#Harlow Doyle PI
missdrummond · 4 months
Character art update!
Penny got a new outfit
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Honestly it's not bad I like the red hat. And compared to the other ones Penny looks like she got a lot more care put into her pose and expression. I think Garry Locke might like drawing her.
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This applies to almost all of Garry Locke's art but I can't get on board with the head to shoulder ratio here. Also something about Zoey's expression is off putting in particular her mouth.
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This Harlow looks like he just got caught committing a crime.
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This Isaac looks like a combo of a precious moments character and a kitten.
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I'm also not on board for the make everything look shiny aspect of the style and Grady is practically iridescent. He's got shampoo commercial levels of hair shine. Also his canonical eye color is green. I don't think fanart needs to/should be cannon compliant because everyone having at least slightly different picture of the AiO characters is absolutely beautiful and a strength of the medium. However, if we're paying someone to make more Offical art, it should be based off the descriptions from the actual show and not previous art.
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Trent is also very shiny. Not quite what I have in my head but if his head fit him right I wouldn't have a problem with it.
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They edited Alex's face and I agree that it is an improvement. If I'm remembering correctly this one has a better grasp of the angle he is being drawn at.
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No. That's a just a no.
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He only has a bust shot on the website but I was looking up how to spell Bennet I found the full body version. I literally screamed
It is technically a perfectly serviceable Mr. Charles but it also makes me laugh every time I look at him.
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harlowdoylepi · 2 years
I know this is ridiculous, I've always imagined Cryin Bryan Dern to look like the principal from Calvin and Hobbes
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harlowdoylepi · 2 years
For the end of the year fanfic asks:
3, 12, 23
3: favorite line you wrote this year
"Tell him we have one of his employees."
Richard’s eyes narrowed. “This employee wouldn’t happen to be a double L Jillian, double L Marshall, would she?”
Deadpan, Richard answered. “Good. Now she’s your responsibility.”
12: Favorite character to write this year
I have way too many 😂 but probably Blair. I totally fell in love with her the more I continued to write and develop her as a character.
23: Fic you wanted to write but didn't
Well I haven't NOT written them, I just haven't finished them 😶 including my haunted house mystery, and the Blair Eugene's Dilemma AU. (still working on that one)
Thanks for the ask!
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harlowdoylepi · 3 years
Harlow Doyle and detective polehaus have to solve a crime
Hahahahahaha omw. That would be perfect.
There has been some serious theft going on at Odyssey Middle school/high school. (I personally think that Odyssey Middle and High are in the same building since 1) Odyssey is not a big town and 2) it would explain why Valerie, Buck, Jules, Jay, and Vance are in high school one episode and in middle the next.)
Valuable items are disappearing right under people's noses. It's up to Dt. Polehaus and Harlow Doyle PI to solve the case and catch the criminal. Incriminating evidence points to Buck and Cooper, and Polehaus is quick to believe it. However, Harlow is not so sure.
It takes the collective minds of Harlow, Buck, Cooper ( both eager to prove their innocence) and Dt. Polehaus to find out that the real criminals are *gasp* Morrie and Suzu. Who knew!
This time, Morrie and Suzu have no good loopholes for their actions, and even Whit can't ignore what has happened. Because of the illegal nature of their activities, they are sent to Juvenile Hall in Conellsville.
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