agueforts · 10 months
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achorusofnonsense · 2 years
seeing people posting their speculation for the next d20 season, so i figured i'd throw mine in the ring.
the pattern for the last twelve months seems to be a brennan-led season followed by an orion-led season, and i see no reason that would change now. orion d. black is the overall creative director of dimension 20, and developed misfits & magic with aabria iyengar and shriek week with gabe hicks. so i would expect another shorter, experimental, non-5e, POC-focused game not gmed by brennan.
not 4 episodes, though. in both the mismag and the shriek week crew adventuring parties, producers expressed regret that they had limited the number of episodes so much that storytelling elements ended up feeling rushed or incomplete. so 6 episodes seems right: bloodkeep, tiny heist, and pirates of leviathan have demonstrated the capacity of the 6-episode season to tell a satisfying story within the constraints of dimension 20's format.
so that's my starting point. now to consider the vague and elliptical hints that have been dropped. a lot of galaxy-brained sleuthing has been going on in the dropout discord for the past week, some of which i've found compelling. last week's newsletter, in which the letters b i o r l were highlighted in navy blue, has been acknowledged as a cryptic hint; this week's newsletter, which pushed back the trailer to next week and recommended some d20 content to watch in the meantime, has been taken as another hint.
navy blue might suggest a nautical campaign, and the recommended videos -- ally on a ferry (nautical again), bloodkeep reunion (returning casts), and chungledown bim creation (pirate, spyre, and leviathan specific) -- could be interpreted as pointing toward a second pirates of leviathan. which would fit in with the POC-focused element of an orion season, if not the experimental, non-5e elements.
but of course a second pirates of leviathan wouldn't give brennan a break, if it was exactly the same cast and gm as the first. and so i'm calling a wild shot: b. dave walters will switch seats to be the gm, with marcid moving to the background as an npc, and ify nwadiwe will take his place as a new pc. ify and matt mercer have bantered on twitter about their bloodkeep characters' sexual chemistry, and this would be a great way to follow up on that. (ify also posted a tiktok a while back with the box of doom; of course he's been in the dropout studio a bunch recently so he could have just popped into the dome while on set for um actually or dirty laundry -- and in fact he's wearing the sweatshirt he wore on dirty laundry in that tiktok. but we'll see.)
but where does biorl fit into that theory? well, a common fan shortening of pirates of leviathan has been pirol, and if you move some letters around while keeping in mind mike trapp's monologue during the sponsored episode of game changer in defense of the all-P keyboard, "what is a lowercase b but an upside-down p," you get exactly the kind of arcane but annoyingly dumb hint that dropout loves to troll its audience with.
am i entirely sure that this will be the next season? no, of course not. there are any number of things it could be, and it wouldn't be the first time that misdirection led the dimension 20 fan-theorists off on a wild goose chase. would it be hilarious if i'm right? yes it would. and would it be a great fuck-you to the reddit assholes who accused b. dave of cheating during the original pirol campaign, as well as a wonderful showcase of an amazing cast whose brilliance was not fully appreciated due to the technical failings of d20's first remote campaign? also yes.
as always, we'll see if i'm right. i never have been entirely right before when making a prediction about d20, except when i've said that the next season isn't going to be fantasy high: junior year. and i will continue to be right about that.
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clansayeed · 3 years
Bound by Destiny II, part 2 ― Chapter 9: The Arrival
PAIRING: Kamilah Sayeed x MC (Nadya Al Jamil) RATING: Mature
⥼ Bound by Destiny II, part 2 ⥽
They fled New York with one purpose. Find, hunt down, and return with a way to kill a vampire god. They abandoned their loved ones and survived the City of Shadows; had their trust broken and darkest secrets brought to light. All that... and Gaius still won anyway. But now that they have nothing to lose, Nadya and her friends are finally ready to do whatever it takes to see the King of Vampires overthrown.
They just have to avoid a vampire population eager to gain favor with their new monarch, the ruthless Order of the Dawn, and whatever plans Gaius has that involve Nadya captured and brought to him alive. So... easy-peasy, right? The worlds of both dark and light hang in the balance. The time has come for the Bloodkeeper to embrace her destiny. So if anyone wants to clue her in on whatever that means, now would be great!
Bound by Destiny II and the rest of the Oblivion Bound series is an ongoing reimagining project of the Bloodbound series and spin-off Nightbound. Find out more [HERE].
TAG LIST: @googlesentmehere​, @cess02​, @hellyeah90sbaby​, @tayab12​, @saratustra4​, @imnotdonewiththeelementalists​, @thepotatobleh​,
*join the Tag List here!
⥼ Summary ⥽
It's the night of Vlad's masquerade ball, the most prestigious social event a vampire can attend. An entire ballroom full of faces and names every vampire in Europe knows... and apparently Nadya is going to upstage them all.
content warnings: language
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A pretty big chunk of their plan relies on the staff of the Tepes Estate being just as snobbish and uppity as the man they serve.
So thankfully at least something is both easily predictable and surprisingly convenient.
Staff all around, and none of them pay the pair of them much mind. Beyond the fact that they get told by more than one footman that “guests really shouldn’t be back in the staff corridors” and receive multiple warnings about how “the Count has ensured all guests for the evening, (said while looking down the biggest snooty nose in all of Prague no less) no matter their prestige, will receive adequate time to sup on the serving staff,” and that they “really shouldn’t be allowing an undisclosed human on the premises but will look the other way this time,” Nadya and Cadence are pretty much left to their own devices.
Which means scurrying out of sight before any lone particularly loyal member of the Tepes household decides to go narc and everything ends up exploding in their faces anyway.
Because there’s no way on earth these full-face masques of theirs are providing any damage cover should their plans go KABOOM!
Nadya casts another look up at Cadence as they come across their umpteenth fork in the road. Watching him decide between right or left is starting to feel as nerve-wracking as actually choosing which direction they ought to go.
“You’re sure you know where we are?” You’re sure you know we’re going the right way?
“I’m starting to feel like you have less than zero faith in me, Nadya.” He probably thinks the glance down her way is a reassuring one. But the masque over his face is almost too neutral. It’s just a mask but it feels like it’s trying too hard, you know?
“That’s not it at all. This place is just…” A lot.
He barely remembers to reach back and take her by the hand before he chooses left in a hurry. Who knows how much time they’ve wasted just trying to find their way through this seemingly endless castle.
“It takes me a moment to recall the map Serafine showed me before we left, but I’m… ninety percent sure I know exactly where we are.”
“And the other ten percent?”
“Is trying to keep an ear out for party noises. So if you’ll zip it, thank you.”
Admittedly Nadya would have a lot more faith in this plan if it wasn’t just the pair of them, proven stumbling disasters that they are, relying on the apparently flawless memory of a man who literally introduces himself as ‘the one with amnesia.’ She understands the rationale behind it, just as she understands the rationale behind everybody else going through the front door like an entourage of normal party-goers. They have three prestigious faces and what Jax and Lily lack in clout they make up for in being practically invisible as nobodies to this upper echelon of attendees.
But shoving the two bigwigs of their gang — well, the most recognizable face in any room of vampires and the obviously human girl losing her freakin’ mind amid a cluster of the heartbeat-less undead — through the staff entrance with nothing more than simple masks to disguise them and trusting them not to mess up finding their way among the rest in time for some famed big reveal they still don’t know the full-on details of…?
Well if they live through this long enough to chronicle this part of their journey, nobody is ever allowed to even so much as imply via metaphor that Nadya never trusted her friends wholly and completely.
Actually if they’re talking about chronicling stuff, better they leave these more vague and improvised parts of their master quest to the footnotes. That way they can pretend they knew what they were doing the whole time.
For example Nadya isn’t gonna let anyone write down that she got so wrapped up in her thoughts about what may or may not get written down that she walked face-first into a brick wall.
Not a brick wall, actually.
Cadence turns around and catches Nadya’s mask just before it falls and shatters on the ground. Thank you vampire super-speed.
“Are you okay?” He asks, wide-eyed and worried, hesitant to give her back her disguise to take stock of how she really looks.
That’s such a loaded question though, so Nadya ignores it and rubs the redness on her forehead instead.
“Why’d you stop?”
The vampire takes a moment to look up and down either end of the corridor and even around the next corner. When he’s satisfied they’re alone he pries his own mask off with a groan; practically peeling his flattened hair from where its been stuck to his forehead the moment he put the darn thing on.
“Because,” with pursed lips he blows his fringe out of his eyes, “I’ve been talking this entire time… and even when I ramble you usually have some two cents or other to pitch in.”
That’s fair. Nadya takes back her mask with a sheepish shrug. “Sorry, got distracted.”
“That much is obvious. Care to share?”
“Not really. Care to keep going?” Not like they’re exactly full of free time, here.
He sweeps his arm in an after you motion, but keeps pace with Nadya’s shorter stride. “I can hear the string quartet by now. We’re close, but they haven’t begun the announcements Serafine told me to wait for.” So maybe they have a bit of free time. Got it.
Only now she can’t stop thinking about what will be on the other side of the big grand ballroom doors.
And Nadya without her set of note cards to at least help her through her dumb speech all because her dumb dress has no dumb pockets.
“You know I still don’t get why they wouldn’t budge about you not being discovered.”
“You don’t see me complaining,” Cadence says with a shrug; and actually now that he points it out…
“No, I don’t.”
He doesn’t need to look at her to know exactly why she says it that way, either. It’s not the first time they’ve had this talk. Probably won’t be the last either.
His sigh sags from his shoulders to his fingertips. “‘Surprise warmonger back from the dead’ might accidentally eclipse ‘reincarnation of the vampire Goddess.’ Can’t have that, now can we.”
They turn another corner in complete silence. Nadya’s ears strain to hear this quartet of his but nope, not close enough for her poor human ears quite yet.
Finally Cadence seems to decide on something. Gathering himself up all the way to his full height while fiddling with the porcelain in his grasp. “Actually… Serafine and Kamilah gave me the option. When they talked about prestige all this week it was largely assuming I might be able to pretend just enough to add to their collective fame. But they gave me the choice as to whether or not I wanted to try.”
“And you said no.”
“Of course I said no. I don’t envy you, Nadya. You have to do this regardless of whether or not you want to. But for the first time it feels like I’m not in that position, and I want to take full advantage of it.”
His face falls, voice going somber. “Surely you can see why.”
She can. She did, in the flesh, and while he’d been useful at the time she can still close her eyes and remember how easily Cynbel had threatened Jax, hurt Adrian and Serafine; how callous he’d been with her life even though she’d agreed with him at the time… Not to mention all the implied things that come with Serafine, always calm and cool and collected, losing her freakin’ marbles every time he ended up a part of the conversation.
He continues. “I don’t think I could have pretended to be him if my life depended on it. And if you think about it, your life does depend on it in a way. I couldn’t risk you like that. Not after how kind you’ve been to me.”
Her fingers brush over his arm. Cadence either takes it the wrong way or chooses to give a purpose to something so small; he bends his elbow and lets her arm slide into his like a proper escort to a proper ball.
“A lot of people’s lives depend on me pretending to…” Nadya can’t quite say it though, so she swallows it down. “I just have no idea what I’m supposed to do when we get there.”
“Seriously,” offering him a wry and dry smile, “that’s all the advice you’ve got?”
He mulls it over for a good and proper think. The effort is more than appreciated even if it doesn’t actually yield results. At least this way she gets to vent it out before messing up royally when the time comes.
Cadence stops first — their linked arms jerk her back and to turn and face him. “I wouldn’t call it advice, per se,” gee—great, “but maybe we both suck at pretending because we ought to be accepting, instead. Accepting who we… were. Possibly, in your case. That way we still have the chance to move on.”
It’s a sweet sentiment, but Nadya can’t help the way her nose scrunches up slightly.
“I don’t think that applies to this case, Cade.”
“Fair enough. Can’t say I didn’t try.” And that makes the pair of them laugh, no matter how weakly. Something neither of them knew they needed, nor how badly they needed it.
It doesn’t last long… but it doesn’t need to.
“You’ll figure it out when the time comes Nadya. You usually do.”
In wordless agreement she and Cadence don their pretend masques with mutual reluctance. At least he doesn’t have to breathe in his. But it’s easier this time to see what his face really says beneath that neutral doll-like expression.
She smiles at him in return. Like many things these days they can’t quite see it, but the feeling is there.
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When they get close enough that Nadya’s ears no longer strain to catch the occasional tittering laughter or melodramatic voice, Cadence diverts them yet again. This time for a staircase he just so happens to catch sight of out of the corner of his eye.
He keeps her close; closer than before. Practically hovering over her like a shadow less than a step behind her the whole way up. She pauses when he pauses, she waits when he waits, and trusts him enough to know her faith isn’t misplaced but some explanation would be swell any time he’s feeling his usual chatty self.
Crouched close to the ground (which is a feat for him, for her not so much) Cadence crooks a finger at Nadya to join him in inching steps along the carpet towards the railing overlooking the main foyer below.
Nadya is, understandably, hesitant. “What if someone sees us?” What if someone smells me, hears me, all-of-the-aboves me?
“Same principle as before.”
“Keep close and your blood will cover me up?”
He nods. Not like she really has any other choice. Well, that and the more snatches of conversation she plucks from thin air the more curious she is.
And when has her curiosity ever not won out?
Cadence’s cloak comes heavy around her other shoulder and all but smothers her. She grabs the edge and pulls it tight while making sure not to jostle it from his shoulders. For some reason she can’t shake the feeling like she’s hiding behind a curtain with her feet sticking out underneath.
But they’re here, so they might as well take advantage of it. So Nadya joins him in peering through the stone balusters to the hustle and bustle happening below.
The foyer had been beautiful already during her visit with Serafine and Jax the other night — Nadya would even go so far as to assume it was nearly completed. That assumption would have been vastly incorrect.
It’s not her contacts; she’s not seeing double. Every bauble and ribbon and glittering glassy gem brought along the entire family. There’s practically no surface without something shiny added in some form or another, and in many cases that shiny thing has a shiny thing has a shiny thing of its own on top.
On their own the decorations probably look gaudy and too-much. But when you fill the room with graceful vampires all dolled up in unique fashions and splendors everything else is lost in the background. Tasteful would probably have ended up the equivalent of a fifty-buck Party Town Supply budget. So at least the Count knows his audience.
She should be looking for their friends… and she is. But Nadya tells herself it’s being a good and thorough secret agent to observe all the other guests along the way. Two birds and all that. But it’s not easy to just sweep her eyes over the assembled masses in search of a few key faces. Not when each masque is a face all its own.
You’d think there are only so many combinations of colors, designs, and styles to make before they start getting repetitive. But that couldn’t be farther from the case. She gets it now, seeing everything and everyone from way up high and afar like this. The importance of not just the masque itself, but having the right kind of masque above everything else.
Masquerade balls are about hiding and blending in; being just another face in the crowd.
Les Visages de la Gloire is the exact opposite. And even that feels like the most watered-down way to put it she can think of.
A gentle weight falls on Nadya’s back and she shudders a gasp. When had she stopped breathing? Not for fear of being caught, but at the beauty of it all that could only be described as—literally—breathtaking.
Faceless in their full face-coverings and headdresses each more ostentatious than the last; not important enough to show who they are but still in competition with each other — still with deeds to announce and reputations to uphold. Half-masks covering the left side, the right side, the top of one and the bottom of another and all of them made uniquely for a single soul and nobody else.
Some vampires have masques that match their costumes. Others clash in a way that can’t be anything other than on purpose. Even from a distance Nadya can see the difference between carefully crafted metalwork and porcelain painted with glossy lacquer; can compare wood carvings with rich varnish and contrast that with the vast rainbow of matte colors on terracotta. Most are adorned with embellishments and jewels heavy enough to make her neck hurt just by looking at them.
Nearly all take full advantage of the fact their wearers won’t end up suffocating on the other side.
And I’m supposed to show them all up without so much as a sheer ribbon over my eyes? Yeah, Nadya’s confidence takes a knife to the gut just thinking about it.
“Over there.”
Not like Cadence’s finger isn’t pointing down to a massive crowd or anything, but that’s exactly the point — forgive the pun.
Though they can’t quite see double doors leading inside the castle from the exterior from their hiding spot, the sudden hush that falls over the idle crowd offers up an equally dramatic entrance.
It’s the kind of arrival that would be filmed in slow-motion. The kind that pans up from the purposeful echo of each expensive step; dragging over the exquisite details of their costumes in one long smooth glide all the way to the big reveal. And what a reveal it is.
Kamilah’s spindly masque may be made of steel but it curls over her sharp features with all the grace of a silken thread. It’s a face covering by only the thinnest margin of definition, with too many gaps in the framework to even pretend to conceal her identity. But after taking in the rest of the crowd… it’s obvious she’s the kind of face — the kind of presence — that simply can’t go unrecognized.
Everything about Kamilah, from her posture to her raised chin to her not-at-all-faked aura of superiority, demands recognition.
On the surface she’s the woman that Nadya knows; that she trusts and cares about so so much. But look beneath, something all too easy to do — like sweeping aside a mist, it’s impossible to miss how she’s so much more.
The Bloodqueen has arrived. And the entire foyer is speechless before her.
Without even moving a muscle the closest groups stagger back several more steps. Dozens of them nearly tripping over themselves and each other in their haste.
It’s no surprise that the space is quickly taken up by the two figures flanking Kamilah’s sides.
Serafine’s masque isn’t so much a mask as it is a scrap of lace just wide enough to earn the collective approval. As if anyone here doesn’t already know who she is regardless. But that’s how she can pull the look off if Nadya is remembering her explanation right.
No one would dare partake in Les Visages without knowing—without introduction—the woman who started it all.
Some final vestiges of their psychic connection tugs Nadya towards her; not physically so much as emotionally. Even without seeing Serafine’s features up close there’s a bittersweet ache in her chest that’s definitely not Nadya’s own.
The vampiress can offer up all the scarlet-lipped smiles she wishes. They are all hollow and fake. The simple act of being here causes Serafine nothing but distress.
And then there was Adrian.
Who, in comparison to Kamilah and Serafine, makes the women nearest him seem positively giddy and gleeful to be here tonight.
He wears his tailored costume perfectly; that wasn’t in doubt. It’s the masque that leaves him stony-faced. Gold rich and dark that catches every little flame on the chandelier over his head that covers his eyes but can’t hide the tension wracking his jaw.
He and Kamilah both wear near-identical rich crimson garnets inlaid just beneath their masque’s right eye. Shared stones for a shared Maker. But along his edges are thin metal spires, short but wicked sharp, that vary from the same gold, to steel, to a coppery hue.
A second glance confirms Nadya’s suspicions; Adrian isn’t the only one with those kinds of embellishments along the edges of their masques. Scouring a few of them from the crowd, the way they carry themselves and mirror Adrian’s ramrod-straight posture answers a question she didn’t know she needed to ask.
If the garnet labels him and Kamilah both as Turned by Gaius, then the spikes are the mark of the soldier. Any soldier; but one worth recognition for their service.
Which is everything Adrian doesn’t want. Everything he had worried over, and was working now towards overcoming in the wake of his past.
Nadya ducks her head hastily to catch her tear before it falls. Thankfully she’s quick enough. If only she could wipe away the reason for it just as easily.
Pull yourself together, girl, she scolds, and it’s just enough to do the trick and pull Nadya’s focus back to everything around them. All the stillness and nothingness and the way a room full of the undead hold their collective unnecessary breath waiting for what will happen next.
Which is exactly the kind of attention-grabbing showstopper the three of them are supposed to be. All eyes turned on the prestigious trio they are together, and away from Nadya and Cadence one floor above.
All focus on who they are, why they’ve come, what they will do; and away from the practically invisible dynamic duo that slips through the crowd towards the closed ballroom doors.
Behind her, Cadence lets out an impressed little “hah” when he finally manages to pick Lily and Jax out of the crowd. “I completely missed them. Did you see them sneak in?”
“No,” answers Nadya, but that’s actually a good thing. That was the whole point.
Without a word Kamilah takes one step forward. Her aura of command acts like an invisible shield that parts the rest; holding them at a respectable distance.
But the sudden shifting of the mass of faces and their masques gets dangerous when it turns right in their direction. If even one wandering eye looks up, they’re done for!
Without a word the vampire pulls Nadya backwards, letting the force of his bulk pull them out of eyesight in the nick of time. That was a little close, huh.
Nadya doesn’t get the chance to thank him though.
The moment she opens her mouth a loud echoing clang rings out below them, followed by the distinct shuffle of something heavy being dragged achingly close to the foyer’s marble floors.
Neither of them needs to risk sneaking a look.
Right on time. The ballroom doors have finally opened, allowing the first wave of prestige to spill forth out to the grand dance floor.
And though the shuffling of boots and sharp tapping of heels fills the vacuum of stunned silence as the attendees start to move, it’s not nearly enough noise to drown out the sudden and familiar exuberant laughter of delight that echoes across every polished surface below. The kind of laughter designed to be projected across adoring crowds; and carefully rehearsed to always seem full of intriguing promise.
What Nadya wouldn’t give to borrow a little of Vlad Tepes’ seemingly endless confidence for her own performance… looming ever-closer and starting to pick up real steam.
“Remember my lovelies! Faceless and no-names, see yourselves inside. New blood and the lucky virginal attendees right beside them!”
Her full-body shiver of discomfort is more than warranted. But Nadya only wishes she could be surprised at his… unsettling word choice.
“I’m suddenly very glad to be up here.”
She snorts at the wide-eyed stare looking out from Cadence’s mask. “You and me both.”
“Yes yes darling, oh you look a treat. And you there — you must tell me the story behind that engraving later, you simply must.” It’s really to their luck and benefit that the Count likes hearing himself talk so much. They can stay far away from the railing and still keep tabs on what gauge of prestige is next to be welcomed into the bal masqué proper.
They just have to wait until everyone—Vlad included—is inside. Everyone but the most prestigious of the lot of them. And when all eyes are (once again) on the Bloodqueen herself… they’ll have no choice but to witness Nadya’s arrival.
Having Kamilah by her side might just give her the kick in the metaphorical pants to do this thing. Not the literal though. There’s no way this practically bleach-white linen getup will survive a boot print, and especially not to the rear end.
Down below there’s a momentary lull; all but shattered by Vlad’s returning laughter now pitched higher than before.
“Why there you are, Serafine! Here I worried I had somehow lost track of your arrival in the excitement.”
His words are followed by two unmistakably wet noises; which Nadya prays are just over-dramatic kisses to her cheeks.
“Surely you jest,” she teases good-naturedly; said with all the humor of someone whose smile can’t possibly reach her eyes, “I see before me you follow the old traditions quite well. Showing the prestigious their due, their arrival witnessed by all who look to them in admiration.”
“Well of course! It makes for the grandest of entrances.”
“Ah, yes,” the elder vampiress croons, “and as the illustrious host yours would be the last, non?”
“Don’t worry darling — I would never claim credit for your centuries of contribution to our dwindling community.”
Somehow Nadya just knows Vlad throws his hair back unnecessarily as he laughs again.
“You can enter just before me, of course.”
“Then when, may I ask, might you suggest my blood-kin Adrian and I make our entrance known, old friend?”
Unlike Serafine, who at least pretends to smile while enduring the torture of his conversation, Kamilah’s question is cold and clipped. It rings with all the disinterest of the Kamilah that Nadya had met so long ago — and she’d place good money on the single raised eyebrow hiked high enough to be seen over her masque, too.
But if anyone could render Vlad speechless…
Nadya struggles to hear something, anything, until she catches the faint rustle of stiff and expensive fabric moving with haste. Vlad’s gesture of greeting, no doubt.
Just like she has no doubt that Kamilah and Adrian don’t humor him as long as Serafine has. It certainly explains the flustered, hasty way his next words tumble from his tongue with practically no filter.
“All the best surprises are the ones that sweep one off his feet. My humble gathering of our kind—nay, our family—from the nearest branch to the farthest root is made absolutely resplendent by the honor of your presence!
“Your Majesty, mon cherie —” —a beat, his attention likely shifting to Adrian— “— and Sergeant Adrian Raines, just when I had resigned myself to an evening of only the old and antiquated in renown. Here you stand before me, as handsome as the day we first met.”
Nadya quickly schools her bewildered expression — too long and it might get stuck that way. But that is flirtation if she’s ever heard it. Not good flirtation, but nevertheless.
“Vlad, as… lively… as ever.” Adrian just barely recovers, but now she’s dying to know what he had almost said instead. “Hard to believe it’s been nearly seventy-five years since last we met. Time… flies so quickly.”
“Oh pish posh,” replies the Count, “you wouldn’t know it but for the calendars. My memory of those chiseled features of yours obviously needed a refresh.”
He’s barely finished speaking when he gasps, clapping his hands together delightedly. “Speaking of memory! You’ll have to forgive my fright. As you all know surely, my recollection skills are of world-renown. Yet the sight of you all almost thrust me spiraling into self-doubt.
“And not without good reason! As I could have sworn you — the both of you, that is to say — had… cast aside your former titles.”
It’s just like before. Everything that pops into his head said without a filter all the way up until what he’s saying isn’t as vapid as it was at the start.
It must be so easy to write Vlad Tepes off at first glance. Just look at the public opinion of the guy. Nadya had, she’s humble enough to admit it. But the hard truth is that he is Vlad Tepes; he is Count Dracula.
But whether he’s all the things the myths and legends claim or not it can’t go ignored that he knows what he’s doing (even if it doesn’t seem like it). He knows how to play a crowd, how to stroke an ego. He’s a master of misdirection.
Has nobody pitched a Vegas residency to this guy yet? Seriously?
But if he thinks he’s going to out-wit someone like Kamilah he must have those leather pants on just a little too tight.
She doesn’t address his comment. Brushing it aside proves a much more important point.
“Shall Adrian and I wait patiently here while you and Serafine follow through, then?”
Vlad must be used to playing the ‘host with the most’ card, because he hesitates. But Kamilah wasn’t asking — she was just being polite.
“Yes,” he finally agrees, though surprisingly less strained than Nadya would have expected. “I would not dare nor dream of presuming your prestige. Nor would I separate the grand entrance of the progeny of our King.
“The three of you will have a most celebratory announcement, I give you my word.”
Did she hear that right?
Serafine offers a gentle tittering laugh. “I see no reason why you and I should not enter together, ma puce.”
“We shall.”
Vlad’s words die to the sound of heavy heels across the foyer floor. Too many steps to be one of her friends; but certainly more than enough for them to bring a person across the length of the room to where they are gathered.
Of course something is going wrong. They should have anticipated something going wrong. They had, her brain reminds her, and probably thinks its being helpful by doing so.
She dares to inch just close enough to catch a glimpse down below and spoiler alert — it isn’t helpful at all.
With his head held high, Marc Antony makes a bold statement in taking Kamilah’s hand without it being offered. Then he goes a step further with a half-bow and a kiss pressed to the back — or the ghost of one. He barely manages it before she yanks it from his grasp — in surprise, in anger, that’s not the part that matters.
With everyone fixated on the two oldest vampires in the room, Adrian dares to steal a glance of warning up to the railing. Wide-eyed and with pursed lips, the message when he gives the tiniest shake of his head is clear.
Nadya retreats, practically crab-walking backwards.
Cadence tries to help her sudden shaking panic with an arm over her shoulders. It’s the thought that counts.
“What,” he asks worriedly, “who is it?”
“Antony,” Nadya exhales, and the man goes rigid beside her. “It’s Marc Antony.”
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