#Hannibal liveblog
leporidaedaze · 2 months
Will: *constantly paranoid, hallucinating visually and audibly, having seizures, and has a job that exposes him to extremely traumatic events that trigger all of these things*
Jack: “best man I’ve got. Absolutely nothing wrong with that guy”
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cronenfag · 2 months
you won't like me when i'm psychoanalyzed 😈
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mrparable · 1 year
"I need you, Hannibal." IM GOING TO KILL MYSELF
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mauxanhduong · 10 months
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alembicsystem · 1 year
hannibal liveblog
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tihs scene is just making me insane . fucking insane. this is s1e5 or 6 and will is exxtremely loony and hannibbal is so fucking happy abt will seeing through to his ART
enneagram 4 etc etc
i think hannibal should CUM in WILLS FERTILE BOYPUSSY and im not afraid t osay it
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pussypopstiel · 2 years
Will grahams autistic swag so real I love u unnerving boy
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wy-lz · 2 years
Liveblogging Hannibal (S1 E3: Potage)
Just started watching Hannibal after years of just reading fic in the fandom. Currently on Season 1 Episode 3. Things that stand out to me are probably mostly things that differ from how I saw them portrayed in fic.
Hannibal & Alana in Jack’s office: It’s hilarious how much Jack comes off as discussing a kid (Will) with his parents (Hannibal & Alana). (I guess Hannibal won custody in the amicable divorce.) There’s something incredibly patronizing/condescending about how Jack and Alana talk about Will. Hannibal avoids this tone by playing on a completely different dimension with a hidden agenda, but I totally understand why Will would appreciate him if this is how other people are like. 
Jack in Hobbs’ cabin: Gotta say this episode does not show him in a good light. Why does he keep pointing blame away from himself? He was the one to push for Abigail to go back to Minnesota, and then when Marissa Schurr ends up dead, he accuses Will/Hannibal,“You brought Abigail Hobbs back to Minnesota to find out if she was involved in her father's murders, and another girl dies.” What??
Freddie with Nicholas Boyle: Wow, I gotta say that I dislike her much more in this episode than the previous ones. It’s one thing to find out/write about things that have occurred/are true. It’s another to try to instigate violence just to help with “online ad sales” as Will puts it. 
Hannibal (the mystery caller) dealing with Abigail recognizing his voice: I really wonder what’s going through Hannibal’s mind. Like is he at all panicking? He certainly doesn’t show it. Did he later kill Marissa simply because she was rude to her mother (which is often how it seems to be portrayed in fic)?
There seems to be many possible motives here. Muddy the waters of the mystery caller by framing Nicholas Boyle (and thus even if Abigail accuses him, the accusation may not stick). Destabilize Abigail further: 1) Remove her remaining support system both to force her to rely more on Hannibal/Will/Alana and to eradicate any possibility of the return to normalcy and 2) Show her that she can’t rely on anyone (they can be killed) and she can be killed. Of course, it’s convenient for him later on in the episode that Abigail kills Nicholas and then is indebted to him for helping her hide Nicholas’ body, but I can’t see how he would’ve set that up (i.e. Nicholas coming to talk to Abigail and acting violently towards her). Is it simply a fortuitous (for Hannibal) sequence of events? 
Still, why not kill Abigail herself rather than Marissa? Does he in fact care about Abigail? (Why?) Is it deeper than taking an interest in what he views as budding killers? So interesting that he tells Abigail he’s nothing like her father. He seems to like to speak in truths that others misconstrue, so what is the truth he’s hiding here? We know he is indeed a serial killer; is it about honor? Or is it about caring about Abigail? Especially interesting since Hannibal seemingly kills Marissa instead of Abigail. Interesting parallel to Abigail’s father killing others in place of her. Marissa looks somewhat similar to Abigail as well. 
Abigail’s view of Hannibal: She seems to be a good actress: hiding that she knows about Hannibal to the others while still indicating to him that she remembers. I will say that she seems a bit too bold; wouldn’t it be more strategic to hide her knowledge? Not that I blame her; it’s probably hard to recalibrate your sense of danger after your loving father almost killed you, especially with the maturity of a teenager. I’m not sure whether she believes Hannibal’s excuse that he called to ask if her father was available for an interview. Is she choosing to make the smarter move this time of pretending to believe him?
Abigail’s attitude towards Freddie: Abigail’s very discerning when she first meets Freddie. It’s interesting that she changes her mind about talking to Freddie after Marissa’s murder. Why? Does coming back and receiving an icy welcome suddenly make her realize that perception is important? Does she think perception got her friend killed? (In a way it did.)
Abigail’s trauma: She says some interesting things, including that if her dad killed her, all those other girls would still be alive. Alana of course reassures her that she’s not to blame for what her father did. (But how about what she did? Is this qualification intentional on Alana’s part?) It’s an understandable survivor’s guilt. Yet, we the audience know that she knows that Hannibal is the mystery caller (and therefore likely the copycat killer according to Will). She says this all in front of him, making us (or at least me) wonder how performative her reactions/words are. What is real and what is theater?
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lestatscock · 2 months
idc if we get a s4 announcement, I just want them to do this again
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thecoolestcowboy · 2 months
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thank you for your service
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murdoccomp · 3 months
really thought id be normal abt hannibal but i need to crush up Freddie Lounds and snort her
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“i want you to believe in the best of me just as i believe in the best of you” “this killer wrote you a poem. are you going to let his love go to waste?” this could not get any gayer if they were having sex right here on screen
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leporidaedaze · 2 months
Hannibal: how would you kill me?
Will: with my hands. ✋😡🤚
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cronenfag · 24 days
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can somebody kill him
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mrparable · 1 year
me try to be normal about hannigram challenge FAILED
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rootbeerrex · 1 month
I have decided I am going to start watching hannibal. I will probably liveblog it to some extent. beware.
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pussypopstiel · 2 years
He said the “this is my design” line twice already oh lord
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