megumar · 1 year
i translated はっはー's TR/ID and NL/ID comics out of sheer force of curiosity
the translations might not be 100% correct (i used google translate) and i didn't translate some of the tiny texts, sorry about that 🙏
"Sadik's special made chocolates and Nesia's favorite very sweet chocolates"
TR : Don't you get tired of being stuck in meetings? That's why, I sometimes make sweets and bring them over.
ID : Thank you very much...
ID : *eats* I-It's delicious.
TR : I'm confident with sweets from my house!
ID : *whispers* I want everyone at SEA to eat this too...
TR : !
TR : I'll bring a lot next time! Would you like to make it together~? *strokes Nesia's hair*
ID : wai-- augh...
TR : Shall we go out to eat after work?
ID : Sure.
TR : Even though the food is mainly desserts.
ID : Yes.
TR : i'm hoping to find something good.
ID : yes.
TR : You don't want it...?
ID : Ah, no... It's not like that, um...
TR : *thinking* Oh, this is...
ID : I'd love it! Very!! I'm thinking of eating something sweet...
ID : I'd love to go eat! I'm looking forward to it!
TR : Hahaha! I get it, I get it. *pats Nesia's back*
TR : Then, we should finish this quickly!
ID : ... Alright.
ID : What is it?
TR : Hm?
ID : You keep staring at me, makes me hard to eat...
TR : Weeell~~ You have something over here. *pokes his own right cheek*
TR : You seem lost in thought while eating to the point that you don't even notice it.
ID : *blushes* Huh? Has it... always...?
ID : T-That's... more and more...
TR : Hmm~?
ID : Ah... This is kind of embarrassing...
TR : Now, now~ Never mind that and eat more!
TR : *pets Nesia's head* Indonesia is really a...
ID : U-Um...
TR : S-SE--!? Oi! It was Egypt who said that, right!!
TR : Ah, that's not it...
TR : Could it be that you didn't like it?
TR : If so, I don't mind if you tell me honestly.
TR : I won't do it again.
TR : No, really, I'm sorry...
ID : ...
TR : E-Err, this is just embarrassing...
ID : I didn't... hate it...
TR : O-Oh, I see...
ID : Yes.
TR : *internally* T-This is-- (sekuhara to what extent, exactly...?)
TR : As long as it's okay-!
TR : Should I hug? Or not!?
TR : *still thinking* Will it be too chummy?? *flails*
(He's overthinks too much that he ended up not knowing how to communicate)
ID : Pfft-- Hahahahaha!
ID : Even though Mr. Turkey is wearing a mask, your emotions are leaking.
ID : you can't even say hello properly like that, can you?
ID : Mr. Turkey may hate it, but I like that kind of thing.
ID : I think it's cute. *chuckles*
TR : *internally* HAH? Leaking?? Like??? CUTE????
ID : I'm sorry. Am I being too rude?
TR : ... No, it's--
TR : ... Thanks.
TR : I'm so uncool, huh... (how miserable...)
EG : *thinking* Funny. (and stupid.)
ID : Eh, don't say that...!
6/10 (this is the one that confuses me the most because of Ned’s dialect, please correct me if i’m wrong ;; )
ID : Do you still have something you want from me?
NL : If I do something like that now, the surroundings will be silent.
NL : You do it first.
ID : *slides away* ...
NL : Don't say you don't want it.
NL : Let's get along. (how overt)
ID : If you want to get along, then do something about it.
NL : Ha?
ID : There! There it is! You, and... A GHOST!!
NL : AAH? There's no way I can do it!
NL : Come on, me or the ghost, which one do you hate...? Answer clearly!
ID : BOTH!! (i don't want to get along!)
NL : Let me take a ride.
ID : I'm not a taxi.
NL : I know, I'm not paying you.
ID : That's not the case, I mean, how did you know it was me?
ID : i'm wearing a full face in this crowd.
NL : I can not lose sight of you. *sparkles*
ID : Eh... *blushes*
ID : *trembling* Whoa... Please pardon me for not picking you up today. (vigilance MAX)
NL : Please, I beg you.
NL : What is this? *frowns*
ID : Mr. Turkey gave them to me. Aren't they beautiful~?
NL : Ooh...
ID : *opens door* Wel... COME!?
NL : *hands a bouquet of tulips* Accept this.
ID : HA!?
ID : this house is already full of tulips!
NL : there is still space...
ID : it's enough!!
ID : WHY ARE YOU IN THE SAME BED...!? (unbelieveable...)
NL : Shut up.
NL : Because you're scared of being alone in the dark.
ID : Ha!?
ID : Just as expected. I'm not a child who can't sleep alone at night.
NL : Of course... Otherwise I'll be in trouble... *smooches Nesia's forehead*
ID : *blushes* What the hell...? (we're not in a relationship anymore...)
ID : *thinking* Don't blame me...
ID : *still thinking* He fell asleep...
ID : *internally, while he's hugging Ned* HAH!! Oops, a force of habit...!
ID : I have to leave while he's sleeping...
NL : *suddenly wakes up* Oh, how passionate.
ID : *blushes and sweats* A-AH... T-This is...!
NL : No it's not.
ID : ... Yes it is...
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sakasakiii · 4 months
I just wanted to say that I love your art very much. It is so pretty. It motivates me to keep on drawing.
Also- are you okay? How are you?
HELLO NONNIE!!! sorry for taking SO long to reply to this, but thank you sm for ur concern and for taking the time to send such a kind message 🥺 I'm doing fine! like i explained in my comeback post a few days ago, i've just been really busy hahahah.... which has been somewhat of a pattern in 2022-23? man. idk how i managed to do 2 posts a week regularly for all of 2021 but take me back to those peaceful days huhuhu 🥴 all in all, i'm alright dw!!
im absolutely honoured to hear that you've been inspired by my art!! it's very humbling to know u've taken the time to get such meaningful things out of the.... whatever it is ive been making HAAHAHA 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ THANK YOUUU and i hope you keep creating!! nothing would make me happier than to see you continue pursuing ur art and i hope to see it one day for myself 🤞 HOHOOO??
i received a few more check-in asks from some other nonnies, so i'll follow up with them here ❤️ thank you to everyone who sent in things!! ur all too nice aughhh
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ill throw in a lil post-angband sketch w/ amras n mae, bc i was in a mood to draw some cosy comfort things 🤗 (surviving) redheads gotta stick together !!
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