#Had this sitting around so I thought I'd do it? owo
arkon-z · 7 months
Sonicmega just wrapped up his livedub series of the Super Mario RPG Remake on Twitch. A livedub is where you cast different people as the characters and have them read out the dialogue as it appears on screen, making the game sound like it's fully voiced. For this series, Sonicmega made it a flex-dub, where the main cast of recurring characters were assigned people, but the rest of the NPCs were voiced by a small group of volunteers who switched off throughout the stream. And I got the chance to be one of the volunteers on the series finale!
Do you want to hear me doing some silly voices alongside a very talented voice cast, made up of actual voice actors?
Well, here's the link anyway.
Yes, the first part of the stream is all in spoken OWO, because Sean is an avatar of chaos.
This was actually my second opportunity to participate in the series; my first time was the very first stream. Both times were an absolute blast, and I'm sure that comes through in the performance I gave. I'm not into voice acting in any serious way, but since I started watching Sonicmega's streams a few years ago, I wanted to give it a try for funsies.
And it was fun! I had to tap into my improv skills to keep coming up with voices on the fly, but that's second nature to me. I learned very quick that I couldn't hold back on anything, especially the really silly voices like the king. And because I couldn't hold back, there's a certain amount of vulnerability involved that's necessary to make the performances feel genuine. Which is the same for the real life improv I've done, but this was so much easier. You say the line in front of you and that's it. I wish I'd had more presence of mind to do some more ad-libbing, but most of my concentration was taken up by waiting for my cue in the turn order. I got a little in, though.
Anyway, lots of fun, got to use some skills I already had in a new way, and my elderly laptop and my surprisingly reliable gaming headset were the champs of the ordeal, never faltering once. Good times!
Bonus story below.
If you didn't watch the 4 and half hour VOD, allow me to tell you the craziest part. At the beginning of stream, they were calling for volunteers, which was odd, because usually the slots fill up instantly. After about the 7th or 8th call, I thought 'fuck it, let's go' and volunteered for my second go-around. I got caught up in the OWO-speak intro and only once the game proper had started did I remember that I was on-call at the time. Which meant that at any point, my work phone could ring and I would have to stop what I was doing and answer. Oops. I figured it would be fine.
As Sean is making progress through the game, he finds a chest with infinite coins. Sean immediately decided to find out what the game meant by infinite and proceeded to farm coins for HALF AN HOUR. No story progress is made, it's just him jumping Mario into a chest, grabbing one coin at a time. Once he realizes this, he decides it's time for intermission, so everyone takes a break while he's farming coins.
While this is happening, my work phone goes off. This is the last thing I want to happen, but it's my job, so off I go. I DM'd one of the mods to cover for me while I was gone, and went to handle it. Nothing that needed any major concentration, fortunately, but I did have fill in about 30 text boxes to fix the issue. The entire time, Sean is still farming coins. I finish up, follow up with the user (and was maybe a little sloppier on the follow-up than I could have been, because I wanted to get back to stream, but I did say they could just call me back) and then went back to where I'd been sitting.
Sean is still farming coins. I got paged out, handled it and finished up without missing my turn and no one noticed.
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getyouraoion · 7 years
Tumblr media
LEGAL NAME: Aoi Sakazaki
NICKNAME[S]: Pig/Piggy (matches her habit of calling Jaden ‘Pup’), Slacker (she claims it counts)
GENDER | SPECIES: Female, Human
CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: Semi-verse dependant; mainly the Slifer Red dorm in Duel Academy, but from Waiting For Light (age 18) onwards, in her own house in Domino City. In the Rose of Fate verse, she’s currently staying with Johan in Oslo, Norway.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English and Japanese
EDUCATION: Semi-verse dependant- Either a student in DUel Academy, or graduated from it
OCCUPATION: Student, Fashion designer after graduation and a minor face in the rookie leagues as a duelist
DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: Rarely | No | No
LIKE[S]: Pigs, her friends, Puppies, fashion, dueling, sewing, music, dancing, adventure, overall having a good time
DISLIKE[S]: Most people upon meeting, Crowler, classes, Being forced to sit still, acting her age, being stuck with no way out, darkness
FEAR[S]: Pitch-black darkness, losing Jaden, Yubel, being forced to settle down and give up her desire to adventure, being alone, being trapped in another dimension a second time
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Kind, stubborn, bright, argumentative, loyal, friendly, protective, compassionate, cautious
{ P H Y S I C A L   I N F O R M A T I O N }
HAIR COLOR: Raven black, generally kept up in pigtails
EYE COLOR: Green-Blue
HEIGHT: 5′3"
WEIGHT: 135lbs
PIERCINGS: Just one, in each earlobe
{ F A M I L Y   I N F O R M A T I O N }
PARENT[S]: Kotomi  and Hideyo Sakazaki
PETS[S]: Unless Chazz counts, none
{ R E L A T I O N S H I P   I N F O R M A T I O N }
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: verse/partner dependant- Single in her main, but also dating Aster Phoenix (Dorkshipping/Asoi)/crushing hard and falling for Jaden (Elementshipping/Joi)/unaware of exactly what her feelings are for Johan and being slapped in the face by them while pretending to be his fiancee (Destinedshipping/Aohan, Rose of Fate verse). (All ships take place with their respective rp partners, otherwise and unless mentioned, Single applies)
SINCE WHEN: Single as a main, and always. Dorkshipping, for about a couple of months? Elementshipping, for about a year or two, and Destinedshipping, give or take forming for four to six years, only just now being confronted.
Tagging: Anyone who wants this~
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epersonae · 2 years
Writing asks: 17 (please please all three of your current wips by which I mean hungry for love and what makes me kind and the devils threeway as of yet untitled but probably something by the Mountain Goats)
Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
Oh, for all three????? Jeez. (for reference: Hungry for love, ready to drown; what makes me kind. "the devils threeway" is mmmmm just some trashy semi-crack pre-canon Ed/Jack/Anne Bonny in which I am working thru some things by writing pirates being terrible and making bad choices, don't @ me) [putting behind a cut because wow it got long]
Hungry for love. So. I have read several canon retellings that are fantastic Ed POV, love it, people do great stuff with that shit, it's fun, but like: I had not seen one that was entirely Stede POV. And I have some thoughts. I have some thoughts specifically on the whole "did he even know what he was feeling", because HI ALL this was me in the summer of 2019. I was thinking about that last night and the best way I can describe it (without multiple thousands of words of fanfiction) is that I had the thought for 3/4 of a second and my brain immediately drop-kicked it across a lake. And that feeling of recognition in his experience is something I just, I had to. And also it's a bit like a writing exercise, and I do love a writing exercise. Unlike what makes me kind, I'm not writing ahead at all, I'm writing very much one chapter at a time, altho sometimes jumping around a bit within a chapter. I'm also finding that I'm getting more out of it, emotionally and intellectually, than the thesis that I was originally out to write, and frankly I'm loving that. (I'm going to write more about this for another question that you asked, fyi.)
what makes me kind. I have been working on this for, what, four months? and only just posted the first two chapters. the writing process has been kind of a mess, I just write bits and pieces as the ideas come to me, which means they're all these different places in my mental journey with the themes of the show, different analyses that I've read, other people's fic and my feelings about that. it's this enormous katamari ball of ideas and images, and I still don't know if it's all going to come together in the end. I have a huge file of posts of art of the sea and sky, because (spoiler!) eventually Ed gets into painting, and I crave him exploring his love for and knowledge of the sea as an artistic endeavor. it was a thing that came to me while sitting on the beach looking at the Pacific Ocean, the first time I'd been to the ocean in maybe two years? since I went with Ryn, anyway. It probably won't end up anywhere in the posted work, but I also got inspired by a friend's amazing abstract watercolors; she mostly paints on postcards, and I have a whole collection of them, plus one that she did the last (only) time we were together in person, when my knitting group rented a house by a lake in the spring of 2019. oh, and there is a scene that I think will end up being in chapter 5 that I wrote during the mountain goats concert in May (so, yes, I've been writing it at least that long) on my phone while having pretty much a full emotional breakdown.
the devils fucking threesome. ok. so. the calico jack meta. like THE calico jack meta. the one that initially scrongled the plot of what makes me kind, and led to you saying "so what if [character] were just lying?" which further scrongled (and eventually unscrongled) things? there's a whole scene that directly references stuff I got out of it, and stuff from that (and from experiences of my younger years) has been rattling around in my head. and then YOU. not going to spoiler your own fic, but you asked me a question, rubber ducking something, and it ends up as like one sentence in your fic but I was like "oh I know how that went," and you did the owo face, and then it just kinda started and I'm mad about it honestly. there is a thoroughly embarrassing story from my early 20s, in which I definitely behaved badly, which I have told you but absolutely will not commit to the internet lololol, which forms part of the emotional core of the thing, even tho I am making the guys older than that. (there's also some [redacted] energy in it tbh; this trash fic [slaps gdoc] can fit so much processing in it) also, the gdoc title is currently "In which Jack is Leonardo DiCaprio" and I stand by that, and also I'm including but not making explicit a headcanon that Jack's girlfriends all bear some physical resemblance to young Ed.
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hopeswriting · 2 years
don’t you dare die for us and The Shimon's Retribution for the ask game? aah i'm so happy ur doing this lol i am always curious whatcha up to writing wise hahah i just like your stuff a whole lot owo
thank you so much! 🥰❤ and thank you for the ask! <3
don’t you dare die for us
[Plain text: "don’t you dare die for us" in bold. /End PT]
i already answered this one here!
The Shimon's Retribution
[Plain text: "The Shimon's Retribution" in bold. /End PT]
this one is a role swap au, so it's actually not about the shimon (tho i'd love to try my hand at writing them one day)! it's inspired by @ indigosprite role swap au, and i went with the same role swap they came up with, focusing on the arco -> shimon one, because this one really got me going haha.
and of course because the arco are very different people from the shimon, the fic goes quite a bit differently than the canonical shimon arc, even if i use it as a basis for it. it's a dark fic, though with a happy ending for the shimon. do with that what you will lol.
unfortunately this one is typically one of those fics where i'm just being lazy with, even when i already know exactly how it'll go lol. it's also one where i thought it'd be around 2k give or take, 4k at most, and i could write it in one sitting, so i tried to do just that, but then of course almost 2k in and the fic has barely started zaedsfgvj. 😂😭 so i'm being especially lazy with this one, but i like the idea a lot and i have no doubt i'll get around to finish it eventually!
here's the summary:
The Shimon have been bearing the Vongola’s Sin on their shoulders every second of their life, have been paying the cost of it with their own blood, dying one by one under its weight. They’ll make Vongola atone, but they won’t settle for anything less than absolute and unforgiving expiation.
In which the Arcobaleno are the Shimon, and their retribution was never going to spare even the innocent ones.
[No one has ever spared them.]
as well as a little snippet:
It's a sunny day for a funeral, the sky blue and cloudless, the air light and pleasant even with no wind, but they've already had so much more funerals than it exists type of weathers. Luce stands in front of the freshly buried coffins alone, the rest of them respectfully lined up behind her, no direct family left to stand by her side and give her comfort. She buries all fourth of them today, her mother and father, as well as her younger sister and her would-have-been youngest sister who was still in her mother's womb.
Reborn would feel particularly disgusted at that, revolted, hateful, but they've crossed that line long ago, and it's just another particularly bad day in the Shimon's history.
[ask game]
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