#Happy birthday Edddieeeeee
itseivwhore · 4 years
|Edward Kenway x Reader|
Soooo…as we all know,today it’s the birthday of someee Welsh,blonde pirate~~and since I saw that almost everyone is posting gifs,shots and whatnot about him,I wanted to do my part as well.But sadly,I’m not a gif maker,or I don’t take super wonderful pics of the game:BUT!I’m a writer,and I know my things.So there,have a super long One-Shot I wrote not long ago for my book on Wattpad ;)
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•Edward Kenway• |A bet|
The calm wind that blew slightly on that evening at the end of July,which brought with it the fresh and sparkling sea breeze,made the gray and numerous clouds move a little.The moon,which had now appeared on the horizon,lit weakly the figure of the sea with its ashen and white rays.
A sudden breeze made the h/c hair of a young woman move slightly and enjoying the delicate touch of the wind on her skin,she closed her eyes.She slowly raised the corners of her mouth in a serene and joyful smile,sighing in a relaxed way while she was lulled by the breeze,which almost caressed her face.She was happy that,after a tired day spent working at the Old Avery almost always surrounded by buzzards and drunken pirates,she could spend the rest of the evening to rest and with the only company of that quiet atmosphere.
But that moment of pure tranquility and calmness was abruptly interrupted by some strong and powerful screams and cries that,almost frightening the young woman,resounded like strong thunders in the sky.She opened her eyes,and immediately her e/c look wandered in search of the source of those annoying noises:and from her mouth came out an annoyed grunt when,leaning her eyes on the brig that had just docked in Nassau,did not notice and recognized,albeit unwilling and with a weight that weighed on her shoulders,that black flag that waved slowly in the wind.
Sighing tiredly,she leaned with her elbows along the wooden railing of the outside of the tavern,and began to pass her gaze on the figures of men who,walking first on the beach,at that time were scattered in the streets of Nassau.And while she was intent on listening with a little dose of attention to the cries and exclamations of those pirates that the wind brought to her ears,she felt a hand that suddenly leaned gently on her shoulder.Fearing little and jerking from fear,Y/n turned back, nd relaxed considerably when she found her friend standing in front of her.
“Have I frightened you?” Anne kindly asked while a gentle smile formed on her face,her Irish accent that made the h/c hair woman giggle slightly.
“No,I was just being thoughtful” Y/n murmured in a calm tone,raising the corners of her mouth in a slight smile,while with the corner of her eye she tried to see if the men were approaching.Anne silently laughed at her sentence and,crossing her arms to her chest,she came closer to her friend as the young woman returned to staring at the pirates in front of her.
“What’s so funny?” she asked purely curious,raising an eyebrow in a confused expression,which only increased the amusement of the woman.
“I’ve noticed that you’re always overthinking every time you see Jackdaw stopping along the coast,and I wonder,is that a case?” the Irishwoman quietly noted,her slightly ironic tone and hee eyes that shone with malice when, urning again,Y/n wrinkled her forehead and looked at her in a strange way.
“Oh,don’t play the innocent one with me,dearie.I know why you’re always so thoughtful and almost sad when you see that ship,” Anne continued in a soft,coquettish tone,leaning one hand on her shoulder and caressing her slightly,while the young woman carefully stared at the group of pirates now close to the tavern;her eyes snapping from side to side,from man to man,from face to face.But her gaze,full of tension,anxiety and trepidation,was looking for something else,someone else.
In the midst of those heads covered with blue bands,in the midst of those countless and colorful eyes,in the midst of those faces ruined by long and deep scars,Y/n felt like she was being scrutinized,feeling in a tremendous awe.And her heart immediately stopped beating in her chesther breath missed and she felt some shivers ran on her back when,managing to distinguish him in the midst of the crowd of pirates surrounding him,her e/c eyes met the two blue ones like the sea,which were scrutinizing her in a deep and intense way.
While he was walking at a fast and decisive pace in front of his other men,and while some blond locks of hair were falling in front of his face,he didn’t take his careful gaze away from her for a moment.The hood that had fallen on his head partially obscured his characteristics,but certainly could not keep hidden the corners of his mouth,which rose slowly up in a mocking and diabolical smile to say the least.
“It’s for him,isn’t it?” Anne quietly asked,and the young woman,although not turning around and continuing to follow him with the sole use of her gaze,could perceive and distinguish a smile through the gentle and delicate tone of voice of her red-haired friend.
Was it for him?
Y/n began to wonder about this and,while her eyes were busy trying to follow the pirate interested in her,her mind was pervaded by numerous and countless thoughts.
Was it for him that her heart was beating fast,almost as if iy wanted to come out of her chest?Was it for him that she felt a sense of disorientation,every time he smiled at her in a kind and friendly way? Was it for him that Y/n felt pure and genuine emotions,but that she felt with all her heart to repress within herself?But it was useless,foolishly and terribly useless to deny those who were esteem,admiration and also and above all deep and intimate emotions and feelings.
Since Y/n saw and met the famous pirate,Edward Kenway,she was always so fascinated not by his physical appearance,not by his fame and glory,but rather was attracted by his soul:if on the outside he could seem a dark,greedy,arrogant,impertinent and brazen pirate,whose heart yearned only and only for gold,rum,women and wealth,with his eyes cleverly perpetually illuminated with malice and a long tongue,inside was anything but all this.
With a pure,gentle,genuine and loyal soul,he possessed a sparklingfaithful and proud spirit,his face rarely showed a sweet,confident and sincere smile,which showed itself alone and usclisively with the people he trusted.And only she had the luck,perhaps the ability and the will,to see through and beyond those two blue,dark,deep and stormy seas that hidden part of him,which almost always kept hidden and in the dark:that part that only the young woman was able to get out.
Y/n’s heart quickly palpitated with emotion every time the Assassin told her about his adventures and first experiences as a sailor with a carefree and gritty voice;her mind and thoughts were devoutly attentive and focused on what he was telling her;her eyes overflowing with devotion and adoration every time a word left his lips,thus lighting up with excitement and adulation;everything about Edward attracted her in a special,unique,intriguing and also sensual way.
And Y/n felt,was certain after a long time he spent with him,that what bound them together was not just pure and simple friendship,it was something deeper,more intimate and more secret:it was the whole nights spent talking in a whisper as they looked at a sky covered with stars,it was those purely amused laughter that quickly left her mouth and that the wind carried away,it was those mocking,proud and mischievous smiles that spread on his lips when he saw that she was blushing violently after he had complimented her or said a dirty joke.
It was those delicate caresses on her smooth and s/c skin,it was those friendly, layful but affectionate kisses on his cheeks when he had to leave;it was those hands that touched each other quickly and not accidentally;it was those fast,deep,accomplices and captivating looks that met with too much frequency and that they exchanged that made that friendship become something deeper and intimate.
The same looks that,at that moment,the pirate Assassin was constantly throwing at the girl:sitting comfortably and almost brazenly on a chair at one of the tables in the tavern,finally took off his hood from his head,thus revealing his blonde hair that fell in front of his eyes.Y/n,shaking her head slightly and chasing away all those many thoughts that clouded her mind,she returned straight with her back and then turned to him who,once their eyes met,chained each other.
“Uh,apparently someone can’t get their eyes off you,dearie.” Anne murmured in a flirtatious voice to the young woman’s ear,pointing with an imperceptible nod to Edward that,now with his face in plain sight,continued to look at her with an intense look.
He smiled at her in a captivating way and,rising his head as if to greet her,he made her a mischievous wink;and he would have continued to look deeply at her,making her suggestive signs and almost invisible gestures,if it had not been for his master quarter,whom,sitting at his side,began to speak to him.
Y/n sighed slightly thoughtfully and,looking around,made to head to the counter and distribute beers and rum to the thirsty pirates who were calling her in the meantime,but her friend’s hand quickly grabbed her wrist,making her stop;she looked at her with a confused look,frowning her eyebrows in a curious way while the Irish female let go her hand.
“Go and serve him,I’ll think of all the others” Anne said in a low voice,encouraging her with the sole use of her clever eyes.
“Talk to him,listen to him,stay close to him…and don’t leave him until I hear strange noises coming from the back of the tavern…got it?” The red-haired woman added with an authoritative tone but,what were actually advice,to the young girl seemed more like threats said with a playful and teasing voice.Laughing purely amused at what she said to her,she raised the corners of her rosy lips in a grateful smile and then headed with quick and plush steps to the table where,again,the two pirates were talking.
Every step she took,every time her boots touched the wooden rods of the floor thus producing a slight noise and every time she realized that she was getting closer to him,her heart lost some beats and made it difficult to breathe.The distance that separated her from the table interested in her,seemed never to end,but without noticing because too busy thinking,she found herself immediately in front of the two pirates.
The first to notice the presence of the young girl was Adèwalè,who stopped talking calmly with his captain and turned to Y/n with a slight smile on his chapped lips.
“Good evening,Y/n” said the master quarter with a gentle tone,carefully scrutinizing her careless face that,unlike him,was not paying attention.So,following her gaze,a little amused laugh came out of his lips when he noticed that she was only and exclusively intent on looking intensely Edward who in turn,after slowly turning his head to the other side,began to look at her.
The blond man,as if to greet to her,slowly raised the corners of his mouth in an almost invisible friendly and mocking smile.But Y/n,though with a reluctance to re-emerge after sinking into his two blue eyes for a time that seemed eternal and infinite to her,returned to herself and greeted the man with the same kindness.
“What can I bring you to drink this evening?” the young woman kindly asked,moving the weight of her body from one foot to another,making her look pass by the two pirates who,exchanging a quick and almost accomplice look,nodded slowly.
“For me a mug of rum would be enough” Adèwalè said with a high and decisive tone,sitting more comfortably on the chair while he moved his dark eyes on the figure of his Captain who,unlike him,had a straight and composed posture on the chair on which he was sitting.
“And what would you prefer,Edward?” the woman asked once again,placing her big and e/c eyes on the pirate who,to her amazement,found lying on the wooden table:with his left arm stretched out on the surface of the table,he had his chin resting on the palm of his right hand,his look that looked at her distractedly,but that came back careful when he heard the voice of her.
So,slamming his eyelids a couple of times and returning to sit composed on the chair,he placed on her a flat expression,but that clearly showed the mockery that was,always and constantly,within him.
“I would prefer to drink you…is that possible?” he asked from all of sudden with a confident,cheeky,almost impertinent tone,raising a corner of his lips in a sly smile,having fun seeing what the young woman’s reaction would be.
He liked to poke and tease her,it was like a game,a killtime for Kenway.
And suddenly,they fell into a tombstone and religious silence,if it had not been for the high and noisy voice in the background of the other sailors.Although the young woman stopped breathing for a few seconds,she tried with all of her heart not to be embarrassed and caught unawares by what was obviously a dirty joke:
“No,unfortunately for you it’s not possible.” Y/n answered him with a loud and authoritative voice,slightly closing her eyes in two lids,scrutinizing him coldly,not letting any emotion leak out.The Welsh pirate looked at her once again,and then lowered his gaze to the hands that he held together under the table;he slightly twisted his mouth in a bitterly but falsely sorry grimace,and then raised for the umpteenth time a mellifluous look at her.
“What a pity…I bet you would have a delicious taste” Edward murmured in a voice to say the least regrettable,his tone low and scratchable;frowning in a confused way,from his lips quickly and smoothly came out the words that,once carried by the wind and reached the ears of her,made her heart tremble.
“Dream on,Kenway.” the young woman replied with a cold and diffident voice,trying to keep hidden the purely amused smile that so much wanted to come to light;because in reality,after all,she liked to tease him as much as he did.
“I’m going to get your drinks” Y/n proclaimed aloud and,giving one last quick,cold and challenging look at the blond man,turned around and went to the counter,on which were already resting two mugs.
While the young woman was filling the two wooden glasses,a strange but yet familiar feeling began to take possession of her,making her feel to say the least …in awe,making her feel slightly uncomfortable:it was as if her back was being stabbed by billions of knives, incessantly.But she tried to get away from that feeling,focusing on gently pouring the liquid into the two jugs.
But when she turned around,ready to go to the table to serve,in front of her she found nothing but a tall figure who almost towered over her.Wandering over her e/c eyes along the chest of the pirate,she calmly leaned on him a serene look,thus meeting his two intense blue eyes that scrutinized her carefully:it was no wonder, after all,if moments before the woman felt observed.
“If you let me pass,Kenway…” Y/n murmured with a harassed and determined voice,trying to move him away with her forearm,then continued to walk towards the table near the wooden railing;but Edward,not liking that she behaved in this way with him,swiftly stretched an arm in her direction and,taking her by the wrist,stopped her and pulled her vehemently to himself,resulting in a violent bang against his chest.
A few drops of rum flew and splashed away,so bathing both his clothes and the floor,also receiving a grumpy and obviously annoyed look from the young woman.The Assassin frowned in a falsely surprised way,and increased even more his tight grip on her wrist,gaining still a deadly look from her.
“What do you want,Edward?” Y/n suddenly asked,her voice loud and tired,looking at him distractedly and without interest.
“It’s not polite of you to respond in this way to a Captain,Y/n” Kenway replied with a mellifluous voice,his lips showing a cheeky smile,his tone was low and decreet.
An icey silence fell between the two,no sound was audible if it had not been for the noise,the screaming and the murmuring of the people around them.The young woman did not divert her eyes from those of him,keeping,with her head held high and with determination that sparkled in her proud gaze,the eye contact.While that of the pseudonym Assassin…Y/n couldn’t understand,in the most absurd of ways,how those two blue abysses could be at the same time two furious stormy seas and two calm and clear skies.
“I’m not afraid of you” she uttered with a sure voice and,tearing her wrist away from his firm grip,struck him with her and e/c eyes,remaining firm in front of him.The pirate,surprised and taken aback by the proud words of the young woman,simply observed her in silence,saying nothing.
Looking at him coldly,and primingly so proud and sure of herself for the last time,she walked back to his table,always feeling like stabbed by the same feeling of awe that,since he had arrived at the tavern,had attenuated it.Slow and sweaty steps followed her from behind,continuing in their direction even when the young woman stopped in front of the table.Leaning the two jars of rum on the woody surface,she was about to return to Anne who,smiling,was waiting for her behind the counter of the tavern,but a loud voice and more than anything familiar,made her stop.
“Why don’t you join us,eh?” that question,asked with such arrogance and mockery and with a loud voice was told by no one else but Edward,who returned to sit down and looked at her with a cheeky smile.She,turning back slowly,met his impertinent gaze;the pirate had no mercy and,especially,as Y/n had noticed,didn’t change his way of being,regardless of who he was talking to:that he spoke with a rich and powerful man,or with a humble and honest peasant,or with a wealthy woman,his tone and personality remained always and however bold,irreverent and charismatic.
“I’d rather not” she replied calmly,raising a corner of her mouth in a half bitter smile,noticing with strange astonishment that the murmur that filled the atmosphere was gradually waning,and then disappear altogether when Edward began to speak again.
“Let’s make a competition.Whoever drinks more rum and manages to stay sober,will win.While.whoever faints and becomes drunk,will lose,and whoever loses,as a result,will have to give something in return to the winner” the Welsh pirate explained with authority,pride that sparkled intensely in his blue eyes.
And Y/n made to open her mouth and answer him,but she was immediately interrupted again by him:
“What do you think,lads?!” Edward proclaimed shouting in a gritty and loud voice,asking to his crew and all the other men who were there,receiving numerous screams and whistles of approval.The young woman,after all,was not surprised:she knew very well that everyone would approve and supported the idea,not to say innovative,of their Captain,so as to get a nice and fun pastime.Edward squared her for the umpteenth time from head to toe,scrutinizing her carefully while,around his table,gathered all his sailors,clutching her and him in a small circle.
“No,we won’t make a competition for those who drink more,win” Y/n fought back with altered and determined voice,slightly frowning on her eyebrows in a confused expressiveness.
“Why not darlin’?Do you accept?” the Assassin asked again,raising an eyebrow,tilting his head to the side,competition that sparkled strongly in his eyes.But the young woman locked herself in silence,not saying anything,not a single word left her rosy lips.
But she wasn’t the kind of person who backed down in front of a challenge,she wasn’t a coward;but at the same time,if a part of herself wanted to accept,she knew more than well what would happen;after all,it wouldn’t have been the first time that Edward challenged another person to such a competition and,every time,it ended up in the same and identical way.The Welsh pirate would be the winner,with his exhausted and drunken challenger lying on the ground unconscious.
Catching the silence as a tacit denial from the young girl’s side,he dared to speak again:
“You said you weren’t afraid of me.I bet that you won’t be afraid of drinking some rum,mh?” he noted with a wise and secure voice,gettung now closee towards her and leaning both elbows on the wooden surface,ajarring his eyes slightly, looking at her with challenge.She knew well that,is she would accepted,not only she would be easily and blatantly defeated by him,but also the acceptance of that competition,was not really correct behavior for a woman.
But after all,they were in Nassau:and who,in that place,dominated by complete freedom and on which there were no rules of any kind,would gave importance to such a code?_No one._No one cared about anything or about anyone and certainly no one would look at her,in the days to come,with judging looks and no one would murmur embarrassing comments towards the girl.She wouldn’t back down,not when Edward had deeply hurt her pride, not when she wanted to prove to her that she was really not afraid of anything.
So,looking him in the eyes with authoritative air,pride and determination that made her e/c ones burn ardently,she turned her head to the side a little bit and,looking over her shoulder and taking a quick look at her red-haired friend,she exclaimed in a loud voice:
“Anne! Bring some mugs of rum for me and for the Captain."Hers,a sharp look more than a thousand blades and,in a strange way,calm as the sea on a spring evening;his,a look full of an instoppable ambition and,at the same time,of an abyssal depth.
The shadows of the late evening descended on Nassau,climbing on the buildings,swallowing the darkest streets in total darkness;the moon,surrounded by a sky covered with endless glittering stars,illuminated the streets that were desolate,which were crossed by a few people who,in silence, walked slowly and lazily to their homes:fast and plush or slow and insecure steps filled that quiet and steady atmosphere,if it were not for some high cries that came from Old Avery.Joyful sea shanties sung at the top of the throat were carried away by the light and cool summer breeze that was there that night. _"Weigh-hay and up she rises,weigh-hay and up she rises,weigh-hay and up she rises,early in the morning!"_ pirates,sailors and corsairs danced happily over the tables,singing and screaming the song with themselves while,in turn,they passed a big mug of rum.There were those who sang,those who drank,those who slept blissfully with their heads on a plate with food inside and those who were engaged in rather passionate and loving chores with courtesans. And there were also those who,like Edward who,sitting relaxed in a chair while slowly sipping his last mug,looked with a purely amused air Y/n that,by now,was drunk:the poor girl could no longer keep the lucidity after she finished drinking the fourth glass of rum that gave her,thus starting to laugh madly,to shout jokes and sing some sea shanties with all the others,losing in this way even the competition that she had accepted previously.The pirate,on the other hand,was more than capable of keeping the alcohol in his veins,enjoying his winnings. _"What will we do with a drunken sailor,what will we do with a drunken sailor,what will we do with a drunken sailor,early in the morning?"_ a low and amusing chuckle left his lips when he saw Y/n suddenly get up from her chair and sing loudly,joining the other sailors as she continued to drink the umpteenth mug. Looking carefully over the edge of the glass he had in his hand,Edward found himself more than attracted and almost enchanted by the girl:her cheeks were red because of the too much rum she drank throughout that evening,adrenaline running fast,along with wine and rum in hee veins and with her h/c messy hair.But everything about her attracted him even more than she already did on normal days.Her e/c eyes were strongly illuminated by a fire that burned proudly within her soul,catching completely and mesmerizing him as deep and intense as they were. So,once he noticed that Y/n was lying on the wooden table,with the glass still squeezed between her fingers in a gentle grasp,and that she had suddenly fallen into silence,with her head in her arms,he decided to intervene.Rising from the chair for a brief moment and heading towards her,he quickly took a stool and then sat down next to the young woman.The two were incredibly close,and Edward,extending a hand,began to caress the girl's arm,feeling as her soft and smooth skin slid gently under his calloused fingers. Y/n slowly lifted her head off the table when she felt a hand grasping her own gently.Looking at him tiredly,she lifted the corners of her mouth into an imperceptible and almost invisible smile.Returning her weak smile with another affectionate and soft one,the Welsh pirate approached her ear,gently moving some h/c strands of hair in front of her. "I think it's time to go" he muttered in a low,deep voice,inhaling her scent,thus beginning to caress the soft skin behind her ear with his nose,for then slightly snuggling his face on her neck,his beard making her shiver. "Already?" the young woman asked in a shaky whisper,leaning over his broad chest as one of his muscular arm suddenly yet slowly wrapped around her waist,pulling her closer. He hummed lowly,sending once again endless shivers down on her back,his hand squeezing softly her hip. "Aye.Do I have to remind you that I'm the winner,darlin'?" Edward asked in a mischievous and tempting voice,and Y/n could sense and feel his grin on her skin.She only slightly nodded in response,shifting even closer to him,her small back pressing againts his broad chest,hitting his guns,him greeting her with his arms. "And a winner must get his prize,shouldn't he?" the pirate continued in a persuasive,low tone,trying to make her understand what he had in mind.But the girl,even though she was still drunk and even though she was not so lucid,could understand what Edward was trying to say in such a hidden and in an allouring way.But she wanted to see how far he could go to get what he wanted,so she took time to have some fun with him. "And what kind of prize would you like to have...Captain?" Y/n then asked in a mellifluous tone,pretending innocence,throwing her head back when she suddenly felt his chapped lips on the sensitive skin of her neck,leaving a trail of wet kisses down to her shouder,hot breath making her head tilt to the side to give more room for his fervent and ardent kisses. And while Y/n was all too focused on him pressing his lips and leaving red and purple marks over her skin,she didn't notice his hands which,lustily all over her body,passed over her chest,then going down to her hips,giving a playfull squeeze,his fingers carresing her stomach,both of his hands stopping on her thighs.But when she noticed his hands on her inner thighs and when his hot and calloused fingers caressed her skin,she almost jumped,giving a shocked and amazed expression to him.But after all,what would she expect from all that,from him? She instantly understood his true,mischievous and lustful yet even pure intentions... but after all,she wouldn't mind,she'd been waiting for that moment ever since her e/c eyes met and chained themselves to his blue ones. And Edward also wanted nothing more than to have her and possess her in all the ways he was capable of,and to show her the pure and genuine feeling he felt for her. Was it egostic? Maybe,most likely,yes.But he didn't care,he waited for too long,and he had the unique occasion to have her,to show her love and to make her feel the passion he himself had for her and her only.And so,looking down to his hands which still were on her thighs,the young woman raised an ambiguous look on him,striving not to let him shine the emotion,and above all the acceptance,of his tacit proposal.But he knew,as she did,to read in her eyes:that intimate and private knowledge that approached him and that one,pure and interminable feeling that united each other. Giving him a soft and temptalizing smile,she raised a hand and,resting it on his bearded face,she started to carress and to scratch it slightly.Then,laying a single and chaste kiss on his jaw,she whispered to him in a barely audible,sensual and persuasive whisper: "Lead the way,Edward"
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