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HSM 320 Entire Course NEW DeVry
HSM 320 Entire Course NEW DeVry
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HSM 320 Entire Course Health Rights and Responsibilities NEW DeVry
HSM 320 Application Paper Week 4
 Paper 1: Professional Liability—select an allied health (nonphysician) profession; this can be your own profession or another profession that interests you. Some examples of allied health professions include physical therapy, respiratory therapy, pharmacy, nursing, physician assisting, radiography, ultrasonography, nuclear medicine, medical laboratory, medical assisting, phlebotomy, and many others. Discuss a situation in which an individual in this profession might be held liable for negligence. Also discuss ways to proactively avoid or prevent negligence in the profession that you selected.
Professional liability occurs when the individual does not or fail to perform effectively his or her job.  It can happen in many kinds of jobs, thus, it is important for the professional to understand what constitutes neglect and malpractice when it comes to the execution of the job. This situation can also occur in the medical field where medical malpractice…
HSM 320 Application Paper Week 7
 Paper 2: Advance Directives—research and discuss the legal and ethical basis for Advance Directives such as the Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for healthcare. Why are these documents so valuable in healthcare situations? What legal authority do these documents provide for decision making by family and/or healthcare providers? Briefly discuss a situation in which a Living Will might apply and would be of benefit to those involved. Once you have researched and discussed Advance Directives, draft a sample Living Will, indicating the type of content that should be found in such a document. Some students take this opportunity to prepare their own actual Living Will, and that certainly is encouraged.
An advance directive is a form of legal document that tells the medical practitioners what a patient’s wishes are in health care in the event that the patient can no longer make a decision for himself.  This is also called advance health care directive.  This document allows the patient to spell out decisions about…
HSM 320 Quiz Week 4
 (TCO 1) The three-step model or approach to solving ethical dilemmas includes
Assessing how the action will make us feel.
Concluding that the action is legal.
Associating the problem with religious beliefs.
A and B only
None of the above
(TCO 1) The ethical theory that places the primary emphasis on a person’s individual rights is
None of the above
(TCO 2) Which of these refers to a physician using the same skill that is used by other physicians in treating patients with the same ailment?
Privileged communication
Informed consent
Implied consent
Standard of care
None of the above
(TCO 2) Medical law addresses legal rights and obligations which
Affect patients.
Protect the rights of individuals.
Protect the rights of healthcare professionals.
All of the above
None of the above
(TCO 4) List five types of medical practice.
Five types of medical practice are solo practice, partnership…
(TCO 1) Present the three steps commonly used in analyzing ethical dilemmas in healthcare (Blanchard-Peale model). Explain how these steps would be used in a particular ethical dilemma of your choosing. You may select any healthcare ethical dilemma with which you have experience.
 The three steps commonly used in analyzing ethical dilemmas in healthcare are:…
(TCO 8) List five types of managed care organizations operating within the United States today, and provide a brief description of each type.
 Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)—In this model, a diversity of healthcare services is made available to plan members for a predetermined rate. Per member, per month is the…
HSM 320 Discussions Week 1-7 All Posts 472 Pages DeVry
 HSM 320 What are the Ethics and Standards of Care Discussions Week 1 All Posts 59 Pages
 HSM 320 What are the Ethics Discussions 1 Week 1 All Posts 31 Pages
 Explain why ethics are not just about the sincerity of one’s beliefs, emotions, or religious viewpoints. Explain how medical ethics are described in the Hippocratic Oath, which is still taken by all medical graduates….
HSM 320 Standards of Care Discussions 2 Week 1 All Posts 28 Pages
 There can be no doubt that managed care has impacted everyone involved with healthcare delivery in America. What do you see as some of the most significant impacts of managed care for patients?…
HSM 320 Areas and Issues That MCOs Try to Control and Preventing Malpractice Discussions Week 2 All Posts 72 Pages
 HSM 320 Areas and Issues That MCOs Try to Control Discussions 1 Week 2 All Posts 38 Pages
 Managed care can be considered any system of delivering health services in which care is delivered by a specified network of doctors, hospitals, and clinics that all agree to comply with the care regimes established by a care-management process. Providers may receive a capitated payment for providing all medically necessary care to enrollees or may be paid on a fee-for-service basis. Managed care often involves a defined delivery system of providers with some form of contractual arrangement with a health plan.  What are some of the areas and issues that MCOs try to control? How effective do you feel the MCOs in your own area have been in these efforts? …
HSM 320 Preventing Malpractice Discussions 2 Week 2 All Posts 34 Pages
 What are some ways in which physicians and healthcare organizations can prevent malpractice? How does the doctor’s personal interaction with patients impact the possibility of malpractice litigation?…
HSM 320 Physician-Patient Relationship and Family Practice Medical Group Discussions Week 3 All Posts 68 Pages
 HSM 320 Physician-Patient Relationship Discussions 1 Week 3 All Posts 36 Pages
 How has the physician-patient relationship changed over the past century? Are the changes good or bad for the delivery of quality healthcare?  How do you think this affects the patient’s level of perception about the care that they are receiving?…
HSM 320 Family Practice Medical Group Discussions 2 Week 3 All Posts 32 Pages
 Following Mrs. Cary’s admission to the hospital, she has initiated a lawsuit against Family Practice Medical Group (FPMG) and Community Hospital. Her suit claims that Dr. Smith failed to properly supervise his employees and as a result, she received the wrong medication which caused her hospitalization for hypotension (low blood pressure) and delayed treatment for her infection which then became life-threatening. She is also suing Community Hospital because the office staff members are hospital employees. In the lawsuit, is there likely to be a judgment against the hospital? Or FPMG? Why?   Lawsuits are common in the healthcare practice and no healthcare professional is immune. But can a medical group and a hospital be held responsible for the actions of individual healthcare professionals that hold licenses or certifications? …
HSM 320 Handling Medical Waste and HIPPA Compliance Discussions Week 4 All Posts 65 Pages
 HSM 320 Handling Medical Waste Discussions 1 Week 4 All Posts 34 Pages
 As the new office manager for the Family Practice Medical Group, you are responsible for establishing policies and procedures for maintaining a safe environment for both the staff and patients. Medical waste is an important area that you will be legally responsible for, making sure it is handled safely and appropriately. The four categories of medical waste are: solid waste, chemical waste, radioactive waste, and infectious waste. Pick one of the categories and post your plan for safe handling of the waste. What types of items would be included in the category? What would your policy say about proper disposal?  What you would do to determine a proper waste disposal policy that was legal, practical, and effective?…
HSM 320 HIPPA Compliance Discussions 2 Week 4 All Posts 31 Pages
 The staff of any medical office comes into contact with a variety of PHI. As the office manager of FPMG, what practices would you put in place to ensure compliance with HIPAA?…
HSM 320 Patient Confidentiality and Individual Health Insurance Mandate Discussions Week 5 All Posts 63 Pages
 HSM 320 Patient Confidentiality Discussions 1 Week 5 All Posts 28 Pages
 Why has patient confidentiality become a more difficult issue to deal with in the present healthcare environment?  So many people are involved in the care of the patient. How do we with technology try to ensure that only those that need to know, know?…
HSM 320 Individual Health Insurance Mandate Discussions 2 Week 5 All Posts 35 Pages
 Please share the steps you would take to prepare your facility for PPACA implementation.  Keeping my questions rolling…What is the history of the Affordable Care Act?    Let’s discuss the background of this Act and the changes that have been made to it since it was originally proposed.  What are some of the major provisions of the ACA?…
HSM 320 Views on Abortion and Views on Sterilization Discussions Week 6 All Posts 77 Pages
 HSM 320 Views on Abortion Discussions 1 Week 6 All Posts 34 Pages
 What do you say to a coworker who does not share your moral or religious views concerning abortion? Have you thought about how a moral/religious issue like abortion could impact your chosen health care field? Do you feel that there are any circumstances which justify abortion? Explain your view…
HSM 320 Views on Sterilization Discussions 2 Week 6 All Posts 43 Pages
 As a healthcare professional, what are your ethical perspectives on sterilization? Sterilization has increased as a form of permanent birth control for many people. If a person is making an informed decision and has been told about all of the risks and/or side effects, it is their individual choice as to whether to go through with it. As with any other medical procedure, if the patient is competent and fully informed, sterilization is accepted as an ethical choice for birth control. Thoughts?  Is there ever a justification for legally mandated sterilization? What circumstance and why?…
HSM 320 The Ability to Determine Death and Increasing Healthcare Costs Discussions Week 7 All Posts 68 Pages
 HSM 320 The Ability to Determine Death Discussions 1 Week 7 All Posts 35 Pages
 Why is the ability to determine when death has occurred so critical in today’s healthcare environment? What is the difference between brain-oriented death and cardiac death?  At what point is it acceptable to harvest organs from a dying patient?  What are the requirements to be an organ donor?…
HSM 320 Increasing Healthcare Costs Discussions 2 Week 7 All Posts 33 Pages
 What is at the heart of the increasing healthcare costs in America? Is it possible to reduce the cost of healthcare so that everyone can have access to affordable healthcare services? Do you feel that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a good step toward reducing healthcare costs in our nation? Why or why not? Health care costs can be devastating for American families without health insurance. How would you suggest we provide basic health care coverage for American families?…
HSM 320 Final Exam DeVry
 (TCO 1) The three-step approach to solving ethical dilemmas is based on (Points : 5)
Asking ourselves how our decision would make us feel if we had to explain our actions to a loved one.
Asking ourselves if the intended action is legal.
Asking ourselves if the intended action results in a balanced decision.
A and B only
A, B, and C
(TCO 3) A type of managed care that combines the concepts of an HMO and PPO is a(n) (Points : 5)
Modified health maintenance organization
Managed care association
Health maintenance-provider organization
Preferred provider association
Exclusive provider organization
(TCO 4) In order to obtain a judgment for negligence, the patient must show (Points : 5)
Direct or proximate cause
Dereliction, or neglect, of duty
All of the above
(TCO 5) Medical record entries should be made (Points : 5)
Within 60 days of the patient’s discharge
At the physician’s discretion
After the patient gives consent
As soon as possible
10 days after the procedure
(TCO 5) Characteristics of a professional medical corporation include it being (Points : 5)
Designated as an HMO or IPA
Managed by a board of directors
Owned by shareholders
B and C only
A, B, and C
(TCO 6) What specialist uses inaudible sound waves to outline shapes of tissues and organs? (Points : 5)
Electrocardiograph technologist
X-ray technologist
Ultrasound technologist
Social worker
(TCO 7) A miscarriage is the same thing as (Points : 5)
An induced abortion
A spontaneous abortion
A drug-induced abortion
A conscience clause
(TCO 8) An electroencephalogram is used to (Points : 5)
Reverse a coma patient’s condition
Measure cardiopulmonary function
Measure brain function
Reverse the condition of hypothermia
Reverse the condition of rigor mortis
(TCO 8) The Uniform Determination of Death Act (Points : 5)
Provides a definition of active euthanasia
Provides a definition of brain death
Is also called the doctrine of double effect
Mandates that everyone entering a nursing home must provide a written document stating the care he or she wishes to receive
Discusses the treatments that might be used for a comatose patient
(TCO 8) Terms referring to respiratory function include (Points : 5)
(TCO 9) The practice of allowing a terminally ill patient to die by foregoing treatment is called (Points : 5)
Active euthanasia
Passive euthanasia
Mercy killing
A and B
B and C
(TCO 9) When caring for a comatose patient, one should include (Points : 5)
CPR and mechanical breathing
Turning and hydration
A and B only
A and C only
(TCO 10) Medicaid provides coverage to (Points : 5)
Low-income individuals
Aged and younger individuals
Institutionalized individuals
All of the above
(TCO 2) Laws that affect the medical profession (Points : 5)
Often overlap with ethics
Have a binding force
Are always fair to all persons
Are determined by a governmental authority
A, B, and D
(TCO 9) The impact of managed care on the affordability and quality of health care has been dramatic over the last couple of decades in America. There is data to both support and deny the value of managed care as means to quality health care and affordability. What does this information suggest? (Points : 30)
 Managed care is a method for restructuring the healthcare system, including delivery of a broad range of services, financing of care, and purchasing. Managed care provides…
(TCO 1) Explain what is meant by the statement, “It is easier to prevent negligence than it is to defend it.” (Points : 10)
 The statement “It is easier to prevent negligence than it is to defend it” means that instead of having to defend themselves in court, medical professionals should just do what…
(TCO 4) You have a patient collapse on the floor in your department (office) and you must administer CPR. If the patient is injured when you administer CPR, are you protected from a malpractice suit under the Good Samaritan laws? (Points : 10)
 From this scenario, a physician is not protected from a malpractice suit under the Good Samaritan Laws. Good Samaritan Laws do…
(TCO 5) Discuss the role of electronic health records and electronic transmission of date on patient confidentiality. (Points : 10)
 The role of electronic health records and electronic transmission of date on patient confidentiality are:
– Improve efficiency and effectiveness of the healthcare system via…
(TCO 6) What should health care professionals do if their ethical values differ from those of their employer? Discuss several options. (Points : 10)
 The healthcare professional may have a personal, religious, or ethical reason for not wishing to be involved in a particular procedure. Ideally, this preference should be…
(TCO 9) List and describe six hereditary disorders discussed in this chapter. (Points : 10)
 Six hereditary disorders:
1.     Cooley’s anemia – Rare form of anemia or reduction of red blood cells. More common in people of Mediterranean origin.
2.     Cystic fibrosis – Disorder of…
(TCO 9) Describe the three advance directives that a patient can use. When are they appropriate? (Points : 10)
 1.     Living will – Document that a person drafts before becoming incompetent or unable to make healthcare decisions. A patient may request that…
(TCO 2) Differentiate between common law and statutory law. (Points : 10)
 Common law, or case law based on decisions made by judges, was originally established by English courts in the twelfth century and brought to America by the…
(TC0 1) Case Study Adam Green is an orderly in the Midwest Nursing Home. His supervisor, Nora Malone, has asked him to supervise the dining room while 20 residents eat their evening meal. Bill Heckler is an 80-year-old resident who is very alert. He tells Adam that he doesn’t like the meal that’s being served, and he wants to leave the dining room and go back to his own room. Adam is quite busy, since he has to watch the behavior of several patients who are confused. He’s concerned that patients might choke on their food or otherwise harm themselves. Adam becomes impatient with Bill and tells him that he cannot leave the room until everyone is finished eating. Adam then locks the dining room door. Bill complains to the nursing home administrator that he was unlawfully detained. He then hires an attorney, who brings forth a charge of false imprisonment. Conclude what will be the result of these actions by Adam (Points : 30)
 Adam should have used his communication skills to have Bill wait until he was able to…
(TCO 4) Case Study Nancy Moore, a registered nurse, is assisting Dr. Brown while he performs a minor surgical procedure. Dr. Brown is known to have a quick temper, and he becomes very angry if a surgical procedure is delayed for any reason. As Nancy is handing a needle with suture thread to Dr. Brown, she feels a slight prick in her sterile gloves. She tells Dr. Brown about this and explains that she will have to be excused from the procedure for a few minutes while she changes gloves. He becomes angry and tells her to “forget about it and help me finish.” Conclude the results that may occur because of this situation. (Points : 30)
 It will be harmful to anyone if Nancy wears the gloves during the rest of the procedure, as it was just a slight prick and the patient’s wound does appear to be…
(TCO 8) Case Study A physician was recently convicted of using his own sperm for artificially inseminating his patients. He told the court that he didn’t see anything wrong with this practice because these women came to him wanting to have a child. However, his patients were unaware that he was using his own sperm for the procedure. Some of his office staff became suspicious of the physician’s methods, but failed to report their suspicions immediately. Many children were conceived as a result of this physician’s sperm having been implanted into the mothers. Given this situation (problem), what is your assessment? (Points : 30)
 Many moral and ethical problems surround the issue of Artificial Insemination Donor (AID). AID records, which contain the identity of the sperm donor, are considered….
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