George Weasley x short!reader
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This wasn’t requested! Just felt like writing something! So here you go :)
Warnings: None.
Pairing: George Weasley x Short!Reader.
Words: 253.
If you’d like to request something please head over to my other blog, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ronaldandremuslover and I’ll try and fix it for you !
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At first, you were a tiny bit insecure about how short you are next to your boyfriend.
But after a while, you got used to it.
And it became a sort of hilarious at times.
He could effortlessly hoist you upon his back. 
When you couldn't reach an object on a shelf, instead of just plucking it down for you he lifts you up instead.
When asleep, you would be devoured by him if he was the big spoon.
And it was incredibly comforting.
When you were the big spoon, however, you looked like a backpack hanging on to him.
But George has told you multiple times that he still enjoys your warmth, even if it's in a small area.
When there was a crowd, he just lifted you on top of his shoulders so you could see better.
But you still worried about his shoulders.
You enjoyed getting pictures drawn from Rose when she had painted you and George.
You always noticed how she made you remarkably shorter next to him.
Fred, the bastard, would sometimes hunch down to be at the same level as you.
And George would laugh at seeing your face contorted in nuisance.
George, being 6 feet and 3 inches tall, would mostly always put the angel atop the Christmas tree.
Whenever you were sad he would always hug you.
His tall physique was basically made for giving hugs.
They comforted you like no other thing.
You both agree that your height difference compliments each other really well. 
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This was requested by:  @jolex-is-myotp !
Request:  Hello! Do you write for Percy? If so, can you write a Percy x reader where Percy is feeling insecure about his appearance and relationship and reader tries to reassure him. Thank you!
Hello, Hi, Hey! Its been a while, hehe. Sorry bout that. I took a long break for myself as I was in the middle of recovery from an eating disorder when i started this account. But I'm fully recovered now and very encouraged to start writing again! So feel free to request anything! I've expanded from Harry Potter to The Walking Dead, so I'm willing to write for the twd fandom too! Whatever you like :)
Anyways, enjoy this little drabble :) <3 (Might be a bit rusty, forgive me please :P)
Warnings: Some angst.
Pairing: Percy Weasley x Reader.
Words: 997
If you’d like to request something please head over to my other blog, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ronaldandremuslover and I’ll try and fix it for you !
~ ~ ~ ~
You stood before the bathroom mirror, making sure your hair was presentable.  Being newly showered and all, it looked perfectly fine. Looking over your clothes, you couldn't help feeling a little overdressed. It was after all only dinner at the burrow. But meeting the parents of your significant other for the first time was a big deal, at least in your book.
Shaking that feeling off, you left the bathroom to find Percy. He always took a while to get ready. At first, it had annoyed you tremendously, but now you've gotten used to it, and honestly, it just gives you more time to look after yourself. 
"Percy, are you ready to head out?" You called from the hallway, walking towards the shoe stand. What shoes do you even wear when you're meeting the love of your life's parents? 
No answer.
You took a pair of black flats. Simple enough, really. Now you were definitely ready to leave. "Percy, darling?" 
You saw him turn the corner, leading straight to you. He had an uncertain look on his face. Almost a sad one. It put you off a great deal. What has happened now? Is it work-related? Probably.
"I don't know, Y/N. Perhaps it would be best if we just stayed home for today." He hesitated, his arms pressed tightly to his side.
"What?" Where did this come from? Why all of the sudden did he seem on the verge of frightened? "Why? What's happened?"
"Nothing!" He said, quickly. ALmost to reassure himself more than you. He could probably sense the uncertainty in your facial expression, so he took a long inhale. "I just... My siblings," His face became neutral again, the face he wore when he worked, seemingly unbothered. "they can be quite, turbulent and- and impending. They don't seem to be very fond of me I suppose." He almost faltered. 
Oh. You've heard this before. When you were attending Hogwarts, your last year, before you two were a thing, it was a lot of things his other siblings have done and said that can be seen as very harsh.m Percy might not have shown it at the time, but he was genuinely hurt. And it pains to see someone you love oh so dearly to be hurting.
You were about to explain to him that it doesn't matter anymore, but he was quick to interrupt. 
"And if I know my siblings correct, especially Fred And George, there will most likely be jokes about me finally having a love interest." He exhaled, looking you directly in the eyes, "That the ugly duckling of the family finally found someone who could love them."
At that, you went speechless. You opened your mouth only to find that you couldn't find any words that would properly express exactly how you're feeling right now. 
It hurt to hear him say that. Have they really been that cruel to him, or is it Percy being afraid that it will eventually happen? That they will poke fun at his appearance? 
"I- Percy..." Licking your lips, you tried to figure out exactly what you're going to say. S you decided just to say what you felt. "Do you really think I'd let them speak to you like that?"
His face was unreadable. This was something that still annoys you to this day. His ability to mask his true feelings. And when he does show them, it's just for a minute, if even that.
He took a step closer, his blue eyes boring into yours. His hands now shoved deep in his pockets, and his soft, red hair are your favourite things about him, physically. 
"You've always been a faulty liar, Y/N." 
You thought he was insulting you, but then a small hint of a weary smile on his lips made you calmer. 
"Oh? Is that really so? Who was it again that tricked you into believing that professor McGonagall was taking eighty points from Gryffindor because you," You pointed at his chest, "took too long to use the lavatory?" 
He scoffed, looking away. But there was a prominent smile. "That was, what, nine years ago? Pretty sure that doesn't count, Y/L/N." He looked back at you, his smile was still there, but his features still showed signs of uneasiness.
Taking his face in your hands, wanting to make sure he really got this into his head. "Percy Weasley, you're the best person I've ever met, except for me," He snorted at this, "and I assure you, that if anyone dares to make a nasty remark I will happily send them into outer space. So, let us enjoy this night." You finished, hoping that he felt at least a tinge better. 
Percy had essentially melted into your hands at this point. He didn't smile. But he didn't frown either, so you took that as a positive sign. 
After a couple of seconds, he took your hands from his face and cupped them under his own, warming them up invitingly. When you looked up from your entwined hands and up to his face, he had almost a dreamy expression plastered over his sharp features. 
"Have I made it perfectly clear just to how much love you?" He enunciated, smiling at you.
You cocked your head to the side, giving him a smirk. "Perhaps a kiss would show me even better."
He shook his head in awe before placing a sweet and tender kiss upon your lips. They tasted of mint. Toothpaste, you immediately thought.
You slowly parted from each other, both wearing a silly smile. 
"You ready now?" You asked, yet again.
He took your hand once more and kissed it. "Of course, let us enjoy this night." He said and grabbed his jacket. "Mum is going to go mad if we're anymore late. So I think it's of our best interest to be leaving now."
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This was requested by: Anon !
Request: Can you write something where George’s wife adopts a little kitten with a missing ear that was having a really hard time getting adopted because of it and George gets emotionally attached to the kitten because he haves a missing ear too and his wife finds it so cute and sweet but George is a little embarrassed about. Plus the kitten loves him so much.
I hope it’s okay that I sort of wrote it like headcanons! <3
If you’d like to request something please head over to my other blog, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ronaldandremuslover and I’ll try and fix it for you !
~ ~ ~ ~
When you had first brought the kitten home, George had been ecstatic.
But when he saw that the Greyish cat had only one ear,
He had been shocked.
His cheeks had gotten red at that point.
You let George name the kitten.
Which you found out soon enough,
was a bad idea.
"His name is...
Rat Bag"
George hadn't really paid much attention to Rat Bag for the first couple of days.
He tensed up whenever the Kitten jumped up onto his lap.
(You prefer to call him 'Kitten' instead of Rat Bag.)
He later explained that he felt a bit embarrassed about it.
And that he actually loved the kitten.
"But why did you name it 'Rat Bag'?"
"Cats eat Rats. Simple as that.”
After a month they had become inseparable.
Like literally.
Whenever George used the loo, Kitten joined him.
He slept in your bed.
(which you didn't mind at all. Although he slept on Georges side.)
If you and George sat at the couch,
Kitten would choose to lay by George.
And it's pure fluff.
All of it.
George had even asked his mom to sew...
Rat Bag some clothes.
And they looked adorable on him.
He would show of Kitten to anyone that was at your house.
And he would show them very clearly that he only has one ear.
"He's missing an ear, you see."
"Just rocking one ear."
"A true champ, like Rat Bag here, only needs one ear."
"He was born with only one ear."
"Do you get it? He has one ear."
As Kitten grew, the closer their bond became.
When the cat turned two years old George had made a special cupcake for him.
Rat Bag had devoured it.
You bought a leash so Kitten could come on walks.
But it didn't work at too good in the beginning.
Kitten had absolutely refused to move with the leash on.
And watching George trying to convince the cat to move,
was a live comedy show.
"Come on, Rat Bag!"
"Move, you lousy blob!"
"Treats, I have treats."
"Put one paw in front of the other... Yeah... like that."
"Just WALK."
You realized that they did not only share their look-alike appearance due to missing an ear.
But they had a lot of characteristics as well.
Stubbornness was the most evident one.
And of course, their need to make people laugh.
Kitten would always end up making the pair of you laugh with his stupid courage.
Ah yes.
Courage was also a thing they shared.
The courage that could, 
and does,
put them in danger at a lot of times, made them seem like two peas in a pod.
That cat was definitely your best purchase ever.
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This was requested by: Anon !
Request:  Can you write something where George is over protective of his wife. He doesn’t let her go out shopping, be in his shop or anywhere at night without him and when she wants to go to a party he doesn’t let her go because he doesn’t think it’s safe and she starts to get annoyed with him then George tells her he’s just worry about losing her because of all the horrible things that happened in the war and she understands and stays with him because she loves him so much.
Hope you’ll like it, Anon !
Warnings: angst lol
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Words: 679 (a short one today :3)
If you’d like to request something please head over to my other blog, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ronaldandremuslover and I’ll try and fix it for you !
~ ~ ~ ~
You threw your dress on the bed, angrily. 
"For the love of God, George!" 
He stood at the door that led into your bedroom, where you were currently pacing about. 
"It's not a good idea." He said flatly, his arms folded over his chest. 
Turning to look at your black, glittering dress on the bed you had bought just for the occasion, you felt the anger rise inside you. So you turned back to him and tried your best at what was supposed to be a threatening glare.
"You don't owe me. You can't, and never will control me. Ever." You said, meaning every word. It wasn't his place to tell you if you were allowed or not to go to the pub with a couple of mates. He just wasn't.
"Merlin- I know I don't, Y/N. But it's just not safe. It's dangerous to go out so late." He said, sounding genuinely terrified. 
You heaved a great sigh, feeling fed up with his funny business. It was the third time he had done this now. The first time, it had been about going to the grocery store. You had repeated that it would be fine, that nothing will happen. He had been crushed when you walked out the door. But you wanted it clear as day, that he does not get to decide what you are doing. 
Lowering yourself on the bed, you looked at him. 
He was very thin, he looked worn and tired. All this 'it's dangerous outside' is wearing on him. You could tell. 
"You can't go on like this, George." 
He leaned against the doorframe. "I'm trying to keep you safe." 
"This is not keeping me safe!" You objected, your voice rising. "I feel trapped! I can't go outside the bloody door without you flipping out!"
The look on his face was heartbreaking, but it needed to be said. You can't live within these walls - and neither can he.
He seated himself next to you, leaving a little gap between the two of you. You could tell he was tense. 
"I'm scared that something will happen... again." George admitted, his voice little. 
You looked at your hands, feeling suddenly ashamed of your comment. You knew it was post-trauma from the war. He had lost so much. And quite honestly, you could understand him.
"Nothing will happen. Everything is over," you put your hand on his, entwining your fingers with his, "There is no one that will hurt me now. Or you, for that matter." 
He wiped away a tear.
"I don't like the thought of you all alone. Death eate-"
"George, the death eaters are gone. Gone." You reassured him. Although you knew it wouldn't help all that much.
George pulled his hand away and ran it over his face. He seemed tired of feeling this way. You understood that. 
He got up from the bed, walked over to the doorframe. "I hope you have fun, darling."
Startled, you looked at him. "Huh?"
"I think you should go. Have some fun. Get out and get some air." He sounded scared. 
Getting up from the bed and walking over to him, you grabbed his hand and put it on your waist. 
"I'm staying home."
"But wha-" 
"I want you to see a healer."
His face became a blank canvas, unable to read. But you meant it. This couldn't go on any longer. 
His word had surprised you. You were expecting a fight or at least some objection. But of course, you were immensely relieved.
"Yeah?" You asked, happy for him. 
George nodded, a barely-there smile on his lips. "Yeah. I think that would be for the best. I'm tired of this." 
You have him a warm smile and cupped his cheeks with your hands, and pulled him into a deep kiss. His lips were salty from the distraught tears he had shed earlier. 
"I'll be there for you." You promised, hoping he believed you. Because you would really be there. Every step of the way.
"I know you will." He cooed back.
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Sickly fake smile
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This was requested by: @velvetthunder1999​
Request: Hey :)) I was wondering if you could write something with George and female reader, where she is muggleborn and Umbridge makes her write something at detention like "I'm not mixing with purebloods" cause she knows she's with George. And he and fred are really angry, and she's like crying, and angst and fluff and I wish you the best if you accept to do it 😂 thank youu in advance! :))
Hope this is alright! I tried to really get into Umbridge’s mind and think how she would come forward about this!
Warnings: mentions of blood 
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Words: 1.4k
If you’d like to request something please head over to my other blog, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ronaldandremuslover and I’ll try and fix it for you !
~ ~ ~ ~
"Sit down, dear." She said, a sickly fake smile etched on her lips.
So you did, eyeing her suspiciously. This couldn't be good. Thoughts of all kinds ran through your mind, the kittens on the decorative plates that hung on the wall seemed to be able to read every single one of them. The way that they were looking at you made you feel incredibly uncomfortable. 
"May I ask why I'm here, Professor?" Your voice came out sounding more confident than you had intended.
Umbridge had her hands clasped, resting them on her desk. "Well, I have acquired some news regarding yourself."
"Yes," She straightened her back as if she was sitting on a plank, "I have been working here for - what has it been now? - four months. And even though I have had my own suspicions, I was hoping that such a good student like yourself would not condone this sort of behaviour."
Frowning, you asked her, "What do you mean? Have I done something wrong?" Your heart was starting to beat faster. What horrible thing have you done? And how have you not noticed it?
She smiled, so obviously fake it was almost humorous. 
"Well, dear, As I have been working for the ministry of magic, I know a lot more about my students than you might think."
The way she was speaking was making you annoyed. It was like she was talking to a six-year-old learning shapes. But the subject was confusing. It almost seemed like a threat. Like she was warning you. 
"Yes, I know you've worked for the ministry." You said, trying to sound friendly even though you wanted to turn around and leave promptly. 
The pink-clad woman nodded, looking a bit smug. "Yes, yes. But that is not what I wanted to discuss." She straightened her back even more if that was even possible. "I know that you, for instance, grew up in the muggle world."
Umbridge still had that sick smile on her pink lips.
You agreed, wanting to get this over with. "Yes, Professor."
"You're a muggle-born."
She had said it so curtly it had taken you by surprise. Her voice was flat and indistinctive. You simply nodded and looked at her, confused out of your mind.
Suddenly, the woman stood up and walked over to a light brown shelf, and took a quill and a piece of paper. She put it upon a smaller desk that stood by a window. The quill, of course, was bright pink.
She then motioned for you to take a seat at the desk she was standing at, smiling. 
"Come here, if you will." 
You hesitated but stood up. What other choice did you have? 
You sat down on the chair. It was probably one of the most uncomfortable chairs you have ever sat on. 
"Now, pick up the quill for me." She said, pointing at the said item that was displayed in front of you.
Once again, you did as she said and picked it up. Nothing weird about it. It felt like any other quill. But still, something, somewhere inside of you felt wrong. This was all strange. 
Umbridge who now stood in front of the desk, looking at you, started to speak. And what she said, shook you to the core.
"Write down 'I must not breed with purebloods.'"
Choking on air, you looked at her, wide-eyed. Was this a sick joke? 
"Wh-what?" You spluttered out, bewildered.
"Write it down on the paper." Her smile was still striking. 
Feeling completely dumbstruck, you write it down. 
It was not a completely normal quill.
After you had written it down fifteen times, the pain was almost unbearable.
~ ~ ~ ~ 
After almost an hour of writing the same sentence over and over again, your skin on the back of your hand was cut raw. The words etched on your skin burnt like fire and you could feel your hand pulsating. And even though you had fought it so hard, tears had rolled down your cheeks and slid over your lips. 
"Alright, dear." Umbridge interrupted, seated at her own desk. "Take a seat, please." She indicated the second chair at her desk.
Happy for it to be over, you dropped the quill in an instant. 
As you stepped over to take a seat, blood dropped down and onto your shirt, leaving bright red stains. 
"Do you understand why this is necessary, Y/L/N?" She asked when you had taken a seat.
But you didn't answer. You were heartbroken. 
"Hm?" Umbridge tried again.
Shrugging, you gently laid your wounded hand atop of your thigh.
"It's very important you remember these words Y/L/N. I know of your relationship with George Weasley." 
You looked up, devastated. It was horrible to hear his name come out of her foul mouth like she's tainting it. 
Umbridge continued. "I just want to make it apparent that mixed breeds are - how should I put it? - corrupted. I know the Weasleys are blood traitors and have been for years. But for you, a very clever and young (your gender) like yourself, to indulge in this behaviour."
"I- why- Is - wha-" 
"Shh, dear. I'm not asking you to break off your relationship. That would be cruel. Young love is incredibly powerful. But it has to be between the right people. And how I see it, you're a muggle-born interfering with pure-bloods, it is, to put it frankly, not acceptable."
You stared at her, disbelief washing over you. What was she doing? It felt like someone had taken out your tongue; no word left your mouth. It had gone dry, and tears were still rolling down your cheeks that were now warm from the pain you were in.
And to top it all of, the sick woman added, "No sexual interference with Mr Weasley from now on if that has been a proportion as of before."
"You- I don - why? Why are you - are you doing this to me?" You stammered, voice breaking.
She smiled, one so fake it almost smells of plastic. "Whenever you wonder why just look at your hand."
~ ~ ~ ~ 
Almost running down the hallway, tears streaming down your face and trying hard to control your breathing, you saw the stairs that led up to Gryffindor tower. 
You sprinted up the stairs and quickly said the password. The fat lady was about to ask you a question but was cut off when she needed to open the door. 
Not many were in the common room. Only four boys to be precise. 
"I swear, Lee if you do that to Professor Flitwick I'll give you a galleon."
"Pff, I'll do it for free."
You made declared yourself by walking out of a shadow. Dean Thomas, who was sitting in an armchair that faced the entrance looked at you and smiled. A kind smile. But it quickly turned into a frown. His reaction sparked curiosity as all of the other boys turned in your direction.
"Y/N!" Fred sprinted over to you and gingerly laid his hands on your shoulders, squeezing them gently. "What's happened?" 
Soon, all of the boys had created half a circle around you, eyes filled with worry over you.
"Love..." George breathed, and moved to take embrace you, but you pulled away and put your hurt hand in the air.
"Your hand..." Lee whispered. He reached for it, and you let him. He was incredibly gentle, but still, it stung.  
"What the fu-"
"Oh my-"
"Y/N, what!"
George only said one word. 
His voice was strained, his lips pulled into a tight, thin line. He looked as if he was trying to restrain himself from hurting someone. 
You pulled your hand back, feeling calmer. Being around your friends always calmed you down.
"Dolores Umbridge." Your voice was calm, you focused on your breathing. "She had asked me to accompany into her office," at this part, your voice had gotten a little bit louder, "she didn't say why. But I followed her. She made me write this sentence down on a - a paper." Now you were really fighting to make yourself clear. "The quill I used was enchanted and - and she just - she just sat there and - and-" Your voice broke, your breathing was uneven and your head started to hurt from the restrain to cry.
George pulled you into a tight hug but was mindful to your hand. He ran his hand soothingly through your hair and shushed you melodically.
"I promise she won't hurt you ever again." He whispered. "I won't let her."
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This was requested by: Anon !
Request: could i request where the reader and george both have a crush on each other but the reader thinks shes not good enough for him and when he confesses she gets her feelings hurt because she thinks its a prank to be mean and runs off and george finds her and tells her he's honest and its cute and happy? :)
Note: I’m finally home from Norway!! I can return to my regular computer to writen on. So I can upload more often. So yeah, yay!
Warnings: none
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Words: 2k
If you’d like to request something please head over to my other blog, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ronaldandremuslover and I’ll try and fix it for you !
~ ~ ~ ~
"Sure, just tell Snape to shove it up where the sun doesn't shine and walk away. I bet you he'll let you off without homework then." Fred said, taking a big bite out of his chicken thigh.
"Yeah, because he's hexed you into the beyond." George finished.
You exhaled, dramatically. "I just want to relax, you know. It's our last year. We should enjoy it, taking it all in."
George snorted, his lips curled into a pretty grin. "We've been here for seven years. What more is there to take in?"
Shrugging, you took a gulp of your pumpkin juice. You looked around the great hall, watched the students. "There are so many people who I don't know here."
"Yeah 'cuz here's hundreds - if not thousands - of people here, Y/N." Fred said.
Your last year at Hogwarts. It felt incredibly strange. After this, you'd have to apply for a job. It was like being thrown into an abyss; completely unknown and scary. There were only three months left, and you felt stressed, apprehensive and uncertain. Of course, there was some excitement mixed in there. But you'd have to leave your friends... and him.
Him. His stupid crooked grin and red hair. His fantastically absurd witticism. His amazingly freckled face and his crazy long, attractive fingers. His crazed character and his wonder jokes. His sexy voice. His stupid tall and lanky figure that you loved so much. His dumb but famous swagger when he walked.
You'd miss him the most.
Of course, you would still be... friends. But you wouldn't see him as often and not in the same way. It'd be radically different. You knew that there would come a time where you had to grow up. Become an adult. A responsible adult. But with him - with George - you rarely felt older than twelve again. The things you'd do together were often childish and honestly quite lame, but it made you feel alive and purely happy.
He made you happy.
Leaving Hogwarts felt foreign. Waking up without your friends around you. Not having to go to class or eat in a giant hall with hundreds of other people together. Or having stupid fights with another house or pull insane pranks that could potentially put you in detention. But that was the thrill. The thrill of Hogwarts. You never knew what would happen.
"Y-yes-yeah-yes-what?" You said with a start. Looking around yourself, as if you were surprised to find yourself in the great hall.
Fred looked at you with a funny smile. "Whatchu thinkin' 'bout?"
"Nothing." You faltered.
"Are you sure?" It was George.
Nodding, you smiled at him. "I'm sure."
George looked you up and down, looking uncertain. But he merely laughed a little and pointed a finger at you.
"You're funny."
"Thanks, means a lot when it comes from you."
He smirked.
It made your heart skip an extra beat.
~ ~ ~ ~
The book you were reading was not nearly as interesting as Fred and George. The twins were playing wizards chess. Fred was losing miserably. His constant grunts of displeasure and his head in his hands were a wonderful sight. George was often the one to get beat at wizards chess by Fred. It felt nice to watch the tables turn once and awhile.
"How's it going over there?" You called from your position at the very comfortable sofa.
Fred didn't say anything, George however beamed at you.
"It's going fantastic."
Putting the book aside, you strode over to the small table in the corner by the window that they were seated at. George was playing with the black chess pieces.
Trying not to laugh, you said, "Fred, not looking too good here, huh?"
You and George exchanged a look, both smiling from ear to ear.
"How about this," George said, "if I win, you'll have to kiss me. If I lose, I'll have to deal with the shame."
You froze. You were used to his teasing. He would usually throw some funny comments your way, but you would always play them off. He didn't mean any of them. He was only joking. George liked to play with you. He just didn't know how much it hurt when he did these things.
"Right, Hermano." You tried to sound casual.
Fred moved his queen and suddenly George got pulled into the game again. So you retreated to your seat at the sofa again and picked up your book. But you couldn't concentrate. What if he did win? Would he actually kiss you then? Or would he only laugh at your face? Was it bad that you didn't want him to win now? Or did you want him to win, solely so you could possibly get one kiss that doesn't mean anything?
~ ~ ~ ~
It only took another half an hour before you heard a shout of victory. You looked up from you barely read book. As you feared, George won. Now what?
"Well, good match, brother." Fred said, reaching out to shake his brother's hand, who was currently doing a lame but cute victory dance.
"About time." George said, probably more to himself than anyone else.
Sitting awkwardly in the sofa waiting for something to happen, you said nothing. But George's sly grin from across the room made you even more nervous.
"Still up for it, Y/N?" He asked, standing up from his chair.
You tried to play it off, like every other trick he plays on you. "You sure you won? You didn't cheat?"
George shook his head, smiling. "All real, all raw. Now, are you still up for it?"
He sounded genuine when he asked you. Like he was actually expecting it. Did he mean it? Did he want you to kiss him?
"Are you still up for it?" You said trying fish out if he did mean it.
"I'm game." He said quickly.
A bit too quickly.
Okay, so he did want a kiss.
You stood up and walked up to him. He was beaming and it made you want to hug him and never let go. But you had a horrible feeling this was only a joke. A cruel joke that George would pull on you, not knowing how much it would truly hurt.
Stopping when he was in front of you, you tried to smile. You didn't say anything. You just stood on your toes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
A kiss on the cheek.
A kiss on the bloody cheek.
George looked like a question mark. But he didn't say anything. He gave you a smile, not a real smile, his lips were pulled to a thin line but curved up at the ends a bit.
"Well done." You offered, lamely.
He just nodded. "Thanks. I think I'll turn in. Coming, Fred?"
Fred, who has been sitting by the table and watching this whole ordeal play out, looked bothered. A bit annoyed. He's probably a sore loser.
"In a minute. You go, though."
His twin waved them goodbye and said goodnight and descended up the staircase to the boy's dormitory.
You stood in place for a moment, cringing at what had just happened. But you broke out of it and plopped down on the sofa, defeated. You ran your hands over your face and groaned loudly. What. the. hell.
You felt someone sitting down next to you, so you turned to see Fred who looked none too happy.
"I'm sorry you lost. You seem rather distraught."
"I'm not distraught. I'm annoyed. And not over the fact that I just lost to my brother. But because you are too dim to see that he fancy's you."
"Can't you tell? Like for real? After everything he does for you? Everything he says to you? Just the way that he looks at you?" Fred ranted, his hands waving all over the place.
Dumbfounded, you stared at him. One word travelled across your mind. Just one.
Was Fred lying? Did George like you in the same way that you liked him? And how could you not see it?
Now, as you sat next to Fred, it started to make sense. Fred was right. Everything George has done for you, and you still couldn't see it.
He had invited you to his family home, invited you to dinner at Hogsmeade, bought you flowers at random, made you tea whenever you're sick and stay by your side. Listening to you while you rambled on about your favourite band, helping you out with insecurities and doubts. Always telling you how beautiful you look, complimenting you at things you're bad at, holding your hand whenever you're scared, finding excuses to touch your hair. And lastly, asking for a kiss.
Even when he had asked you for a kiss, you had doubted yourself. How could you have been so foolish?
"Oh shit." You blurted out, your eyes widening.
Fred nodded slowly, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "Ah, I see you finally see what all of us other sees every single day."
"How do I fix this?"
"There's nothing to fix, dear friend. He'll try again tomorrow. Like he has done for at least two years now." Fred said calmly. "And this time, actually respond to the hints."
He got up from the sofa and started to head to the stairs that lead up to the boy's dormitory.
You heard his footsteps fade as he walked up the stairs. Leaving you bewildered at your new discovery.
~ ~ ~ ~
You saw him turning a corner that leads to the boy's lavatories. You hurriedly said goodbye to your friends and ran after him, your heart beating fast.
He had just stepped inside when you reached the door. You hoped to all of the gods above that no other than George was in there. And with that, you opened the door and stepped inside.
"George?" You asked, quietly.
"What the-" George cut off when he saw you. "What're you doing in here?"
"I never thought George Weasley would look so shocked to see me breaking the rules. I thought it was common by know." You looked at him, astonished that he likes you.
He chuckled. "I never took you for a perv, though."
His handsome smile brought you to the subject that you had wanted to talk to him about. So you took a big, deep breath and prepared your silly and probably very cheesy speech.
He waited, his eyebrows raised. But when you didn't continue he looked at you, confused.
Talking about your feelings suddenly felt more nerve-racking than you had thought. And your thoughts on explaining to him that you like him was terrifying. So you felt like the best way to express yourself was to just show him.
Walking slowly and looking at him with big, nervous eyes, you reached him and gently put your hands on each side of his face and tenderly claimed his lips with yours. Your hands remained on his face, your thumb brushing his cheek softly.
He was tense for only a second before he relaxed and put one arm on your lower back, and one on the back of your head.
When it was over - which felt too soon - both of you slowly pulled away from each other. For a moment, you just looked at him, and he looked back at you, seemingly lost in your eyes. His lips were starting to curl into a sly smile. Here it comes.
"That was nice." He said, laughing a little.
You couldn't help but laugh a little yourself. It was a bit funny, was it not? You had just had your first kiss with George Weasley in the boy's lavatories. But for some really odd and peculiar reason, it felt right. It sort described your whole situation.
Plain strange.
"It was." You responded, shocked at your own braveness.
"Would you mind if we do it again, sometime?" George didn't seem ashamed or shy to ask you, which made you feel a lot less nervous as well.
"I wouldn't mind at all."
He nodded his head, looking satisfied. Not breaking his character, he said, "Not to ruin the moment but I have to take a dump."
Laughing, you put your hands up. "I'm leaving."
"I'll see you later." He said.
You walked out and started to head to the Gryffindor common room.
Oh, how you couldn't wait to tell Fred.
161 notes · View notes
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Request: Can you write something where George has vertigo because of his ear injury and try’s playing it off as not a big deal but as his gets older it starts to get more severe with the dizziness, nausea, headaches and lost of balance to point where he brakes down to his wife about it because healers can’t help him and she’s comforts him and try’s to convince him to see a muggle doctor. His wife is always there for him.
I was a bit unsure of this, that my writing wouldn’t be very good while writing something like this, but I’m quite happy with how it turned out. And I hope you are too, Anon !
Note: I’m not going to lie, I’ve been a wee bit stressed. If you didn’t know, I’m currently in Norway and babysitting two kids. It makes it hard for me to find to to write, but I’m going home on Wednesday so then I can write more often and get through my requests quicker. I’ve got quite a few so I’ve been a little bit---- stressed. lol, but it’s fine and I love to write, so I’m happy ya’ll are requesting. Love you.
Warnings: None, really.
Pairing: George Weasley x reader.
Words: 1.1 k
If you’d like to request something please head over to my other blog, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ronaldandremuslover and I’ll try and fix it for you !
~ ~ ~ ~
It had started slowly. Not long after George lost his ear, he complained that he was leaning to the right unconsciously. At first, he didn't say much about it. But after a while, it started to get on his nerves. You and George had gone to a healer but was told that it would eventually get better and that his ear injury was so fresh that symptoms were bound to show up. 
After about seven months after he lost his ear, he was still leaning unconsciously to his right. It had gotten a tad better, but he was still being troubled by it. You two had been patient and waited for it to pass, but after he had to sit down several times at a family gathering due to dizziness, you decided to go back and visit the healer once again.
A year later, and he was still feeling dizzy. But now he was trying to play it off like it didn't bother him. You sensed that it was because he didn't want to be a burden and spend time on him being ill. It hurt you to watch him tell you to back off and let him be. He was obviously in pain.
One and a half year passed, and it had suddenly gotten better with the tilting, he could stand up straight and walk without drifting to his right. He looked happier that he could be more independent. But his dizziness was still around and would tumble upon him like a thunder cloud out of nowhere, making it impossible to help him before it happens.
After two years of not having a left ear, he started to sweat profusely. That seemed to annoy him more than the dizziness. You tried to encourage him to visit a muggle 'doctor'. But he had declined the offer and said,
"I don't want to visit a fucking muggle healer, Y/N!"
Two months after trying to convince him to visit a doctor, it just got worse. His balance was out of touch and he had problems to focus on his destination. It pained him, he told you he felt like a child. That he wanted to go back to normal, that he needed to be able to be his usual self again.
And now, while you were waving your wand to clean the dishes you heard a loud thud come from your bedroom. Someone crashed against the floor and sounded like it broke in several pieces. An eerie silence followed where you just stared at the direction of your bedroom, your body not yet comprehending what just happened. But a loud cry of agony broke your frozen body and you immediately dropped your wand and bolted to the door. The door was ajar and you could see two feet on the ground, surrounded by white glass. 
"George!" You pushed open the door and looked at your lover lying on his stomach on the floor, his body shaking from sobbing. You helped him to a sitting position, scanned his body to make sure he hadn't hurt himself on the glass while tripping. "George, honey, are you okay?"
He refused to look you in the eyes, tears streaming quickly down his freckled cheeks. George lifted his hand to wipe a tear away but left a bloody trail along his cheek.
"You're bleeding." Trying to stay calm, you grabbed his hand and inspected the damage. It was a long gash along his palm, stretching from his thumb to his pinky. It wasn't very deep so you could easily fix it with your wand. "Hang on, let me grab my wand." You said as you ran back to the kitchen, and grabbed a cloth while you were there.
Entering the bedroom again, you first cleaned of the shards of glass that were splattered around the floor. "Reparo." It repaired itself and took the shape of a tall and thin vase. You then focused on George, sitting against the wall, heaving breaths, trying to calm himself down. You tried not to cry yourself, but it was hard to look at him so fragile on the floor and try to keep the tears at bay.
You grabbed his hand and ran the cloth over first, cleaning up the blood that had spilt over. He winced but didn't object. When you had a clear sighting of the wound, you grabbed your wand and made swift movements over his palm, muttering under your breath. The gash slowly but surely closed, leaving just a red, thin line across his palm.
George was still crying, his left cheek stained with blood. You folded the cloth to get a clean side and softly removed the almost dried up blood. 
Now you could have a good look at him. He looked broken. 
"George -"
"I don't know." He whispered, barely audible.
"Huh?" You said softly.
"I don't know what to do anymore, Y/N." 
It was getting harder to control your tears, they were forcing their way through and eventually escaped, rolling down your cheek. 
Kneeling in front of him, you ran a hand tenderly over his tear-stained cheek. He overlapped your hand with his own, pressing his firmly against yours. He sobbed and looked at you, looking as if he was begging.
"I need help. I can't do this any longer."
You cried but didn't wipe your tears away. You didn't know if they were there because you were hurt by seeing your lover on the floor, or if it was because you were relieved he wanted to seek help. You had waited for this moment for a long time.
So you put your other hand on his right cheek and directed his gaze to yours. "I'll help you. I'll help you every step of the way." You promised. "But a healer won't be enough."
George bowed his head, a tear landing in his lap. "I know."
Kissing his forehead, you breathed in his scent. He was finally letting you fully help him. 
"Let's have a bath, yeah? I got a little bloody." You showed him your hands that were covered in drying blood. 
He smiled weakly, but you were still happy to see him smile overall. "Yeah, that sounds delightful."
Standing up, you helped him up to his feet and wandered out to the bathroom where you put the water on. The bathtub filled up with hot, steamy water. 
You undressed, along with George. You got in first, enjoying the hot water soaking your skin. George then gingerly stepped in, who sat down in front of you, leaning his back against your chest. After a minute or two he finally relaxed completely and slid down an inch or two, until his head was resting on your chest. He was playing with your hands, sometimes running his fingers over the ring on your ring finger, fiddling with the diamond ring there.
"I love you." He breathed, planting a kiss on the back of your hand.
You smiled. "I love you too."
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HP ship
This was requested by: Anon !
Request: Hello! May I please have a male HP ship? Any era is fine with me. I’m an Aquarius/ENFP/Hufflepuff with a bit of a stubborn side, I feel like I can come across a bit brash but once people get to know me they realise I have a whole lotta love to give. I’m a sucker for a tall boy and just someone who I can have a good time with no matter what. I have super long brunette hair and hazel eyes with a short athletic build (but zero athletic skills lol). Thank you!!! xoxox
Of course ! Hope you’ll like it (I hope that Marauders era is ok <3)
 I ship you with...
Sirius Black!
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And this is why I think so:
Always on the lookout for adventures.
Deep talks that last all night long.
Trying out new pranks together.
He's a lot taller than you,
so kisses on the top of your head are normal.
Sneaking food to the rest of the marauders since your common room is so close to the kitchens.
Helping James and Sirius get out of detention.
Lots and lots of laughter.
You are both very popular at Hogwarts.
You get a lot of friends easily because of your slightly more outgoing personality.
Sirius is constantly making sure than no boys or girl are getting too close, though.
All the Hufflepuffs wants to know more about Sirius.
And you have no problem about gushing over him.
Gushing about how such a great kisser he is.
The fact that he is so confident in himself makes him more desirable.
When you haven't done your homework due to not being able to concentrate, you can always turn to Sirius,
who has not done his homework either.
Then you can both turn to Remus for help.
And then James joins in for some extra points.
If someone would make fun of you for being in Hufflepuff,
like calling you weak,
or that you're in the useless house,
Sirius would handle them perfectly fine.
"What the fuck did you say just now?"
"Did you really say that, mate?"
"What gives you the right to speak to Y/N like that?"
Just chilling in the bed with him in the morning.
He loves to play with your long hair.
He learned how to braid your hair.
And eventually started to braid his own.
You'd paint your nails together.
He would often use the colour black,
but sometimes you could convince him to use red or pink or even deep blue.
Sirius loves to have his hand on your thigh.
And you love to have his hand on your thigh.
You complete each other.
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This was requested by: Anon !
Request: hi! can i request a reader x george where the reader is playing quidditch and falls or gets hit and ends up with a concussion or other tbi and gets comforted by george?xx
I’ve written something familiar to this, but with Cedric (you can read it here if you want) So I tried to chnage it up a little. Hope you’re happy with it !
Warnings: Swearing.
Pairing: George Weasley x reader.
Words: 1.2 k
If you’d like to request something please head over to my other blog, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ronaldandremuslover and I’ll try and fix it for you !
~ ~ ~ ~
Your head is aching, causing your vision to go blurry. You can hear faint voices, yelling out for you as you lose control over your broom. Butterflies forms in your stomach as you soar down to the ground, quickly. It was all happening in a daze but still, you knew that the landing would not be very mild. But just as you're supposed to crash to the lawn, you feel your body stop, as if you've landed on a cushion.
"Everybody get down to ground level!" Even though you couldn't see it, you knew it was Madam Hooch.
Your back landed softly onto the grass. Footsteps surrounded you but your head hurt too much to even open your eyes.
"What the fuck was that about!"
"Are you mad?"
"Fucking bastard!"
Angry voices called out, some seemed familiar.
"Alright, watch your language!" It was Madam Hooch. "Crabbe, that was such a lousy thing to do! What has gotten into your mind!"
It felt as though your head was about to pop. But you managed to open your eyes just a little.
"Y/N's awake! Look!"
The sunlight felt brighter than ever before, causing your eyes to immediately shut again.
"We need to get her a pain-reducing potion as soon as possible. Merlin knows how long Y/N is going to stay awake." Hooch said in a rush.
And it was as though it was all planned; the pain seemed lighter and the sun less bright. Then the voices became even more distant, and your thoughts travelled miles away. Everything blackened.
~ ~ ~ ~  
The hospital wing was quiet, Madam Pomfrey was nowhere in sight. The pain was still there, but not nearly as bad as it had been... since how long ago?
You reached up to scratch an itchy spot on your head and was shocked to find that your head was bandaged. Had it all been that bad?
You had been on your broomstick, soaring towards the hoops of the opposite team - Slytherin - while holding the quaffle. Crabbe and Goyle had been on each side of you, but you had been too close to the hoops that you didn't want to risk passing the quaffle over to a fellow teammate. But just as you had been about to throw the quaffle to score a point, your head had been brutally hit, not by a bludger, but by the bat the beaters use. That's when you had dropped the quaffle and reached for the back of your head instinctively. But that was short-lived as nearly a second later you felt another hit straight in your face, this time by the actual bludger.
It had been a nightmare filled with pain. It was like lis-
"How's your head feeling?"
Snapping your head to the direction the voice came from, you saw a tall, ginger boy standing by the drapes that secluded you from the rest of the room.
"You scared me." You sighed, feeling your heartbeat slow down from the sudden scare.
He sat down on the bed by your feet, apologising.
"I must look like crap." You touched the top of your head, grimacing as you felt around the bandage.
"More than normal, you mean?"
Kicking him softly with your foot, you smiled weakly.
"Hooch is seriously pissed. I understand though, Crabbe and Goyle shouldn't be allowed to play anymore after this."
"George, could you grab me a glass of water?" You ignored his comment, the thirst couldn't be dealt with any longer. But George seemed oblivious to your request.
"...The way Crabbe grinned after Goyle finished you up with that bludger!"
"Crabbe literally beat you with his bat! Can you believe that! You could've died! Dumbledore must be so fuc-"
"George, please! Can you get me a glass of water, my throat is as dry as Percy's humour at the moment." You groaned, pointing at your throat.
He looked apologetic but transfigured an empty potion bottle into a goblet and used the aguamenti charm to fill it with clear, refreshing water which you gulped down in a haste.
"Mmm, that really hit the spot. Thanks." George took the goblet from you to place it on the bedside table.
"Fred lost his shit, you know. He was about to give Huey and Duey a real beat up if Harry and Oliver hadn't stopped him." He said, looking at you with worried eyes.
You smiled and reached out a hand for him, which he grabbed cautiously as if he was afraid of causing more pain to you. "I'm very thankful for all of you."
"Do you know when you'll get outta here? I mean, it's almost been a full day."
"No idea, I haven't even seen Madam Pomfrey. But I hope I'll get out soon, I can't stand being here." You really wished you could leave right this second, but knew that it was more than impossible to get Madam Pomfrey to let you leave the hospital wing.
George squeezed your hand. "When you get out, I'll take you up to the common room. Make sure you don't get hit by anything else, you know."
"Like Peeves throwing water balloons at me?" You chuckled.
"Or worse," he said, "dung bombs."
You exaggerated your reaction, gasping and widening your eyes. "Nooo, not dung bombs!"
He nodded solemnly, playing along. "Yes, I'm afraid so. So you'll need this handsome young chap to escort you through the madness that Peeves can create."
"Can't wait."
~ ~ ~ ~
It had been three days and Madam Pomfrey had just given you permission to leave. You had gotten the bandage around your head removed, leaving you feeling slightly cold. A big bump had grown at the back of your head, a big bruise and another bump from where the bat had crashed.
George, as he had said, was waiting by the big doors of the hospital wing to escort you. He looked very happy to see you up and about. He had admitted to have being incredibly worried for you, saying that 'he hates seeing his weird friends turn even weirder.'
"Ready?" He said, tangling his arm in yours. You leaned slightly on him, still feeling a little blue. But he didn't seem to mind.
"As ready as one can be."
~ ~ ~ ~
You made it to the Gryffindor common room which was empty besides for a couple of second years who had a break. He led you to an empty armchair by the fireplace, helping you sit down and wrapping you with a red and golden blanket.
"Will you be okay while I'm at divination?" He asked, studying to see if he could detect any more bruises or cuts.
You nodded, smiling broadly as you appreciated his concern for you. "I'll be great here. I already feel better."
"Liar." He said, shaking his head.
"Fine, I still feel like shit, but I'll be more than fine in this chair."
George looked you up and down, seemingly to decided whether or not your statement was honest enough to satisfy him. But in the end, he said, "Right, I'll be back in an hour. Don't die on me, that's my only request."
"I promise I won't die."
"Don't know if I should believe you or not."
"Guess you'll just have to trust me."
"That's a very bad idea."
You shrugged, "If it's a bad idea, it's usually good."
He narrowed his eyes, then a smile crept on to his thin lips. "You're absolutely right."
"As per usual."
"Mmm, don't get too cocky, now. I'll be back soon."
As he scurried off, you gazed into the fire. Feeling your mind go blank, you closed your eyes just a little. But you couldn't help it; sleep took over you.
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No longer sick
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This was requested by: anon !
Request: Can you write something where George is finally feeling 100% better is full energy and happiness after being really sick for so long and he can get back to work his S/O surprises him with a really nice breakfast she made because he haven’t been to eat in days and when he comes home from work they have a really nice date night together in their house?
Eeee, I’m so happy that people liked this story ! I suppose this is the last part of this story? We’ll see! Thank you for requesting !
Part 1, part 2 (You don’t have to have read the first parts, but I would recommend it to get a clear picture of what’s happening <3)
Warnings: Mentions of sex (?)
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Words: 1k
If you’d like to request something please head over to my other blog, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ronaldandremuslover and I’ll try and fix it for you !
~ ~ ~ ~
Waving your wand you applied apricot marmalade to the heated, bronze toast. You placed it on a yellow tray and poured a cup of coffee into his beloved mug. The coffee was done with some milk and sugar, making a nice light-brown colour.  
You guided the full tray with your wand and walked cautiously into your bedroom, making sure not to trip and drop the platter. Pushing the door open and placing the tray on the bedside table, you used your wand to open the olive green curtains. 
"Time to wake up." You announced, sitting down on the bed by his feet.
He groaned, stirring. "Is it already morning?"
"Afraid it is."
George sat up, leaning his back against the headboard. His hair was messy and his eyes were half-closed. He spotted the tray with food next to him and have you a beaming smile.
"Is this for moi?"
You nodded, satisfied with his reaction. You had, after all, woken up and six am and prepared a nice breakfast.
"Why, thank you." He said, taking the sandwich and shoving a large amount in his mouth.
Even though George looked like a mess this morning, he looked healthy. His skin wasn't as pale and his forehead wasn't beaded with sweat. He hasn't puked in three days and he is finally helping around the house again. So you thought that a nice breakfast would suit him nice before going to work in over a week and a half. He's been very intent on going to the shop and helping Fred, but in reality, he was only slowing the business down by constantly puking everywhere. 
"You need a proper breakfast before going back to work again. One cooked egg and beans on toast won't be enough." You got up and started to fold the dirty clothes so you could put them into a basket.
George frowned, pretending to be offended, "There is absolutely nothing wrong with my bean-y toast." He continued to his second apricot marmalade sandwich and took a swig out of his coffee mug
"Your dry beans on dry toast is not a very rich breakfast, mister."
Shrugging, he went back to his breakfast. 
~ ~ ~ ~ 
"Alright. I'm good to go." 
George stood by the fireplace in the living room. He had his usual work clothes on and had combed his hair. He was wearing a very satisfied grin. 
"Have a good one." You kissed his cheek. 
He obviously thought that a mere kiss on the cheek wasn't enough, so he placed his large hand on your lower back and pulled you closer, caressing his soft lips against yours.
"Bye, love." He said, walking into the fireplace. 
Touching your lips where his had just been, you bid your farewell, too.
~ ~ ~ ~
You were sitting on the couch when the fireplace roared to life, startling you. But you quickly recovered and got up to greet your boyfriend who just walked, surprisingly, graciously out of the fireplace. 
He hugged you and kissed you at the curve of your neck, sending pleasant shivers down your spine, all the down to your toes.
"Hi, how was it? Your first day back, I mean."
George let go of you, taking off his coat and throwing it at a nearby armchair. "It's great to be back. I've missed it." He sounded very sincere, and the smile plastered to his face made it clearer; he spoke the truth.
"Yeah, I know you've missed it, alright. Believe me, I'm just as happy as you are. I can finally breathe without having to worry that you're going to sneak off to work somehow."
"Oh, now you're just being dramatic." He teased, waving away your comment. 
You stood there for a second just looking at each other, just one second. Then he charged towards you and swung you over his shoulder like you were a feather. You squealed, waving your arm in the air. 
He walked towards the bedroom, taking big steps. You were still giggling, and even more so when he tossed you on the bed. His grin had turned into a smirk, he looked very pleased with himself. His shirt hand gotten ruffled up and a button had come undone. It all looked very appealing. 
Laying there, on the bed with him standing there and watching you with a smirk almost made you thank the gods he was recovered now. He was not fun nor easier when he's sick. He is finally back to his old, normal and playful George again.
"What're you lookin' at?" You purred, finding the situation very funny.
"Just lookin'" 
Suddenly, he threw himself on the bed, landing beside you. He laid straight on his back, staring up at the slightly cracked ceiling. His side profile was very handsome.
You reached out to run your finger along his jaw, feeling the ginger stubble. After not having the energy to shave or shower, his facial hair had started growing. It suited him, you thought. 
"How do you feel?" You asked, quietly.
"I feel good." He answered, still looking at the ceiling.
You traced his jawline, down to his throat and adam's apple. "You look good. You don't look sick anymore."
"Yeah, I'm over that. Worst weeks of my life." 
"I'm happy you're back to normal... Or as normal as you could get, I mean."
At this, he chuckled, making his adam's apple bounce up and down. 
You lay there, looking at him. Taking in how different he looks now, from a week ago. Your George is back. 
He turned his whole body towards you, placing a hand on your cheek. He used his thumb to brush your bottom lip. You still get tingles when he touches you in this way. So tenderly and soft. It could make your knees weak. 
"I've missed kissing you." He proclaimed.
Smiling, you answered, "I've missed it, too."
He hesitated for a moment but decided to say it anyway. "I've missed more than kissing, you know."
You raised your eyebrows, urging him to continue.
"Touching you." He said, placing a hand on your waist. 
You shuffled closer to him and pushed him onto his back, earning a grunt from him. 
You sure as hell have missed this too, you thought.
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Hp Ship
This was requested by: @onlymexsarah​ !
Request: Hi, i’m Sarah and I love your writing!💘 Can I request a marauders era ship? I’m Italian, sorry for my English🙈 I’m a Slytherin, really proud and a bit stubborn, I love books specially fantasy and romance. I’m very shy and introverted, but if you’re my friend, I became logorrheic(?) and I’ll tell you all about the last books I read. People usually tell me I’m a good listener and I’m fascinated from all the things that I don’t know. I love secretes and mysteries and I’m 5’4’’🙈💘 Thank you🥰
Hey, Sarah! Thank you for requesting ! 
If you’ve read my last post you’ll know im currently in Norway ! But, to my surprise, I actually got the time to make this ! I’m not writing on my usual comptuter, though. So if something is a bit off its because im not used to writing on this current laptop i’ve brought with me ! I don’t know if you wanted a male ship or female ship, so I decided to go for male. If you wanted or prefered a female ship, please let me know and Ill fix it for you !
Note: From now on, ships are closed ! I’ve got a lot of ship requests that i will complete, of course, but I will no longer accept ships. I’m planning on having them open in a months time ! 
~ ~ ~ ~ 
Now, this was a close call between Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin...
But in the end, I can only see you with...
Remus Lupin! 
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And this is why I can see you two together:
Late-night talks about new books that you've recently read.
Remus would never admit it but,
Gossip around school/town is his guilty pleasure.
You'd pretend not to be interested in drama,
but you're truly listening discreetly so you won't miss out on any details,
And then hurry home to Remus and you'd debate about your opinions on the matter.
You and Remus would mostly keep to yourselves.
Dreamy dinner dates.
A lot of blushing included.
Playing games before the full moon is a must.
You never leave his side the day after,
always reading something from his current book,
and of course, since it's Remus we're speaking about,
ordering him to let you help him with his new wounds.
Watching movies with popcorn,
snuggling up to each other and trying to figure out the plot.
The Slytherin x Gryffindor energy is ...
"What is this, Sarah?"
"So the broken coffee machine broke in half on its own, did it?"
"Maybe the coffee machine was being a little bitch."
Always having each others back.
If someone insults Remus you'll whoop their sorry arse.
And if someone insults you,,,,
The wolf will come out.
Lame dad jokes go around you two very easily.
You're both very ironic.
You can't have a nice conversation with each other if it does not contain some sort of irony.
Your love for each other is immense.
Like two peas in a pod. 
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This was requested by: Anon !
Request:  Hi Can you please made something with Cedric where the reader is from Ravenclaw and he’s in love with her but they don’t really talk and she’s best friend with the Weasley’s twins and Fred had a crush on her and is the Triwizard Tournament and the reader supporting and get worried to Cedric
Hello! Thank you for requesting !! This was very fun to write. I tried to make it visible that Fred likes the reader and the same goes with Cedric. I hope it’s evident enough to please you!
Note: I’m going away to Norway in two days, so I might be a bit slower at answering everyone’s requests ! I’ve got quite a few (eee) and I’m going to try and write them on my way there as it’s at least 6 hours away from where I live. But you’ll still be able to request, and I will of course answer them when I can and when I get home. So, to wrap it all up: I’ll try my best and write when I’m in Norway, but I’ll not be able to write as much as I usually am. And when I get home I’ll start like normal again !
Warnings : A bit of swearing.
Pairing: Cedric Diggory x reader x Fred Weasley.
Words: 1.9 (A longer one today ;)”
If you’d like to request something please head over to my other blog, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ronaldandremuslover and I’ll try and fix it for you !
~ ~ ~ ~
When his name had come out of the golden goblet you had immediately stood up and clapped your hands. Hufflepuff didn't get much recognition, so when Cedric had been chosen to compete in the Triwizard Tournament all of the Hufflepuffs had gotten excited. And of course, he was immensely handsome.
But after Harry's name had appeared on the burnt piece of paper, everyone had gone silent again. It was like nobody dared to speak. And you could sense it now, as you walked down the corridor that the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors were not on the best of terms.
"It's not Harry's fault he got chosen. He didn't put his name in the bloody goblet, did he now?" George said, impolitely.
"You why they're bitter. For once Hufflepuff gets noticed and it's suddenly whisked away." You replied, ignoring his glare he shot your way.
It's true, it's not Harry's fault for what happened. But you could understand why they were sour. But even with Harry in the game, you still rooted for Cedric. You had only spoken with him a couple of times, but he was very polite. Being in different houses made it more difficult to get a chance to speak with each other. But getting grouped together for different assignments was always nice.
Everyone in Ravenclaw was passive around Harry, not knowing what to believe. It was a big scandal, basically.
"This is me, see ya." George said suddenly, turning to walk down the stairs leading down into the dark dungeons.
Since you had charms, you continued down the corridor. Students were passing you in a rush, heading towards their next class. It was when you reached the charm's classroom that you finally relaxed and enjoyed the comfortable silence. You took your usual seat next to your friend, Wilma.
After a couple of minutes, Professor Flitwick had entered and gotten the lesson rolling.
~ ~ ~ ~
"Right, everyone, the class is over." Squeaked Professor Flitwick. "For this next assignment, I want you to team up with a fellow classmate from the other house. You are to try and levitate an object of your choice made out of glass and put it in a box located thirty-five feet away from your position. Your goal is to not break the tender object, and if you are to succeed, you will be greatly rewarded."
He didn't say what the reward would be, but judging by his smile, it was probably something good. Although, Wilma looked unhappy.
"Something wrong?" You asked, picking up your backpack and flinging it over your shoulder.
She looked up at you, frowning. "I don't like working with people I don't know. It feels wrong."
Giving her a consoling smile, you headed for the door. It wasn't until next hour your next class would start, so you and Wilma decided to go to your common room. But you had only made it halfway before somebody called your name.
"Y/N! Wait, please."
Turning around, you saw Cedric Diggory. It seemed as if he had run to chase you down.
"Can I help you?"
He smiled awkwardly, "For the next charms assignment, I thought you and I could team up, perhaps? We've already worked before and that has always turned out rather okay."
You looked at Wilma, who was smiling broadly. She gestured with her hand for you to answer him. Although it was clear to you from the very beginning of what your answer would be.
"Yes, of course. That would be lovely." You expressed, returning a smile of your own.
He gave you a thumbs up and walked away, saying over his shoulder, "At 7 tonight, courtyard."
"Great!" You shouted to his retreating back.
"You're always so lucky." Wilma breathed, almost drooling.
You shook your head and grabbed her arm, pulling her with you. "Get a grip on yourself."
~ ~ ~ ~
After a class of Transfiguration and Divination, you had a long break. You sat under a tree that provided a great shadow. Fred and George sat on a blanket and played a strange board game they had made up themselves. You had your nose in your book and devoured every word.
"Shit! I always lose."
Looking over at the twins, Fred looked grouchy. His brother, on the other hand, looked thrilled.
"It's about momentum. And of course, cleverness, which you don't have an ounce of." George replied, arranging to set up the board game for another match.
Fred, however, scooted away to sit closer to you. "I'm taking a break. I don't really like it anyway."
You couldn't help but snort at his dry statement. His attention was suddenly all on you.
"Think it's funny to watch your poor friend lose?" Fred said, sarcastically.
"I think it's entertaining to watch you come up with flimsy justifications to not play a game which you're bad at." You replied, not looking up from your book.
George laughed. "See, Fred, even a chick can see through your lousy excuses."
"Even a chick?" You looked up from your book.
"Anyway," said Fred. "The Gryffindors are going to celebrate Harry tonight in our common room. If you want you can come up. Your friend, Loony Lovegood is going to be there too."
You ignored his remark on Luna, deciding you didn't want to start a brawl. "Sorry, I'm meeting up with Cedric later."
George raised his eyebrows but turned away from you and Fred, suddenly getting very interested in a yellow ladybug.
Fred frowned, twisting himself uncomfortably. "You what?"
"I'm meeting Cedric here after dinner."
Although he would never admit it, he looked genuinely hurt. So you clarified that it was not a date, that it was only necessary for an assignment Professor Flitwick had assigned you to do. But you couldn't help yourself to get a little annoyed with Fred. You were allowed to go on a date if you wanted to, he had no right to be upset with it. You weren't dating after all...
After you explained your reasoning to see Cedric, he seemed cool with it. But still, he looked slightly offended but tried hard not to show it. You shook your head at his antics; boys were very confusing.
~ ~ ~ ~
Cedric was there before you, standing under the tree you had been sitting at with the twins. He had already put the box thirty-five feet away.
"Nice! already set it all up, I see. What did you bring as an object?"
He showed you a narrow vase with a golden string attached to its middle. It looked very elegant.
"Found this in the common room. Hope nobody's going to miss it." He said, shrugging but smiling.
"What, think you're going to break it?" You mused.
He grinned at you, taking his wand out of his pocket. "I was thinking of you actually.
"Oh, really! I'll show you..."
After a couple of attempts, either missing the box or by losing control over the glass vase, you finally put the vase in the box. You made a victory jiggy. You were the first one to make it.
He sighed in defeat and slid down the tree, taking a seat on the grass. "Well, you win."
Sitting down beside him, you said, "Do I get a prize?"
Cedric looked over the lake, thinking, hard. "Mmm, I'll buy you lunch this weekend. Is that good enough a prize for you, madame?"
You blushed, looking down at your hands in your lap. "That would be nice, but don't you have to get prepared for the first task? The first task of the tournament?"
"I'll take you out on Saturday and prepare on Sunday. I actually... sort of know what the first task is."
Shocked, you asked, "How?"
"How? How do I know? If you'll go to Hogsmeade with me I'll tell you."
He looked smug, smug in an adorable way. Was this meant as a date? Or was it just a friendly lunch? It's so confusing with boys! But after thinking, and seeing how he got more and more nervous, you agreed to go out with him on Saturday.
"Lovely." He said.
~ ~ ~ ~
Fred had been distant since you had told him and George about Cedric inviting you out. You wouldn't have told him if you knew that this was going to be his reaction. It felt terrible to be on bad terms with your friend.
"He definitely meant it as a date, Y/N." Fred had remarked.
"What if I meant it as a date, too? Maybe I want it to be a date." You hadn't really thought about saying it, mostly because you didn't know if your words were true. Did you want it to be a date? Did Cedric even like you in that way? so many questions.
Fred looked awfully hurt by the comment and had since then not talked to you, which annoyed you greatly. He was for sure hiding something... right? It's hard to know what he truly feels when he doesn't want to talk to you. And the worst part is, George had looked you straight in the eyes and said,
"For the first time, I think you said something that wasn't very smart, Y/N."
It was all a mess at this point. Being without Fred was lonely, George was there, of course. But Fred was a missing piece to your puzzle.
~ ~ ~ ~
The lunch was amazing and Cedric was even nicer than you thought. He was easy to talk with and got the conversation going. He knew how to make you smile, laugh and downright guffaw. He's a nice bloke, you thought to yourself.
It was a pity he had to leave so early, he was having a meeting with his head of house and talking about the upcoming task. It was only then that you realized he hadn't told you how he had found out about it.
~ ~ ~ ~
"Can you stop being such a tosser, Fred?"
He sat in an armchair in the empty Gryffindor common room, reading a book about quidditch. Although he hadn't turned a page in at least ten minutes at this point.
"Does it bother you?" He asked, looking passive to your presence.
Rolling your eyes, you snatched his book out of his hands. "Look at me!"
"What do you want me to say?"
"To explain why you're being such a - such a -"
"Yes!" You exclaimed, looking relieved he understood.
Fred sat up straighter and rubbed his hands over his face. "Y/N, I don't want you to get dragged into this whole tournament thing." You waited for him to continue, but he didn't.
"What?" You said, getting annoyed again.
"I mean, Cedric is in this game. It's going to be dangerous."
"For me?"
"If you get attached to him, sure. He might get hurt and I don't want to see you moping around and being all sad. I can't handle sad people, they tend to irritate me with all their emotions and shit ." He noted, looking you straight in the eyes.
Confused, you sat his book aside and took a seat on the red sofa. "He's my friend, of course, I'm worried about him. It's tough tasks he has to get through. But I still don't understand why you would get so upset about it."
Fred merely shrugged and sunk back into his usual position in the armchair. "You're my - my friend, too. I don't want you to get hurt."
You didn't know whether to believe him or not. Was this really the reason as to why he was acting this way? But you accepted it and smiled warmly at him.
"Well, thank you for worrying about me."
Fred smiled, too. And it brought you such happiness you were surprised by it yourself. "That's what friend do for each other, right?" He said.
"Right. And it's not like he's going to die, anyway."
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Ship !
This was requested by: @doitforthevine67​ !
Request:  hey! can i get a male marauders era ship? i have very light blue eyes, shoulder-length VERY thick and curly brown hair with the bottom half dyed pink, i love vintage cars, i’m stuck in the 70s, i play electric guitar, i love led zeppelin, pink floyd, and the beatles, i love sailing, i’m really funny and have a bit of an attitude, i love plants, i have really bad insomnia, i love to paint, i love DIYs, and i love traveling/going on adventures.
Hello, love !! Thank you for requesting. I’m sorry it took a while for this to come out. I was supposed to have written this yesterday - but yesterday turned out to be a really, really  bad day and felt so incredibly sad. BUT, i feel very happy today so it’s fiiine. And I hope you enjoy this xxx
If you’d like to request something please head over to my other blog, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ronaldandremuslover and I’ll try and fix it for you!
~ ~ ~ ~ 
I ship you with...
James Potter! 
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This somewhat thick-headed gentleman is the right choice for you. And here's why:
Constantly making bad puns which makes the rest of the Marauders cringe.
James staying up with you when you can't fall asleep.
He would make tea and ramble boring stories to make you tired,
But it makes you laugh when he's trying to come up with such dull stories.
"You tried at least." You would tell him.
Making him do different poses for you to paint.
His arms and legs would ache.
But he kept quiet as he knew you love to paint.
James would take you on short trips on his broom.
Once, you nearly fell off after he tried to do a loop mid-air.
After asking him what the hell he was doing he replied,
"I thought you would be impressed." 
Coming home from work and putting on music and just chilling with each other.
He would play with your hair as you drew and listened to your favourite band.
Your house would look like a jungle.
And he would water your plants when you were away.
He always said since it's your plants you should water them.
But one day you caught him watering your normal muggle cactus while whistling.
...And talking to the other plants.
Sirius loves you and calls you his 'sister from another niffler."
James was ecstatic about seeing his partner get along with one of his best friends.
All of the marauders would be there to watch you play your electric guitar in different pubs.
Those were the only times Remus would howl around other people.
You're not afraid of telling one the Marauders off for being a complete tart.
Especially James and Sirius.
"What have you done this time?" 
"Had a bath." 
"In slime?!" 
Going on road trips on weekends.
Just driving with the windows open and blasting music.
You were always the one driving as James had once crashed into several flagpoles.
You had no idea what had happened. 
And you don't question it.
Being with James was a whole ass question mark at times.
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Requested by: Anon !
Request:  Thank you for writing my last request I love it and your writing is wonderful. Can you write something were George and the reader been dating for 6 years and live together in a cute little house by a lake and George asks the reader to marry him and him being super cute and romantic and she says yes and his just so happy.
Thank you for requesting again ! 
I hope you like it !
Warnings: Lil bit of swearing but not much.
Pairing: George Weasley x reader.
Words: 1k.
If you’d like to request something please head over to my other blog, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ronaldandremuslover and I’ll try and fix it for you! 
~ ~ ~ ~ 
"Do you remember when I first asked you out?" You chuckled, taking another gulp of wine. 
"Don't think I'll ever forget it." He moaned, obviously embarrassed by the memory. 
Giggling, you said, "The way food flew out of your mouth." 
Shaking his head he sipped his wine, the delicate blush on his face evident in the faint moonlight.  You were sitting in the grass, taking in the summer night.
"That was a long time ago." You spilt, thinking out loud. 
Having been with George for six years was almost unimaginable. He had been your best friend your entire school life. But in your 7th year, you had pulled up the courage to ask him out. It had taken him by surprise, and honestly, it had surprised you too. Having meant to do it more romantically, you blew it by asking him during dinner. And the worst part was that everyone around the table had overheard, Fred's laughter booming around the Great hall. But it had led to somewhere great, somewhere you loved being. 
George looked at you, then across the lake by the side of your house. He agreed by nodding. "It surely was." 
"Mmm, did you ever think that you would end up where you are right now? Like, when I asked you out, did you see us together in the future?" You asked. "I certainly did..." 
He looked thoughtful as if he didn't want to say the wrong thing. You were scared for a second that he thought you had tried to set him to fail. But he pulled himself together, smiling while he did. "I was over the moon. I thought you were joking for a moment, but the look on your face told me otherwise. I couldn't believe that you asked me out. Since, you know, it's usually the lad who asks the lass out.
"But after that night we spent, under the big tree by the lake, watching the giant squid squirming around, I knew I was fucked. When you reached for that cracker and you dropped it in the grass, getting it all dirty and laughing at your clumsiness, I was falling in love with you. It was obvious - or at least I thought." 
Looking at him, you could tell he meant every single word. And it was hard not to get emotional. You beamed at him, feeling like the luckiest woman in the world. There wasn't a part in you that had a doubt if he was the right man. You knew he was. 
"Wow, you really said it." You breathed, clutching the wine glass in your hand.
George smiled sheepishly, looking like a schoolboy. "I really love you." 
"I love you too." 
He grinned, then turned back to gazing at the moon. It almost looked like he was having a kip as his eyelids slowly fell. You thought he was in pain from the heavy breathing and was about to ask him what was wrong before he suddenly placed his now empty glass in the grass, making it fall over as he adjusted himself. 
"That day when we booked a room in a really shitty motel and watched that strange muggle TV, do you remember what you said?" He asked, his eyes filled with a mixture of mirth and excitement.
Surprised by his sudden change in behaviour, you shook your head. "Uhh, no. That was six years ago."
He wafted your comment away with his hand and looked at you. "You explained what you wanted your future to look like. I mean you should know, you're the one who brought this entire future thing up." 
"I don't remember, George." You confessed.
"You listed 4 things that you wanted. The first was to live in a lake house. The second thing was to work for the ministry. And the third was to travel to America." He said, slowly. It was like he wanted you to take it in to the point where you would never forget.
Frowning you said, "That's three things, George. Simple math." 
He smiled that typical Weasley smile. The smile that the Weasleys only wore if they were confident or in charge of something big. 
"The fourth was to be married." 
You opened your mouth to speak, but was caught off guard once again. You had not expected him to say something like that. It made you nervous, were you a fool or was he hinting at something? 
"Do you see what I'm saying, Y/N?" He prodded, looking smug but shy.
"I do."
"Damn, I haven't even asked yet." 
You punched him in the arm, causing him to laugh. He seemed to love making serious situations into a big fat joke. But you knew he meant it, you knew what he was trying to say. You just needed to hear him say it.
"I want to be with you." He said. "I've known for a long time that I can't function properly without you - mostly because I need you to lecture me when I've done something stupid - but I do want to spend my life with you. The way that you laugh at your own jokes; Dance around in the kitchen to muggle music; Talk to animals in a sickly cute voice; Become happy at another person's success; Help people in need; Gasp when something happens in a bloody book, I love all of that. And that's why I'm asking you to marry me.
"Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?"
You were silent for so long he must have thought that you had lost your voice. 
Your eyes stung as tears threatened to leak. 
You tried to repeat every word he just said, wanting to remember them forever.
"Yes!" You shrieked and jumped into his arms, clinging to his neck. He lost his balance and landed flat on his back with you on top of him. He was absolutely beaming. 
"Yes?" His eyes crinkled with mirth.
Nodding eagerly, you said, "Yes!"
He put his hand on the back of your head and pushed you down to meet his lips. They tasted of wine. 
You could barely stop yourself from screaming out loud from pure happiness. And it seemed as if he couldn't either. He broke the kiss to just stare up at you, looking like a complete fool with that smile.
That darn Weasley smile.
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Harry Potter ship
Hello! Could I please get a male HP ship for the marauders era? I'm a ravenclaw and an INFP. I love reading, my favorite genres are fantasy and poetry. I also tend to overthink and I daydream quite a lot, I'm introverted, but pretty friendly and outgoing once you get to know me, I'm also very kind and smart and I tend to be stubborn and dramatic. I also love adventures and having discussions on various topics. I'm majoring in psychology and literature. Thank you!
I hope you’re happy with the results, Anon !
Let’s go!
~ ~ ~ ~
I ship you with...
Remus Lupin! 
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Now, maybe this was predictable for some, but let me tell you why I think that you and the ever so wonderful and charming werewolf would go well together:
Now, let's start with reading.
Late nights with you two reading.
Sometimes reading aloud for each other.
You always have each other's back.
No matter what.
When you feel like nothing is going good anymore he will be there to name all the good reasons to keep going.
You tell each other stories you have come up with.
And you end up together, trying to make a good story out of it.
You don't judge each other's ideas or thoughts. 
Whenever he says something bad about himself you're quick to object.
Because you both have a tendency to overthink, you always help each other escape those moments.
Around your friends, you can hardly tell that you're a couple.
But when the door is closed
Oh my.
You enjoy learning more about lycanthropy.
And you enjoy having a civilised conversation about it with him.
And you can tell that even if he seems uncomfortable talking about, that he's relieved that you're not frightened or disgusted by it.
You help each other with homework, 
even though it might be easy.
Sirius's always making funny comments about your relationship.
And you finding it funny and coming up with one on your own. 
He calls you 'His little raven." 
Whenever you get hurt you frighten him.
And you think it's funny that you can frighten him, a literal werewolf.
But you don't really blame him,
as you tend to overreact.
Watching as James and Sirius coming up with another disastrous prank is your kind of date.
Remus loves seeing you with your blue and bronze tie.
And would often use it to pull you closer to him and kiss your cheek.
And that is why I ship you with Remus Lupin!
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Still sick
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Requested by: Anon !
Request:  I loved your last George fic It was wonderful ❤️❤️❤️ Can you please write the first couple of days of him being sick with the stomach flu and he keeps seeking into work and his S/O keeps having to come to his work bring him home and put him back in bed because he keeps getting sick at the shop and Fred is getting annoyed because George is actually causing more work for him but George thinks his helping?
Eee! Thank you for your kind words! It truly makes me happy to hear!
Anyway here is the second part! You don’t have to have read the first part, but if you want to you can find it here !
Warnings: None
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Words: 743 (A short one today :3)
If you’d like to request something please head over to my other blog, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ronaldandremuslover and I’ll try and fix it for you!
~ ~ ~ ~
"Oh, Merlin." Opening the door to Weasley's wizard wheezes, you tried to squeeze your way through the overwhelming crowd. Loud objects were ringing and children were running in all directions. It was like walking into a deranged house.
"Oi! Over here!"
You turned around - as smoothly as you could - and spotted Fred waving you down from behind the counter. There were four cashiers constantly wrapping things up for the excited children.
Pushing your way through the ocean of people, you finally made it to your partner's twin. He looked cool and like the booming noises were merely a distant sound. He dragged you along with him to the back room where supply boxes were stacked upon each other - the WWW logo attached to every single box.
A sudden retching noise came from behind the pile of boxes.
"Oh what the -" You walked behind the wall of supply boxes and found your beloved boyfriend sitting with his head in a bucket. "Wow, George. Real nice."
He looked up from the bucket he had in his lap. His hair was matted against his sweaty forehead and his eyes were glassy. "Oh, Hello. Didn't know you were here."
"I called her," Fred grumbled, "since you're just sitting in here and reeking down the bloody place."
George shook his head slowly. "Snitch..."
You rolled your eyes and placed your hand upon his shoulder, kneeling down to make eye contact. "What were you thinking? You're still sick."
He opened his mouth to say something, but it was cut short as he heaved into the bucket once again. Grimacing, you stood up and glanced over at Fred, who had his arms folded over his chest and his expression was a mixture between frustration and pity.
"Go home, brother. You're not any good here."
He wiped his mouth on his sleeve. "I am working. As I should." He added softly.
"I'll apparate us out of here. Thanks, Fred." You reached out to grab Georges clammy hand and before he could protest, your feet had left the ground.
~ ~ ~ ~
Putting a clean bucket on the floor beside the bed, you looked over at your boyfriend smiling weakly at you. You couldn't help but chuckle at his dorkiness. "You know you're a prat, right?"
"I'm not a prat for wanting to work at my own shop, Y/N" His small smile vanishing from his lips.
"Do I have to tell you one more time?" You said crossly, sitting down beside him.
He shook his head, "...No."
"You have to stay home for a few days, you know that, right?" You asked, sensing his hesitation.
George looked you in the eyes, then broke the contact. "Mhm."
"You know what, do what you want."  You said.
His head snapped back to look at you, clearly surprised by your sudden change of heart. "Pardon?"
"It's not my job to keep track of you like a baby, George. If you want to exhaust yourself by being a complete and utter idiot, then that's not my place to judge." Your voice was steady but stern, wanting to make a point.
Something in his head must have snapped, snapped into the right place. Because he pressed his hand to his forehead and cringed. His cheeks were rosy and he smelled of old, chewed food.
"'M sorry, love." He lowered his hand and looked at you. "I know I've been a pain in the arse. And I'm sorry about that."  
Yes! You thought for yourself, a victory at last. "As long as you stay in bed and have a shower when you have the energy to, you're forgiven."
He fist-bumped the air slowly, way too slowly and gave you a toothy grin. Even when he was sick he managed to somehow look cute. You're pretty sure it's a curse on your end.
"Stay in bed, have a shower. I'm pretty sure I can do that." He murmured, pulling your hand towards him.
"Hey, I haven't forgotten about you emptying your guts just a couple of minutes ago, Mister." You snorted, his offensive smell splashing like water in your face.
"Wow," He said, "is that all you think of me? That I'm just a hungry guy looking to eat you?"
Jumping up from the bed, you said, "Have a shower, then we can talk."
And with that, you left the room and before you closed the door behind you, you heard a low whistle.
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This was requested by: anon !
Request:  Would you do a George Weasley imagine during the Goblet of Fire where his crush is The Golden Trio’s age and a Durmstrang boy is a childhood bully of hers so while she chooses to ignore his sexist rude comments but the Twins refuse to and their feelings finally come out?
Alrightie, so I had a little trouble writing this because I have no idea what it’s like to be bullied or made fun of in any way and I didn’t want this to offend anyone. So I didn’t mention much of the background behind the relationship between the reader and the said bully. So you can build up your own picture of this. Hope you like it!
Warnings: none really.
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Words: 1.5k
If you’d like to request something please head over to my other blog, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ronaldandremuslover and I’ll try and fix it for you !
~ ~ ~ ~ 
People were dashing in all directions within the hallways. Talking in excitement about the Triwizard tournament; students the age of 17 or over were even more ecstatic about the possibility of being chosen to compete. 
"You're the talk of the school, boys." You sat down at the Gryffindor table and took the vacant seat in front of the Weasley twins.
Fred smirked, "Our attempt might have gone to shite, but at least something good came out of it." 
Shovelling a big piece of chicken pie onto your plate, you sneaked a glance over your shoulder to the Slytherin table. The person you scanned was sitting with his elbows on the table and talking to a younger-looking boy. 
"Can I copy of your homework, Y/N? I forgot we had a charms essay that needs to be done for tomorrow." George asked, gripping your attention. 
"Oh," You turned back to look at him, "really? We've had one week to do it!  Have you done yours, Fred?" 
He nodded, scooping up peas on his spoon. "Angelina helped me." 
Sighing, you turned to look at George again. "I can help you with it, too. It's an important essay, George." 
"Fine, that'll have to do." You glared at him. "Thanks." 
~ ~ ~ ~
You had agreed to meet in the library as the Gryffindor common room was filled with people chatting about the tournament and the newly addressed Yule ball. Passing several Veelas on the way there, you reached your destination. 
Walking over to a rectangular table, you sat down and opened your bag to pull out your already finished essay. You scanned it over just to make sure you've done a satisfactory job. It seemed to be in a state where you could offer help to another person. So you sat your bag down onto the floor. And as you did you saw a tall boy walking in and sitting down at a table only a few feet away. You barely had time to react before another tall boy walked in and sat down at your table.
"Oi, sorry I'm late. Peeves thought it would be an excellent idea to launch water balloons at the first years that I was just happening to pass by." 
You snapped out of your daze and shook your head. "Oh, It's fine. I only just arrived, too."
George pulled out his completely blank essay and quill. He dipped it in ink and looked at you for assistance. But your focus was elsewhere. The other boy sitting at the opposite table was occasionally sneaking glances at you. 
He waved a hand in front of your face. "You there?" 
"Sorry, blanked out for a second. Okay, let's begin." You went on, instructing him how to best start the essay and how to fill his sentences. But it was hard to concentrate when the boy you tried to avoid was looking at you. It felt as if you were a prey to him. George noticed your eyes wandering behind his back.
"You crushing on him?" He joked half-heartedly, his voice filled with anything but amusement.
You looked at George in disbelief but quickly shook it off and smiled at his half-assed joke. "Hm, no way. He's from Durmstrang." 
He huffed, "Yeah, no kidding. The broad shoulders and weird hat sort of gives it away."
"That's ordinary dressing from where they come from." You educated him.
"You should know, you spent your two first years there." 
Nodding, you pointed at the paper on the table. "Now, continue. I can't be here all day." 
George did as what he was told and scribbled down answers to the tricky questions Professor Flitwick had written down for him to clarify. He asked you to help him with certain questions where you tried to explain to him the best you could so that he would understand. When he was concentrating on writing you would glance over at the Durmstrang boy. And for a second your eyes met and he gave you a smile which made your stomach turn. 
"Y/N?" George's voice was quiet and his eyes were narrowed when you turned back to him.
"What's up with him? You're off." 
Deciding to finally tell George, you leaned over the table. "Remember the guy I told you about? On my first year of Hogwarts?" 
His eyes widened and his eyebrows raised higher than you thought was possible. "That's him?" He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. 
"George!" You hissed and grabbed his hand. "Don't do that!" 
"Right, sorry." He looked down at your hand that was firmly clasping his. You quickly let go and slid your hand underneath the table. His hand had somehow felt perfect underneath yours. 
"Yes, that's him. Branimir is here, obviously." You whispered, feeling embarrassed about the situation. 
George discreetly looked over his shoulder, he turned back frowning. "He looks a bit like Snape." 
You couldn't help but chuckle, mostly because it was true. He had long black hair and a big nose. His eyes were dark and he had very thin lips. 
"I know. He looks the same." You said truthfully. Talking about your past with Branimir was awkward and made you uncomfortable. 
The red-headed boy looked at you, and you hated that you could see the worry in his eyes. This was what you wanted to avoid.
 He stuffed his papers in his bag and used magic to clean up some spilt ink. You looked at him, feeling confused.
He reached his hand out to you, his long fingers aiming at you. "Let's find another place." 
"That's unnecessary, George. It'll do fine here." You protested, but he didn't budge. 
"You're a horrible liar, Y/N. C'mon." 
Looking at him, you willed for him to sit down again. But his hand was still in front of you and you had a sudden urge to grab it, just to hold it. And you did, you grabbed his hand he helped you up. 
Having expected he would let go after he helped you up, you were surprised to find him still holding your hand in a strong grip even after you exited the library. But you didn't mind. 
"You know, Y/N, if he ever makes you feel troubled, I'm always here to put him in his place. I know you have some awesome moves that you wouldn't even need magic for, but I have no problem shoving my foot so far up his-" 
"Okay! I get it." You grinned, happy that George was by your side. Happy that he understood you. And you were especially happy that he had dragged you out of the library even though you had told him not to because being around Branimir made you feel suffocated. 
George stopped so abruptly you pulled his arm. His eyes were serious and his lips were drawn in a tight, thin line. 
"What's the matter?" You asked, confused.
"What I said is true. I don't want you to feel unprotected at your own school. And I bet Fred would search him up if he knew he was here. He wouldn't stand knowing he's walking these corridors." 
Your heart ached at his words and made you remember how truly, truly lucky you were to have him and Fred as your friends. It made you glad to know they're around. So you nodded and smiled at him. The thing currently on your mind is your hand's still in his. 
"And if he bothers you at the Yule ball we'll make sure his night won't go to plan." He added, a hint of humour and seriousness mixed in his voice. 
But at this, you grimaced and smiled awkwardly, shaking your head. "Mm, that won't be a problem." 
George raised his eyebrows, but not as far as before. "How'd you know?" 
You rolled your eyes and huffed. "I'm not going to a ball without out a date." You were surprised at how embarrassed you felt when you had said it. It sounded pathetic, you thought.
"I was going to ask you if you would come with me. I'm quite lousy at dancing but I'm sure you could help me out." He said, his cheeks tinted with the faintest of red. But he seemed overall calm.
But you, you felt perplexed. You waited for him to laugh and tell you it was all a joke or something in that Weasley category. But he was solemn, he meant it. 
"You're asking me to the ball?" You asked, your voice quiet.
George nodded and grinned, "I am." 
Your heart was beating fast and your face was hot. But you were over the moon. It felt unbelievable. "I would love to go with you, George!" You exclaimed, maybe a bit too loudly.
"Great! I was nervous for a while, thought you didn't want to go at all." He was beaming at you.
"Well, I didn't know that you were asking me out." 
You both went quiet when you realised that your hands had been intertwined the entire time. But it didn't bother you, and George made no move to let go. 
"Let's get your essay done, Georgie." You teased and dragged him along the corridor.
"I hate when you call me that." He complained.
You smirked at him. "I know."
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