eunchancorner · 1 year
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wheatlev · 7 years
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winningwithwine · 6 years
I had a nightmare about my job. Woke up shaking. I think this has part to do with The Worst Account Ever.
I met my boss there at 1. They usually print out a list of their inventory and their sales since the last time you were there. You’re supposed to mark inventory of front end and back room items, then show it to them, they ignore your marks, and they continue to ignore you.
Their printer wasn’t working.
I have a feeling it’s because they print 100 pages of paper an hour, 5 hours a day, 4 days a week.
Once again The Worst Account Ever has wasted both my time, my manager’s time, my company’s time, and they continue to be god-awful people.
I even thought of apologizing for my behavior before. I guess I’m a nice person.
But every time this dumbass lady opened her mouth, she had such a fucking attitude. I just want to puke on her every time I hear her voice. These fucking people aren’t human. They are disgusting and have no idea what they’re doing. Clearly nothing will change them.
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jabbajacks · 10 months
PS5 DROPPED TODAY so we are. accustoming ourselves to it in our house right now. That's what Scott Pilgrim was being watched on
.......unfortunate that the hard drive external won't do anything on it- maybe there's something. Bluetooth interfering? Hhhhhgmm
still..... how pretty is Genshin going to look on it??
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brandedearth · 6 years
diemondsichel replied to your post “¤”
I don't know what to say. It's hard to compose my thoughts very easily, but you know this well enough about me by now. Despite hardships, it's been wonderful knowing you and being friends. I've always loved your characters and how you're unafraid to try new and sometimes very difficult challanges with your writing, and you manage to do it nicely, too. That's admirable, and it's been wonderful to have you on my dash. I believe in you, friend ;_;
sweet-temperedsludge replied to your post “¤”
[ A great friend and writing mentor. I'm very grateful to be able to exchange ideas and tackle new and interesting things with you. You push me to be better at like, not just at writing, and I really appreciate all your time and energy. ]
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