Part 19: Passing of the Torch
In this part, we fight the optional bosses, Nentou and Bunchu. They are hard.
If you don’t know what this is about, please refer to this previous post.
[Any new comments by me will be designated by brackets.]
I'm only going to bother with upgrading attacks for Soushou and Tensho at this stage because they're the ones I'm going to use for the final boss.
To increase Tensho's weapon from level 3 to 4, just use this combo:
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And after that, talk to Taiitsu and have him upgrade your weapon again. He'll do it automatically this time! And for free! (Choose the first option when given the chance.)
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Five stars! Hooray!
Now Soushou's turn:
Level 2 to 3:
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Level 3 to 4:
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Yeah... It's the same combo for both. (If you look back at the level 1 to 2 combo, it's also the same... Convenient!) Unfortunately, Taiitsu can't increase it any higher.
I think at this point, you can visit Nentou (up in Taijou Roukun’s village) with Soushou in your party, and actually fight Nentou--with Soushou alone. Beware, as Nentou is HARD. He will use a lot of powerful attacks and support moves.
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The best strategy I've found is to get all of Soushou's moves up to level four, with his level in the late 50s to early 60s. When you face Nentou, don't bother using Soushou's special move; just use his standard attack. Save all of Soushou’s EP for healing. Unfortunately, Soushou is slower than Nentou, taking away the "first hit" advantage.
Also, Soushou's healing move only heals about 1600-1700 HP. Nentou tends to deal out 2000+ HP damage... NORMALLY. This is mostly due to how much Nentou abuses--er, I mean, uses stat-boosting moves. There are two that he tends to use the most: a move that boosts his defense, and a move that boosts his attack. His special can do a hefty 2000 HP already (if you're lucky, it'll only do around 1500), so with an attack boost, he can sometimes hit you for 3000+ damage. Ouch.
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So yeah, count on healing A LOT if your HP drops to the 3000-4000 range. Sounds like I'm being really cautious, but there's a reason for that. If you start skimping on the healing, you will die very, very quickly; because Nentou usually doesn't give you a second chance to heal. Also, there are times when he can cancel out your attacks. Luckily, it doesn't take away any EP if you've used a move that requires EP. Also, it doesn't let HIM attack either. But it's still pretty annoying as it tends to make this battle a lot longer than it has to be.
This is definitely one of the longer and tougher boss battles of the game, and it doesn't help that Nentou himself can heal (though only for a meager 1000 HP). It really is a battle of endurance and attrition. Just be patient, keep at it, and lo and behold, you've defeated Nentou!
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For all that trouble, Nentou teaches Soushou some kind of final technique... which increases Soushou’s special to five stars! Hooray!
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Now, for Bunchu... Yes, you can fight him too, with Cho Kei and his wife, Kouranei. So making an exception, here are the combos to upgrade their paopei/attacks:
Cho Kei:
Lvl 1 to 2:
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Lvl 2 to 3:
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Lvl 3 to 4:
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Lvl 4 to 5: Talk to Taiitsu again.
Lvl 1 to 2:
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Lvl 2 to 3:
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Lvl 3 to 4:
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Lvl 4 to 5: Talk to Taiitsu again.
Anyway, you're going to have to level up Cho Kei and Kouranei if you even want to have a chance of winning. Bunchu is tough. Unfortunately, it doesn't help that Cho Kei and Kouranei know absolutely no healing moves. It also doesn't help that leveling them up is a huge pain in the behind because of their lack of pure offensive moves.
If you want to level them up efficiently, then go to the Houshindai and find the level where Raishinshi's brother Hakuyuukou resides. Just keep going down right as far as you can using the trains. At one of the "dead ends" (where you can't go right anymore), then that should be where Hakuyuukou lives. It's one of the levels above Bunchu’s old residence, if I remember correctly. Anyway, just go down the stairs there, and train near the red warp point. That way, you can level up, and heal quickly when your team's HP gets low (using Hakuyuukou).
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After much trial-and-error, I have found a somewhat decent strategy for beating Bunchu.
Before you fight him, Cho Kei, Kouranei, and Bunchu gain their most powerful moves/specials. It's recommended that you have Cho Kei's and Kouranei's levels be in the late 50s-early 60s, though the higher the level, the better. If you've maxed out the level on Cho Kei's paopei, spam his standard. It will do WAY more damage than his newly gained special attack. However, you'll want to spam Kouranei's newly awakened special, because if it critical hits, it can do around 3000 damage to Bunchu. Also, BRING LOTS OF HEALING ITEMS. Before, I thought that you couldn't heal senin with potions, but there's actually an item that you can heal them with... Which are these things:
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You get these in chests, or by making Dokouson's master transform them (remember? Part 11a). To get the base form in the first place, you can buy them from one of the senins in Kongrong, if you have the right currency. But for the rest of us, then you'll have to either buy them from Roushi's place (the shop there sells them) or traverse alllll the way down to the vending machines in the final dungeon. One of the vending machines will sell them, for a mere 600 money, if I remember right.
...Yeah, just go get them from Roushi's place. It saves a lot of trouble and frustration. It's a really good idea to go ahead and upgrade them to the 2000 HP healing kind, even if it means losing the 100 EP restoration effect. With the damage Bunchu deals, it's better to worry about HP first, EP later.
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Anyway, back to defeating Bunchu. Although he can't heal himself, he's still annoying because his riding beast Kokukirin will sometimes block your attacks. So like the Nentou battle, this one rides on a lot of luck. Just spam the above mentioned attacks, heal when you can, and pray that you'll land a lot of critical hits/not get too badly hurt.
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After you get his exp low enough, Bunchu will "transform" into his more powerful form. Don't relax yet, because while he's almost close to defeat, he's even MORE powerful in this form. And faster, too. (In my playthrough, whenever he entered this mode, he became faster than Cho Kei... though luckily Kouranei was still the fastest.)
At this point, heal one more time, and just go all-out on him, because chances are, you won't have the time to heal anymore. Keeping Kouranei alive is your top priority though, as she'll always attack first, giving you an advantage. In this stage, Bunchu will almost always abuse his special, which can cause upwards of 4000 HP of damage! That's pretty much the amount of HP Cho Kei and Kouranei have! If you're lucky (luck again...) Kouranei will be able to dodge enough of Bunchu's attacks and finish him off. FINALLY.
Truthfully, I had to let Cho Kei get knocked out in this battle... His wife was the one who finally defeated Bunchu after evading like three of his attacks in a row.
[In case you’re wondering how many times I had to fight Bunchu before I actually beat him... it was over 20 times. OVER TWENTY TIMES]
After that nightmare, what do you get? Well, you get to keep the specials for Cho Kei, Kouranei, and Bunchu, of course!
Anyway, the new specials:
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Cho Kei's special allows him to throw a huge boulder at one enemy and costs 40 EP. It's not that great, actually.
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Kouranei's special (costing 50 EP) allows her to... shoot? Throw? many needles (the Taiyoushin) at the enemy. It hits all enemies on screen, and does a pretty decent amount of damage.
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Bunchu's newly gained special move allows him “transform” into super mode. It costs 99 EP, sends all his stats through the roof, and makes his (original) special attack do tons more damage.
[We’ll be finishing up the last of the side-quests I’ve found in the next part. See you then.]
To be continued.
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ireviewuread · 7 years
It’s time
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Changes are inevitable. We change due to many reasons. Maybe that thing isn’t working for us anymore or we just got bored. For me, I tend to embrace change as much as I can. However, alike everyone else, I only want bad things to change and good things to remain. Be that as it may, this is life. Everything change. Nothing goes according to plan. It never does.
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IreviewUread have changed over the years. When it started, I wanted it to be a sample redemption blog. A blog to compile all the sample redemption links in Singapore so that both you and I could redeem some freebies. With Singapore being Singapore, there’s only so much samples you can redeem. Eventually, I was running out of samples to redeem. The content quickly changed into posts which states ‘look at the contest prizes I’ve won’. However, that was too egoistic and pointless for me. At that period of time, I started to take some of the samples I’ve redeemed and reviewed them. Boy, was I bad at that. There were not enough words, too much brackets and just too unemotional. However, with the support of some sponsors, I managed to grow. Eventually with some push from my sponsors and from reading other bloggers’ blogs, my posts and photography became better, much better.
With that said, that doesn’t mean that IreviewUread was at the end of its journey. It’s just time for more drastic changes. Over the 5 years’ changes such as changing the blog skin, expanding its scope from beauty to beauty and lifestyle to now beauty, lifestyle and DIY, creating my very own tool bar at one point of time, my alter ego named Anais, a draw board, tag board - there’s just too many changes which happened here. In addition to that, I collaborated and joined various community in hopes of boosting the readership of IreviewUread too. There’s just too many things to say when it comes to my 5 years old blog. Yes, it did bring a ton of stress into my life, it did change my life drastically for I never did anything this ‘official’ before. At the same time, IreviewUread opened up so many doors I never thought I could – collaborating with sponsors, going to media launches, trying out so many new things, learning just about everything.
I know I am writing like as if IreviewUread is some great blog with thousands over subscribers and such – I know it’s not and I’m satisfied with the way it is; this doesn’t mean that I would not keep trying – but it is also not nothing. It has been my pathway into learning more about the beauty world, the blogging world and being in the eyes of the public. I will always appreciate it for what it has done for me – although it’s basically a bunch of htmls – thus I want to do more for it, me, both. It’s all just moulted into one at this state.
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As of 2017, there will be changes in IreviewUread. Things are going to get personal. On my Instagram (@IreviewUreadsh) and on my Facebook page (IreviewUread) and more importantly on my blog. For those of you whom are on my Facebook, changes have already been made. There’s lots of weird, funny, informative to a certain extend posts shared there and I’m really glad you guys interacted with them for those are the only way I can gauge what you all like. As for my Instagram and my youtube (IreviewUread), I’m still figuring that out – help me. Now, here on my blog we’re going to be more personal. More long posts like this, lesser affiliated posts and the start of travel posts. I want to expand IreviewUread to be more than just another beauty reviews blogs, to produce more lifestyle posts and entertaining humorous posts. Drifting away from the original niche is always difficult and it requires a lot of learning but it’s ok because you are going to learn all these things too!
In addition to that, I will be deleting all the sample redemption posts from 5 years ago because the dead links is affecting my SEO and I can’t go further because of that. My theme may be changed and I will not put a ‘read more’ button at the bottom of my post (for the time being). These are the main huge changes which will be taken place over the next few months so this post is more of a ‘Heads up! Volleyball coming your way!’ kind of post.
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Here’s a preview of my Episode story YEAH!
Another thing to note is because I am still a student, with many other interests such as learning the Ukulele, writing my very own story on Episode app, journaling, youtubing, collaborating, having a social life and a lot of whatnots things to do, this process will be long. Because I am one person and there’s only 24 hours a day. However, don’t you worry because I will still try to update IreviewUread at least once a week. If you’re worried just check out my social media for more social updates, after all its social media right? – Ok get used to this because lamer jokes will be coming your way. Hooray! Alright got some work to do, some life to live.  
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