#Happy Birthday Orange Cassidy
fuckyeahorangecassidy · 2 months
This cute, sexy, smart, cultured, hilarious, artsy, chill enigma of a man turns the big 4-0 today 🥹
Have some random pics of birthday boy Jim 🍊
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devilsxhook · 2 months
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happy birthday to my two favs❤️🥳
•credit to the-kipsabian•
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littlemagicalstardust · 2 months
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It's Dustin Day!
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aunt-ninny · 7 months
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Love these stickers from @gutwrenchflowerbomb so so SO much! Definitely the best birthday present I've ever gotten myself. (Candles from Dollar Tree)
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eldespegato · 7 months
They sang Happy Birthday to Shibata he looks cute 😂
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futuristicprincecat · 2 months
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theocassidy · 2 months
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Happy Birthday Orange Cassidy!
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Brownie Points
Pairing: Chuck Taylor x female!reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 1,487
Summary: A shy and nervous Chucky Taylor asks you on a lunch date.
Warnings: None
A/N: Happy Birthday Chuckie!! 🥳
Moodboard is not mine. Credit goes to @katries 🩵
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First dates. First dates can be fun and sweet or they can be awkward and a total disaster.
When Chuck Taylor asked you out after a few weeks of you living next door, he was nervous and had no clue how you would react, mainly because he’s on the road a lot. Therefore, he didn’t have many opportunities to get to know you better. All he knew was you left for work around 6:30am and returned home at 4:30pm, and you went to the gym for an hour or so on certain days, and on some weekends a few of your friends would come over for a girls night. A simplistic life, a life he sometimes wished he had.
It took encouragement from his best friend Orange Cassidy to fully convince Chuck to give it a shot and ask you out, so here he was on your doorstep, last minute nerves slowly getting the better of him, but before he could chicken out, a ding from his phone grabbed his attention. It was Orange Cassidy, who was watching from the kitchen window because he knew his best friend would need encouragement and support.
Orange Man 🕶️🍊
Knock. You look creepy just standing there.
Chuck shook his head, a little smile forming on his face and a brief chuckle escaped his lips. He’s right. I can do this. Deep breath and knock. Chuck did just that - took a deep breath and knocked on your door before he lost his nerve.
Less than a minute later the front door opened. There you stood in your loungewear consisting of an old oversized t-shirt and sweatpants, your hair was a little messier than when you left this morning and you hardly had any makeup on. You weren’t a huge makeup wearer, you liked just enough to accentuate your natural beauty.
Chuck stood there stunned. He had seen you all dressed in your work clothes or gym clothes, but he hadn’t seen you like this before. To him, you looked breathtaking. Get it together! Speak! Chuck quickly blinked away the cobwebs in his brain. “I… um… I was wondering if you would maybe… want to go out sometime?” Chuck hated he was stumbling over his words but that’s what happened he spoke to a gorgeous woman. Chuck watched her open her mouth to speak.
You were aware of who Chuck Taylor was. Truth be told, you were a fan of his, so to hear him clumsily ask you on a date was absolutely insane to you. Out of all the women he could ask out, he chose you. You took a moment to calm your mind. “I would love to.” You softly spoke feeling the heat rising in your cheeks.
“How does lunch on Saturday sound?” Chuck quickly crossed his fingers in hopes you were free because if not, it would a few months before he would have free time like this again.
Usually, you’d make the guy sweat by saying you would have to check your schedule, but with Chuck, you just couldn’t do that. You could see he was already stressing out as it was plus you already knew you were available then. “It’s a date.”
The remainder of the week was slow and boring. All you could think about was your lunch date with Chuck. You really wanted things to go well, especially since he was so sweet. You remembered when one particularly windy day a few days ago, the wind knocked your trash can over at the end of the driveway, trash strewn across your front yard. You had been at work and didn’t know about trash filled yard until you pulled into your driveway where Chuck was in your yard picking up the trash. You thanked him and he brushed it off with a ‘What are neighbors for?’
Finally, Saturday arrived. You got up earlier than usual, made a small breakfast then dug through your clothes for a nice outfit. You didn’t think to ask what he had planned for lunch. Would he take you on a picnic? To a cafe? To a restaurant? Would there be any kind of activity that a dress wouldn’t work with? Part of you felt like you were over reacting and that he would have told you if you needed to dress in a particular outfit, but then again he was nervous and could have forgotten.
When Saturday rolled around, Chuck was a nervous wreck. Thankfully, Orange Cassidy was there to help him calm down and prepare for the date. With everything prepped and ready to go, all Chuck had to do was get dressed.
One he was satisfied with his clothes, a nice pale blue shirt and a pair of jeans, and got the Orange Cassidy thumbs up of approval, he was out the door and on the short walk to your house. He hoped you ready and his arrival wouldn’t rush you.
Meanwhile, you had finally settled on a pretty, flowy lavender dress that came down to your knees. You did your makeup like always but added just a little bit more eyeshadow. Your eyes were your favorite feature and wanted to make them pop just a bit more.
A knock at the door pulled your attention away from your thoughts about what this date might hold. You quickly made your way to the door and peeked out the nearby window to see Chuck all dressed up. You stepped back and took a deep breath before opening the door.
Your soft voice brought Chuck back to the present. He looked up at you and he had to pause to collect himself. “Wow.” He breathed out, absolutely stunned. He thought you looked breathtaking.
With his brain short-circuiting, you take the time to really examine him. The blue shirt made his eyes stand out, his hair still had that shagginess to it but styled just enough to give it a more dressed up feel.
Once Chuck finally got his brain back on track, he remembered the baked goods in his hands behind his back. “Oh! And I brought you these brownies. I’m not much of a baker but I think they turned out okay.” Chuck didn’t want to do the traditional, cliché flowers, he wanted to be unique.
“You made me brownies!” You beamed. You loved brownies along with cookies, cakes, pies, cupcakes. Desserts are your weakness. “This is so nice. I typically get boring flowers but baked goods are always welcome. Thank you Chuck.” You accepted the brownies and placed them on the small table by the door. You grabbed your purse hanging on the hook above the table before turning back to Chuck. “I’m ready if you are.”
Chuck couldn’t stop smiling. He was thrilled you loved the brownies, even if they might end up tasting disgusting. “Let’s go.” He held his arm out for you, a big smile on his face. Things were going great and he hoped they would stay that way.
Once the two of you were in Chuck’s car, a ding came from his phone. He apologized for the brief interruption to which you shook your head insisting it was okay. He quickly looked at the text.
Orange Man 🕶️🍊
You’re doing great. Have fun!
Chuck glanced up and sure enough there was his best friend, watching out the living room window with a thumbs up. He shook his head with a grin while starting the car.
The ride consisted of talks about random favorite things likes animals, movies, shows, books, music, etc.
When the car came to a stop in the small parking lot, you finally noticed that Chuck had taken you to a little cafe that had pretty much everything from coffee and tea to sandwiches and pastries.
Entering the cafe, you noticed the decor was simple yet fun. “This is a cute place.” Your compliment made Chuck relax; he was worried you wouldn’t like a cafe date.
After ordering and picking a table by the window, you decided to ask him about life on the road and what got him into wrestling. You watched as his eyes lit up. The conversation flowed smoothly and ended up transitioning into swapping embarrassing stories. Some of his stories seemed too outrageous to be true but you didn’t mind.
As Chuck listened to you tell a story about how you and your friends pranked one of your friend’s brothers, he got this fuzzy feeling that he had only heard about in books and movies. Guess it is real after all. He just hoped you were feeling the same way.
The butterflies in your stomach were nonstop from the moment you two began learning about each other. Turns out this feeling in the books and movies was real. You could really see yourself being with Chuck Taylor. Most importantly, being happy and loved. You just hoped he was feeling the same way.
General Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @plentyoffandoms @1dluver13xx @sunshinevirus @wwenhlimagines @crowleysqueenofhell @jackson-nickthedate @omg-im-such-a-masochist @kmc1989
Chuck Taylor Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @springgirlwaiting4fall @morgan-bucks @rubyred1980
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empty-mel · 2 months
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Happy birthday to my two favorite people literally these two made me fall in love with wrestling so much💕they really helped me through some rough times last year and honestly they deserve blessings and I hope they are recovering physically and emotionally due to THE DRAMA but we don't talk about that HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOOK AND ORANGE CASSIDY ILY✨️💙✨️
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klaxiaaa · 1 year
aew twitter @ hook: happy birthday! it's the birthday boy
aew twitter @ orange cassidy: happy star war
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fuckyeahorangecassidy · 2 months
This cute, sexy, smart, cultured, hilarious, artsy, chill enigma of a man turns the big 4-0 today 🥹
Have some random pics of birthday boy Jim 🍊
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roppongiivice · 2 months
happy birthday orange cassidy (i hope he’s okay)😭🫶
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littlemagicalstardust · 2 months
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I just have to bring this photo back for dustin day❤️ //Photo Credits: Beyond Gorilla
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stupidmarkzone · 2 months
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happy birthday orange cassidy or whatever
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adhdalistair · 2 months
I forgot to say happy birthday orange Cassidy because I was too drunk anyway happy birthday to my favorite little sexy Muppet cat girl. You are the reason I got into wrestling and you retire I will retire. Maybe. Anyway I love you Jim or whatever your name is
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delilahcalicocat · 2 months
{Birthday Boys!}
{Rating: Fluff}
{Warnings: Element of Surprise, Hugs & Kisses, Literal tooth-rotting. Heart-stopping amount of fluff.}
{Pairing: Orange Cassidy x Lilith Punk}
A/N: sorry this is so late, my mfing queue decided not to work and I had to rewrite this sht. So Happy Birthday to Orange and HOOK, and Happy Cinco Dé Mayo <3
There was no Collison this week, so Orange had to decide what to do with his days off.
So he invited over HOOK. To kinda just talk about random things.
While they were busy upstairs, chatting away. Lilith was making six cupcakes.
Why six you ask? Because, Orange. Hook. Lilith, Danhausen, Kris and Chuck.
Yeah. Lilith was going to quite literally surprise Orange with his friends..
The oven dinged and Lilith took the cupcakes out.
She iced each one of them with a specific colour. Orange's being well. Orange, Hook's also being orange with a black ombré
Kris' being teal, and Chuck's being the color blue. And Lilith? She just put purple icing on hers, Danhausen also had special cupcake, Red with black and custom teeth sprinkles Lilith spent hours on the night before.
"Y'all ready to come downstairs yet?" Lilith Questioned the boys.
"We'll be down in a minute Lily.." Orange said back
"Ok, Just don't take too long." Lilith said, Turning back to the counter.
She then spent a few moments making dog-friendly and cat-friendly yogurt cupcakes.
Because Orange had the dog, and she had the cat.
"Ok, Let's go Hook.. we can't have Lily waiting forever. She'll get super mad with us" Orange said.
"Pumpkin, c'mere..." You called out to your Bombay cat with a orange collar.
The cat sprinted towards you. As Orange's dog rushed towards him..
As soon as Hook and Orange came downstairs, Chuck & Kris. Danhausen. All popped out.
Lilith stood there with smile on her face presenting the cupcakes after they sang happy birthday.
"What if.." Orange caught eye of Lillith basically pulling out a yogurt cupcake for her cat and Orange's Dog.
"I thought ahead, heh.." Lilith said
Orange was amazed at how far Lilith went for this birthday party..
After everything calmed down, Orange gave Lilith a hug and a kiss
"This was the best birthday ever.." Orange said
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