#HIjirikawa Masato
hanatatami · 2 months
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♥ ★
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thejournalmylife · 8 days
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marinejelly · 1 month
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utapri commissions for masatoswife, thank you so much!! <3 Please, DO NOT Edit/Repost without my/the commissioner's permission, thanks! (Reblog is okay!)
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ticklygiggles · 3 months
Name it | RenMasa
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A/N: @ppystkposts someone admires you from afar and wanted me to write this little fic with a favorite pairing of yours! I hope you like it, cutie! I'm so so so so sorry in advance if they're a bit too ooc, I promise I did my best! I hope you enjoy this and also, big thanks to your admirer that commissioned this! ❤️
Summary: just two roommates, (or something else?), having fun.
Words: 2k+
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For some reason, Masato couldn't take his eyes off Ren.
He watched his roommate walk into the bathroom with a towel and his pajama hanging from one arm. He came out only a few minutes later in only his pants; small droplets of water trickled from his soaked hair all the way to the muscles of his stomach. Masato followed the path of the drops until his cheeks became a little hot and he looked away just as Ren threw himself face down on the bed. Ren groaned tiredly, snuggling into his pillow and making Masato cringe a bit, seeing how wet the fabric was getting. 
It had been a normal day, but Ren seemed exceptionally tired, even though he had spent most of the morning fast asleep, barely aware of the noise Masato made as he moved around the room. Night had fallen once again, perhaps a little too quickly, and Masato felt that his day had not been productive at all; even after he had taken a shower as well, he felt a heaviness in his body that made him feel uncomfortable. 
His eyes left his phone to fall on Ren's back, it moved slowly up and down with each breath, but he was not asleep, as he was looking at Masato with a smile on his face. Masato felt his face redden and looked away once again, making Ren chuckle.
“What are you doing, Hijirikawa?” Ren asked lazily. 
“I was just checking social media– you're gonna get sick with your hair wet like that,” he said, looking at Ren again, his hair still dripping.
“Hmm? It'll be fine. Unless you want to help me dry it?” He teased with a bright grin and Masato rolled his eyes, but then his eyes landed on Ren's. Masato wasn't doing anything in particular at that moment and he thought that maybe helping Ren dry his hair would help him get rid of that unpleasant feeling of a wasted day. 
He stood up and Ren jumped a little, surprised. “W-Wait, are you actually going to do it?!”
“Hmm?” Masato hummed, straddling Ren’s waist. “You don't want me to?” 
“N-No, it's alright, I guess. It's just that- ack!”
Masato grabbed the towel around Ren's neck and pulled it over his head, roughly rubbing his strawberry blonde hair. He wasn't being truly rough, his touch was light, yet quite fast, and he expected Ren to whine about it some more, but after saying Masato's name once, he simply melted undee his hands. Masato felt something inside his chest, a tingle that made him smile softly as he dried Ren's hair, rubbing the top of his head, the back and the long strands sticking to the skin of his neck.
“That feels nice,” Ren mumbled, and Masato could hear the smile on his lips under the towel. “Although you're gonna mess up my hair.”
Masato chuckled. “I can also brush it, if you want.”
“... Yeah… that'd be nice.” 
Masato was not someone who showed his feelings so easily. Years and years of a strict life had taught him how to keep his feelings within and he refused to share them for fear of not being reciprocated, but with Ren… with Ren everything was different, somehow. With Ren, he felt like he could show a little more; it gave him freedom that he didn't usually feel with almost anyone and he knew that Ren was the same. When they were together, responsibilities, expectations, fears, everything disappeared and they could enjoy moments of peace, without pressure, finding comfort in each other’s embrace. 
However, their relationship still didn't have a name. Were they roommates? Of course. Were they lovers? Well... Masato would say yes for sure, but he wasn't sure how or when it had happened and he thought maybe it was too lame to ask Ren ‘what I am to you?’ or ‘what are we?’, besides it wasn't completely necessary to label what they had, especially when you were in the eye of the public, but-
“Hehehe, what are you doing?” 
Masato blinked, his hands had moved down to pat Ren's back dry. The ginger squirmed softly, giggling quietly as Masato brushed too close to his sides with the towel. Ah, of course, Ren was so ridiculously ticklish. 
He chuckled, his touch a bit more firm. “I'm just drying your back too, do you even dry yourself after showering?”
“I do! I was just… too lazy to do it today.”
“Mhmm. Of course you were.”
Ren's back was broad and Masato could see the little bumps his muscles created and the little dips between each rib. His eyes quickly scanned every detail of Ren's back, his honey skin made a pretty contrast with Masato's milky one… yeah, they really didn't need to label their relationship, but… 
“Are you tired?” Masato asked gently, throwing the towel aside once he thought he was completely dry. 
“Hmm, you could say so. I feel a little tense.” 
Masato was glad Ren couldn't see him perking up like a little dog. “Then, would you like me to give you a massage?”
“Eh~?” Ren turned his head back to look at Masato with a bright smile. “Would you do that?! Don't even worry about brushing my hair, I do want a massage!” 
Masato chuckled, nodding once. “Fine. Let me get some lotion first.” 
He gracefully unclimbed off Ren and opened one of his drawers to put out a bottle of lavender scented lotion he used at night to help him relax. Ren took the opportunity to settle in better; he laid down right in the center of the single bed, his head resting on one of his pillows and his hands were lost under it. He was looking at Masato curiously, his feet moving a little with excitement. 
Masato chuckled as he took a seat on Ren's lower back again. “Let me warm the lotion a little bit. It will not only feel better on the skin, but also it won't be annoying. Don't worry,” he said, pouring the lotion on the palm of his left hand, “my hands are warm.” 
“It's okay, Masa,” Ren said with a laugh in his voice and Masato felt a little shy. “I'm sure it'll feel good.”
Masato vigorously rubbed his palms together to warm up the lotion and spread it all over his hands and fingers, once ready, he placed his palms firmly against Ren's shoulders and squeezed. Ren sighed pleasantly and relaxed immediately as Masato's fingers worked on his shoulders. Thumbs pressed at the base of his neck, rubbing the nape and surprisingly finding some knots that he gladly dissolved. 
“Haaaaaah, that feels so good, Hijirikawa,” Ren mumbled, his words slurring a bit and his mouth salivating a bit too much. 
Masato laughed softly as he continued working Ren's neck and shoulders, gently kneading and rubbing the muscles. Ren seemed to be falling asleep, his breathing was becoming even and his legs would twitch lightly every now and then. Masato was very good at massages, it was a skill he was proud of, even though he didn't often say it. 
Once he thought Ren's shoulders had had enough, he poured more lotion into his hands and brushed his fingertips down the other's back and Masato jumped out of his skin when the silence was suddenly filled with a bright, surprised giggle. 
“Th-Thahahat tihickles!” Ren giggled, squirming slightly as Masato's fingers rested at the base of his spine. 
Masato rolled his eyes affectionately. He couldn't believe, after all this time, Ren was still so painfully ticklish. He remembered a few tickle fights they both had in the past and he chuckled to himself remembering not losing a single one to an extremely ticklish Ren that would give up with just a poke to his side. 
Masato couldn't lie, he had a blast tickling Ren back then. Hearing his high-pitched laughter, slightly different from even his voice as a kid, always made him smile and giggle himself. It was so bright and sweet, Masato couldn't get enough of it. Ren ticklishness was, simply put, adorable. 
“You're always so ticklish.” 
Ren giggled, his cheeks flushing. “I cahan't help it, I guess one just doesn't grow out of- ahahaha! M-Mahahasahaha!” 
Masato brushed his blunt nails up Ren's spine. The skin broke into goosebumps and Ren giggled, squirming and jolting as the soft touch spread towards that soft spot near his sides. Ren pressed his arms against his sides, laughing like a child and squirming like a fish out of water. 
“Hihihi- Hihiji- ahaha! Wahahait uhuhup!” His legs kicked behind Masato as he desperately tried to squirm away. 
“Would you stop moving? In trying to give you a massage here,” Masato teased, his fingers starting to knead at Ren's sides, making his laughter increase in volume and pitch. “I can see you have a lot of knots here. Let me get rid of them for you, okay?”
It wasn't common for Masato to behave like this, but he couldn't help it. How could he resist Ren's laughter once it had escaped his lips? That was not possible. His fingers easily found all those super sensitive spots on Ren's sides and all the techniques that he had learned about in their childhood. Rapid pokes up his sides would make him kick his legs and cackle loudly, soft scribbling and pinching would make him let out bubbly giggles that made him hiccup, but no matter what spot he touched, Masato would always get a reaction from Ren. 
“I think you're very ticklish for a massage,” Masato said, chuckling to himself and Ren shook his head. 
“Y-You ahahare tihihicklihing m- no! Not there! Nohohot thehere! N-Nohohot my r-rihihibs!” 
Taking advantage of how easily his fingers slid over Ren's skin thanks to the lotion, Masato sneaked his hands between Ren's body and the bed and he easily found the front of his ribcage, right under his pectoral area. He clawed at the sensitive skin, knowing perfectly well that that spot was one of the most ticklish in his body, if not the number one. 
“I think your ribs also need a little massage,” Masato said, leaning closer to Ren's head. “Let me just make sure you don't- oh!” 
Ren used his hands to lift his torso, and Masato took the chance to tickle the whole length of Ren's ribcage, causing him to fall back down against the bed, twisting from side to side as he tried to push Masato's hands away, loud, cackling laughter erupting from his lips nonstop.
“That was wild,” Masato teased with a chuckle, his blunt nail skittering across Ren's ribcage. “You should be careful, you almost hit my head.”
“That doesn't make any sense, why don't you- ack!”
He should have known. As soon as his fingers brushed Ren's lower ribs, he finally was able to stand up in ticklish desperation, making Masato fall from his back onto the bed. Masato was a little dazed, so he couldn't do anything when Ren grabbed both of his wrists in one of his hands and raised his arms above his head. Masato gasped, but before any words could come out of his mouth, Ren was tickling his armpits, making him throw his head back in hysterical laughter. 
“Hehe,” Ren chuckled, still breathless after the tickle attack Masato had made him go through. “Did you think I didn't remember how ticklish you are here, Hijirikawa? Now die!”
“J-Jinguji!” Masato gasped out before he fell into loud laughter again. “Jihihinguhuhuji! S-Stohohop thihis instahant or ehehelse I- AHAHA! Ren! RenRenRehehen, plehehase!” 
“Oh you want me to stop? Let me think, did you stop when I asked you to?” 
“You dihihidn't ahahask me t-to s-stohohop!”
Masato could hear Ren's cheeks turning pink as the tickling only worsened. Ren's fingers scribbled against his right armpit briefly before jumping to the left one, there he poked the barely protected skin, making Masato shriek, before he jumped back to the right one, provoking a cacophony of laughter and shrieks as Masato danced from left to right. 
His own cheeks were starting to heat up. He tried to hide his face against the inside of his arm, but the tickling forced his head back to let the laughter flow out from his very core. He was going insane. He wasn't as ticklish as Ren, but he was not used to the sensation, especially not like this. Tears of laughter quickly started to run the sides of Masato's face and with an embarrassingly loud snort, he started to beg again. 
“I'm s-sohohorry! I'm sohohohorry, REHEN! P-Plehehease, no m-mohOHOre! Not thehehehere, plehehase!” 
“Hmm, you won't try anything funny again?” Masato couldn't see, but Ren had a huge smile on his face. He shook his head desperately. “You promise?”
“Dahahammit, Jihihinguhuhuji, I'm- ack! Nono! In sohohohorry! I prohohomise! I PROHOHOMISE!”
The tickling stopped and as he caught his breath, Masato felt the bed sinking beside him as Ren laid down as well, their shoulders touching. The only sound filling the room was their rapid breathing, and after a moment, complete silence enveloped them. 
“Hey,” Ren said softly, his pinky curling around Masato's. “That was fun.” 
Masato looked at their intertwined fingers and then up at Ren's face, he was smiling sweetly at him and something in Masato's tummy fluttered. He smiled back, letting out a chuckle through his nose. 
“Yeah, I guess it was,” he said and they both chuckled, staring at each other’s eyes. 
Yeah… it really didn't matter what their relationship was, Masato simply didn't want it to end. 
“Ack! N-No! Masa- ahahahaha! Not ahahagahahain!” 
“You can keep having some more fun, Ren.” 
In the end, being together like this was more than enough for him and he hoped, in the bottom of his heart, that Ren felt the same way towards him. 
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shiningliive · 6 months
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Live Emotion Idol Introduction - Hijirikawa Masato ♬
Voice Actor: Suzumura Kenichi Height: 181cm Weight: 64kg Blood Type: Type A Birthday: December 29th Zodiac Sign: Capricorn Place of Birth: Kyoto Hobby: Sewing
From the official Twitter: Masato belongs to Shining Agency and is a member of ST☆RISH. Possessing reliable acting skills that are backed by advanced techniques, he is in high demand for stage and in film roles. Even in variety shows, his seriousness has been well recieved, and he is expanding his activities even further.
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masa-no-yume · 2 months
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💙: "No matter how things turn out, I'm still proud of you."
💜: "You mean it?"
💙: "Yes. With all my heart."
(Post-bar comfort doodle now that I finally have the time and energy to draw again...🥹💜💙)
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mirumototsubasa · 10 months
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My scans of a set of small clear files from the Everlasting Feast shoot for Utapri Shining Live.
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fumikoon · 3 months
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blueesnow · 3 months
(3/6) Hijirikawa Masato's Private Story [Utapri Live Emotion]
Ch 1: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 6 with Masato)
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-Shining Agency Dorm's Living Room- Masato: Oh, Nanami. What a coincidence. Are you on your day off today? Haruka: Yeah, I came here to return the materials that I borrowed before. Are you also on your day off too, Hijirikawa-san? Masato: Yeah. Since the wheather looks nice I thought I'd go outside today. I'm thinking of going to those events at the park. Masato: If you're okay with it, do you want to go with me? I've heard there were also markets and music events too. Haruka: Wow…that looks so fun! I want to go. Masato: Thank you. I've had a feeling you would say that. Well then, let's head out. -Park- Masato: Paintings and lacquerware, clothing and accessories…there were also food and beverage stall too. It seems like there's a lot of stalls being set up here. Haruka: There also seems to be a lot of handmade stalls too. Oh, look at that! There are a lot of cute accesories lined up. Masato: Oh, I think it might be a good idea as a gift for my little sister. If you don't mind can you tell me which one are you interested in? (choices) <How about cookies?> Haruka: Hmm… how about icing cookies? Not only does it look pretty, but it also looks delicious too. Masato: Indeed, these cookies were made with so much attention on the details. Look, there's even a pattern on the edge of it. Masato: Look at how delicate it is. As if it was painted with a paintbrush. How beautiful… <Accessory might be a good idea> Haruka: Beaded accessories are beautiful in my opinion! Look, something like this. It's cute isn't it. Masato: Accessory, huh. Certainly these color seems to be her favorite. Masato: I'm not that knowledgeable about fashion, so your opinion might helped. (back to story) Masato: However all of them are so fascinating, I'm troubled which one to choose… Haruka: Why don't we take a look around a bit more while we're here. Oh, how about that stall over there? Masato: Hm, that's…!
Ch 2: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 11 with Masato)
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-Park- Haruka: It's an amigurumi*, aren't they all cute? Masato: They look very well made. There's the rabbit one, a bear… Oh, they also have an owl too. Masato: Alright I've decided, let's go for an amigurumi for her next present. I think it might be a good idea if I could also make a hat or other accessories that goes along well with it. Haruka: Wow, that's so lovely! I'm sure your little sister will be very happy. Masato: It's all thanks to you for finding it for me. I'm very grateful. Haruka: Oh no, I didn't do much… Eh, a cheering sound? You can also hear the sound of instruments too! Masato: Looks like they're holding a concert on that special stage next door. Let's go and check it out. - Masato: Oh they're actually a band consisting of students from a nearby school. It seems they're also selling CDs of their original songs too. Masato: Although their singing and performance is a bit rough around the edges, but you can definitely feel no hesitation on the messages they're trying to convey. There's something in it that resonates within your heart. Haruka: Yes, the way they play feels like they can't help but just enjoy themselves in music. Somehow it reminds me of us back then. Masato: Perhaps the teachers and seniors felt the same way too when they saw us back at the academy. Masato: Although we were still technically and mentally inexperienced, we all had strong aspirations born out of our love for music. Haruka: That's right… It's because I met Hijirikawa-san and everyone that I'm here right now. Masato: I felt the same way too. Maybe their performance here could actually change someone's future too. Masato: …As a matter of fact, I've also had a fateful encounter too that changed my whole life a long time ago.
*: Amigurumi (編みぐるみ) is a Japanese art form that involves crocheting or knitting small, stuffed, yarn creatures or objects.
Ch 3: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 21 with Masato)
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-Park- Haruka: Hijirikawa-san's fateful encounter…? Masato: Yeah. It happened back from before I entered the academy, and you could say that it was an encounter that can be considered a turning point in my life. Masato: If it weren't for that miraculous day, there's probably no chance of me choosing an entertainment industry as my path. Masato: It was all thanks to that person that I am now able to move forward without any hesitation. Masato: And then, if I could become an idol who shines bright someday, I might be able to return the favor to them. Haruka: Hijirikawa-san… Masato: Though I wonder if the current me now is even worthy of being such a bright example as of that… Haruka: Hijirikawa-san is already shining bright. So much that just staring at you would blind my eyes away. Masato: …Thanks, Nanami. Hearing your words gives me a lot of confidence. Haruka: Likewise, thank you for letting me listen to that wonderful story. Haruka: Once again I was reminded that I, too, want to bring the music that I love to as many people as possible. Masato: You're right. I also want to deliver more of my feelings through music too. Masato: I will have to work even more harder so that I can perform a sound that will change even fate. Haruka: Fufu, I will use the inspiration I received here today in my songwriting as soon as I return home. Masato: I'm glad that this is worth your time. Let's go out together again just like this sometime.
Ch 4: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 31 with Masato)
Ch 5: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 41 with Masato)
Ch 6: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 51 with Masato)
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akemifoxuk · 6 months
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lilyurika · 2 months
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utxpri · 7 months
Hello! I've been going on a binge with your Harem Au and I absolutely love it!! I don't know if you are taking requests but can I get Starish harem au? The reader is herself around them and kind. She hasn't asked any of them to sleep with her as she wants to do it with someone who does it because they want to.
Okay here's the actual request. The reader has a guest come over that she wants to spend the night with. The guest comes over in a very sexy outfit. The concubines escort the man to reader's room. They begin to feel jealous when they can hear both of them moaning throughout the night and how the reader will ask anyone to sleep with her than the concubines.
Otoya — His type of jealousy is quite kicked-puppy-like, primarily involving the worry that he's not meeting your expectations. Otoya doesn't quite understand why you haven't wanted to make use of him, in the first place, and this new situation is only making him more stressed about it. He'll break and beg to be used too, soon enough.
Masato — The fact that you're choosing a random guest over him for what he's spent years being trained for is insulting, but that offense is quickly overshadowed by fear. If you really won't make use of him, he's bound to be cast aside eventually. The fear motivates Masato to try to look more eager... and he's desperately ignoring any jealousy.
Natsuki — He was already grateful to you for considering his feelings in the matter, so now, it seems almost rude to feel so jealous and hurt. You're so nice, though, and Natsuki wants to be good for you more than anything. Thus, what starts out as simple envy toward your guest can easily evolve into self-consciousness and fear.
Tokiya — What starts out as a frustrating slight against his ability to perform to your standards soon turns into a harsh wake-up call for just how badly Tokiya wants to properly be yours. It's somehow worse, that way, now that his every attempt to draw your attention only serves to remind him of exactly why he's trying so hard.
Ren — Merely being envious of a more favored plaything would make sense. Feeling outright hurt that he doesn't get your attention in that way too has Ren wanting to combust from shame. He'll beg to be used for his proper purpose if he has to, but the emotional aspect quickly starts to eat at him. He's not supposed to get attached!
Syo — He figures out the "jealousy" part quickly, and is then left to stew in embarrassment for the duration of your guest's visit. The experience is nothing short of miserable, but it does motivate Syo to be a little more clear about what he wants. It's what he's here for, right? Surely, he can work up the courage for this, of all things.
Cecil — After hearing what he did, Cecil turns uncharacteristically bratty. He's struggling to process what feels like rejection, with no idea how to express it, let alone ask for what he now knows he wants. Fortunately, it's not hard to guess what the problem is... and there's no doubt that he wants that kind of attention from you now.
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thejournalmylife · 2 years
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Shining Birthday Song Cover
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marinejelly · 9 months
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Happy Birthday Masato!💙
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asteracelatte · 3 months
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Ittoki Otoya (CV: Terashima Takuma)
Hijirikawa Masato (CV: Suzumura Kenichi)
Jinguji Ren (CV: Suwabe Junichi)
Ichinose Tokiya (CV: Miyano Mamoru)
Shinomiya Natsuki (CV: Taniyama Kishou)
Kurusu Syo (CV: Shimono Hiro)
Aijima Cecil (CV: Toriumi Kousuke)
Life is music (Music!) It’s a precious love song (Love song!) We connect by shaking hands (Shake hand!) And I’ll never let go of yours For you I’ll sing with all the love I have Make all the stars in the world light up KIR☆MEKI EMOTION ReThe best stage you wish for Re Is not a dream, it’s right in front of you Ma An unexplored DEEPZONE Ma The feeling of jumping into it is exciting Na Wakux2 What lies Sy Dokix2 Beyond that?! Na Get hooked on this Sy Super LIVE! Na Sy The more passion you put in, the hotter it gets Ot Let’s give shape to this happiness here To A future where you can fly depends on you To I’ll always be waiting for you Ot In a dazzling, shining Paradise Ce Just enjoy this time with all of your heart Ot Ma Na Now, let’s go Ot Ma Na To the hill where everyone’s waiting for you To Re Sy Ce Ready, go! To Re Sy Ce Raise your voice to the skies!! Let’s shout out, let’s start (Let’s start!) Be who you are, my song (My song!) Tell everyone you’re happy (Happy!) I wanna give you my best smile Just go for it, jump! To the journey towards the top This is a song to give you endless courage KIR☆MEKI EMOTION Re When we met for the first time Re Do you remember the shocked look on your face? Ma It was an inexperienced REDZONE Ma A dream encounter that swept me off my feet Na It got your heart pounding, didn’t it? Sy But more than that Na A 1000 times over Sy I want to give you that feeling Na Sy I’ll be by your side Na Sy No matter when or where Ma The road you’re walking, I want to illuminate it for you To To be the light that pierces through the darkness, I swear To Even if you have to stop and cry for a while Ma Like always, like right now, until forever Ce I’ll keep walking by your side, just like today Ot Ma Na Let’s share Ot Ma Na All the hardships To Re Sy Ce Even if time passes To Re Sy Ce LOVE changes everything Listen to your heartbeat (Heartbeat!) Write and dance your true song (True song!) Believe in what you’re dreamin’ (Dreamin’) Because you’re here alive Now it’s time to jump! I promise that you’re not alone Foreverx2 I’ll always love you KIR☆MEKI EMOTION Ce There’s so much we’re still missing Sy But it’s totally fine Re As long as your color To Is never forgotten Na Regardless of what color it is Ma It’s still a part of the rainbow Ot That’s why no matter where You can always find us Life is music (Music!) It’s a precious love song (Love song!) We connect by shaking hands (Shake hand!) And I’ll never let go of yours Now it’s time to jump! Your dream doesn't have to stay a dream Make all the stars in the world light up KIR☆MEKI EMOTION ㅤ
Agematsu Noriyasu (上松 範康) – Elements Garden
Iwahashi Seima (岩橋 星実) – Elements Garden
LIVE EMOTION Theme Song CD -Single-
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vestal-spirit · 10 months
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Colour 19
B23 Phthalo blue
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