#Happy birthday starksummers!
In celebration of the 1 year anniversary of the Scott/Tony blog, how about you do a Domesticity Meme for Scott and Tony?
Domesticity Memes
Put a ship in my ask box and I’ll tell you:
big spoon/little spoon:
85% of the time, Tony is the big spoon, and a lot of that is his wanting to make up for all the lack of attention, care, love, and affection Scott received during his marriage.
favorite non-sexual activity:
Driving cars really really fast. That's how they hooked up, after all.
who uses all the hot water:
So far, they use all the hot water together. Considering that they don't live together most of the time, the majority of their showers are together when they get to spend time with each other.
most trivial thing they fight over:
Well, outside of the relationship, the most trivial things they've fought about is being on separate superhero teams that don't always mesh real well together. Inside of the relationship, it's still new enough that they haven't fought about anything yet. Everyone might assume that they'll fight over Scott's ex-wife still living at the school, but that'll be dealt with soon enough in story. After that, it'll probably be Tony constantly spoiling Scott with little gifts or fancy dinners.
who does most of the cleaning:
I suppose when they're together, they both sort of tidy up? But really at the tower, there's a cleaning staff that gets compensated very handsomely to take care of all the Avengers, and at the school, it's mostly the same. Scott keeps his own room clean except for the overhaul type cleaning. They don't just leave their clothes all over the place when they're together either.
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue:
Neither controls the queue. They haven't spent much time watching movies other than when they hung out with the Avengers the first weekend they spent together, and then it was a group effort choosing the movies.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working:
No landlord. If there's no heat, though, Scott can just tell Tony, and he'll fix it himself.
who steals the blankets:
Tony. After the desert, he's become more sensitive to temperature changes, especially when it's cold.
who leaves their stuff around:
Tony. He just gets distracted and sets his tech stuff around. Out at the school, he's mindful of Scott's bedroom, his personal space, but if he brings tech stuff to tinker with while he's there, sometimes he leaves bits of it on the table before remembering to put it away.
who remembers to buy the milk:
In the future of their relationship, it'll be Tony. He'll be the one planning their getaways and stocking up the kitchens for their stays. He'll also be the one to get up and run to the grocery store himself when he wants to let Scott sleep in.
who remembers anniversaries:
Tony. Absolutely Tony. Of course, he cheats because he's got JARVIS to remind him.
Who cooks normally?
Tony, again. Scott's mostly a grill-man, and even then he's got to constantly compete with Logan for that, but in the kitchen, he's really best just tossing leftovers into the microwave to heat up. Tony's had time to learn to cook, and he always surprises people with how good he actually is with it. Though he might just be suggesting a couple's cooking class at some point in their future - something he thinks will be fun and romantic.
How often do they fight?
So far, their only fighting has been during fights between the two teams. They haven't always agreed with each other's methods in the superhero business. I suspect they'll have some fights here and there as they work out the glitches in their communication.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Well, the practical answer is that Tony works in his lab or has to go to SI meetings that Pepper says he just can't get out of, and Scott runs the school and teaches.
The relationship side of it is that they spend a lot of their weeks texting, video chatting, talking on the phone, and obviously sexting. Sometimes they just talk about the mundane things they do with their week, or Tony goes on about the rest of the Avengers and what they've been up to. Likewise, Scott gossips about the people at the school or praises his students.
Nicknames for each other?
Scott doesn't really have any special name for Tony yet - it's been babe, lover, handsome, sweetheart, but Tony specifically calls Scott 'bright eyes' and even more special, 'Sunshine'.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner?
Tony the whole way. Scott will insist, though. He'll make sure to steal the check as much as he can, but Tony always springs for the fancy restaurants.
Who steals the covers at night?
Same as before. Tony. But most of the time, if Scott thinks that Tony's getting too cold, he makes sure they're both covered up, and he snuggles close to Tony.
What would they get each other for gifts?
In a way, the first thing Tony 'gave' Scott was the win on the auction that allowed him to buy the Shelby (classic car). And Tony gave Scott his own Stark phone with a case in Scott's favorite colors, not to mention the security upgrade on the Shelby to keep it from being tampered with. In fact, a lot of what Tony surprises him with first tend to be little tech gifts. Scott's a little more flummoxed about what to get Tony as gifts. He'll figure it out, though, with some help probably from everyone who knows Tony best.
Who kissed who first?
Scott kissed Tony first. It was right after the most incredible hand job he'd ever gotten in his life while pushing 100mph on a back country road.
Who made the first move?
Tony made the first move, in the car.
Who remembers things?
Both of them remember things pretty well. Scott's got the better memory, but he can get distracted. Tony's got JARVIS to help.
Who started the relationship?
Technically it was mutual. Tony made the first move, Scott kissed Tony first, but they decided together to take it further and call it a relationship before the end of their first weekend together.
Who cusses more?
They're pretty equal on that one. Obviously they're really good at not swearing in the places they shouldn't (or at least around the people they didn't need to swear around, like the kids at the school - though let's be fair, the kids hear Logan swearing all the time as it is).
What would they do if the other was hurt?
So far, it hasn't happened, but with the lives they live, it's inevitable for them to be hurt in each other's presence - or even when they're apart. Scott would react by going after whoever hurt Tony first and immobilize them and see them carted off. Then he would devote every moment of his time to be with Tony. He'd know that all school responsibility would be taken care of by Emma and everyone else, who'd support him in his need to be with Tony. Tony, on the other hand, would blast whomever it was if the person was still close enough, but his entire focus would be on Scott first. In fact, if it was possible, he'd blast the person and leave them for the other Avengers to take into custody so he could stay by Scott's side. Then he might go back for seconds in beating the shit out of the one who hurt his Sunshine.
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