that-one-loz-nerd · 1 year
Nintendo casually rewriting pieces of the timeline while us fans go insane pulling at our hair trying to figure out how it could all work
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spacebeyonce · 4 years
wip wednesday and man do I have a shit load of ‘em atm.
right now I’m trying to work on a botw one shot that was one of my tipsy ideas that I threw in the drafts. I’m trying to write about link’s journey and make it, hm. an examination of loneliness? it’s going to be looooong, I think. the effects of traveling in a big, lonely world by yourself and how that makes moments of contact with others mean more.
basically I haven’t been hugged by a human person in almost a year and I’m projecting. I’m having a hard time writing it down but as long as it exists I can work with it. I guess here’s a snippet of a part that I like.
You have been asleep for the last one hundred years.
When did the old man say the kingdom of Hyrule fell? One hundred years, right?
If Hyrule was destroyed, was he there to see it? He must have seen the havoc those Guardians caused – that explains it. Right?
Questions upon questions – they just kept piling up. Would he ever find the answers?
Don’t think about it, he sternly tells himself. Right now, he was going to make a spicy meat and seafood fry and surprise the old man for his kindness since his waking.
The old man let out a deep, booming laugh in surprise when he returned to his cabin that evening, and his eyes lit up at the first bite. “Goddesses above, it tastes just as I remember!” He cried out. “Young man, I don’t know how you’ve done it, but this meal is outstanding. Even the spice is just right! I must – hm. Yes, wait here. Just a moment –”
He retreated into his cabin and returned with cloth folded between his hands. “Take it.” He urged, pressing the wool doublet into Link’s hands. “I insist, for bringing back a delicious meal from my youth!”
No, I couldn’t – Link started to protest, but it quickly died when the old man placed a warm hand atop his head.
“Take it.” The old man repeated, eyes serious as he pats Link’s head – just once. “Though spring is near, that doesn’t mean it’s here yet, and it gets cold in the evenings.”
The warmth of the old man’s hand sank into his skin, and Link could only stare up at him dumbly, blinking rapidly before nodding jerkily, pulling the doublet to his chest. The old man smiled at him, giving his head one more gentle pat, and when he went back to his meal, Link carefully raised a hand to the top of his head, fingers pressing lightly against the spot where his hand had rested.
Has he ever been touched kindly, before? He must have, Link was certain of it – but it still felt so new, warmed him all over and made him feel disoriented.
“Have you eaten, young Link?” The old man asked, waving him over. “Come, sit – you’ve made enough that you should eat, too.”
That snapped him out of his little daze, and Link scrambled over to the fire, taking a seat next to the old man and grabbing the plate he offered him. It was warm here, by the fire, and Link closed his eyes, taking a second to soak in that tiny moment of kindness.
After that, it all fell to pieces, pretty much.
When King Rhoam’s spirit vanished on the breeze, the only thing reassuring Link that his presence had been real was the paraglider folded up in the corner, waiting for him.
Flying was exhilarating but soaring through the air did nothing for the stone sinking into his gut. As soon as his feet hit the ground, he went to the tower using the warp function on the slate and just –
He thought.
Link thought about the answers he had been given, observing the truth of it like a stranger looking in on someone else’s life. That a hundred years ago, he was a knight, handpicked by the Goddesses to guard a princess and fight a great evil. That they and four other Champions were responsible for stopping a Calamity, for saving the kingdom – and failed, miserably.
That he had been injured badly enough to be put into a long, healing sleep, and the princess –
The princess.
Zelda. He tests her name, saying it to himself. Princess Zelda.
She was the voice he’d been hearing this whole time. His unseen guide that had spoken up, that had pointed him where to go when he needed it. He had been chosen to protect her, to guard her with his life –
And he didn’t remember her at all.
Link turned his eyes towards Hyrule Castle, staring at that cloud of smoke, swirling and churning, obscuring everything, and sat in the unfairness of it all. Of how alone in the world he felt, suddenly. He was supposed to find a way to defeat that thing? Him?
What on earth could he do? Courageous One, the king called him, but in that moment courageous was the last thing Link was feeling. Instead, he felt – overwhelmed. It was too much. How was he going to do this?
Link felt lightheaded. His breath came rapidly, chills spreading from his chest outward, and he wrapped his arms around himself, nails digging into his arms as he tried to keep himself together. How was he going to accomplish this? How? What could he do?
The king, he – he gave him a destination. Pointed him in the way he needed to go. Kakariko, Link reminded himself. He could start there. He’ll take this bit by bit, one step at a time, because –
Because even though this task was monumental – was too much – Link had to…he had to try. It was their mess, wasn’t it? Their mess to clean up.
Slowly, Link walked until he was at the lip of the tower, eyes locked on the castle. He wondered if the princess could see him right now. She’s been fighting all this time, holding back this thing, this monster - and she still found a way to reach out to him. He had to do something – he had to at least try and get this right.
It was unfair of him, to think that he was alone in the world; that no one else had felt the isolating terror he was feeling right now – that wasn’t true. There was one more person who could maybe, maybe understand.
He just didn’t remember her.
I’m coming to get you. He thinks as loud as possible, staring at the castle. She was able to speak in his head, so the connection goes both ways, right? I’m going to come get you so just – hold on. Okay?
Through the smoke, Link thinks he sees a flash of gold. He wonders if it was a trick of the light.
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