#Hagrid saw a cat in the ruins and took it along with Harry
twelvenotxii · 8 months
Remus Lupin headcanons that you can pry out of my cold dead hands
Remus loves music but he can’t sing for the life of him
This does not stop him from trying
He had the fattest crush on Sirius starting in third year but he didn’t say a word
No one realized until fifth year, and they were all sworn into silence
Remus experimented with punk in sixth year and that’s where Sirius got his iconic look
When Sirius ran away from home, James let Remus know immediately
Remus fell through the floo in a state of panic
He refused to leave Sirius’ side for three days, which is how long it took for Sirius to recover enough to tell Remus to fuck off
Remus was heartbroken after The Prank, more sad than angry through the summer and Sirius running away was the last nudge he needed to forgive him
Seeing Sirius pale and injured and so so scared broke any anger that was left
Remus was absolutely amazing at Charms
Despite his passion for DADA, he always got the best marks in Charms
Remus was obsessed with The Sandman comics when they came out
He injured his hip during a moon in fourth year and used a cane from then on (when Sirius could convince him to)
Remus fostered werewolf children while Sirius was in Azkaban
Welsh Remus !! (He once asked Sirius what his favorite color was, and upon hearing that it was red started giggling and only stopped to wheeze out “you love coch!” [the ch is pronounced like English ck])
Remus feathered his hair when it was a popular hairstyle
He hated wizarding robes and opted to wear corduroy trousers with his cozy sweaters
He kept an annotated copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray on his person at all times (and used a different color pen for each reread)
He studied with Regulus in the library even after Regulus stopped following Sirius around the castle
He liked to crochet accessories for the marauders’ animagus forms
He never glamoured his scars away because in second year, while riddled with sleep deprivation, Sirius told him that his scars were so so beautiful
Remus always asked for fun socks as Christmas presents
He kept every pair
He taught Sirius a nightlight spell in his first year after he found out that Sirius had nightmares when he was in a dark room
He knew the spell because his father used it every full moon when he snuck into the basement in between the transformation back and Remus’ return to the waking world
When he asked Lyall about it his father denied doing it but did direct him to a spell book
Hope Lupin taught him everything he knew about cooking
He learned sign language to talk to a younger Deaf student at Hogwarts who he found crying in one of his hiding spots
He gifted Lily and James a cat when they went into hiding so that they would have more company (and because Sirius hated cats)
He regularly checked up on Harry (in secret) while he was still living with the Dursleys
Sirius had to keep him from murdering the whole family
He was inconsolable when he came back from a remote Order mission to the news that three of his best friends were murdered by the love of his life
If anyone had been around during his grieving they would have heard his sobs for Regulus, James, Lily, Peter, and the Sirius that he knew and loved
He knew that his Sirius would never do that to James
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weasleydream · 4 years
The life and grief of Percy and Y/N Weasley - Part 3
Hey guys! Here we are for the third part of the serie!
Be careful, mention of panick attack.
Also, feel free to give me your opinion, I would like to know... Anyway, hope you enjoy this as much as I do!
(gif not mine) 
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Part 1 - Part 2 
Their first exams
My relation with Percy had been different since this fight. It was strange at first, but I quickly realized it was for the best. We were closer than ever, yet we spent less time together. We just didn’t feel obligated to stay with each other anymore, and, surprisingly enough, we discovered more and more differences between us. Percy was becoming quite pompous, he always talked with a barely irritating superior air and always had his head higher than most of normal people. I, on the other hand, was less and less interested in the great careers at the Ministry of Magic. When we were younger, Perce and I would dream of being Minister or Ministress, however, it wasn’t my goal anymore. In fact, I had found a new passion: the magical creatures. Professor Kettleburn was my new favourite professor and he had confessed me I had a true talent with magical creatures, and he had inspired me to work with them.
This new goal didn’t prevent me from feeling a sting of jealousy when Percy received a shining Prefect badge. Errol, our owl, had brought our Hogwarts letters after the breakfast. I was already in our room, looking for a book about the hipogriffs, when Perce barged in with bright eyes and red cheeks. 
“Look Y/N! Look! They choose me!”
He put his badge under my nose while repeating how much he was happy and how much Mum was proud. I slowly pushed his hand away before taking him in my arms. 
“Congratulations, Perce!”
I wouldn’t ruin his happiness. Plus, I didn’t really want this badge, the only thing bothering me was that it meant Percy was better than me. In everything. And it was kinda vexing. But of course he didn’t need me to say it, this stupid twin thing we had did it for me. Suddenly, his eyes darkened a bit and this time he hugged me.
“I’m sorry, you should have had one too.”
“Don’t worry. More responsibilities? Whereas I have to keep an eye on Fred and George? No, thanks.”
We both giggled. Indeed, our younger brothers had fully developed their potential when it came to pranks when they arrived in Hogwarts. Two weeks after the beginning of the school year, they had already been to Filch’s office, a place they would visit almost weekly. They had even showed me something they had stolen from there: a magical map which showed everyone in the castle, along with secret passages. They trusted me enough not to talk about this to anyone, not even Percy, and I didn’t want to betray their trust. Their secret was well kept. Anyway, Mum had made an habit to ask Percy and I to keep an eye on them, not that it would change anything. 
Another big change for us was Ron’s arrival at Hogwarts. Ron was maybe the most shy of our brothers. He was excited, of course, but also nervous. His biggest fear was to be sorted in another house than Gryffindor. Indeed, all our family had been in the lion house. Fred had joked telling him he wouldn’t be a Weasley anymore; the poor boy was on the verge of crying when Mum had intervened. 
His nervousness reminded me of mine just before my first year. I also remembered how much it could be disabling and I made a point of helping him. Before the beginning of the year, I explained him everything he wanted to know, and I promised him I would help him whenever he would need it at Hogwarts. 
The first of september arrived after quite an uneventful summer. The morning was a typical Weasley-back-to-school-morning: Mum was literally running everywhere, screaming at Fred and George and urging a stressed Ron. Percy was making sure his badge was in his bag (for the sixth time in less than an hour) and I was looking for my jumper, which had been stolen by Ginny because she wanted to cover the cat. We finally left for King’s Cross and arrived ten minutes before the departure of the Hogwarts Express. I followed Percy across the barrier and we waited for Mum, who arrived with Ginny after Fred, George, Ron and a black haired boy. 
Fred and George were joking about toilet seat (“Making the toilets explode? We hadn't thought about this. Thanks Mum!”) in order to reassure Ginny. Our little sister would stay alone at home this year, for the first time ever. She didn’t seem pleased with the idea. Mum turned toward Percy and I and hugged Perce first. She kept repeating how proud she was, the third prefect in the family, a future Head-Boy for sure, and I saw George pretending to vomit. I giggled, and that seemed to remind Mum of my existence. She took me in her arms while lecturing us about how important it was to watch over Ron. She added in my ear that Fred and George could use a bit of supervision too. Then she practically choked Ron to death while hugging him, warned us not to bother the black haired boy who was in fact Harry Potter, and let us go with watery eyes. 
 Fred and George were gone with their friends and Percy had to fulfill his prefect duties. I put my hand on Ron’s shoulder. 
“Do you want to sit with me? We can find an empty compartment if you want.”
“Ye… No, let me alone Y/N. I don’t need you.”
He had been on the verge of accepting, but I saw the arrogant look a boy threw him. Blond hair, pale skin, pointy chin, the boy corresponded perfectly to the description of a Malefoy according to Dad. I sighed, and sat alone in the last empty compartment. I took a book about unicorns and began to read. I stayed alone for more than two hours before Percy eventually joined me. He was complaining about some third years who played with Dungbombs. 
“I’m pretty sure Fred and George have used some too.” He groaned.
“Have you seen them?” I didn’t look up from my book; I was reading some super interesting informations about the baby unicorns.
“No, but they were smirking like crazy when I looked at them.”
“Your year will be way more complicated with them.” I concluded while laughing. 
I told Percy about Ron’s behaviour in front of the blond guy. Percy thought the same: the boy had to be a Malfoy. 
“I bet we will have problems with him.” He stated. 
I nodded. We chatted for a while but soon, Percy returned to his duty. He took it to heart and my jealousy had completely vanished. I was really proud of my twin, and glad he had the occasion to distinguish himself. I just hoped he would stop being so pompous with everyone, because it was kinda annoying and Fred and George constantly made fun of him for it. I feared the day when he would have enough. What if it led to a fight like the one we had two years ago? I didn’t think I would be able to bear it.
The Sorting ceremony started after the first years had arrived with Hagrid. Ron entered the Great Hall next to Harry Potter with wide open eyes. Percy and I applauded, along with Fred and George who were sitting in front of us. The Sorting Hat sang its traditional song and Professor McGonagall called for the first student. 
“Abbot, Hannah!”
I could hear Fred betting on which house Hannah would be sent to. I didn’t really pay attention to the ceremony, only waiting for Ron’s turn, but he would be called in the lasts. However, some students seemed apart from the crowd: a girl, Hermione Granger, showed an unusual impatience and almost yanked the Hat out of Professor McGonagall's hands. A young boy with a clumsy aspect forgot to give it back. Both were sent to Gryffindor, along with Harry Potter. Eventually, and to Ron’s immense relief, the ceremony ended with our little brother being sorted into Gryffindor too. At the end of the feast, Percy got up at the speed of light and took a powerful voice.
“The first years, follow me please!”
I smiled and followed Fred and George who were mimicking our prefect. We climbed the stairs and arrived to the common room. Percy was explaining some things to the bunch of first years in front of him. Then the younger ones went into the dormitories while the older ones installed themselves in the couches near the fire or at the table in order to catch up with the friends. I sat next to my twin and listened to him while he was repeating how much he was afraid he wouldn’t be as good prefect as Bill and Charlie. 
“Relax Perce, you’ll do great. I’m pretty sure you’re even already Head Boy.”
He smiled, obviously flattered by the compliment, but his grin vanished as soon as two girls in our year passed next to us while talking about the OWLs. 
“I wonder how difficult this is gonna be.” I murmured. “Mum counts on us, we have to obtain as much OWLs as possible.”
“I’m sure we won’t have any problem.” He smiled to reassure me but his eyes told me otherwise. 
“I hope so…” 
I yawned and my eyes almost closed by themselves. I tried to stay awake, wanting to spend some time with Percy as it was something we had less done lately. However, he took my hand and slightly caressed it with his thumb.
“You should go to bed Y/N. You’re exhausted. Good night.”
I gave up, muttered something I hoped would sound like a good night and joined my dormitory. 
Obviously, all the professors had synchronized their watches because as soon as we entered a classroom, we were sure we would be bothered with the OWLs, because it was gonna determine our future, it was very important, we better had not to take it as a joke...These lectures lasted all our first week. To be honest, even Professor Kettleburn irritated me with this. However, all the teaching team was determined to make us understand the difficulty of this exam and we spend our first weekend writing essays. All sorts of swearings could be heard in the common room, and that seemed to freak out all the younger students, except one girl. It was sunday afternoon and I was on the verge of yanking my hair out when Hermione Granger sat next to me.
“Can I look?” She asked while pointing at my transfiguration essay.
“Of course.” I mumbled. 
She read it and asked me some definitions. I gladly gave it to her, using this opportunity to take a break. This girl was incredibly smart and it was a pleasure to discuss with her. She reminded me a bit of Percy - intelligent, proud, determined - but also of me, alone and sometimes mocked.
I got along pretty well with Hermione. She was like a little sister I had taken under my wing, and she talked to me whenever she needed it. Sometimes, when she was alone at diner, I would sit next to her and we would chat about the muggle world. I asked her a lot of details, mentally promising myself I would tell Dad everything at Christmas. 
Percy understood why I liked Hermione and why I saw myself in her, Fred and George didn’t really care, but Ron wasn’t pleased at all. It looked like he didn’t like her. When I heard what happened the day of Halloween, how Ron had been mean and had made Hermione cry, I went to see my little brother. He was sitting in the common room with Harry - the two boys were good friends - and blushed when he saw me. Perfect, he knew why I was here.
“Can I talk to you, Ron?”
Harry awkwardly looked at the both of us before mumbling he had to do something and running in his dorm. 
“I heard what you said about Hermione. You know she’s hurt, right?”
“But this girl is so annoying! All she does is belittling us by always reciting the books she had read!”
“Can’t you try to understand her Ron?” He snorted. “She’s muggleborn. She just thinks being the best will persuade the others like you that she’s a real witch! I want you to apologize to her.”
“No way.” Ron said. “You’re not a prefect, you won’t force me.” He added while glaring at me. 
I sighed and left the common room, slightly hurt. 
During the following months, Ron talked less and less to me. He had become friend with Hermione but it seemed like he had decided to forget I was his sister. Percy thought he was jealous, George said he was an idiot, Mum, in a letter, had said he was young and big sisters were embarrassing for young boys, but none of this made me feel better. 
As if it wasn’t enough, our exams were arriving. We were all more stressed than ever, sleepless nights multiplying for everyone, either because of our revisions or insomnias. The latters were frequent for me, and I often happened to spend my nights in the common room, plenty of parchments and books in front of me. Sometimes, I would fall asleep like this and I would always wake up with a blanket around me. 
If there had one positive side, it was the fact that Percy and I took care of each other more than ever. Don’t get me wrong, we always had, but being totally panicked with the OWLs approaching made us get closer. Percy used his prefect powers to threaten me when I didn’t want to do something (“Y/N, if you don’t go to sleep right now, Gryffindor will lose some points.”). However, he never listened to me when I told him he needed to sleep too. One night, when a nightmare had woken me up, I went into the common room to find him sitting on the couch, the table in front of him covered in books and his eyes almost closed.
“What are you doing here, Perce?” My voice was soft, yet it made him jump. 
He mumbled something about the dragon blood. I went next to him and took the parchment from his hand. 
“Perce, this is about werewolves. You should sleep, really.”
Suddenly, I felt something on my shoulder. Percy was asleep, his head resting on me, soft snores escaping his mouth as his face was relaxing. I smiled, glad he finally took some rest, and fell asleep almost immediately. 
The last week before the exams was the worse of my life, no kidding. I was constantly on edge, snapping at everyone who disturbed me in my revisions, even Hermione or Percy. My last full night of sleep was a distant memory, and the exhaustion was unbearable. My stress was flooding in me, and I felt like a feather could break the barrage that prevented me from going crazy. 
The feather happened to be a letter. A letter from Mum. Percy had brought it to me in the common room as I had quickly eaten the breakfast in order to revise and I had missed the mail. She had written she was proud of Percy and I, and she knew we would pass these exams hands down. I didn’t understand why it upset me that much, but I felt burning tears in my eyes and I began to shake uncontrollably. My brother kneeled in front of me, trying to calm me, but I barely heard him. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, like I was drowning, and nothing could help me keeping my head out of the water. 
I was roughly aware of what surrounded me, but I felt all the curious students that wanted to see me. Their presence made me suffocate. All of sudden, they all vanished, and I heard the echo of another familiar voice. I didn’t know who it was. I didn’t know anything, except that I was probably dying, because the air couldn’t reach my lungs, something was blocking it, something as heavy as a rock, and my lungs were burning along with my eyes and soon all of my body, and I couldn’t stop the shaking, and my heart was beating furiously to keep me alive, and I was all alone in the pain and the fear. 
No. The voice was low, very low, and it was in my head. I’m not alone. My eyes were still burning, my cheeks still covered in tears, but my lungs were a bit less painful. I managed to breathe. Once, twice. It’s going to be okay. The sobs were less violent, they didn’t tear my throat apart anymore. The pain in my body decreased, it was just a strange sensation in my arms and my legs. Slowly, I began to realize someone was holding my hands, and someone else was stroking my back. I was barely shaking, now. My eyes were still closed. 
Finally, when I felt like my strength was back, I opened them. Percy was still in front of me, his eyes full of worry and tears on me. He let out a shaky breath when our eyes met, and he sat next to me to pull me in a bear hug. 
“It’s okay Y/N. It’s okay.”
When he let me go, I saw George sat on the other side of the couch. He was probably the one who was stroking my back earlier. Fred stood behind him, an hand on Ron’s shoulder, and Professor McGonagall was next to them. 
“How are you feeling, Miss Weasley?” Her voice was unusually sweet.
“I’m fine.” Mine was raspy and low, it was quite painful to talk.
“Good. I would like you to go to the hospital wing, just to be sure.” 
I nodded, unable to protest. I was totally exhausted, and Percy had to half-carry me. He helped me installing in a bed while Madam Pomfrey was looking for particular potions. 
“I hate this place.” He mumbled. Seeing my interrogative look, he added: “Bad memories.”
I looked down.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
He was obviously concerned, and I sent him the biggest smile I could - which wasn’t more than a very little grin, in fact. I changed the subject.
“How…” I started, wincing because of the pain in my throat.
“How did McGonagall know?” Percy finished. I nodded. “Ron was in the first ones to arrive in the common room. When he saw you, he kinda freaked out and left to warn her. He ran into Fred and George. Fred left with him and George came in the common room. He sent everyone away and came next to you.”
Madam Pomfrey arrived at this moment, handing me a blue potion and a purple one.
“The first is for the pain, the other for the sleep.”
She left, probably to help someone else. I drank the two potions and grabbed Percy’s hand.
“Can you stay with me?”
“Of course.”
He smiled and sat more comfortably on the chair. 
“You know Y/N, you don’t have to worry about the exams. It’s going to be okay.”
He couldn’t be more right: two months later, Percy and I opened the envelopes containing our results. Twelve OWLs each. Not too bad!
To be continued
Part 4
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