#Hadesa Lankro
memurfevur-archive · 1 year
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Two new sprites today: Elidae and Hadesa!!!
And I touched up Adrian's sprites to match them a bit more stylistically. :)
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memurfevur-archive · 8 months
youre allowed to hit just dont mind the thousand year curse put upon me
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memurfevur-archive · 1 year
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Dez done! >:D
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memurfevur-archive · 1 year
Catch Up
Character(s): Hadesa Lankro, Expyno Dioxal, Ashter Faurux, Persep Rhiali (@contrastparadoxx ), mention of Carnix (@experimental-failures )
About: Expyno invites Hadesa over to help her confront Ashter about their relationship.
Word Count: 1,899
Google Doc Link
Hadesa's heart rolled like thunder in her ears as she stepped up to the porch on this quiet street. Anxieties ate at her harsher than when she had arranged plans to see Carnix; that had been a new adventure, but this? This was revisiting the past to look for answers. This wasn't new. This was dreadful. Every rapture of her knuckles upon the door echoed in her bones. A deep chill ran down her spine, making her wish she was back home in the warm comforts of her hive.
She didn't plan to say anything more than necessary. She just wanted answers. Why did Ashter leave her without a word, without a trace? Did her curse really scare him off or... was it something else? Had she done something wrong? There was also the fear of losing her cool; she had every right to be angry, she's realized this, but anger is frightening. Anger sabotages. Anger makes her blind, and then the demons strike.
There was a click at the door-- the sound of the lock turning free-- and before her was a familiar face, though prettier than she remembered. The first thing she noticed were his eyes: striking aqua teals beneath long and thick lashes. Freckles dotted his long but curved face, and she was surprised to see some scratchy patches of hair on his chin. Nostalgia ran through her like an electric current, and she wondered briefly if she had changed too since then. “Expyno.”
“Hey Dez,” his voice was light, but carried an edge that she couldn't quite decipher. Like with many other people, she didn't get along too well with him back then. She was one of many who would bully him about his fear of illnesses and germs, about the scars on his chest and the strange conspiracies that he would ramble about. These things felt normal to her, the cruel injustice of her words, and it would cause problems. But if cruelty was her best defense from the whispers of demons in her blood, perhaps he should have thanked her. Or, maybe she should apologize; but such is the nature of a dysfunctional friendship, neither statements would be made. Instead, “Nice tat.” It was close enough to what they both wanted to hear.
He herded her in and she took off her shoes at the door. As per ritual for anyone who entered his home, a squirt of hand sanitizer was waiting for her to lather onto her skin. Then through the entry breeze way, and they were in the living room. A lump formed in her throat as she saw two pairs of horns poking up over the couch; one set belonged to a strange blue Seadweller, and the other … him. The Seadweller had twisted around, a question forming on her lips over who had been at the door, but pleasant curiosity changed the inquiry's course, “Hi! Who's this?”
Hadesa wished she hadn't said anything at all. Maybe if she had not caught the Seadweller's attention she could have still snuck out while she had the chance. But the Seadweller had alerted her friend on the couch, who had also twisted around to see who the new guest was. Though, instead of pleasant curiosity, panic shaped his mouth, “Dez?!”
She hadn't expected to fall silent when she saw him. Like Expyno, he also looked different. He’d long ago ditched the sleeveless turtlenecks and the faux gold chains that he thought made him look cool. His hair was a faux Mohawk, with cleanly shaven sides. His shoulders held more freckles than what she had last counted, and his eyes bore more of a creamy honey color. He almost looked completely different, save for the grooves and nicks in his horns from fights that only she knew about. 
Knowing herself, she would have not been able to stop herself in giving him an ear full, but now that they're here face to face all her spite had caught her tongue. She was grateful for Expyno's intervention, “Long time no see, eh Ash?”
Panic quickly turned to anger as Ashter's gaze bounced between Hadesa and Expyno, “You're behind this, aren't you?”
“Oh, naturally!”
Then, the blue Seadweller on the couch, with a deep pressed frown on her lips, spoke up, “Am I missing something here?”
“No,” Ashter's voice came out more like a growl, and his forceful tone was not missed.
“Well, I would think so,” Expyno shrugged. “Since this would eventually have something to do with Persep, too.”
“...What would have something to do with me?”
“Nothing, Perse.”
“Ashter, who is she?”
“His moirail,” Hadesa finally spoke up, though her voice cracked. It was the look that the Seadweller gave Ashter that made Hadesa realize she was his new moirail; the look of surprise, hurt, and curiosity. A bitterness rose in her throat, but Hadesa knew it wasn't Persep's fault. She hung her head, “Was, his moirail.”
“Then, why does this matter?” Persep looked between the three of them. “What's happening?”
“What's happening is my right to have answers,” Hadesa was slowly finding her footing, “Ash you just up and left one day! You didn't give me a word, you didn't give any warning. You've been gone for so long I thought you were dead! But instead you're here with someone new. I don't give a fuck about how many other moirails you might have, but I just... I... I came here to know why.”
“I don't owe anyone anything,” Ashter said, “The past is the past and I'd rather leave it behind.”
Hadesa looked on, horrified, “But what did I do?!”
“It doesn't matter!” Ashter's skin began to warm and he clutched his hair in his hands. He sunk back down on the couch.
“It matters,” Expyno sighed, “It matters to the people who love or loved you. You've left me behind several times. You've left Devar'n behind. Hadesa. And you know, I get having a private life but you're hurting yourself and everyone around you when you don't talk. And I'm not going to go through it again, not with Persep.”
“I'll leave you alone,” Hadesa added, “If you can just tell me why...”
Ashter glowered, and for a small stretch of time, he was silent. Then, with a sigh of defeat, “...Because when you fuck up the lemonade you make out of the lemons life gives ya, you make a new batch.”
“You were just... a bruised lemon.”
The silence in the room was palpable. Thick. Heavy. Hadesa and Ashter mirrored each other; arms crossed, tears glistening in their eyes. Expyno ran a hand through his hair and looked away, blowing out a breath with wide eyes. Persep looked between Ashter and Hadesa, eyes wide with bewilderment and concern, but otherwise she, too, fell silent.
“Dez,” Ashter sighed, “I'm sorry—”
“No,” Hadesa shook her head, “No no. I'm. Yeah. I'm the bruised lemon, huh? I was a bad lemon. I…I wasn't good for your lemonade. Wasn't good for you. Wasn't healthy.”
“Everyone's a bruised lemon,” her tone grew more sour, angrier. “You... You have a history of fucking up your lemonades, don't you? What about her?” She pointed to Persep, “What will you do when she spoils? Betray her, too? Look I... fine maybe I wasn't the best moirail but…but you can't do that to everyone!”
“I'm done here.” Ashter pushed himself off the couch fully and made his way to the door.
“Ashter!” Persep was quick to hop to her feet to follow, but as she passed she gave a brief glance to Hadesa. To the Yellowblood's surprise, it wasn't full of anger and hatred, but of pity and concern. Such a sad look to such beautiful eyes, and Hadesa had to bite her tongue out of jealousy. This wasn't Persep's fault, but the urge to blame her was there.
“You're lucky to have him,” Dez muttered, “Or at least I hope you are.”
Ashter stood in the doorway of his bedroom back in his shared apartment. He had to think of what to do. This wasn't a life threatening situation, but if there were problems that were too suffocating because of him, well... his suitcase was in the closet. For now he stumbled to his bed and sat on the edge of it. He was tempted to have a good cry, the first he'd had since a very long time ago, but he bit his cheek to hold it back as he heard someone approaching down the hallway.
It was Persep. When he didn't say anything she ventured into the room and joined him on the bed. It was dark, with only the light from the hallway illuminating them both. They sat in awkward silence for a heartbeat or two, then Persep shifted to lean her body against him. Ashter visibly relaxed.
“I'm sorry, P.”
“It's okay.” She lifted her head to look at him. Her fins began to cast a subtle glow, enough to where he could see the more finer details of her face. “Is it true? That you leave your quadrants like that?”
Ashter sighed and took Persep's hands in his. “Yeah. Yeah it is.” When she fell silent he added, “But I don't do it without second thought. There's... there's reasons. Like if it's too dangerous, or if I'm... if I'm the source of trouble in their life, and I have no other way to fix it. I'd rather start fresh than to be trapped in something I can't solve.”
“Was Dez someone you couldn't solve?”
“Kind of? I mean... I did love her. Genuinely. But there…was always the trunk-beast in the room that was her curse-- long story-- and how she would react to it, and treat it and people around her. It was... like she wanted to steal everyone's attention while also pushing them away, giving so many mixed messages. It felt like she didn't care what I had to say as long as she got to say her stuff first. I didn't feel comfortable living around her, so I left.” 
He looked away for a moment. Breathe in, breathe out. It's fine. Everything's fine. “There's other things, too. Things I've done that have consequences. Hell, even existing is dangerous because of my name. I feel like my entire life is me dancing on eggshells until I'm booed off the bloody stage. Part of leaving was also to protect her. In fact, most...most people I've left, I've done it to protect them. I'm a source of trouble. And... and for some reason when I try to make a new life, it never lasts. It just follows me. I am a hole I can't dig out of, heh.”
“What you said back there to her... that was terrible.”
“I regret it, but I didn't know how else to say it.”
“It's okay to want to start over, you know. I don't blame you if things get so bad you want to leave.”
“Yeah well, I don't want to leave you.”
“Well, good! Because I never said I wasn't coming with.” Ashter looked at her with wide eyes, then a small smile danced on his thin lips. Persep squeezed his hand, “But promise me…you'll tell me if things are bad, okay?”
“I will...I'll try.”
And yet his thoughts drifted to the suitcase in the closet, his ole reliable friend.
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memurfevur-archive · 7 months
tempting to redownload smite and play it again its been a while
trolls of mine who would play that game or games similar (like league of legends):
Expyno... seems like a him thing. Would probably forget to eat and stuff and spend hours playing... but against bots only. No PvP. Would probably play as Mages in Smite. I can see him playing Thoth, but would also adore Loki.
Julian would try it out but probably wouldn't like the genre. Might be like me though and like Arena in Smite more than the other modes. If he got into it he'd probably main Hunters or main the support role.
Adrian would be a casual player that forgets about the game for 8 months before picking it back up again and forgetting the controls. Would also play as Mages or Guardians.
Dez because she's lonely and also would feed the enemy team out of spite if someone from hers pisses her off. She would also be the type who would try to carry the team for the sole satisfaction of it rather than share the team work. Would probably play Assassins best, but would also be a Cerberus main.
Athens would have learned of the game through his students, try it out ONCE, get absolutely destroyed and then never touch it again LOL
Chansi would be the best one out of anyone on this list and it would have been literally no effort for her. She's a skin collector and has all the cool or rare stuff. Doesn't have a class she leans towards to but does well in both the roles of jungler and ADC. Bastet is her favorite, because of her connection with cats.
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memurfevur-archive · 10 months
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memurfevur-archive · 1 year
since there's been a lot of asks about hadesa (dez) and her curse, here's a run down! sorta!
Keep in mind I made Dez when I was still in elementary school...Hometuck raised me and it shows huh...
Her ancestor, Clemente Hellputa, had fallen in love with a woman named Athena who got traded into slavery. Being in a position to where she could not give much aid in tracking down and freeing her, Clemente risked her life instead to travel to the lair of the infamous Demoness -- a lich who practices magic and is widely worshiped and feared. The Demoness was very surprised and admired Clemente's bravery, and soon fell for the Citrine-yellow Troll. In exchange to free Clemente's crush, the Demoness requested that Clemente would live with her until death, to be her matesprit. Clemente had agreed, but did not uphold this promise.
Angered, the Demoness had put a curse on Clemente. This curse involved being unable to control her body and kill those that Clemente loved, so that she could fee the pain and betrayal the Demoness felt. To save her Athena after having broken her from her slavery, she betrayed her to the Government in being a rebel and a follower of the Signless. In return, Athena's moirail at the time decided to exile her. Clemente was then labeled as the Betrayer.
Clemente then went back to the Demoness, who was pleased to see her again and thought that she came back to live with her. Instead, Clemente's curse took hold and it is thought that she killed the Demoness... for a while. In the process, the spirits that forced Clemente to kill had burned her body up from all the energy they were using, and Clemente soon expired.
But the curse still lasts! Anyone related to the Lankro bloodline is cursed to kill people they love and then die themselves in the process. However, there are ways to prolong this by consuming foods that naturally suppress a Troll's ability to sense the supernatural. This is what Hadesa does; Faygo, pomegranates, and Caesar dressing are examples of known foods and beverages that have this effect. It is unknown currently whether the curse can be broken.
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memurfevur-archive · 2 years
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Hi! So this is a glow up of one of my first fantrolls I ever made, back when I was in uhhhhhh 5th grade?
Her name’s Hadesa Lankro and she is available for askies and interactions! this is not a sprite tho :”)
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memurfevur-archive · 1 year
my muses who are secretly (or not so secretly) nerds for specific franchises:
Adrian - Pokemon/Fiduspawn, DnD, Troll Guardians of Ga’Hoole, Warriors/Purrbeast Soldiers, Magic the Gathering
Hadesa - Pokemon/Fiduspawn, DnD, Troll FNAF, Troll Resident Evil, lots of horror franchises actually
Ashter - Pokemon/Fiduspawn, furry fandom
Expyno - Pokemon/Fiduspawn, X-Files, not really a franchise but anything Night Mind or Wendigoon related
Omnius - Magic the Gathering (he collects more than he plays)
uhhh now im blanking but feel free to poke my muses about their interests or poke some of them that arent on this list so i can figure it out LOL
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memurfevur-archive · 1 year
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i sketched this the other day, dont think ill finish it, but this is essentially Dez rn
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memurfevur-archive · 1 year
Blorbo for Hadesa
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memurfevur-archive · 1 year
==>Expyno, message Hadesa
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memurfevur-archive · 2 years
Fun Facts Hadesa Edition
And you can ask her about any of these things too
-She has a curse! A bloodline curse. Ooo spooky!
-She can withstand very extreme temperatures and elements (fire n ice mostly)
-She’s able to feel the “life pulse” of everything or simply everything’s “vibes”. She likes creepy ones best.
-Dez can play the drums!
-Her lusus WAS a giant Cerberus named Muttmom. Mmm wonder what happened to her.
-She used to be Ashter’s moirail.... ;)
-Her quirk matches the way she speaks. She can’t say her “th” or “s”.
-In a fansession she was a Thief of Life
-Why YES Caesar dressing IS a beverage
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memurfevur-archive · 2 years
lmao found my old sprites of old characters [Retepa & Hadesa]
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memurfevur-archive · 7 months
And you got mad when I set it on fire, huh.
ELOTH: For context she very much hates penguins and feels the urge to light something resembling it on fire. There is no rhyme or reason for it FOR NOW because this was just a quirk of hers I made up when I was in elementary school/middle school and thought it was funny because Homestuck was just weird like that I guess. Why penguins and why on fire? Because Pluto is covered in ice and Hadesa as per her namesake has themes of underworld/hell. So. To baby me this made sense.
Because to baby me this was the same level of humor as "john squawk like an imbecile and shit on your desk," without knowing the context of it because I wasn't that far into the comic before I started making fantrolls. As one does.
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memurfevur-archive · 8 months
i think it would be funny that every time someone talks to dez, theres some different halloween gimmick going on each day or something
first, the cobweb fiasco, and now theres somehow i giant plastic pumpkin that she can hide inside of in her living room. and you better bet its full of nightmare before christmas blankets and shes playing on her switch or something and its all horror games while shes inside this big silly jack o lantern
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