#Hannibal Sr. x reader
charliedawn · 1 year
Caught under the mistletoe
Hannibal family x Reader
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Peter was caught off guard when he noticed the mistletoe above the threshold.
He looked behind you and saw his two brothers looking at him with big mischievous smiles. He instantly knew it was their doing.
Hannibal Jr. had decided to go and retrieve Hannibal Sr. for the day, leaving plenty of time for Morgan and Kevin to plot his embarrassment.
He quickly understood Kevin had set up the whole house and Morgan was holding a camera in his hands.
They probably expected you to just reject him on the spot or tell him you didn't want to kiss him.
He tried not to roll his eyes.
However, he was agreeably surprised when you didn't reject or refuse the kiss, you were even the one to engage first.
He thought it would be a simple peck on the lips, something innocent enough that his two brothers would quickly get bored of..But boy, was he wrong.
You grabbed him by the collar and in an instant, you were kissing him with fire.
He wasn't one to deny an early Christmas gift and decided to indulge in the tradition before kissing you back with just as much passion or even more.
Problem was, he got so caught up in the moment, he completely forgot about his two witnesses.
It was finally Kevin who had to step in.
Kevin *laughs awkwardly* : "Hum..Not to be an a** or anything but, the food is gonna get cold."
Morgan *keeps filming*
You addressed Kevin a mischievous smirk before closing the door behind you.
Kevin instantly tried to look for his keys, but realized he had left them inside and so had Morgan.
They had tried to set Peter up, a few minutes outside would make them think twice.
Peter would have normally opened the door for them in the following minute..
But, when you kissed him again, he completely lost it.
At this point, nothing could have snapped Peter out of it and at the end, the two other boys had to wait 10 minutes outside before they were allowed back in.
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Kevin was surprised. He was usually the one pranking people, but he got trapped under the mistletoe anyway.
No doubt Morgan was behind this..
Kevin *nervously scratching the back of his head and looking at everything but you* : "Hey. We don't gotta..You know..No worries."
He tried to tell you you didn't need to kiss him, but when you admitted you wanted to, his eyes widened in shock.
"You want to...okay ? Sure. No problem."
He tried to shrug it off as casual, but was literally panicking inside.
Intense mental self-doubt activated.
Kevin is a very nervous boy in general and even though it doesn't show often because of his constant teasing and verbal overconfidence..He would be stunned and excited.
But, he would also be afraid of messing things up and wonder if he shouldn't be the one to just call things off and call it a day.
But, if he really thought you wanted to and felt confident enough ?
He would give it a shot. But, be careful that he doesn't get lost too far into his own thoughts, or it would definitely ruin the experience.
Example: his brain during a kiss.
How does someone kiss someone else ?
Eww. Eww. Ewww...Let's do it again.
Wait. Am I actually enjoying this ?
Okay. Maybe. A little.
It would end up with Kevin, making a bunch of random weird facial expressions the whole time, to the point where it would seem like he isn't enjoying himself.
So, verbal praise is always a plus.
You : "...Stop overthinking things and just kiss me."
Him *smiles and nods before indulging* : "Alright, ma'am."
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Morgan expected it. Kevin did the same thing every year. It made family reunions awkward and most of the time some family friend would try to set him up with his niece/nephew/cousin..
It wasn't a pleasant tradition for Morgan, but he did enjoy it on rare occasions when Kevin or Peter would embarrass themselves by trying to kiss the most "good-looking" person of the night.
Only to end up with a wet kiss on the cheek from great aunt Jane.
He usually didn't participate in their childish games..However, when he saw you—he immediately called dibs.
Morgan *sighs* : "Alright. Then, shall I speak to father about that time when you both broke uncle Hannibal Jr.' favorite vase and I took the blame ?"
Peter and Kevin : "...."
No need to say. They didn't win that argument and Morgan got full monopoly.
He then approached you and first talked to you before smoothly leading you to the mistletoe he knew was hanging above the fire place.
Morgan *smiles/pretends not to have known it was there* : "Would you look at that ? It seems like a trap was set.."
You *smile back/not buying it* : "A very sweet trap indeed.."
Morgan is very simple and direct when it comes to physical signs of attachment.
If he likes it ? He'll ask again.
If he doesn't ? Friends it is.
But, as he is a man who prefers to rely on what he knows than what he feels, the kiss will be enjoyable depending on how your previous discussion went.
Morgan *stays still for a second or two after the kiss before smiling* : "~Not bad. Not bad at all.."
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Hannibal Jr. was set up by his three very very nosy nephews who decided it was their job to find their uncle a good person to kiss on Christmas.
Morgan organized multiple files on each of the guests until they found the ideal candidate: you.
Kevin hung mistletoe over various strategic places he knew would make it impossible for his uncle to miss or deny.
Peter talked to the both of you separately during the event and made sure the two of you would end up alone at the end.
Kevin even slashed your tires so you won't leave too early. Dedication right there.
However, their uncle wasn't a fool and even though he didn't really know what the three of them were plotting, he eventually realized when both of your backs collided.
You turned around and suddenly, he seemed to understand.
He looked up and as he expected, the mistletoe was there.
You looked up as well and your eyes widened for a second before you let out a small knowing chuckle.
"Oh. I'm sorry. I should have paid more attention."
He studied you carefully. He had never seen you before..
"Who are you ?"
"I am one of Morgan's co-workers. He invited me. I hope it is no bother ?", you answered and Hannibal Jr. sighed. Of course the boy was behind it all..
"No. Of course not, love."
You blushed slightly at the nickname before looking up once more at the mistletoe.
"Do you want us to kiss ?", you asked and Hannibal Jr. chuckled softly.
"That is how the tradition goes..."
You laughed too and before you knew it, your lips were connected and Hannibal Jr. heard vivid clapping behind him. He didn't need to turn around to know who it was. Besides, he was enjoying what he was doing far too much to stop.
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Finally, to trap Hannibal Sr. under the mistletoe would take incredible time and effort. The man barely leaves his office and to catch him off guard is as rare and unlikely as spotting Santa Claus in July.
It would take the whole family to come up with a plan—including Hannibal Jr.
And to get him on board would already be a miracle.
At the end though, Hannibal Jr. decided it would make a good distraction and an occasion to test the younger Hannibals' skills. So, he allowed it.
He did help them set their father up with one of his co-workers he had invited for the occasion.
He knew you had been single for a while and were living alone. No attachment.
His father would approve, as you would fit better into the family and soon, they were all working on a way to
But, he let the young ones take care of the rest and only sometimes inquired on their plans and gave them some clues or advice.
When the day arrived, you soon found yourself outside with Hannibal Jr. who pretended to have forgotten his drink inside.
You waited. But, he never came back.
Instead, his father did and was surprised to find you alone outside, freezing.
He instinctively took off his coat and gave it to you.
"You poor thing..A charming young lady/man such as yourself shouldn't be waiting here in the dark all on their own."
You hadn't waited that long, but you wouldn't rectify it when the man was acting like such a gentleman.
Hannibal Sr. wasn't the one to spot the mistletoe first, you did.
You looked up and your eyes widened slightly as you noticed the branch hanging above your heads from one of the branch of an apple tree..
The silence made Hannibal Sr. look up at what you were looking at and his own eyes widened slightly before he shook his head and let out a small chuckle of disbelief.
"I swear those boys.."
His eyes then settled back on you and you involuntarily shivered. You weren't cold. But, you had this odd feeling about the man.
He mistook your silence for denial about the mistletoe and sighed.
"If you wish, we could come back inside and forget about it ? It is up to you.."
He wasn't one to push, but you shook your head. He had been nice enough to keep you company. You didn't want to appear rude.
When he leant in, you followed.
But, you were surprised when he lips didn't connect with your lips, but your cheek.
You then blushed when you realized you had expected the other alternative, without even considering this one..
He then lead you back inside and once you were back, he raised your hand to his lips and kissed it.
Your heart hammered in your chest.
It was only when he was gone that you realized he had left his jacket with you.
You were about to call him back when you felt something brush against your fingertips in his pocket.
When you pulled it out, your eyes widened as you realized it was his number..
At the end, the only one who had been trapped was you.
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charliedawn · 10 months
Hi! I have a request! (I won't be mad if you choose not to write it, you do you)
Since the slashers can't leave the facility, how would they take you on a date? I feel like Freddy would take you on a date in your dreams, etc. Please include Penny! He's my favorite!!! Love your work, and hope you have a blessed day! ❤️
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Penny would make a whole world appear just for you. He is not as powerful within the hospital as he’d normally be, but he could still make a pretty good illusion for you.
He’d probably make you see what you want and make sure you have as much fun as possible. He’d dig into your head for all of your most personal desires.
He’d also take as many opportunities to know you better and satisfy his curiosity as to why you’d ever want him too.
Penny *tilts his head curiously at you* : "Humans are so odd. Your hearts beat so loudly when you are afraid…But, yours has a different sound to it."
You *surprised* : "Really ? How does it sound ?"
Him *presses his ear against your chest to hear it closer and closes his eyes* : "…Different." *giggles* "Good different."
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Arts and crafts. Jason love carving wood and making bird houses. He brought his passions with him when he first entered St Louis. He’d be excited to show you his masterpieces and show you how to do it.
You’d be sitting side by side while using your hands to try multiple different shapes, but would be careful as to not let you get hurt with the knife when you’d try to carve things.
Jason *smiles proudly while showing you his last wooden piece of work*
Jason isn’t comfortable sharing anything about himself so…It’d be a huge honour. He’d also show you his collection of frogs and let you pet them if you want.
He’d also hold your hand and show you his face if you’d want.
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Jack is a pretty standard guy when it comes to dating. He was kind of the popular kid and did date a lot in his younger years.
He’d normally go for the classic cinema and restaurant. But, as he is trapped in the hospital…He’d do with what he’s got.
Netflix and chill.
He’d ask the other slashers not disturb the both of you as you take over the TV room and eat snacks together.
Jack *pretending to be yawning before lowering his arm over your shoulders to caress the skin with his thumb*
You *smile knowingly* : "Really ?"
Him *smiles and shrugs* : "…Hey. Am a big fan of the old technics…is it working ?"
You *smile before leaning back against him* : "~Maybe."
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Pennywise would let you drag him anywhere, but he’s the type to not like big crowds so…the fact that he can’t go out won’t really be a problem.
He’d be just as happy staying inside and have some time with you. But, don’t expect him to have many date ideas.
Pennywise never dated anyone before, so he’d just let you decide or let you sleep on his lap. Tops.
However, he may sing you to sleep.
And his voice is really soothing when he hums while rocking back and forth on his rocking chair.
Pennywise *starts humming while holding you close and stroking your hair*
You : "…I thought you didn’t like people touching you ?"
Him *smiles* : "Guess you must be the exception, huh dollface ?"
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Norman is a gentleman. He’d be holding you and gently swing you back and forth in his arms.
He’d be dancing a waltz with. Or cooking you a good meal. His mother taught him how to be a good cook and to always be as respectful and nice as he can be.
So, he’d also be the type to buy you dinner and buy scented candles and roses for the occasion. And he’d always ask you if you’d had a good time at the end.
Norman *holding you close* : "Was it alright ?"
You *smile and wrap your arms around his waist* : "Perfect."
He’d then smile and let out a relieved sigh.
Norman was taught to be perfect. He would be devastated if you didn’t have fun or didn’t enjoy your time with him.
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Freddy can date. But, the dates he went on in the past weren’t exactly heartfelt. He just never got emotionally connected with someone enough to care.
So, he’d try simple at first.
Freddy would either invite you to get a drink or offer to take a look at his garden. Let’s not forget he used to be a gardener. So, he does love flowers.
He’d then wait until it gets dark to ask you if you want him to try something on you.
Freddy never used his powers for anything else than pain or to kill. So, he’d be nervous when first trying to think of the perfect dream date.
Freddy *smiles nervously before taking your hand* : "Trust me ?"
You *smile back* : "Always."
He’d then get inside your head and put his plan into motion. He’d be careful not to hurt you of course and try to make it as perfect as he can.
Because he knows you trust him. And that is something Freddy never got from anyone but the kids he used to love…before they betrayed him.
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Bo : "…Beer ?"
Bo is a simple man. It’d normally be a truck ride and drinking beer while looking at the sky, or at whatever is around.
But, as he can’t really leave the facility…he’d just ask you to join him in the courtyard of the hospital to have some s’mores and look up at the sky.
No conversation necessary. But, he’d be happy either way.
Bo : "Thanks fer…Ya know…Sayin’ yes to the whole thing…"
You *smile and shrugs* : "No need. Believe it or not…I like hanging out with you, Bo."
Bo *is stunned before chuckling and handing you a cold drink of your choice* : "Whatever you say, darlin’…"
Bo would be happy to hear it, even if he wouldn’t believe it at first.
Because Bo has always been the failure of his family.
So, why would you ever like his company ? But, he’d let himself dream for a bit. Just for a moment.
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Brahms would give you his favourite toys and ask you to play with him. He’d also share his favourite snacks with you and watch cartoons with you.
Brahms is a child at heart and he’d be happy to do anything with you, as long as he spends time with you.
He’d also insist on staying with you for the night.
Brahms *holds you close and starts breathing deeply* : "Nice…day ?"
You immediately understood what he was asking and hugged him back.
You : "Yes. I had a great day. Thank you, Brahms."
He was very happy to hear it and cuddled you closer—even letting you take a peek at his face. He’d become very clingy very quickly.
Brahms has a big fear of being a disappointment and abandonment. So, once he knows you like him ? There’s little chance he’d ever leave you alone.
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Michael *A…date ?*
He’d be surprised and even a little nervous at first. Love is a tricky business for Michael, since he technically killed all of the people he ever cared about.
So, he’d be a little worried you’d end up with the same fate.
So, even making him agree to go on a date with you would be tricky.
Michael *frowns and sighs before taking your hand*
You *smile hopefully* : "Is that a yes ?"
Michael *nods after a while*
He’d then lead you to the kitchen and have a little cooking date with him. He knows how to handle a knife and was advised early on to find an activity which would soothe him. He found cooking.
But, cooking with you was different. It felt…better.
Seems like the bogeyman can get lonely too.
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Unfortunately, Hannibal Sr. is considered too dangerous to leave his cell most of the time, as he arrived after all the others to St Louis.
So, he’d be either asking you to put on some music for him or to read to him. Two of his favourite things.
Hannibal Sr. *smiles as he tilts his head left and right to the music*
You *smile as you silently observe him* : "Tell me…Why did you ask me on a date ? I mean…You’re always in there. It seems pointless."
Him *stops tilting his head before opening his eyes slowly and smiling at you* : "But, that is precisely the game, my dear. Anticipation makes the deal all the sweeter…"
You : "So…You would rather wait and watch me all day rather than going out on an actual date ?"
Him *chuckles* : "Of course not, my dear…But, even if I never was set free…Spending a lifetime just watching you would be enough for me."
You stared at Hannibal Sr. for a while and he didn’t break eye contact for a second. He had just confessed that he’d be okay with just watching you until the end. And somehow, you believed him.
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charliedawn · 5 months
Can you imagine walking in to the hannibal house for dinner and insted of asking what's for dinner you ask who's for dinner and when they all look at you confused and try to corret you. You just answers.
No I know what I said.... Im not stupid you know. So who are we eating..
And Peter just saying. I think it's that the lawyer who" disappeared "a few weeks ago.
James Daven. Oh good he was an asshole.
"So…Who are we eating tonight then ?"
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"I beg you pardon ?"
He will at first pretend he doesn’t understand the question. But then, when he knows that you know and just don’t care. He won’t bother with pretending anymore and just answer you in a direct/straightforward manner.
"A gentleman by the name of James Daven I believe. Don’t worry. He won’t be missed."
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"W-What do you mean ?"
Morgan prides himself on making a clear line between who he is as a Hannibal and Morgan. Morgan Hannibal is a cold cannibal. But, Morgan alone is a sweet, caring and charming doctor. You are the person he is only Morgan with. But, the fact that you’d know his identity as a Hannibal would make him a little bothered…
"I thought…I could have my fairytale with you."
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"James Daven."
No shame.
Absolutely no shame.
If you hadn’t discovered yourself, he would have told you.
"Thank you—James Daven—for your tasty tasty flesh. Cheers, mate. You are absolutely delicious."
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"Nicely done, little lamb. You figured it out."
Everything is a game or a test for Hannibal Sr.
It’d be just another test you passed with flying colours and he’d recognise you as a smart person who isn’t easily fooled.
"The fellow’s name I believe was James Daven. But tonight, we call him 'bourguignon'." *wink*
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Peter: "Hum…pasta and cheese with ketchup ?"
Peter is not a cannibal. He’s a vegetarian. So…the only red you’ll ever find in his plate is of the tomato kind.
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charliedawn · 7 months
What if for the hannibal family, the reader (their s/o,) comes in on them killing someone, but when one of the family members confronts them about it (thinking they're going to have to kill them because they think they're going to call the police) they say "what do you mean? I didn't see anything." With an innocent smile (also p.s. listen to the song hit it by snow Wife, remember she made American horror story-IT'S SO GOOD TOO)
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You were called at the nearby police precinct to testify against a member of the Hannibal family. But, things didn’t go as planned for the policemen when you found yourself in the interrogation room and they asked you the question:
"Do you know this man ?"
Morgan Hannibal Lecter :
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The photograph was unmistakably a picture of Morgan. You smiled tenderly at the image of your beloved for a second before your smile vanished and you shrugged.
"Never saw that man in my life." You then pushed the photograph back to the officers who looked at each other with a frown.
"But, you said on the phone that…" One of them started—but you quickly cut him off.
"It was a mistake. I have never seen that man in my life."
One of the officers groaned while the other smiled.
"Come on, miss/sir. He cannot hurt you in here. You can speak freely."
You restrained a laugh. If you were to ever open your mouth, no prison would be enough to protect you from Morgan’s wrath. But even without fear, you would never betray Morgan. Because you loved him. But, the officers before you couldn’t possibly understand. Who even could ? Morgan was your…everything.
"I have nothing else to say…" You said with a polite smile. "I was wrong. Sorry for wasting your time."
A few minutes later :
You went out of the precinct and started walking away. But before you could turn at the corner, two arms wrapped around you from behind and you felt familiar lips on your neck.
"Morgan. You didn’t have to come pick me up. I could have—"
Before you could finish that sentence, his lips were on yours. He kissed you for a while before smiling and kissing your hands next and holding them against his chest.
"I know, my love. I wanted to…Now, come on. Let’s go home."
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Kevin Hannibal Lecter:
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Kevin was a wanted fugitive, his face had ran on TV for years and you knew better than to ask what had really happened. You doubted it would your opinion on him—but you loved him too much to say anything.
Until one day, his past came knocking at your door.
Two FBI agents were standing there and asked you to follow them. You frowned, but complied nonetheless. You were then brought to the precinct and interrogated there.
"Do you know this man ?" You looked at the picture of Kevin and but back a laugh. They clearly hadn’t taken his good side.
"Nope. Never seen that guy in my life." You replied confidently and one of the agents frowned.
"Are you sure ? Could you take another look, please ? That man is responsible for the deaths of many people. It would really be great to catch him before he makes another victim…"
You almost snorted. What did you look like ? A snitch ? An idiot ? Was it written 'community service' on your forehead ? Were they expecting you to do their job ?
"Nah. Ain’t never seen that bastard in my life. Hope you catch him though. All my good wishes to you…" And with that, you were gone.
On your way back home, you sat down on a bench and sighed. Deep down, you knew it was wrong and that Kevin was probably not a good guy and deserved to rot in jail…But, you couldn’t. You simply couldn’t set yourself on condemning him. Because, you loved him.
You were momentarily startled when someone suddenly sat down next to you and hugged you tightly.
"I knew it ! I knew that the family was wrong to doubt you ! Come here, babe."
Kevin kissed you deeply and you were momentarily stunned by his eagerness before responding in kind.
Yeah…You knew he wasn’t a good guy. But, honestly ? Did it really matter ? He was good to you.
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Peter Hannibal Lecter :
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When the agents showed you Peter’s picture, you almost broke face as you noticed his innocent carefree smile. He seemed so happy. Such a lovely picture…You wished he could still smile at you like this. But, his smile wasn’t the same now…You held back your tears as you looked up at the agents.
"I am sorry. Who is this ?"
The agents looked at each other before sighing.
"We received a call telling us that this individual has been spotted around your neighbourhood not too long ago. Have you seen him recently ?"
You leaned forward and pretended to think about it before offering an apologetic smile to the officers. Peter was not someone you could snitch on. He was your precious little man and you would never betray him.
"No, sir. I am afraid I have never seen this man before…"
The agents didn’t seem to really believe you, but they had no reason to keep you and they had many other neighbours to interrogate. But, there was something about your smile that made them suspicious of you. They suspected that your innocence was but a façade…But, they finally released you.
You went back home and the moment the door was closed, you felt his arms wrap around you and pin you to the door.
"P-Peter ?" You asked. He didn’t answer. He only bent down and picked you up before kissing you passionately. His family had warned him, told him you would betray him at the first opportunity. They had told him you didn’t really love him. But, here you were…back into his arms. And now, he was certain you were loyal to him and he couldn’t wait to show you how much he loved you.
"I am never letting you out of my sight again."
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Hannibal Jr. Lecter :
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There was no questioning your loyalty to Hannibal Jr. Lecter. No one would be foolish enough to attack him anyway. He had them all in the palm of his hand. But, what you both hadn’t expected was for the police department to go after you. They couldn’t go after the Hannibal family, but they could go after you. You had more than once helped Hannibal Jr. get rid of the bodies and one time…You were caught.
You both tried to run. But, there was nowhere to run. You were cornered on a pier and with no way out. You both knew you going to get caught and that one of you were gonna take the fall.
"This is it, my love."
He said before pulling you into a tight hug and kissing the top of your head. He could see the police cars surrounding the both of you and suddenly held you in a head lock with a knife against your throat. Anyone else would take it as betraying, but not you. You knew there were no other way.
"…I would die for you." You said and looked him in the eyes with nothing but pure adoration in your gaze.
"I know, my darling. I know." He replied before kissing your temple lovingly as the sound of police sirens and angry shouts started blaring around you. But, you could only see or hear Hannibal as he said.
"I love you."
And in a matter of seconds, he had pushed you out of the way and into the water.
"NOOOO !" You screamed and tried to get back to him, but it was too late. Bullets started flying and before you knew it, he was on the ground. You swam as fast as you possibly could and he started crawling towards you with his hand outstretched as you quickly grabbed it.
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"Why, my love ? Why ?" You asked—your tears mixing with the salty water slowly rolling down your cheeks—and he replied with a bloody smile.
"I had to. I cannot let you pay for my crimes. I won’t let another loved one be punished for my sake. I have lost…too much."
He had lost all his past lovers. For once, Hannibal Jr. would save one instead of protecting himself or his so-called family honour. And even as he was grabbed by the police and he was dragged away from you. Even as you screamed and shouted for them to let him go, he was smiling. At least…He had finally managed to save one.
Hannibal Sr. Lecter :
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You denied all of the agents’ calls. You knew what would happen to you. You didn’t even show up when they asked you to come to the precinct. And even the idea of testifying against Hannibal Sr. in Court made your legs wobble in fear.
You couldn’t do it.
Finally, on the day of the trial, one of the FBI agents came to his cell and asked.
"We called. We searched. We tried everything to make Mr./Mrs. L/N testify against you. But, so far no luck. She/He is simply TERRIFIED of you. What have you done to them, you sadistic fuck ?"
Hannibal Sr. only smirked knowingly as he licked his thumb to change pages in his book before shrugging.
"You thought she/he would betray me ? Oh poor naive FBI agent." Hannibal Sr. grinned before looking up at the FBI agent with a knowing gleam in his eyes. "My wife/husband is no snitch. I trained her/him better than that."
True devotion. He had spent years drilling his values into your skull. You wouldn’t break, because Hannibal Sr. had broken you first. It was the reason you were his spouse. He had educated and tamed you so well that the sole notion of conscience had been stripped away from you. You lived for him. You breathed for him. And he knew that you had become so dependent on him that you would NEVER betray him. He had made sure of that.
He hummed quietly to himself before returning to his reading—unbothered. He would soon be with you again. He couldn’t wait. He couldn’t wait to make you scream his name so loud that you wouldn’t even dare speak up again….
He turned another page with a malicious smirk.
"~All good things come to those who wait."
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charliedawn · 3 months
Hiya Charlie! I missed ya! I’ve been busy with college. I finally changed my major to American history and I’m happier.
Anyway I have a request for you! Idk if you do AUs or anything, but I thought it’d be fun. How about a Hannibal royal family au? I’ve been reading a lot about knights and princes and princesses lately, and this idea wouldn’t leave my brain!
have a lovely day Charlie!
You were but a villager.
In no way were you expected to attend any royal ceremony or to even set foot into the palace…but, you had still received a letter one morning—inviting you to the castle. You had believed in a hoax at first—a joke. Or maybe even a mistake. But, the letter had your name on it—written in pretty cursive.
You were hence invited to the castle of the royal family. Once confirmed, you began to be frightened. Many rumours went about that place…And some of them were gruesome.
Tales of man-eating monsters and bloodthirsty creatures hiding within the castle.
You didn’t know why you had been invited—but you knew that you had no choice but to accept the invitation or some misfortune might befall on you. You hence stepped within the walls of the dark castle where many had stepped in before—only to never return…
You knew you ought to bring a gift for the family, and hence chose to pluck flowers from your garden and bring them with you—hoping they would be enough to change your destiny.
Fleur de Lys.
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For the king, you had brought magnificent fleurs de lys—the royal flower. It was said to bring peace and prosperity to a kingdom. You entered the throne room and sure enough, here was his majesty the king. Your knees started shaking as you made your way into the throne room and bowed deeply before none other than King Hannibal Lecter. His eyes seemed to bore into yours and he didn’t talk for a moment—until his eyes landed on the flowers.
"…Are those for me ?" He asked and you nodded before taking a step forward.
"Yes, my king." To your utter surprise, king Hannibal himself stood up and walked down the stairs of his throne to you. He then took the flowers in his hands and smiled.
"…Ah. Fleur de Lys. How thoughtful. A worthy gift. Such a lovely one at that." His eyes looked down at the unfortunate creature who had come into his castle for the sole purpose of being hunted.
"Tell me, my dear child. Why bring me flowers ?"
He was genuinely curious and you smiled before slowly looking back up at him.
"You and your family have been protecting this land and our way of life for as long as I can remember. And I knew that if I was to meet a king, then I was to bring a gift to show my gratitude as to this unexpected invitation."
Hannibal Sr looked at the villager curiously. It was rather odd. No villager had ever brought a gift with them before…But, it wasn’t unwelcome. He smiled. It was even quite touching in a way…He gave the flowers to a servant for them to put them in a vase. He then looked back down at the villager.
"What is your name, child ?" He asked—his voice authoritative and loud enough to echo all around the throne room like thunder.
"…Y/N. My king." You replied before looking up at him and he smiled as he looked at you curiously. You were intriguing. He hummed before returning to his throne to sit back down.
"How about I offer you a job, Y/N ? Would you like that ? Would you consider to work under my service ?" He asked and your eyes widened at the offer.
"Sir…I would love nothing more."
And just like that, you had now been hired by the royal family as a servant. And for the first time, the villagers saw one of their own return to the village. You quickly packed your bags and left—unaware the fate that you had miraculously escaped.
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When you approached the gates, you could already see the guards staring at you with knowing smirks. You gulped. They seemed to know something about the purpose behind your visit and the way they looked at you made you involuntarily shiver…You looked at the roses in your hands. Perhaps your gift would spare you punishment, or even death ? You shook your head at the dark thoughts plaguing your mind before stepping inside and making your way to the throne room…You were expecting to meet with the king.
But instead, the Prince Regent was sitting there—his piercing gaze staring at you intensely as you approached.
"M-My prince…" You greeted him politely before bowing respectfully before him.
"…I was made aware that you had a gift for me, is that correct ?" He asked and you bowed your head deeply before offering the roses to his gaze.
"Yes, my prince. Roses." He scoffed before standing up to look at the roses closely.
"I have many roses within my kingdom, why would you bother bringing me such a gift ?" You stayed completely still and didn’t know how to answer.
"I…I just thought that his majesty would appreciate them. I have grown them myself and I thought that you would be able to appreciate a gift as this one because I heard you valued hard work and dedication. I only wished to prove myself to you."
Hannibal Jr smirked before grasping your chin and slowly tilting it up to look into your eyes.
"Very well…And what can you do for me then, little flower ?"
You started thinking about it before replying confidently.
"…Anything you want, my prince."
He studied your answer and smiled as his eyes didn’t leave yours for a second. He finally released your chin and seemed pleased by your answer.
"Anything you say ? Interesting."
Maybe…Would he keep that one ?
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Once you had entered, you followed your instincts to give you the path to the throne room, as no one seemed to be around to guide you. You started walking until you reached a magnificent door with lovely gold patterns. You thought it was the throne room and opened the door—only to end up in a library. You looked around curiously. The village didn’t have books such as these—not as many anyway…And besides, only a lucky few knew how to read. And they didn’t share their knowledge unless they were paid…
Then, your eyes landed on a book that was open on the table. You knew you better haste and find the throne room before your time was up but…Curiosity got the best of you and you slowly made your way to the book. You hoped there would at least be pictures for you to look at…Once close enough, you looked at the pages and found it rather curious to find the illustrated representation of a rabbit wearing a waistcoat and holding a pocket watch…How curious.
As the pages were flipped, more incongruous and confusing characters came in, all the more interesting as the pages went along…You couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of a smiling purple cat. You then wondered who that book might well belong to ?
Suddenly, you felt a presence behind you and before you could turn around—you felt the hand of a stranger at the back of your neck and forcing you to remain in the same position…bent over the book.
"…Do you like it ?" He asked—his voice merely a whisper in your ear and you gulped as you started becoming nervous.
"I…I didn’t mean to look at it. I am sorry, sir. Please. Forgive me."
He tsskd in disapproval before digging his fingers into your skin.
"Answer my question, little mouse…or your last words will be the apology."
And with that threat, your tongue started working on its own.
"Y-Yes. I like it. I love the pictures and the funny animals. I just…I would just like to understand more. I have trouble understanding the story. I am sorry."
He hummed behind you before sitting down next to you. That is when his face came into view and your eyes widened as you recognised the first prince…You wished to escape—but his grip hadn’t loosened as he took the book and opened it on the first page.
To your utter shock, he started reading it to you. His voice was cold, but poised and rich like cinnamon and melted sugar…After a while, you decided it was best to just listen and enjoy the privilege of being read to. You didn’t even notice when his grip on you finally loosened completely and he instead started circling the side of your throat with his thumb—seeking your pulse and wondering if you were afraid.
He searched for fear. He found none…His eyes settled on the flower pot you had brought with you…pansies. You had brought pansies to the castle and he held back a laugh before continuing reading to you.
You had no idea of the fate awaiting you.
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"HELLO, PRECIOUS !" You were stunned when the doors of the castle opened wide and none other than Prince Kevin came out with a big grin on his face. "Come in, luv’. Make yourself at home !"
He took your hand and before you could as much as let out a squeak of protest…You were already in. He dragged you all the way to—what you assumed to be—his bedroom. It was a great room with all the luxury one could afford…but what truly struck you wasn’t the fine furniture and incredible gold, silver and emerald green designs worthy of such a man…No.
It was the paintings.
Hundred of them. They were covering the walls and for a simple villager, it was like walking inside a great museum. You had never seen so many paintings, or even held a brush before. But, you couldn’t but to marvel facing all those reproductions of people you had met, people you had never met, places you had seen and other unseen…It put into perspective all the things you knew and didn’t in such a beautiful way.
The prince remained silent—observing you with a slight tilt of his lips. He was holding back a smile as he saw the admiration in your gaze…The middle prince was foreign by what the rumours said about him—from a country far away surrounded by water and where dark creatures resided. But, his smiling face was a complete contrast with what you thought your first meeting with royalty would be.
"Not bad, eh ?" He asked and his accent rolled off his tongue in such a way that it inwardly made you smile for some reason.
"Those are…incredible, my prince." He chuckled at your compliment before looking down at the flowers in your hands.
"Are those for little old me ?" Before you could answer, he took the flowers from you and smiled at the daffodils. He then did something unexpected and threw the flowers on his bed. You were about to ask the reason before he wordlessly guided you to the bed and laid you down carefully. He then started placing the flowers all around your head—as if putting together an art piece. When he was finished, he smiled.
"Don’t move." He then quickly grabbed brushes, colours and a canvas to start painting. You didn’t dare move as he put himself to work and silent fell all around you—except for the occasional sounds of the careful strokes of his paintbrush on the canvas and your breathing. After a while, you dared to glance at the prince and observe him as he worked. He was…quite handsome. His eyelids lowered and his eyes focused on his work. You didn’t know the reason for your summoning, but you would have never thought it was to be the model for the prince’s next art piece.
Suddenly, his eyes met yours and he smiled knowingly—for a moment resembling his own art in the perfection of his traits.
You smiled back.
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Peter was bored. His father and brothers were all busy with their duties and he wasn’t allowed outside the wall of his room. He sighed and was staring out his window. He wished for a friend…a friend to come and cure his boredom. And as if his prayers had finally been answered, someone entered his room—someone new. He had first expected Morgan or Kevin, but his eyes lit up when he realised that it was someone he had never seen before…
"Oh. My apologies. I…I am afraid I am a bit lost."
His mouth was about to speak up when they landed on the sunflower in your hand instead. A sunflower ? You had brought a sunflower ? He stared at it and you noticed. You smiled before giving it to him. He was surprised, but smiled at the gift that he eagerly received and stared at…
"Could you please tell me the direction of the throne room ?" They asked with an incredibly sweet voice and Peter was stunned for a few seconds. The throne room ? No…So, they were the next meal ? The next one to be served as dinner for his family ? He looked them up and down and in a matter of seconds—took a decision. He stood up and went to the door to lock it. He then remained with his back facing you for a while before slowly turning back towards you with the biggest grin on his face.
"C-Could you play a game with me ? Just the two of us ?" You blinked twice in astonishment at his request before chuckling nervously.
"Hum…I am not sure, my prince. I think I ought to go to the throne room now before I arrive late…"
"Just one. PLEASE !" He pleaded and you knew that he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so you smiled and nodded in agreement. "Sure. What is the game then, my prince ?"
He giggled and his face got closer to you before he replied:
"Listen to me and do everything I say or…you die." You were taken aback for a moment before you huffed a nervous laugh.
"…What ?"
Suddenly, his jovial smile disappeared—replaced by darkness in his eyes.
"You heard me. Do as I say or…my papa and my brothers will find you and eat you. But, I can keep you safe. I can help you. All you have to do is promise to be my friend !" At that last part, he grinned again and you knew better than to ignore such words. They were no laughing matter—especially that you knew you hadn’t been the first to be summoned and to never return. You realised that he wasn’t kidding and you gulped. What choice did you have ?
You bowed.
"Yes. Thank you, my prince."
His grin widened before he hugged you tightly.
"You and I…we’re gonna be best friends. You’ll see. And I’ll love you and you’ll love and it is gonna be so great ! You’ll see…"
Indeed, you would…
You thought before a petal of the sunflower fell to the floor.
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charliedawn · 3 months
How would the Hannibal family react to a reader who sleeps a lot, bonus points if they fall asleep anywhere, floor, closet, under the bed, bathtub, etc.
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"Now now, little lamb. Do not fall asleep so recklessly. What if something happened to you when I am not around ?"
The objective one. He would ask you to fight against the tiredness until you are in bed. Or, he would gently wake you up and send you to bed.
Hannibal Sr. was raised to care about social standards and you—sleeping everywhere and anywhere—wouldn’t sit right by him. ☹️
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He would go grab a blanket and cover you with it or carry you to bed himself—the ever dutiful gentleman.
He would tuck you into bed and kiss your forehead before going on his merry way. If you would sleep on him however, he would stay and cuddle with you for a while.
"Sleep well, love." 🥰
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"How cute…" *smiles*
Morgan would find it endearing and simply watch over you while you sleep. He would stroke your hair and let you sleep in peace—making sure nobody would disturb your pretty dreams.
He would also pull you closer to make sure you get the rest you deserve.
"Sweet dreams, darling." 😉
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"…Do you want a plushie ?"
Kevin knows you. He would be able to tell the signs when you’re about to fall asleep and just smirk as he sees your eyelids slowly close.
Then, you can be sure you’d wake up with doodles on your face or with him smirking at you.
"Slept well, princess ?" 🤣
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Peter developed special skills when it comes to you sleeping everywhere and anywhere.
He would be sure to sit down next to you and that you would use him as a pillow.
And Peter is also an easy sleeper—so he’d fall asleep right after you. 😴
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charliedawn · 4 months
Hi! How about the idea of a reader who likes to leave red lipstick kiss marks on the face of the Hannibal Family? A bunch of red lipstick marks all over a man's face.
Hannibal Sr. :
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"Thank you, little lamb. Now, give me more."
A tease through and through. He’s demanding. You want to give him kisses ? Fine by him. But, you better finish what you started.
Morgan Hannibal :
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"Now, that’s cute."
He would kiss you back and give you a gentle pat on the back. You did good. That red lipstick is gonna be his new favourite colour now.
Kevin Hannibal :
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"Oh ? Is that so ?! Is that how you gonna play it ? No no no, princess. Now, it’s MY turn. Come here, doll." *grabs you by the waist and pulls you back to him to pepper your face with kisses.*
Kevin would wanna kiss you back. You don’t get to say a word. You started something that he’s gonna finish. You aren’t going anywhere.
Hannibal Jr. :
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He’s gonna be surprised at first, but soon smile and return to his work as if nothing happened. He would keep the lipstick mark though.
Peter Hannibal :
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Shock. Pure and innocent shock.
He would be stunned for a moment before kissing you right back on the lips. Don’t play with his emotions, the boy can barely deal with his own emotions. You kiss him, he has the right to kiss you. Fair is fair. You don’t get a say in it.
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charliedawn · 1 year
What if the readers pregnant, but it's not noticeable yet and they're meeting their parents or family members and they don't like the reader.
When they are not around their parents/family, trash talks the reader alone, say how useless they are, and how they wonder how did the slashers marry the reader? And the reader the trys to prove themselves to the family members while pregnant, but no matterwhat it doesn't work. (But they don't know that the reader is pregnant)
Then they reader slowly started to get depressed and stops being affectionate, and after months, it gets to the point where the reader sadly ask them for a divorce, saying their not good enough for them.
The slashers are sad but confused? Then they find out why and go off on their parents/family members. The slashers finally tell them that the reader is pregnant, and then the family members feel so bad, but there's nothing they can do. ( and their baby but is VERY noticeable)
(I know you love angst, so this is for you)
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Hannibal Sr. warned your family he wouldn't tolerate any cruelty towards you.
But your family hadn't listened and even though he was the psychopath in the straight jacket, they still found a way to blame you.
To the point where you had to run out of the room in tears.
Hannibal Sr. didn't appreciate it. At all.
"Now, ladies and gentlemen. I may be in a straight jacket and surrounded by heavily armed guards, but don't doubt for a second on who is trapped with who."
Suddenly, Hannibal Sr. stood up and sighed before showing your family that he had never been tied to the chair in the first place.
"See, Y/N had something very important to tell you, but you just had to make a mess of our plans and open your rude mouths. They made the effort. They thought it would make things smoother between us if you thought you were in control, but it seems I wasn't the one they had to worry about ruining their big announcement.."
He theatrically cuffed up his sleeves before turning back towards your family members with an unhealthy smirk.
"Now, who wants to go first ?"
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When Michael saw you leaving the house in tears, he was tempted to run after you—but his other half urged him to find the reason for your sadness.
When he came in and found your family all gathered around the main table, tea spilled on it and a shattered tea cup on the floor...He immediately understood and his initial incomprehension was replaced by irrepressible anger.
He slowly looked up at them and gave them his coldest glare.
"...You should have accepted the damn cup of tea."
For once, Michael Myers was agreeing with himself on one thing. He didn't even blink before getting his knife out and grazing your father's neck with it.
"We're going to hurt you. Each of you. And we expect apologies after we do"
They tried to apologize before they even started, but Michael Myers had been triggered, and there was no stopping that bullet..
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Since it was their first meeting, you had asked Pennywise to stay outside.
Pennywise hadn't understood why it was necessary but, you still had insisted on him staying hidden until you were ready to introduce him to the rest of the family.
He had eventually agreed in order not to embarrass you or scare them to death.
However, things didn't go as planned as your family started insulting you and blaming you for leaving.
You couldn't handle their constant rudeness, so excused yourself and went to the bathroom—unbeknownst to you that Pennywise had heard everything.
He cracked his neck and suddenly, his whole glamor disappeared and he appeared in the middle of the living room.
He made sure to make the room soundproof first, so you wouldn't hear their screams of terror.
He then grinned widely and introduced himself.
"Hello, shitty family ! Shitty family meet Pennywise. Now that introductions are over, let's start over, shall we ? I ain't no real estate agent. I do not own a car or a house..But, guess what ? Congrats.
I fucking own all of your lives now."
Your family didn't understand at first, not until Pennywise raised his hands and suddenly, your family members started dancing uncontrollably—as if they were being pulled up by invisible strings and Pennywise cackled.
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Jason didn't understand the whole fuss behind meeting your parents.
He thought parents were supposed to love you unconditionally and that they would be like his mother..
He was wrong.
Your sister shrieked upon seeing Jason and he froze. He was used to people insulting him, but he then looked down at you and saw the anger in your eyes.
You had never talked back to your sister.
But, she had crossed a line.
You took a step forward and slid your hand in his to give it a light squeeze—as if he needed reassurance.
"The father of my child.", you then disclosed confidently and your sister stopped laughing.
"Abominations they'll turn out to be..Have you seen him ?", she eyed Jason with a small mocking smirk and you trembled with rage.
How dared she ?
You had never been anything but kind to her all your life...And she dared stand there and so openly make fun of your love and your child ?
You wanted to speak up, but she didn't let you.
She only scoffed before walking out of the cabin with one last disdainful look at you.
"You have fallen so low...I can't even look at you anymore."
She then stepped out and got into her car.
Suddenly, Jason came back in your shared bedroom and you thought that would be the end of that.
You were surprised Jason had handled it so well, until he came out with his axe.
Jason then threw it with impressive precision on your sister's car.
You saw the car slightly deviate from its trajectory and the screams of your sister as one of her review mirrors was torn off and deep dents were now certain to be left for days on the door of her car.
She cursed at the both of you so loud, you could hear it from where you were standing.
You couldn't help but burst out laughing.
Jason hadn't acted earlier, because he knew she was somehow important to you..
But if she hadn't been, he wouldn't have hesitated before chopping her head off.
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Penny looked like he was amused by the whole situation, but the way his claws tear through the fabric of his gloves to dig into the arms of his chair didn't go unnoticed by you.
He was pissed.
And you knew what that usually meant.
"Penny no."
"Penny yes."
They may have put you on this earth, but he'll gladly take their lives for disrespecting you.
Penny would scare them good and make them understand just how much of a mistake they have committed by disregarding you.
He would take their most horrid nightmares and cackle while seeing them shriek in sheer terror.
You glared disapprovingly at him and it made him stop, but not before warning them.
"Y/N is my favorite creature and they are carrying my child. They might as well be the most important human in this poor excuse of family and since I'm now in it, better be prepared for things to change..You will apologize. You will show my love the love they deserve. And if even one of you acts disrespectful towards them again ? Consider yourself dead meat."
And he would. No begging or apology would make him come back on his word.
They would never mistreat you again.
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Freddy had made the effort of cleaning up and looking presentable for you.
He genuinely wanted your family to like him, but hadn't expected your own family not to like you.
He had had to stay silent while your family was making fun of you at dinner and even though he had succeeded in clenching his teeth during the whole time.
One of them had to snap his last nerve.
"Say, Y/N. I know you couldn't afford any better, but did you really have to introduce us to your boyfriend ? Like...I didn't need any more reasons to be repulsed by you.."
He didn't know if it was your uncle or brother, he had had more than enough. He suddenly stood up and felt great relish in the way they screamed when his own flesh melted away—leaving only deep angry red scars behind.
"She's my wife, bitch.", he spat and your uncle/brother didn't dare reply.
"Freddy. Please.", you tried to calm him, but he snapped his head towards you and and grabbed you to pull you against him.
"Shut up and kiss me, sweetheart."
"What...?!", you exclaimed—not understanding his intentions until he kissed you deeply and passionately in front of your entire family. He then turned his face back towards your family and hissed at them.
"Now that I had my tongue down their throat and they got my kid in their belly, they're mine.", he claimed before grabbing your hand and dragging you to the exit. "Sayonara losers, we're leaving and expect us never coming back to your shitty place !"
He then flipped them off and didn't even look back to see their dumbfounded or shocked expressions.
He had met them. He had told them what he ought to.
And now ? They could all go to fuckin' hell.
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When you had received a phone call from your parents, you hadn't actually expected them to ask for a meeting.
It had been at least two years since the last family gathering, and you had no Brahms Heelshire to worry about back then..
And now, you were looking through your shared wardrobe for something decent for him to wear.
Not that you didn't like his usual sweatpants and dirty white top, but you doubted it would impress your parents.
"Dress up good. We're meeting my parents.", you said while throwing whatever you thought would pass at him.
He barely had the time to catch them before agreeing. He didn't want to protest, especially when you seemed so stressed.
And, he acted perfect at first.
He stayed silent and polite.
He smiled when it was needed and even though he felt the tension in the room, he thought it came from the fact that you hadn't seen each other in a long time, but he quickly understood his mistake when you spilled your drink on the table and your mother scoffed.
"Even after all this time, you are still as clumsy as ever..What a disgrace."
You tensed and Brahms' eyes widened.
His hold on the knife in his hand tightened slightly and his smile vanished.
You picked up a rag to wipe the stain out and Brahms could see the tears in your eyes.
You wanted to tell them about their upcoming grandchild, but it was too hard and Brahms gritted his teeth at your humiliation.
He wordlessly stood up before suddenly grabbing your father by the back of the neck and slamming his head against the wooden surface.
Your mother screamed while you were too shocked to react as he spat.
"Apologize. Right now."
When you father finally did, Brahms looked up at you to see if you were alright and when you nodded, he smiled.
He then unceremoniously threw your dad outside of the house and when he looked at your mother, she knew better than to stick around.
She ran out of the house and grabbed your father on her way out.
"Never come back.", Brahms told them, but they were in such a hurry—you doubted they would have come back anyway.
And with that, he slammed the door behind them.
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Norman was a perfect gentleman through and through.
He greeted them at the door.
He talked politely and addressed them courteously.
He even pretended not to notice the way they were talking to you, until he leant forward towards you and whispered in your ear.
"Dear. Could you please go and fetch us some special cookies from the kitchen ? I would do it myself, but I think I and your parents should get more acquainted..wouldn't you agree ?"
You frowned and was about to protest when you saw the warning look Norman gave you, one he only ever used when it was important.
You gulped and quickly agreed.
He smiled and kissed your cheek affectionately on your way out.
"Good girl/boy.."
His smile didn't falter when you turned to leave—not until you were out of the room anyway. When he returned his eyes to your family, your father scoffed.
"Finally, they're gone. I really don't know what you see in them..Just another useless piece of trash that one."
Norman tilted his head to the side and started scrutinizing your father until he felt uncomfortable.
"Thank you.", he then said and your family seemed surprised and even shocked at Norman's thanks.
But, it quickly made sense when he explained.
"Yes. Thank you for being so rude to them. Thank you for acting so shamelessly in front of us both. Thank you for making the next few steps so easy for me. That way. You just gave me a perfectly good reason to break my promise."
Your mother shifted uncomfortably on her chair and laughed rather nervously as she asked.
"What promise ?"
Norman regained his smile, but it was cheerless.
"You see, I promised Y/N two things tonight. First off, that I wouldn't be the one telling you about the pregnancy."
The first news took them aback, but then your father asked.
"And, the second one ?"
Norman wordlessly stepped up and aimed for the door, but only to close it gently—in order not to alarm you.
When he turned around, his smile turned dark and threatening.
"You're about to find out..."
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charliedawn · 7 months
wow, I re-read your works on Hannibal family and again I am delighted. it's perfection!! i am getting on my knees and begging for more. Maybe how the Hannibal family flirts or seduces the reader.
Here you go, dear. Hope you’ll like it. 😌
Morgan Hannibal Lecter :
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Morgan doesn’t flirt. He is practical and wants to have control all the time. This is why he couldn’t possibly comprehend how anyone could possibly not see love as anything else than another pleasurable exchange between two individuals. He had changed the clauses of the relationship contract for you. So much that you were almost free. Was owning your attention really that bad for you ? Or did you simply not find him attractive ?
Morgan rarely bonds with his coworkers. But, you ? It was an instant connection. He immediately sought your undivided attention. And he even dreamt of you. He had asked you multiple times to be his partner, but you had refused each time. He didn’t understand.
So he had settled for the second best thing…watching over you and making sure you have no other choice than him.
"…Fly high, my little fairy." He blew hot air on your shoulders and chuckled darkly before wrapping his fingers around your throat from behind as you slept—blissfully unaware. "Just remember that I can as easily cut them…"
Peter Hannibal Lecter :
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Peter is an attention-seeker and a touch-starved boy with very little impulse control. He’d hug you and kiss you and make you hold hands all the time. And the very moment he is not being cuddled with or kissed ? He’d whine and beg.
Peter : "Pleeeaaaassse ! Y/N ! You can’t do this to me !"
Peter *bangs on the door* : "PLEASE !"
His love can be overwhelming and he’ll flirt by…being very attentive to your every need and become a true golden retriever. He’d bring you everything you want, be anyone you want and kill whoever you want.
He’d also be the type of boy to fall in love at first sight. Just saying. He wouldn’t hesitate to tell you I Love You the first time you meet. So, be prepared.
Kevin Hannibal Lecter :
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Kevin *kisses your temple and hugs you from behind* : "Hey there, ~cutie pie."
Kevin likes to own things. He likes to be very close to his things at all times and as he possesses his art, he likes to be very close to you and remind the world that you’re his.
He doesn’t give a toss that you are talking to your friends or not. When he calls you ? You better answer and be there before he decides to show up and remind you that he isn’t someone to mess around with.
Kevin can be very tender and loving…but what he doesn’t like anyone to know is that he is also very self-conscious. And if he thinks you are going to leave him or go for another man…? There’s no telling what he’ll do to make you stay.
Kevin *chuckles and grips your hip tightly* "Let’s go home, sugar. You and I are gonna have a loooong discussion about always answering your damn phone when I’m the one calling you."
Hannibal Sr. Lecter :
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Hannibal Sr. : "How about you and I get some dinner and then, we can eat near the little pond we both love so much ?"
Hannibal Sr Lecter would invite you to dinner and trick you into having you alone before interrogating you about your personal life and what makes you happy. He’d then make sure to show you his most charming side and seduce you.
He’d also bring you gifts of all kinds from his travels and slowly make you get used to him. And depend on him. Until you cannot get him out of your brain, heart or life. He’d become essential to you and make you crave his love before falling in love with you.
Because even love can be controlled, and he refuses to let love control him.
Hannibal Sr *after he fell in love with you* : "My little lamb…You and I are never gonna end. Not even as Death takes you, I am going to keep you alive. Forever."
Hannibal Jr. Lecter :
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"Are you alright, my darling ?"
Hannibal Jr. will firstly try to flirt with you with his gestures. A gentle kiss on the cheek here, a brushing of hands there and maybe a little kiss on the forehead to make you feel his 'caring' nature. He would make you see that he is the best you can afford. And make it his duty to sell himself.
Hannibal Jr. Lecter can cook, read and listen. He can be the perfect gentleman in every circumstance and make you feel like you are the only one in the world. He would listen to you and be your comforting shoulder when you need it. He will flirt by being the best man you can find and knowing he’s the best of the best…will finally allow himself to flirt with you with his his words.
"…My darling. I am deeply infatuated by you. May you grace me with the endless enjoyment of your company ?" *extends his hand forward and tilts his head expectantly* "Please ?"
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charliedawn · 1 year
It's been a rough few days. How would the Hannibal family cuddle 🤔 would they even cuddle lol
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"You had a bad day ? *hugs you tightly* I'm sorry...You definitely don't deserve bad days."
For Peter, the answer would be yes.
No questions asked.
Would cuddle with you as long as you want and as many times as you'd allow him. Touch-starved boy.
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"As I see you are desperate for it. I will allow you 5 minutes. Make them count."
Morgan would allow it.
But, just for a few minutes.
And it's only if you've had a very bad day.
He'd then help you find a solution to your problem. He's practical and doesn't like wasting time.
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"Everything will be alright, love. I believe in you."
Hannibal Jr. would cuddle with you as long as you need to—if he's not too busy that is.
He'd also determine if it's serious or not and try his best to comfort you.
He would then bake you cookies and let you tell him all about your bad day with a hot cup of cocoa in hand.
Psychologist through and through.
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"I'm not a cuddler...But, fiiine. I'll let you hug me. As long as you tell me who I have to kill afterwards...There's a reason you're upset, right ?"
Going straight to the point.
He hates seeing you upset.
And he would try to make you smile again, even if it's by killing someone.
No limit.
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"What is going on, Y/N—my dear ?"
Hannibal Sr. is not too fond of physical affection.
But, he'd pet your hair or hold your hand if he felt he ought to.
He'd whisper reassurances in your ear and rock you back and forth in his arms.
He's still a gentleman and he'd gently ask you to tell him what made you so upset so he may kill them help you.
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charliedawn · 1 year
How would the slasher and Hannibal family react to their spouse who is usually very sweet and happy coming home angry and asking them if it's okay to rip someone's head off.
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Morgan : "Rope, knife, gun..."
He would make the inventory of all the weapons at your disposal and watch from afar as you let your anger take over you on some pillows—imagining it was your problem.
Morgan is the type to internalize his anger and just give everyone the cold shoulder when he's upset.
But, seeing you drop the act and just go full-on murder spree thinking amuses him greatly and would also spur him on as to help you go over the edge of sanity.
Whether you go through your plan or not however, he would respect it and give you the comfort you need.
But, you need to understand that Morgan wasn't comforted often as a child, so he would probably not even notice when his comfort shifts into...something else.
Morgan *hums to your sleeping firm while playing with your hair* : "Don't worry darling...I'll make it all better." *picks out a knife and smirks before leaving*
The next day on national news :
A body has been discovered near the lake of (l/n)..After a few hours, we have finally been able to identify the victim as being (h/n)...
You looked back at Morgan who looked back at you unashamedly—with a peaceful expression on his face. They would never find him. He was too clever to get caught anyway..
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Hannibal Sr. : "Tell me everything."
Oh. Very dangerous words coming from Hannibal Sr.
Hannibal Sr. would listen to you with keen attention and whether the problem is concerning a thing or a person, they'd probably disappear.
*soon after you told him*
Hannibal Sr. returned covered in blood that night and when you saw him change, your breath hitched.
"...W...What happened ?"
He stopped moving before offering you a small reassuring smile. You knew that smile, and it made you realize just how far he was willing to go for you.
And the simple thought brought tears to your eyes.
You had unleashed a monster...And you didn't know whether those tears were of joy or of fear. Maybe both ?
His eyes softened as he saw you cry and he slowly made his way to you to hold you close.
Hannibal Sr. *kisses your forehead* : "It's okay. Ssh...I'm alright. We're alright. They won't upset you ever again."
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Peter : "Bad day ?" *opens his arms to hug you*
Peter knew before you had even passed the threshold and offered you to do everything fun to make you forget about your worries.
He played boardgames with you, cuddled with you, cooked for you and waited until you were asleep before his facade suddenly shattered and his smile dropped.
He got out of the bed and didn't tell you where he was going, but when you woke up, the axe was gone.
He burned his clothes that night. He wouldn't wear clothes that your tears had soiled. Tears that hadn't been caused by him.
You got out of the house and watched as ashes of your former problem raised in the air and seemed to only realize now the mistake you had committed.
"...I...I didn't mean...", you tried to explain, but Peter only chuckled as he knew exactly what you were about to say.
"I know what you meant, sunshine. And I wasn't going to do anything at first. But...*he turned towards you* Your tears are for me and only me, sunshine.", he whispered in the darkness and your eyes widened at his words.
"Peter...Would you hurt me ?", you asked after a moment. Peter stilled in his movements and glanced back at you with a chilling smile.
"No...Of course not. I love you. You know that, sunshine."
That smile didn't make his words feel any more genuine and the insane glimpse in the his eyes made you understand that you couldn't be sure, you were never going to be sure.
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"I don't mind talking, love."
Hannibal Jr. did offer you assistance and even though he was off duty, he still listened and even comforted you.
Hannibal Jr. however wouldn't kill your problem as easily as the others, because he actually thinks about the consequences.
He's basically a single man taking care of three young adults who didn't have a good upbringing and he knows that if he was to disappear, those three young men would end up alone.
So, he would bid his time and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. He wouldn't necessarily kill the person who upset you, but he would make damn sure it never happens again.
You *eyes widened in surprise* : "I got a text from my boss. He said he's moving to another city and apologized for his lack of manners...Weird."
You then looked up suspiciously at Hannibal Jr. who pretended to be too busy with preparing dinner to actually hear you. But, you weren't fooled.
You *eyeing him up and down suspiciously* : "...You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you ?"
Hannibal Jr. hid his smile from you while wiping his hands in a piece of cloth and returning his attention on you.
Hannibal Jr : "Me ? Of course not, love. I was here all morning."
...A lie. Lie that wouldn't be discussed because you know that what is done is done. But, you did frown slightly before sighing in defeat.
"Fine...Keep your secrets. It's not like we're married or anything.."
He stilled in his movements to stare at you in surprise at you.
"Did I...offend you ?"
You sighed again before looking up at him.
"...I just don't understand why you would do all this behind my back. I'm here. I just..I just don't like it when you don't share your thoughts and plans with me, that's all.."
His bewildered look was quickly tamed and he smiled instead.
"Of course, dear. My apologies. No more secrets. I promise."
You didn't noticed when he crossed his fingers behind his back.
Sorry, love...Can't let you in too deep, or else you'll drown.
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That's it. That's the only thought that went through his brain at that moment.
He had never ever seen you so angry and it was almost entrancing.
You had always been sweet and proper, but that new side of you just opened Kevin to a whole new list of possibilities.
You suddenly stopped to look at him when he grabbed your hand and shuddered as he was staring at you with attention.
"...Do you want me to do something about that problem of yours, princess ?"
Now, solution number 1: he helps you kill whoever has upset you and gets to see you truly unhinged.
Solution number 2: he helps you get your mind off the problem by...various means.
Fighting being amongst them. Seeing you all riled up just makes him want to tease you even more. He can't help it.
Kevin *smirks* : "You know..Keep looking like that and I'll give you another good reason to scream.."
You *frustrated* : "Don't. Just don't. I'm mad."
Kevin *laughs* : "That's the whole point."
Kevin finds emotions a big turn-on. He's basically attracted to people who let go of their restrains and just scream, cry laugh excessively...In a word, he's attracted to madness.
So, he would let you scream at him and once you've calmed down, he would then ask about what happened.
And whether or not you're still interested in having your revenge, he would help you.
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charliedawn · 1 year
(Are requests ok?!) How would the Hannibal Family react/feel when seeing their partner 'borrow' they clothes, like a shirt or something)? (You know that thing in movies or tv shows when a girl is wearing her bf oversized shirt around the house lol?!) hope that make sense?
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Morgan thought he had lost his jacket and turned around to ask if you had seen it, only to realize you were wearing it.
His brain stopped functioning for a moment until he finally smiled at the endearing sight.
Morgan *smiles* : "It looks good on you."
You turned back towards him with a big bright smile and leaned forward to kiss his forehead affectionately.
"Why..~Thank you. Always wanted to try it..Even though I regret not wearing any pants. It's quite cold."
His eyes immediately looked downwards and widened as he realized you really weren't wearing any pants.
He blushed and quickly looked away. A gentleman. Always.
Morgan : "Ahem..I'll..I'll go prepare breakfast."
You *smirk knowingly* : "You do that."
He ended up burning the eggs and put the toasts at least three times in the toaster before they even looked edible.
You broke it. You fix it.
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Kevin *sees you wearing his pullover* : "Hey. That's mine, you little thief."
You *giggle and run away* : "~Not anymore."
Kevin wouldn't admit it, but he did find it very cute. And his pullover would smell like you for days after and who was he to complain ? Besides...He had the perfect plan of attack.
He wanted to wear your things at first, but quickly realized it was impossible as you weren't the same size and then decided to use your makeup (male or female) to get back at you.
When you returned home, he expected you to freak out and be mad about him touching your stuff.
But, you seemed in awe and simply smiled wildly at the sight.
Kevin was stunned for a few seconds before looking at himself in the mirror.
"I...am ?"
You nodded vividly and stood next to him with a huge smile before resting your chin on his shoulder.
"Don't hesitate before stealing things from me, especially when you look this good with them.."
He smiled sheepishly and then realized you were still wearing his shirt, his attack had failed. Dramatically.
He sighed and turned around before kissing you out of the blue.
"Fine. You can wear my things too."
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Peter woke up and immediately sought you out and frowned when he didn't feel your warmth in your bed.
He slowly opened his eyes and stood up straight to find you—looking at yourself in the mirror with his shirt on.
He was stunned for a moment before smiling at the sight and as you twirled, he saw you also were wearing one of his pairs of boxers.
Peter *dies of happiness**RIP**has reached a new kind of heaven*
Peter literally squealed in happiness and this was when you realized he was awake and turned around to find him still staring at you with his mouth buried in a pillow in order not to squeal again.
Peter then started purposefully setting some of his clothes away for you to try and the sight of you actually wearing them never fails to make his heart dance in his chest.
Peter *smiles widely* : "YOU LOOK AMAZING !"
He would be 100% okay with you wearing his clothes all the time.
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Hannibal Sr. *smiles when he sees you wearing his shirt* : "Well well..A very good thing to wake up to. I'll have to admit."
Hannibal Sr. would expect the whole show. You took it, now you gotta assume it..
Hannibal Sr. *hums approvingly before asking you to twirl for him* : "I must admit, you look very beautiful."
He would then buy you clothes and tell you how beautiful you look in each one—only for you to wear his shirt during every single visit.
Finally, he asked you.
"Tell me..I bought you all sorts of clothes of the best shops in the world. And yet, you insist on wearing my shirts..Why ?"
You smiled before leaning your forehead against the tinted glass—him doing the same. You then replied.
"Because it reminds me of you and if I can't touch you, then I can at least feel you with me when I'm wearing your clothes.."
Hannibal Sr.'s eyes snapped open the same time you did and his breath hitched as you started unbuttoning the first two buttons of his shirt. His nostrils flared slightly and he growled before looking away.
"I'll soon be out of here. I promise you, little lamb..And then, you won't need my clothes to remind you of me. You'll have me."
You smiled and nodded understandingly before walking away. Seems like all he needed was a little encouragement. 😂
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Oh. So that's where that went..
He didn't really understand the purpose at first, especially since you technically both live together and your clothes are all here ?
But, the sight of him without it would be the reward. Man's got muscles.
Hannibal Jr. *smiles knowingly* : "See something you like ?"
He remained perfectly indifferent and pretended not being affected by the sight of you in his clothes and flex just the right way so you may see his toned back.
You wanted to tease him ? Oof. Good luck with that.
Who do you think left his shirt purposefully unattended ? Hannibal Jr. always takes extremely good care of his clothes and wouldn't leave them around carelessly without good reason.
That good reason being the current sight of you actually wearing his shirt and drooling.
He kissed your cheek while wrapping an arm around your waist.
"You look absolutely stunning, darling. Do allow yourself to my wardrobe anytime. Even though I prefer you without it.."
A cheeky wink and he was out the door, leaving you weak in the knees.
Damn. That backfired.
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charliedawn · 1 year
Hi! this is my first request, so I hope I did everything right. How would the Hannibal family react to a reader avoiding his kiss (as a joke)
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Kevin was surprised when you pulled away to avoid his kiss.
He felt a tug in his chest and he couldn't help but feel bad. He thought...He didn't know if he should apologize, or ask if you were okay.
But, then, you smiled and he understood.
Kevin *frowns* : "....That wasn't funny."
You : "It was to me."
Kevin : "..."
He didn't talk to you for a week afterwards.
What you need to understand about Kevin is that he doesn't react well to rejection.
He was rejected most of his life and for him to like you means he had to go beyond his comfort zone to actually get emotionally attached to you.
He would take it very seriously and it would result in a very long payback of non-talking punishment...
You : "Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..."
Kevin *glares at you* : "Yeah. You shouldn't have..."
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Hannibal Sr. was intrigued.
He hadn't misread the signs, or at least he thought he hadn't.
You had lead him on for a while...So, why ? Why had you decided to pull back at the last moment ?
When he saw the mischievous smirk on your lips, he understood and smiled back, but a cold and dark smirk.
"I see...A prank, is it ?"
He took a step forward and before you could escape, he had his hand around your neck.
"You pull away one more time...See what happens."
His eyes seemed to bore into your very soul and dare you...dare you to do it again. And he would make sure to make you understand how much of a mistake it is to play with him.
Hannibal Sr. isn't one to care about pranks, but he doesn't like people making a fool of him.
"Don't mistake my affection for you as a way to get away with everything." *gently pulls you in until you can stare each other in the eyes* "There are things you shouldn't joke about."
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Morgan leant in for a simple peck on the lips, but when you backed away from him, he frowned and tried to read the signs in your eyes.
Once he understood, he huffed a laugh.
"Fine. You don't want me to kiss you ? Let's see how long you'll be able to keep that game of yours..."
He didn't touch you for weeks.
You had decided to ignore him and deny him affection ? Fine. You'd see how far a 'prank' can go.
Every time you tried to hold his hand, he would pull away.
Every time you tried to kiss him, he would leave the room.
Even when you tried to talk to him, he would ignore you...
At the end, you begged.
"Please...I'm sorry, Morgan. I just...I can't do this anymore."
He smirked triumphantly at you before leaning forward, so close it was as if he was going to kiss you, but only blew air on your face.
Morgan : "Are you going to do it again ?"
You gulped and shook your head. He chuckled before uttering in a whisper.
He then leant forward even more, but pulled away at the last minute.
"...Just a little payback. You can handle it, can't you ?"
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You did it in front of a co-worker.
He leant forward to kiss you, and you presented your cheek instead.
He stopped a few inches from your face before smirking a little and kissing your cheek, whispering in your ear.
"~You're going to regret that..."
And, you did.
He focused on his work, got so busy you barely had the time to see him and he felt satisfied at your utter dissatisfaction.
Until it was too much.
You *slam the door of his office open* : "JR !"
Him *not looking up from his paperwork* : "Yes, love ?"
You *fuming* : "Are you really still mad at me ?! It was a prank !"
Hannibal Jr. *glances up at you with a serious expression* : "...Yes. Fun, isn't it ?"
You started glaring each other until you decided enough was enough and grabbed him by his tie to kiss him fiercely.
Hannibal Jr. tried to hold you off, but you were angry and eager. And to be honest ? So was he...
You *breathing heavily* : "...You are insufferable."
Him *chuckles knowingly* : "Look who is talking.."
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First off: To do this to this sweet boy is pure evil. I'm not judging you. But...
Peter *tries to hold back tears* : "I'm fine. Yeah. Very funny. Definitely."
Okay. So, either you apologize right now, or you will have the whole Hannibal family hunting you down.
Do NOT deny him a kiss.
Play with his feelings, and you will be dinner in no time...
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charliedawn · 1 year
How would the Hannibal family react to a reader they can't catch and eat because he seems to be one step ahead or too lucky? I think it would be fun)
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Kevin didn't think much of you at first. A few weeks in the cellar and you had become a mess...Barely human.
He thought it would be easy, so he had decided to open the cellar without the family's approval.
He had brought you in the middle of the forest and had uncuffed you before pushing you forward.
"Start running."
The order had been simple enough, but you had taken him by surprise as you darted forward—so fast that even him had trouble keeping up with you.
The fear literally gave you wings.
Arrows started flying above your head and your heart was thumping in your chest at a very fast pace.
Then, one of them hit right.
You screamed as the arrow pierced your leg and you tumbled forward.
Kevin thought it would be over quickly, but was surprised when he only found his arrow and a few droplets of blood where you should have been.
Kevin smiled, as he was actually beginning to enjoy the chase.
"Let's see how far you'll go, little rabbit.", he whispered. You ran faster than ever in your life.
Hopefully, he would fall into your trap and follow the trail of blood you had left on purpose.
Finally, you found yourself at the end of this cursed forest and extended your hand forward towards the light...only to be immediately disillusioned.
Another arrow pierced your valid leg and you fell face first to the ground. You then heard footsteps coming closer and closer until Kevin was looming over you with a mischievous smirk.
"You're smart, little rabbit...Just not THAT smart."
You *stammering* : "H...How ?"
He grinned wickedly.
"See, rabbit. I figured you were a smart one. And what do smart rabbits do ?"
He pulled you up by the hair and laughed when you desperately tried to get out of his grip.
"...They go straight for the exit."
However, he was surprised when you suddenly went still and started laughing.
You then threw something to the ground and his eyes widened at the object he recognized as a tracker—one you had hidden on you a few months ago.
Then, he heard them. He heard the sirens coming closer and closer...
He looked back down at you and you thought he would be mad—but he smiled. He smiled and started chuckling.
He then threw his bow and arrows to the ground and pulled you up by the hair once more. You thought he would kill you, but he simply kissed your cheek before whispering in your ear.
"Clever rabbit. Real clever."
He then released you.
But, you didn't run. You didn't have to anymore...Before long, Kevin was tackled to the ground and handcuffed.
But, his eyes stayed on you until the very last moment and he smiled.
"Well played, rabbit. Very well played."
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Morgan had planned everything to the smallest detail. He knew you were exhausted, but that the fear would give you enough strength to start running when the time comes.
So, he prepared everything and even tried to guess your itinerary once you would be let out.
However, he was not expecting you to throw away all of his perfect planning out the window the moment you were out of your cage. You headbutted him and took advantage of his momentary daze to take the keys of his car and run.
Morgan groaned loudly in annoyance behind you before grabbing one of his knives and chasing after you.
You knew you didn't have the time to get to the car, so you decided to hide and get out when you were sure he was far enough.
However, it was snowing outside, so there was no way you could hide from him and you knew you would die of hypothermia before even getting to the car.
"Give up. And I'll consider sparing your life..", you heard him say not far from you.
He lied. But, you could see right through his lies and instead of obeying—you started digging into the snow with your bare hands.
You had seen on TV that if you managed to make a hole big enough—you could survive the cold.
You managed to dig deep enough and slot yourself inside. But, you didn't count on Morgan having placed a tracking device on you.
It didn't take him long to find you at the end.
You screamed and struggled against him as he dragged you out of your hiding place by the ankle.
Morgan *smirks*: "You impressed me, pet. Nobody impresses me...And if it had been anyone else, you would have maybe even gotten away with it.."
His knife shimmered with the sunlight and you shivered—your lips already having turned blue due to the cold.
"P...Please...", you begged and Morgan smirked before pressing his knife against your lips.
"You seem to be skilled. Even with your body shutting down from the cold, you managed to try to outsmart me. You're a rare treat, aren't you ?"
You blinked your tears away and then Morgan sighed before retrieving his knife and draping you with his coat.
"Come on, pet. I'm not done with you yet. Let's get you warmed up first."
He then carried you all the way back to the house.
And nobody questioned him when he asked to keep you to himself.
The thing about Morgan is that he admires smart preys, the ones who give him a challenge.
So, he'll keep you for a while until you either succeed in getting out, or die trying.
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Now, Hannibal Jr. has had his fair share of favorites. He kept some for years, and some for only a few days.
But, you ? He kept you the longest.
Not because you were special. No. He couldn't care less about special. He had had rich, smart, beautiful people to chase after.
No. He had lost his taste for those.
It was because of your fear.
He could smell it—oozing out of you in waves.
You had been the most afraid of them all.
You had a family. Friends. A life..And it made you all the more valuable in his eyes. It was the thrill of getting caught that kept him going.
You had this determination only people with a true reason to live had. And the fear was all the more real because of it.
But, he knew that his chance would eventually run out. So, he told himself that this would be his last time with you.
You had put up such a fight, you had many scars to testify of it—and so did he. So, he was secretly hoping your last run with him would be as entertaining as you had accustomed him to.
"Ready for a walk ?", he asked and you only glared up at him as an answer.
He dragged you out and the moment the cold air hit your face, you took a deep breath and started running.
You knew there would be no second chance. Either you would finally find the exit on this very day, or you would die.
You had observed Hannibal Jr. closely during your runs, he usually went north first during the hunts. If you could trick him into staying into that path long enough, you could make it.
So, you pretended to stay north and kept running until you were out of breath and you couldn't see him anymore.
You then stopped for only a minute to get back your breath and started thinking of a plan to trick him.
You cut your own hand and started leaving a rather noticeable trail going up north. You then bandaged your hand and started running south where you were sure you had heard cars rushing by.
You finally reached a road, but before you could wave to a nearby car, someone caught you and dragged you back into the forest.
Hannibal Jr. smiled, thinking he had finally seen everything interesting there was to see about you. But then, he heard something in the distance. Cops.
He frowned and looked down at you to see you smiling victoriously.
"...Surprise, fucker."
You then dropped something to the ground: a lighter.
His eyes widened as he realized something...The smoke.
He looked around and realized he had been so focused on the chase, he had failed to noticed the subtle smell of smoke in the air and then...He noticed the ashes falling around the both of you and finally understood.
Your plan was never to outrun him, but outrun the fire you had started to get the authorities here.
He laughed. His knife was still pressed against your throat, but he was the one trapped.
"Smart little prey, aren't you ?"
Your smiles matched at that moment, bother predatory, both maniacal and terrifying.
But at the end, he was the one who was arrested and sent to jail, while you came back to your old life.
But, there was something broken inside of you, something that would never be replaced.
You looked out your window and wondered if you would see him again ? Unbeknownst to you that Hannibal Jr. was thinking the exact same thing in his cell—awaiting with impatience the day he would get to continue your little game of tag.
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It was a cruel taunting. A jeering from fate that you would have to be there for Hannibal Sr.' trial as the only witness able to testify.
You were 5 at first. Now, there was only you.
Each of the other people were as good, as kind, as incredible as you...He had made sure you all get to know each other, all get attached to each other...only to torn you apart the moment he revealed only one of you would be leaving this place.
Then, you started killing each other.
He didn't even have to try too hard.
You were three when the game started.
And then, you were one.
"Dr. Hannibal Sr. Do you recognize the plaintiff, Y/N L/N ?"
Hannibal Sr. glanced up at you and smirked. You shivered as you remembered those eyes—haunting you every night for the past few months.
You thought he would say yes, that he would at least confess his sins so you could turn the page. But, you should have known better.
"No. I'm afraid I don't...What is your name again, darling ?"
There was a sickly sweet edge to that question and your eyes widened as your hold on the handrail before you tightened.
"Y/N...Y/N L/N.", you answered.
He didn't even have the decency to remember your name. You looked up at him with all the rage you felt inside and stayed frozen as he immediately and unashamedly met your stare—as if he was waiting for it. His smiled then widened on his face and he clicked his tongue.
"....Y/N. Lovely. At least, I would have had the chance to hear it one last time from your lips."
The audience suddenly fell quiet.
He smiled and your breath hitched. He knew. That...BASTARD !
It was the same smile he had given you the day you had met him, the day he had pretended to be needing assistance with his shopping bags, the day when you had landed in the Hannibal manor...and the day when your life as you knew it had ended.
You knew he still had power over you, he would forever have power over you.
When he stared back at you, weeks of pain and suffering came back to you, of false hope and inimaginable mental struggles.
Your game of hide and seek would never end, and it made a laugh bubble inside your chest and made you sound like a maniac when you screamed.
Hannibal Sr. kept his perfectly poised expression as you were dragged out of court and he leaned forward to hum something in the mic only you could recognize.
A song. The song he had used to mentally torture you for weeks before the final hunt.
It made you shriek, cry and scream at him before the doors closed behind you.
You had won the physical game, but the mental game would play out forever..
You would never get away from him.
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Peter had had you for quite a while and some of the family members were afraid he might have gotten too attached to you.
So, they asked him to hurry up with you and Peter had no choice but to oblige. But, as you felt that your time was almost up, you said the three little words you knew would save your life.
"I love you."
It made the boy stop dead in his tracks as he was about to shoot you.
You had been a captive long enough to have noticed that the boy craved affection more than anything.
He always cut the crusts off your sandwiches since he didn't like them and had assumed you wouldn't either, he always made sure to turn around when you had to take a shower and had even insisted on brushing your hair...
This was the reason why it had been so easy to take his gun and shoot him. But, you hadn't counted on the whole family to be waiting for you on the other side.
They stepped in and your eyes watered as you realized...there was no escape.
Hannibal Sr. was the first to speak as he eyed Peter's body and licked his lips before his eyes settled back on you.
"...Clever. Go for the weakest link, right ?"
He took a step forward and you took a step back instinctively. He eyed your every movement carefully and you could feel the tension rise in the air.
"...But the thing about being the weakest link, is that you're also the one to be looked after the most."
You knew what that meant. You had fucked up. But, you couldn't bring yourself to care as you laughed and flipped both of your middle fingers at them.
"I hope you choke on my bones.", you spat hatefully.
You then attempted to shoot yourself in the head, but no bullet came out of the gun. You tried multiple times, but nothing came out.
You then slowly turned back towards Peter's body with this impending sense of dread and then, you heard it. The tell-tale laugh of a man who had been humiliated and trempled too many times over.
Peter slowly stood back up and smiled before letting the bullets fall and clatter on the floor. Your eyes watered and you tried to apologize, but it was too late.
You took a tentative step back as he kept only one bullet in his possession and charged his shotgun with it. You tried to run away, but his two brothers grabbed your arms on either side of you to pin you in place while their little brother raised his shotgun to aim at you.
Peter smiled through his tears.
"You know...I really was starting to like you."
You huffed a laugh.
"I know."
Peter then focused and pulled the trigger, but didn't expect it when you suddenly used your last strength to push Kevin in front of you. The bullet hit him in the chest.
Kevin slowly turned towards the other members of the family with tears in his eyes and blood started dripping down his chin.
"...Guys ?" He fell to the ground.
It took a moment for everyone to realize what had just happened. But, by the time they had gotten over their shock—you had retrieved Morgan's gun and ran for the door.
"No...Nonononono...I didn't mean to...It wasn't what I...", Peter tried to explain and the gun fell to the ground.
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Morgan slowly knelt next to Kevin and attempted to stop the blood flow.
Fortunately enough, the bullet hadn't hit any vital organ, but it still took Morgan an hour to get Kevin's condition to stabilize.
Once it was done, Hannibal Sr. and Hannibal Jr. ran after you—but Peter stayed behind. He tried to apologize to Kevin, but when Morgan looked up at him with his eyes devoid of any emotion—words were caught in his throat. Morgan stood up and slowly made his way to Peter before leaning forward to whisper in his ear.
"Get the prey before they do, Peter...Because if they do ? I'll make sure to eat them raw in front of you."
Peter's breath stopped and he slowly nodded in agreement before running out the door himself.
Morgan quickly came back to Kevin and Kevin—who had woken up—smiled up at him before whispering.
"Hey...It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes. He'll...*hisses in pain*...learn."
Morgan shook his head before checking Kevin's wound once more.
It wasn't Peter he was worried about.
It was you.
You hadn't chosen Kevin accidently. You had actually targeted him on purpose because you knew...you knew who was the true 'heart' of the Hannibals.
You had seen right through the smoke that was Peter with his fake emotions and had went straight for the heart, and that made you the most dangerous prey of them all.
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charliedawn · 2 years
It’s been a while since I’ve made a request, and I promise I am writing more of my Hannibal storyline with your characters, because I love them so much!🥰 How would the Hannibal’s react if the reader accidentally cut themselves in the kitchen while trying to make food for them because they were busy and overworking themselves?
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Hannibal Sr. : "Oh well..That is very unfortunate."
Hannibal Sr. would remain civilized on the outside and take care of the wound, pretending not to be affected at all.
But on the inside, he'd be trying very hard not to think of taking a bite.
Hannibal Sr. has the most developed sense of smell out of all the members of the family and the scent of your blood alone would be enough to give him..bad ideas.
He won't hurt you. Of course.
He would also advise you to get some rest and take care of the cooking.
But, the memory might stay long after the incident and he also might ask for your blood on special occasions.
Even if Hannibal Sr. cares for you, he's still a cannibal and once he's got the scent, it would be very hard for him to resist the temptation.
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Now, there can be two reactions to Hannibal Jr. seeing you bleeding.
If he isn't hungry, he'll be the perfect gentleman and ask you how you are and bandage the wound with no hesitation whatsoever.
He would also help you cooking, or send you straight to bed for a long deserved nap.
He would also kiss the back of your hand before sending you on your merry way.
But, if he is hungry.
Dead silence would follow and intense staring. Very dark and bloodthirsty staring.
If he is in one of those moods ?
Run. Run as far as those legs can carry you. Because if he finds you, you may not have legs anymore.
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Morgan : "Look at that..It seems we've got quite the precarious situation on our hands..But, I don't blame you. *leans forward and smiles in false concern* Must be hard to hold a knife, isn't it darling ?"
He'd tease you at first for being clumsy, but he would eventually help you.
Morgan is a doctor. He sees blood every day and it won't affect him as much as the other family members.
He would be the one you would have to come to for any minor or serious injuries, but it doesn't mean it won't cost you..
You *feeling as if you're about to pass out* : "M..Morgan ?"
Him *smiles and strokes your hair* : "Don't worry. You're only going to take a quick nap. You need the sleep."
He usually has radical solutions for every problem.
If you are tired and did not think of taking care of your own health, he would drug you and make sure to take care of you himself.
...It doesn't mean he won't discreetly take samples of your blood for...further studies.
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Kevin *stares* : "...You're bleeding."
You : "Thank you, captain obvious."
Kevin : "...Do you want me to lick it clean ?"
You : "..."
Him : "..."
You : "...Why ?"
Him : "...Please ?"
Kevin doesn't have any speech filter. It means he has an idea and the idea leaves his mouth before he can truly process it.
He is ruled by impulses and wouldn't see anything wrong with asking for the most absurd of things on a whim.
Even if those things involve murder, or licking your bloody wound.
Kevin *smiles happily and leaves with bloody lips*
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Peter : "Oh no ! What happened ?! Did you get hurt ?!" *looks at the wound in worry*
Peter would panic and immediately search for a way to help you.
He would alert the whole house to find someone who knows how to stitch your wound.
He would then stay with you and make sure to put everything sharp out of your reach.
He would also make sure you get the rest you deserve and cook dinner (even though he would be unable to cook anything with meat in it and would end up asking for another family member to do it instead).
Peter *holds your hand and smiles* : "You need to take care of yourself. We care about you...*looks away blushing* I care about you."
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charliedawn · 2 years
What if the Hannibal Fam had an SO who could sing really well? Like professional singing? Almost any song is something she can sing. She would love to sing to them. Lullabies are something she might ask to do.
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Morgan was walking by when he heard someone sing.
He followed the sound and found you.
He stayed outside your room and closed his eyes, bathing in the softness of your voice.
Until he couldn't help himself and started singing with you.
You sang in harmony and when the song was over, you opened the door to find him standing there with a small smile.
"You have a beautiful voice, angel..I hope I'll get to hear it again."
You blushed at the compliment and he walked away, whistling the song you had just sang together.
Morgan—as the business man that he is—would turn your talent into profit.
He would become your manager and help you get your voice out there.
However, he would get exclusive on any of your new songs and even though he knows you're talented, he can't help but fall under your spell every time.
He'll be your number 1 fan.
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He walked behind you and sat on a stool, listening and smiling as he saw you dance a little with the music.
When you turned around and saw him sitting there, you smiled but still scolded him playfully.
"Well, aren't you the little creep ? Stalking people now, are we ?"
He smiled at your taunting and chuckled before leaning forward and taking your hand.
"You just walked right past me, I couldn't possibly not be a creep about it."
He then unexpectedly pulled you on his lap and wrapped his arms around you.
"Besides, I like to hear you..Could you sing again for me ? Please ?"
You smiled to yourself as he pressed you a little closer as you started singing and rested his forehead against your shoulder.
Your voice soothes Kevin. He would never admit it, but you light up his day every time he hears you.
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Hannibal Sr. used to feel lonely, alone in his cell with only cockroaches to keep him company.
However, the guards then gave him a new cell neighbor: you.
He didn't think much of you at first, you were just a wee thing who had only a few months to spend in prison.
Not really note worthy, until he heard you sing for the first time.
He thought an angel had decided to grace him of their presence, until he realized the only angel that would ever come to visit him in prison him would be the angel of death.
He followed the sound and his eyes then landed on you.
When you stopped singing and your eyes met, you were surprised and immediately cowered under his very piercing gaze—missing the way his lips curled up into a smile.
He memorized your features—carving them into his mind.
He became obsessed on the spot. He almost fell sorry for you poor thing..You didn't even suspect a thing.
He had something to look forward to when he would make his escape at least..assist to your first and maybe only representation.
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"Lovely..Simply breath-taking.."
Hannibal Jr. is not one to cry easily, but your songs would be enough to bring tears to his eyes.
If there is something that brings more joy to Hannibal Jr. than his family, it's art.
He always been sensitive to art, anything related to aesthetic and even more importantly, music.
Singing not being one of his many talents, he would be more than happy to hear you.
His favorite thing is when you are both sitting next to each other and he can see your face when you sing, because your expressions are just fascinating to him.
The way your throat moves when you reach higher notes, how your eyes flutter shut when you are so focused the world around you disappears, the way your mouth moves and your hands curl in your dress/pants..He would never get bored of watching you.
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Peter would always ask you to sing for him before sleeping, it helps him relax and makes him sleep better.
Your voice having the effect of a dream catcher for him. He can sleep without nightmares bothering him and feels safe next to you.
He would love your voice and ask you to sing for him every time he's got the chance.
"You're amazing. I can't believe you even exist and that one day, I'll wake up and you'll be gone. But then, I open n'y eyes and you're there. Do you even know how happy I feel when I hear you ? I don't want you to ever stop.."
Peter has trust issues, but knowing that you will be there, that you're helping him and singing for him, making sure he sleeps well every night.
It warms his heart and makes him believe that everything is possible.
You bring him hope.
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