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HRM 320 Entire Course Employment Law DeVry
HRM 320 Entire Course Employment Law DeVry
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HRM 320 Assignment Week 2 DeVry
 Please answer the following questions in an MS Word document using APA style formatting. For those which you need research to answer, please provide the citations.
1.     What do you think are some of the factors in the modern workplace that contribute to a theft of time? How can those factors be managed?
2.     What does the word Whistleblower mean (legally speaking)? Give an example of whistleblowing.
3.     “Retaliation” has become one of the most often cited reasons for employees filing charges with the EEOC against their employers. Please define “retaliation” in the legal, employment sense – and explain when it is illegal. What can an employee do when they feel they have been retaliated against and for what reasons does retaliation rise to the level of an EEOC lawsuit?
4.     During the course of a day, employee Jennifer Anniestown (an accountant) constantly opens and updates her Facebook account on her iPad, checks on her lottery ticket numbers, calls and talks to her mother for 30 minutes, her children for 10 minutes (she makes sure they get home safely every day) and her husband every afternoon for 15 minutes to see if he or she is making dinner that night. Her employer, Billybob Thornblower listens to each of her phone calls to make sure that she isn’t talking to his wife, one of her good friends, about his actions at work. (He is always hitting on the salesgirls, in a good-natured way.) Billybob ends up being fired for sexual harassment when one of the salesgirls complains. Jennifer’s new boss, Tracy, notices that Jennifer is doing a ton of personal work during company time. There is no written policy about this issue at the company. To date, Jennifer’s work is exemplary. She always has everything done in a timely manner and her books balance at the end of every day. What should Tracy do about this situation?
5.     Last month, Steven Smith was hired as the secretary for lawyer Wayne Wright, who has a drinking problem. Wayne’s last secretary quit when Wayne tried to get her to go out with him on a date. So far, Steven and….
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or EEOC (2015) defines retaliation as an occurrence “when an employer, employment agency, or labor organization takes an adverse action against a covered individual because he or she engaged in a…
HRM 320 Week 3 Assignment DeVry
 1.     Define BFOQ and list to which characteristics it applies
2.     What is USERRA?  How does USERRA protect those on military leave?
3.     What are the requirements of an Affirmative Action plan? List the criteria for proof of its “remedial nature.”
4.     Answer Human Resource Dilemma, Ch. 7 #5, p.187 (Emmanuel Abrams)
5.     Answer Human Resource Dilemma, Ch. 9 #4, p.237 (Sun Loo Chan)
BFOQ is an acronym for Bona Fide Occupational Qualification, which allows employers to choose employees based on certain qualifications.  While it may appear to look like a form of discrimination, it is…
Affirmative action is a method to end discrimination, to prevent its recurrence, and a way to create opportunities for women and minorities who were previously denied the chance to work, study, or….
HRM 320 Quiz Week 4 DeVry
 TCO 1: Which of the following is not a duty of an employee to his or her employer? (Points : 5)
Duty of Loyalty
Duty to Act in Good Faith
Duty to Account
Duty to Compensate
TCO 1: In determining whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor, which of the following factors would a court consider? (Points : 5)
Control over the time and the manner of doing the work
Payment of business expenses and providing of tools
All of the above
If Dereck Jeter decided to switch baseball teams from the Yankees to the Mets, the Yankees’ best remedy would be (Points : 5)
Specific performance
Money damages
TCO 1: The number of states that have adopted the Model Employment Termination Act is: (Points : 5)
All 50
TCO 1: An agreement not to go to work for your employer’s competitor is called a: (Points : 5)
Noncompete Agreement
Unemployment Agreement
Collective Bargaining Agreement
Planned Agreement
TCO 9: The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 applies to: (Points : 5)
All private employers
All state government employers
Certain federal government contractors
All public school systems
TCO 9: An employer’s ability to subject an employee to a polygraph test is limited by what law? (Points : 5)
The Employer Polygraph Act
The Employee Polygraph Protection Act
Title VII
TCO 4: A person who reports the illegal or unlawful activity of his or her employer is often referred to as a: (Points : 5)
Good Samaritan
TCO 4: When an employee’s work environment becomes so intolerable that the employee has no choice but to resign, the employee’s job loss is referred to as: (Points : 5)
Constructive discharge
Wrongful firing
Hostile discharge
TCO 4: Which law requires employers to obtain permission before hiring a third party to conduct a back ground check of an applicant? (Points : 5)
Fair Credit Reporting Act
Title VII
Fair Employment Act
Equal Pay Act
HRM 320 Week 5 Assignment DeVry
Please answer the following questions in an MS Word document using APA style formatting. Cite your sources.
1.     When can an employee’s religious belief qualify as a bona fide occupational qualification?
2.     Answer Human Resource Dilemma, Ch 14, #1, p. 355. (Milton, Madden & Herman) )
3.     Answer Human Recourse Dilemma, Ch 15, #3, p. 374. (Johnny Carlton)
4.     Answer Human Resource Dilemma, Ch 16, #2, p. 394. (Harvey Jameson)
5.     Answer Human Resource Dilemma, Ch 17, #3, p. 417. (Rita Hall )
Given that Carlton is considered qualified for the position he applied for but was denied because the school he attended in Lebanon “identified with people of a specific national origin, he is covered by the Title VII of the…
HRM 320 Employment Discrimination Research Paper Week 6 DeVry 14 Pages
 Your course project for this term is to write a 6-8 page, double-spaced mini-research paper, with your subject as Employment Discrimination.  Your project requires at least three (3) outside resources besides the textbook. Your paper must be written in APA format, include a title and reference page, and reference your sources both internally (parenthetically) and in the reference page. Please use the APA template in doc-sharing to complete your work.
Employment discrimination law is about prohibiting or encouraging behaviors in the workplace regarding differences in people. It has evolved over the years significantly, and the passage of Title VII, the US. Civil Rights Act, has made more changes to how the US defines the right to work free from harassment and discrimination, than any other law, case, or regulation in the nation. This project has three parts. Part 1 asks you to answer eight questions about employment discrimination. Part 2 asks you to pick one US Supreme court case from a list, to discuss. Part 3 asks you to review pending legislation regarding employment discrimination, and provide a few details about one currently pending (i.e. not yet passed) bill in either your state, or the federal government. Remember, the focus of the project is on employment discrimination.
The common denominator between sexual harassment quid pro quo and hostile environment is any unwelcome sexual advances done in the workplace that is severe and pervasive.  It may be touching of sensitive female/male parts, verbal or non-verbal expressions of sexual insinuations.  A person whose job performance or employment condition is affected by either form of sexual harassment may be…
HRM 320 Discussions Week 1-7 All Students Posts 510 Pages DeVry
 HRM 320 Lofty Lawns and TLC Pet Care Discussions Week 1 All Students Posts 84 Pages DeVry
 HRM 320 Lofty Lawns Discussions 1 Week 1 All Students Posts 44 Pages DeVry
 (TCO 1) Larry Land establishes a landscaping business under the name “Lofty Lawns.” The business handles lawn care and seasonal flowers for apartment complexes, condominium associations, and homeowner associations. Larry wants to keep labor costs, legal liability, and administrative paperwork to a minimum. When he hires groundskeepers, he requires them to sign an “independent contractor” agreement that acknowledges they are independent contractors, not employees. He does not require that they be incorporated or have experience. He provides a free 1-day training seminar on lawn care “the lofty lawn way” to all his workers. He requires them to buy their own white truck and to buy from him (at cost) the trim package that says “Lofty Lawns” on the side and back of the truck. He requires them to maintain their own vehicle liability insurance (and show proof of insurance), and to pay for their own gas and truck maintenance. Lofty Lawn provides all the mowers, leaf blowers, and other landscaping equipment. Workers are required to call in for a list of their day-to-day assignments, drive to the properties, perform the necessary work, call for the next job assignment, etc. They are expected to be “on call” (available) from 8 AM-4 PM, Monday through Friday. While working, they must wear the official “Lofty Lawns” T-shirt (summer) or sweatshirt (winter). Workers are paid a flat fee per property serviced, based on the amount of work and time necessary to complete the job. They must pay their own expenses to travel from one property to another, but they are guaranteed that jobs will not be more than 10 miles apart. They are not paid any benefits, such as health insurance, vacation or sick pay. Lofty Lawns does not deduct any withholding taxes (income taxes or payroll taxes) from their paychecks. Once each week, Larry visits the property where each worker is performing grounds work, monitors the work being done, and instructs the workers if he sees a need for improvement or a change in how they work the property. These weekly inspections can be on any day of the week so that the worker doesn’t know when to expect Larry. Based on his worksite monitoring and on customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction, Larry adjusts the rate of compensation for each worker twice each year. Almost all of Larry’s workers work for him on a 40+ hour week basis and do not work for any other landscaping company. Recently, Will Worker was driving from one customer’s property to the next customer, ran a red light, and accidentally struck the car being driven by Sarah Senior, injuring her and damaging her car. Unfortunately, Will had just missed his last auto insurance premium payment, so his insurance company denied coverage. Sarah wants to pursue Larry’s business, “Lofty Lawns” for her damages. What is Sarah’s theory? Will she succeed?…
HRM 320 TLC Pet Care Discussions 2 Week 1 All Students Posts 40 Pages DeVry
 (TCO 9) TLC Pet Care Centers, a franchise operation of pet care clinics with boarding, has 56 full-time and 28 part-time employees at 13 locations. Employees include licensed veterinarians, veterinary assistants, animal groomers and front desk help. Many of the part-time employees are high school and college students who help with animals being boarded, by walking dogs, cleaning cages and helping with check-in and check-out. The management of TLC Pet Care Centers wants to establish uniform standards for these part-timers. To ensure that applicants have a real interest in working with animals, a “veterinary aptitude test” is being proposed, which would require applicants to identify various cat and dog breeds from a picture chart and name body parts of dogs and cats with proper veterinary terms. Another proposal is that each high school or college student who applies show a grade of “B” or higher in high school or college biology. Management also wants to insist that part-timers show they’ve resided at the same address for at least 6 months, as of way of avoiding hiring “transient” student labor. Management also wants all applicants (full and part-time) to pass a “psychological screening” test to insure they do not have violent tempers or anger control problems that would create a risk of an animal being abused. Management is looking for a test to use for this. In the event an employee is ever suspected of abusing an animal, TLC’s current policy is that the employee will be required to submit to a polygraph test (lie detector test) regarding the alleged incident. Every employee must pass a drug screening test prior to being employed, in order to insure a drug-free workplace. This fact is prominently stated on the top of TLC’s employment application form. In addition, the employee handbook at TLC states that any employee reporting for work whose conduct causes the manager on duty to suspect drug use (including alcohol intoxication) is grounds for that employee to submit to blood or urine testing. Refusal under that circumstance is grounds for termination. Are these policies at TLC Pet Care Centers in compliance with the law? If not, why not?…
HRM 320 Theft of Time on the Internet and Elliptical-At Will Discussions Week 2 All Students Posts 74 Pages DeVry
 HRM 320 Theft of Time on the Internet Discussions 1 Week 2 All Students Posts 40 Pages DeVry
 The internet is a staple of the modern office. Some companies are concerned that the Internet (and its e-mail application) lead to increased theft of time in the workplace. But, others argue that the Internet promotes efficiency of information. What are your thoughts on this? What are the parameters and the potential implications for failure to adhere to those parameters?…
HRM 320 Elliptical-At Will Discussions 2 Week 2 All Students Posts 34 Pages DeVry
 Human Resource Dilemma Number 5 (pg. 141, Moran text) says this:
In Elliptical Electronics Company’s employment handbook, it states in bold, “Employment is at will and can be terminated by either employer or employee at any time for any reason with or without cause.” Later in the handbook, a multiple-step grievance procedure is outlined. Thomas Walker physically assaults a coworker without provocation. The co-worker is hospitalized, and Thomas is discharged immediately under the at-will policy. Thomas, who is black, reports that Elliptical violated its employment handbook by not providing him with a hearing as outlined in its grievance procedure. How would you advise Elliptical?
Do you think the grievance procedure modified Mr. Walker’s at-will employment relationship with Elliptical? When it comes to making such a determination, what factors come into play and are all factors consistent?…
HRM 320 Young & Rich and Rx Medical Supply Discussions Week 3 All Students Posts 68 Pages DeVry
 HRM 320 Young & Rich Discussions 1 Week 3 All Students Posts 36 Pages DeVry
 Young & Rich, Inc. is a retail clothing chain that markets to the higher end of the young adult market, with a “look” that’s intended as a crossover between “prep school” and “active adventurous.” Image is very important to Young & Rich (Y&R), and a great deal of money and attention has been spent over the years marketing Y&R’s distinctive image. For sales associates in its retail operations, the company seeks young adults (ages 16-early 30s) who are “good looking,” “clean cut” and have the “All-American-boy-or-girl-next-door” look. The company claims that this is driven by “business necessity,” in that Y&R’s customers are drawn to stores where the staff have the “look” they’ve come to associate with Y&R. The company will not hire anyone with a drug conviction or who is currently in drug rehab. Y&R also will not hire anyone who is a member of the Communist party. The company advertises its retail sales associate positions widely and hires from all racial and ethnic groups, men and women. Virtually all of the sales associates at Y&R have “the Y&R look.” Of those who applied for available positions last year, 45% of white applicants were hired, 37% of African American applicants were hired, 40% of Hispanic applicants were hired, 100% of Native American applicants were hired (only two applied), and 49% of Asian applicants were hired. Though Y&R hires more women than men for its retail sales operation, the percentage of applicants hired is approximately the same for men and women. In looking at the composition of the retail store staff, however, it’s apparent that virtually all of the African American sales associates are light-skinned. Desmonda, a dark-skinned African American, was denied a sales associate position at Y&R despite having retail sales background.  Caroline, a Hispanic woman, was told she did not have “the look we are looking for” when she applied for a sales associate position.  Chelsea, a white woman who spent 6 months in drug rehab last year was rejected for a job at Y&R.  Ted, a white university student who is a member of the Communist Party, was denied employment with Y&R for that reason. About 25% of those hired as retail associates at Y&R were encouraged to apply when approached by a Y&R representative. Traci is one such employee. She was with friends at the local mall one day (where there is also an Y&R store) and was approached, in the food court by a Y&R manager who encouraged her to apply for a sales associate position that had just opened up at the Y&R store. Traci buys Y&R clothing and likes “the look,” so she applied for the position that day and was hired. This same system is used to hire sales associates from all races and ethnic groups, men and women. Is there a problem with this hiring practice? Why or why not?…
HRM 320 Rx Medical Supply Discussions 2 Week 3 All Students Posts 32 Pages DeVry
 Rx Medical Supply(Rx), a company with just over 500 employees adopted a written Affirmative Action plan in the early 1990s. At that time, the company’s professional, managerial, and executive positions were held, overwhelmingly, by white males. White females constituted the bulk of the front office and clerical staff. Rx’s Affirmative Action plan was adopted voluntarily (not as the result of a court order). Under the plan, qualified women and minorities were strongly urged to apply for the company’s available positions, especially professional, managerial and executive positions. Since that time, a large number of women and minorities were hired for these positions. Rx’s approach was (and still is) to review the credentials of all applicants, and identify all those who meet the “base” standard of “qualified” for the position. At that point, the company separates the “white male” applicant pool from the “women and minorities” pool, and identifies the top candidate(s) in each pool. If there is only one position available, it is awarded to the “most qualified” candidate overall. When there are two openings available for the same position, one position is filled with the top candidate from the “white male” pool, the other with the top candidate from the “women and minorities” pool. If there are 3 openings available for the same position, they are filled by selecting the “most qualified” applicant in the “white male” pool, the most qualified woman in the “women and minorities pool” and the most qualified racial minority in the “women and minorities pool.” If there are more than 3 openings for the same position, this same approach is applied ad infinitum. As a result of its Affirmative Action plan, Rx has substantially increased the number of women and minorities in its professional, managerial, and executive ranks. Women now hold 45% of these positions. African Americans hold 18% of these positions, and Hispanics hold 13%. Rx’s Affirmative Action plan has come under attack as of late for being both “no longer necessary” and “discriminatory.” Jason, a white male, was rejected for a top technical position at Rx even though his credentials and experience exceeded that of Jennifer, the top candidate from the “women and minorities” pool who was one of two people hired for the position (there were two openings). There is no dispute that both Jason and Jennifer had the base qualifications for the position. Is Rx Medical Supply’s Affirmative Action plan legally valid? Why or why not?…
HRM 320 The Pregnant Professor and Boys Behaving Badly Discussions Week 4 All Students Posts 72 Pages DeVry
 HRM 320 The Pregnant Professor Discussions 1 Week 4 All Students Posts 39 Pages DeVry
 Abagail Adams was hired as an associate professor of economics at Heartland University. She was the first woman professor hired in the department. When she was hired, she was given the same three-year time period as all other associate professors at Heartland U. to establish herself as an academic through teaching ability, publishing multiple articles in peer-reviewed journals, and developing a rapport with colleagues in the department through committee participation and attendance at professional conferences. After three years, as was the custom, she would face a tenure vote, and would either receive tenure and be promoted to full professor, or be denied tenure and given one year to locate another position. During the next three years, Professor Adams earned high marks in student reviews for her teaching ability and she published two peer-reviewed scholarly articles on economics. Her male peers in the Economics Department were enthusiastic regarding her teaching reviews, though less so about her publishing, since they all published multiple articles per year and expected her to do the same. In the second year of her appointment, Professor Adams became pregnant and reduced some of her non-classroom professional commitments as her pregnancy advanced. She then took a 3-month leave after the birth of her child, time that was not included in the three-year review period. Upon returning to work, Professor Adams resumed her previous level of professional activity. Throughout the three-year probation period, the Chair of the Economics Department, Professor Cratchett, as well as the majority of the other professors in the department complained about Professor Adams’ unwillingness to participate in their weekly discussion forum on economics and her “lack of commitment” to professional activities, including her failure to participate in several economics conferences held at various places around the world. Professor Adams complained that Professor Cratchett was unfriendly to her and preferred the company of the other men in the department. She also complained that many of these conferences occurred while she was pregnant (and could not fly) or while she was on maternity leave. She also claimed that her salary as Associate Professor was not commensurate with that of her male colleagues, and that this resulted from the subjective determination of compensation and promotion in her department, a process controlled by her male colleagues. After her three-year probation, her colleagues in the Economics Department unanimously voted to deny her tenure. They advertised her position as open to new candidates and within a year had hired another woman, Professor Betsy Ross, to replace her.
Does Professor Adams have a claim for discrimination?  If Professor has a good claim based on her pregnancy, as some of you think, what’s the name of the relevant law, and what does it require? What does it prohibit? If Professor Adams has a good claim over the pay issue, as some of you think, what’s the name of that relevant law, and what does it require? Has it been violated? Please note that the time Professor Adams was out on maternity leave was NOT counted in her 3-year probationary period. Is that important? Why?…
HRM 320 Boys Behaving Badly Discussions 2 Week 4 All Students Posts 33 Pages DeVry
 The “All Erection” Crane Company has been in business for many years. The company sells and leases cranes and other heavy industrial equipment. Most of the sales force is male, and most of the office help is female. There is a lot of humor associated with the company’s name. The salesmen’s business cards and office stationary feature the picture of a crane with the company name “All Erection,” and the slogan, “All Erection, All the Time.” The President of the Company, Pete Sakes, spends very little time at the company’s facility, spending most of his time on the road developing business and buying equipment. Pete claims he had no knowledge of the incidents described below, except as noted. The office is run on a day to day basis by Eddie Ellis, who likes to kid the office receptionist, Gayle, about the large size of her breasts. Eddie has never touched Gayle or made any sexual suggestions or requests of her. In his view, he just likes to kid around with her. Eddie has his locker in the back room decorated, inside and out, with cutouts from Victoria’s Secret and Frederick’s of Hollywood women’s lingerie catalogs. Dave French is a salesman for All Erection. He is single, and so is Marie Sanchez, the office accounts manager. Dave constantly asks Marie out, and she constantly turns him down. Just before Marie’s annual review, Dave says to her, “You know who’s on the review committee this year, don’t you?” He then tells her that if she will go out with him “just once,” he will put in a good word on her annual review. Marie complains about this to other women in the office, but has not filed a formal complaint with anyone. The newest salesman in the office, Dale Fox, does not socialize with the other salesmen, who think he is gay. One day Eddie and Dave decide to have a little fun at Dale’s expense, and place items of women’s make-up and hygiene products on Dale’s desk and in his desk drawers. Dale is angered by this and complains in writing to Pete Sakes. Pete reprimands Eddie privately but takes no other action. A regular customer of All Erection, Bob Builder, always ogles at Gayle’s breasts whenever he stops in. He makes comments such as, “I always like seeing both of you, Gayle,” and the salesmen chuckle in response to his comments. Last week he stopped by and said, “Hi, Gayle, lookie what I got,” and held up some Viagra tablets. The salesmen in the office roared with laughter. Gayle shot back with, “Are you sure that’s enough, Bob?” to which there was more laughter. Gayle has never made any complaint to anyone about being kidded about her breasts. In conjunction with the above scenario, identify the incidents of illegal sexual harassment at the All Erection Crane Co. From there, analyze the type of sexual harassment involved in the behavior. Additionally, explain the required responses in conjunction with the actions and behavior. Lastly, recommend changes in policy that should be implemented.
As to Dave pressuring Marie for a date, is this really sexual harassment, and if so, what “type” is it? What is it called? What’s the employer’s 
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