#HNBD will be the only exception
topazshadowwolf · 11 months
Did Lyra and Night started dating during the two weeks start skip? Because in part 10 Mare said they weren’t dating.
Shhhhh, you’re not supposed to notice the inconsistencies. J/k, I’ll have to go through and fix that. When I started I didn’t want too much FuzzyNight. Thing is, FuzzyNight is like glitter and I “accidentally” knocked over a container of it onto GoopTales. So now it’s all over and we all know had difficult glitter is to clean up. So, no, they did not start dating in that two weeks, I just underestimated how much FuzzyNight I’d want to write. In all likelihood, at this point they would have had 1-2 official dates, but several evenings which are like dates but Nightmare wouldn’t think of them has such.
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topazshadowwolf · 2 years
I think that NM, despite his pride, has a inferiority complex. Any thoughts? Or, on the other hand, does he have a superiority complex?
Ooooo, HNBD Nightmare has a slight inferiority complex, but it is more just a dose of reality. Still, the trauma he underwent as a child does leave him with some issues that would fit into an inferiority complex.
To him he is:
Unlovable, disgusting, unwanted, and controllable.
*Unlovable since he was hated so much by the villagers even though he was a child. Most people have some level of love for children. But they didn't. They abused him, and those who didn't hurt him just stood by and watched it happen.
*Disgusting because... he is covered by this corruption. He hates it... I mentioned before that he does bath regularly, and there is a pride issue to that. But, it is built on the notion that even though he is disgusted by himself, he should put an effort in. That his charisma and effort will minimize his overall detestable appearance.
*Unwanted since he is the guardian of negative emotions. Sadness, anger, loneliness, fear... who wants that around, right? But everything has its place, and at times you want to feel sad, angry, lonely, and fear can keep you alive. It is those who learn to appreciate or fully know those emotions... like regret... that want him around.
*After his time being controlled by the corruption, he fears being controlled... and he worries he can easily be controlled.
At the same time, he knows he is a guardian and thus important. He knows he is smarter than a bunch of others in the multiverse. He knows he might not be the strongest, but he is strong enough to cause chaos. He also knows that what he might lack in strength, he can make up with wit. Nightmare is a force. He is a threat. He will not put up with disrespect (except for his idiots, and that's only because they are idiots).
He could easily have a superiority complex, but HNBD does temper his pride by admitting his mistakes and flaws. Generally, only to himself and his idiots. Still, he firmly believes that keeping humility prevents him from needlessly risking his life or the lives of his idiots.
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