I'm sorry. You were right."
Naga sighed. "I forgive you, my dear. And in the end things worked out."
Tiki nodded. "Yes... Grima is gone. The Shepherds are safe The Robin we know did not succumb."
Naga nodded back. "And I in turn must apologize."
Tiki tilted her head. "For what?"
Naga hung her head. "Everything. Especially the sleeping spell."
Tiki sighed. "Mother... I understand. I am glad you apologized but I know why you did what you did."
Naga smiled. "Thank you."
Tiki grew pensive. "And perhaps without it... My mind would have succumbed to the disease. I would have never met all those people like Mar-Mar and Robin and all the others..."
She yawned. 
"Though... I could use a nap right now..."
Nagga beckoned. "Come... Rest on my shoulder."
Tiki smiled. "I think I will."
Tiki sat down and rested her head on her mother's shoulder. Naga leaned in and did the same.
They stayed that way for a good long while. 
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comicsbeat · 7 years
Yet more amazing comics debuting at tomorrow’ Comic Arts Brooklyn show!
Roopert August Lipp Revival House 56 pages, 8.5″ X 11″ 2 color offset
The long-awaited debut by comics virtuoso, August Lipp. Perhaps you’ve been fortunate to see glimpses of his work in esteemed anthologies such as Smoke Signals, for example. Now, one can evince the full dexterity of his talent with the exuberant saga, Roopert. Roopert is excited to return to school after a summer of splendid adventures! His best chums will all be there: Clyve the shy badger, Benji the other, slightly shorter bear, Hannah the ballsy fox, Timothy the average frog, Clarissa the dentally-advantaged crocodile and many more. Hey, this school is a real ZOO! What kind of antics will they get up to when the bell rings and Miss Julienne the human’s 6th grade class begins? Irreverence and beastly nature are masked by overzealous displays of etiquette as the child animals struggle for agency in the face of less-than-responsible authority figures. Follow along as this comic meanders through Roopert’s first action-packed day of middle school! Adult supervision recommended. published by Revival House Press!
Hot Dog Beach #4 by Lale Westvind
High octane slapstick adventure starring Mop and Fuzz, two ding dongs trying to make a buck on a strange gig that never ends.
“BIG BONERZ: A Street Dawgz Comic Collection” by Lizz Lunney
This experimental comic tells the story of a group of canines that tackle depression, drug addiction and anger problems whilst roaming the streets and protecting their cardboard box home from outsiders. Lunney explores themes of fame/celebrity, mental health problems, class struggle, addiction and more through a pack of homeless street dogs. Lots of jokes! Lots of bones! Published by Birdcage Bottom Books 5.25″ x 7.5″, 44 pages. $7
Two-color risograph cover with b+w interior
The Loud Atlas
By Peter + Maria Hoey
Our new accordion fold book takes a surreal and funny look at the noisy world imagined by the Italian Futurists. Using the style of Marinetti and the rhyming pattern of Dr. Seuss. 8 panels and 45” inches long. Screen printed in 2 colors and hand bound on black book board in an edition of 50.
At CAB, we are proud to debut our ninth publication, BOOK OF DAZE by E.A. Bethea. Swing by table M3 to check it out—we will also have dozens and dozens of rare zines and art books available, many of them making their debut at the show.
  If you can’t make it to CAB, BOOK OF DAZE is available for pre-order now through our online shop.
  Book of Daze by E.A. Bethea. $6, 40 pages. Color cover, black and white interior, printed on newsprint.
“I first discovered Bethea’s stuff almost twenty years ago, she is one of the people whose work made me finally commit to comics as my medium of choice. With her barbed, nervous line and blunt writing style, she’s like a Duchampian voice calling for comics revolt. Her comics call out to us that no matter how damaged or how much of an outsider someone is, comics is our birthright.” -Josh Bayer, author of Theth
Book of Daze by E.A. Bethea is the kind of book DOMINO exists to publish. I first found Bethea’s work lying around an apartment I was visiting. I picked it up and from that moment on, have never forgotten it. As I began to read her dense pages, I was overwhelmed by the straightforward emotional statements and startlingly precise mind behind the sequences. In one moment, Bethea’s comics would acknowledge pain and disappointment, then turn to explain it away or justify things, only to finally confront the problem from a new angle. On the next page, simple pleasures became the focus, romantic notions embraced. Later on in the book cynical approaches to anything and everything were duly considered. All of this managed to congeal as Bethea kept another strong cloud hanging over it all: a refusal to shy away from an unashamed embrace of the full panorama of life. 
Bethea, a simple interpretation might offer, chronicles the web of living in the world with a heart and a mind sometimes at odds and sometimes simpatico. But Bethea gives us something more complex: at times, the work feels dead-pan as it shifts from exhilaration to resignation without a change in visual presentation, but it’s here where we have a guide to the heart of Bethea’s project. The often uniform nature of the pages and the highly non-uniform nature of what is contained within become a catalog of days or weeks or years. One page offers a subdued period in life, while the next (seemingly) similar page offers a day full of regret. Bethea talks about her work relating to cinema, specifically calling attention to what happens between one of her panels and the next. The shifts in emotion and carefully chosen images alongside highly precise language feel like walking into a film where the entire crew–from director to actor to gaffer—united in one mind to make something highly exquisite.
The Unquotable Trump by R. SIkoryak (Drawn and Quarterly)
R. Sikoryak frames Trump and his declarations as the words and actions of the most notable villains and antagonists in comic book history.
The House of Dickinson by R. Sikoryak (self published)
This mini combines the poetry of Emily Dickinson with the atmosphere of 1950’s horror comics.
Futile Comics #6 Mike Centeno
A 16 page look at a day in the life of a woman who deals with subway abuse, retail hijinx, and gym bros until she reaches the breaking point and has no energy left to keep all the black goop of rage inside of her.
Precious Little Lives By Joe Garber
This new American classic follows the melodramatic tragedies of a Tap n’ Scat Jazzist just trying to make her way in the world with a head full of dreams and a pocket full of toxic-male assholes.
Generous Consolation Conor Stechschulte In consolation for not having the third volume of Generous Bosom ready in time for CAB, this zine offers a preview of selected images from that book. Available on its own or for free with a preorder of GB3.
TRUMPTRUMP Volume 1: nomination to inauguration
by Warren Craghead III
Every day, Warren Craghead draws and shares grotesque portraits of Donald Trump and his minions. TRUMPTRUMP Volume 1 collects the first six months of these daily drawings with context and commentary, from when Trump accepted the Republican nomination for president on July 21, 2016 until his inauguration on January 20, 2017. — Retrofit Comics
Bestiary by Alden Viguilla
A collection of mythical beasts risographed in blue and gold.
  Final form #1 By Craig Bowers
A fantasy about two friends trying to make quick cash so they can go travel the world and two frogs slacking on the job.
The 12 Days of Christmas
Caitlin Keegan
The 12 days of Christmas, illustrated. A holiday zine that you can color (or not.) 
Twin Peaks poster
Caitlin Keegan
12×18″ poster featuring sketchbook drawings of characters from season 3.
 Bronze Enamel Sun Pin
Caitlin Keegan
Bronze + enamel pin with reversible sun face (1.125″)
I’ll also have copies of The Illuminated Tarot, which came out in April.
So What? Press Tales of the Night Watchman LLC
  Tales of the Night Watchman is the story of Nora, a blogger stuck working a dead end job in coffee, and her roommate, Charlie, who happens to be possessed (in the nicest way possible) by a spectral detective called The Night Watchman. Baristas by day, heroes by night, Nora and Charlie answer the call to fight the city’s never-ending flux of supernatural activity.
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Issue synopsis:
The Gowanus Golem is back! In this follow up to one of the series’ most popular tales, Brooklyn’s most toxic monster is after a couple thugs who are responsible for the death of a young boy. There’s only one problem: To stop him, The Night Watchman must protect one of the killers. Oh, and did we mention it’s also a Christmas special? Written by Dave Kelly Artwork by Brett Hobson Colors by Clare DeZutti Cover by Tim Hamilton
Over Time, Every Section Was Allowed To Grow Accordingly Aaron Cockle, New York Is For Sale, Table J2
It’s part 1 of a 2-part Franz Kafka fan comic, 32 pages
Annie Mok Loves Videogames by Annie Mok
A collection of comics, essays, and an interview, all about an abiding love and critique of games such as The Legend of Zelda, Shenmue, Sonic, and others. Annie Mok freelances for Rookie Mag, The Comics Journal, The Establishment, and others, and now makes games such as The Haunted Nintendo.
Keep Going Greg Kletsel
32 page Risograph zine inspired by the phrase “keep going”.
  Animation: Dansemorphia (on custom silicone USB’s !) Zine: Frame Drain –
Roya Haroun
blurb- Danse! Morph! Ya!
Parasite Wanderer By Connor McCann
A girl wakes up with a parasite attached to her face and the two embark on a bombastic and poetic 16 page adventure.
People of Oakland Asuka Ohsawa
When I moved from Brooklyn to Oakland in 2014, in an attempt to get to know my new environment, I got into the habit of staring at people who caught my attention, memorizing their facial features, and drawing them at home. The book is a collection of some of those sketches.
Somewhere, Sometime Asuka Ohsawa
After my dad passed away in 2016, I traveled to my childhood home in Japan often and dug through his material possessions. This experience triggered an avalanche of childhood memories that I hadn’t thought of for so many years. I decided to piece together bits and pieces of these memories in this book.
Slasher #5 by Charles Forsman
It’s all been leading to this. The final issue of Charles Forsman’s exploration into violence and sexuality. After the events of issue four, Christine lets herself indulge for the last time. From the creator of the E4/Netflix series The End of the F***ing World.
Live at the Grelman: #4 Amy Magick By Vinnie Neuberg, AT Pratt, and Derek Timm-Brock
Live at the Grelman is a collaborative storytelling stand-up comedy comic strip. All strips are written and drawn in the order that they appear and nothing is preplanned. This issue features guest strips by Drew Miller, Disa Wallander, Lane Graff, Max Huffman, Kelsey Wroten, Haejin Park, Mikey Karpiel, and Michael Furler. 40pp
Touch By Vinnie Neuberg
A new mini-comic about an online date gone awry in a Virtual Reality world. Each comic comes with a foldout poster. 24pp
False Advertising By Dylan Balliett
False Advertising is a collection of recent illustrations, comic strips, and single panel gag comics by Dylan Balliett.
The Fishes’ Ball By Priscilla Boatwright
A locket. A fisherman. A steed. The Fishes’ Ball is a short tale about a man who descends to the bottom of a lake in search of his beloved.
CAB 2017 Debuts Part Two: More exciting comics to fill your brains and shelves Yet more amazing comics debuting at tomorrow' Comic Arts Brooklyn show! Roopert August Lipp Revival House…
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