#Hannes Kett
spinef0ryou · 9 months
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the blind channel fandom @ the finnish music scene
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lnights · 6 months
They're dumb your honor 😂
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Via Ana's insta stories
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rockstarmyass · 2 years
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hanneskett story
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kaunisbaby · 1 year
✨ giulia's adventures in blorboland ✨
man i don't even know where to start 😭😭 helsinki was beautiful and i loved everything!! it was so quiet, the fish you can eat was insane, the people were amazing and everything was so clean and well organized and aaaaaaahh
so the first night we (i was there with my best friend) went to the riff because obviously we did. it was perfect, the music was like right out of my playlist, the alcohol was great and i feel in love with lonkero, we made many many friends and talked to a lot of people!! which i genuinely didn't expect. finns are super friendly and kind!! we also saw hannes kett from shiraz lane chilling out with his friends lol of course we didn't bother him but it was so cool
the second day we went sightseeing. and then in the evening we tried finnish sauna at allas sea pool!! man i love sauna so much, it relaxed me like nothing. ngl i was kinda scared after trying some sort of steamroom here in italy, where the temperature was lower (like 63 degrees) and it was much moister... that one didn't exactly feel too good, i couldn't even speak and i couldn't wait to get out, but the finnish sauna... man i love everything about it. if i had finnish saunas in italy i'd be there so often
third day we went sightseeing some more, then sadly i happened to have a panic attack at the market by the market square, probably due to the fact that i had been super anxious the days prior before i left rome and i was finally letting go of some tension, and it was really really bad... thankfully my best friend is an angel and she helped me manage it. i didn't feel like doing much in the afternoon and we went to a shopping mall to just chill. then in the evening i was feeling okay again and we went to the riff one more time. the second time the music wasn't as good as the first and i avoided alcohol as it always makes my anxiety worse, but it was a chill and pleasant night to hang out just the same. there were more tourists there than finns that day for some reason
today we sightsaw (?) one last time, i had my last salmon soup at the market and then we left!
so in conclusion. pros and cons of helsinki and the trip.
perfect and amazing i will keep on romanticizing this place until i die (listen everyone needs a distant place to romanticize don't @ at me)
the fucking salmon
lonkero and salmiakki are GOOD
i love everything
the moomin shops were so cute!!
the parks were so green and so full of beautiful flowers!!!!!
a damn seagull stole my reindeer sausage at the market square 😡 now i understand joel
my dog wasn't there with me
my brain that gives me panic attacks when im having the time of my life
thank you for coming to my ted talk 🖤
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hlurz · 1 year
Llevo un par de años diciendo que Hannes Kett parece el hijo de dos politicos argentinos, y recién me apareció el spot publicitario donde están ambos..
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gasthausnostalgie · 1 year
Old Vienna
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Wiener öffentliche Küchenbetriebsgesellschaft (WÖK), Hilfsorganisation zur öffentlichen Ausspeisung Armer und Bedürftiger.
Nachdem bereits ab 1914 öffentliche Ausspeisungen für sozial Bedürftige in Wien organisiert wurden, wurde im Jahr 1919 die „Vienna Public Feeding GesmbH“ mit einem Stammkapital von 20 Millionen Kronen gegründet, je zur Hälfte vom Österreichischen Staatsschatz und der Gemeinde Wien aufgebracht. Der dezidierte Auftrag der Unternehmung bestand in der Volksausspeisung für Klein- und Schulkinder, bedürftige Erwachsene und Pensionisten. Zu diesem Zweck übernahm die „Vienna Public Feeding GesmbH“ auch 19 ehemalige Kriegsküchen.
Die Zentralküche lag im 5. Wiener Gemeindebezirk (Margareten), Margaretengürtel 18 (Hanns-Gasser-Hof).
Eine Konsumtion der Speisen vor Ort war nur in der Küche Karolinengasse möglich, wo einige Gartentische vorhanden waren, in allen anderen Küchen mussten die Speisen mitgenommen werden.
Im Jahr 1920 wurde der Name des Unternehmens schließlich in „Wiener öffentliche Küchenbetriebsgesellschaft“ (WÖK) geändert. Damit verbunden war ein umfassender Expansionskurs: Neben der Inbetriebnahme weiterer Küchen (Anfang der 1920er Jahre insgesamt 39 bei 766 Mitarbeitern) konnte im April 1921 auch der erste restaurantartige Betrieb in der Herrengasse 16 im 1. Wiener Gemeindebezirk (Innere Stadt) eröffnet werden. 1923 wurden von der WÖK etwa 5 Mio. Essensportionen ausgegeben, der Höchststand wurde 1930 mit 9 Mio. erreicht.
Einen neuerlichen Aufschwung erreichte die WÖK in den Jahren nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Im Jahr 1947 wurden bereits 41 Mio. Essensportionen verzeichnet. Ab 1955 belieferte die WÖK auch Tagesheimstätten für alte Menschen mit Mindesteinkommen. 1958 nahm die WÖK als erster Restaurationsbetrieb in ihrer Filiale in der Mariahilfer Straße 85 (6. Wiener Gemeindebezirk Mariahilf) einen Elektronenherd in Gebrauch; 1969 startete die Aktion „Essen auf Rädern“ zunächst mit 25 Kunden. Ein Jahrzehnt später wurden von „Essen auf Rädern" bereits 5.500 Menschen erfasst.
1978 kam es zu weitreichenden Umstrukturierungen und zur Umbenennung der WÖK zur „Wigast Gaststättenbetriebsges.m.b.H“. Von 1999 bis 2001 wurde die Wigast schließlich in mehreren Etappen mit der „Österreichisches Verkehrsbüro AG“ fusioniert. Dadurch entstand die größte Gastronomiekette Österreichs, der auch bekannte Restaurants wie Rathauskeller, Donauturm und Schloss Wilhelminenberg sowie die Kette „Wienerwald“ angehörten. Im Jahr 2008 verkaufte das Verkehrsbüro seine Gastronomiesparte, um sich auf das touristische Kerngeschäft zu konzentrieren.
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1. Transportauto der WÖK, 1926
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2. Kinderausspeisung der NSV
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3. WÖK-Bäckerei am Margaretengürtel, um 1926
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4. WÖK-Filiale Schönbrunnerstraße, 1959
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5. WÖK-Filiale Schwarzenbergplatz, 1960
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born-to-lose · 2 years
Hi if still possible could I please request Hannes Kett with the prompt 'I have no idea what I should get you for Christmas, so I try to ask you, just without actually asking you.'
Thank you
Yes yes yes I love this prompt and I love Hannes so much
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johnnyporko · 2 years
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shiraz lane at olympia-kortteli 3.9.2022
photos by me
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lonelyvomit · 2 years
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@/hanneskett: Leather ➕long hair ➕ the all seeing eye = today we make one of our dreams come true, we share the stage with the legendary @/kissonline ‼️
See ya soon! 🔥🔥🔥
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spinef0ryou · 7 months
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from @/hanneskett on instagram
hanneskett Hannes in 2024, is a man with a dream and a vision. Calm and focused.
Working on becoming the best version of myself. I know who I am and what I am.
Self love is crucial. But not easy.
Self reflecting is crucial. But not easy.
Be your own best friend. And remind yourself of the good in you, but don't lie to yourself.
Be your own teacher. Be the grateful student.
Be yourself and no one else.
Do you have any goals for 2024? Comment below and let me know
📷: @/rytmivisuals
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lnights · 6 months
Multiamory March is done and completed! It was nice to do a writing challenge again, I had a bit of writer's block going into it and this thoroughly knocked me out of it 🖤
Here is the link to the series
All 31 stories are linked below the cut with prompt, pairing, and rating
Day 1: Kiss
Rating G
Pull Me Closer
Day 2: Hope
Rating G
Kevin Ratajczak/David Friedrich, Pascal Schillo/Daniel Haniß/Daniel Klossek
I Can Be Honest, I Can Be Human
Also part of A beast who's burdened by his bite
Day 3: Negotiations
Rating E
Hannes Kett/Ana Willman/Joel Alex Hiljanen
This Is The Moment of Just Letting Go
Day 4: Misunderstandings
Rating M
Joel Hokka/Joonas Porko/Niko Vilhelm, Joel Hokka/Joonas Porko
Day 5: Online
Rating G
Samy Elbanna/Joel Hokka/Joonas Parkkonen | Johnny Cruz
You Have a Message
Day 6: gifs Pets. This was my only swap from the prompts
Rating G
Joonas Porko/Niko Vilhelm, Aleksi Kaunisvesi | Alex Mattson/Joonas Porko/Niko Vilhelm
Cause Life is a Walk in the Park, And I'm Only at the Start
Day 7: Allies
Rating G
Hannes Kett/Ana Willman/Miki Kalske/Jani Laine/Joel Alex Hiljanen
Day 8: Hurt
Rating M
Arttu Kuosmanen | Archie Cruz/Joonas Parkkonen | Johnny Cruz/Middy Toivonen/Taz Fagerström
Holding On Hurts A Lot More Than Letting Go
Day 9: Acting
Rating G
Aleksi Kaunisvesi | Alex Mattson/Tommi Lalli/Joonas Porko
Lights, Camera, Action
Also a part of Cult Channel
Day 10: Neighbors
Rating G
Tommi Lalli/Olli Matela/Joonas Porko, Joel Hokka/Tommi Lalli/Olli Matela/Joonas Porko
Won't You Be My Neighbor?
Day 11: Double
Rating G
Pascal Schillo/Daniel Haniß/Daniel Klossek
Also part of A beast who's burdened by his bite
I can feel you, I can hear you, howling in my bones
Day 12: Struggle
Rating T
Hannes Kett/Ana Willman/Jani Laine/Miki Kalske
Struggling with the Unknown
Day 13: Fantasy
Rating E
Samy Elbanna/Mirko Lehtinen/Arttu Lesonen
A Fantasy So Divine
Day 14: Mentor
Rating T
Joonas Parkkonen | Johnny Cruz/Middy Toivonen, Samy Elbanna/Joonas Parkkonen | Johnny Cruz/Middy Toivonen
Day 15: Caring
Rating G
Hannes Kett/Ana Willman/Jani Laine/Miki Kalske/Joel Alex Hiljanen
(Un)Reluctantly Cared for
Day 16: Fiction
Rating G
Nico Sallach/Kevin Ratajczak/Daniel Haniß/Daniel Klossek/Pascal Schillo/David Friedrich
Baking Up a Story
Day 17: Comet
Rating G
Joel Hokka/Aleksi Kaunisvesi | Alex Mattson/Tommi Lalli/Olli Matela/Joonas Porko/Niko Vilhelm
Comet Blazing Across the Sky
Day 18: Team up
Rating G
Joel Hokka/Joonas Parkkonen | Johnny Cruz/Joonas Porko
Soaking up the Sun
Day 19: Break
Rating T
Taz Fagerström/Joonas Parkkonen | Johnny Cruz/Middy Toivonen
Letting People Down Like They're Dominoes
Day 20: Journey
Rating G
Joel Hokka/Aleksi Kaunisvesi | Alex Mattson/Niko Vilhelm
At Least We're On This Journey Together
Day 21: Wonder
Rating G
Joel Hokka/Aleksi Kaunisvesi | Alex Mattson/Niko Vilhelm, Tommi Lalli/Olli Matela/Joonas Porko
Through A World of Wonder
Day 22: Pirate
Rating G
Nico Sallach/Kevin Ratajczak/Daniel Haniß/Daniel Klossek/Pascal Schillo/David Friedrich
Pirate's Life For Me
Day 23: Begging
Rating G
Joel Hokka/Aleksi Kaunisvesi | Alex Mattson/Tommi Lalli/Olli Matela/Joonas Porko/Niko Vilhelm
And I'm Begging You to Not Let Go
Day 24: Night
Rating T
Pascal Schillo/David Haniß/Daniel Klossek, Kevin Ratajczak/David Friedrich/Nico Sallach
Ever Shifting, Skin is Ripping, as You Take Control
Also part of A beast who's burdened by his bite
Day 25: Commitment
Rating G
Samy Elbanna/Mirko Lehtinen/Arttu Lesonen
It's Just a Bad Day, Not a Bad Life
Day 26: Matchmaker
Rating G
Joel Hokka/Tommi Lalli/Olli Matela/Joonas Porko/Niko Vilhelm, Joel Hokka/Aleksi Kaunisvesi | Alex Mattson/Tommi Lalli/Olli Matela/Joonas Porko/Niko Vilhelm
Give Them a Show
Day 27: Stolen
Rating T
Hannes Kett/Ana Willman/Jani Laine/Miki Kalske
(Un)Willingly Stolen
Day 28: Swap
Rating T
Hannes Kett/Ana Willman/Jani Laine/Miki Kalske, Hannes Kett/Ana Willman/Miki Kalske/Jani Laine/Joel Alex Hiljanen
Swapped Out for Something New
Day 29: Blade
Rating T
Joel Hokka/Aleksi Kaunisvesi | Alex Mattson/Joonas Porko
Bound for Life
Day 30: Touch
Rating E
Joel Hokka/Aleksi Kaunisvesi | Alex Mattson/Tommi Lalli/Olli Matela/Joonas Porko/Niko Vilhelm, Joel Hokka/Olli Matela
Decisions, Decisions
Day 31: Co-living
Rating G
Joel Hokka/Aleksi Kaunisvesi | Alex Mattson/Tommi Lalli/Olli Matela/Joonas Porko/Niko Vilhelm
Bound with a Red Ribbon
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rockstarmyass · 2 years
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shirazlane story
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kaunisbaby · 1 year
IM FUCKING DUMB IT'S HANNES KETT I SAW AT THE RIFF NOT JOEL ALEX wtf why did i say joel alex. brain??
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shirazlainebaby · 3 years
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hannes <3 darling
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sunflowerpumpkinpie · 3 years
happy shiraz lane sunday! i’m collecting these pics like pokemons because more just keep showing up?? so here have these on this lovely sunday because i probably won’t be able to send asks today :(
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born-to-lose · 2 years
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hanneskett story
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